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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CÍTV JOUHNALJHURSDAY MAY 4, 19-14 Classified Advertising oil act RATES Two cent* per worn lor e*ch lteue Minimum c u b in advance Is 30c. $j Farm »et«* WAR NEWS PAGE fHËEfi our total present cropland. Another 50 million acre* are without topsoil, and riddled with gullies and dit ches. unfit for anything but.meager production. StiU another 100 million acres of cropland have tost more than half of their productive top soil. In short, erosion has already damaged more than two-fifths of all the cropland of the United S t ates.” ths on the 2nd Friday of each month. Every one is invited to at tend the meetings Leaves For Ogden— Mr and Mrs Mark Child have been enjoying a visit with Mr. Ch ild’s mother ttie past week. Mrs Child left for her home in Ogden Saturday. CHURCH OF CHRIST (Christian) REGULATION AIDS REPAIRMEN George Whipple, Pastor. L. C. Buffington, route 3, Nyssa. MISCELLANEOUS Farmers who have their own m a Bible school, 10 a. m . Paul 20A3xp For Sale Godfrey, superintendent. “The Lord chinery repair shops are reminded WANTED—Used furniture. Highest Honoring Mrs. Carl Fox and Is a lamp unto my feet and a th at a WPA regulation is designed j daughter of Lucas. Kansas, who prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa especially to aid them in more have been visiting here for several RUMUAOE SALE- -Household Furniture Go. light unto my pathway." 1ATFC readily obtaining repair parts and weeks, a picnic dinner was held goods, dishes, kitchen ware, cloth Morning worship, 11 a. m . Com WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES fot materials. OMP regulation 9-A farm ing and furniture ai Leno Chris munion served each Lord's day shop owners to apply the allotment at the Evan Chard home Sunday. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay Sermon topic, “Some Vital FacL ■.ymbol of V-3 for carbon and alloy About 60 guests were present. Mrs tensen’s residence. 8 blocks north ette. ¿7Ntfc Pox plans to leave for her home ( About Religion." ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL of Eder store, from 9 a. m. to 5 ¡steel, copper base alloy and brass soon. FURNITURE WANTED—We pay We will join with the other MISSION mill ahd foundry products, and al p. m„ Saturday, May 6. M1XC highest prices for used furniture. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holmes were The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. churches of the city In the bacca uminum. The preference rating of hosts at dinner Tuesday evening Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc laureate services for the high school Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 FOR SALE or TRADE—Model A AA-3 may be used for fabricated honoring Thurman Hill, who left Holy communion and sermon each In place of holding our regular parts. Ford in A-l condition for later BUTCHERING Wednesday to enter the army. Sunday night services. second Sunday of the month. model. Box 303, Nyssa. 4Mlxp ARMY TAKES HEN TURKEYS Custom butchering every Monday Guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Church school at 10:30 a. m. There will be no C. E. meetings To obtain 8.800,00 pounds of tur Holmes, and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Peggy Campbell and FOR SALE 1933 Plymouth 4-door Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Women’s Guild second Wednesday Sunday night. key for American overseas forces sedan, Just overhauled. Reason Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa o? each month. The womens council will meet the WFA on April 21 restricted sal Wayne Kressly. Mrs. Pearl Ballantyne was ably priced. Townes Garage. Thursday at 2:30 p. m. on Alberta Ave. Jake Flicher. es of hen turkeys In Oregon and 15 THE COMMUNITY UNITED M‘2XP Choir practice, Thursday, l p . m . other states. War food order No. 97 called to Utah last week because PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On Friday, May 12, at 8 p. m. requires the aet-aslde for the army of the death of her mother. FOR SALE—Three-piece eastern William De Grofft made a busi Kingman Memorial there will be a party for the young of all hen turkeys processed. Far Corsets Surgical garm- maple bedroom suite, like new; ness trip to Baker last week. J. C. Nevtn, Pastor. folk of the church. ents mers may sell only to authorized new cotton mattress, 2 mahogany Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holmes were 10 a. m„ Bible school. The friendly church with a cord processors who in turn will slaugh end tallies; painted three-shelf Girdles Brazzieres hosts at dinner Thursday for Mrs 11 a. m„ morning worship. Va ial welcome. ter and hold the turkeys for sale Carl Fox and daughter of Lucas. corner bookcase, b.cycle, wood ALICE A. COLLINS cation day with a sermon for and delivery to army quartermaster I Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. Marlon working bench, high chair, canned young people on choosing my place NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF OOD Box 500 Phone 122-J In the world. market centers The 8,800,00 pounds Chard and family. tomatoes and Juice. Leno Chris Paster O. A. slaughter «S t a rt T a ra i) tensen, phone 127J. 4M1XC Gene Fuhrtman of Kuna, Ida 8 p. m , we unite with the com Sunday school, 9:45 am Alan Ed required is only about half the tot al poundage expected to be mar ho, visited his grandparents, Mr. He keener» tfregon-ff« munity in the baccalaureate ser monds Superintendent. Every class keted as breeding flocks and liquid Legal Advertisement FOR SALE — Purebred guernsey and Mrs. T. V. Olson. vice for the high school seniors, p r o b le m a mesti resMrce«. ball, 1 year old. from good pro IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE j Thursday, 2 p. m„ Mary and welcomes you. ated, and the set-aside will be ter Morning service, 11: o’clock #•f u i p p e s t t n r ducing stock, bull’s dam over 500 STATE OF OREGON FOR MALI!- Martha missionary society meets minated when the required quantity Unit To Meet— BL Junior church service at 11 a. pounds and sire’s dam over 600 t h r Sem tsissrahip tg is obtained, his quantity will not The health service unit of Sunset EUR COUNTY ' fer. Mrs. Cowling U the leader. Evengelistlc 8 o’clock. pounds butterfat. Earl Blackburn. supply the total needs for overseas Valley will meet May 12 at 1 p.m. exgerfrare stessi trm im im p Notice T o C reditors | flt the home of Mrs. Frances Def- Prayer meeting Thursday, Route 2, Nyssa. 27A2XP dinners, but the remainder will be for Red Cross sewing. The unit . ™ ^ . I Thursday at 8 p. m., choir prac- o'clock. Poèd a d v — Sprogu* for ü . S. Senator Cootmirt*« In The Matter of the Estate of I Ucf #t Klngman school. obtained under another order when has decided to continue its regular B. Early, Morgan Building, Portland, (Drago* FOR SALE—Five horse, three-ph A cordial welcome to all. the birds hatched in 1944 are ready meetings through the summer mon- A. L. Mitchell, Deceased j vacation Bible school, May 15-26. ase electric motor and entrance to be marketed. Notice hereby is given to the cr-1 All the boys and girls In the CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE switch, 30 feet of conduit and wire HEAVY HOG CEILING DOWN E. J. Wilson, Pastor. and one magnetic switch. E. W. editors of and all persons having. community invited, Acting to conserve feed, the OPA 10 a. in.. Sunday school. Pruyn. 13A4xc claims against the estate of A. L. has announced that effective May — ------- -- ' ■■■ MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 11 a. m„ good song service, with FOR SALE—Modern home, stoker, Mitchell, Deceased, to file them wi Legion Hall message by the pastor following 15, the celling price on live hogs weighing more than 240 pounds will garage, nice lawn and trees Bern th the necessary vouchers within Sunday, 2:30 p.m. subject: “Qlants and Grapes." ard Eastman. 23Mtfc six months after the date of first Sunday school, 2:30. Joe H. Woo We will not have any service be reduced 75 cents a hundred po publication of this notice, with the dard, superintendent. Preaching, 3 at the church Sunday night on unds. The celling price for hogs I hereby announce that I will be a candidate I FOR SALE—150 tons of baled hay. undersigned Administratrix at her p.m Brother Ray Branstetter will under 240 pounds is unchanged. Ira Ure. 9Mtfc residence on R.D. 2. Nyssa. Oregon. preach In the absence of Brother account of the baccalaureate ser PROTEIN MEAL STOCKPILES vice at the high school. Now is the time, the county AAA for Assessor for Malheur county, Oregon, sub- Lila Mitchell. Administratrix Larson. FARM IMPLEMENTS—Case tract Everybody welcome. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY committee advises, for livestock and ors, Implements and parte, Cletrac Dated and 1st publ. April 27. 1944. poultry feeders to take advantage CHURCH crawler tractors, sales and service. Last publ. May 25, 1944. ject to the will of the Democratic voters at the | of the temporary Improved soybean ADRIAN FREE METHODIST M H. Oreenlee. Pastor Repairing and welding of all kinds. meal supply situation to forestall IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE CHURCH Church school opens promptly at Nicholson Service and Supply. Ph Adrian, Oregon 10 o’clock Sunday morning. Since shortages next fall and winter. S t Primary election on May 19, 1944. one 37, Ontario. 24Ftfc. STATE OF) OREGON FOR MALH ockpiling against future needs will EUR COUNTY P. H. Reiman, Pastor pupils go directly to classes all are assure a supply when transportat FOR SALE—White-faced bulls. Go Notice Of Hearing Sunday school ................. 10 AM urged to be on time. Morning wor od breeding stock. Serviceable age In The Matter of the Estate of Preaching ........................ II A.M. ship 11 a m. The pastpr will preach ion bottlenecks and increased de Jake Fischer. 24Ftfc Julius Bevins, Deceased Young people’s meeting at 8 P.M. The Intermediate. Youth, and Yo mands Interfere with movement of Notice hereby Is given tliat Mary We welcome everyone ot these ung Adult Fellowship meetings are protein meal to the northwest. FOR SALE—Seeds, Michael-Leon- E. Bevins. Administratrix of the ab AMMUNITION INCREASED services. at 7:30 p.m. 1 Paid Political Advertisement [ ard, flower, garden and field seeds. ove entitled estate, has filed her More than twice as much amm This Sunday we are dismissing Hollingsworth Hardware and Im final acount, together with her re unition than In 1943 is scheduled evening services to attend baccala L D. B. CHURCH plement Co. 24TTFC port and a petition for distribution, ureate at the Adrian high school Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood for production this year, the WPB re.ports. Production did not start The Malheur County Holiness as meeting FOR SALE—Auto Liability Insur of said estate, and that the 29th Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. until first of March, however, so ance. $11.50 per year on “A” Ration. day of May. 1944, at 10:00 o'clock sociation will be postponed from Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament farmers and ranchers who need Other Rates Proportionately low AM. at the County Courtroom, in May 9 to May 16. This will be held ammunition to control predatory the County Courthouse at Vale, in the Adrian Free Methodist ch meeting. Meets State’s Requirements. Oregon, have been fixed and app Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society animals and birds will not find urch. Announcement of speakers Bernard Eastmen much Improvement In dealers' st ointed as the time and place for will be in the next week’s paper. meeting. settlement of said account and he Our Motto: TO SPREAD SCRIP- First Tuesday of each month at ocks until about July 1. LOST aring of said report and petition, TUAL HOLINESS THROUGHOUT 4 pm. Primary for children bet FARM POWER CONNECTIONS WPB’a office of war utilities has LOST--Billfold in business section at which time and place any Inter THE WORLD. ween ages of 4 and 12. placed further restrictions on elect Tuesday. Big reward. Leave at Jou ested person may appear and file rical service to farms because gr rnal office. 27A2xp written exceptions to said account eatly Increased demand for radio and report and contest the same. LET US PROVIDE A HOME MARKET FOR YOUR FAT HOOK and radar type transformer* by the WANTED Notice further Is given that said armed services has resulted In a Sell where there Is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un account is for final settlement, and WANTED—Housekeeper for three the estate Is ready for distribution, severe limitation on the production necessary expense incurred through a great number ef men adults nor, Good wages. Leslie Schafer, * upon approval of final account „wnunt of distribution transformers of the m T i , and required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check phon» 02J1. 13ATfc size generally used for making farm distribution of the estate Immed the weight of your hogs yourself. WANTED—40 acres or less, without conncectlon. The new restrictions iately will be had. buildings preferred, located close to Dated and first publ. Apr. 27. 1944. We buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards in Nyssa, Ore. are designed to bring the demand Nyssa or Ontario. Will pay cash. Last Publ. May 25, 1944. for these distribution transformers and- Homedale, Idaho. Write D. R. DeOross, general de closely in line with the available Mary E Bevins, Administratrix For Friday’s price phone 111 R, Nyssa, between the hours of livery, Nyssa or phone 76. 27A4xp supply. Estate of Julius Bevins, De 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. FARM LAND VALUES CONTINUE ceased. WANTED TO BUY—Electric range. UPWARD FRANK KULLANDER Farm real estate values continued to rise sharply during the year ended March 1. 1944, according to a report by BAE. For the nation as a whole, values were up 15 per cent, with a rise of almost nine per cent from November 1, 1943, to March 1. 1944. Value* are now 38 per cent above the pre-war base, compared I hereby announce my candidacy for re-elect with the 1919 level of 40 per cent above the pre-war base for the first ion as County Clerk of Malheur County, Oreg world war. Preliminary reports In dicate sales 1st year were at record levels, even higher than the 1918 on, subject to the will of the Republican voters peak. Numbers of farms sold after DENTISTS a short period of ownership incr OPTOMETRISTS eased in most principal farming at the Primary Election on May 19, 1944. areas. Farmers purchased approx J. R. CUNDALL DR. J. A. McFALL imately two-thirds and sold about Dentist one-third of the tracts transferred -H m McFall and M In 1943. with a substantial net BACK in the days whan the German war machine was ttaam- Phone 50-J movement of land Into active far rolliag over Europe, the Retch Marshal boasted: .Sarazin Clinic Paid Political Advertisement mer ownership continuing. NYSSA OREOON 7 / o n t enemy bomb shoedd ever fall in the City o f Berlin, then Federal land bank figures show m y name isn't Hermann G oerm gl” that durlnc the last three months JEWELRY STORES Well, Fat Boy, they've fallen —and there arc plenty more of 1943, real estate values in the northwest reached 130 per cent of where those came from! With plenty of giant bombers to bring EYESIGHT SPECIALIST TO THE VOTERS OF MALHEUR COUNTY: the average 1942 price. In western them —end well-trained crews to see they reach their mark! ONTARIO OREOON PAULUS If nominated and re-elected to the office of Co Oregon, land prices advanced 41 And beck of these aerial armies is the productive power of free per cent: in the Columbia basin JEWELRY STORE unty Judge, I will work hard right along for the men end women — multiplied many times by electric power — wheat area. 32 per cent, and In Union Pacific Time Inspector turning the wheels that turn all the weapons of war. best interests of the entire County; stand al southeastern PHYSICIANS Oregon. 53 per cent. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS And bock of this abundant electricity is the hard work of the ways for the welfare of all its people; help im NO 1 POSTWAR PROBLEM--SO WATCHE8 folks who man and menage the nation’s self-supporting, tax- prove conditions by supporting worthy efforts IL EROSION Main Street at Becond paying light and power companies. They provide over 80% of Loss of productivity of American L. A. Mauldin«, M.D. to do so; oppose any attempt to spend money farmland America'» power. They keep it on tap all the time — whenever through soil erotin la a WYCKOFF on something we can get along without until major threat to the prosperity and and wherever needed — for war plants and civilian uses. Physician and after the War; cut the running expense of the the very life of this country, Secre Pbona FI JEWELRY STORE Most of the American people shore in the job. For they, tary of Agriculture Claude R Wlc- Hours: 10 to 13 and 1 lo I through their savings invested in the electric light end power County to the lowest possible figure consistent kard warns Official Time Inspector for Dally- Except companies under busm en management, have helped to give ths* with necessity and efficiency; start a road pro Conserving and building up our Union Pacific Pry Building country the best electric service in the world — and the most - at soil resources should be the number gram going to take care of the roads as they sh ONTARIO OIUBGON the least cost. O nly freedom o f enterprise — regulation without one post-war farm project. Secre ould he taken care of, in charge of some one tary Wicks rd advise* Describing regimentation — cosJd have written this recordt SARAZIN CLINIC who can handle it; devote my entire time to yo the conservation of soil and water SHOE SHOPS resource* as one of the “Imperative ur service and be proud to do so. J. J. Sarazin, M. D. jobs of America.” he points out: Yours sincerely, Abbott’i Sho* Shop No other nation nas last so much All kinds of shoe and h a r Je n ermi practice of medietas A ClTlZiM ' W H t M V l * I f S E P V t S •oil In so little time Erosion has repairing ruined for any further cultivation A-Hay Phyöothero« Across from post office some 50 million acres of cropland Paid Political Adverttsamnt equal to at least one-eighth of m tt t m i n i « t m m W W » i w « it ran h t i h h i FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Rev. Lloyd N. Pounds. Pastor Sunday school at 10 AM. Top ic: “The Rich Young Ruler” Mt. 19:16-26. Morning warship at 11 AM Evangelistic service at 8 P.M. "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he Is near:” Oregon Trail S E NATOIt To the Voters Murray Morton Professional And Business Directory To the Voters H . S . Sackett IDAHO^VfcoWER David F. Graham