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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY MAV 25, 1944 Classified Advertising PAGE THREE complaint herein. The Crockers plan to go as far as Emery Elliott and family. loyment In farm work sines tin» Defendants Oklahoma before returning home. | Mr and Mrs S. B. Hoffman were close of school. Lois Patton of Boise spent the j in Caldwell Friday to meet Mrs The Senior Girl Scouts will meet ^ C'tipi/di To George Hill and Ella M. Hill, week-end at home here. ! Hoffman's mother. Mrs Maize of May 29 at 7 o’clock for a pot-luck J l*'s wife, and the unknown heirs of P d Id O C Mrs Charles Culbertson and Betty , Nebraska, who will visit at the Er- dinner at the home of Mrs Dennis i either of them if deceased, the B, and Larry were dinner guests of | nest Haize and Hoffman home. Mrs Patch. Owyhee Ditch Company, a corpora- I ! I ! ' V.U1- the Arnold Slippy family Sunday. j Maize is 80 years old. RATES: Two cenu per word lor each Issue Minimum cash In j tion, John Molenaar. President and The Frances Deffer and George Mr and Mrs Jess Gregg and Thomas Jones, secretary of said I Mr and Mrs J. W. Jennings and de Haven families picnicked Sun Becky Lou and Mrs Martha Kling- advance Is 30c. Owyhee Ditch Company and John back and son. Fred, were among j Romaine were in Meridian Tues- day at Sucker creek. Molenaar, H. E. Noah, Hans Oft, CAPITAL PARADE guests at a dinner given by Mrs ! day on business. Sixty-nine voters from the Adrian AH. Bishop, Jacob Fischer; Will POLITICAL TRENDS Anna Gregg in Sunset valley ln Mrs Willis Bertram. Mrs George precinct iam Peutz and O. R. IHte, as dir The political carnival of party their votes for candi MISCELLANEOUS honor of her daughter, Miss Esther Cleaver. Mrs Leslie Topliff and Mrs dates at cast ectors of said Owyhee Ditch Com nominations left no pin-up favor Legal Advertuement the Legion Friday. Jo Gregg, who arrived Friday from For Sale pany; also all other persons of par ites. Name calling and other frict Los Angeles for a week's visit. Ot Alva Goodell attended the Chatter hn Holly, Mr and hall Mrs Overstreet, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Box club merting at the Charles unkown, claiming any right, ion producing tactics used during her guests were Mr and Mrs Wall FOR SALE OR TRADE—Two good STATE OF OREGON FOR MALH ties Mrs Sparks and Mrs Howard Hatch Grider home Thursday afternoon. title, estate, lien or interest in the the campaign have left lacerations ace Gregg and two sons. Richard business lots and seven good resid Thelma Florea is staying at the served on the day board and Mrs real estate and or water right app EUR COUNTY that are sure to Influence the gen and Daniel, of Richland district. Alfred Scott home at Vale. ential lots In Nyssa. Best of title Judd. Mrs Patch, Mrs Greeling and urtenant thereto and particularly eral election In November. Notice To Creditors Mr and Mrs Don Grant of Boise for property In or near New Ply- ! In The Matter of the Estate of Certificate No. 2278 for 60 shares Voter’s registration figures are and Miss Frances Sandy of Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Alva Goodell and Mr Deffer and Mr Beaumont on the night board. mouth. See George Abbott at shoe of the capital stock of the Owyhee posing the political shadow readers i The home of Mr and Mrs Wer- family were in Ontario Friday. shop. 25Mlxp A- L- Mitchell. Deceased Ditch Company representing and Oregon is still republican but with t ner Peutz has been the gathering The Out Our Way club held a Notice hereby Is given to the cr being said water right, described in only a 7 per cent lead. Both re j place of the George Neln family the program and pie social at the Ore FOR SALE--Large L and H elect editors of and all persons having the complaint herein, defendants: publican and democratic registrat last week. Mr and Mrs George gon Trail school house Friday even ric range. Practically new. Phone claims against the estate of A. L. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ions are below the 1942 figures; re I Nein parents of Mrs Peutz, have ing. A quilt was won by Cecil Fl 104R. 25Mlxc Mitchell, Deceased, to file them wi OF OREGON, you and each of you publicans lost 8447 while the dem been visiting here from Ft Morgan, orea. $16.50 was received from the Insurance d É S f c Real Estate pies and $39 from the quilt. The th the necessary vouchers within!are hereby required to appear and ocrats lost 22.008. Total registrat j Colorado FOR SALE--Ford 2-door V-b sixty. six for two weeks. A sister money from the quilt will be given months after the date of first i answer the complaint filed against ions. 2059 Independents. 341 social Motor overhauled, new pistons, val publication of this notice, with the you In the above entitled suit on or Phone 64 and family, Mr and Mrs John Yan- ves, etc. First class tires. $750. undersigned Administratrix at her before the eighth day of June 1944, ists, 425 prohibitionists and 2994 ish and two children of New Jer to the Red Cross. NY88A OREGON Powell Service Station. 25Mlxp residence oil R.D. 2, Nyssa. Oregon. said date being the last day of four scattered. Only eight counties show sey, a sister and her husband. Mr rr ed and increase. One of the many and Mrs Harry Chote of Vancouver Adrian FOR SALE!—Molette separator, 1 Llla( Mitchell, Administratrix weeks from the date of the first ’‘williwaw’’ results was that Lane Washington, and Miss Esther Nein ton of corn on cob, 1 oak dining Dated and’ 1st publ. April 27, 1944. publication of this summons; and county with 6150 less population completed family circle. The The Dally Vacation Bible school if you fail to appear and answer table. M. M Greeting, Phone 07R3. Last publ. May 25, 1944 Marion registered 7822 more visitors left the for their homes Monday continuing through its second Ask Mother About said complaint, for want thereof, than 25Mlxc voters than the county with the morning. week of work. The school, with 48 ALARM CLOCKS FOR SALE—Se IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE the plaintiff will apply to the Court seat of government. Rev. Kriner will deliver a mess enrolled this year, is meeting at veral alram clocks, couple cheap STATE OF« OREGON FOR MALH for the relief prayed for in its com SALVAGE age Sunday school next Sun the Kingman Kolony school with plaint. EUR COUNTY watches. See Bertsch, between 6 The regular course of events at day. after Everybody is invited to attend. Miss Nadeen Wilson, Miss Maxine Notice Of Hearing This suit is brought for the pur- tlie state department of education Word has been and 8 p.m. 18Mtfc received by Mr Smith; Miss Ida Mary Prouty and The Matter of the Estate of pose of securing a decry: adjudging was put ln reverse Aere at the cap- and Mrs William Peutz She Knows from their Rev. and Mrs Nevin as instructors. FOD SALE—160 acre tract, 80 in In Julius Bevins, Deceased the plaintiff to be the owner of ito] wj,en Rex Putnam, superin- Pvt. Laurence Peutz that he is The school has classes for beginn crop. Will sell with or without crops Notice hereby is given that Mary Lots 2,3 and 4 of Section 19, Town- | tendent of public instruction, who son. moving from Ft. Bliss, Texas to Ca ers, primary. Junior and intermed For Sale at All Food and stock. Inquire at Journal office. E. Bevins, Administratrix of the ab ship 19 S. Range 47 E.W.M. iaclud- ¡s accustomed to giving diplomas, mp in Oregon. iate groups. On Friday the parents HM4xp ove entitled estate, has filed her ing the water right appurtenant certificates and rewards, was put Mrs Adair Hite and daughter, will meet for a picnic lunch at noon Stores. acount, together with her re thereto which water right Is repres on the receiving end when present Marjory, Mildred FOR SALE—Seed potatoes and fr final left Friday Aberdeen, with the boys and girls. ented by Certificate No. 2278 for port and a petltlan for distribution, ed with a certificate of merit from Washington to find for work for the Mrs Florence Johnson of Long uit jars. Smltty Grocery. 18M2xp of sixty shares of the capital stock of said estate, and that the 29th the Oregon State Salvage commit summer and to visit relatives. Beach, Calif, arrived Sunday after Owyhee Ditch Company and which tee. FOR SALE—White-faced bulls. Go day of May, 1944, at 10:00 o’clock stock Mr and Mrs FYank Crocker and noon at the Walter Pinkston home certificate issued ln the name The presentation was made by sons od breeding stock. Serviceable age A.M. at the County Courtroom, in of George were Sunday guests of the Earl for a visit. Hill and wife is now out Claude I. Sersanious. chairman of Crocker TO PS in V a lu e ... Jake Fischer. 24Ftfc the County Courthouse at Vale. standing, and family. The Dennis Patch family were requiring said Owy the committee who said Oregon Oregon, have been fixed and app Sunday guests at the Otto Wolf ho FOR SALE—Seeds, Mlchael-Leon- ointed as the time and place for hee Ditch Company, and the proper working in co-operation wi me in the Owyhee. ard, flower, garden and field seeds. settlement of said account and he officers thereof to cancel said cer schools Malthoid th volunteer county and local sal The Home Ec. club of the Grange Hollingsworth Hardware and. Im aring of said report and petition, tificate No. 2278 and to Issue to vage committees, have been directly plement Co. 24FTFC at which time and place any Inter-, plaintiff a new certificate in lieu responsible for the collection of at Dick Asncraft received notice met Tuesday afternoon at the home ------9 0 l b . --------- Mrs George de Haven. The af person may appear and file l thereof. least 6500 tons of waste paper and Monday to appear in Boise to en of ternoon FOR SALE—About 400 . sartts “ >m" ested was spent in sewing for , written exceptions to said account! This summons is published by more than 800 tons of tin cans dur ter the navy. MINERAL bazaar. . . William cotiii tC > Peutz, o m, P° route 8 S 1, i B Ny- u | d Notice report further and contest same, the Hon. D. Lytle, The 4-H poultry club met at the the Miss the past nine months. Pearl Acker and Clyde Qu sacks. is given the that said ! lorder Circuit of Judge, dated Robt. May 4th. 1944, ing SURFACE home ot their leader. Jim Shaw, UP arrels of Boise visited over Sunday ssa, Phone 010J2.__________I account is for final settlement, and ’ prescribing that this summons be _ PAYROLLS „ ............................. Oregon payrolls for the first four Monday evening. the Bill Wood's home. FOR SALE-Nearly new "Economy.the estate >s ready ior distribution,: served i r by publication thereof, once m”n^ "0{ this year are up 10 per A new well has been drilled on the at The __ i ___ .. _________ i _ s : ___ i __________ . n o n h o o l r f r v r f r v ii r p n n f iA r ilt.tV P i American Legion and United King” separator. J. E. Brower, route “ I I and upon approval of final account each week for four consecutive j cent as compared with the same M. M. Greeling ranch. church are sponsoring 2. Parma. ¡8M2x!)! distribution of^ the estate immed- j weeks | period last year. They are now av The lower grades of Kingman Presbyterian . . . In colors of Z . | lately will be had. j nal- a newspaper published in Mai eraging about $60,000,000 a month. Kolony had their last-day-of-school a Boy Scout troop for Adrian and Bed or Green . . . community. The Scouts meet, Mon Dated and first publ. Apr. 27, 1944. jheur County Oregon, and the date Altho the tax rate on payrolls drop picnic Tuesday. Several mother’s WANTED of the first publication is May 11, ped from 2.3 to 2.2 the receipts were were present. The teachers are Mrs day night with Mr Nevin. Troop Last Publ. May 25, 1944. are Mr Wilson, Mr WANTED—Cultivator to fit Farm- Mary E. Bevins, Administratrix 1944. ¡up from $8.691,845, for the first qu Mildred Hite and Mrs Sam Shaw. committeemen Peterson and Mr. Kurtz. A. L. Fletcher all tractor F-12. Ray Strickland Estate of Julius Bevins, De Dellla Poster has recovered from arter of 1943, to *3,978,000 for the Attorney for Plaintiff The Henry Hartley and Walter route 2, Nyssa llM3xp. ceased. period this year. The unem a case of measels. Residence and Post Office same McPartland families were Monday IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Mrs Elmer Sparks visited her ployment trust fund reached $52,- WANTED—Used furniture. Highest THE STATE OF, OREGON FOR Address, Nyssa, Oregon. evening dinner guests at the Dennis 227,755 compared with $34,450,000 a parents in Emmett Friday. prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa THE Patch home. COUNTY OF MALHEUR Miss Dorothy Toomb gave a fare year ago. The benefits paid last ye Furniture Co. 1ATFC NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING ar did not equal the interest the well party Wednesday evening at Word has been received from Mrs No. 5759-E Edens of her arrival in Pet SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION notice ; h er eb y is g iv e n , that state received from the fund. per her home for Dick Ashcraft and Walker WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi FIRST aluma. California where she went CAMDEN NATIONAL BA A. L. iletcher, Administrator of the DRY Dudley Kurtz, who left Sunday to 108 live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay NK AND to be with her husband,*who is in TRUST COMPANY, a estate of Joseph Lee Reed, deceas Upon his return from a nine day enter the navy. ette. 57Ntfc national banking sq. ft. the army there. ed, has filed in the County Court association trip recently made in Eastren Ore Mrs Conrad Martin left for her Most of the young people ln Ad roll FURNITURE WANTED—We pay oi Malheur County, Oregon, his fir gon, Plaintiff home, ln Slarkston, Wednesday mo with other members of the st highest prices for used furniture. (with st and final account of his admin ate board of control. Governor Earl rning. Betty Jean Toomb and Joyce rian and vicinity have found vmp- -vs- Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc George Hill and Ella M. Hill, his istration. and that the 20th day of Snell Kurtz accompanied her home. anils reports conditions are poor wife, and the unkown heirs of eith June. 1944 at the hour of 11 O’clock because of dry weather and water Sam Shaw and Hugh McConnell nod MISCELLANEOUS er of them if deceased: the Owyhee A in M. Vale, and the County Court Room prospects are not good because of went to Jamison to get a team for cement) Oregon, have been fixed the dry winter. The board is inter Mr McConnell over the week-end. PERSONAL—Lonely? Write box 26, Ditch Company a cor^ration^Jo- Interior and Exterior by the Court as the time and place ested, he said, in developing the Vancouver, Washington. 18MTFC mas hn Molenaar’ preslden, 1 ™o- Jones, secretary of said Owy for the hearing of said account and state’s 8000 acres ln Lake countie’s hee Ditch Company and John Mol any objections thereto, when and j Warner valley into a postwar reel' Decorator H. E. Noah, Hans Oft, A. B. where any person interested in said amatlon project. The land is excell Corsets Surgical garm- enaar. Bishop, Jacob Fischer, William Pe-i estate may appear and file written ent for farm crops, and would pro Free Estimate LUMBER (g> COMPANY ents POODS: utz and O. D. Hite, as Directors of objections. Said acount is for final vide farms for a great many re- PROCESSED 4--Blue stamps A8 through "There’s a Yard Near You” Girdles Brazzieres said Owyhee Ditch Company also settlement and upon being approved turlng soldiers, tho it will take at Q8 Book 775 First Street valid indefinitely. other persons or parties un said estate will be closed and the least two years to get the alkali MEATS, ALICE A. COLLINS all NYSSA, OREGON claiming any right, title es administrator discharged. out of the soil and build the nece CHEESE: BUTTER, FATS, AND Andy McGinnis Box 500 Phone 122-J known, Dwight Smith. Mgr. tate, lien or interest in the real es A. L. Fletcher, Administrator of ssary dikes. » Phone 15 Book 4--Red stamps A8 through tate and or water right appurten the Estate of Joseph Lee Reed, ATTORNEY GENERAL RULES BUTCHERING T8 valid indefinitely. Red stamps ant thereto and particularly certif Deceased. Custom butchering every Monday Funds from the state restoration U*. V8 and W8 valid June 4. and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. icate No 2278 for TO shares of the May 15, 1944. fund, which is the state’s own in SUGAR: capital stock of the Owyhee Ditch Sanitary butchering guaranteed. surance system to' replace lasses to Book 4—Sugar stamps 30 and 31 Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa Company representing and being NOTICE OFi FINAL HEARING state property, cannot be used to valid indefinitely, 5 pounds each. said water right, described in the NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That replace losses which will not be re on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. B. B. Lienkaemper, Administrator placed Attorney General George For canning only: Sugar stamp 40 ol the estate of Rosie Alice Mull, Neuner has ruled for Secretary of valid for 5 pounds through Feb deceased, has filed in the County State Robert S. Farrell, Jr. As an ruary 28. 1945. Apply at local OPA Court of Malheur County, Oregon, example, if the highway department board for more. | his first and final account of his looses a truck by fire, funds from SHOES: administration, and that the 20th the restoration fund cannot be pro Book 3--Airplane stamps Nos. 1 day of June. 1944 at the hour ot vided unless for the purchase of a and 2 valid indefinitely, one pair University of Idaho No. 3 each. 11 O’clock A, M. and the County new truck. GASOLINE COUPONS: Court Room in Vale, Oregon, have GOVERNOR GOES EAST been fixed by the Court as the time Oovernor Snell will attend the “A" No. 11 valid through June 21 and place for the hearing of said national governor’s conference at —3 gallons each. (May renew “B" account and any objections thereto, Hershy. Pa . and will return about or “C” within but not before 15 when and where any person inter June 4. The governor is chairman days from date on cover.) ested ln said estate may appear 0f the conference's committee on WOOD. COAL, SAWDUST: and file written objections and be forestry and will address the gover Order your 12-months supply now heard thereon. Said account is for nors on forestry. Governors of 45 during temporary winter storage Seed Division, Ontario DENTISTS final settlement and upon such set states have announced they will program OPTOMETRISTS PRICE CONTROL: tlement, said estate will be closed attend. J. R. CUNDALL See Your Coop Station For Seed Needs Refer inquiries and complaints to and the administrator discharged. DR. J. A. McFÀLL B B Lienkaemper. Administrator price clerk at local OPA board Dentist “See McFall and So* Batter' of the estate of Rosie Alice Mull. Phone 56-J May 17, 1944. The Owyhee Community club met Buena Vista with Mrs Mildred Hite Thursday. NYSSA Sarazln Clinic OREGON Eugene Elliott, who has been In MALHEUR STUDENTS Mr and Mrs Bob Rice and daugh training Idaho is vis ter. Lanna, and Mrs Hugh Olenn iting at at the Farragut. RECEIVE DEGREES home of his brother JEWELRY^ STORES and son. Billy, attended the funeral .__ — 1 ' 'a' EYES IQ HT SPECIALIST Eastern Oregon College, La Or- of Arthur Cottengin, who died sud Clartce L. Nothels of Nyssa will denly of a heart attack at Portland ONTARIO OREGON PAULUS lecelve her bachelor of science de last week. Mrs Cottengin, a daugh JEWELRY STORE gree ln elementary education at ter of Mrs Anna Larson, spent *ev- Union Pacific Time Inspector commencement exercisas to be held ersl weeks here visiting her mother PHYSICIANS Our reputation of re at Eastern Oregon college May 26. this spring. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS THE NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY GOES Ramona Lois Henderson of Nyssa, Mrs Prank Crocker and sons, WATCHES liability and fair deal daughter of Mr and Mrs Ed A. He Louis and Alvin, and Mrs Clara Main Street at Second nderson and Mary Arlene Peterson, Nicholson left Monday morning for ings is your assurance TO PRESS JUNE 2nd. ANY CHANGES IN L. A. Maulding, M.D. daughter of Mr and Mrs K. I. Pet visits with relatives in Colorado. WYCKOFF Physician and Burgeon erson of Adrian, will receive the of proper treatment. LISTING OR ADVERTISING PLEASE CALL Junior college certificates >7 JEWELRY STORE Hours; 10 Phone Jane Kikuckl and Frances F. to 12 and 1 to t We strive to give co Don M. Graham Kumazawa of Adrian will complete Official Time Inspector for Dally—Except Sunday THE LOCAL COMMERCIAL OFFICE. their pre-clinical work in the US Union Pacific Fry Building mplete satisfaction by cadet nurse corps at Eastern Oreg ONTARIO OREGON Insurance Agency on college. IS» Bernard Eastman Picket Flour Kingman Kolony — —- “ — — ■■■ Aioui ij i l l . If I' JI U l l t / l l l y I c , 1 - 4 f Ft ' V* bl OO J V W* MS Vi « Roofing I Ration Calendar Certified Red Mexican Bean Seed Professional And Business Directory Pacific Supply Coop. Owyhee Sensible Prices SHOE SHOPS SARAZIN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. A b b o tt’« S h o e S h o p All kind* of *hoe and hamesa .Tenera! practice of medict« repairing Physiotherapy ¿-Ray A cro« from poat office COLUMBIA AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. Oerrtt Slam were Boise visitor« Friday. Sunday dinner guests at the Dick Oroot home were Mr and Mrs. Dick Tenaen of Nyssa. Fete Tenaen was a bust visitors ln Ontavto Thursday. Ha Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds attending to the minu test details. Nyssa Funeral . Home Directory Going To Press Malheur Home Telephone Co.