Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1944)
tëmL The NYSSA \ NO. 33 GLUME XXAIA, VALUABLES M AY BE SENT OVERSEAS Hobo Is Fatally Injured When He * Falls O ff Train JOURNAL NV&SA, OREGON THURSDAY AUGUST 31, 1944 Enroilment In High School Is Same As In 1943 SC.HOOL BAND IS FORMED FOR YEAR $2.00 PER YEAR Record Crowd Attends County Fair To See Junior Exhibits And Fast Rodeo Program The Nyssa high school band has been organized for the season with 50 members participating. Several and eighth grade members Harvest Vacation Is In seventh N. BESENDORFER ecil Bruce Wins First added to the high school band this Especially Kingman Kol- forces overseas, Prospect; Grade Sch SUCCUMBS HERE year are included in the total. only Takes Many 4-11 In Bronc-riding Con Lewis said. Eight twirlers will be associated ool Grows Honors test The new regulation covers the Nephi Bpsendorfer d ial Wednes with the band. Myrna Jordan will day, August 24 at the ranch that Edward Clinton Lockridge of T e- mailing of such articles as watches, Enrollment in the Nyssa high be drum major. Nyssa and Adrian 4-H club mem Cecil Bruce won first place in the Band rehearsals are held every he recently purchased cn the Ow- xas was fatally injured last Wed- f,1» “ “ and iountain pens when school is the same as the enroll bers took many of the honors f o r , y h e e riv e / bronc riding finals before a record , , „ , specifically requested by the add- day. nesday night when he fell from a regses These small packets for re ment o f 1943-44 at the same time Director Irslial Davis will also exhibits shown at the M alheur. Mr. Besendorfer, who came here crowd last Sunday on the rodeo union Pacific freight train about g y r a tio n must be sealed completely of year, but the grade school en have a grade school band and a be county fair at Ontario last week- from Salt Lake City, had been program of the Malheur county one and one-half miles north of and packed sufficiently for over- rollment shows a considerable in ginning band. end. living in this vicinity for only seven fair, held at the county fairgrounds The dairy exhibit was the best in ' days. He was born August lT 1904 at Ontario August 25, 26 and 27. I Nyssa. The man. suffering from a seas delivery .They cannot exceed crease. __________________ several years. The sheep exhibit I Mr. Besendorfer, a mill man, was The grade school enrollment t> . _ n „ skull fracture, i dislocated shou ld-' pi* ht ° unc“ in wel* ht and Les Winebarger won second and bear first class postage. A ll food- was above normal, but the hog a n d ; the husband of Lena Besendorfer. Red Leavitt third in the bucking er and severe body bruises, was stuffs lncluding candy, are now 535 and the high school enrollment .J , ) I 0 T S O I 1 S ( l ( ) beef cattle exhibits were smaller in The body was sent by the Nyssa contest. is 209. The figures by grades are as ' taken to the N.vssa Nursing home, | prohibited from being sent as first follows. First 71, second 81, third f q n v n n T’m iv !lmmbers' The vegetable and ca n n -, Funeral home to Salt Lake City Everyone seemed to be highly pl where he died Friday night. j class mail. No C O D .'s or insured 67, fourth 80, fifth 61, sxith 67, V / Il V t i n y U l l 1 U 1 1 1 I ing exhibits were good. i for burial. No services were held eased by the fair, which was spon The accident was first reported parcels will be accepted for mail- seventh 52, eighth 56; ninth 67, I The Lincoln Dairy club, led by here sored by the Sage and Saddle club when Lockridge's reputed compan ing overseas. Fortyflve persons took time off Austin B. Robbins, was the only 10th 45, 11th 60 and 12th 37. cf Ontario. ion was arrested in Ontario on a from the rush of farm work to att club represented 100 per cent. During the period from Septem A t the same time last year the Bill Haynes was kicked by a hor charge of stealing a ride on a fre ber 15 to October 15 Christmas par- end the second annual tour o f the The first place winners and ch grade school enrollment was 480 se, “ Old Man Moss", after being ight train. The hobo reported Lock- cels for the armed forces will be wdjie the high school enrollment Black canyon project last Monday, ampions were as follows: bucked off. causing painful but not lidge was showing him how “ they accepted without the presentation yyas 209, giving a total of 689 as according to C. D. Bechtolt assist Holstein calf, Harold Stevens. V a serious chest bruises Sunday. rode trains in Texas", when the of a request. These parcels will be compared to this year's total figure ant county agent on the project in lley View; yearling holsteln, Wesley The lodto program Saturday was accident occurred. He said Lock- subject to the limitations of the po Canyon and Payette, counties who Richmond Lincoln; holsteln cow, o f 744. Becuase of an anticipated harvest opened with a prade of 4-H and ridgefell of the top of a box car st office department as previously was in charge of the tour. Harold Richmond, Lincoln and ch Enrollment in the seventh and F.F.A. livestock, followed by the somewhere between Nyssa and On outlined: namely that the parcel The tour was started at the Geo- ampion holstein. exhibited by Wes vocation this fall, the Nyssa high eighth grades and in the high sch school has scheduled football games grand parade. tario. oV. must not weigh more than five ool is expected to be considerably reg Webster farm north of Parma. ley Richmond. The Nyssa high school band, dir Railroad men and offic^r^ sear pounds and must not exceed 15 Jersey calf, Beverly Russell, G r for a period cf only one month in increased by next week. Many s i A demonstration is being carried on ected by Irshal Davis, and the m aj ched the right-of-way from a “sp inches in length or 36 inches in le- • ddents are still working, but are at this farm making use of a 1200 ove; jersey yearling, Betty Jean T o the Snake River Valley league. The Snake river season will be orettes played and performed dur eeder” all night, but inthe dark ngth and girth combined. {expected to enter school within the 'oot wooden flume for distributing omb, Kingman Kolony, and jersey opened September 15 with games ing the afternoon shows. The mas ness failed to find the injured man. water on a steep slope. According cow and champion jersey, owned next few days. between Ontario and Adrian and cots gave a special drill In the ar to Mr. Webster this flume not only A section crew discovered the man by Dorothy Toomb, Kingman K o l Frank Parr, high school principal, about 9 a.m. Thursday in an un Vale and Nyssa and will be closed ena Saturday. The Ontario high makes irrigation much easier but ony. is particularly anxious that all pros school band also played. The N y conscious condition. Persons conn Guersey calf, Robert Sproul, P io November 11. pective high school students enter has entirely eliminated erosion, ected with the case said the two The schedule has been arranged ssa band led the parade from the which had caused serious difficult neer; guernsey, yearling, Darlene 1 at the earliest possible moment. business section to the fairgrounds as follows: transients had been drinking. I The high school is now operating ies before the installation of the Robbins. Lincoln; guernsey cow. September 15—Ontario at Adrian both days. Lockridge's sister, Cora Ishmael, flume. H. Sanford of the bureau of Brock Robbins, and champion gu The Owyhee Riding club of N y lives in Portland. A brother is re and Vale at Nyssa. The Nyssa c t ^ r of commerce1 1 “ . ^ w “ ^ * a "tly ^ n V c a p T - reclamation gave a discussion on et nsey, Brock Robbins. voted at a meeting in the city h a l l . . _ ... . J ,, ported to be living in Vanport. September 22—Ontario at Boise, ssa, whose members assisted in the cost and specifications for sim Grand champion dairy animal, ed. The fall harvest will very likely Lockridge. whose home-town add Monday night to authorize the pre Vale at Adrian and Nyssa at Wei- conducting the fair, gave a beaut necessitate closure of school about ilar flumes. On a short visit to the all breeds, Dorothy Toomb. ifully executed drill demonstration. ress is reported to be Greggtown, sident to appoint a commitee to Webster farm garden DeLance Fr Dairy fitting and showmanship ser the middle of October, and It Is Winners in the various events Texas, was burned in the Nyssa study national affairs as outlined September 29—Jamboree necessary to take advantage of ev anklin of the Parma experiment s t-con test, Dorothy Toomb. were as follows: cemetery today by B B. Lienkaem- in bulletins issued by the United atlon gave some highlights on small j Beef steer, Norma Jean H ill,' October 6—Welser at Adrian. M e ery passible school day. he said. Saturday per o f the Nyssa Funeral home with I States chamber of commerce, and ridian at Payette, Emmett at Vale fruit and vegetable production. Brogan. Calf Roping Harold Woodland, Rev. M. H. Greenlee officiating. ieport periodically to the local gr The pasture fertilization demon Beef fitting and showmanship and Nyssa at Ontario. October 13—Ontario at Weiser, 1st; time 25 seconds flat. Bill W il stration at the Frank Sorensen fa contest. Dean Morrow. Brogan. oup. burn 2nd. Ed Bowman 3rd. Members of the committee are rm proved very interesting. Yield Payette at Emmett, FYuitland at Swine--Duroc gilt. Kenneth Rom H A Y AND POTATO Bronc R id in g -B illy Haynes, 1st. J. B. Glezentanner, chairman: Ro results on the plots protected from ans, W i’.lowcreek; duroc market hog. Vale and Adrian at Nyssa. Cecil Bruce, 2nd. Alfred Evans, 3rd. SHIPMENTS CLIMB bert Thompson, Frank Morgan, A. October 20—Weiser at Fruitland, grazing by cages Indicate that barn-I Mark White, Wlllowcreek; Chester Bareback Riding— Marvin Soren yard manure applied at the rate White gilt. Ivan Jensen, Kingman Payette at Vale and Emmett at On- _ „ . „ ... ,, . v., IH. Boydell and Klass V. Powell. son, 1st. Bill Haynes 2nd. Moose The Union Pacific railroad shlpp- | Tbe vote was tagen following a .ario. of 20 loads per acre Is most desir Florence Hornaday Summers, (Continued On Page 5) Bailey 3rd. cd 500 carloads of early potatoes talk ,ve„ b Earl Reynolds of LoS October 27—Weiser at Payette, (Mrs. Silas E.) teacher of journal able for new land. Yields from the Mug and Milk—'Wes Moore and from Nyssa and Adrian between p assistant manager of the ism and English in the Nyssa high plot treated with ammonium nitrate Fruitland at Ontario and Emmett Bob Williams 1st; time 40 seconds. August 1 and 27 inclusive. Agent j westwn dlvlslon of the United St- at Meridian. school, is the author of a juvenile applied at the rate of 150 pounds J ? CrandaU sald- ,ites chamber of commerce. November 3—Vale at Weiser, On Bill Wilburn and Harold Woodland story, “ Our First Sandwich” , pub per acre were in second place. It 2nd. Fiank Baltzor, 3rd. The shipments amounted to ab- M f Rfvnolds urging the people tario at Payette and Fruitland at lished in Mother of Perpetual Help was brought out in the discussions Musical Race—Lee Thorson, 1st. out twice those made during the ( t an lnterest m national a ff. for August 1944. Emmett. that the new sells are lacking in Ladles Stake Race— Mrs Harold same pe.iod last year. !fiirs, said 1200 communities are be- November 11— Weiser at Emmett. Her story, “Onr First Woven Wire nitrogen and that thfcse two fertil Ninety cars of alfalfa hay was Edward J. Wilson, 82. was sen Payette at Fruitland and Vale at Woodland, 1st. . . . . . ... „ . i ing heard in Washington on nation- Fence,” was recently accepted by izers are the best source of this el Kids' Race—Wallace Laird, 1st shipped during this month. Up t o ; bu,m, through the new U.S. tenced to eight months in the Ontario. ement. A similar demonstration on the Nazarene Publishing house for (Continued On Page 3) tins time last year no hay had been phamber of commerce ptan. He re- publication In The Young People's the John Ray farm near New P ly county jail when he withdrew his Coach Howard Lovejoy reported shipped. commended that the committee Standard. Also Presbyterian Public mouth. which was visited later In plea of not guilty last Thursday i n ' that 25 boys are turning out for study bills presented In congress ations has accepted "Our First S t the tour, shewed clasely correlated the circuit court of Judge Robert i football practice and are working LDS CHURCH TO In Hospital— D. Lytle and pleaded guilty to a 1 hard In anticipation of the first ERECT BUILDING 'end that the chamber Inform Ore- riking Clock,” and “ Our First Scy results. Mrs. Lord o f Adrian is receiv A picnic lunch was enjoyed at charge of polygamy for which he game. Several youths have not st- : gon's representatives In congress of the" for publication in Young Can ing treatment in the Nyssa Nursing the J. Z Moore black locust plant- was indicted by the county grand , arted to practice, but are expected ada. I its opinion. The congregation of the LDS ch home. I to turn out soon. The coach said urch voted at a meeting Sunday ______________________________________j in support of the plan, R. G. Lar- , Mrs Summers has contributed Irg. The Parma chamber of comm jury. The complaint was filed by Ma- j the boys will "have to hustle” to get night authorizing the bishopric to son said he expects the post-war articles and stories to School and erce here showed their interest in ( J I 1 f- I n planning program to develop into Society, Wilson Bulletin. Grade T e the development of the project by ude Richardson Wilson, whom he in shape for the contest two weeks proceed with plans to raise money Ul 1 U vJ V O A ll the greatest raid in history on the acher, High School Teacher, The serving ice cream and lemonade. married in 1941. Wilson, who oper-| hence. for construction of a new church Six lettermen back in uniform are and recreation hall In Nyssa. Progressive Teacher, Reading and Following lunch a short time was ates a service station 15 miles north U. S. treasury. Mr. Reynolds said that 53 per the School Library, School News spent in looking over the planned of Jordan Valley admitted he mar P. Coleman, C. Morgan, L. Toombs, Plans will not be drawn until cent of the land in Oregon. 87 per and Practical Educator, Colorado grading on the Moore farm and ln- ried Dorothy Lear. June 21, 1944 D. Stelnke. O. Billings and K. By after the war. However, a $60,000 cent of the land In Nevada and 46 School Journal, Junior Life, Junior tspecting the potato crop. M. L. while still married to the complain bee. Other candidates are B. Ch structure Ls tenatlvely planned. No 1 per cent of the land in California j Joys, Our Young People, Young Tillery of the bureau o f reclamation ant. P. J. Gallagher. Ontario, was urch. K. Chard, L. Dlmmlck, D. definite site has been selected. Kendall. H. Counsll, L. Cleaver. O. is owned and controlled by the fed- ' people's Standard, Our Boys and gave a discussion on the possibilit- attorney for the defense. Ernest Farrin, indicted on two Bellon, D Wilson. I) S.uazin. W. In Who's Who— eial government. I Girls, Young Canada, Associated us of the potato crop in this area. A stop was made at Edward Ran charges, larceny from a store and Bilger. B. Shaw, V. Maw, B. Wilson, Do you think that Is good or Editors Syndicate Improvement Era, Word has been received from bad?" the s p id e r asked. “ Are we and others. Her poetry, an outdoor dall's bean fields, where a product entering an automobile with intent J. Bellon. D. Herring, T. Moore, J. | publishers in New York stating that ion of 30 to 35 bushels per acre is to steal, pleaded guilty Monday to Moss, T. Ridder and S. Sakamoto. T Carol Bybee's poem, “ DLshpan going to let the giyernm ent handle nature type, has been read over In the matt- j W O W She is a former feature wr- being obtained on new land. This stealing 19 packages of cigarettes our post-war pro] Hands", has been accepted and will datiqns and | iter of The Wichita Eagle, Wichita, crop offers many passtbilities as a from Boyer Bras, store In Ontario Return From Grant, Co.— cr of productlo! appear In the 1944 edition of Who's cash crop where the right product and was sentenced to four years in affects; Kansas. Rev. and Mrs M. H. Greenlee re Who In Poetry” . This year Ls the disposal o f wa: the penitentiary. On the recomm turned Friday from Orant county. third consecutive year in which everyone o f you bitfdWBMWf Steps Mrs Summers Is a member o f the ion practices are followed. For the benefit of the farm wives endation of the district attorney, Rev. Oreenlee taught classes in Bi Mrs. Bybee has received this honor. sre being taken to study th a V F o r- P.E.O. sisterhood, the Daughters ol Roy Brady. AM M 2-c of N.S.A., t jgn commerce—You are an expogt- American Revolution, and the Al- who made the tour Mrs Floyd Hol M. A. Biggs, he was given a cond ble study and Mrs Greenlee organ The poem will be accompanied by Miami. Florida, accompanied by jn g community. I f we can Indust-jpha Sigma Tau sorority. She is a ton explained how they had landsc itional parole to Sheriff C. W. G l ized a Women’s Society of Christ her photograph and autobiography. Mrs Brady, arrived home Saturday , i aijze the west we can convert and j grand niece of the naturalist, W. T. aped their home. Planning and enn and to the sheriff of a Wash ian Service at Bates. Before they j much work on the part of the Hol- ington county to enable him to wo- returned home they spent a fe w ; In Nampa— for a 10-day furlough. I products In the west more econ- i Hornaday. tons have made their place out- ; rk on his brother's ranch there. The days camping on the north fork | Miss Agnes Petterson was In Na -------- ' omlcally than eastern Industries | ___________________ Warren Heldt has written to his can •> standing In attractiveness without i other charge was dismissed on a of the Malheur river. mpa Monday visiting friends. great cost. I motion of the district attorney. parents, Mr and Mrs A. L. Heldt, I M r Reynolds pointed out that 1G L j | - v * y « p | s f o E l * n t T l stating that he is stationed on T in -j some of the other questions now j L J I I I J A H I C I l X l 4 J 1 II The tour was terminated at the | William Faim Freeman charged In a wagon, perhaps John T. Ray farm, where in ad d it-, with entering a motor vehicle with ian in the Marianas islands. He ^ ¡attracting attention are finance, | Or a cot—by the road— ^ p v i visiting si '- l ’»-ill- the pasture demon- j intent to steal was sentenced to six said that the island is a nice P>- j j eduction of civil service personnel, j Thank God! You had strength s t r a t r a l^ bindweed eradication de- months In the county Jail. ace except for three things—ra in .! reconversion of industry, agricul- T o carry your load. Producers shipments from M alh monstratioit-was given. B. E. Kuhns, The grand jury was drawn last flies and mosquitoes. ture. veterans aid, transportation eur county promise to surpass a l l : extension •agronomist, gave a dii Thursday and met for organization. ' and military service. Whenever we see records o f the past, with both ship- j cussion of the various noxious and Frank W. Scott is the foreman. M r and Mrs J. F. Codr have re- j _______ That head o f grey hair ments to date and outlook for the | perennial weeds and methods for Other Jurors Include George W. ceived word that their .son Albert, x t r o Til T W T T <4D M We know that much wisdom who is a fireman. 2nd class in the J J K h . M L. remainder of the season favorable, their control. Black. Hugh Finley, Ada E. Ha Ls stored up. in there. according to figures released from navy, has been Injured In action in P A S S E S I N M E L B A worth, F7orence Keefe, Emmett Sm When we see the wrinkles T. CAROL BYBEE the office o f the state inspector To Attend Retreat— the South Pacific and has been sent ------- ith and Alva T. Amidon. Chet Bar In dear face and hands to the navy hospital in Oakland.1 Mrs Mary L. Wilson, former res- Thursday. ' Twelve Nyssa residents are ex nes, Saxon Humphrey and John O I'R M ALH EUR PIONEERS We know it was you California for treatment. He has ident of Apple valley and sister of Potato shipments from July to; pected to attend the fourth annual Woodcock are alternates. Mrs Haw Written by T. Carol Bybee while Who conquered these lands. been working on a yard mine sw- Mrs Douglas McDonald of Nyssa, date total 1483 carloads with the retreat sponsored by the Young orth and Mrs K eefe are the first she was In the hospital and read by | eeper. died August 28 at the home of her crop harvest not yet reaching the | Adult fellowship of the Methodist women In Malheur county to sit on ' Mrs Angie Cook at the Malheur j We now pay high tribute -------- daughter, Mrs George C. Miller, peak. 830 of these carloads left for | church at Payette lakes September a grand Jury. j county pioneer celebration August T o our Malheur pioneers eastern markets since August 1. j 2. 3 and 4. BLshop Bruce R. Baxter. M r and Mrs Frank Morgan went near Melba. Idaho, Coy Richard Taylor was senten- 25. A symbol to youth to tioise Sunday to visit their son. Funeral services were held In Onion harvest Is still slow. 20 cars District Superintendent Charles M red to one year in the state penl- | In all future years Lieut Frank Morgan. Jr., for a sh- peckham's funeral chapel In Cald- having been shipped with the peak Donaldson and Rev. M. H. Oreenlee. .entiary when he pleaded guilty to I have something to say So they'll have no fear ort time. Lieut. Morgan was en well today. Interment was in the possibly 5 weeks ahead. Fall lettuce/‘ conference director of religious ed larceny In a dwelling. He was char- j T o you Pioneers Other than, that, of Ond— route to Portland from Selfridge Parma cemetery, and celery promises a large output ucation. will be among those In att ?ed with stealing various articles, We honor and love you So they'll sweat and labor field. Michigan. j Survivors are two sons. Sherman unless weather conditions Or some endance. Nyssa residents will take including clothing and petty cash 1 For the hardships, the years And turn thr sod and Conley of Apple valley: two other unforeseen obstacle interfere, an active part In the program. Mi.s.- from a house in the rural dLstrlct j O f such noble courage, Until every Inch Mrs A. L. Fletcher received word daughters. Mrs George C. Miller of authorities state. Two hundred ac Effle Ellen Counatl Ls secretary-re north of Ontario. | Faith, staunch and true O f this land, In repase— res of celery and 2000 acres o f fail this week stating that her son. Melba and Mrs Landes Dutro of gistrar and Clifford Main Ls trea ------------------------| You have led the way bravely Will burst forth and bloom First Lieutenant Robert R. Burr- Nampa: two brothers, Thomas and lettuce was planted in the county, surer. Vegetable* Wanted ^ Now we, follow you. Like a fragrant red rose. elle received the distinguished fly- Robert H Crosswhite of Los Ang- on which outlooks are good, the in Anyone having potatoes, onions. ing cross August 19. He is stationed eles. and two sisters. Mrs Josephine spectors state. Attends Funeral— squash, carrots or other produce for We'd not be here now, We're so proud of you— The records of 1943 shipments of in England. Lewis o f Caldwell and Mrs McDon- Mrs Elmo Chadd attended fun winter have been given an opport- Had It not been for you. Happy tears dim our eyes ______ rid Thomas and Robert Crosswhlte produce from Malheur county show | eral services In Payette Monday for unity to donate some o f it to the | May you have joys unmeasured When we look at our country— Sergeant Tommy Holman left arrived here Wednesday night to a total o f 4242 cars, of which 2263 her father. F. Sumpter, who died Nyssa Nursing home. A cellar for, May your skies be all blue, Our wonderful prize. were potatoes, and 733 out o f 2009 In Payette last Thursday. M r and storing the food has been provided We know you have suffered Sunday night for Fort Meade, attend the funeral. Maryland after a 10-dav furlough Mrs Wilson lived In Apple valley cars shipped in 1942 were po- Mrs Lloyd Pounds of Nyssa sang at I at the labor camp. Anyone having ‘ Disappointment and pain And now. if you will spent with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lew- for 20 years before going to Melba , tatoes. The celery harvest which the funeral, accompanied on thn I such produce to donate should c a ll, When you crossed the waste lands With me— bow your head— Is and his mother. Mrs HattTe Hoi- a year ago. | comes during late September and piano by Mrs M H. Oreenlee The j Bernard Frost and it will be called Bucking sagebrush and rain, We will honor a moment man. Mrs Holman acompanied him I ------------------------ October may be compared with the services were conducted by Rev for. Our pioneer dead east as far as Great Falls. Mon- J Visit In Twin Falls— 1943 shipment o f 118 carloads, and Paul Felthouse. Baptist minister i ------------------------ IW t know there were moments May Ood be praised ;ana. where they will visit Mrs Hoi- ! Mrs J. J. Sarazln and daughter, the October lettuce with the total Mr Sumpter, who was 79 years old. In Ontario— | When death, hovered nigh — For our pioneers true man s daughter. Mrs Robert Wilson. | Margaret, and son. David, spent the o { 357 cars as receipts come in this had been in poor health for some ! D O. Bytiee was In Ontario a t t - ! Many times when you listened You have led the way bravely— formerly of Nyssa. 1 week-end visiting in Tw in Falls. I fall. rime. | ending to business Thursday. ' For a baby's first cry. We're all proui of you. Valuable and important papers and small articles of intrinsic value will now be accepted for registrat- Officers Unable To Find ion wiien sent t0 the armed injured Man During i,orces overseas' Postmasler Uoyd Night Football Season Only Month Long Business Will Study Problems Local Teacher Is Noted W riter Several Enter Pleas O f Guilty J Th e Service County Increase POET’S CORNER Edited by f „ if