Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY AUGUST 24, 1944 the lumber mills. They are locating this week in Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Howard Hatch left Rev. and Mrs Nevln Arlene and Dunna Peterson and Emily Oti3 last Sunday for Portland to visit relatives. left last Tuesday for Payette lakes Mr and Mrs James Attebery were to attend the United Presbyterian In town several days this week, do eonference. { ing work on the Milsap house, wh The George de Haven family vis ere they will live for the coming ited in Welser over the week-end. year. The Prances Defier family spent | Mr and Mrs K I. Peterson and Tuesday and Wednesday fishing Dennis Patch transacted business near Ironside. in Boise Tuesday and attended the Mr and Mrs Oarret Muntjwerft ball game in Boise that night. visited relatives In Payette Sunday. | Glen Pounds hns been remodeling Mr and Mrs Howard Lovejoy and end painting the drugstore. family were week-end guests at the | The Commercial club met Thur Dennis Patch home. They have sp sday evening at the Legion hall. ent the summer at Rea. Idaho, wh The subject discussed was roads ere Mr. Lovejoy was employed in for this vicinity. Charley Marshall Adrian W e Render Prevent disease in laying house. Brush or spray Chelc-R-Fect solution on floors, walls, perches. Safe, raises readily, pleasant odor. Sanitize your Laying House Al Thompson & Son 2nd and Good Ave. N y s sa F u n eral Hom e W e W a n t C l ean Cotton Rags was guest speaker. The No Name club met Thursday ; not being sold, as the govemmen afternoon at the home of Frances needs them in winning the war, so Freel. Eighteen members attended, j would-be purchasers will have to Red Cross work for the club w as! wait. We pay cash or allow credit on subscription discussed, and plans were made for 1 wre feel it is an important job the cooked food sale to be held a t ' , . , . . . . . . „ . . . , to get the information regarding Holly s store Saturday Aug. 26, Re- | freshments were served by Mrs surplus goods, offered for sale, in Hudson and Mrs Leo Farnsworth, the hands of the prospective buy- The next meeting of the club will ers” , said Mitchell, "and this new be held at the home of Mi's Betty . department of the First National Karman. bank will be relaying this inform I't'iiif iwiiiiim !| ii : iii mil! in in in in hi in n m m m m n m m m n n n m n n n m n mi m n urnrn mm in ninna Mr and Mrs L. C. Pounds of Ny- ation to various parts of the state ssa visited from Sunday until Tu- as it becomes available." , esday at the Glen Pounds home. , Mrs E. M. Hauser was a Sunday Robert Ducas, special assistant of I guest at Mrs Threlma Elliott, the surplus war properties adminis j Glen Pounds and Jewel Wilson att ended the baseball game between tration, was in Portland recently • he House of David and Harlem and advised the First National bank that organization and policies for Globe Trotters in Boise. the orderly disposal of surplus pro perties were being formulated. Capital and producer goods, he said, will be sold by the Reconstruc Ray and Fay Callahan entertain tion Finance Corporation. Consumer ed in observance of their 14th bir Milk— the favorite goods sales will be handled by the thday Sunday evening. A lunch was procurement division of the treas American beverage. .erved to 25 guests. ury, which has northwest headquar Clarence Herrud will leave Ont W e don’t have to tell ters in Seattle. Ships and maritime ario August 25 to enter the navy. properties will be disposed of th you to drink it. be Mrs-Herrud and two babies will re rough the maritime commission and cause we know that main here with her parents, Mr food through the food administrat md Mrs Joseph Callahan, for a ion. you do— everyone time and will then go to Pine Val does! ley, Minnesota. David Highland has returned fr CATTLE SLAUGHTER Coffee cream in half pints and quarts. om a vacation spent at Payette la- NOT RESTRICTED ses. Sold at our plant and at all local grocery st With heavy runs of cattle beginn W. H. Johnson returned to his home in San Diego this week after ing to come to market, the war food ores. spending two weeks with his dau administration points out that cat tle slaughter regulations in no way ghter, Mrs Callahan, and family. Romaine Jennings is spending th restrict the number that may be slaughtered This fact Is one that is week at Payette lakes. apparently has not been understood DATA ON SALE OF by many people, R. B. Taylor, state W AR GOODS GIVEN AAA chairman says. At The Underpass Farmers may slaughter and del m 11 n in m m in in rat m n rs n n m m n u n m urn in m in in m in m n m in in iii iiiiiii * iiiim hi m u n m e m 1 G. J. Mitchell, manager o f the iver meat from any cattle or other Nyssa branch of the First National livestock owned by them without bank of Portland, this week ann any license or permit and without ounced that a department has been making any report of such deliver organized in the First Natioona. ies to the government. Commercial bank to disperse information re packers and persons who slaughter garding surplus war goods offered livestock exclusively for others on for sale by the federal government. a fee basis must obtain slaughtering Those persons who may have a licenses from WFA and slaughterers desire to buy a training plane or jf 50 or more head of cattle weekly any other bit of surplus war prop. or 300 or more livestock annually erty from the federal government' must turn in monthly reports to G a te C ity Journal Bottled For Your Health j it turned home Jaunuay from Maiau, ! idaho. where they visited Mrs For- hour of 11 o'clock A. M. and the bess' father, Evan J. Evans, who Is County Court Room in Vaie, Ore gon, have been fixed by the Court Malheur county development of sei lously ill. us the time and place lor the hear small irrigation and farmstead wat ing of said account and any object er installations can again be in- Moving To Granite— Mrs C. B Short will leave Sunday ions thereto, when and where any - leased as a result of farm security loans and increased supplies of or Granite, wheie Mr. Short is em person interested in said estate may power units, pipe, irrigation pumps ployed ey ine Eastern Oregon Lighi appear and file written obections thereto and be heard thereon. Said and cimilar equipment, announces Ned L. Williams, district FSA sup -u*u r u m - i.».patty. Mrs oLoii, account Is for final settlement and ervisor, Wilson building. Ontario. »no hau been a. m antle for a oli upon approval thereof, said estate ati lime, te. ut ned to .Nyssa Tues- will be closed and Che administrator Congressional appropriations for the uay morning a.Ljmpained by discharged. water program are the same as last W aneti, had oeen visiting at August 24. 1944. year. Ewen Chard. Administrator Irrigation equipment authorized' Granite. Mr and Mrs Short s dau Estate of Charles Robert Mettlen under the water facility program ghter, Jean, will attend St. Franca Deceased. includes power pumps, windmills, I academy in Baker this winter. veils, spring development, diversion CARD OF THANKS dams, title, pipe, and sprinkling We wish to express our heartfel, systems, Williams said. Stock water thanks to our friends for tnei. tanks and ponds, piping water to cards and expressions of sympathy farm homes except for inside pi- j over the death of our son and br limbing, cisterns and equipment fo r ! other, Lowell, who was killed in Every service that is needed In irrigating up to one-half acre of action July 21. varden can be provided for farm- Mr and Mrs G. L. Willis vour hour of grief -tead improvements. Rebuilding c R. E. Willis repair of existing installations is Mrs Kenneth Thompson ilso included. Plus a dignified sympathy Charles Willis All farmers unable to secure sat- (Paid Adv.) ;sfactory financing for water Tacil- That beautifies the memory ties from commercial sources are Legal Advertising -ligible but tenure on the farm sh- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Of both family and friends. >uld cover the loan repayment per- od. Loans for smaller types of in- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Th tallations may be financed through at Ewen Chard, Administrator of he regular FSA loans, repayable up the estate of Charles Robert Mett- -o five years and bearing five per len, deceased, has filed in the ■ Co ent interest. Limited water facility unty Court of Malheur County, Or funds are available for larger deve egon. his first and final account of lopments. based on life of the in his administration, and that Sat- stallations with interest at three per cent. Surveys of water facility needs in this area indicate many farms can be Improved through develop ment of new wells, repair or re building of present systems, piping water to farm homes and more st ock water tanks. As applications are considered by the county committee In the order of filing, those first received will and up-set insurance will give you the best poss have preference In regard to funds available for the program. ible inexpensive collision protection. MORE IRRIGATION IS NOW POSSIBLE Disinfect wit* Chek-R-Fect Phone 2G PAGE FIVE C o w H o llo w Shelton's Dairy StRVItC 80 Per Cent Collision LOCAL NEWS Frank T. Morgan Visit at Baker— Mrs. Herbert Smith and Miss Louise Tensen spent the week-end at Baker as guests of Miss Mar garet Boyd. Guest Minister Here— Rev. Wayne Brown of Prairie City was guest minister at the Methodist church Sunday. He was accompanied to Nyssa by Mrs. j Brown and two daughters. Expected For Visit-- Mrs. Frell Blair, sister of Mrs. Kenneth Cottle, is expected here this week from Lewiston, Utah. She will be accompanied by her son, Boyd. Returns From Utah— Mrs. Chester Stevenson returned home Friday from Ogden, Utah. Whilet here she attended to busi ness. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Child en tertained Thursday at an anni versary dln.ter lor Mr. Child’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Child, who celebrated their 40th wedding an niversary. Sixteen guests were present. The couple received many nice gifts. Visit H ere- Mrs. Bula Stratton and Jean of Spokane are visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland. Guests at the Suth erland home over the week-end were Mrs. William Clinkingbeard and Miss Joyce Todd of Boise. Help Wanted Onion sorters and four floor help and one sack sewer. Friday, August: 2 8 Call at Warehouse J. C. Watson Co Nyssa, Oregon The W orld’s News Seen Through • T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Newspaper is Truthful — Constructive— Unbiased — Free from Sensational ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts Price #12.00 Yearly, or #1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, #2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Nam e__________ __________________„ __________________________ _ Address___________________ __________________________________ SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Return From Idaho— Mrs Dick Frobess and three sons * t 1 35th Annual Malheur County J î y DURBt Keep Your Car Fit bank's branches throughout the st- ; grading of meat and collection of ate. The department has been set ration points. "These regulations up at the request of the surplus war properties administration. Information will be available to W Junior ;! r and If they are placed on the mar-1 may be slaughtered." 1 1 air T " ) Amateur r Lodeo and Your car has several years of Check These SPARK PLUGS service ahead . . don't neglect it . . Take care of minor repairs yourself—if you can. W ell take Attention Eagles care of the bigger jobs. Between AIR PRESSURE CARBURETOR Our regular dance, scheduled for us well keep it in smooth work ing condition. Saturday, Aug. 26 Purses For Best Buckers Street Dance Saturday Night. Saddle Horse Parade Sat. and Sun. at 1 p.m. Prizes each Day. $140( 1 Purses TRANSMISSION Has Been Cancelled Ford REAR AXLE AIR CLEANER GREASE POINTS Parts And Service because o f the Malheur county fair and celebr- : ation in Ontario. Let’s all attend the county fair. Moss-Ninemire Motor Co. Regular Dance Sept. 9 Aug. 25,26, GRANDSTAND Including Tax Adults $1.50 Children 50c iy r i FAIR 25— 26. “ RODEO 26—27 * Fairgrounds Ontario, Oregon