PAG E six TH E NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1944 u> Mrs Carl Hill and young wo Moss and daughters and Mr and elo Marostlca. Mr and Mrs Joe Rec men's department, secretary by Mrs Mrs Paye Dixon and daughter. The ia. Mr and Mrs Lester Jamison. Mr evening was spent in playing pin and Mrs Deward Benedict. Mr and . M Kurtz. 1 The conference upend at 9 with ochle. Mrs Robert Mieslnger and Tony roll call and the morning was de- j Marostica. - I - I voted to reports and a business HOSTESS A T BRIDGE ! meeting. Mrs Herbert Fisher was liosiess The af^rnoon program consisted. t , flye u U m at her BAND P A R T Y HELD f With their director In full uniform of an addres by the Rev J. fo y d | g , afternoon. The Ea- Irslial Daivs director of the gr- j the bands make an impression on IJal prson of Portland, special music |iter theme was carried out In dec ade school and high school bands all who Witness their "manuvers" | bV the Adrian gml^ giee club a , orati0ni. and u ,j cardB. prlzes I on the streets Never in the history Panel discussion. ‘ "Bridging Bridaine Com- Com- were given to ■ - Mrs - - George Mitchell, Vtait In Ontario— ; of Mrs John Bishop, Mrs A. H. Boy- high; Mrs E. D. Norcott, second, home economics room In the high bah)n twlrlers Many parenUs the Junior Missionary society of and Mrs Ormand Thomas, the tr dell. Mrs George Mitchell and Mrs school building March 31, to show | f Adr i an led by Mrs Lane. KL. ------- - f.„. «nisnHirt » « v e expressed their appreciation Adrian led by Mrs aveling prize. his appericatlon for their splendid of the work Mr. Davis is doing, and R. G. Larson motored to Ontario A dinner was served, bf a com co-operation at rehearsals and pre- are happy that he will return next mittee headed by Mrs Peterson and Tuesday to visit Mrs J. B. Beckham P R IM A R Y HAS P A R T Y tormances during the past season. falj and Infant in the Holy Rosary hos i Mrs Piercy. to 85 quests. The Primary association held an There were forty-two members g . j Highlights of the evening service Easter party for the children Tue pital. present. Games and dancing prov PR E S B YTE R Y MEETS ! was a one-act play given by Max- sday afternoon. The guests played ided the entertainment for the ev The 38th annual convention o l Ine Smith and Ronald Lane and games and danced. Approximately Passes Examination— ening. Candy prizes were given to the Idaho Presbyterlal Missionary motion pictures of Missionary work Larry Brown returned home Sun 50 children were present. Each ch •he winners of each game Myrna day from Portland, where he pass society of the United Presbyterian >*i ,llp Sudan. ild received an Easter lunch. Jordan. Harriet Herrman and K en ed his physical examination for en church met at the Adrian high Delegates from King's Hill. Na- - - neth Waude were on the refresh trance into the merchant marines. school april 6 The theme of the mpa. Ontario. WeLser and Adrian SCOUT TR O O P PLANNED ment committee. Miss Van 81yke He is expected to receive his call conference was "Building Misionary ( attended the meetings. Further plans for the organize t- was assisting hostess. to active duty this week. j 5 ion o f a G irl Scout troop were dis The bands intend to Join other Bridges.” The meetings were presided over C IV IC CLUB TO MEET cussed at a meeting of the Nyssa bands at a celebration April 24 In by Mrs J. C. Nevin. president of the! A patluck dinner will be served at Business Women’s club in the high Visiting In Portland— Ontario, where they will march and Mr and Mrs Ward Wieneke left Idaho presbytery, who was re-elect- , a meeting of the Nyssa Civic club school building Tuesday evening. the baton twlrlers will give an ex last Thursday for Portland for a ed as president for the coming year j in ,he sc,1°ol building April The next regular meeting. May hibition. The bands are also rehea- two-weeks visit with Mr. Wieneke's Other officers filled by Adrian w o - i29 at 12 o clock. The gathering will 9. will be held in the form of a rasing for the national music con- parents. ^ t _ m e e t i « * ot„ banquet in the Gate City cafe at lerence to be held in Nampa soon. men was the position as Secretary j this J vicinity. Mrs C. C. Cotton and 7 o'clock. Reservations may be given Mrs Jake Simmons have charge of to Darlene Dorman or Effie Ellen Visit Here— M r and Mrs Wesley J. Browne of I the general arrangements. Mrs Car Counsil. Vancouver. Washington, former Ny los Buchner will be chairman of ssa residents, returned home F ri the entertainment program. G IR L S ATTEND P A R T Y day. after a short visit here. They The banquet will be the only The Bee-Hive girls of the LDS ; meeting to be held by the Nyssa cl- church were guests at a theater were accompanied home by their i ub until late summer, according to and supper party Wednesday night daughter, Martha, who will return to school here after a visit with her | Mrs Carl Coad. president. for having sold the most tickets of brother. Robert Browne, who Is on -5 - any group to the gold and green furlough from the service. GUESTS A T DINNER ball. Twenty girls and Virginia By Mr and Mrs Browne were dinner Miss Helen Haworth, student at bee, the teacher, attended the din guests of Mr and Mrs Douglas Mc Oregon State college, and her mo ner in the Gate City cafe. What could be more vital to our home de Donald Thursday evening. ther, Mrs Ralph Haworth were din — — ner guests o f Mrs John Bishop last fense than perfect health? KESSLERS E NTE R TAIN Here From Ontario— Thursday. What could be any greater achievement by Mr and Mrs Vibert Kessler enter Mr and Mrs Ray Ridgeway of — 8 — tained 13 persons at an Easter din the victorious armies than a million returning Ontario spent Easter with Rev. and DANCE IS PLANNED ner Sunday. Mrs M. H. Greenlee. soldiers in good health? St. Paul's guild will sponsor a box — 8— .social dance in the parish hall Ap This in itself is a great undertaking and must A T T E N D M EETING Meeting Held— ril 20 at 9 p.m. Music will dje furn Mrs C. E. Crandall, Mrs Garrett be jealously guarded on the home front— in ev A mass meeting was held at the ished by a five-piece orchestra. A Siam, Mrs Albert Pfeiler and Mrs ery home and by every person. floor show will be given. Admission C. C. Cotton attended the A.N.K. Methodist church Wednesday even ing for discussion of a "Sunday per couple will be a box. Thus, we compound a Victory Must with our Garden club meeting at the home School Advance", a universal move —5— of Mrs John Holly in Adrian Tue prescriptions. ment to check absentees in Sunday CHURCH WOMEN TO MEET sday afternoon. school work. Mrs Hughes of Heppner, Oregon — 8— president of the Church Women's B RID G E CLUB MEETXJ To Deliver Sermons— Service league of the Episcopal ch The Tuesday evening bridge club Day Phone 29 Night Phone 91W Rev. Salter of Sioux City, Iowa, urch of eastern Oregon, will meet was entertained at the home of with the women and friends of St. Mrs Artie Robertson this week. father of Rev. Burton Salter of St. Authorized CUTTER Distributor Paul's mission in the parish hall Prizes were awarded to Mrs A. H. Pauls mission, will deliver the ser April 14 at 2:30. The gathering will Boydell. high, and Mrs Ed Frost, mon Sunday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m. Bishop William P. Remington of be a business and social meeting. second. Pendleton will pay his annual visit - f - — 8— to St. Paul’s parish Sunday, April JO IN T M E ETING PLANNED A U X IL IA R Y IN IT IA T E S 23 at 9:30 a.m. Job’s Daughters bethal No. 25 of The American Legion, at its A p Ontario will hold a joint meeting ril 6 meeting at the home of Mrs r i,,~ with Golden Rule chapter of the H. O. Hopkins, initiated four mem A daughter weighing 7 pounds, 5 Eastern Star Monday night. April bers. The new members are Mrs 17. The Job's Daughters will Initiate Andy McGinnis, Mrs George Bear, ounces, was born in the Nyssa nur one candidate. Eunice Ann Brady, Miss Dorene Bear and Mrs Mary sing home April 11 to Mr and Mrs honored queen, will preside at the Lyles. Refres'hments were served Nick VanZelf. meeting, which will be open to all by the hostess. Goes To Kansas— Eastern Stars and Masons. After W e have a limited amount o f Commercial Fert — 8— Mrs George Bear left Sunday for the business session a social hour E N T E R T A IN GUESTS Topeka, Kansas, where she was will be held. Mr and Mrs Lee Reimers of On ilizer for sale, suitable for Onions, Potatoes, called because of the illness of her tario entertained Sunday for Mr - I - brother. T O E N T E R T A IN CHILDREN and Mrs Wayne Morris, Mrs Os Lettuce and other row crops. Mrs W. W. Foster and Mrs Hor wald Forbes and Mrs Ethel Craw ace Crisp will entertain the inter ford and daughter, Twyla, of Nyssa. Here From Reno— M r and Mrs Neal Ford of Reno and Borax in any quantity, mediate classes of the Methodist arrived today for a visit at the ho church at the Poster home tonight, B IR T H D A Y CELEBRATED me of Mrs Ford's brother, Frank and Borax in any quanity. closing a five-weeks attendance co D. O. Bybee was surprised at a ntest. The boys will furnish the re birthday party given Monday even Rambaud. freshments. ing when 26 friends gathered at his From San Fernando— home on Alberta avenue. Games —8— M r and Mrs Ralph Alvord and HOSTESS T O CLUB were the diversion o f the evening Mrs L. A. Mauldlng was hostess with Jacob Fischer. Mrs Kay Hun son, Richard, o f San Fernando. Cal J. B. Adrian, Mgr. to the Wednesday evening bridge ter, W. L. Lane and Clifford F'ox ifornia are visiting at the home of Mrs Alvord's sister, Mrs Sherman club last week. Mrs Ed Frost rece receiving prizes. Phone 368W Ontario, Oregon Bybee. Mr. Alvord is a foreman In ived the high score, Mrs Harry A lunch was served cafeteria st Miner, second, and Mrs Lienkaem- yle on tables in the dining room. the Lockheed airplane factory. The per, the traveling prize. Mrs Emma Apricot blossoms and weeping will visitors will leave Wednesday after a week's visit here. •ilium m mrt in m 11 ti M11 m mum in hi in hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi i hi i i hi hi hi huh hi hi hi ii Quinby was a guest. ows In blue pottery with four tall candles on each side comprised the From Ogden— HAS BRID G E GUESTS centerpiece. A large basket of brill Mrs M. E. Bybee of Ogden Is Mrs Aden Wilson entertained the iantly colored Easter eggs and a Wednesday evening bridge club. P r white birthday cake bearing 42 visiting at the home of her daugh- izes were given to Mrs Sid Burbidge blue candles also adorned the table. high. Mrs Kenneth Renstrum, sec Mr. Bybee received many nice gifts. ond, and Mrs Nick Rudelick, the An extemporaneous biography of (A call to the Backslider) traveling prize. Guests were Mrs Mr. Bybee. written one line by each I f I forget thee-let my right hand Renstrum and Mrs Ed Frost. Double Feature guest, caused many laughs when forget her cunning. I f I do not read by Mrs Lane. FRIDAY and SATURDAY APRIL 14— 15 —8— remember thee, let my tongue cl GUESTS A T DINNER - 8 - The Andrews Sisters and Patric Knowles in eave to the roof of my mouth— Mr and Mrs Pete Tensen were B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y GIVEN “ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID” dinner gue6ls at the home of their A surprise birthday party was gi Psa. 137: 5-6 Dear Backslider, you are very daughter. Mrs John Broad. Easter ven in honor of Fred Schilling Sat Johnny Mack Brown and Raymond Hatton in Sunday. urday night at the Schilling home. precious in God's sight. Remember “RAIDERS OF THE BORDER” Pinochle and pitch were the (Aver how He has said that He Is marr - 8 - Mat., Sat., *:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tux SERVE BASS DINNER sion of the evening. Mrs D. L. Ben ied to the backslider and that He ______ Adm. Evening». 48c-9c. Including Tax Mr and Mrs Charles Ninemire edict and Robert Mleeinger held has challenged the most critical, served a bass dinner at a party high score and Deward Benedict yea. any one and all to show the SUNDAY and MONDAY APRIL 16— 17 held at their home Monday even and Leater Jamison the low score. Bill of Divorcement? It can't be ing. Guests were Mr and Mrs K eith, The guests were Mr and Mrs Ang- found because there Just Isn't any Olson and Johnson, Cass Daley, Martha O’ Dris You remember how you used to coll and Leighton Noble in rejoice In the house of Ood and “CRAZY HOUSE” that truly it was with Joy that you drew Water* out of the wells Also of Salvation? Well you are not do “THE MARINES AT TARAWA” ing that now and pump as you Signal Corps Pictures of the Marines Landing will, the waters that you draw are murky and bitter. Come back to on Tarawa. Mat., Sun., 2:38 Adm.. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Ood! With Joy unspeakable and I full of Glory you used to sing In Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c, Including Tax ‘ tiie House of God. and now?—Well you can't sing the Lord's song In — B A R G A IN N IG H T— a Strange land so Come Back to Living room suites with springs are available. TUESDAY APRIL 18 Ood! Perhaps you are thinking that Johnny Weissmuller and Nancy Kelly in you are so far gone bark that Ood W e have several new and used sets to choose has forgotten you and that there “TARZAN’S DESERT MYSTERY” Is no hope--but listen to God’s Cartoon and New Serial “ The Masked Marvel” from. Word: "Can a woman forget her Adm. 25c-9r, Inc. Tax suckling child, that she should not have compassion on the son o f her WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY APRIL 19—20 We have just received a shipment o f wall womb? yea. they may forget, yet John Wayne. Susan Hayward, Dennis O’Keefe will I not forget thee. Behold I cleaner and glass cleaner for spring house- cl have graven thee upon the palms and Grant Withers in | of my hands: thy walls are contin “THE FIGHTING SEABEES” eaning. ually before me." Isa. 49: IS. Come Mighty Drama The Stirring Story of the Na back to God! L L O Y D N. P O U N D S v y ’s Supermen. LOCAL NEWS 8 HEALTH Is a Victory MUST ter, Mrs Gordon Ray. With her Is and one magnetic switch. E. W. her little granddaughter. Norean Pruyn. 13A4xc Howe. Mrs Bybee plans to visit each of her sons, who live here, LO ST—Schaefer black fountain before returning home. pen. Reward. Lee Montgomery. 13A2xp Iteturns From Visit— Mrs C. E. Crandall has returned FOR SALE— 100 year-old white leg home from Lincoln, and North P l horn hens, laying heavy. Mrs M ar atte. Nebraska, where she visited lon Chard, 6‘A miles southwest of relatives for a month. She was ca Nyssa on Ivanhoe avenue. 13A3xc lled to Lincoln because of the ill- nes of her sister. Mrs Anna Wald- W ANTE D T O B U Y —Good washing man. machine. Phone 005F21. 13A3xc Undergoes Operation— W ANTED —Housekeeper for three Mrs Jesse Lawrence underwent adults. Good wages. Leslie Schafer, a majdr operation Monday in the phone 02J1. 13ATfc Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. FOR SALE— 160 acre farm, improv Here For Easter— ed, basement house, cow barn, chi Mr and Mrs Forrest Moore and cken house, granary, water piped family spent Easter with Mr and to all buildings, on mail, school bus Mrs S. C. McConnell. and milk route. Inquire Journal. 13A2xp Too Late to Ciasaify W ANTED T O B U Y —Turkey eggs FO R SA LE —75 acre farm, Yt mile to set. State price of eggs when north o f Adrian. Allen W. Curtis. 13A2xp writing. Mrs E. A. Dewey, route 2, Nyssa. 13Alxp FO R SALE)—2 wheel trailer house FO R SALE—-Oliver tractor plow, 7 x 15 feet. Bullt-lns. furnished If will fit Farm-all H or John Deere desired, good tires. Arthur Cartwr 13A2xp B. Two springer heifers. Cannon ight. Rt. 2 Nyssa. and sons. Sunset valley. 13A2xp NOTICE)—Anyone wanting land FOR SA LE —Five horse, three-ph leveling done with heavy equipment ase electric motor and entrance phone 6700, Boise, Idaho for In 13A2xp switch, 30 feet o f conduit and wire formation. PRESCRIPTIONS 8 C a n Y o u A ffo rd a hospital bill resulting from an automobile acc ident? Be sure your car is insured in our agency and, just as important, be sure to include medical expense benefits for youi’self and your passen gers. “ Insure in Sure Insurance” Frank T. Morgan Owyhee Drug Company C o m m e rc ia l Fertilizer p i ll III |i|!|ti:|!i I il ! il III ill ill IIIJII mil l>l:l!lil'|i|| III III l;l UHI HI m i l I III III M:l!lilll!lil!IHilll!HM 'in it h limit m in li il it m i m i it it urn m it mu it it turn it it it it ti 1111111111111 mini M ac Says: Dr. Hess Poultry-and Chick Tablets keep Flocks Healthy. Nyssa Pharmacy For Sale By The Rexall Store Phone 14 Inland Feeding Co. NYSSA Shoe Stamp No. 18 Expires April 30 PROGRAM Phone 108 ONE MINUTE SERMON THEATRE Plan to use yours before that date. W e have shoes for the family, men, women and children. Women’s White Oxfords $ 3.95 W e just received this shipment of low heel, slip-on type sport oxfords. Sizes 4 to 9. Men’s Loggers $ 10.90 SPRINGS For Spring Cartoon and News Adm. Evening*. 4de-9e. Including Tax MHHMHHWMMH MH HMWM 111 IM MM fttMWM Nyssa Furniture Company THE ft: FULL GOSPEL IMW Buckingham and Hecht loggers. Lace to toe, with composition half soles and heels. These shoes will take the wear. Size 6 to 11. Boys’ and Girls Straps, Oxfords and Shoes Dressy and service types. Black, brown and white colors. Many to choose from. G o ld e n R u le NYSSA OREGON