# à PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL TH U R SD AY JUNE 22, 1944 Classified | and picnic at Welser Sunday. Edward and Irvin T op llff and Alva Ooodell and Alva Jr. and Don na Belle were among those who Advertising RATES: Tw o cenu per word lo r each Issue. Minimum cash In advance la 30c. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale 1ATFC Furniture Co. WE P A Y H IG H E S T PR IC E S foi live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay FO R S A LE —1929 Chevrolet coach. ette. 27NtfC Just overhauled and repainted. Ne- early new pre-war tires. Phone 5M, FU R N ITU R E W ANTE D —W e pay Kenneth Pond. 22J2XP highest prices for used furniture. Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc f C R SALE—Sm all caterpillar with bulldozer, Just re-condltloned. M ow ing machine, rubber-wheeled wag MISCELLANEOUS PE RSO NAL—Lonely? Write box 28, on, large tractor grain rdlll and Vancouver, Washington. 18MTFC horse cultivator. Square Deal O ar For TRADE age, Emmet, Idaho. 22J2XP T O T R AD E —Oood used washer to F O R SALE—Chrysler New Yorker, trade for refrigerator. Phone 64. 1942, six passenger sedan. First cl 22JTFC ass tires, Including llle-guard tubes. Radio, heater, air conditioned. W ill Corsets Surgical garm- take smaller car In trade. W. F. ents Jahn, Owyhee hotel. 15Jlxp FO R BALL— Bushel and half bush el baskets and berry crates. Mrs. C. VanderWlnkle, Reese avenue next to water tower. 15J2XP FO R SALE —Five acre tract, two acres of alfalfa: balance In pas ture. 1 mile north west of A p ple Valley achoolhouse. Immediate possession. D. J. Donohue. 15J1XP FO R SALE— Weaner pigs. Henry Gannon, Alberta avenue. 15J1XP Girdles Brazzieres A LIC E A. COLLINS Box 500 Phone 122-J BUTCHERING Custom butchering every Monday and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa 'o n Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. Legal Advertisement A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S NOTICE T O F O R SALE—One good used Myers ' CREDITORS pump, pump-head 60 feet, 1% inch IN THE C O U N TY COURT OF THE pipe, brass cylinder and sucker STATE OF OREGON FOR THE rod. 15 head of shoats, weight 7 C O U N TY OF M ALHEUR pounds. Charles A. Ditty, route 2, In The Matter of the Estate Nyssa. 8J2xp of E LIZAB E TH M. PILLS B U R Y , de FO R SALE—Power buck rake with ceased. power lift. Don Parker, Cow Holl N O TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN ow. 8J2xp that the undersigned, Lora E. Pllls- F O R SALE—50 head of sheep, also bury has been appointed adminis grain binder. Jim Stephens, route trator of the estate of Elizabeth M. 1, Nysea. 8J2xp Plllsbury, deceased, by the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, FO R SALE—Wood and coal range. and has qualified. Oood condition. F. O. Douglas. NOW THEREFORE, all persons 8J2xp having claims against the estate of Elizabeth M. Plllsbury, deceased, FO R SALE—About six lots with are hereby notified and required to small house Northwest of sales ya present the same, with proper vou rd. Mrs Leoma Blngman, Box 224. chers, duly verified, within six mon Ontario. 8J3xp ths from the date of this notice, to FO R SALE—Commercial fe r tiliz e r - the undersigned Lora E. Plllsbury, ammonia nitrate and ammonia sul at the law office of Charles W. phate. Frultland nursery, Frultland, Swan, at Vale, Oregon, which place Idaho. 1JTFC the undersigned selects as his place of business in all matters connected F O R SALE—Trailer house. Alfred with said estate. Evans sale yard. lJ2xp Dated and first published June 8, 1944. Last publication July 6, 1944 FO R SALE —White-faced bulls. Oo- LO R A E. P IL L S B U R Y od breeding stock. Serviceable age. Administrator o f the Estate of Jake Fischer. 24Ftfc Elizabeth M. Plllsbury, deceased. WANTED Buena Vista W A N T E D T o rent sewing machine by month. W rite W. Cook, route 2, Nyssa, Oregon. M r and Mrs Leslie T op llff spent Sunday at the Goodell home near Vale. Dwight W yckoff of the U S . navy called In this neighborhood Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs George Cleaver call ed at the Alva Ooodell home Sun day evening. La Vern and Delbert Cleaver at W ANTED—Used furniture. Highest prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa tended the Y O A swlming party W A N T E D -M e n or women for Ra- wlelgh Route. Line Includes over 200 daily necessities. Employment situation best in many yearn. Ex ceptional opportunity for hustlers. W rite at once. Rawlelgh’s, Dept. ORF-331-213, Oakland, Calif. attended the wedding of June Ma rie Wilson and Dwight Wyckoff Sunday afternoon in Nyssa. Mrs Olen Hoffman called at the George Cleaver home Tuesday even ing. M r and Mrs John Bartholoma called at the S. B. Hoffm an home Tuesday. M r and Mrs C. C. W yckoff and Betty Jean and Barbara of Haw thorn Nevada called In this neigh borhood Tuesday. Mr and Mrs George Cleaver had as their guests Friday M r and Mrs Gordan Blake of Centerville. Iowa. Mrs Blake Is a niece of Mr Cleaver. The visitors were en route to Wash ington to make their home. Damon Savage visited his brother, Frank who is ill in the hospital at Ontario. Arcadia Mr and Mrs George Moeller en tertained Sunday dpi. August Moe ller from Camp Stuart Oeorgia. Other guests were Mr and Mrs Hans Oft of Valley View, Miss Be tty Mess of Fruitland, Mr and Mrs Paul Moelelr and daughter Linda and Marie and Fred Moeller. John Zlttercob left Friday night for Corvallis to attend the gradu ation of his daughter, Evelyn. The Arcadia Sunshine club met at the school house June 15 for a birthday potluck dinner. Those hav ing birthdays received gifts from the club. Sties Lay, who Is stationed at the Mt. Home Air base, was an over night guest at the O. F. Oarren home last week. Aronld Garren, son of Mr and Mrs O. F. Oarren, who Is In US. navy Is stationed In Norfolk, Virg inia. Erma Lee Orris, who has been visiting her sister at Burns, Oregon returned home last week. Mr and Mrs Knox Alexander of Pendleton visited at the Otis Bull ard home one evening last week. Adrian Mr and Mrs Walter Pinkston vis ited the Oral Johnston fam ily at Caldwell Thursday evening. M r and Mrs John Holly and Mrs William Holly and son visited the William Sholtz fam llyyl n Caldwell Sunday. Miss Olorla Pounds went to Vale last week-end and visited until Wednesday. The 4-H garden club met Friday afternoon with Lester Auker. Mrs De Haven is leader o f the group. M r and Mrs Frances D effer were Sunday dinner guests at the W. H. Candrey home in Wilder. Private Oene Davis of Camp Ad air and Frank Davis of Fife, Wash, visited in Adrian Thursday. M r and Mrs Nevin, Mrs Lane and Mrs Kurtz went to Nampa Thurs day afternoon to help with plans for the Payette lakes conference with representatives from other churches o f the Idaho Presbytery. Babe Hart, Mrs Mable Hart and Mfa Hazel Hart of Vale and Mrs Leonard Hart and son of Califor nia visited this last week at the Glen wood Pounds home. The K. I. Peterson family were Friday evening dinner guests at the Dennis Patch home. The Brownie Scouts met Satur- Bernard Eastman Professional AiM Rushess Directory Insurance d m Real Estate Phone 64 NYSSA OREGON PERMANENT WAVE KIT DENTISTS Do it yotmell si hams. J. R. C U N D A LL Dentist DR. J. A. McFALL r * dn NY88A cu & NYS8A PHARM ACY -See Mo Fall and Soe Better” Phone 56-J ¡ [ ¡ Q ¡ ¡ i ' E a c h k it co n ta in « P a r- m s n e n t W » v « S o lu tio n a h a m p o o , r u r la r a a n d w a v« ic t . Safe. M oney back ffuar- a n te t. Oat a C kans-Kivl Ka u s a r . OPTOMETRISTS 1 S e r v in g g eoon ò 5 Counties I Prom the Largest Stock of Oenulne JEW ELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAM ONDS W ATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON SHOE SHOPS Abbott'* Sho« Shop All kinds of shoe and haraeee repairing Across from poet office. EYTC8IOHT S PE C IA LIST ONTARIO OREGON Parts Orders Shipped Immediately PHYSICIANS Me Cluer -Manser Payette, Idaho Phone 40 L. A. Moulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone n Hour*: 10 to 12 and 1 to I Dally—Rxeept Sunday Pry Building Don M. Graham Insurance Agency SA R A ZIN CLINIC Fire and Automobile J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Sensible Prices Cow Hollow Rentals PhystotharmM f Bonds Nyssa Funeral Home "Paramount" 7:15 . . DON LEE-MUTUAL. toWELL THOMAS NEWS T IM E limai mm LUMBER (ÏHOMPANT Mrs America Meets The War Furniture Prices Reduced Beginning Monday, June 26, baby buggies, Hi Chairs, Chests, Pull-up Chairs will be sold At 1-4 Off regular price until July 1. W e also have several good used wool rugs and dining tables, which will be sold at One-Half Insurance General practice at mediche X-Ray ou R<m im a ces means a postponement of civil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen ian supplies so Mrs America's fam Cooper who was run over by a trader last week, is still In the ily should handle the radio with nursing home She Is improving greatest care. The War Production satisfactorily. Board reports that only limited Mr. and Mrs. Dick Butcher and quantities of radio repair parts can two daughters, Wilma and Betty, be manufactured because of unp returned Monday to Chinook. Mon tana. after an extended visit with recedented military needs. Mrs America is accustomed to Mrs. Cooper’s parents, Mr. and hearing about food shortages, but Mrs. I. L. Cooper and other rela ADRIAN FREE METHODIST THE M ETHODIST COMMUNITY i now here's a surplus which is cr tives. CHURCH CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot motor itical and needs her cooperation. Adrian, Oregon M. H. Greenlee. Pastor The country's hens have turned out ed to Boise Friday to see their P. II. Reiman, Pastor Church school opens promptly at daughter, Marjorie, and Mr. Fields, Sunday school ..............„...10 A M a record production of eggs. As a- 10 a. m. There Is a class for j matter of fact, there are now 25 who were leaving that day for a Message by the pastor following. million dozen more eggs than can visit with Mr. Fields' parents at every age group taught by a good Young peoples meeting ........ 8 P M . be stored. Unless these eggs are Jasper. Minnesota. teacher. Morning worship 11 a. m. Pete Tensen was a business visit eaten or stored in home refrigerat Led by Tad Nelson. The pastor will preach on the sub ors now, they will be wasted. But or In Ontario Monday. Preaching ......................... 11 A.M. ject “Christian Goals” Every mem since there are 25 million housewiv Prayer meetings at the Noble ber of this church is urged to be es in the country—one dozen extra Pullen home near Naptons siding in each home would relieve the sur present. The Intermediate, Youth I E.W. PRUYN and Young Adult Fellowship meet- ! Wed. at 8: P.M. and at the A. H. plus and would save good food fr lngs are at 7:30 p. m. The evening Shaw home In Kingman Kolony om being wasted. Shoppers can expect to see fewer Auto Repairing worship service opens at 8:30 p. m. Thursday at 8 p.m. Come and wor fancy container designs for pack with a half hour of congregational ship with us. Reboring, Valve Grind ages on department store shelves. singing. The pastor will preach. The War Production Board Is sim The prayer service is held at the ing, Lathe work. Parts CIIUKCII OF THE NA/.ARENE plifying designs for conservation parsonage Wednesday evenings at E. J. Wilson, Pastor. purposes. Containers for sending 8 . and accessories 10 a. m., SUnday school, Earn gifts to servicemen, formerly made est Parker, Sunday school super in more than 20 varieties, have been FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Phone 56w standardized to a single wartime Rev. Lloyd N. Pounds. Pastor intendent. Sunday school at 10 A.M. H a. m., a good lively song operation saving almost 20 percent Morning worship at 11 A.M. service with a sermon by the cardboard. The War Production Board reports that this is a saving Evening evangelistic service at 8 pastor following. o’clock. 7 to 7:15 p. m., pre-prayer ser of almost three million pounds of paper board for use In military and vice. NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD 7:15 to 8 p. m„ young people’s overseas shipping activities—much ¡better gift to the serviceman. Sunday school. 9:45 a an. Alan Ed and junor meetings. Our reputation o f re Number 12 stamps In “ A ” mileage monds Superintendent. Every class 7 p. m.. evangelistic service. welcomes you. Wednesday, 8 p. m„ prayer and ration books will become valid to liability and fair deal day (Thursday, June 22). This Is Morning service, 11: o'clock praise service. the highlight o f Mrs. America’s Junior church service at 11 a. m ings is your assurance We extend a cordial Invitation ration calendar. Other pointers in Evengelistlc 8 o’clock. to all to all these services. clude red stamps A8 through W8 Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 of proper treatment. in Ration Book Four, valid for me THE COMMUNITY UNITED o'clock. ats and fats, Blue stamps from A8 A cordial welcome to all. W e strive to give co PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH through V8 in Ration Book Four Kingman Memorial good for buying processed foods, L. D. 8. CHURCH mplete satisfaction by J.'C. Nevin, Pastor. sugar stamps 30. 31 and 32 each Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood 10 a. m , Bible school. attending to the minu meeting. 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser good indefinitely for five pounds of Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. mon: ‘T h e Price Paid ”, with the sugar. test details. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament summer celebration of the sacra meeting. ment of the Lord's supper. We Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society invite all who believe In the Lord meeting. Jesus Christ to join with us. First Tuesday of each month at 8 p. m„ evening worship. An Mrs. Alvin Despain of Ontario 4 p.m. Primary for children bet hour of Inspiration and Instruc Heights visited her daughter, Mrs. ween ages of 4 and 12. tion with devotions and discussions Onita Callahan, last week. for all. Pioneers: Prayer in the A Father's day program was giv M ISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Christian Home; Builders: When en by the L. D. S. Sunday school Legion Hall Shall I Follow the Crowd; adults: at Sunset Valley hall. Mrs. Irvin • Th« Building Bug points Sunday school 10 a. m., Joe H. What We Believe About the Atone Tanner was the principal speaker. out utmost economy in Woodard, superintendent. Preach ment. A token of love and respect was ing, 10:30. Brother Ray Bran- Thursday, 8 p. m., choir practice presented each father by the Sun stetter will preach in the absence at the home of Mrs. Toomb. day school superintendent. of Brother Larson. Frida, June 23, preparatory Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Callahan Everybody welcome. prayer service at the parsonage of Nyssa received a letter last week at 8 p. m. that their son, W illiam Haryev T R IN IT Y LU TH E R AN CHURCH Callahan, w as'taken to the U. S. Parma SUNSET VALLEY navy hospital. The cause was not Sunday service at 10 a. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH reported. Sunday school at 11 a. m. H. B. Walkup, Pastor. Mrs. Jessie Callahan received Lutheran hour over K FX D . Nam Sunday school 10 a. m. word last week that her nephew, pa, at 4 p. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Herbert Simpson, who is in the John E. Simon, Pastor. Evangelistic service 8 p. m. motor transport training at the Prayer meeting Wednesday eve naval base, San Diego, will sail CHURCH OF C H R IS T ning 8 p. m. ASK FOR (Christian) \ Everyone cordially Invited to at George Whipple, Pastor. tend these services. CO LUM BBIA AVENUE Bible school, 10 a. m., Paul God frey, superintendent. A class for ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL Carol Cooper, three-year-old 108 sq. ft. roU . . . only every age. MISSION Morning worship, 11 a. m., Com The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. munion served each Lord's day. Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m „ Dan Holy communion and sermon each Pennle. president. second Sunday of the month. Evening services o f the church, Church school at 10:30 a. m. This rook-bot 8 p. m., a half hour of evange- p m Women’s Guild second Wednesday tom price In- . Sermon topic: "He of each month. rludes enough lap c e m e n t and l a r g e - day with their leader, Mrs Charles three weeks, beginning July 10, the h railed nails Newblll After their meeting they OPA will permit dealers to dispose for 100 sq. ft. of roof! liad a picnic. of the normal accumulation of br Howard Hatch returned Saturday oken sizes and other odds and ends. evening from Grants Pass, where Each dealer will be limited to a he had gone to take a bus load of certain percentage of his stocks of Orangers to the state grange con these shoes. The dealer also Is re vention. quired to reduce the price of shoes Mrs Harvey Otis who U confined sold ration free to 25 percent less to her home Is Improving. than the charge as of June 1, 1944. “ There's a Yard Near You“ Miss Irma Points formerly emp This release of odd lot shoes applies loyed in Holly's store, has joined to men's and women's shoes and Nyssa. Oregon the W ACS in Portland. youths and boys shoes of sizes 1 to Dwight Smith, Mgr. 8. Standard of California Phone 15 Reporting a price celling violation nned not take time away from work or household duties. You can make such reports to the price panel of your local OPA board by telephone LET US PROVIDE A HOME MARKET FOR YOUR FAT HOGS or else drop a card or note with full Sell where there Is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un details, including name of store, the necessary expense Incurred through a great number of men item, and selling price. Consumers required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check Fond memories of the annual sh who file price complaints are not the weight of your hogs yourself. oe sale clearances will be brought Involved In hearings before the pr back to Mrs. America on July 10 ice panel. , We buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards In Nyssa, Ore. The urgent need for radio tubes when certain odd lot shoes will be and Homedale, Idaho. ration free at reduced prices. For and repair parts by the armed for- For Friday's price phone 111 R, Nyssa, between the hours of 5 P M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ. Homedale, on Friday. Nordale Furn. Store F R A N K K U LLA N D E R To W ater Users Since we have had to abandon the low pres sure, here are a few simple rules we must foll ow: Do not water from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Do not allow hoses to lay in one place long enough to waste water down streets and side walks. Water must be o ff from 10 p.m. te 6 a.m. Above all else remember that any time the fire siren blows turn o ff all water. This will allow more pressure to fight said fires. Claude Willson City Water Master.