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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1944)
* s, 7Jie NYSSA VÖLUM E X X X IX , N 0 "5 l JOURNAL NŸSS' a . OREGON THURSD a V AUGUST 17, 1944~ I LIEUT. ROBERT W. A lfalfa To Be Price Support TOSCH MISSING Converted Into , ^ w ^ For 1945 Beets Meal In Nyssa 1 merly of Nyssa route 2, has been Announced Here PÛEM OF NAOM I NORRIS PRINTED ! Corporation To Handle Hospital A poem, "Answer to Prayer", w r - ! itten by Naomi L. Norris of Nyssa. j Is Authorized | will be published in the 1944 edition ______ $2.00 PER Y E A R LARG E PO TATO ES ARE DISPLAYED Plans Outlined For Malheur Co. Fair And Rodeo Large potatoes, grown on the low er Quackenbush ranch near Mitch ell butte by Mart Carlyle, were sh _ _ | reported missing in action over ______ own in Nyssa this week by Tom Prospects For Establish- P°rt Moresby' New Gulnea since Price Stabilization F o r' of the Pa*eant of Poelry'P ublkhed Greenlee Resigns As Lowe. Nyssa Men Participating July 19. Cattle Is Also Re- lby Padnc Press «* Chairman; Morgan Is j The red gems grown on 30 acres. ment O f Plant Re In Making Arrange Lieutenant Tosch has been on . averaged 135 sacks to the acre. The vealed vealed ¡An“*“ , les, . . . . . . . . .1 Appointed ments j average yield in the county is said 'W e feel you will be interested “ * active duty in the South Pacific as ! to be about 100 sacks to the acre. Sugar beet producers have been j in knowing that a resident of your | The Nyssa Lions club, meeting _____________ Prospects for establishment of an a B-24 pilot since May, 1943 Plans have been virtually comp called upon by the war food admin- j community has written some ex- | Monday noon, passed a resolution ' alfalfa meal plant in Nyssa were i leted for the 35th annual Malheur revealed this week. ¡stration for increased production I cellent material, which has been | authorizing representatives of the I d u I l O F O W C I* i () county rair and rodeo to be held at * in 1945 under a price support pro- accepted and which is being pub- [ various community organizations Operators of the concern have I the Ontario fairgrounds August 25, ¡gram, which will be at least as fa v .ifhed in this outstanding collection • who care to participate to form a secured a site from the Nyssa Deve- j 26 and 27. j f poems, written by contemporary I non-profit corporation to operate orable as the 1944 program under lopment company south of town for | The county fair board, composed American poets” , said Donald G r- the Nyssa nursing home, which the tlie mill, which will be powered by which growers will average about A reduction in electric rates e ff of Alva Goodell, president, and ant, managing editor. “We believe j Lions club recently purchased, Lowell Wi.lis of Nyssa, pharm a 150 horsepower motor. 412.50 per ton of beets, incluaing ective September 11, which will re William Ross and Glenn Hutch The mill will be operated tempor acist's mate 3rd class, was killed in payments under the sugar act ot the author of "Answer to Prayer" j The committee from the Lions is desering of a great deal of credit j club is to continue to operate the sult in an estimated annual saving inson, have appointed E. M. Hauser arily outside, but a suitable building action July 21, presumably in the 1931, are contingent upon an app and recognition for this achieve- hospital until such time as the com of (317,000 to customers o f Idaho will be constructed later. Arrange South Pacific, according to inform ropriation by the congress and tne and O. D. Dearborn as superintend ment, and for the talent thus dis- ! munity corporation is formed and Power company was announced last ents of the 4-H and FFA activities ments have been made with the ation received the latter part of last stabilization extension act of 1944 played.” j is ready to take possession. Rev. M. week by his parents. Mr and Mrs Union Pacific for railroad service authorizes such appropriations. ’ H. Greenlee tendered his resigna- week by J. D. Rigney, president of and have made arrangements with and w ith the Idaho Power company Grover Willis of Nyssa rural route W PA points out that sugar beet lion as chairman of the committee the Idaho Public Utilities comm the "Comrades of the Sage and Pharmacist's mate Willis was bo- loi power and electric service. growers can make an important because his work keeps him out of ission. Saddle" to furnish the entertain The meal made from chopped in near Sedalia, Missouri in 1924 contribution to wartime food need* town a considerable part of the A filing of proposed rate changes ment. alfalfa, will be shipped to the Ch and came to Nyssa in 1937. After by substantially increasing their time. Grant Rinehart was added to was made following a series of con icago area for use in the manu his graduation from the Nyssa sugar beet plantings since increasea The FFA and 4-H exhibits and the committee and Frank Morgan igh school, he was employed t sugar production is necessary to facture of chicken mashes and dog ferences between the commission was appointed chairman. Other competitions for prizes will be held the North American Aircraft com meet needs of the armed forces food. Several Nyssa residents narrowly members of tht committee are Dr. and officials of Idaho Power comp- Friday and Saturday. August 25 and pany in Inglewood, California. He civilians, and allies. Early announ jscaped injury when a snorting, L. A. Maulding, Dr. J. J. Sarazin any. ntered the navy two years ago an cement of price support program “This reduction in electric rates 26, while the amateur rodeo will rawing Brahma bull jumped the and Bernard Frost. vas assigned to the marine detach- is made to give growers an opport ligh fence enclosing the packed The hospital committee will call will effect savings for residential, furnish entertainment for fair goers nent. He participated in the Boug unity to plan production to mee, ileachers at the Caldwell rodeo gr a meeting of group representatives farm and small commercial and in Saturday and Sunday afternoons, ainville campaign. this war need, part of Cue Califor ounds last Friday night during the at an early date to perfect the new dustrial power users, and there is August 26 and 27. Survivors are his parents; a sister, nia crop is fall-planted and it will second performance of Caldwell's corporation. The Lions club would Dozens of awards are available to ,a reduct'lon in municipal street Mrs Kenneth C. Thompson of Ny- give these growers as well as those .light rodeo. like to have ev'ery organization in lighting rates," Rigney said. "The exhibitors of livestock, vegetables, Registration of high school stud ssa; three brothers, Raphael of Ny- wbo plant in the spring an opport- The unscheduled event brought the community appoint represents! total estimated saving to electric: garden projects, canning, clothing ents will be held a few days prior ssa, James, who is serving with the unity to plan to produce for war. 5500 spectators, cowboys and o f f ives at once so as to have them users, (317,000 per year, constitutes' and other Junior club projects, ln- to the opening of school August 28. armed forces in England and Ch- The price support program. WF'A the largest rate reduction made by i eluding eight special cash or schol- icials to their feet. Frightened sp ready to attend the next meeting. Principal Prank Parr announced. arles of Nyssa, and his gjrandmot- points out, will help gowers to meet ectators, including many from Ny Representatives of local organiz Idaho Power company during a ten- \ arship prizes in various depart- Mr. Parr requests that freshmen her. Mrs C. C. Hatler of 'Placentia, wage rates necessary to obtain suf- ssa, quickly made way for the ang ations, meeting in the Methodist year period in which reductions ments. All livestock entries must be register Tuesday, August 22, soph- California, ficient workers. ry animal, except Mrs W. L. Lane church last Friday night, voted in have occurred every year. It brings on display before 10 a m., Friday omores Wednesday. August 23, jun Sugar beet plantings have been of Nyssa, who said she "froze" to favor of making the nursing home the cumulative annual savings to ' August 25, and all other entries, ln- iors August 24 and seniors August an estimated (1.343.300 for the per- eluding poultry, by 9 a m. Saturday, unrestricted during the past two her third-row seat as the bull ch a community project. 25. The hours of registration will be RESIDENCE OF D. iod " I August 26, according to Mr. Hauser. years but acreages have been con arged directly at her, and then she Considerable interest was shown S A V A G E BURNED from 9 a m. to 4 p.m C. J. Strike, president of Idaho i Scheduled rodeo events include siderably below the war goals for fainted. As he reached Mrs Lane. in the formation of a volunteer I f it is inconvenient for a student the crop. The 1943 planted acreage the bull apparently slipped and fell, j nurses corps to assist with the work Power company, said the rate re- bronco busting, calf roping, bare The farm residence of Mr and to register on the day designated duction was made possible by refin- back riding, wild cow milking, and was only 817,000 and the 1944 acre so that his head struck Mis Lane 1 at the nursing home, for his class, he may register on rs Damon Savage one-half mile no age 640,000 compared with the aver on the legs. Mr. Lane pulled his i Only about one-third of the (1000 ancing of the company's preferred an especially good lineup o f horse rthwest of O lie’s corner was dest- any o f the other days. age of 913,000 acres for the period wife from under the brawny, yellow fund needed for operating expenses stocks and bonds and by increased races, states B. L. Ward, president The book fee, the same as in the I royed by fire about 10 o’clock Mon- 1637-41. The goal in 1943 was 1,- brute before the animal rolled has been contributed. Persons des- revenues. The bonds were refin- o f the riders' club. A special att- past, wil be payable with registrat day morning. 050,000 and in 1944 was 951,000. toward the ground. ! irlng to make contributions are anced last November to provide an raction this year will be a cow cut- All of the contents of the five- ion. The price stabilization program After striking an elderly woman asked to give their checks or cash annual saving of about (154,000, he ting competition in which the ab- “ In order to determine the size of room house were also destroyed for cattle establishes high and low sitting on the second row o f seats, to Ward Wieneke in the First Nat- explained, and the recent re-issue j ility of cow horse and rider will be the various classes and in some res- Although the family was at home. ol preferred stock will add approx matched against time to cut a des- limits on the average price which the bull cleared a path behind the ional bank. pect-s to determine the number o f . the house was enveloped in flames | k f ,, imately (129,000. (Contlnued On Page 3) bleachers to the areii^ hanging | Organizations represented at the books needed, it is urgently recom- j before the blaze was discovered p y "Good acceptance of the comp parked automobiles and smashing Friday meeting were Lions club, The outbuildings were saved by they wish to qualify for government mended that all students register any's securities on the part 0f the I but ,the program against framework of the bleachers ’ Calivn Wilson; labor camp. Ormand before the opening day of school”. members of the family and n e ig h -' I p x r i p c 111 and rodeo stalls before he was fii)- Thomas, Nyssa Civic club, Mrs Carl investing public, plus an increase | T n v celling on hve catt e' Mr. Parr said. "Parents or friends bors. The loss was partly covered , dof f pot 11 1 I “ nder the P ~ f a m , maximum ally driven into a pen by cowboys. I Coad; Eagles lodge, Harry Miner; in revenues, makes It possible to A * * aV L i C ' , c o may take care of who will not by insurance. and minimum prices have been es Two women were given treatment Masons, Frank Hall; Eastern Stars reduce electric rates at this time," be in town during this period of Strike stated. "The new rates will I ' abllshed for ° f the six princ- n Memorial Park hospital for sev-jand St. Paul's guild. Mrs Dick Ten- registration. Even though you do liere From C a lifo rn ia - |stn; Methodist church, W. W. Fost- go into effect in all territory served Mrs James Sneader and Mrs John pa ®rades <>t beet, and subsidies ■re shock and bruises. not plan to enter school the first Taxes to be collected by the var Nampa’s band, which furnished er and Full gospel church. Rev. Ll- by the company, including the In week it will save much confusion if McNear and daughter, Mary Lou ,' ™ "gine ,rom 50 ce" te to « • « a terconnected system, the Salmon ious tax-levying bodies in the coun music for the performance, did its oyd Pounds. o f Trona, California are visiting at “ are payable on each you register". district and the Idaho properties of ty were announced this week by the home of Mr and Mrs Guy these gradf ' » oweVer; a paf er part in quieting the widly excited West Coast Power company, the County Assessor E. P. Hendrix. ■rowd as the animal made its plu Moore. They arrived last week. Mrs may pay the pr c,c's In Caldwell— YO U TH S GIVEN No property tax will be collected purchase of which is now being co nge into the fear-stricken crowd. one„ ort ™ re grad« K° f cat le M r and Mrs Ronald Batt spent Sneader is a daughter of Mr and by the state. ncluded by Idaho Power." ,, then offset this deficit by paving Juick to see the pandemonium that JA IL SENTENCES Tuesday In Caldwell. The general levies are as follows: _______________________________ I above the maximum prices set for vas about to break loose as spectat County, (93 547.95; school fund, (57,- Vale, Aug. 17--Julien Jaramillo, FEED S IT U A T IO N in the army, serving now in Eng- other grades, and still qualify for ors began milling and hurrying 018.42; county library, (8087.72; sch land | the full suhsidy payments on all rom their seats all along one side r t Pleaded guilty last week to a ool library, (673 98; sinking fund, ______ j catUe slaughtered. T o do this, the if the bleachers with the bull still failing to stop at the scene of an C ALLE D BRIG H TER (20,219.30; and market roads, (13,- accident hi which his truck collided Corporal Ovey Brown is in a rest j average cost ot a11 the catUe he ampaging, the band restored order Crop prospects and stocks on ha 479.50. No money was appropriated ‘ buys must be somewhere within the with music and the announcer Abe with a light sedan driven by Rob camp in Corsica. He is an engineer nd or in prospect indicate that the for general and special road funds. high and low limits, or deductions Lefton assured the crowd that no ert Cook, resulting in the loss of in the army. The tax levy in school district Cook's arm. Jaramillo was senten 1944-45 supply of corn, oats, barely, will be made from his subsidy pay one had been seriously hurt. ced to nine »n n th s in the county and grain sorghums may total ab No. 26C of Nyssa will be (61,271.77. ments. The cattle stablization pro Ivan Leo Knowles, seaman 1st gram is entirely independent of the The road district No. 2 tax will Jail and paroled to Sheriff Charles out 125-million tons—only 17 mill W. Glenn. John J. Jaramillo. the ion less than the record supply of be (8278.73. class, former Nyssa resident, is one price support program for hogs Taxes levied in cities and towns youth's father made a payment of 1942, 7 million less than 1943, and 1 of the few Malheur county men under which subsidies are paid to (1000. it was reported, .to Cook by million more than the 1938-42 av will be as follows: Nyssa, (15.460.19; serving on submarines. packers who meet the support pr erage. Vale, (13.790.86; Ontario, (47,916.97, way o f settling a damage suit out ices. These latest USDA feed estimates and Jordan Valley, (1001.52. of court. Pvt. Alvin Mars is doing para- are expected to provide a supply of Robert Vernon Althauser, 17, T ac tioop work in the marines. He is Mrs M H. Galt of Vale has acc 8 NURSES AIDS epted the county chairmanship of oma youth with a brilliant schol feed grains per animal unit during SH E LTO N ’S STORE stationed in San Diego. ARE G R AD U ATE D the 1944 Christmas seal sale iu astic record, pleaded guilty to a ch the 12 months beginning October 1. Malheur county. She is to be assis arge of assaut with a dangerous f.bout 9 percent greater than dur OPENING D ELAYED Tech. Sgt. Cecil Benson is still Approximately 50 persons attend ted by Mrs H. E. Simmons, Jr. ot weapon and was sentenced to a ing 1943-44 and only 5 percent less in India. The opening o f Shelton's dairy ed graduation exercises for the nur Vale. Sergeant and Mrs Kenneth Kygar year in the county jail and paroled than in 1938-42 when large feed reserves were being accumulated. foods store at First and Main str ses aids held Thursday evening at Sgt. Phil Mitchell is stationed so Mrs Oalt has for several years to Sheriff Olenn with provision arrived here Wednesday afternoon 9 o'clock at the Women's club hou been chairman o f the Christmas made for his revum to Tacoma and The latest report on the feed out eets, scheduled for Tuesday o f this from Camp Blanding, Florida to me where in Africa. se. Devotional adoration was given seal committee In Vale. Mrs Charles a monthly report to the police dep look for the year beginning October week, was delayed because of lack visit before Sergeant Kygar goes 1 shows the largest acreage of corn of time in Installation of the refrig overseas. They are visiting Mr. K y- Corp. Robert Holmes is serving in by Rev. Fred J. McConnlee. Blaine 3. Harris of Vale has handled this artment there. Althauser. allegedly llaladay sang "M y T a s k ", with Belle sale for the last two years and ass threatened a girl he met In Ontario since 1933 to be harvested, less wh erator. gar's parents and Mrs Kygar's par the southwest Pacific. Harry Shelton, owner of the bus Meldrum at the piano. Dr. W. J. isted in the sale the year before. on the evening of July 31, with a eat likely to be fed than during ents, M r and Mrs P. C. Jensen. Mrs 1943-44, production of oats slightly iness said the store wil be opened Junior Holmes. S 2-c. and Charles Weese, Red Cross county chairman Mrs Galt will attend the second knife. In the ensuing altercation, K ygar and baby daughter will stay more than last year and barley less, Saturday. Installation of the equip with Mr and Mrs Jensen while Ser Davis S 2-c are taking and amph- gave a talk on the work done by annual institute at La Grande Aug the girl's hand was cut. and protein cake and meal product ment was completed Wednesday. nurses aids, in that it is a war task. ust 27 28.29 and 30. Mrs George bious course at San Diego. geant Kygar is overseas. ion to drop o ff from 1943-44 Dr. Weese paid high tribute to Mrs Sehweizer of Sunset valley and per Attend Funeral— Edward Wilks. Jr., for her execut is Pvt. Marvin Eldo Thompson haps one or two others from the Mr and Mrs Heber J. Evans have W EISER G ETTING According to information received ive ability in instructing nurses county will attend the three-day1 returned from Provo. Utah, where C A N Y O N ITE S PLA N by his parents. Mr and Mrs William located in Italy. R E AD Y FOR RODEO aids, this being second class to ha Institute, which is arranged by the they attended the fnureal of their C O M M U N IT Y H A L L McElroy, Sr. William McElroy Is Elton Counsll left Tuesday night ve graduated recently in Ontario. Oregon Tuberculosis association wi brother-in-law, Bert Fiefleld They now on a transport vessel in the Weiser, Aug. 17—Welser has look Pacific area. "B ill” lived in Lincoln for Fort Mead. Maryland, where he He then led the graduating classes th the assistance of the affiliated left Nyssa last Thursday. Persons Interested in construction ed like a wild west community since in the pledge as the presentation County Public Health associations Heights with his parents before en wil be stationed with the army. of a community hall for the resid last Saturday Plans were laid at a o f certificates were awarded to Mrs of eastern Oregon and the Eastern Visit Relatives— listing in the navy. His parents ent» o f west Black canyon are in meeting o f the merchants comm Pvt. Eugene Baughman, stationed Ralph Burkhardt. Miss Emigene Oregon College of Education. T o Mrs Forrest Moore and two daug vited to attend a box social to be ittee of the chamber of commerce moved to Ontario after his enlist with the army at Fort Benning, Oe- Glaves, Miss Louise Claude. Miss save travel a Christmas Seal sale hters of Nampa spent the week-end held Friday night, August 25 at the for all-out participation in support ment. orgia came home last week to spend Belle Meldrum. Mrs Jack Wilks, institute will be held one day o f the with Mrs Moore's parents, Mr and home of Cecil Evans one and one- of the rodeo, which will be held Wayne Harris o f the merchant a 10-day furlough with his wife I Miss Eileen Dunphy. MLss Phyllis conference and will take the place Mrs S C. McConnell. Miss Enid Ch fourth miles north o f the Nyssa Ju August 18, 19 and 20. of the institutes usually held in the adwick of New Plymouth was also nction. marines, who has spent three weeks and other relatives. He is serving Dyer, and Doris Wilson. Everyone In the business part of Robert Laxon favored the group individual counties In the fall. The a guest at the McConnell home over | T h e men will provide the boxes town is decked out in colored shirt with his mother, Mrs Annie Harris in the medical corps. with a piano solo, “ Valse Oublie' ” , Christmas seal sale supplies for the week-end. and brother, Clifford, o f Lincoln and the women will buy them. Per and big hat and some even carry Malheur county was ordered in Corporal Bruce Pett. who has by Franz Liszt. Heights returned to California the sons finding it Inconvenient to take six-guns. Anyone who falls to ap Punch and wafers were served fr- February of this year and will be Visit At Lakes— been stationed at Buckingham field a box to the social, is invited to att pear in colorful garb will be hailed first of the week. Florida, left Sunday night for Lin- om a prettily decorated table with shipped soon from the state office Mr and Mrs A V Pruyn and Mr end anyway to help decide the loc into kangaroo court and it is hard in Portland. and Mrs O. O. Anderson spent from ation. rules and other details con to tell what kind o f sentence the Sgt Verdo Harris, son o f M rs ' coin, Nebraska, where he will be Mrs John Dunphy presiding. Monday until Friday at Payette cerning the community hall. Annie Harris of Lincoln Heights is stationed with the army. Corporal judge might impose, according to Society Reorganized— lakes. now in good health after suffering Pett, son of Mr and Mrs Bruce Pett Carnival Planned— Verne Chamberlin, president of the The Oregon Trail V G A will sp Officers of the Mutual society of injuries received in England in Ma- o f Parma route 2, recently received Visit Here— chamber. onsor an amateur carnival in the the LDS church were sustained at Goes To Seattle— rch. Harris had just returned from his wings for gunnery school. Mr and Mrs John Quigley, former All stores have window displays Oregon Trail schoolhouse Wednes- % meeting held Sunday night. The Orville Maze left Monday fo r Be Nyssa residents who are engaged In end signs on their windows pub his first mission on which he was t -------- a gunner While unloading the guns Corporal R S Cooper, formerly day. August 23 A bingo booth, fish new oficers are as follows: Young attie to work for the Union P a c ific ' war work in Bremerton Washing licizing the rodeo. and explosion caused him to rece- of Nyssa, has been sent to England pond and beauty salon will be some men--Eldon Brewer president, and system. ton. attended the Sunday services of Governor C. A. Bottolfsen wilt ive seveie facial injuries. Although by the army according to Inform o f the attractions. "Hot dogs" and Merlin Fagan and Patton Williams. the Christian church, in which Mr attend the Sunday afternoon per unable to fulfill the part of gunner ation received by his wife, who lives soft drinks will be sold A blanket counselors; young women—Mrs Br Visit In Welaer— Quigley served as elder and chair formance. Mr and Mrs Ward Wieneke spent man of the official board and Mrs now he is working as ground man. , in Nyssa. He was stationed in Ken- will be given away. The public is ewer. president and Mr* Lawrence i Invited to attend the carnival Sleaverly and Mrs M Strtngfellow. Saturday and Sunday in Welaer Quigley worked as Bible school te Return Home— His wife and infant daughter live tucky ______ | The proceeds will be turned Into counselors and Mrs 8 J Lemon, visiting Mrs Wieneke'* parents. Mr acher Mr and Mrs Quigley returned with Mrs Harris parents. Mr and Mrs Bumali Brown and daughter. secretary. and Mrs N L. Kimball Mr and Mrs A. H. Boydell have the Y O A treasury to Bremerton Tuesday after attend Marlon Oraoe. spent Friday and Mrs T C Nielson. received word that their son, Ed-1 ------------------------ ing to business here. Saturday in Nampa with Mrs Br Attend Reunion— Returns From Trip— own's sister. Mr* Campbell Bear. David Malone is serving in the ward, was promoted to the rank o f , Visit* In B*iw— Mrs Herbert Fisher »pent Wed- Mr and Mrs Earl Gray attended R O. Larson returned home T u Here From Huntington— They were accompanied home by merchant marines in the Atlantic. lieutenant. Junior grade, in the navy a family reunion at the home of esday from a fishing trip to the air forces August 1 He Is now stat- | nesday and Thursday in Boise J. D. Olbb of Huntington visited Miss Beverley Bear, who is spend Nelson Grover Sunday in Welaer Jackson hole section of Wyoming at the Perry Ward home Sunday ing the week here. Corporal Harold Taylor Is a cook toned at Beaufort. South Carolina I visiting her uncle. Byron Brooks Lowell Willis Dies In Action To Reduce Rates Nyssa Woman Struck By Bull Students W ill Register Early County Revealed Our Boys In T h e Service Mrs Galt Heads Seal Committee