Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1944)
PACK r I I E N YSS A G A T Ë CIT Y J OU RN AL < mim T H U USD A Y A U G U S T 17, 10 H uni Ogden, accompanied by his gr 1 o o L a te to Classify andmother, Mrs M. E. Bybee, whom he had been visiting for a month. W A N TE D —At once, furnished ho- j use or apartment Must be modern ! and clean. Write or call L. P. Mat- Auxiliary To Meet— Tne \ FW auxiliary will meet i tingly. Moore hotel, Ontario. 17Alxc New Marine Corps Center August 23 at 7:30 in the Legion LO ST -Brownish brindle male bull dog, 8 months old, weighs about 18 pounds, answers to the name of Brother Suc< umbs— Corky. Please return to 532 Good Kay Aston, brother of Clarence avenue at Nyssa, Oregon or call Aston of Nyssa, died in the veterans 5-J and receive reward. 17Alxp hospital in Boise Monday. He had been in poor health since world LOST—Coat with false teeth in po w ail. A military funeral will be cket. Return to Commercial hotel In neid Friday at 2 p.m. in Boise. In Payette for reward. 17Alxp terment will be in the Morris Hill FOR SALE—Good two-room house. cemetery. 1 wired and with built-ins. W ill sell house without lot. H. Q. Johnson, east of Dessert Seed plant. 17Alxp Women To Meet— hair. C IV IC CLUB MEETS ! a dinner Sunday at the Payette The Nyssa Civic cluo decided at 1 Country club. Mr and Mrs Charle.-. a meeting held at the home of Mrs ! Garrison and Mrs John Olsen were Albert Pfeiler Wednesday alter- j guests, noon to sponsor a G irl Scout troop i and to help with the newly organic- G IV E C O U N iR V CLUB P A R T Y ed volunteer nurses corps. | Mr and Mrs Emil Stunz enter- Plans for a teachers reception to tained at the country cluo at Pay- be held sometime in October were ette Saturday night at a chicken discussed An interesting talk was dinner for friends who later att- given by Mrs D. W Patch of Adrian ended the dance in Nyssa. Those on "Flowers, National and State, attending were Mr and Mrs Herbert nnd their Origins". Fisher, Mr and Mrs Ira Ure, Mr Mrs Earl Crandall and Mrs Oarr- 1 and Ms Dave Mitchell, Mr and Mrs et Stam were co-hostesses. Tom Burningham, Mr and Mr. — g— Perry Ward and M r and Mrs Dale HOSTS A T D INN ER Garrison. Mr and Mrs Dale Garrison en- — §— tertained in honor o f Mr. Garri- SU RPRISE P A R T Y G IVEN son's father, Charles Garrison, at A group of friends gave a sur- — ------- — — prise pi nic supper in observance 1 1 1 ! h m I P a a i 'I h n il oi t,1<> 17,h weddinK anniversary of lYlimiTP _ > PI m n n Ml , m < i Ml **,'">->''d FWt Moiidat IIIIIIU 1 U U U I I I I U I I |0n lhe lawn at the Frost home on This is an air view of the newly-| leterans of Pacific warfare. Men in the nation's history, the center ------- j north Third street. Guests were M; , ,, . , . . . , is Still growing and will accomodate ipened marine corps rehabilitation suffering from tropical ailments aie more than 500Q marlnes when com. (Slave for a day) ¡and Mrs A1 Meier, Mr and M n A woman when she is in travail Herbert Fisher. M r and Mrs End) .enter near Klamath F'alls, rest treated here until restored to full j p]e t^d jt is commanded by Colonel hath sorrow, because her hour ls'Stunz, Mr and Mrs Harry Minei haven for thousands of leathernecx 1 vigor and fitness. First of its kind , Bernard Dubel. come: but as soon as she is deliver and Mr and Ms Perry Ward ed of the child, she remembereth no -5 - vislting at the home of Mr and Mrs W II L G IV E P A R T Y ! tes forwarding of the packages and ! attend. more the anguish, for Joy that a man is born into the world. John Mr and Mrs W O. Bailey will give j a d jitlonai time is required, Pat Sweaney. a party for the Youth fellowship ^ that our people Visit At Dam— 16:21. The response A king, hiding in a cave, forsaken, members who attended the summer Mr and Mrs Leo Child and their ' Go To LaGrande— beaten and dejected was indeed In ¡institute of the Methodist church j raade year during the oveiseas son Leon, and granddaughter, Cleo j M r and Mrs Tom Newby and son. his darkest hour; but a lesson he i Friday night at 8:30 at their farm ' muling period demonstrated that Flinders of Ogden, and Miss Wanda . G ary, of Boise, en route to LaGi - learned from a spider (God's tiny home. Those planning to attend I they wil cooperate in any measure ande, were breakfast guests at the messenger) caused him to ta k e'a re asked to meet at the M ethodist' de.,igned for the welfare of our Christensen spent Sunday at Black home o f Mr. Newby’s mother, Mrs heart and go forth to greater ex church at 8 o clock for transportat- | aimed forces personnel” Mr. Walker canyon dam, where a picnic dinner Lillian Nf,wby, Sunday. ploits than ever before, thus free ion. I ___________________ said. “ It is not easy to concentrate was served. ing a nation in bondage. Being -5 — ----------------------- j On Camping T r i p - i or. Christmas gifts in the midst of GUESTS A T D INN ER salve for a day saved not only him | Mr and Mrs Ed Pruyn and fam- warm weather here at home but Take Positions— Mr and Mrs Tona Justus of Vale our people recognized the need, and but his nation. People recoil in dis Ralph Bailey of Apple valley h a s ' ily, M r and Mrs William Snader gust at the thought of being a sl and Conley Ward of the Mountain because they want the men and accepted a position at the Inter- and family and Mrs Clifford Niel- ave even for a day, and raise up Home air base were dinner guests women who are absent from their S taV Oil company service station. | son and daughter are spending this in scornful pride Wives and brides at the home of Mrs Lillian Newby homes to knbw that they are not A. R. Herring, who has been work week camping in the Unity section. rebel at the word ''Obey" in the Sunday. Conley Ward, grandson of i forgotten at Christmas they took ing at the Inter-State station, has marriage contract so that it has Mrs Newby, is an instructor at the pains to assure prompt delivery of taken employment at the Powell Visit At Caldwell- fallen largely in to disuse; but, flying field. Miss Angeline Herrman and Miss Christmas gifts. service station. nevertheless, God's Word still has Kathryn Lowe spent the week-end " I know that our people will ob it: ‘ ‘Wives, be in subjection to your in Caldwell at the home of Mrs G. serve the overseas mailing schedule Visiting Here— own husbands . . . even as Sara once more this year but I do wish Mrs P. C. Jensen of the Nyssa E. Redman. obeyed Abraham ' Human feet must Among those attending the rodeo to stress this fact: More care must rural route 1s spending this week suffer the pain of momentary rest at Caldwell Saturday night were be taken in wrapping and packing with her daughter, Mrs Ray Lin- To Take Training— raint in order to better enjoy the Mrs Allen FYirbes of Boise visited parcels securely and addressing th ville. “ enlarged" places farther along the Mike R»'aezyk. Connie Kesner. Oe- at the homes of Mrs Wayne Morris em clearly and correctly. way . It Is a lesson all must learn orK‘ a and Ma,'Ke H11U' L,ucllle c_,h- and Mrs Betty Forbes Wheeler re " I t is not a pleasant thing to visit Attend Show— (being in subjection) and some mu- I add' *ke Mitchell, Harold Snydei a postal concentration center ana Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan and cently before leaving for Des Moiu- st learn It the hard way; and b e - iand Mr and Mrs Ira P i106 and ia * see the numbers of Christmas par Mr and Mrs E. H. Brumbach were \ cs, Iowa to take training in the cause of this the menace of "Pro- : m‘ly- cels which will never reach service- guests of Mrs John Bishop at the women’s army corp*s. blem Parents and Juvenile delin- Wahine club held a special men and servicewomen. Past offi. e showing of Franz Werfel's "The quency" looms larger on the Amer- ( nlee,hig today at the home of Cora personnel have orders to do every Song of Bernadette" in Ontario At Payette Lakes— lean horizon than in all its history j Rookstool. Mr and Mrs A. H. Boydell, Mr | thing they can to effect delivery Wednesday afternoon. its a nation. Anxiety. Insecurity and , and Mrs G. J. Mitchell and M r and , of such gifts, because we know how emotional insecurity run rampant E A R I j Y M A IL IN G TO Mrs ‘ Jesse Thompson spent last important they are I or the happin Returns From Visit— at home and the inmates thereof SERVICEMEN URGED ess of the armed forces. Too fre Eldon Bibbey returned home last week at Payette lakes. Jump from the frying pan into the quently. nothing cun be done". Friday from Wheatland, Wyoming, fire, all because no one has learned "Save strong string and box mat Among the more important rules where he visited his mother, Mrs Return From Nevada— t o be slave for a day. What a weal erial and start to plan shopping". Mrs E. J. Wilson and daughter. for Christmas mailings to the arm Ida Bibbey, who is seriously ill. th o f joy could be in the American Pastmaster General F'rank C. W al ed forces overseas are the following: Mrs B F Shaw, and baby returned home if husbands would love their ker advises Americans In announc Tuesday morning after a three- The parcel must not exceed five Collecting Dog Taxes— wives, the wives reverence their ing the rules for mailing of Chlrst- pounds and must not be more than The city of Nyssa started collect week visit with Mrs Wilson's sister,1 husbands, the children obey their mas gifts for army and navy per- j 15 Inches in length or 36 inches in ing 1944 dog taxes this week. Coll- i Mrs H. E. Hand of Carlin, Nevada. parents and the parents cherish the sonnel overseas. length and girth combined. It sh- ection of the taxes was delayed be- j children and provoke them not to This year the Christmas mailing Iould be marked "Christmas parrel" cause of Inability o f city officials Visit In Boise— wrath. A wealth of information al period for both army and navy ov so that It may be given special att Mrs John Beckham, Mrs W. W to find some one to do the work. ong this line Is found In the Bible, erseas forces will be the same--Sep- Smith. Miss Barbara Larson, Mrs ention to assure Its arrival before God's standard of conduct. Here tember 15 to October 15 After Oct December 25. E. H. Smith and Colby Poage spent V isit In B ak er C o u n ty— again there Is the failure to be ober 15 no gift parcel may be mail , Not more than one parcel may bo Mr and Mrs Walter McPartland Saturday in Boise. subject to the Bible God's Word to ed to a soldier without the presen- ___________________ I mailed in any one week to the same and family of Nyssa and Mr and Us and the center thereof CHRIS I ration of a written request from member of the armed forces by or Mrs D. W. Patch and family of To Attend Meeting— Frank Morgan, state committee ,St° ne, 10 thr him. I In behalf o f the same mailer. Adrian spent last week visiting in „ w no *l*ye for a day | -phe great demands upon shipping Shipments of perishable goods, Baker county. The McPartland fa man of the Malheur county repub i n<*|nj darke*t o f the dark and n(,p;j for giving preference such as fruits and vegetables that mily visited Mrs McPartland's sis lican central committee, will go to °, / ru e ed as a slave and crlin-| ^ arms munitions, medicine and may spoil. Intoxicants, Inflammable ter, Mrs Alfred Malone, In Eagle ortland Friday to attend a republ nal, forsaken of God— In that dark food Ls the prime reason for thp | materials, poisons and anything valley and the Patch family visited ican meeting. hour He brought Life and Deliver early mailing date. Moreover, gilt ' that may ramage other mail Is pro in Halfway. ance for all. Visiting In Idaho— parcels must travel great distances . liibited. L LO Y D N. POUNDS Mrs Al Kuphn left Wednesday to reach army and navy personnel j Attend Rail Game— who are located at remote points, THE FULL GOSPEL A party of Nyssa residents went for a visit with Mrs Grant Lewis Nyssa, Oregon and frequently the transfer o f large to Boise Tuesday to attend a base- ( at Twin Falls and Mis Lois Holt at numbers to new stations necesslta- Phone 15IIW yal game between the House of Da- | p" cate" ° vid team and the Harlem Globe I Kl HI 11 II lil III I'l II III M III II HI II M U II H H |;| H |i| |i| |i| if If If If If II |!| 1111 |i| III If 11111111 II If If 11 III M T Trotters. While in Boise. Mr and From Utah— Reed Ray has returned home fr Undergoes Operation— Mrs Emil Stunz were hosts to Mr Mrs Joe Hobson was taken to the and Mrs Bernard Frost and Mr and Nampa hospital Sunday in a serious | Mrs Harry Miner at dinner in the condition and was operated on T u e-j Owyhee hotel. sday morning. Her mother. Mrs A. i ___________________ I R. Herring, accompanied her to Na- Band To Practice— mpa. | The high school band will pract- ___________________ice tonight in preparation for its Attend Ball Game— appearance at the Malheur county Double Feature Dale Garrison and fair to be held in Ontario next FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 18— 19 Mr Mr and and Mrs Mrs Jack Stuckey attended week-end. Director Irshal Davis Allan Lane and Janet Martin in itte night baseball game in Boise ' announced that uniforms will be Tuesday. Issued tonight “CALL OF THE SOUTH SEAS” The WSCS. of the Methodist ch- FOR SALE -Registered Hampshire uich will meet with Mrs Earl Cr bucks. Lew M. McCoy, Nyssa. one an dell next Thursday, August 24, mile west of CCC camp. 17Alxp at 2 o'clock. FOR S A LE —Potato digger. Carl Se- ! burn, Nyssu. 17A2xp NO RED TAPE — And no danger o f violation in W A N TE D Baled hay. See H. van selling your car to Jesse M. Chase Egmond. Boise Payette Lumber yard used car market in Ontario. Just or phone 255-M, Ontario, evenings. drive in and Art Burson will pay 17ATFC you the highest legal price in cash. Nice selection of cars for sale, Cash, FXTR SALE—Used fruit jars. Nyssa Trade or Terms. Jesse M. C hase- Furniture Co. 17Alxc Old and reliable behind the post office Ontario, Oregon. FDR SALE Good family cow. Ph *********** fc \ with us— KEEP FAITH one 149-W. V I \ by buying SALE CALENDAR W ar bonds KEEP FAITH S - \withus — \ by buying BONDI PUBLIC FARM SALE)- 5 'i miles west and 4'* miles south of Ontario, or It* miles south and mile west of Lincoln school, or 2 miles west o f state game farm. Monday, Aug. 28, at 1 p.m. I horse, 28 cattle, 30 hogs, poultry, dairy equipment, hay and grain, farm machinery and household goods. Orla Bishop, ow ner: Col. Bert Anderson, auctioneer; L. H. FYitts, clerk. Sunset Valley LOCAL NEWS NYSSA PROGRAM THEATRE P rescript ion Phone 1 0 8 ___________________________ Spedii lists... and YO U Don Barry and Lynn Merrick in “FUGITIVE FROM SONORA” Mat.. Sat.. 2:30 Adm. 25 c - 5 c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY AUGUST 20—21 Michale O ’Shea, Susan Hayward, Osa Massen Harry Davenport, Frank Craven and Ralph Morgan in “JACK LONDON” In Ontario— Mrs Emma Qulnby, Mrs Herbert FMsher and Mrs Perry Ward spent Wednesday afternoon in Ontario. Camp Meeting Planned— The Inter-mountain Nazarene Ca mp association will hold a meeting In Kurtz park In Nampa from August 17 to 27. A large number of local Nazarenes are expected to j Go To Srattli Mr and Mrs Emil Stunz and dau- ghter. Greta, left today for Seattle to visit Mr and Mrs Stunz's son. Emil, who Is serving in the navy. Visiting Here— Mr and Mrs Dallas Rogers and daughter of Palco. Kansas and Zen obia Wennerberg and Harold Sw eaney of Tahuya. Washington are Comedy and Cartoon Mai.. Sun., 2:30 Adm*. 30c-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evening«, 40c-9c. Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESDAY AUGUST 22 James Ellison and Belita in “LADY LET’S DANCE” Sports and Tiger Woman Adm. t5e-te, Inc. Tax Joel McCrea, Maureen O’ Hara, Linda Darnell. Thomas Mitchell and Edgar Buchanan in "BUFFALO BILL” A Stirring Glorification o f the West in Gorg eous Technicolor. Cartoon and News Evening*. 4*r-*r, Including For use in pumping gasoline and oil. It is not necessary to lift the barrel o ff the Partners in Health Service YOUR RIMU NARIACIST ground when you have a pump. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AUG. 23—24 Adm Barrel Pumps Y E A R S of research and experi ence have qualified your depend able Rexall Pharmacist to fill any prescription that your doctor may write. . . . Even the newest drug "m iracles" are stocked here for use as directed by your doctor. So when sickness strikes and there is a prescription to be compounded, bring it to the Rexall Drug Store. For here only full strength ingre dients of the highest quality are employed with accuracy that has earned the confidence of doctors and patients alike. Tax i j m n i m i i i i i i i mi mu i 4 U i i . i i i i i i i u M i i i i M M i i M i i i i i i u m i i i m i U i i H M U H « H M > u i : W e have a good supply. Hollingsworth Hdwe. and Imp. Co. Nyssa Pharmacy Weiser Valley RODEO For Benefit O f Weiser Valley Hospital N ight Show AUG. 18— 19 Show Time 8:00 p.m. Afternoon Show AUG. 20 RESERVED SEATS BLEACHERS CHILDREN Show Time 2:00 p.m. $2.00 Inc. Tax. $1.50 Inc. Tax. .75c Inc. Tax. 12 B ig Rodeo Events HORSE PA R A D E BEFORE EACH SHOW Ordinance No. 255 A N O RDINANCE REPEALING O R D IN AN CE NO. 105, EN TITLE D AN ORDINANCE T O PROVIDE FOR T A X IN G AND K ILLIN G DOGS: REQUIRING EVERY PERSON O W N ING OR KEEPING A N Y DOG OVER THE AGE OF EIGHT MONTHS TO PROCURE FROM TH E C O U N TY CLERK A LICENSE AS REQUIRED BY S TA TE L A W AND PRO VIDING A P E N A L T Y FOR FA ILU R E TO C O M PLY W IT H SAID STA TE LA W . TH E PEOPLE OF NYSSA O R D A IN : Section 1. That Ordinance No. 105, entitled “ An Ordinance to provide for taxing and killing dogs as passed by the Common Council of the Town of Nyssa, February 12th 1907, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. That every person owning or keeping any dog over the age o f eight months within thr City of Nyssa, Malheur county, Oregon shall not later than March 1 of each year, or within thirty days after he becomes owner or keeper of such dog, procure from the County Clerk of Malheur County, a license for such dog and pay a license fee as may be determined by the Cou nty Court, as provided by Chapter 309, Oregon Laws 1933. Section 3. Any person owning or keeping any dogs over the age o f eight months, within the City o f Nyssa, who fails to comply with the St ate Law as provided by Chapter 309, Oregon I*aws 1933, or any act amendatory thereto, sh all be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and up on conviction therefor in the Recorder’s Court o f Nyssa, shall be fined in an amount not less than $1.00 nor more than $10.00. Passed by the Common Council o f the City of Nyssa, th is .............. day of May, 1939. 5 1