THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO U R N AL TH UR SD AY AU G U ST 24, 1944 P A G E SIX mim OIHL WEDS SAILOR Miss Nadine Gorrtll, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ted Gcrrell, and Max Sweaney. who is stationed with the navy at Bremerton, were married Tuesday afternoon, August 15 at 3 p.m. by Bishop Arvel Child of the LDS church at the Child home They were accompanied by the br- de’s father and Mr Sweaney's mot her, Mrs Sweaney will make her ho me with her parents while her hus band is in the navy. Mr Sweaney, son of Mr and Mrs Fred Sweaney, left Tuesday for his naval station. -5 - CHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS Mrs E. C. Terhune was hostess to the Chatter Box club Thursday afternoon. Seventeen members an swered roll call with their post-war vacation. Mrs John Ridder and Mrs Harlan Maw gave an interesting quiz pro gram. Mrs Grider and Mrs Cheld- elin won prizes. Refreshments of fruit salad, cook ies and punch were served. The next meeting wil be held at the T C. Johnson home with Mrs Clifford Nielson and Mrs Pat Sweaney as hostess September 21. —f — SPECIAL MEETING HELD A special meeting of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs Bert Adams last Thursday evening. Mrs Albert Heldt was co-hostess. The women tied a comforter for the rummage sale to be held by the auxiliary. They will day after school A grand march will be held, among other dances and entertainment for all children between the ages of * and 12. The season's work wil be started the following Tuesday, With classes held every week at 4 o'clock Mrs Vera Jensen is president. I end to attend to business. A *50 WAR BOND EACH WEEK FROM A *60 SALARY! hold another meeting to tie com forters at the Adams home ¿Satur day at 2 p.m. “ What good will money be After the meeting last Thursday the auxiliary served cocoa and do if we lose the war?” ughnuts to the American Legion Dens To Meet— asks Razook members. Dens of the Nyssa Cub pack will lesume their meetings next Mon ROVAL NEIGHBORS MEET The Royal Neighbors spent a soc day. The boys will meet at 4 p.m. ial evening last Tuesday at the ho with their den mothers as follows: me of Mrs Alice Collins doing Red Fack No. 1, with Mrs W W. Foster; Cross work and visiting. A dessert No. 2 with Mrs Richard Porbess, and No. 3 with Mrs Bernard FTost. lunch was served. The next regular meeting will be held in the Eagles hall Tuesday, $25 Reward— For information leading to the September 5. arrest and conviction of the person - - oi persons who, during Monday T eddy R azook is helping build BRfDGE CLUB MEETS The Sunday evening bridge club night, removed headlight rims and that bridge o f ships America was entertained at the home of Mr frames from a 1940 Fbrd sedan on needs for Victory. He is also Every and Mrs Bernard Eastman. The our lot in Ontario. Do you know of helping pay for them. high score was won by Mr and Mrs anyone who has wrecked the from week he buys a $50 War Bond. “ I figure it this way,” he says. end of a 1940 Ford? Jesse M. Chase, Eastman. Used Car Market, behind post o ff “ I ’m single, 22, and make $00 a 5- week. If I put $37.50 into a ice. Ontario. Phone 137. 24Alxc Bond, I still have more than 20 DINNER GUESTS Mr and Mrs Hugh McConnell and bucks. For a single fellow, that’s plenty. I ’ve been draft-deferred son, Wayne, were Sunday dinner Visit Here— guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Mrs J. E. Flinders and son, G e r-. as an essential war worker— A. R. Roberts. aid, arrived last Thursday iron. I AND I figure the least I can do is loan every cent I can spare to Ogden, Utah to visit Mrs Flinders' carry on this war. And on top of - 8 - HOSTESS TO CLUB parents, Mr and Mrs Leo Child. that, I get $4 back for every Mrs Tom Turner was hostess to 1 hey will be accompanied home by $3!” two tables of bridge last evening at Mrs Flinders' daughter. Cleo, who Razook went to work in the the regular meeting of the Wednes has been visiting her grandparents. shipyards after closing up his gas station for lack o f business. Ha day evening bridge club. Guests of plans to return to the gas station Mrs Turner were Mrs A L. Fletcher Visiting Here— after the war, meanwhile continu and Mrs Ed Frost. Prizes were won Mrs Emery Rathburn and three ing his purchase o f War Bonds. by Mrs A. V. Cook, first; Mrs L. children of Portland arrived Wed Perhaps, like Teddy Razook, Trabert, second, and Mrs Fletcher, nesday morning for a visit with Mrs you, too, are fighting on the Bond the traveling prize. Rathburn's parents, Mr and Mrs front. But are you making it the best fight you can? Boost your Ed Wild. Bond buying through the Pay- HOSTESS TO CLUB Roll Savings Plan right now . . , Mrs Bernard Frost was hostess to Buy Madras Store— today! the Tuesday afternoon bridge club Mr and Mrs Robert Varbel of Ny Y ou’ve done your bit— now at her home this week. A guest of ssa have bought a farm and store Mrs Frost was Mrs Ralph Eyre of at Madras Mrs Varbel and daugh Los Angeles. High score was won by ter have gone to Madras to live, Idaho. Mrs John Bishop and second high but Mr. Varbel will attend to farm , interests here for a time. by Mrs Joe Sutherland. Soldier Visits— LOCAL NEWS _ 5_ 8 Cattle Received— Two truck loads of cattle wer? hauled here from Vale to go th- lough the Bybee Livestock company auction. In Boise On Business— E A Wimp and E. E. Sweaney of the Nyssa electric shop spent Thur- sray in Boise purchasing electrical supplies for the Dessert Seed com pany. | In Klamath F'alis— Mrs Carl Coad is spending a few ! days visiting in Klamath Falls. Goes To Baker— Mrs Alice Collins left Tuesday for Baker on a business trip. Here F'rom Idaho— Mr and Mrs H. G. Goemer and daughter, Betty, of Jerome, who have been visiting at the home of A. R. Roberts left for their home Tuesday morning. FUNDS A V A ILAB LE FOR FARM HELP ience and show inability to finance sound operations from regular com mercial credit sources. Practical fa- rm and home plans are worked out by the iarmer with the help oi the supei visor and a couniy committee ot resident farmers. Farm tenure is expected to cover the loan repay ment period. Loan application forms and in formation may be obtained at the county F3A office, Ontario, or from tiie iollowing county F'SA comitt- cemen: Jess Rich, Ontario; Erlt Parker, Vaie; Frank Morgan, Ny ssa and David L. Mitchell. Route 1. Nyssa. Completed applications are leviewed by the county committee and approved when they are pract ical. help war food production and make for sound farming operations. .Special consideration will be given applications of returned war veter ans with farm background. l o o Late l o Classify WANTED—A cook. Call 63-J. 24A1XC WANTED—School bus driver. See Clayton Jensen at the nigh school 24Alxc [miles north and half west of Ny ssa. 24A2XC FOUND—Fountain pen In front of Eder Hardware. May be secured by describing to Harry Weldeman. Ny ssa, Oregon, and pay for advertise ment. 24Alxp WANTED—At once, furnished or unfurnished house or apartment. Must be modern and clean. Write or call L. P Mattingly, Moore hotel, Ontario. 24Alxc SICKNESS STRIKES Your Rcxall Pharmacist keeps the faith of doctors and patients alike by fill ing prescriptions solely with ingredients of maxi- mum therapeutic strength and purity. Whensickness strikes... and your physi cian w rices a prescription for you. .. have it filled Family-type, small and part-time FOR SALE—Dairy gows, some he farmers unable to place their oper avy springers, some milking now ations on a sound basis through Priced at $75 to $100. George Haw other credit sources can secure co kins, two miles west of Parma do BY YOUR DEPENDABLE unsel and assistance through farm wn the tracks. 24A2xp R exall P harmacist . . . . security administration programs, reports N. L. Williams, district FSA HELP WANTED-Man wanted to a Supervisor, Wilson building, Ont work in Shelton's dairy plant at the ario. Funds for another year were underpass. 24Alxc appropriated by congress to sup port war food production and op WANTED—Men to board. Excellent eration of family-sized and smaller meals, family style. Inquire first farms. place on corner east of underpass. F’SA services Include farm mana 24A2xp gement and loan assistance to help bring smaller farms up to full pro FOR SALE—160 acre farm, 80 in duction capacity through providing crops, with tractor, machinery and needed livestock, machinery, feed stock. Inquire at Journal office. and seed, building repairs, smaller 24A3 xd water facilities and other essentials to efficient operation, explained NURSERY—■Will care for children Carlot shippers since 1928. Williams. Loans are limited to $25- ! by the day or by the hour. Call BOX 54 00, repayable up to five years and ' at 785 north Third street. 24A1XP bear five per cent interest. Farmers —S— PARMA, IDAHO Iivin Bartchi, cousin of S. W. Church Services Resumed— GUESTS AT DINNER eligible must be resident operators FOR SAI E-Raspberries. Do your PRESCRIPTION __*__ St. Paul’s Episcopal church will Abersold, spent last Thursday ir. af family-type or smaller farms, own picking at $1.10 for 12-cup cr Mr and Mrs A. C. Sallee were SPECIALISTS Nyssa. Bartchi, a mechanic, has guests of Mr and Mrs George Sall resume church services August 27 have a background of farm exper- ate. L. E. Robbins, Gem avenue, 3 at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Burton Salter will been serving with the air forces in ee at dinner in Payette Sunday. -8 _ "I in M h h hi hi 1.1 il hi H in 11 ni r i i hi ci n in i ni mm in M unirai in iii nun u Him i;i him hi hi hi hi hi iii iii hi hi hi hi hi hi hi ii hi hi hi iiinnininini! iii niuiiiiiiraiiil return after a month’s vacation. Italy and Africa. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Dean Marie Wilson celebrated Visit In Boise— Go To Texas— Address Your Letters Mr and Mrs Leo Child and Mrs her first birthday Wednesday. She Mrs Letha Jeffery and Mrs Jo< and Samples to Us. had a large birthday cake baked b> J. E. Flinders and children spent Woodward left Sunday for Mason — BUYERS— her grandmother, Mrs Charles T o Wednesday in Boise. Texas, where they were called be cause of the serious illness of thei Garden Seeds, Grasses, ombs. Return From Visit— sister, Mrs I. L. Henry. They wen - 5 - Clovers Alfalfas, Mr and Mrs S. W Abersold and acompanied to Texas by Mrs Jeff SOCIAL SCHEDULED Hay and Grain The LDS Primary association will family returned home Thursday ery's son, Charles. hold its opening social next Tues from Rupert. Idaho, where they visited relatives and friends. Before Here From Payette— in in in 11 ii u ii 1111 n ii 1111 n i;i 11 i . i h mi m iii m H iii i.i iii:ii,iiiii in 11 Li ii iii in n n m 11 m in ii i mi hi hi i,i returning to Nyssa. Mr. Abersold Mr and Mrs Kobet Dilley of Pay and daughter, Marilyn, went to ette spent Monday visiting at the Announcing The Opening of The Logan, Utah and were accompanied home of Mr and Mrs E. C. Crand home from there by Mr Abersold's all. father. Watt Seed Co. Like your physician, he is professional man. Years of research, study and experience have qualified him to fulfill the respon sibilities required as your doctor's partner in health service. Nyssa -s - your beat! do Pharmacy Buyers & Sellers Child Day Nursery Return From Trip— Vacationing At Lakrs— Mr and Mrs Aden Wilson and Mrs John Beckham and son, Joh Mr and Mrs Nick Rudelick return nny, and Miss Lucille Sallee arc ed Sunday from a 10-day fishing vacationing this week at Payett trip to Summit prairie. lakes. Big Egg Displayed— An egg measuring six and one- The annual Sunday school picnic hall inches in circumference ar of St. Paul's church was held in the ound the small way was displayed former child psychology student at the Univer city park In Caldwell last Sunday here this week. The egg. weighing one-fourth pound was laid by a sity of Utah and staff member for one year of Rhode Island red hen. owned by Visit In Boise— The Misses Lucille and Helen H. H. Haney of Nyssa rural route. the South Temple Nursery School of Salt Lake Sallee spent the week-end In Boise as guests of Miss Florence Earl and Here From Idaho— City. C. D. McDowell, brother of Mrs Miss Mary Lou Steli, sorority sis Bernard FTost and Mrs McDowell ters. For further details call 78-W . end Mr and Mrs Ralph Bacon of Twin Falls attended to business '1111111111 IT 1111111111; 111111111111111111II11111II1111! I > 1111111M11111111: l : m i m n II Return« From Trip— 11111111111111111111111111111111111, l ;ii 111111111111111; 11111111111111111111II11M11111111111111>. Clarence Aston of the Nyssa Fur here and visited at the Frost home niture company has returned from Saturday. a buying trip to the coast. Under the supervision of Mrs Mark C. Child, NYSSA PROGRAM THEATRE Phone 108 Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 25—26 Bill Elliot and Gabby Hayes in “ BORDERTOWN GUNFIGHTERS” Ruth Terry and Niles Asther in “ MYSTERY BROADCAST” Mat.. Sat.. 2:30 Ad n. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*. 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY AUGUST 27—28 Jean Cabin, Richard VVhorf, Allyn Joslyn, Ell en Drew and John Qualen in “ THE IMPOSTER" Musical and Cartoon Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30r-0e, Inr. Tax Adm. Evening«. 40r-9r, Including Tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY AUGUST 29 Charles Boyer and Barbara Stanwyck in “ FLESH AND FANTASY” Cartoon and Tiger Woman _______________________ Adm. 2 5 c -t ", In c , Tax Picnic Is Held— Return Home— Attend Convention— Mr and Mrs M. C. Zamora spent Friday In Bouse.w here they attend ed the first day's program of the state convention of the Idaho dep artment. American Legion. They were accompanied by the two daug hters, Viola and Susan Mrs Ed Norcott and daughter. Merry, returned home Tuesday from North Powder, where they sjient the summer with Dr. Norcott, who is employed by the forest service. H ere From California— Mrs Ralph Eyre of Los Angeles came Sunday to visit at the homt Returns Home— ot her brother, A. C. Sallee. Sh. Mrs Guy H. Dawes of Pawnee. spent last week with Mr and Mri Oklahoma has left for her home George Sallee of Payette. following a visit with her parents. Mr and Mrs J C. Crlsmon of Ny Going To Utah— ssa. En route home she planned to Gordon Ray. manager of Gordon’s visit her sLster-ln-law In Jerome. drive-in. will go to Utah this week- Bring'Your Prescriptions To Us W e have employed B. I. Rogers, formerly of WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AUG. 30—31 Nyssa and Parma as pharmacist and are again Dana Andrews, Richard Conte, Kevin O’Shea, Trudy Marshall and Donald Barry in able to fill your prescriptions and provide you “ THE PURPLE HEART’ The Story of Eight American Flyers Captured By the Japs. Cartoon and News Adm. Evening«, 40c-»c. Including Tax I I I I I I I I lilt I I ! I it II It I I ! III Mil 11 llllit 11 II III lllllll 111 III lilt II IIM4A4IM4tMIMMi> with all of your ding needs. Owyhee Drug Company Phone 29 School Shoes ' For GIRLS & BOYS Black or brown colors. Many st yles and a good variety of sizes. It is our effort to give you the best shoe j for the money and equally import ant the correct size for your feet. G irls’ Dresses 9 8 c $ 2 .9 8 Gay prints and beautiful spun ray on. Plain colors or pattern designs. Sizes 2 to 14. Womens Anklets. Sizes 7 to 10L',. 19c to 35c. School Supplies Pencil tablet 10c size, 8c Filling paper 10c size, 8 c Pencil tablet, 5c size, 4c Notebooks, 10c size, 8 c 16 color crayons 15c 8 color Prang paints, 35c Pencils 2 for 5c Ink 10c and 15c Fountain pens $1.95 Rulers 5c Crayons 15c Boys’ School Pants $1.98 $2.49 $2.98 Cotton and part wool wash pants. Colors blue and brown and sizes 6 to 16. Boys1 Sport Shirts 69c To $1*98 Knitt spoil shirts, both short and lo ng sleeves. An excellent school shirt. Assorted colors. Sizes 2 to 6. Boys Belts 50 and 75c Boys Sox 19 to 35c Boys’ shorts and shirts. 29c each Cotton knitt brief type shorts, elastic waist. Shirts white cotton knitt. Sizes 4 to 16 Boys’ Jackets $ 1-49 Regular $1.98. Tan color. Shower proof jackets. Sizes 4 to 16. Golden Rule NYSSA OREGON