PA¿iE 4 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JUNE 1, 1944 Nyssa Boy Helps ] Guard Shipments working on their living quarters to Larry de Haven for the beginn- relatives here last week. making them real homes. Little ers; Carl Lee Hill for the primary: Mr and Mrs Perle Richard and ^ gardens, stone walks between the Donny de Haven for the junior and sons and Julia Marostica of Parma huts, shelves, tables, chairs, foot- Delores Aukei for the intermediate , vtslted at the George Moeller home lockers, and the inevitable pin-up Allied Force Headquarters, Med­ Mr and Mrs Glenwood Pounds !Sunday evening. ... , . ,. . „ iterranean girls make these huts look like Theater--High on bleak and Gloria motored to Vale for the ] Sunday school will be held at 2 hilltops exposed home. to every quirk of week-end to celebrate Gloria’s bir- p.m. next Sunday. Rev. Salter of the element«, iiidden among the "We wouldn't trade this job for thday. Ontario will preach at 3 p.m. trees on hillsides, and in scattered anything," say these soldiers. We Mr and Mrs Gale Martin, Gloria sites all along the coast of North have beautiful surroundings an in CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL Pounds and Neva Alander spent b m S ï Kingman Kolony Africa, the soldiers of an anti-air­ teresting assignment, and a lot of E. J. Wilson, Pastor. MISSION Memorial Day in Boise. craft unit are on a 24-hour alert Tire Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. 10: AM., Sunday senotr. Bob Clark and William Toomb every day as they guard a vital No­ fun at our posts, along with the Morning prayer and sermon, 0:30 We are having a children's day and families and Cliff Beaumant rth African port against nazi "hit work. And we feel that were do­ Holy communion and sermon each program Sunday. Arcadia attended the livestock show in Pay­ and run" raiders. 7:15 p.m., young people and jun­ second Sunday of the month. a lot of good here in protect­ "Whenever Jerry does come ing ette Friday. A crowd met at the home of J. M. Church school at 10:30 a. m. ior meetings. ing shipments once they ar­ Wagner Thursday evening and ch- Eloise Croeker of Owyhee was over to interrupt our activities, he rive vital Guild second Wednesday 8 p.m., evangelistic service. at our port." Washington, D.C. June 1.--Con­ t Women's dinner guest of Naomi Shaw Sun­ doesn't get very far, because the Among alvarled Mr and Mrs Truman Wag­ each month. soldiers who man Wednesday, prayer meeting. flict in« policies pursued by war food barrage we throw up at him usu­ these gun the ner of Eugene, who spent last week day. sites is Pvt. Wilfred D. ally makes most of those raiders Friday 8: p.m. Professor, Harold James Shaw took his physical ex- with his parents. The newlyweds NYS8A ASSEMBLY OF GOD administration and office of price Gilbert of route 2, Nyssa. turn around and head for home in left Saturday morning for Eugene, I animation at Boise Saturday for in­ Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Alan Ed­ Bomgardner from 1st church Na­ administration have brought about monds a hurry,” say the soldiers who man duction into the service. Superintendent. Every class where he is employed by the Sou­ mpa, will be with us for a sacred an alarming situation in the feed Return To Nyssa— Mr and Mrs W. W. Deffenbaugh these guns. you. thern Pacific railroad. musical service. Mrs Emil Stunz and daughter, supply, according to reports reach­ velcomes Morning service, 11: o’clock Mrs Ada Butler is visiting her were Sunday dinner guests of Earl A carefully planned program Greta, have returned from Portland. keeps these soldiers busy every day. ing the national capital. Stocks of Junior church service at 11 a. m Parker of Newell Heights. son, Edmond Butler, and wife in CHURCH OF CHRIST While in Portland they were visited There’ s always gun drill, perfect­ Dorthy Toomb gave a birthday Evengellstlc 8 o'clock. Richmond, California. corn and wheat, the staples for (Christian) defense \ by Emil Stunz Jr„ who is serving ing their already expert Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 party for Erma Points Sunday. Ar Mrs Anna Dail received a letter livestock feed, are being decimated George Whipple, Pastor. her son, Harold, who is in lene Peterson of Adrian, who has ^gainst daring raiders; or first- in the navy at Seattle. Bible school, 10 a. m., Paul God­ from so rapidly that shortages are app­ o’c A lock. cordial welcome to all. new Britian, that he had been attending college, also attend- aid lectures; or small arms firing, Youth Transferred— frey, superintendent. A class for been promoted stating earing in all parts of the country I for all these soldiers are experts A-C Elsworth Wheeled has fin­ to the rank of ser­ ed the party. every age. L. D. 8. CHURCH Jewell Wilson received his papers, in handling the rifle, pistol, sub- ished and partijMlarly in the northwest geant. Morning worship, 11 a m. his ground training at Lamar machine gun and other infantry California where a (Wicit has existed even in Sunday 9:15 am. Priesthood Communion served each lord's Mr and Mrs J. M. Wagner rece­ for the army this week. and has been transferred normal years. The available supply meeting. Mr and Mrs Nevins and Laura j weapons, ived a letter from their son, Leo, to Williams Field, Ariona, where he were dinner guests Friday evening! Every day the officers of the will of feed wheat will be practically Sunday 10:30 am. Sunday school. dayChristian Endeavor. 7 p. m., Dan who is in Italy. take part in maneuvers of fig­ | unit walk from gun site to gun exhausted before another harvest Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Pennie, president. Mrs George Moeller received a at the Deffenbaugh home. hter planes. The Pollyanna club will meet at site and give the men the latest and the situation with respect to meeting. letter from her brother, Joe Mc­ services of the church, Kinney, who is in the admiralty | Mrs Jim Lane’s home June 7. Mrs j news, lead discussions on recent corn is almost as serious. As of Tuesday 3:00 p.m. Relief society 8 Evening p. m. A half hour of evangelis­ Islands, saying that the army is! Ann Sparks will be hostess. developments in the news, analyse April 1 the available supply of live­ meeting. 5 Counties singing. doing its job well over there. i Mrs Case was operated on in | the latest trends at home, and car- Serving stock feed was approximately one First Tuesday of each month at tic The From the Largest Stock of friendly church with a cord­ Mr and Mrs Charlie Newbill and ‘ Caldwell late Saturday. Her sons, ry on a well-planned educational Genuine billion bushels less than on the sa­ 1 p.m. Primary for children bet­ ial welcome. ween ages of 4 and 12. me date one year ago. children were dinner guests at the Clifford of California and Floyd of program that has the men interest­ Before the war and in the period ADRIAN FREE METHODIST i HE METHODIST COMMUNITY Vern Butler home Sunday. i Vancover. were home on furlough. ed and even excited over the daily of the so-called ever-normal gr­ Mr and Mrs Harry Hall of Vale j Charlie Heitz of Payeytte is vlsit- discussions. CHURCH CHURCH An athletic program, including anary the United States had a were dinner guests at the Ellis W a-, ing his grandparents. M H Greenlee. Pastor Adrian, Oregon baseball games, gives the men carry-over supply of feed grains mer home Sunday. j -------------------- Parts Church school opens promptly P. H. Reiman, Pastor healthful recreation. And on al­ amounting to about one year’s re­ Struvy, who is in a train- Visit In Vale— Orders Shipped Immediately school 10: A.M. at 10 a. m. There is a good class ing Donald most every gunsite the soldiers! quirements. Because of the greatly Sunday camp near Los Angeles, visited ! Bishop and Mrs Arvel Child and age group. Morning wor­ increased livestock population in Evening service will be at 8 P.M. for every mother and his sister, Mrs Cecil I children visited in Vale- Sunday themselves have built volleyball 11 a. m. The pastor will his the past three years feed has been MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH ship Houston, j and attended meetings in the even- courts that are in use all day Me Cluer- Manser preach both morning and evening. Mr and last Mrs week. disappearing at the rate of one and Mileus Canada of Leo Child was a speaker at every day. 11 Prayer service is held at the par­ Jerome, Idaho visited Mrs Canada’s i ing. Payette, Idaho Legion Hall And in what little spare time Phone 49 one-third crops a year, so that its Sunday school Owyhee 10 a. m., Joe H. sonage Wednesday evening at 8 sister, Mrs Anna Dail and other | evening. branch meeting Sunday | Is left, these soldiers have been ultimate exhaustion became a mat­ Woodard, superintendent. o’clock. hematical certainty within a given ing, 10:30. Brother Ray Preach­ I MIIIII lililí I lililí ii |i| |i||:| m i 1111II11 un M |:| h m il ni Mil ll II li miii'lll lililí |i| |i| II | lili III |i| lil |i| II r JN M W H M M M M M M M M M IIIM M M M IM llil lililí M MWNMNM'M HUI MMKMWI N N V Bran- period. Imposition of price ceiling FULL GOSPEL CHURCH stetter will preach in the absence Rev. by OPA and urging by WFA for gr­ of Lloyd N. Pounds, Pastor eater livestock production have op­ Brother Larson. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Topic: Everybody welcome. erated to aggravate this condition oiivet Discourse". Mt. 24-25 to such an extent as to make a feed THE COMMUNITY UNITED The Morning worship at 11 a.m. shortage Inevitable. Evangelistic at 8 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lack of cargo vessels available for -*¥. V This Is the rest wherewith ye Kingman Memorial that purpose curtails possible aug­ | may cause the weary to rest; And C. Nevin, Pastor. mentation of feed supplies by im­ 10 A M., J. Bible • this is the refreshing: yet they school. portation of corn from Argentina 11 A.M., morning worship. Ser-|I would not hear. Isa 28:12 and while there is a small reservoir by Rev. Nevin. of surplus wheat in Canada, there mon SUNSET VALLEY Is a disposition in government cir­ 8 P.M., evening worship. Devo ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURC H cles to conserve this supply against tions led by the young people. H. B. Walkup, Pastor. the time when it may be needed TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday school 10 a. m. for human consumption. If un­ Morning worship 11 a. m. Parma favorable conditions develop in Un­ Sunday service Evangelistic service 8 p. m. 10 a. m. ited States wheat fields there will Sunday school at at 11 Prayer meeting Wednesday eve­ a. m. be urgent need for this grain even Lutheran hour over KFXD, Nam­ ning 8 p. m. at the sacrifice of the livestock in­ Everyone cordially invited to at­ p. m. dustry. The situation has now be­ pa. at 4 John E. Simon, Pastor. tend these services. come so serious that one high gov­ ernment official is quoted as say­ violations of the antitrust law but ing that it is possible the newspap­ date. ers will be carrying true stories of Members of the house were un­ they concern matters of price and For promotion of the dairy industry after the entire poultry flocks being killed decided whether to become Jillar- distribution and have no relation off for lack of feed. the war effort. war when the government is no longer the dairy­ Recent removal of rationing po­ lous or Indignant over complaints to THE fact that sales of surplus ints from certain cuts of meat was icceived from grocers and other re­ consumer goods are now running man’s best customer. for the purpose of encouraging sales tail dealers because of a suggest­ »12,000,000 a month has giv­ of meat, thereby reducing the live­ ion from office of price administ­ around en the erroneous Impression that Dangers lie ahead-Dangers that threaten to stock population and relieving the ration that they wash ration tokens high government officials are co­ feed situation, but less meat is con­ before handing them back to cust­ unting on an early end of the war. sumed during the summer months omers in making change for rat­ As a matter of fact these sales have reduce the size of the dairyman’s milk and cr­ and the effect has not been up to ion stamps. The suggestion reads, no connection whatever with pro­ the expectations of OPA. Nor is the "Retailers can please customers by longation of the military effort. eam check. The dairyman must face these facts: situation improved by the OPA an­ handing out clean, fresh-looking Disposal of surpluses accumulated nouncement that full rationing of tokens in change lor stamps." As for military purposes will be thr­ meat may be resumed at an early hundreds of millions of these tokens ough other agencies and It will not No after-the-war market • r is yet in sight for are in circulation and the daily occur until the fighting has ceased "take" by a retailer may run into oi the war has reached a stage wh­ the 10 billion pounds of extra milk now being the thousands it is somewhat dis­ ere the inevitable end is in sight. couraging to contemplate the waste Don M. Graham produced for wartime needs. of manpower which would be in­ in washing each individual Adrian Insurance Agency volved Because of wartime rationing of dairy foods token In order that it might be kept "clean and Iresh-looking." Mr and Mrs Richard Wight and housewives are forming habits of using dairy Back of the filing of an anti­ daughter and Mr and Mrs Jack Fire and Automobile companies trust suit against American match Wymer, all of Portland, have been product substitutes. is a much more serious recent visitors at the Howard Hat­ Insurance matter than the present shortage ch home. matches in the United States. Miss Emily Otis and Miss Arlene Dairy food surpluses, followed by price cr­ Because of the cartel in which Peterson arrived home from La Rentals Bonds of American. British and Swedish ma­ Grande where they attended East­ ashes, are sure to occur unless post-war demand tch companies are participants, it ern Oregon College of Education. is alleged in the ant-trust suit, About 15 residents of Adrian and for dairy products is built up to war-time pro­ “this country had practically no the Big Bend district were taken production of chlorate of potash to Boise by Howard Hatch to be duction. the outbreak of the war" for the blood donors last Thursday. Interior and Exterior at making of ammunition, flares and Mr and Mrs Dennis Patch and other signals. This situation, it Is family were Tuesday evening din- asserted. was due to toe entrance ner guesti at the Ed Underdahl Decorator of the ubiquitous I.G. Farbenin- home in South Owyhee. dustrie of Germany into the pic­ The Howard Hatch family were Free Estimate ture, and dates from 1922 when Tuesday evening guests at a fam- that Oerman chemical trust made 111 gathering at the Ed Wymer ho­ Farmers across the nation are mobilizing now 775 tyjrst Street Through this post-war mobilization fund the the Diamond Match company its me in Parma. exclusive agent in the United States Mrs Gall Martin visited Thursday to prevent chaos, confusion and depression af­ dairy farmers of America will be ready to un­ condition that the American at the home of her sister, Mrs Don Andy McGinnis on company cease manufacturing this Boren, of Nampa ter the war-mobilizing in raising a post war dertake a program of nation-wide advertising, chemical. There are other alleged Mr and Mrs Dennis Patch and. advertising and research fund to be used thr­ promotion and research designed to increase family visited relatives in Welser Sunday. ough their own organization, the American consumption of milk, butter, cheese, evaporated Mr and Mrs K I. Peterson and j To W ater Users family were guests of the Frank Dairy association. family in Nyssa Sunday. ! milk, ice cream and powdered milk. They will Since we have had to abandon the low pres­ Cahill Bruce Pinkston visited his par-' Mr and Mrs Walter Pinkston, sure, here are a few simple rules we must foll­ ents. Oregon by law and Idaho voluntarily are be organized and will get results. the past week. ow: Mrs Gladys Long was honored I contributing to this fund. Dairymen are given Do not water from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The dairy farmers know that it will take un­ with a shower at the home of Mrs j Howard Hatch Wednesday after­ Do not allow hoses to lay in one place long; noon. credit for having secured enactment of the Ore­ ited and aggressive action to head off surpluses enough to waste water down streets and side­ Miss Colleen Stokes entertained gon legislation, which was passed at the last walks. and price crashes after the war. They are meet­ Mr and Mrs Oarret Muntjewerff and Mr and Mrs Dennis Patch at Water must be off from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. session of the legislature. ing the challenge. at the Patch home Friday Above all else remember that any time the i dinner evening Colleen Is completing in fire siren blows turn off all water. This will the 4-H dollar dinner division. allow more pressure to fight said fires. The daily vacation Bible school was closed Friday with a special presentation of work done during the two weeks and a picnic lunch noon Fifty were enrolled in the City Water Master. at school with and average attendance of 42 Highest honor awards went ?M MttM M MBH H till m»N tmiKI MM M M M M»M MM HM H M MWM mmMH »mmmtUtM» II DURCI Let Us Tell You John Why Oregon and Idaho Have Joined 28 Other Dairying States In Raising An Advertising Fund Dairymen Rallying To Promotion Program Claude Willson FARMERS COOPERATIVE CREAMERY Payette, Idaho li 11 li (IH11 HM Mil MM M MM HM MM ll WMMMIMMiil *