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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1944)
VÉill<l ^ ^ÊU Vj The NYSSA \ u L l M h X Ä A lX , Horse Sale ln Nyssa Attended Hy 3000 Persons No. 30 NYSSA SCHOOLS GET $19,763.72 Malheur county schools will re ceive a total of $99.684.75 from the state school support fund. Mrs. JOURNAL t ’ .tàfSËÈ- NYSSÄ,' OI ï e g o n Nyssa Hospital Will Be Opened By Lions Club 1 1 ÍC T f? D X v ^ C ÎT Ô s t T o TT o TT I on R O. A. FILLINGNESS DIES IN ACTION $2.0ÖHFER S to c k m a n KURTZ NOT HURT 7 l? U f 1* « , Pfc Oliver A. Filhnftness was Icill ed in action in Italy July 15. acc- | ording to information received by I , n Starts Work On - T , , NySSa Surveys IN PLANE LANDING — William Kurt* of Nyssa rural ro- ute. who is serving with the United States army in Italy, has notified his parents. Mr and Mrs M L. year Supply O f Labor For Farmers In County Adequate -------- 1:1s parents. Mr and Mrs Olaf Fill- : P a r k B o a r d Asks F o r Out- 390 Mexicans And More ingness. from the adjutant general.! Kurtz that he tried to contact his door Fireplaces And Than 500 Japanese Pfc Fillingness entered the service | brother. Second Lieutenant Merle Benches Are Working March 15, 1942 and served overseas Kurtz, who Is a prisoner of the Oer- for the county and paid at the rate The Nyssa Nursing home will be I *or s'x months. He was with the L. R Stockman of Baker, sanit- n,an government, An estimated 3000 persons attend The labor supply in Malheur co of 16.9c per child per day’s attend- 125th Infantry. ary engineer, started work Wednes- j W1I!lara Kurtz WI» te ' Recilv« t unty for farmers is more than ade- ed the saddle horse sale and short : ance TPe vale grade school's share' re-opened August 15 under the ma- Fillingness was born August 22. , .. . , . your two letters telling all about mpromptu rodeo program held at | will be approximately $8.384.61; V ale! nagement of the Nyssa Lions club, 1916 in’ Lincoln county. South Dak day on a plan for re-designing th e, Merle ^ mls afternoon l went up ,quate. acording to Ormand Thomas the Hyb.e Livestock company sales-j union high school. *6.243 19. Ontario which recently purchased the equip- J¿ta'and"cam e”» Nyssa eight years Nyssa water system and drafting I to his outfit. He wasn’t there, but manager of the Nyssa labor center. yard Sunday afternoon. (schools will receive $21.184.92 and ment and business. I ago. He engaged in farming with plans for a softening system. He di I talked to some of his friends. | Three hundred and ninety Mex- Sponsors of the event had 100 Nyssa schools, *19,763.72. j Mrs Bessie McIntoshi who has I.L* father scussed the projects with the city They said he had engine trouble lcans 320 of lhem ln Nyssa are head of horses for sale and the Since the apportionment for sev- ^ atln the hom6i has been Survivors are’ his parents, six sis and had to "belly in" He wasn’t , council Tuesday night. working in the county. Approxi- animals sold well. The highest price eral schools in the county equals em lo ^ as superintendent and ters and one brother. hurt, though, and crawled out of paid was *225, but several horses oi exceeds the budgets of those sch- hea(i nurse Mr. Stockman will lay out a mas the plane, then waved to them. So ' matel>’ 500 Japanese are also em- told from $150 to *200. Del Harmon ools, it is likely. Mrs Ciaypooi said., „ * the deslre 0, the U ons club ter plan for the water system and everything is O.K. after all". ployed in the county. They will re- of Hermiston bought a palomino that no districts which include Ja- that • this be a purely community make an estimate on the costs of Lieutenant Kurtz went down be- turn to the re-location centers wh- mare for *225 and Mr. Meeker of mieson, Creston, McDermltt, White pTOject Rev M R Greenlee, ch the two projects. hlnd enemy line. June 30. j en thelr expire ln Nove. The total engineering cast of the Nampa purchased a palomino stud (Sfttlf m.el^ a" d ” oUoT ’ ^ ; airman of the board of managers | ogan’s budget will be reduced half mber. two surveys is estimated at *1500. for the seme price. said. A volunteer nurses corps will The two systems will be so des W. L. Lane. Bobby Rhoads and i and Grove's a similar amount. be sponsored by the Nyssa Civic Mr. Thomas said there are extra Harry Shelton will open a dai y 1 Two thousand dollars will be suhst- B. W. Avers were auctioneers. igned that in the future the city club under the leadership of the workers in the Nyssa camp for far foods store in the building formerly Before the horse auction. Tiny !a cltd from Hapers lev> and *100« Coad. Every will be able to install a low pressure mers who want them. Cox rode ’’Old Man Moss". On the Rlom that of W.llowcreek district. woman in the community who can owned by the state highway depart irrigation system. One hundred and fifty Mexicans ment at the west entrance to the first attempt. Cox lost his seat wh give some volunteer service in this Mrs Car! Coad, a member of the arrived here Monday from Dayton. underpass Tuesday morning. August Employment of the faculty of the community project is urged to con- en the la'iago broke, but he made' park board, asked the council to in Washington. They are not under . tact Mrs Coad to offer her service. 15. the ride on the second try. stall out door fireplaces and ben \drian union hijh school for the contract now. but are expected to be Mr. Shelton bought the building 1944-45 school year has been com I Contributions are being accepted ches in the city park. The council Other riders were Alfred Evans i placed under contract August 15. ; at the bank or any bona fide Lions and remodeled it into a modern gave authority to George Henne- >leted, according to Superintendent and Earl Leach, who stuck to their j They will probably be sent to Idaho. _____ ;club member toward the operating daiiy plant. He said time and mon- man, councilman in charge of the D. W Patch. mounts for the required time. Registration of students will be Two hundred more Mexicans from Bud Anderson of Nyssa was app- fund of *1000. which must be raised ey have not been spared in making 'park, to proceed with plans for the In addition to the riding, local held Monday and Tuesday. August Dayton were sent to Twin Falls. ointed by the county court at a at once. There contributions will b the best and most neatly equip- project. cowboys did some calf-roping. Mr. Thomas has returned from 21 and 22, between the hours of 9 After staging a parade in town, meeting last week as county water - 1 be a community investment and any ppd dairy store in this section, a.m. and 8 p m and classes will be Billings, Montana, where he assisted the Owyhee Riding club drill team master. I profits that might accrue from th e , The operators have installed a’ in moving workers from Montana to opened August 28. gave a performance in the arena Mr. Anderson wil work part-time hospital will be used to enlarge and ’ new refrigerating plant, pasteurizer, Appointments have been made as North Dakota. He also spent part with approximately 50 riders partic-i as watermaster and the remainder improve the facilities, said Mi.|crpam separators and other equip of his time in North Dakota. follows: of his working time as a deputy as- Greenlee, who added that "This > mpnt finisl,ed the inside of the ipating. James Attebery, College of Idaho, . essor in classifying and listing co- undertaking is the first step to- building with white refrigerator and formerly coach at Franklin high unty-owned real estate. The class- ward acquiring an up-to-date hosp- locker paint and laid a new cement j Tire Oregon Trail Grange will school in Idaho, will teach science, A D A M S ESCAPES ifying work will be part of the co- ital for Nyssa. unty court’s plan of preparing a Members of the board in addition i R001 • Tbe e<P1|Pment and in. alia | present a program at the regular boys’ physical education, and ath- IN PLANE CRASH file of county-owned lands and th- to Rev. Greenlee are Dr. J, J. Sar- | Uon make the »tore a grade A P - j meetiing of the Boulevard Grange letics . tonight. Mr and Mrs F. W. Adams have eii valuations. Mrs Harriett Brumbach. Univer I azin, Dr. L. A. Maulding. Frank aht. Mr. Shelton will handle milk. Three members, Ernest Appleton, sity of Washington, formerly scie been notified that their son Pfc The court also approved the bud- Morgan and Bernard Frost. Montle Dunten, who operated a Clyde E. Adams, gunner on a B-17 get for the coming year. As finally j Preliminary steps in the organiz- cream, buttermilk and cottage c h - , Melba Gilchrist and Wllhelmina nce teacher at Ontario, will teach stock farm at Drewsey, died at his bomber, was not hurt when a plane I approved it was approximately thelation of a hospital association w ill1 eese and will add other dairy pro-|Pmit were initiated into the third social science and English, and ser home in Nyssa Monday. He had in- which he was riding crashed at same as the original budget prep- j be taken at a meeting to be held ducts as soon as possible. He will 2 nd four degrees at the last meet- ve as dean of girls. been in poor health for six months. ared by the budget committee i n ' in the Methodist church Friday j dipense milk through the plant and ■ ° j lhe Boulevard Grange. Sioux City, Iowa. William H. Bunch. University of Mr. Dunten was born November __ _______ _ _ t______ Agriculture Committee Chairman Oregon and Pacific university, for 28, 1900 ln Drewsey and lived there Adams telegraphed his parents May and advertised in the county night at 8 o'clock. Every organiza- j the grocery stores. as follows: "Feeling fine. D on't! papers. It provides for a total ex-jtion in town is invited to send a| The first dairy in Nyssa was st- Dudle-V Sitton cautioned the mem- merly math instructor at U of I. until he came to Nyssa nine months worry about me Am not hurt". . penditure of *192.795.82. Broken do- | representative to the meeting. From ' arted in 1928 by Mr. Shelton, who 1 beJ's about driving machinery on mathematics, science and mechan ago. Mr. Dunten. who was never Earlier the parents received th is! w 11 into component parts, the sum j these community representatives1 the business to his brother. , , llre.s t0 have a chaln dra* ' ical drawing. married, engaged ln stock raising. telegram from Lieutenant Colonel | Provides for *93.509.97. general fu will be formed a hospital corpora- j Mrs Cecelia Evans. OftC laborat Shelton, ln 1135. For the last glng in order to ground static elec Survivors are hlq mother. Mrs tricity; also those who smoke to be W. D. Dawson, air corps coalman- nd: *o6.930, school fund; *13,479.53, tion. An executive committee will , ni„e years Mr "Shelton has engaged ory technician In veatrinary ’ depart Victoria DuP.ttin of Drewsey; two i careful, of matches and stubs. He riet-. Head levy; *8,087.72, county library; be appointed by the corporation ment. Vancouver barracks. Wash brothers. Loren . nd Turen of Dr in mining and farming. I also urged that heated machinery ington, girls’ physical education and ewsey, and a »«ter. Mis Lola Bade ’’This ii to inform you that your 1 i5d930’ ^ houl “ bra,y: «0,219.30. I be watched until cooled as a pre- commercial. of Freewater, Oregon. son. Pfc Clyde E. Adams parachuted sinkin* fund ior •Jostwar court tw ' j caution against fire. H O LLY’S ADRIAN safely from an airplane near Sioux use improvement. The road fund is MLss Jenlce Rosa. College of Id The body was sent to Drewsey for The Farmers Supply Cooperative , ... , up a little from last year and an STORE IS SOLD aho. formerly home economics tea burial. Funeral services were held ln City. Iowa today following a mid- . .. ... , picnic will be held at Butler's grove i appreciable rise is noted in the lib- cher st Mountain Home, Idaho, ho Drewsey Wednesday afternoon. air collision. He is apparently not Sunday August 13. . . . . . . . ... . , rary fund. On the other hand, the Mr and Mrs C. G. Brown of Boise J me economics and library. injured, but Ls in the station h o s -. needed for the schools ,s Boulevard Grange will stage a arrived in Adrian last week to oper- ! Jerry Stone, College of Idaho, Y E A R ’S PLANS OF pita at this base for complete phy- | lev; than lajjt year„ due malnly Cleo Brooks, son of Mrs Ruth Br western jamboree program at the ate the business at Holly Brothers formerly director of C of I band ooks of Nyssa. supposedly killed m Vale Grange meeting Friday. Aug sical check and rest . the state school support fund wh- store. The actual tranfer of busin and radio announcer ln Nampa F.S.A. OUTLINED „ -----„ ' — | ich, beginning last year is gradually the fighting on Wake Hand early ess will not be completed before ust 11. radio station, English, band and The Oregon Slope Grange social Here from California enabling the schools to catch up wl- in the American-Japanese war, js September 1. Plans for the new fiscal year, Mrs Irwin B. Allen of San A n t -,th past indebtedness. The sinking believed now to be alive. was held Monday, July 28 at the glee club. together with reappointed and new Mr and Mrs Dan Holly, who have Mr. Patch. 08C , bookkeeping. onto. Texas arrived here Tuesday fund tor ttlp court house remodel- Mrs Cleo Brooks, who lives in the been in business in the Adrian com Dead Ox Flat pumping plant. Att members of the Malheur county J. E. Nevln. pastor of Adrian Co ending from Boulevard Grange were to visit her husband s parents, Mr l ¡ng is a new item. Otherwise the Hawaiian islands, received a tele FSA committee, were announced munity for 33 years, will remain in Mr and Mrs William G. Ross, Dr. mmunity church. Bible study course. this week by Ned L. Wiliams, dis and Mrs I. B. Allen, and left Wed- general county expenditures wall be gram from Dan Teters. under whom Adrian, where they will look after The Smith-Hughes vocational ag Harriet Sears and Mrs Bessie Kol- nesday evening for Hoquiam. Wash- practically the same as last year. Brooks worked on Wake Island for other business. trict farm security supervisor. Wil riculture department will be closed son building. Ontario. lngton to visit her parents. She will _________________ baba. the Morrison-Knudsen company Mr. Brown Ls well known to peo because of Inability to secure a qu return to Nyssa in about three we- visit At Smith Home— The telegram, which was dated ple in this community. He was with Jess Rich. Ontario, was named alified Instructor. eks for a more extended visit. | Mr and Mrs Carroll Tucker and September 3. 1943. was received by the Pacifc Fruit and Produce com AUTO STICKER a new member of the committee, ---------------------------I sons of Boise spent last week-end replacing Fred E. Burgess. Vale. Mrs Brooks in Hawaii July 24 of th pany for 15 years. From 1920 to RECEIPT W ANTED Visit At Lakes— at the Dean Smith home. On Mon- is year. In the telegram. Teters said 1930 he was employed at Eder's st Erie Parker, Vale, was named as . Mr and Mrs John Schenk and day they left for Rawlins, Wyom- he saw Brooks alive and well Jan ore in Nyssa. alternate committeeman, replacing A Grange movement to try to in famlly spent the latter part of last ing, where Mr. Tucker will be em- uary 12, 1942. several months after Ivan H. Findley, Ontario. Other Mr and Mrs Brown have not yet duce the government to issue a re- week at Payette lakes. i ployed. members of the committee remain Brooks was believed to have been decided on a name for their new cepit and number for the federal the same Prank T. Morgan. Nyssa, killed. buslness. Mr Brown states that he u$e car stamp so that it may re- j San Diego. The county court meeting last and David E. Mitchell, Nyssa. A Grover C. Brooks, the full na is optimistic about the business in placed if lost or stolen was discuss- 'First, important new work be week In Vale deceided to ask Malh Elton Counsll. son of Mr and Mrs me of Cleo Brooks, is reported by Adrton and will continue the same . j at a meeting of the Oregon Trail eur county residents to again vote ing taken over by the county FSA the Red Crass at Geneva to be a policies and hopes to maintain the I orange Tueday night O. P. Counsil, arrived Sunday from committee for the new fiscal year prisoner at Fukuoka camp in Japan. business standards that the Hollys T he Grange again called attent- on the proposed purchase of the Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he has Malheur experimental farm near which began July 1. is an Inventory have maintained during their many | ion ,0 the weeds at comers and cr- completed a radio course. After his of community and Individual bor \ ear in Adrian^ ossroads. In several bad places the Cairo junction. The proposal will lurlough he will go to Fort Mead, POMONA MEETING M rand Mrs Brown have four ch- wreds haye ^ en moved but the placed on the November election rower needs for farm security loans and services." Williams said, ’’This Maryland. ballot. DATE ADVANCED ildren. Robert, with the signal corps farmere are urged to take action on Two years ago the measure was will provide the basis for fitting the o f the air forces in England: Mrs I .. , . , .. . , . .. _ . . ' , .other places before the school buses on the ballot and lost heavily. It FHA program to meet local farm Charles Landrelh arrived home Erle H. Parker of Vale, master of „ Betty Carman, who lives with h er1 Tuesday on leave from Farragut, the Pomona Grange, announced parents while her husband Is in [are placed ln operation and the was proposed at that time to levy conditions both in terms of individ daho to visit his parents, Mr and Wednesday that the quarterly meet the armed forces; Ruby Brown with, I beet harvest Ls _ started. mill each , year for a ,— per ual, community and county needs. , , , tax on one ------------------- — -------- All FSA loan applications for op M s L. B. Landreth. ing of the Pomona, scheduled for the Pox studios ln Coeur de Alene Youn* Grangers association iod of two years to cover th« cost the fourth Saturday In August, has Idaho: and Jean Brown who will \ s p o n s o r a carnival to be h e ld 'o f buying the farm, estimated at erating goods, water facilities, group Sergeant Colby Poage is visiting been advanced to the third Satur arrive ln about three weeks to be ! in t*ie ®re*°n Trail schoolhouse about *10.000. Before giving the or services and farm ownership are I August 23. his sister, Mrs W W Smith. Serg day. August 19. der for the measure to appear on reviewed and approved by the com with her husband. the ballot, the court has asked the mittee to make the best possible eant Poage. stationed at Sioux Fa The decision to advance the me- volunteer committee now sponsor use of available credit and manage lls. South Dakota, arrived here | eting date was reached at a eon- MRS. P. ANDERSON G.O.P. COMMITTEE ing the farm for its opinion on wh ment assistance, reported Williams. 2nd Lieut George Rooks tool, son Wednesday. He also visited his par ference of the Pomona executive NAMES OFFICERS ether to ask for a two mill levy for Funds appropriated for the new of Mr. and Mrs J. C. Rookstool, ents Mr and Mrs J. W Poage of board and the masters of the three OF BIG BEND DIES one year or. as on the previous ball year provide about the same ls in Alrica. His duty is to take Topeka. Kansas. Granges that will be hosts to the Frank Morgan of Nyssa was el Mrs P B. Anderson, a pioneer et one mill each year for two years. amount for rehabilitation loans os pictures. His wile, the former Hel county group. Ridgeview, Big Bend of the Big Bend area died ected state committeeman and Mrs The 1941 legislature appropriated last year, but farm ownership loans en Bassett, is in Florida. Tom Church of Nyssa has passed and Kingman. early Friday morning. She was D .u . h, McDonald of Nyssa was ’ » ltr30o to eqiljp ^ ito malntiin en will be heavily curtailed due to dif air cadet In the army air forces. He The change in date was made be Pfc. Grover Findley of Camp examination for appointment as an cause the Malheur county junior bom August 27. 1860 near Mount elected state committeewoman at a ! experimental farm in Malheur co- ficulties ln securing good farms at Palenine, Illinois. After her mar meetiing of the Malheur county re- | unty providing a site was furnished reasonable prices. Maxey. Texas, who is spending a is stationed at Amarillo. Texas. fair is scheduled for August 25 and riage she moved to Missouri, where publican central committee In Vale hy a certain time. However, the co- "Work of the county FSA com- furlough with his wife and two sons ' — | lo. her husband was interested in the last week unty couldn’t legally purchase prop- haa *>een an Important factor in Nyssa. also visited his parents, Major E B. Cole has arrived here j The quarterly meeting will be stock business. Charles W Swan of Vale was el- erty to the extent necesary without in the local accopllshments of the Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Findley and oth on furlough from Hendricks field, held in the Adrian high school bu- Later the family moved to Bend < * cted county chairman and Mrs a vote of the people which would program and I want to quickly er relatives in this vicinity. S -b-mg. Plorida. He will spend part t ilding August 19. beginning at 10 where they purchased a farm and W H Brooke of Ontario was elect- necessitate calling a special election. thank them for the time and of his 23-day leave here and the a.m. Mrs Blaine Oirvin, Pomona Mr Anderson bought stock for th e' cd county vice chairman. A committee of voluntters Inter thought they have given to this im Tech. Sgt. Raymond Dale, who lecturer, will have charge of the The committee will meet again ested In the propect decided to raise portant Job,’ Williams said "With Parma Livestock company for a is home on a furlough from Alaska, remainder of it ln Ogden. afternoon program Possibly no ev number of years. Friday night to elect other officers. the *10,000 by subscription, to be funds again available for FSA ac visited at the home of his sister Gearold Adamson, former Nyssa ening meeting will be held. Funeral services were held In the paid back when and if the county tivities. I am certain their steward and family, Mr. and Mrs Jack Pet- resident who is stationed with the Parma Community church Tues- Go To I'tah— bought the land It was understood ship of the program will add fur tet and daughter. <jay afternoon at 2 30 Dr Hay- Mrs James Peterson snd Mrs that the measure would appear on ther to the welfare, war food pro army in South Carolina, is here on llere From l'tah— Glenn Salter of Adrian left Tues the ballot at the 1942 election. The duction and farm assets of every Milton Green has returned to his » a 19-day furlough. * * ■ Beatrice Adams, sister of man of Caldwell was ln cha naval training duties in California -------- |Mrs ***** C*“ « - and Carma Mrs Anderson is survived by a day for Utah to visit relatives Mrs farm was started and was well est oommunlty " after a visit with his parents. | Pvt Orover Findley and Pfc Jack Packer of Ogden Utah visited at daughter. Mrs Della Bunnel,: a Peterson will visit Mr and Mrs Fr- ablished by November of 1942 when Mr and Mrs O. E Oreen. I Marshall left today for their army |th* home of Mr and Mrs Child son. Floyd Anderson of Bueyrua | ancls Brauer and Mrs Salter will a second snag was encountered. The ] v w * Hrrr three grandchildren and visit her mother, Mrs Graves, at voters declined to sanction the pro - 1 --------- j base at Camp Maxey. Teaxs. They over the week-end. Mrs Child en- Ohio; and Mr* Raymond Skidmore Wood Cross, Utah. . pv\ Martin Sayers o f Camp ¡have been visiting relatives here for tertalned a group of young folk three great grandchildren. feet by turning down the two mUl|of Wtnnemucca Nevada visited at honoring Miss Adams and Miss levy asked for its purchase , the home of Mr and Mrs 8. W. Roberts. California writes that he j the last 15 days Guests Here— Receives Medal— Packer Sunday evening At the request of the committee Abersold. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Co- has six more weeks of training there. | __ Mrs Olenn Peterson had as her Mrs John Schenk received word the court decided to again call on ttle and Mr and Mrs R O Whit- --------- ) 15th AAP IN ITALY--Clayton; _ ---------- guests last week her’ father, John j last week stating that her brother. the voters for a decision Robert D. Degross. seaman sec- Keeler. 21. tell gunner on a B-17 1 Confined T# Hi aker last Tuesday They were en ond class, is ln San Diego, accord- Tying fortress operating from a base) Mrs Dean Smith has been con A. Wright of Evanston. Wyoming. First Lieutenant Owen Moore, has route to Caldwell to visit Mr Skid ing to last report received by his in Italy, haj been promoted to the | fined to her bed the past week be- her sister, Mrs Fannie Bradshaw received the air medal for bravery, In Jwrdaa Valley— more’s mother. Mrs Skidmore was » tie’s parents. Mr and Mrs Lee grade o f staff sergeant Sgt Keeler | cause o f a badly bruised leg and and two daughters and her cousin He is with a bombardment squadron ’ Luther Fife attended to business formerly employed by the sugar Mrs Degross is also in j I sprained ankle. Clifford Wright. I in England. Smith. (Continued On Page 5) In Jordan Valley Tuesday company. Toil Horse Brings $ 2 2 5 ; ' Kathryn ciaypooi, county school Meeting For Organiza- | superintendent has announced. The Drill Team Gives tion Of Association apportionment Is based on a dally Demonstration Is Called attendance record totaling 586.293.5 Harry Shelton To Open Store Adrian School Staff Employed Anderson Chosen As Watermaster Grange Visiting Neighbor Group Montie Dunten Succumbs Here Cleo Brooks Is Believed Alive Farm Proposal To Be Voted On Our Boys In T h e Service j