I"HE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE 4 THURSDAY AUGUST 17. 1944 I June Smith assisting. Roll call will were in Ontario Friday. George Cleaver and Alva Good- I be answered by “ A Time Saver". : Refreshments were served by the ell were in Caldwell Tuesday to purchase a buck rake. | hostesses. Mrs. Glenn Hoffman was hostess Mrs lone Zesiger, who has been to the Out Our Way club at her j visiting her husband, serving with ( home Thursday alternoon. Ten the Marines near San Diego, re- members answered roll call by , turned home Thursday evening. telling about thpir birth place. Mrs. Mr and Mrs Charles Holmes of Lloyd Cleaver was a guest. A pink ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL ! Ft. I,upton, Colorado and Mrs Dora and blue shower was given for M ISSION H. ilmes of Nyssa were dinner guests Mrs. Kenneday and Mrs. Farmer. Prizes were The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. Tuesday evening at the F. G. Hol­ Games were played. won by Mrs. Topliff, Mrs. Florea, Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 mes home. The men are cousins. Dorothy and Jimmie Settles are Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Mrs. Good- Holy communion and sermon each Refreshments were served visiting at the J. E. Bowen home ell. 8unday oi the moIun. Mr and Mrs Eason and Mr and Next meeting will be held at the Churcli school at 10:30 a. m. Mrs Roy Holmes attended the rodeo Joe Callahan home September 14. Women s Guild second Wednesday in Caldwell Thursday evening. Mrs. Maize is visiting at the j f each month. Gloria and Gene Fuhriman of home o f her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Kuna. Idaho, who have been visit­ Hoffman and family. FU LL GOSPEL CHURCH Mrs. Alice Randolph returned ing their grandparents, Mr and Mrs Lloyd N. Pounds, Pastor from Portland, where she visited T. V. Olson, returned home Sunday. Sunday school at 10 A M, for a week. Mr and Mrs F. S. Byers shopped Morning worship at 11 A.M. in Ontario Tuesday. l!i:iil:iil!lil li I I HI 11 n III III III I I HI I II I M ill hi iii hi ih in m Evening evangelistic service at 8 Mrs J. E. Bowen and Mrs E. Br­ o'clock. CASH FOR YOUR andt shopped in Nampa Tuesday. commission say the state property count this year estimated to be 30 tax again will be eliminated lor the per cent. Is made possible by the next year, while the e.emeritury sc- marked increase in revenues due to hool tax Included In the levy, will improved business conditions, e paid out of the bulging surplus EM ERGENCY CARE EXTENDED of state income tax revenues. The federal program which gives __ MltllB/l. Last year's Income tax payments emeigency maternity care without M urray V a d e * were more than $21,000,000. This cost to the wives and infants of year’s collections It Is estimated will men in the four lowest pay grades return $10,000,000. T h e 1943 discount in the army, navy, coast guard and NO STATE PROPER 1Y T A X a as mare possible by funds accum- marine corpse has been extended to THE M ETH O D IST COMM UNITY CHURCH Officials of the state income tax u.uted over several years. The dls- wives and infants of army aviation M H Greenlee. Pastor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . cadets. The extension Is made un- Sunday school opens promptly at der the new appropriation of *12,- 800,000 made by congress for the 10 o ’clock every Sunday morning. next 12 months. The morning worship service starts ' The money for cars is alloted to at 11 a.m. The Intermediate, Meth­ AN N U AL F IN A N C IA L REPORT state health agencies by the child- odist Youth and Young Adult fell­ AU G U ST 5, 1944. ¡rens bureau which administers the owship meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. program to provide free medicine, The evening worship service starts T R IA L BALANCE | nursing and hospital care for a Bonds outstanding $ 500.00 'service man's wife during pregn- at 8:30 p.m. with a half hour of Bond coupons paid 80,535 00 , ancy, child birth and six months congregational singing. The Rever­ Bond & Interest Fund 3,250.05 | thereafter and for the lnfatit dur- end Wayne Brown of Prairie City W. A. Bishop Land Sale contract 1,557.50 jing the first year of his life. will preach both morning and even­ B & I Tax receivable, year 1931 $2,113.55 'M O T O R C A R R IE R PEES UP ing this Sunday in the absence o; 1935 ........ 357.69 Fees paid to the state by passen­ the pastor. Everyone is cordiallj 1936 43957 ger and frelgh.t carrying motor veh­ invited to attend these services. AD R IAN FREE M ETH O D IST 1937 ..... 88.39 icles reached an all-time high last CHURCH 1938 598.57 month. With the extreme scarcity N YSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Adrian, Oregon • 1939 ......... 128.81 of tires and replacement parts, and Sunday sebool, 9:45 am. Alan Ed P. 11. Reiman, Pastor 1940 114.79 the constantly diminishing number monds Superintendent. Every cias Sunday school 10 a. m 1911 173.56 of these vehicles, the increase of welcomes you. Preaching 11 a. m. 1913-4 5,774.48 Morning service, 11: o'clock Young people's meeting 8 p. ,m fees can be accounted for by the Junior church service at 11 a. m pillowed by evangelistic message. fact that nearly every such vehicle Total bond & Interest tax receivable 9,674.42 Kvengellstlc 8 o'clock. We will only have one player available is being put to use. On County ............................................ 9,215.03 Prayer meeting Thu'sday. meeting from now on for awhile August 1 o f this year $195,155,41 had Drainage Tax Record 298 914.48 which will meet each Wed. in the been paid to the office of public o’clock. Drainage System Construction 88,163.76 A cordial welcome to all parsonage at 8 P. M. utilities commissioner for carrier Drainage well No. 2 688.05 Come and worship with us and fees. This is $16.091.97 more than Luther L. Fife Land Sale contract 1,774.60 L. D. 8. CHURCH ipread scrlptual holiness through­ for the same period last year, or an Ted R. Frahm Land Sale contract 2,209.10 Sunday 9:15 am. Priesthood out the world. increase of 8.73 per cent over the Interest & Discount 9,025.26 meeting first seven months of 1913. Operation & Maintenance Fund 5,138.24 Sunday 10:30 am. Sunday schoo. CHURCH OF THE NA7.ARENE W R IT IN G S O F W A SH IN G TO N O & M Tax Receivable for 1934 $376.32 Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament E J. Wilson, Pastor. 1935 The Oregon State Library has 380.30 meeting. 10 a. m„ Sunday school. 1930 ....... 289.87 just been presented the authentic Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society 11 a. m„ worship service. 1937 ....... 354.16 writings of George Washington fr ­ meeting. 7 p. m.. prayer service. 1938 ....... 241.07 om the original sources. There are First Tuesday of each month at 7:15 p. m„ young people’s and 1939 47.32 37 volumes in this edition which in­ 4 p.m. Primary for children bet- ! junior meetings. 1940 ........ 20.04 cludes all the essential writings, ween ages of 4 and 12. 8 p. m „ evangelistic service. 1941 45.03 public and private (excluding the 8 p. m„ Wednesday prayer and 193 00 1942 diaries i. and general orders of the SUNSET VALLEY praise service. 1942-3 363.77 commander In chief, never before ASSEM BLY OF GOD CHURCH published as a whole. The illust­ ’ CHURCH OF C H RIST Tressa Ditty in Charge Total operation 22 maintenance tax receivable 2,243.32 rations are a definitive collection. Sunday school, 10 A M. (Christian) Operation & Maintenance ...................... 85,422.30 The gift to the library came from Morning worship, 11 A M. George Whipple, Pastor. G. W. Pennie Land Sole contract 360.00 Bible school, 10 a. m., Paul God­ United States Senator Guy Cordon. Children church, 7:40 P.M Child­ Tensen-Burbldge Land Sale contract 340.00 frey, superintendent. Bring your POLICES DEATH ST A Y E D ren particapating. $299,596 63 $299,596.83 Bibles to Bibie school. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. An order staying the mandate ir. RECEIPTS FOR FISCAL YE A R Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com­ Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. the case of Robert Lee F'olkos unti. AUGUST 7, 1943 to AUGU ST 5, 1944 Everyone cordially invited to att- munion served each Lord's day. O. tober 15 has been issued and sig­ August 7 1943, Cash on hand ........................... $ 3,218.33 ned by Chief Jus tic J. O. Bailey ol Sermon topic: "He That Standeth.' County land sold .................. 25.42 Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. THE C O M »! UN ITY UNITED tlie supreme court, to allow time foi Pasture sold ...............» ............................................................. 225.00 Evening worship services 8 p. m. PR ESB YTE R IAN CHURCH perfecting an appeal to the United ar 1928 $ 295.27 Read the 4th chapter of Acts in Kingman Memorial States supreme court. 1929 .......... 379 31 preparation lor the service. Mrs. .1. C. Nevin, Pastor. Koikes is under sentence of death 1930 Whipple will have charge of tlie 395.52 10 a. in., Bible school. for the “ lower 13” murder o f Mrs 1931 .......... 403 99 11 a. m „ ouu'uing worship. Ser­ services anil will lead “ Ito Decides Martha Virginia James, wife of a 1932 340 70 mon by Dr John L. Anderson of to Fight.” military officer, while she was as­ 1933 l ....... 31799 Mid-Week services: the College o i Idaho. leep in a Pulman berth on a S.P. 1934 363.42 Prayer meeting on Thursday 8 p. m„ no evening service. train as it sped through Linn coun- 1935 147.63 Monday, 7:30 p. m „ Boy Scout night at 8. There will be no choir (y a year and a half ago. 1936 147.63 practice this week. troop 36 meets at the Legion hall. The .state supreme court has a ff­ 1937 ....... Fourth anniversary celebration, 102 21 Tuesday, 8 p. in., young people's irmed the opinion of the Linn cou­ bi-weekly social. Meet at the par­ October 6. 1938 ....... 147.63 nty court and last week denied a sonage. 1939 The Friendly Church with a cor­ 147 63 1940 ......... 283.53 rehearing of the appeal. Attorneys Wednesday, 8 p. m „ congrega­ dial welcome. 1941 ........ ....... 312.83 for Folkes gave notice they would tional meeting to consider plans 1942 F IR ST B A P T IS T CHURCH ......... 33107 carry the light to the United S t­ for building. Tire public Is wel- At I.egion llall 1942-3 483.77 ales supreme court. lome. O. N. Opsund, pastor 1913-4 ..... 19,225.52 Thursday. 8 p. m., choir prac- C A P IT A L SHORTS Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning i Stute health authorities report 29 , tier at the Toomb home, Total taxes paid in .............. 23,825.45 cases of policmelitis in Multnomah I Friday, 10 a. m.. prayer circle a* ¡ervlce 11 a.m. Land sale contracts Evening service 8 p.m. 2.601.98 county . . . The experimental pro- j home of Mrs. Case, Every ont All Welcome. cesilng plant at Salem will receive | welcome. Total Recrlpts $29,926.18 10 000 tons o f alumimum clay from E X PE N D ITU R E S ator Frederick Lamport gave a pin- and Irma and Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Camp Cowlitz for initial tests Bonds paid .................................... $14,500.00 Raul Valle Rodas of Bolivia has en- rh hit ta!k for Governor Snell at Haworth spent the afternoon with Interest on bonds 3,132 98 tered the employ of the state high-I the launchlng at PorUand 0f the her and enjoyed lunch of ice cream Operation & maintenance 1.413 34 way commission being the first man and cake Taxes paid on real estate owned 2,491.557 accepted In trainee status under 100th vessel of the navy from lhe Mrs. Dyre Roberts took Wayne t lie Inter-American Training mini- , Commercial Iron Works plant . . . Total expenditures .......................... $21,537 89 to Caldwell Wednesday to have his iillstration . . . Rex Ellis, state sen­ Cash In Bond A: Interest Fund $3 250.05 teeth cared for before school ator from Umatilla claims ten sign­ Cash in O & M Fund 5,138.24 opened. atures in his campaign for the sen­ Pvt. Glenn Allender of Fort ate presidency . . . Seale testers fr­ August 5, 1944, total cash on hand $8,388.29 For the past two weeks a large- Robinson, Arkansas, was called om the state department of agricul­ number of small children attend­ home owing to his mother's severe P. Tensen ture are in high with their work ed Bible school at the Roswell Bap­ illnes and death. Mrs. Harry Al- Gerrlt Groot this month . . . Tlie federal national tist church and presented an inter- lendcr passed away Friday at a ! Arvel L. Child guard has alloted the Oregon state j estjng program Sunday, at which Nampa hospital. Funeral services Auditing Committee. Correst Attest: guard a supply of medical belts a large number o f relatives and | were held in Monday Caldwell Flunk D. Hall with 1 and ton trucks, bicycle friends were present. Among those j morning with burial in Roswell Secretary-Treasurer. and motorcycles to come . . . Sen- Who attended from the Bend w ere! cemetery. Mr and Mrs. Jarvis and children, | Mrs. Della Bunnell will sell j Mrs. Horace Chaney and children. I her furniture at a public sale on Mrs. J. R. Chaney, Mr. and M rs.1 Tuesday, August 22. at th e ' home LeRoy Bennett and children, Fern of the late Mrs. P B. Anderson. Cameron, Mr and Mrs. Callison and I Leroy Bunnell returned to his children. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kand- home in Wlthita. Kansas, Sunday i ler and children, Mr. and Mrs. Dyre evening. He was called here V' Roberts and children and Mr. and attend the funeral of his grand- Mrs. Boyce Van de Water and fam- mother, Mrs. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Hlnterlider o f Nam ­ ily. Lt. Wiley of Tucson, Arizona pa spent Tuesday at the Dyre Rob­ spent the week-end visiting in the erts home, helping Mr. and Mrs. Roberts celebrate their tenth wed- Mrs. D. English was a business! ding anniversary, visitor til Caldwell Monday. S h e ! Mrs. S. H. Stark has been con- aLso attend Mrs. H. Allender's fun- fined to her bed for the past two eral. ' weeks with a severe attack of Mrs. R. L. Haworth was sum- ' shingles, monded to Vale Monday to serve' Boyce Van de Water transacted on the jury. ( business in Ontario last Tuesday. Mrs Dyre Huberts received a Mrs. Clyde Riggs of Parma visit- supply of Red Cross materials and P<1 Mrs. W ill Sweet and at the anyone wishing to help with sew­ Robert home Thursday Jerry English o f Marsing is vis­ ing may call at her home and get iting his uncle and aunt. Mr. and the articles to be made. Members of the Holly families en­ Mrs. D English. Street Dance Saturday Night. Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Mrs joyed a family dinner at the home of Hr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller, hon­ Dvre Roberts went to Ontario Saddle Horse Parade oring Mis Virginia Miller, who re­ Thursday to return Red Cross Sat. and Sun. at 1 p.m. turned Tuesday from California sewing and brought home another and Corp Richard Holly, home on consignment. Prizes each Day. a furlough. P it. and Mrs Jimmy Anderson and baby returned to Seattle Tuesday evening, having come here The Merry Matrons club met af to attend the funeral of his grand­ RODEO 26— 27 ! the home o f Alice Holmes Wednes- mother. Mrs. P B Anderson. Mrs W ill Sweet fell Monday day afternoon with Gladys Byers as while picking apricots and broke co-hostess. The afternoon was spent GRANDSTAND it arm above the elbow and visiting. Eight members and two id her shoulder. She was guests. lone Zesiger and Nora Sn- Including Tax taken to Caldwell for treatment odgrass. answered roll call with turned home the same eve- books and their authors. A letter Adults $1.50 Since Sunday was her 77th from Emma Pitkin, who Is visiting iy. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence at Qervais. Oregon was read The Chilldren 50c j Mr and Mrs Arlo Miller club will hold Its next meeting at ith. M r and Mrs O. Abbott the home o f La Vlnnie Smith with C a p it a l- Parade" 1 R IU S Nyssa Arcadia Grainage District Mr and Mrs Rolland Holmes and children and Mr and Mrs F. G. Holmes attended the Caldwell rodeo Saturday evening. M r and Mrs T. V. Olson visited their daughter, Mrs Horace Fuhri­ man of Kuna, Sunday. Mrs Parr o f Toledo. Oregon is visiting at the home o f her son, Flank Parr, and family. Mrs Dora Holmes of Nyssa and Mr and Mrs F. G. Holmes made a business trip to Boise and Nampa Friday. Mrs E. D. Whitehead and child­ ren of Riverton, Wyoming, who has been visiting her sister-in-law. Mrs Clara Settles, and her brother-in- law, John Bowen, and families, has returned to her home. Mrs Clara Settles has gone to Ellensburg, Washington to locate before school is opened. Buerut Vista Mr. and Mrs, G eorge Cleaver and fam ily and Mrs. Lester Cleavei CAR Highest 0,PA prices. ONTARIO AUTO MART 311 So. Oregon St. A1 Gaines, Manager Phone 158 it iiiiii iim ii in in :ii in i i iii : i h i i i in t :i: i l i t!i iin ii m u n t il Serving 5 Counties From the Largest Stock of Genuine ¿ ^ / S t/ Parts Orders Shipped Immediately Me C luer-M anser Phone 49 Payette, Idaho LE T US PROVIDE A HOME M A R K E T FOR YO UR FAT HOGS Sell where there is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un­ necessary expense incurred through a great number of men required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check tlie weight of your hogs yourself. Wc buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards In Nyssa, Ore. and Homedale, Idaho. For Friday’s price phone 111 R, Nyssa, between the hours of 5 P M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. F R A N K K U LLAN D E R Big Bend 35th A n n u a l M alheur C ounty Junior Amateur | And 1 w U t lv U Purses F o r Best Buekers 11 $1 4 0 0 P,:rL 1 FAIR 25_2