THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L T H U R S D A Y AU G U ST 3, 1944 PAGE SIX mumm thday at a dinner served July 23 A picnic celebrating the birthdays Guests were Russell Patton. Jr., and of Mrs Clifford Nielson and Mrs Leslie Dell. Mr and Mrs Clayton Ed W Pruyn and the wedding an­ Patton and Linda, Miss Lois Patton niversary of Mr and Mrs Eldon Mc- of Boise, Mr and Mrs Gene Kipp Cardy was held in the Caldwell park Sunday. Other guests were and Dee of Ontario. Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs O. O. Anderson. M. Rink Sllppey and Vernon. Miss and Mrs A. V. Pruyn and Mr and Lillian M clnturff of Boise, Major Don Stephens, recently from Eng­ Mrs George Benton land; Mr and Mrs Jake Groot and G IVE PIC N IC SUPPER Mr and Mrs Verle Landreth and Mr and Mrs S. E Flanagan en­ Barbara Ann. tertained 30 guests at a 5 o'clock picnic supper in their yard last C O M M U N ITY D INN ER SERVED Sunday. Entertainment during the Seventy persons attended a com­ afternoon and evening included pi- munity potluck dinner given in ho­ ao music, .singing, croquet, softball nor of Mr and Mrs John Young, games and horseshoe pitching. former Nyssa residents, Tuesday ni­ ght in the city park. The evening OBSERVE ^BIRTHDAY was spent in visiting. Mr and Mrs R. L. Patton, Sr , Mr and Mrs Young planned to honored Nadine Patton on her bir- leave Wednesday or today for Sp ringfleld. where Mr. Young will be physical education director in the high school. Mr Young said he nev­ er missed a day of school during the 16 years that he taught In N y­ ssa. CELEBRATE ANNIVE R SAR IE S - I - M AR R IE D IN IDAHO Announcement has been received here of the marriage of Helen Ref- fett, daughter of Mr and Mrs John R effett of Sunset valley, to Loren Hite, son o f Mr and Mrs Fred Hite of Owyhee. The marriage was per-' formed in Donnelly, Idaho July 16. Mrs Hite attended gvade school and high school in Nyssa. Mr. Hite U a graduate oi the Adrian high school. Mr and Mrs Hite expect to re­ main at Donnelly for three more weeks They will then return home as Mr Hite Intends to enter the navy. (|/hatrs trouble old bleary eyes! - This certainly ia no time to have steers finicky about eat­ ing. W e need the steaka badly! E ver try D r. Heaa Stock Tonic in the ration? W e believe you should for these reasons: First, for its tonics that not only stimulate appetite but also aid digestion and assimi­ lation. Second, for its minerals, and a steer sure needs minerals. Third, for its vitamin D in very stable form, and a steer often needs vitamin D this time o f year. 5 - HAS B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Miss Marlene Moss entertained 12 of her girl chums Tuesday after­ noon at her home on the occasion oi her 12th birthday. Alter games were played the guests enjoyed a lunch consisting of a birthday cake and Ice cream. The honoree rece­ ived lovely gifts. Guests were Donna Claire Tra- bert, Janice Frost, Lola Weeks. M a­ rilyn Wakewood, Mickey Talbot, Donna Cheldelin, Roma Moss. G l­ adys Lewis. Vivian Eurnest, Euvade Aston. Ruth Bait and Olenda Moss. W e can supply you with Stock Tonic at this tuns Sss us when in town. BOOK CLUB MEETS Mrs W. E. Schireman was hostess to the Friendly Book club at her home last Wednesday. Mrs Bernard Eastman reviewed the book. “This Little Pig Stayed Home" by Willie Snow Ethridge. Mrs K. Simmons was co-hostess at the meeting. Nyssa Pharmacy Attends To Business— W W Foster attended to busi- j ness In Juntura Monday. ers. for your car Jesse M. Chase, be­ hind the post office. Ontario. 3Alxc MR. AND PVT. MRS. D W IG H T O. [ W YCKOFF, WHO TH E AT M E TH - IN NYSSA. ORE BRIDE TH E MISS j ENTLY IDE j w joe THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY and SATU R D AY A U G U ST 4— 5 Chester Morris and Nancy Kelly in “GAMBLERS CHOICE” Tex Ritter and Fuzzy Knight in “O K LA H O M A RAIDERS” Mat.. Sal., 2:36 Acini 25e-Se Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*. 40c-Sc. Including Tax SUND AY and M ONDAY A U G U ST 6— 7 William Powell, Hedy Lamarr, James Craig, Fay Bainter and Soring Byington in “THE HEAVENLY BODY” A Laugh-Packed Story Full of Gaiety and Gl­ amour. Comedy and Caitoon Mat.. Sun.. t:M Adm.. l*r-9r. Inc Tax Adm. Evening*. H c-Ic, Including Tax_____________ — B A R G A IN WIGHT— TUESDAY A U G U S T 8 Franchot Tone and Ella Raines in “PHANTOM L A D Y ” Cartoon and Tiger Woman Adm. Inc. Tux tS r-tr, ln< FO RM ER JUNE Photo Courtesy, Idaho Statesman Adm. Evening*. 4de-*c. Including Tax ilU llH H H IIH IIim llH IIM IIH H Iim illH H M IIIIIIH m iH H H HH im im illim iH m iim ' store. 3A3xp FO R S A LE —Four room house, mo­ dern except heat, two porches. T h ­ ird street. Inquire Bud Short. 3Atfc TH E MISS ERO. FO R SALE—O ne real good I t i ton Chevrolet truck In good condition. Earl Gray. 3Alxc Photo Courtesy, Idaho Statesman FOR S A L E -6 room modern house. Ghone 140-J 3A3xp C AR O LIN E LUC­ W ILSO N SALE LS P L A N N E D -T h e St Paul's guild will hold thrift sales, beginn­ ing Saturday, August 5, at 2 o'clock in the parish hall. LOCAL NEWS family. Marie Sebum, Marjory Merrick, Harry Counsil and Effle HELP W A N TE D — Two nurses and a cook for work at the Nyssa Nur­ sing home. Contact Dr. L. A Maul- ding or Dr. J. J. Saraln. 3Alxc Ellen Counsil picnicked at the Cald­ well park Sunday. Return From Lakes— On Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings and j Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pond and Mrs. J. L. Church returned home family are vacationing at Stanley Sunday Irom Payette Lakes. basin for a week. They left Nys­ Visit At Lakes— Mr. and Mrs. Will Beam Mrs. Frank Edwards spent week at Payette lakes. 1 Minute Sermon (Swampy R iver) My people have committed two ev­ ils; they have forsaken me the fou­ ntain of living waters, and hewed Return To Home— them out cisterns, broken cisterns, Mrs. Wilbur G ifford and three MR. AND MRS. that can hold no water. Jer 2:13. small children of Stanfield left There Is one coming up from the Monday after a visit at the home PETER LOPEZ swampy river. His walk is labourous o f Mrs. M. H.. Greenlee. O F NYSSA, ORE , and heavy with pain. See his hair is tossed and ragged and filled with Go On Fishing Trip— WHO WERE M A ­ the mass and slime. Cut and bruised I. C. Story and son. Donald, left is his hands and face and the dank Monday on a fishing trip to John R R IE D RECEN­ musty smell reeks thru his garments Day. T L Y TH E BRIDE --smell like the cold breath from an open tomb; but God be thanked, he Undergoes Operation— W AS MISS L U ­ is coming UP from swampy river! Clyde Long of Nyssa underwent The ground Is firm once more be­ a major operation in the Holy CERO. D AUG H ­ neath his feet and the light of ho­ Rosary hospital in Ontario Tues­ TE R O F JOHN me shines from the window! The day morning. anxious family hovering near the LUCERO OF N Y ­ door catch sight o f the dim figure Guild To Meet— in the gloom and throw open wide St. Paul's guild will meet W ed­ SSA. the door to receive him! That nesday, 9 at 8 p. m., at the Photo Courtesy, weary traveler is you, my friend, home of Mrs. Dick Tensen. Idaho Statesman who have forsaken God and God’s house and service and have spent all of your time about the cares and affairs of this life. Your diso­ i bedient heart and wayward feet ha­ ve sought paths out In the world once more but they led thru sw­ ampy river. You have suffered and will suffer yet more until you turn your steps toward Father's house. There Is a river whose streams ma­ ke glad, a river pure, crystal sp­ D A IR Y PRODUCER HAS BEST arkling with evenasiing life. It f l ­ ows out from the sanctuary o f Ood. R A T IO Livestock-feed price ratios during from under the threshold thru the June continued more favorable for Eastern gate. Waters ankle deep, dairy production than lor other liv ­ yes knee deep, and yet more—loin estock enterprises, the USDA re­ deep and waters to swim In, waters ports. Present indications are that that cannot be passed over! Water total milk production on farms for o f L ife! And remember, dear reader. equal to the handling charge set up | they come only from the sanctuary 1944 probably will be as great, and G RAM may exceed, the 188 -billion pounds Austrian winter peas, j cents per for handling seed purchased from of God. Won't you lift your eye* producers. Each dealer's memoran­ from swampy river and behold the produced in 1943 Dairy pasture pound; hairy vetch, 11c; common conditions nationally on June 1 dum o f purchase will cover a car­ • river o f God? It's not far away. vetch (W illamette vetch). 6c; crim­ were the most favorable for June load of seed. Purchases from dealers I Swampy river will draw you deeper, j sear your soul and sour your life In the past 22 years. Milk product­ son clover, 11 '4c; common ryegrass, will be only on the basis of official j with the slime o f its surf. G od’s ion per cow on June 1 was 1 per­ 7c Detailed specifications as to dis­ germination and purity reports. Un- river lifts you higher and higher, cent lower than a year ago and the counts for below top quality seed percentage o f cows milked was low­ fills and thrills to a look into heav­ can be secured from your county er than any June 1 reported except en and to the song Angeles cannot Too Late to Classify 1925 and 1934. but there are a gr­ triple A office. Purple and Hungar­ sing. "Redeemed. Redeemed. Red- e a te r number of milk cows on far- ian vetch will qualify as common j FO R SALE—Linoleum, prints and I eemed by the Blood of the Lamb". LLO YD N. POUNDS vetch, provided there is at least 80% | inlaid Good selection. Nyssa Furn­ ; ms. : PRICES T O G RO W ERS UNDER common vetch present. Hairy vetch iture Co. 3Alxc , THE FULL GOSPEL I TH E 1944 SEED PURCHASE PRO - shall not be discounted due to the I Nyssa, Oregon presence of wollypod. rough peavtne FXDR SALE—Corn-fed coJBred fry- Phone 150W 1111I II I I'l 1111 I'l I II II I HI I II II I t i l l 111111I I U I I HI or perennial peavtne CAR LO AD SEED PURCHASE P R ­ Jl IIIIII IIIHI nil HUI HI II 11 III till till HI II I'l 11 H HI 111 III HI 1111 I'l IIIIIIII 11 HI HI HI I'l 11 III III II III HI HI III CASH FOR YO U R O G RAM CAR The war food administration an­ nounces that the Commodity Credit Highest 0[PA prices. corporation shall make purchases Taken at the Owyhee Hotel under the 1944 seed purchase pro­ gram In carload lots. This provision ONTARIO A U T O is intended to simplify the handling MART of seeds for government purchase From 12, noon, until 9 p.m. 6 x 8 hand-tinted and still Insure the grower the min­ 311 So. Oregon St. imum basic prices. The principle A1 Gaines, Manager portraits $2. No appointment necessary. differences between the procedure Phone 158 for purchasing seed from producers and buying seed in carload lots fr­ a mi m i i i i i i n m 11 1 1 ii i in ii cn om dealers are that no memoran­ dum of understanding is required to in HI II III HI W in HI II HUI HI HI HI HI 11 HI III 11 HI HI HI III I Mil III HI HI HI HI 11 IIIHI IIIIII II HIM IlllliM 1.1 I llll.l HI lil.ll be executed by the dealers, storage and handling of seeds will be paid by the dealers, and included in the price paid the dealers is an amount | sa Tuesday. and last Visit At Lakes— Mr. and Mrs. A1 Meier and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ward spent the week-end at Payette lakes. Here From Parma— Verna Ruth Findling of Parma spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Findling. Here From Canada— Mrs. D. L. Ross of Vancouver, B. C.. Is visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. Bernard Eastman. Here From Idaho— C. D. McDonell of Twin Falls, visited at the home o f his sister, Mrs. Bernard Frost Monday. Go On Picnic— Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster and PUT VARIETY IN YO UR DIET W ITH Healthful Milk ENERGY V IT A M IN S S A TIS F A C TIO N W e sell only Pasteurized milk G ATE C IT Y DAIRY #Farm WAR NEWS » Have Your Picture Saturday August 5 Willcross Studio Prices Reduced On Bedroom Suites 10 Per Cent Reduction from thè regular price during thè month of Au- gust. W EDNESDAY and TH URSDAY AUG. 9— 10 Veronica l^ake, John Sutton, Binnie Barnes and Franchot Tone in “THE HOUR BEFORE D A W N " Musical Parade, Cartoon and News IS hand RUM M AO E SALE—Saturday Aug. 5 next to Consolidated Ffeightways office, First street. Many ladles' dresses. 3Alxp WED­ M O NY TH E B R ­ IS See Tiny Cox try to ride “ Seven Devils be­ fore the auction. PR O G R A M A D IN G CERE­ j. Saddle Horse Sale Sunday, August 6—3:30 P. M. N YS S A FO R SALE —Second Write box Q. Nyssa. REC­ IN DOUBLE Don’t Forget The i in 1111111111111 m 1111 h u 111 u 111 a mu 11 ii lit mill ii HUM* ini iliu m whm * m 11 m h i i i i i i i i i i i WERE M A R R IE D FORM ER M A R IE FO R SA LE —18*1 Mercury 4-door town sedan and several other good cars. Jess. M. Chase, behind the post office, Ontario. Phone 137. 3Alxc T. BUENO WHO O D IST CHURCH THE MRS O F NYSSA. ORE WERE M AR R IE D AND JESSE II 1111111111111 Mil I mini I II II II IIM I II I l lltl l lil III 11I IM11I I I'U 11111I I1111111111111111111111111111III II III 11H I I I I mm I I I I 11 H 11111111 H H I I Mllll H I I M I I I I I'l WI MiH I I'll I I I I I 1111 HM I I I'l MI1 il I I WIT W ANTE D T O B U Y —Casb-ln-hand * - I - BY BEE LIVESTO CK YARD S NYSSA, OREGON Mrs. Olenn Suiter. We bave 12 complete suite* in stock. Nordale Furn. Stare 7:15 Workers Notice P.M . LOWELL THOMAS NEWS TIME DON LEE-MUTUAL I *f Cahform* W e are now accepting applications for the coming beet campaign. If you desire work, please come to the office a*d leave your application at once. The Amalgamated Sugar Company 4* ’