THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified PÁGÉ THRËE TH U R S D A Y AU G U ST 3. 1944 • i s. Complaint on file herein. and Willamette. * | a party In honor of Clint Reno. This Summons is published by In the absence of Rev N evln ' Kenneth Buck and Dick Ashcraft 'O rder of the Honorable Robt. D. Dr John Anderson of the College , who were home from Farragut. and Lytle. Judge of the Circuit Court of Malheur County State of Oregon . of Idaho preached at the United : Ralph Williams, who will leave which Order was dated July 11. 19- j Presbyterian church Sunday Dr |soon i ° ln the navy. Games were 44. prescribed that this Summons , frwpacwd by OFFICI Of WAR INFORMATION i Anderson and family were dinner played following a program and be served by publication thereof, refreshments served at the close guests at the P atch home. jonce each week for four consecutive of the evening. RATES: Two cent* per word lo r each Issue Minimum cash In Mrs Threlma Elliott and K en­ ! weeks in the Nyssa Gate City Jour­ T O W N AN D FARM damaged shoes before August 31. advance Is 30c. nal, a newspaper of general circul­ P L E N T IF U L POODS DURING A U ­ neth and Donald were Tuesday But there Is no time limit on the ation, printed and published at evening guests at the Wesley G U ST sales after the dealer has received Nyssa, In Malheur County Oregon. Plerey home. Foods expected to be plentiful the O PA non-ratloned stickers and The date of the first publication The J. C. Watson and Sewell August Bartholoma of Aberdeen, throughout most of the Country of this Summons is July 13, 1944, produce companies are both run­ Idaho spent Monday night at Alva during August, according to the attached them to the shoes. and of the last publication August War Food Administration, are fresh BUTTE R STOCKS WERE M ELT- ning to full capacity and many Goodell's home. S IM M O N S FOR PU B LIC ATIO N 10. 1944. carloads of potatoes leave Adrian Ben Cleaver called at the George tomatoes. fresh peaches, peanut j IN G A W A Y F O R 3 A L B — T r a l l e r h o u s e fo r s a ie ; I N THE C IR C U IT COURT OF THE Charles W. Swan daily. Cleaver home Sunday afternoon. butter, citrus marmalade, canned I The recent hike of four ration or trade Good condition. Bùx I STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Lytle Building The Adrian American Legion and Earl Jennings left Sunday after green and wax beans, frozen vege- I Points a pound on creamery butter 356, Nyssa. 3A2XP | C O U N TY OF MALHEUR Vale, Oregon tables, frozen baked beans, dry-mix was made necessary. O PA says, be- auiliary unit held their meetings ' spending the past month at the ho- Attorney for Plaintiff and dehydrated soups, oatmeal, wh- cause civilians were buying in ex­ | in the Ridgevlew school club rooms me of his parents Mr and Mrs J. W. FO R SALE—Barrel pumps. Hol­ FRED WOODS, eat flour and bread, amrcaronl. sp- ciss of their allocations for civilian for the election of officers for the Jennings. He is In the navy, Plaintiff, lingsworth Hardware and Imple­ IN THE CO U NTY COURT OF THE The Legion post j Mrs Alva Goodell returned home aghetti, noodles and soya flour, gr- supplies and were thus threatening coming year. ment company. 3A2XC vs: iT A T E OF OREGON. IN AND equitable distribution by reducing qlected Harry Jurgens command- Thursday after spending a week its and flakes. FOR THE C O U NTY OF M ALHEUR ESTATE O F W. A. TEUTSCH, FO R SALE— White rock fryers. 1 »4 wholesalers and retailers stocks. P r ­ er: Mr Judd, adjutant; Claude visiting her sister, Mrs Henry Est- WtHBRE IS YO U R SHARE? No. 1975. Deceased; the U N K NO W N HE­ Eachus. chaplain, and Floyd Me-1 rick and family of Merldean. miles southwest of Nyssa. E. P. O f the eight million tons of paper ocessed butter continues at four IR S O F W. A. TEUTSCH, dece­ NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT IN j C. C. Wyckoff of Hawthorne, Ne- Merrick. 3A1XP needed for salvage in 1944. the War | ted points a pound and farm butter Kague, service officer. ased; A L ID A B. Teutsch, Widow ESTATE OF ROBERT LEE Mc- The auviliary unit elected Mar- vada called at the Ray G riffith ho- at eight red points, while creamery Production Board says 38 percent FOR SALE—Chester White boars of W A. Teutsch, deceased. If COY A MINOR. gle McKague as president. Effle me. Mr Wyckoff was en route home Is in hiding In American homes and butter now requires 16 red points a living, otherwise the UN KNO W N In The Matter of the Guardianship and sow pigs. Eligible to register Peterson, vice president; Frances from Baker where he had purch- pound. farms, while the other 62 percent Is of Cash Turner, Nyssa, Oregon, route H EIRS O F A L ID A B T E U T ­ Hastrider, secretary; Sue Ashcraft, ased a ranch. SCH, deceased; ESTATE OF The persons and Estates of Robert to be found in the files and store 2. north of Mitchell butte. 3A1XP treasurer: Pauline Eachus. chap- j Pfc. Leonard Cleaver Is expected rooms of American Industry. II the M YRTLE WOODS TU R TO N, Lee McCoy and Gayle Marie McCoy. lain; Gloria Pounds, historian, home this week from the hospital Boy Scouts or the G irl Scouts don't FOR SALE—Alfalfa and pasture deceased; and also all other per­ Notice is hereby given that Laura and Bertha Underdahl, sergeant- at Brlnghan City. Utah. He Is rece­ lind those home-hidden hoards ot seeds. Hollingsworth Hardware sons or parties unknown claim ­ I. McBain. guardian of the person Rev. and Mrs Reiman and family at-arms. Clara Points and Hilda iving a medical discharge from the and Implement Co. 3A2XC ing any right, title, interest, lien and estate of Robert Lee McCoy, a waste paper before next Pall, school returned Tuesday from Sanders. Davis, past auxiliary presidents, army. children hope to dig them out. or estate in the real property de- minor, has filed for final settlement FO R SALE—Small Economy King Idaho, where they attended the were elected delegates to the de­ scribed in the Complaint herein, her account and report of her adm­ V IC T O R Y GARDENS FOR F A LL Free Methodist conference. partment convention. At Payette Lakes— separato! W. W. Foster. 27J2xc W FA wants more Fall victory or any part thereof. inistration as guardian of Robert! The D. W. Patch family were Mr and Mrs. Qutnby. Mrs. Herb­ M r and Mrs Glen Pounds and gardens, especially In the South FOR SALE- Modern four-room ho­ Lee McCoy, a minor, together with Defendants. Gloria were Thursday evening din­ Sunday evening dinner guests at ert Fisher, Mrs. Emil Stunz and where late Summer planting o i let­ use, 5th and Good. Inquire Henry To: Estate o f W. A. Teutsch. De­ her petition for final distribution of daughter, Greta, and M rs. Dave ner guests at the L. C. Pounds ho­ the Hartley home in Nyssa. Hartley. 27J2xc ceased; the unknown heirs o f W. A. said estate, and that the hearing of tuce. cabbage, kale, beets, spinach, me in Nyssa. On Wednesday night at the high j Mitchell and daughter spent the turnips, collards and carrots will Teutsch, deceased; Alida B. Teut­ the same has been fled by the judge lakes. Mrs W E. Willis, the former Rose school a group of friends met for I week-end at Payette FOR SALE—Two new modern hou­ sch, widow of W. A. Teutsch. de­ of the above-entitled court for F ri­ produce fresh produce until the gr­ McGinnis, Is visiting her parents, ound freezes. W F A wants to incr­ ses, $5000 each. One with two bed- ceased. if living, otherwise the un- day. the 18th day of August. 1944. ease the victory garden harvest 25 Mr and Mrs Alvin McGinnis. rOU,m ! ' „ , I WO 1.° 'a?re “ acts’„ *2750,'known heirs o f' AUda B Teutsch, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. of said LE T US PRO VID E A HOME M AR K E T FOR YO UR FAT HOGS William Bunch o f Pendleton vis­ and $4000 In Apple valley. Several deceased; estate of Myrtle Woods day, at the courtroom of said court percent. good buys on 40's, $3500 to $10,000 Turton, deceased; and also all other in Vale, Oregon; and all persons In­ HORSES AND MULES DEMOB­ ited in Adrian Saturday. Sell where there Is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un­ Rev. and Mrs Nevln returned T u ­ One 80. modern house, execllent persons or parties unknown clam­ terested In said guardianship estate ILIZ E D '' necessary expense Incurred through a great number of men Mechanization o f the Army re­ esday from Seabeck, Washington. improvements, $11,000. ing any right, title, interest, lien or are notified then and there to app­ required to handle your hog3 and where you can see and check The “ No-Name'’ club, headed by A. L. Atkeson. estate in the real property describ­ ear and show cause, if any they ha­ sulted in a surplus stock of 17.000 the weight of your hogs yourself. Mrs Bethel Martin, entertained at ed in the Complaint herein, or any ve, why the said account should not horses, an O ffice of War Informat­ LOST a shower for Mrs Willis at the A l­ Wc buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards In Nyssa, Ore. be settled and allowed, and why ion report on surplus war property part thereof, Defendants. vin McGinnis home Wednesday a f­ and Homedale, Idaho. IN TH E NAM E O F THE STA TE distribution of said estate should shows. Dealers bought the horses ternoon. LO ST—Felca wrist watch, illum- inous dial. Lost in or near Adrian. O F O R E G O N : You and each of yoirt not thereupon be immediately made at sales and sold three-fourths of For Friday’s price phone 111 R. Nyssa. between the hours oi Miss Marie Muntjiwerff visited Reward. Jewell Wilson, route 1. are hereby required to appear a n d : to the persons entitled thereto, wi- them to farmers. Between 600 and three days last week with her cou­ 5 P M. and 9 P M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. 700 mules, also displaced by Army 3A2XP I enswer the Complaint filed against thout further notice of proceedings. Nyssa. mechanization, have been auctioned sin, Virginia Belnap of Payette. Laura I. McBain F R A N K K U LLAN D E R you in the above entitled suit, on or The Young People's society of the FOR SALE—Commercial fe rtiliz e r - j before four weeks from the 13ih Guardian o f the Person and off. United Presbyterian church held a ammonia nitrate and ammonia sul- |