Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1944)
PAGË SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY M AY 11, 1044 mum BUSINESS WOMEN MEET meier. grandparents, all o f BobeH Morgan went to- Portland Tuesday grandson Jay Bybee, gradua e Rev. and Mrs. Kriner and child- to confer with the .state highway from Nyssa high school. lien . Park and Sandra, of Payette,1 commission relative to improvement ; and Mr., George Gregg of Cald- of roads and streets In this area, i From Oklahoma— « ell. They were accompanied to Portland) Elza Frey of Thomas, Oklahoma, After the dinner a short business The Profess.onal and Business meeting and program was held Women's club and guests attended Miss Virginia Van Slyke gave a a chicken dinner served in Brown- ‘ reading. ie's cafe Monday night, Approx- i The next meeting will be held imately 25 attended. I June 13 at 8 o'clock at the park. The looms were decorated with spring flowers. Refreshments of i<e cream, cake and punch were ■.cived by Mrs. Annie Gregg with | Mrs. Wallace Gregg and Mrs. Geo- | *ge Gregg assisting. Mrs. Grant graduated from the Nyssa high school in 1941 and has since lived in Sunset Valley. Mr. Grant is farming with his lather near Boise, where, after a short honey moon trip, the newly weds will be at home. germ-laden dust in or about the PH YS IC IA N GIVES POINTERS ON T.B. room occupied by an open or act ive case oi tuberculosis. The bac teria which cause this disease may By W. J Weese, M. D. (NO TE: In response to a request remain in a dried or resting form by Mrs Herschel Thompson j arrived Saturday to visit his son. from the Malheur County Public for a considerable period of time F. C. Frey, on the Idaho side in Health Association. Dr. Weese has in some undisturbed corner or cre Convention Planned— the Black Canyon district. Mr. prepared a summary of the known vice of the room and still be cap The Missionary Baptist church, Fry's son took him to Nampa facts about tuberculosis and means able of rapid growth upon coming along,.with other churches, will sp Tuesday to visit Mr and Mrs. L. D. available for Its control. Many of into contact with the warmth and onsor a singing convention in the moisture of human tissues. these facts are still unkown to the j M W A hall In Meridian, Idaho at vjooaman. 1 p.m. M W T, May 14. The public is average layman although the med Visiting Here— invited to attend. ical profession has been well aware Mrs K. B. Chladek of Delavan, Wisconsin is visiting this week with of them for years.) Expected Here— P IE SO C IA L PLANNED "The course and result of any Mr and Mrs Robert McCurdy ol Mrs J. B. Beckham at the A. H. infection depend upon: First, the The Out-Our-Way club will hold Coear d ’ Alene. Idaho are expected Boydell home. Mrs Elwin Smith, Jr., amount or size of the infection; a program and pie auction in the here today for a visit with friends. has returned from California to second- the infected individual's Oregon Trail school house Friday make her home with her parents, HOSTESS TO CLUB evening, May 19. A quilt will be lesistance to the infection in quest Mrs Ed Frost was hostess to the Here From Boise— Mr and Mrs Boydell. given away. The proceeds will be ion, and third, the length of time Tuesday evening bridge club this Sunset Valley Hall Mrs. Elyda Haydock of Boise vis given to the Red Cross. the infection is allowed to con week at her home. Prizes for the ited friends in Nyssa the past Visit In Fayette— tinue before treatment is begun. Friday, May 19 Mrs Bernard Frost, Mrs A. C. evening were won by Mrs Don SUNSET G IR L WEDS week-end. She was formerly adult "The intent of this brief state Music by Oscar Ro class teacher In the L.DS. church. Sallee. Mrs Ed Norcott and Mrs J. ment is to set forth some of the Miss Evelyn Roberta Gregg, McBain and Mrs Bernard Frost. B. Giezentanner drove to Payette - 5 - daughter oi Mrs. Annie Gregg, ol sen's orchestra of Pay Tuesday to shop and to visit Mrs commonly accepted faots pertinent M R AND MRS MEET Co To Texas— Sunset Valley, was married Thurs to that particular Infection known ette The M r and Mrs club met last Bonnie Jemmett of Parma wen; George Sallee. day afternoon. May 4, to Donald as tuberculosis and, more specific Wednesday evening with Mr and Tickets $1 to Shepherd Field. Texas, to visit G. Grant of Boise at a beautiful ally, that type o f tuberculosis which home wedding. Rev. Robert K rin Mrs A. H. Boydell. In the bridge her husband, who has been sta- Go To M exico- Sergeant and Mrs Miller Jensen first attacks the lungs and is re- er of Payette officiated. Relatives game high scores were won by A. tioned in the army there. left recently for Hobbs. New Mex [ ferred to as pulmonary tuberculosis. ________________ and close friends were the guests. H. Boydell, and Mrs Burnall B r- ico. Mrs Jensen will live at Hobbs ■ This disease is contracted through own ! Visit In Payette— Out-of-town guests were Mr. and 'Best Buy in Roofing!" while her husband Is serving in the ! the respiratory tract by breathing Mrs. L. J. Grant and daughter. Miss Elaine Lewis was a week —8— army. HOLD B RID G E PA R T IE S M yi B U IL D IN G end visitor at the home of Mr Mary Louise, and Mrs. Jasper Mrs Tom Eldredge and Mrs Harry and Mrs. Elmer Scott of Payette Smith, parents and sisters of the BUG Miner were hostess at two dessert Her brother. Mural C. Lewis, is now Child Visits Here— groom. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stlegel- Mr and Mrs George Mitchell ha bridge parties held at the home of stationed at Farragut, Idaho. ve as their guest this week little Mrs Eldredge Thursday evening and Beth Donnelly of Caldwell, a niece Friday afternoon of last week P o Go To California— ( God's Mothers ) ur tables were in play at both a ff The highways were unoccupied— Mrs. Elsworth Wheeler and In of Mrs Mitchell. airs. Spring? flowers of tulips and fant son left May 4 for California, I travelers went thru crooked ways, ! they ceased in villages--until I, De | lilacs were arranged about the ro-1 where she will visit her husband, borah—arose a Mother in Israel. ■ om. High scores Thursday evening I who Is soon to be graduated front Judges 5:7. were won by Mrs Artie Robertson the air corps. and Mrs John Young. At the after- j ------------- ----------- Elsie once climbed into her mot her's lap and looking into her face noon paity high scores were given Youth Expected Here— said frankly; "Mother, I love every to Mrs Ed Norcott and Mrs Don ! Ted Morgan Is expected home the Buyi thing about you but your hands— McBain. first of the week to visit his par Thl»: Why are they so grewsome?” Mot ents, Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan. - 8 - her told how that when Elsie was EASTERN S T A R T O MEET He will finish his technical training j Golden Rule chapter of the East- this week at Yale university and a baby in her crib there was a fire and that in rescuing the baby ! ern Star will meet Monday evening will receive a commission in the I May 15. Two new members will be army air corps. mother's hands were burned terr 108 »q. ft. roll, »0 lb. ibly. Baby’s life was saved at a gr initiated Into the order. A social j eat sacrifice to the mother. There ! hour will follow the business meet- J Missionary Here— was a faithful mother who risked ing. I Mrs Menzies, for 40 years a miss- M IN E R A L SU RFACE death for the safety of her child. | A school of instruction will be ionary In India at Pendra road for r e p u b l i c a n —f o ** Roll Roofi ng Dear mother, God has entrusted to held May 18 at 8 o'clock at the the Christian churches of the Un you precious souls that are dally hall. Tlie school will be conducted ited States, will speak to the women and enough lap cement being assailed by dangers many ti by Lorena McNair of Ashland, ass- of the council of the Church of and large-headed nail* mes more subtile and destructive ociate grand conductress. Christ this afternoon. The public is for 100 nq. ft. of roof! than fires. The fire's of hell are invited to attend. Second District —3— Colon: Red or Oreen. raging near those children—What FORM ER RESIDENT O F N YSSA M AR R IE S sacrifice are you making to save Returns From Calif.— d p im & R IE S -M A V 1 9 _ Miss Betty Jean Thrasher, daugh those lives? W ill you arise a "M ot Mrs Anna R. Campbell returned ter o f Mr and Mrs Dah Thrasher, Tuesday from ElCajon, California, her in Israel’ and save your child and Lee Hollis DeGrofft of Baker where she spent the winter. ren? Elsie took those fire-scarred •on of Mr and Mrs William De- hands of mother’s In hers and kiss Grofft. Sr. of Nyssa. were married Program Planned— ed them tenderly, saying, “ I love LJM BER COMPANY at noon last Friday in the M eth them best of all.” Dear mother, There will be a special Mother' odist parsonage in Baker. Rev. O. day program given at the L.D £ your children too, will bless you ‘•There’» a Yard Near You” L. Kendall read the ceremony in church Sunday morning starting when they see your sacrifice and Nyssa, Oregon ihe pre.sense of the immediate fam at 10:30. Children in the variou. realize that It is for them—a sacrl- Dwight Smith, Mgr. ilies flce prompted by Divine Love. M ot classes will give demonstration Candidate For PHONE 15 The bride, given in marriage by of love and appreciation for then her is the heart of the home, so the her father, wore a powder blue suit mothers. atmosphere of the home Is deter Superintendent Ricliarc if with brown accessories and cor Taylor invited all L.D.S. mother- mined by the heart of the mother ij III 1:111 n II II fill 11111111 HI Fill II H HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI II HI HI II I III 11 HI HI HI III HI 11 III III HIM III sage of American beauty roses. Miss The Psalmist sang: “He maketh the to be present. of Malheur county Juanita Thrasher, sister o f the br barren woman to keep house, and ide, was maid of honor and wort Go To Nebraska— to be a Joyful mother of children. on the Republican Tick a brown suit with fatching access Praise ye the Lord. Ps 113:8 Mr and Mrs Leno Christensen ories and a corsage o f yellow roses. and daughter left Tuesday for W y- LLOYD N. POUNDS et At the primary e le c William DeG rofft, Jr„ brother of more, Nebraska, where Mrs Christ THE FULL GOSPEL the bridegroom, was best man. ensen and baby will live with Mrs Nyssa, Oregon tion May 19, 1944 The wedding music was played Christensen's parents while Mr. Phone 150W by Mrs C. T. Godwin. Miss Bessie Christensen is serving In the navy Dr Hess Poultry and Stock Products Insure | Coleman sang "Always” . Mr. Christensen, vocational agricul A wedding dinner was held in ture instructor in the Nyssa high = Healthy flocks and herds. Hotel Baker following the cere school, will enter the navy soon. mony. Mr and Mrs D eG rofft will For Sale By make their home on a farm near Return From Visit— Sumpter. Dr. and Mrs J. J. Sarazin have returned from a short visit with - 1 - P A R T Y IS PLAN NE D their son. Norbert Sarazin, radio I The Young Grangers association technician, 2nd class in the navy,} W on’t try to save his car by locking it up of the Oregon Trail section will ho who Is stationed at Treasure island. The Rexall Store ld a roller skating party at Fruit California. Norbert Sarazin will be in the garage for the duration. land Saturday night. May 13. The graduated from « radio school next Phone 14 party will be given in honor of month and will then be assigned to Without use, rubber deteriorates; machine ii hi uni 11 n i cm hi hi hi mum m hi hi iihhi hi hi hi hi hi m m cm in hi hi hi hum hi hi hi hi hi mimdii him hi hi hi m Harold Kurtz, past president, who a ship. will enter the army. Mrs Wilson pails rust and corrode. Drive your car-sanely 11111 I I 1111111111 HI HI t l HI Hi l l HI 11 HI 1111 HI 1111 I I H HI HI 1111 I I 11 II 11111 |T m m T | 1111111111111 HI HI 11 HI Winters was elected president of the Polling Places Announced— and wisely-and let us service it regularly, to association last week to succeed Polling places In the Nyssa vic Mr Kurtz. inity for the primary election to be keep it in good condition through the war. held May 19 were announced by - 8 - Sheriff C. W. Olenn. The polling places are as follows: Nyssa No. 1, city hall; No. 2, Eagle's hall; No. 3. Mrs Addie Wilson's home; Arcadia, former Fred Koopman residence, Here From Ontario— Double Feature and Owyhee, » Mrs Robert Holman and children FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 12— 13 of Ontario visited at the home of Here From Ogden— Richard Dix and Gloria Stuart in Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis Tuesday. Mrs. Virginia Bybee is enjoy “THE WHISTLER” ing a visit from her mother. Mrs Attending Meeting— A. O. Chamberlain of Ogden, who Hopalong Cassidy and Pals in Mayor Herschel Thompson. Dale arrived In Nyssa Tuesday after “TEXAS MASQUERADE” Garrison. Bernard Frost and Frank noon. 8he came to see her first Mat.. Sat., 2:3# Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax *dm. Evening», 40r-9r, Including Tax £4141II HI IHM Hill HI HI HI HI HI M M HI HI M HI Mil HI M HI II Mil I IMI I Hill HI HI M M M HI HMD HIHI I Dance 1 1 Minute Sermon VOTE F « 1* LOWELL [STOCKMAN Malthoid CONGRESS um l i m i t EFFICIENT EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED ($ ) Too Late to Classify LO ST—Ouren ladies watch on M a in street, reward. Leave at Journal O ffice or see Ann Graham. llM lx c W A N TE D —Cultivator to fit Farm- all tractor F-12. Ray Strickland route 2, Nyssa llM3xp. FO R S A L E —Nearly new circulator heater, burns either coal or wood. 1 Rockers, 1 Kitchen table, 2 kit chen'chitrs, 9 x 12 Administer rug. Phone 9J or call at the J. Bellon home after 5 p.m. ' llM lx p FO R SALE—9 by 12 Biglow all-wool rug and pad. Good condition. Mrs Melvin Spitze. llM lx c FOR SALE—Flowers and plants for Mother’s day at Norcott Service st ation all day Saturday, May 13. The American Legion auxiliary. llM lx c Regardless Of Your Party Affiliation You Can VOTE For M.A. Judge Irwin Troxell County judge K Mac | Says: A Wise Motorist I Nyssa Pharmacy NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM Towne’s Garage LOCAL NEWS THEATRE Mother '" j Every Day is Mother’s Day SUNDAY and MONDAY MAY 14— 15 Fied MacMurray, Paulette Goddard, Edward Arnold and Roland Young in “STANDING ROOM ONLY” Cartoon and W clld in Action Mat.. Sun., 2:3« Adm., :!0c-»c, Inc. Tax Adm Evening». 40c-»c. Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — PRESCRIPTIONS TUESDAY MAY 16 The East Side Kids in “MR. MUGGS STEPS OUT” Shorts and The Masked Marvel Adm. Ifc -lr , Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY MAY 17— 18 Olivia de Havilland, Robert Cummings, Charles Coburn and Jane Wyman in “PRINCESS O’ROUKE” A Happy, Gay, liv a b le Picture for the Entire Family. Sports and News Adm. Evening*. Me-»c. Ineluding Tax = I You At Owyhee Drug Bec- ause-every day mothers call or come to our st ore for all the little th ings that keep babies and growing children That will last healthy and happy. W e’re here to provide the medicines, pres criptions and other necessities and conveniences to keep children healthy and happy. May we help you too. Mother? Owyhee Drug Company Day Phan* 22 ‘IMillMMWMMMHMMMWMMMHWUHMM Platform rockers End tables Coffee tables Lamp tables Fuller Plate-glass mirrors These are among the many useful gifts to he | Night Phone *1W = Authorized CU TTER Distributor Y Deserves a gift from purchased from Nyssa Furniture Company The Election For Circuit Judge May Be Decided in the Primary Fri. May 19th Vote 12 i r