Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1944)
THURSDAY AUGUST 24, 1944 Dim e® cargo and the cargoes of other co untries. In other words, starve the other countries to death by hogg in., the oii--.ii.jic uu-iiieo-,. hnippuig uuiClaiS h u e leave otntr tueas. rn - t> la . or diviuuig up the ou.,mts-> '. '¡Ill B/l . nd cuiisiuci that it 00 percent oi Muridr Vddp lira Ameiican commerce is carries ill American boltoioa that Will be ..uitiiiriit. England, aloo, considers HUNDRED MILLION IN KITTY FULL GOSPEL CHURCH that Ob percent ul American ousin- r u t METHODIST C O M M U N ITY Just now question number one Is ets Is enough lor the American ine- CHURCH Lloyd N. Pounds, Pastor when will victory come. Question M .rm itiaruie—or probably less. M H Greenlee. Pastor Sunday school at 10 A.M. number two is what will we do with Nothing has been settled and the Sunday school opens promptly at Morning worship at 11 A.M. victory. As it concerns the individ subject is ali'ii open to negotiation. 10 o'clock every Sunday morning. Evening evangelistic service at 8 ual states Oregon is far ahead ol It is assumed that the United t>l- The morning worship service starts most other slates in -postwar plan may dispose oi a large part of iàafe. r j o'clock. 4 ning. We have a postwar readjust its merchant fleet to foreign nat- at 11 a.m. The Intermediate, Meth- Washington. D. C Aug. 24—As of lons, but .shipbuilding nations suchlodist Youth and Young Adult fell ment and development committee, ADRIAN FREE METHODIST August 1 the shipyards of the Un as England, France and the Stand- lowshlp meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. created by the last legislature, at CHURCH the request of Governor Earl Snell, ited States had constructed 3,632 inavlan countries intend to revive j The evening worship service start Adrian, Oregon that has been on the job for 14 merchant vessels since this country their own shipping industry to pro at 8:30 p.m. with a half hour oi P. H. Reiman. Pastor months. Victor P. Morse, dean oi vide employment and to again set congregational singing. entered the war. They are still tur sail upon the seven seas. They will Sunday school 10 a. m. business administration of U. of O. ning out ships at Vancouver-Port- prefer to build their own ships rat- NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Preaching 11 a. m. is chairman. Other members include land and Puget sound yards and a wheat farmer, a banker, two lab ..w man to buy Horn the United Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Alan Ed Young people's meeting 8 p. m precumably will be for another or representatives, a lumberman, a States the surplus vessels that wm monds Superintendent. Every clas year. This raises the question as to ollowed by evangelistic message. contractor, a stockman, and auto be anchored in our ports. Incident welcomes you. what is to become of this armada We will only have one prayer dealer, a scientist, the director of ally, the foreign countries can build Morning service, 11: o'clock of American merchantmen—the lar leeting from now on for awhile the state department of agriculture, ships cheaper than can American Junior church service at 11 a. n r . gest commercial fleet of any count ,'hich will meet each Wed. in the the state forester, the staje highway yards and it was to offset having Evangelistic 8 o'clock. ry in the world, when the war ends. Americans order ships built foreign arsonage at 8 P. M. engineer and the budget director Prayer meeting Thu’ aday. A percentage will be lost due to en that the federal maritime commiss Come and worship with us and who is secretary of the commission. /clock emy action or storm at sea. but the pread scriptual holiness thiough- John W. Kelly was elected director ion is permitted to pay the differ A cordial welcome to all. number will be negligible. The fleet ence in cost and thus keep this mt the world. at the set up. The objective of the wll be practically intact when the work for American yards. commission is to keep business o:i L. D. 8. CHURCH shooting stops. CHURCH OF THE NA7.AKENE its feet during the postwar sag. The foreigners can also operate Sunday 9:15 a.m. Prlesthooi There is an impression, shared by E. J. Wilson, Pastor. Projects totaling over four million a ship for less expense, wages for meeting many Americans, that with this 10 a. m , Sunday school. dollars have been listed. Cash and seamen being much lower than the Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday schoo. merchant fleet the United States American scale One thing is reas 11 a. m., worship service. reserves of 104 million dollars have Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacramen can carry all of its ocean-borne onably certain however; American 7 p. m.. prayer service. been created, this all "home grown" meeting. 7:15 p. m., young people's and money. merchant ships will carry more Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief socletj junior meetings. TOWNSEND BILL goods than they did before the war. nesting. 8 p. m., evangelistic service. The proposed Townsend amend One of ihe first organizations to First Tuesday of each month ai 8 p. in., Wednesday prayer and ment, which would give $60 a mo urge an appropriation for a new 4 p.m. Primary for children bet praise service. nth to every person in the state west coast nlghway to Alaska is the ween ages of 4 and 12. Insurance i Real Estate over 60 years of age who will re association of hotel men of Calif CHURCH OF CHRIST tire from gainful pursuits, has a 10 ornia. The hotel «nen realize that F IR S T B A P T IS T CH U R C H (Christian) to 1 chance of being on the ball there will be a great surge of travel At L egion Hall NYSSA OREGON George Whipple. Pastor. ot at the November election. Opp following the war and they wish to O. N. O psund, pastor | Bible school. 10 A.M. Paul God- onents of the ammendment have see a highway constructed that will Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning I frey, superintendent. Bring your their case in the courts and will, 1: iiiiimiiiiiii!i.'iiiimiiiriiiiimimiiiiiii enable tourists to travel from Calif service 11 a.m. Bibles. necessary, carry it to the supremi ornia tnruugh Oregon and Wash Evening service 8 p.m. CASH FOR YOUR Morning worship, 11 A.M. Comm court. The element of time is in ington. taking off for Alaska from Ah welcome. union served each Lord's day. Ser favor of the proponents as an or the Puget sound territory. The hotel CAR mon topic: “Others". der from the last tribunal will have men have petitioned congress to su THE COMMUNITY UNITED Christian Endeavor, 7 P.M. Dan to be secured before September 22 pport the proposal and they specif Highest ORA prices. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the day on which David O'Hara, Ptnnie, president. ically state that they do not wish Kingman Memorial f Evening services, 8 P M. Sermon state director of elections sends the to use the southern portion of the J. C. Nevtn, Pastor. ONTARIO AUTO Topic: "Archaeology and the Bible" qualified ballot to the county clerks. Alcan highway, which is in Cana 10 a. m., Bible school. Prayer meeting. 8 P.M. Thursday. GOVERNORS FAVOR HIGHWAYS dian territory and far removed fr MART 11 a. m. morning worship. Ser At a week-end meeting of the Choir practice, 9 P.M. Thursday. om tiie Pacific coast, as a tourist mon: “ Building Christian Char 311 So. Oregon St. Women's council meeting, 2:30 governors of five northwestern st route. Whfn the matter comes be acter: Godliness." ates plans were made for a $68 - fore a committee of congress the A1 Gaines, Manager 8 p. m.t evening worship. Third P.M. Thursday at the church Aug 000.000 annual highway program ir. ust 31. hotel men will throw in the influ- annual camp lire service. Phone 158 Fourth anniversary celebration In their states. They will ask congress cr.ce of the entire California dele- Thursday, 8 p. m„ choir prac for legislative action appropriating October. 'iriih'i iii i i'i 11 i i i : i mil in in «i n in it lit iii ii in in in in I gntion to reinforce the delegation: tice at Toomb home. A Friendly Church with a Cordial 750 million dollars to extend over I from Washington and Oregon in Friday, Sept. I> 10 a. m„ prayer a period of 11 years. Governor Earl the cause, jroup meets in Newell heights (see Welcome. Serving 5 Counties j pressing Snell announced upon his return Backers of the China-Americnr. oulletin for place). Prom the Largest Stock of from the meeting. SU N SE T V A LLE Y Genuine THREE FEATHERS A S S E M B L Y O F G O D CH U R C H ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL VOTE FOR General Lewis B. Hershev, nat Tressa Ditty in Charge MISSION io n a l selective service director, who The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. Sunday school. 10 A M. spent several days last week at Or- Morning prayer and sermon. 9:30 Morning worship. 11 A.M. Children church. 7:40 P.M. Child- f *on's capital, praised the state’s Holy communion and sermon each Parts selective service system and paid ten particapating. second Sunday of the month. Orders Shipped Immediately three signal compliments to Colonel Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Church school at 10:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. Eimer V. Wooton. state director of Women's Guild second Wednesday FOR Everyone cordially invited to att- ihe service. The general said, “Ore f each month. gon's system rales high. It is six Phone 49 Payette, Idaho months to a year ahead of most council of commerce are not broad- and Reva and Ronald Rookstool. other states, both in ideas and pra- —Pd. Pol. Adr lasting their activities, but the head i George Lester, who has been wor- uffice in New York city Is accumu king on the Eastman place, return lating some important data which ed to his home In Hood River. will oe of special interest to the Charles Vance of Missouri is vis ports on the Pacific coast from iting at the home of his nephew, San Diego to Seattle. There will be little publicity on the work of this Roy Rookstool and family. When new piston rings will boost your mil- ! organization until after the war, Mrs Sam Potts and Mrs Eliza >vhen the data collected will be av Adams were Ontario shoppers Wed ailable to the seaports along the nesday. eage as much as 25 per cent? west coast. It will be necessary to Roger Bergam who almost lost a ay part of the program before the toe when It was cut by a piece of epartment of state, such as legis This little job at our shop may really convert lation to permit a free flow of com glass while he was wading. Is im merce between China and the Un proving rapidly. your “ A ” card into a "B ” overnight. Try it. ited States. The council wishes to Alta Loma Howell, who is attend be prepared to open business relat ing business college in Boise, spent ions before the British stake out the week-end with her parents. Mr their claims. As a post-war project to provide and Mrs Russell Howell, employment, California Is asking | Mr and Mrs Cash Turner were government aid in the development dinner guests at the U E Parker ho o f a cork oak industry. In the past „ ___, four years 150.000 of these trees ha- me Sunday eVenmg ve been planted and the product Is Giady Cates and family of Okla- sald to be equal to the cork obtain- homa who had been visiting thi ea from Spain or Portugal. The ex- Russell Howell family, have gone tr act form In which the plea will be Parma to visit his parents, Mr anc THE BEST submitted to congress has not been Mrs Sam Cates. YOU CAN BUY disclosed but the matter is being The Wahine club met at Cora IS HERE! •onaldered by members of the Cal- Rook.*, tool's home Thursday with fornia delegation to determine the eight members present. They dec 'erms of the bill. It is thought poss ided to buy material to be made uj ible that southern Oregon offers and donated to the Red Cross. Ev 'limatic and other conditions which eryone is invited to sew at the next would give encouragement to an meeting which will be held in the experiment of similar nature. Cow Hollow hall September 7. A viest coast shipyard would like to know what yard in the Puget sound area called up Portland and wanted to sell surplus material. ¿ Capi/al~ Parade lWiffipir-T Bernard Eastman C.J. SHORB Me Cluer-Manser dice. I could use Colonel Wooton land. Vancouver and other coast I in“ national headquarters in an im- cities. I portant position. Eima Lee Orris accompanied her ! CATCH SALVOS sister, Mrs Louise Gregg to Bums Highlights from the address of for a few days' visit. Rear Admiral Thomas Mr and Mrs Hadley Garren and Leigh Gatch, at an academic con- vocation at Willamette University j family visited at the G. F Garren this week when the honorary degree home Sunday, of doctor of laws was bestowed up Mr and Mrs Loire Pryor of Vale on him— We cannot afford to in and Mr and Mrs Sabin and family dulge in pleasant memories, we ha ve a war to win . . It is vital that of Emmett attended the community we do not loose this war after we picnic dinner at the Bullard home have it won . . When we have won Sunday. Earnest Barker is remodeling his we should do everything Just the opposite to the way we did in the house and expects to move Into it last war . . Prattling pacafists br- j soon. ought on this war . . Peace is not something to be enjoyed but some- j thing to be earned." FARM WORKERS TRANSPORT- | _____ ATION i June Savage is visiting her sister, A public hearing on a proposed Mrs Vernon Chadwick of Seattle, safety code for the transportation of j Mrs Willis Bertram and La Vem farm workers will be held in Salem ' Cleaver were in Caldwell Friday. ;n August 21 the accident prevent- I Mr and Mrs Orren Hendry of ion division of the state industrial Glens Ferry and J. W. Jennings accident commission announced th- and Romaine fished at Marshall is week. lake the past week. The two little STATES RIGHTS ADVOCATED daughters of Mr and Mrs Hendry United States Senator Guy Cor- stayed with their grandmother. Mrs don has notified Governor Earl Sn- Jennings. ell that he will work for legislation Delbert and LaL Vem Cleaver, that will place unemployment co- Dorothy, Thelma, Donna and Bob mpensation in the hands of the Florea, Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram states rather than under federal and Dona Belle and Alva Ooodell, internment supervision. I ,Jr.. attended a YOA swimming POLITICAL POW WOW | party and Weiner roast Wednesday Congressman Durkin o f Illinois I evening will arrive in Portland, Saturday, ‘ August 19 to trumpet the obligato Do It Ytirstlf -at Hem» for the party theme song at the Oregon republican state central co mmittee meeting the same day. PERMANENT WAVE KIT Governor Earl Snell will have a Complete with curlers, ou r A message from the national convent , __am poo and w a v e Bet. It's easy to do and an to tor every type of ion of republican governors which lialr. For amazing results— be sure to ’ he attended in St Louis two weeks tor Chorm-Kuri. Over 0 million sold. NYSSA PHARMACY ago. WRAY’S DIME STORE Buen?i Vista W< Arcadia A large crowd attended the Com munity picnic at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Bullard Sunday. Mr and Mrs D. E. Creekmore of lichland Washington visited at the John Hickey home last week. Mrs Creekmore and Mrs Hickey are listers. i Mrs Louise Gregg and son, Eddy.1 of Burns spent the week-end at the Charles Bullard home. Mr and Mrs Qlen Dowers and family visited last week in Port- Sell where there necessary expense required to handle the weight of your Rentals Bonds is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un incurred through a great number of men your hogs and Where trou can see and check hogs yourself. For Friday's price phone 111 R, Nyssa. between the hours of 5 P M. and 9 P.M . on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. FRANK KULLANDER Your Harness John Howell of Oklahoma is vis iting his brother Russell Howell and family. Mrs Sam Potts entertained Sun day with a birthtday party for Bar bara and Hazel. Guests were Mr and Mrs Clarence Ross and family of New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs Walt Hatfield and family of Adrian E.W. PRUYN VV. E. Schireman Auto Repairing Phone 61 Reboring, Valve Grind ing. Lathe work. Parts Your local r epr esent at i ve for S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A Insurance We buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards in Nyssa, Ore. and Homedale, Idaho. We have stocked a good grade of farm harn ess and now have several sets available. This harness is guaranteed to give satisfact ion. Quality is built into every seam, by skilled craftsmen, who know the harness business th rough years of experience. It is handsome, yet built to “ stand the g a ff” . We are calling your attention to this harness early because the supply is limited. Other Equipment Upper Sunset Standard's tough asphaltic coatings seal against weather damage, stop leaks, resist cracking and checking. Use Standard Asbestos Roof Coating, for top quality. Stand ard Roof Paint, for economy. For best results, prime with Standard Utility Coating or Standard Priming Solution. Renew shingle roofs with Standard Shingle Stain or Oil. Fire and Automobile Your Team Is N o Better Than Towne s Gara ge Protect roofs now Insurance Agency L E T US P R O V ID E A HOM E M A R K E T F O R Y O U R F A T H O G S CONGRESS W h y W a s t e Gaso! ine? Don M. Graham and accessories Phone 56w BE ¡^CAREFUL! • One match, one cigarette, one care less act can undo th e . . . 100 year* it takes to grow a * mature forest . f KEEP OREGON GREEN ASSN. U LIM , ORISON HITCH TM UP RIGHT We also have collars, work and riding br idles, lines, collar pads and other harness supp- lies. Hollingsworth HE WORKS FOR UNCLE SAM. TOO Hdwe. and Imp. Co. /T ■■ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE 4