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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL TH U R SD AY AUG UST 17, 1944 FOR SALE—Modern house, four looms and dinette, full pasement, stoker and lurnace. Fifth and Good. See Henry Hartley. 17ATFC , eased. All persons naving claims against said estate are nereby notified to present the same duly verified to said Administrator at the law office of W. H. BTooke at Ontario. Oregon, within six months from the date lor each Usile Minimum casn In of the first publication of this not ice and this notice is first published August 3, 1944. Last publication August 31, 1944. Uve fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay John F. Staples, Administrator ette. 27Ntfc W. H. Brooke, attorney. FURNITURE WANTED—We pay NOTICE TO CREDITORS highest prices for used furniture. Notice is hereby given that John | Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc ________,_______ _ , | Washington, D. C., Aug. 1"--Or | F. Staples has _____ been ___________ appointed by OFFICE CLOSED--Dr. L. A. Maul-I County Court of Malheur Co- : course, the United States invented ding s office will be dosed Saturday junty, Oregon, as Administrator of ¡submarine and the airplane, but the i," i F” r , ........~ Classified Advertising KATES Two cenia pel »ora advance Is 30c MISCELLANEOUS For Sale dresses and shoes. PAGE THREE uity could devise. He was intensely ( loyal to the president under his ch- j aige. Whether the president was a ---------------- Guests over ------ the -------------- week-end --------- in the | Republican or a Democrat. No one B. T. Kinzer home at Owyhee cor- ever heard him discuss politics; no I ner were Mrs Lee Kinzer and son Owyh ee Arrangements are being made by a special dance commute headed by . Mrs Wayne Guilford. Col. Bert An- derson will announce the events at ‘ arena over loud speaking equip- one knew hU party affiliation. , of Lewiston and Mr and Mrs Joslin ^ fillance committee, headed and daughter of Boise. by Conley Davis and B. L. Ward, Miss Mary Collins of Boise was report that business establishments a week-end guest of Mr and Mrs of Ontario are showing wonderful Mrs Harold Appleton has return- Jess Gregg -cooperation and a spirit of tradit- _ . . tonal showmanship in their dona- ' ed to Portland after spending sev- . tions toward the purses for events I eral days at her home here. Larry of Caldwell were Sunday cal- i siul to cover the expenses which | Rev. R L. Kriner delivered a me lers at the Martha Klingback iiome. will be incurred in making the co- ssage to the bi persons who att- Mrs Bertha Culbertson of Mart- ming fair one of Malheur county's uided Sunday school at 10:30. inez, California arrived Monday for - *3est‘ ___ Christian ________ _______ - society is a visit with her son, Charles Cul- Exhibit supervisors are E. M. Ha- The Endeavor plans to organize a choir. I bertson, and family. , user 4-H club, O. D. Dearborn FFA; ___ ___. Mr and Mrs Jess Gregg and dau- ' Rose' Hunter, hogs and sheep; Mrs Ralph Barnes will be pianist and Mis M o n o Latta. director of ghter. Becky Lou. attended the dis- WHlUrn Toomb, dairying: Mrs C. E. Lincoln Heights s rs r n s z s 19Alxp ___________ And no danger of violation in said estate are hereby notUied to has developed rocket planes and lt» der The lesson was taken from Mrs Lynn Kygar Sunday. assigned to committees either for FOR SALE—‘House, 3 rooms and selling your cur to Jesse M. Chase present the same duly verified to the robot bomb which flies blindly book of Hebrews. ! Well Drillers are working on the arrangements or to work on the hath garage, full basement. 2 lots. used car market in Ontario. Just aid Administrator at the law office and explodes on contact. To date j Darline Robbins spent several Archie Moses ranch near the river, «rounds during the show. Gener- $2150.00 Terms. 3 room house, part Mrs Doris Gregg and Mrs Martha al committeemen are B. L. Ward, drive in and Art Burson will pay of W H. Brooke at Ontario, Oregon, the robot has not damaged a single I days the past weeJc at the home Gf ly modern, 3 lots $1200.00. 2 room you the highest legal price in cash within six months from the date of military installation, only civilian | her uncle, Luther Nicholos of Vale. Klingback and son, Fred, were bus- R°y Brewer, Wayne Guilford and house $375.00 cash. Bernard East- . . __-ie i - j i 4ci 01 nyssa. Committee n » , » „ nice selection of cars for sale, cash, he first publication of this notice buildings. Just before the end of the I The monthly farmers meeting was iness visitors in caiuwe., man. 17Atfc i . . _ , „ trade or Terms. Jesse M. C h ase- md this notice is first published, first world war the technicians of held Saturday evening. A larewed i . ay. Mr and Mrs Hugh Glenn were men in charge of the bucking con tests are Zaek Walker, Ray Coble the military service had worked out party for the Orla Bishop family in that city Monday. FOR SALE—Herd of good jersey Old and Reliable Behind the Post August 3, 1944. and Conley Davis. Adolph Wagner Last publication August 31, 1944, a rocekt, or jet-propelled device, bu; was held at the same time. At the | -------------------- cows, nine miles southwest of Nys- Office Ontario, Oregon. and Lynn Snodgrass are responsible came the armistice and the exper business meeting further plans for John F Staples, Admin strator su. Reuben Haroldsen, route 2. for the roping program. The racing iments ceased. The use of the rock the new park were discussed Archie W. H, Brooke, attorney. 10A2XC NOTICE—All livestock trespassing program is in charge of Roy Brew on T 21.-R-45 E. S W A N .W 1., et by the Germans has renewed in Hawkins gave a report of his kn er. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull. John SSi of sec. 1, W ': , N E '„ SEU, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE terest in that type of weapon and owledge of the park site after sur The Ontario Lions club have se Thiel, route 2, Nyssa. 10A2XP NE1. , E ‘- i NW' i , SW U, NW1,., STATE OF OREGON FOR MALI!- orders have been issued for at. ai- veying it last week. George Ward, cured concession rights from the S E ' i , NE' i , NEA, sec. 2. N 'i. NLA EUR COUNTY ¡most unlimited supply of this type Archie Hawkins. Irwin Miller, Au fair management and will be on (Continued From Page 1) FOR SALE -1929 Chevrolet coach. tec. 11. N**, Ni.A, sec. 12. T 20, R, NOTICE TO CREDITORS iof ammunition to be fired from la stin Robbins and Bobbie Ooodell ignated animal from a herd of cat hand at the grand stand with re Nearly new pre-war tires. Kenneth 45E. E ' l - of sec 35. Will be taken up were appointed by the president, in the Matter of the Estate of I nd or water, especially on water tle in the arena. Roy Brewer, arena freshments at each performance, Pond, phone 54-M. 10A2xp at a maximum cost. Cash Turner, John Bartholoma, | lor mall varities of vessels. Rockets Jerry Sproul to serve on the park director, promises an outstanding according to Mark Fraley, president Nyssa, Oregon Rt. 2. 17A4xp committee. Claude Page and Ray Deceased | will play an important part In the FOR SALE OR TRADE—1941 De- Whitsell were appointed as members amateur show, with something ex- of the club. BUTCHERING Notice is hereby given, that the later phases of the war if hostilities Soto coupe for pick-up or truck. of a committee to see about getting . cit*n« every minute, Custom butchering every Monday undersigned has been appointed do not end before the instruments Zack Walker, phone 06-Jl. 10A2xc some fire equipment for this com- ! A street parade will be held each VOTE FOR and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. administratrix of the estate of John to use the ammunition have been munit.v. After the business meeting °f " le rodeo from Ontario to FOR SALE—Osterwhite and harr Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Bartholoma, deceased, by the Cou- | perfected. Mrs Ray Whitsell and Mrs Jule fairgrounds. ied rock pullets. Jessie Hale, Sixth Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa n,y Court of the State of Oregon, | Early in the war efforts were The Nyssa riding club drill team Houston had charge of entertain and Maple. 1A3XP on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. for Malheur County, and has qual- j made to have the war department ment. A lunch of sandwiches, cake, under the direction of Doc Marsh all. and county school bands, will , . A J -------------------- . , builder glider pianos. An historic cookies and punch was served. FOR SALE Man’s bicycle in good L ega l A d v ertisem en t I A1> persons having claims against document Is the letter written by The Bishop family have sold their be featured in these parades, along condition. Ralph Maze, route 2. Nyssa. 10A2XP IN 1I1F CfHTNTV COURT o f THE Said “ * * * ar<* hereby notlfied lt> •,lM! assi*‘ «nt secretary of war In farm to Roscoe Findley and will with the lower Snake River valley’s FOR T liv ii OK o L li * P,Pient same dUly Verifled' ** artmpnt was not 'nterested in glki- leave next month for Colorado, wh- fine riding stock. Oscar Rosen's orchestra from FOR SALE—6 room modern house. s T A lt Or OREGON, IN AND 0y law required, to the undersigned ers. Congressmen from the north- Tre they expect to make their home. 3A3xp EOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR at her residence in Nyssa, Oregon, which he stated that the war dep- They moved here from Colorado six Oregon Slope has been engaged for Ghone 140-J. No. 1075. or to her attorney, P. J. Gallagher, west were urging these motorless years ago, Mrs Bishop is a sister of evening dances during the fair. —Pd. Pol. Adv. FOR SALE—Second hand store. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN at Ontario, Oregon, within six mon-| planes to be manufactured of wood Roscoe Findley and a daughter of 3A3xp Write box Q, Nyssa. — -- * ' date hereof. ¡Not until the Germans invaded Mr and Mrs Iven Findley, also of COY A MINOR. i Dated and first published August Greece with a flotilla of gliders did Lincoln Heights. | FOR SALE—Two new modern hou In The Matter of the Guardianship jo , 1944. I the war department wake up and Mrs Bill Jonasson came from ses, $5000 each. One with two bed of last publication September 7, 1944. decide to try out the gliders. Now California and spent several days rooms. Two 10-acre tracts, $2750 Tlie persons and Estates of Robert Myrtle E. Bartholoma (they are a part of assault attacks. with her parents. Mr and Mrs T. C. and $1000 in Apple valley. Several Lee McCoy and Gayle Marie McCoy. Administratrix carrying paratroops. The paratroop Nielson. She then went to Boise, good buys on 40's. $3500 to $10,000. Notice is hereby given that Laura P. J. Gallagher idea develpoed in the woods of the where she Is now employed. Her One 80, modern house, excellent I. McBain, guardian of the person Attorney Pacific northwest when fire fighters husband, who is in the navy, was W e are now accepting applications for the and estate of Robert Lee McCoy, a Improvements, $1 1 ,000. and their supplies were dropped fr stationed in California but left a minor, has filed for final settlement A. L. Atkeson. om the sky. When a German mili short time prior to her visit here. coming beet campaign. her account and report of her adm tary attache witnessed a parachute Mrs Amelia Whitsell came Satur LOST inistration as guardian of Robert drop and when equipment followed, day for a two-weeks visit with her Mrs. Ellis Warner gave a birth- ! he made a report to Berlin and par son and family. Mr and Mrs Ray LOST-Newly re-capped truck tire, , Lei> MrCoy.'a minor, together with If you desire work, please come to the office 20 by 7:50, on rim, between Adrian ! *,er Petition f<)r final distribution 01 day dinner Sunday in honor of her atroopers became a part of the ar- Whitsell and family. She is employ- and Jordan Valley. $10 reward. Le- estate, and that the hearing of husband. Those present were Mrs. my. It was long later before the • ed ¡n McMinnville. Oregon. and leavQ your application at once. ave at Abbott's shoe shop. 17Alxp 1 'he same has been fled by the judge Warner’s mother, Mrs. Dement and American army adopted the idea. Mrs Amos Dejmal and sons, Ked Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill of Vale. __________________________________ jof the above-entitled court for Fri- Men from Puget sound clues and and Roger left last week for Neb Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob were Portland representing the same co- LOST—Brown and white pointer. ' day, the 18th day of August, 1944, raska, where they will spend about Ansewers to name of Jack. $25 re- at the hour of 2 o ’clock p.m. of said dinner guests Sunday at the Steph- I mpany) spent months here in the three weeks visiting relatives. national capital trying to sell the ward. Call 152, Ontario, collect, j dayt at the courtroom of said court ens home, on Oregon Slope. Mrs T. C. Nielson and Mrs Vern A large crowd attended the co- ( maritime commission the idea ol Smith entertained the members of 10A2xp in Vale, Oregon; and all persons in- op picnic in the Butler grove Sun 1 building landing barges on the west their Sunday school classes at a pi ------------------------------------- --------------- terested in said guardianship estate coast using the lumber produced cnic dinner on the Nielson lawn For TRADE are notified then and there to app day. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Butler and in that section. Commissioner Vic- ! Sunday ear and show cause, if any they ha FOR TRADE—1942 trailer house. ve, why tlie said account should not family have returned from McCall, ery more than "knocked down the Chester Goodell led Christian en- i Sleeps 4. Will trade on home in be settled and allowed, and why where Mr. Butler played in the golf ears" of these brash men from the deavor Sunday evening. The topic) Nyssa. Mrs. Wm. O. Newell at distribution of said estate should tournament. northwest country. Neither Vickery was ”A Sower Went Forth to Sow". Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner and nor others on the commission saw Riverside Camp in Nyssa. 10A3XP not thereupon be immediately made Clifford Harris will be the next to the persons entitled thereto, wi family and Mrs. Lily Dement left sense in building barges; they were leader. this week for Myrtle Point, Ore W A N TED anxious to get the Liberty ship un thout further notice of proceedings. gon, for a week's visit. der way. Not until army engineers Laura I. McBain WANTED TO BUY 19 to 2# tons Mrs. L. E. Robbins and Mrs. on the persian gulf sent word that Guardian of the Person and of wheat or barley. William Peutz. Lee Taylor have been hired as the they wanted barges to llgher supp Estate of Robert Lee McCoy, phone 010-J2. lOAtfc ( Arcadia teachers the coming year. lies from ship to shore did tlie a minor. School will be opened September 4. maritime commission give heed, and WANTED—Oil heater. Ross Brown, ] Mrs, Lee Dail had as dinner then they frittered away time for NOTICE TO CREDITORS Inquire at Rosebud. 10A2xp . guests Sunday her parents, Mr. ____ __ . . . Notice Is hereby given that John and Mrs. Orvise Newell of Nyssa, months be fore taking steps to meet the requirements of the engineers. WANTED Used furniture. ..ighest ^ g tapip_s has been appointed by Look for the resignation af James prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa ^ Coumy Court of Malheur Co. and her sister, Marcella Lowe, who is visiting here. Lawrence F!y from the federal co Furniture Co,______________ 1ATF( unty. Oregon, as Administrator of The annual community picnic mmunications commission <FCC> WE FAY HIGHEST PRICES fol the Estate of Pearl Staples, dec- dinner will be held at the h om e: Do not look for the real reason for of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bullard his resignation, for it will not be Sunday, August 20. Dinner will be | made public. Before Fly became served at 1 p. m. Everyone Is in-¡chairman of FCC he took a flyer v' ted jin the power situation in the Ore- Lloyd and Keith Orris purchas- | gon-Washington county but left the ed a hay baler and are baling their j Bonneville administration to dabble haY 'with the commission on communic- Mrs. Lee Dail and two sons, ations. He made a few talks on po- Jackie and Gary, visited her par- * er in Washington and Oregon. ents. Mr and Mrs. Orvise Newell, but did not undertake to run the in Nyssa Saturday. show as It has since been doing with FCC. Ely has clashed with groups and members of congress and generally •las won. He was mixed up in the Pearl Harbor debacle through his DENTISTS Insurance Real Estate ontrol of radio. The higher-ups in OPTOMETRISTS the army did not want FSS hand Phone 84 J. R. CUNDALE ling confidential messages; they DR. J. A. McFALL VYS«4 OREGON wanted war department to do that. Dentist “See Mrl*ail and 8 « But Fly won out and a prominent Phone 56-J army officer who protested was ea Sarazin Clinic sed out of his pob. There have been NYSSA OREXION many complaints brought a gains Fly. #ho is quick on the trigger in defense of his position. He recently JEW ELRY STORES raised a fuss with a magazine wh EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ich interviewed him. and threatened I dire things unless he Was permitted ONTARIO ORBOON PAULUS to go over the article prior to its JEW ELRY STORE publication. He has been what ml- | Union Pacific Time Inspector ght be said to be the Fly in the PHYSICIANS JETWELRY — DIAMONDS ointment. Colonel Edmund W. Starling has , WATCHES passed on. People who knew him j Main Street at Second best were the police and sheriffs | L. A. Muulding, M.D. and the working press in the cap- j friends until the very W YCKOFF Physician and Surgeon ltai. The colonel bossed the presid- I end of life JEWELRY STORE Phone 17 ents, and they had to obey. It was H airs 10 to 12 and I to 5 Is within itself true gr his Job to guard the president and Official Time Inspector for members of his family. On the ma- Dally- Except Sunday Union Pacific eatness. i any presidential trips to the Pacific j Fry Building of Wilson. Harding. Hoo- 1 ONTARIO OfeEOOb Our services beautify ¡northwest ver and Roosevelt the colonel w ent! - *144 ahead like the advance man of a 1 I i2 :n 7 iiiu fj- that greatness. SA R AZIN CLINIC ciruce He examin'd the line of i S H O E SHOPS h ¡march of parades, the speaker's st-| II J. J. Sarazin, M. D. and: examined boats, such as the Abbott’* Sho« Shop ship that took Harding from Beattie All kinds of shoe and harness General practice tf. medict« to Alaska When he was through repairing with the plans of Spokane. Seattle Physio therm p| A-Ray Across front post office. Vancouver or Portland they were U t T l N TO T O U * A M C fflC A - O « T O U t TA V O A ITC N • C I T A flO M ( V M V U T M I A f I f M M O U N T A IN W A I T lM l as near fool-proof as human Ingen- Plans Outlined For County C.J. j 1 SHORB CONGRESS Workers Notice Arcadia The Amalgamated Sugar Company KEEPING FRESH FOODS Professional And Business Directory Bernard Eastman » w To KEEP and To RETAIN Nyssa Funeral Home THEY KEEP EM ROLLING THf RAILROADS ARS THf BACKS O N t O f O ff [NSC