THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY MARCH 80, 1944 PAGE SIX A U X IL IA R Y HEADS V IS IT S ftcretary to General John J Per M u Della Kruger, president ul shing. the department of Oregon, veterans The Auxiliary asks that persons of Foreign Wars auxiliary, paid an Having clean wliite and rayon col official visit March 24 to the local ored material and stockings leave auxiliary. j them at Mrs Graham's insurance Mrs Kruger installed the officers office. The material will be sent to of Owyhee post No. 3506 for the j the veterans hospital at Roseburg ensuing year. The new officers are for conversion by the soldiers into Alfreds Shelton, president; Fred- rugs. rika Kollen, senior vice president; —8— Ada Ulhery, junior vice president; R E C ITA L IS GIVEN The piano pupils of Mrs E. H. Rhoda Landreth, treasurer; L. C. Bear, secretary; Jessie Graham, ch Strickland entertained their moth aplain; Nell Atkeson, conductress; ers with a musical recital Saturday and Leva Findling, Wanda Sykes, afternoon at the Strickland home and Gertrude Atkeson, trustees, and from 2 until 5 o'clock. The follow ing students played two solos each: Maud Calvert, guard.. Barbara KLssner. Billie Buffington. A potluck supper was served. Mrs Kruger is a veteran of the Elaine, Gerald and Mary Ann Hun first world war, having served as ter. Delores Smith, Lois and Mary Good Used Furniture Refrigerator Kitchen Cabinet Radio Almost brand new Duo-Therm oil heater. Almost new bedroom suite. Used living room suite. Several used Axminister rugs. N o rd ale Furn. Store prescriptions Vitamins ! help you stay in the fight Here’s How: A. Promotes growth, builds up resistance to infections, aids action of kidneys and lungs. B. Aids digestion, appetite, nervous system. C. Healthy gums and teeth depend on this vitamin. D. Sturdy bone and teeth builder. Owyhee Drug Company Day Phone 29 Night Phone 91W Authorized CU TTER Distributor i 11111111111111111111111111H 111111111111111 ti i H i m 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 n n r.v NYSSA PROGRAM THEATRE Phone 108 Alan Jones and Kitty Carlisle in W IT H LOCAL NEWS To the Voters I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for Assessor for Malheur county, Oregon, sub M U SIC ” Tex Ritter and Janet Shaw in “A R IZ O N A T R A IL ” Mat.. Sat.. 2:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax Murray Morton Primary election on May 19, 1944. S U N D A Y and M O N D A Y A P R IL 2— 3 Rosalind Russell, Brian Aherne Willard Parker, Alan Dinehart and Ann Savage in “W H A T A W O M A N ” The Sensational Comedy Team of “ My Sister Eileen” , Together again and Funnier Than Ever Cat-toon and Screen Snapshots. Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm.. 30c-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c. Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — T U E S D A Y A P R IL 4 Tom Neal and Ann Savage in “K L O N D IK E K A T E " Musical, Sports and The Phantom. Adm. 25c-9c, Inc. Tax W E D N E S D A Y and T H U R S D A Y APR. 5— 6 Alice Faye, Carmen Miranda, Phil Raker, Eug ene Pallette and Benny Goodman Orchestra in “G A N G ’S A L L H ERE” A Technicolor Tunefilm That Tops Them All. Popeye Cartoon and News Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax N O TE N E W A D M ISSIO N S C H E D U L E EFFECTIVE A P R IL 1, 1944 S A T U R D A Y M A T IN E E Adults 26c Inc. Tax. Children 5c No Tax. S U N D A Y M A T IN E E If you have not already secured your copies o f new songs by T. Carol By bee now is the time to do so, as only a limited num ber have been allotted to the Nyssa area. They sell at 35 cents each or 8 for $1. “Lullaby Song” A beautiful dreamy waltz melody that any one can play. “Home Made Love” Truly a clever number about the farm an’ things. “Let’s Go Steppin’” Verse in A minor, a lively foxtrot number. On Sale At Owyhee Drug Nyssa Pharmacy Gordon’s Drive-in Journal Office Adults 30c Inc. Tax. Children 9c No Tax. T U E S D A Y — B A R G A IN N IG H T Adults 25c Inc. Tax Children 9c No Tax. R E G U L A R E V E N IN G A D M ISSIO N Adults 40c Inc. Tax. Children 9c No Tax. IHWmillllMHM LO ST— Hub cap. Bulck 1938. Finder return to J. C. Krul, block and half from city hall. Reward. 30Mlxp W ANTE D two-wheel T O B U Y —Lightweight trailer. Phone 150W. 30M2xc j ¿lOjfetQf (o H n u rj. ADIA Says: Some of those “ H ARD TO G ET” items, such as safety razors, vacuum bottles and fillers, poc ket knives, Even-flo bottles, fountain pens, tw eezers and nail files are now in stock at Nyssa Pharmacy The Rexall Store Phone 14 Opening Shoe Repair Shop W e are opening a shoe repair shop in the bu ilding formerly occupied by Dr. C. A. Abbott on Main street near Third street. W e will use first grade materials and guar antee our work. Full line of shoe laces and polishes. Leather jackets repaired FO R SALE—Holstein bull, two ye ars old, well bred. E. J. Hobson. 12 miles southwest on road to Owyhee dam. 30M3xp FOR SALE—O liver beet cultivator. John Deere two-way plow. 3-4 horse motor and pump ja«k. Chester wh ite male hog. Orvll Hickman, route 2, Nyssa. 30M2xp. Legal Advertisement N O TICE OF M EETING Owyhee Irrigation District Notice Hereby Is Given: That the Board of Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation District, sitting as a Bo ard of Equalization, will meet on the 21st day o f April, 1944. at 8:00 Leather or rubber heel lifts put on while you wait. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Batt Easter Greetings From Boyer’s New Suits, Dresses Arriving this week for our Easter show Coats In reefer and box sty les. Navy, R A F blue, tan and gray. Sizes 10 to 46. ing. Dresses in new pas tels, jerseys and suit For The Home Dressmaker ece styles. This sea flowered and dotted Interior and Exterior son’s newest colors, jersey, rayons, crepes Decorator priced as to quality. and wools. Free Estimate 775 First Street Andy McGinnis . Shoes Women’s E.W. P R U Y N Auto Repairing Ontario Reboring. Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56w favorite oxford or pump, En- na Jettick. Shane’s Variety Store Your music library is not complete unless you own a copy o f music by a Nyssa composer. Demonstrated and autographed on request. Phone 05J3 zippers re ings. One and two-pi Nyssa Furniture Store W ray’s Dime Store and placed. FO R SALE—Remington dual elect ric razor. Practically new. 30M2xc FO R SALE— 10 acres in Apple Val ley. Improved, good house and ot her buildings. Inquire Mrs Douglas McDonald. 30M4xp By Frank T. Morgan. Secretary at Nyssa, Oregon, for the purpose of Dated and first publ. Mar. 30. 1944 reviewing and correcting its assess Last publ Apr. 20. 1944 ment roll and apportionment of ch arges for operation and mainten ance for the 1944 season. The ass Relief at last from that gurgling, smothery feeling in the etomach. Whan caused by essment roll and record may be in excess acid from food fermentation or spected at the office of the district nervous excitement try A D L A Tablet*, Contain nuth ana “ ontain Bismuth and Carbonates for by any interested person during r----- UICK relief. Your druggist has A D L A ? office hours of each business day. ‘ablets. i By order of the Board of Direct ors. N YSSA PH A R M A C Y Owyhee Irrigation District 8 8 ject to the wilj, of the Democratic voters at the Double Feature F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y Mar. 31 & Apr. 1 ‘L A R C E N Y McGee. Betty Jean Culbertson. Be of bridge. Mrs. Ormand Thom as! staff of the Nyssa branch of the tty Jean Strickland. Donna Prov won high score. Mrs. Harry Min- j First National bank and the Wives ince. Marilyn Ekanger, Fred Kling- er second high and Mrs. W S. | of the men Saturday evening. The bride was presented with gifts. A ack, Nathan Orr. Carrol Corfield. Abersold the traveling prize. Mrs. i lunch was served after an evening Charlene Critten Mrs Viola H ol Tom Eldridge received the guest | Qf gamfs mes, and Mrs William Orr. Special prize - 8 - numbers were given by the follow ing : Two cornet solos by Nathan T O G IVE P L A Y Orr, piano duet by Carrol Corfield The junior class will present their and Mrs Holmes and a demonstr annual class play, "W ho Wouldn't ation of baton twirling by Donna be Crazy" at the high school Frid Province and Marilyn Ekanger. Five ay evening. The leading parts are p runary Conference Planned— pupils were absent. taken by Nadeen Wilson and Ken- j The Nyssa ward of the LDS ch- neth Elliott. The play is coached j urch win hold ¡t’s primary confer- - 5 - SE W IN G G IR L S MEET by Mrs Watts. ence Sunday evening in the chapel The second and third years girls —5— at 8 o'clock. A special program has met in the Adrian high school last E N T E R T A IN A T PINO CH LE been prepared. Board members of Thursday with the leader. Mrs K r- Mr and Mrs William C. Brown | welser are expected to be present, eager. Mrs Elliot gave a discussion entertained at four tables of pin- A poem entitled "Service", com- on dresses. The 3rd year girls are ochle Wednesday evening in the by Lucille Goates, will be gl- supposed to have the dresses they banquet room of Brownie’s cafe. | ven by the children. Vera Jensen are now working on finished by the Mrs Nina Shaw and Mr. Brown ^ president of the association, next meeting date, April 8 so they won high scores and Mrs Harry can work on the following projects. Shelton and Pete Shaw received Takes Position— The next meeting will be held at the consolation. After refreshments Miss DarThel Bybee lias been Mrs Kreager's home, where the were served, dancing was enjoyed. employed by the Gordon's Drlve-ln girls will paste pictures and stitches market as clerk and will work there - 5 - and seams in the work sheets Mrs JEW ISH D INN E R HELD after school hours. Kreager has for that purpose. The Adrian table class taught by The 3rd year girls will start on Rev. J. C. Nevin at the Adrian high Woods Cross Visitors Here— their work slacks, pinafore’s and school, held 'a Jewish dinner at the Mr and Mrs Oeorge Besendorfer, Playsuits. The 2nd years girls will Nevin home Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs Nephi Besendorfer work on their aprons and seams Eash member of the. class prepared and Mr and Mrs Fred Frost, all of ind darns. a dish form a book of Jewish rec Woods Cross, visited at the home ipes. Guests included Georgia H111L-, of Mr and Mrs Glenn Petterson on -1 - HOSTESS T O CLUB Dudley Kurtz, Mrs Wats and Mrs Alberta avenue. The Wernesday evening bridge Patch, besides the class members lub met this week at the home of and Rev. and Mrs Nevin. Buying Farm— Mrs Tom Turner. Honors were won Mr and Mrs James A Peterson — 5— ____ - by Mrs Ellis Buckland, high. Mrs CLUB HOLDS M EETING and three children of Bountiful, Ed. Frost, second high, and Mrs The M r and Mrs club met at the Utah were in Nyssa last week mak Fletcher the traveling prize. home of M r in d Mrs GeorgeMitch- ing final arrangements to buy ell Wednesday of last week. A. H. Walter Kingston's 40-acre farm - I - DANCE W E LL ATTENDED Boydell won high score and Mrs near Adrian. A Red Cross benefit dance was Boydell second. Mrs John Bishop held in the Sunset Community hall was a guest. Orchestra Features Song— with a large crowd in attendance. The Savage orchestra featured at - 8 — The net proceeds of *50 were turned CELEBRATE AN NIV E R SAR Y their dance at the Eagles hall Sat- into the American Red Cross war Mr and Mrs Robert Toombs of urday, the "Lullaby W altz Song” , fund. The women of the Sunset Kingman Kolony held open house ‘ written by T. Carol Bybee. Two auxiliary, sponsors of the dance, at their home last Sunday, com m -1 m0re numbers now off the press wish to thank all those of the Sun emorating their 50th wedding ann- 1 and ready for public sale are "Ho- set valley community who help to iversary. ! me Made Love” , recently acted out make the dance a success. Many lovely flowers were presen- | by twelve little girls at a ward un ted to the couple by their children ¡on here, and "L e t’s Go Steppln” , — 8 — E N T E R T A IN S CLUB and friends. Coffee, tea and cookies 1 a lively foxtrot number. Mrs A. H. Boydell entertained were served. I ------------------------------- ---------------- the Tuesday evening bridge club The guests included Mr and Mrs | Too Late to Classify this week. Prizes were won by Mrs Kenneth Taylor and sons of Rich- — ------------------------------------------ George Mitchell, high, and Miss Eva land, Oregon, Mr and Mrs Gordon FOR SALE Two-wheel trailer ho- Boydell, second. Mrs Emma Quinby, Dickson and family of Ironside, Mr i use- 785 No- Nyssa. 30M'2xp Mrs Herbert Fisher and Mrs George and Mrs George Toombs of Baker, Mitchell were guests o f Mrs Boy Mr and Mrs Vernon Parker of LO ST—Man’s leather glove for left dell. Adrian and the following persons hand. Leave at Journal office. 30M1X P from the Nyssa vicinity: Mr and - I - PXNOCHLE CLUB MEETS Mrs Jack Fisher, Mr and Mrs John The last party of the Mr and Mrs Lackey, M r and Mrs A1 Thompson, FO R SALE—600 or 800 sacks of Pinochle club this season was held Mrs Verna Beutler, Dave Hawkins, netted gem seed potatoes, *1 cwt. at the home of Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs Garret Stam, Mr and j bin run Cal1 M14' P arrn*L 30M2XP Barnette last Wednesday evening. Mrs Niss Halt, Mrs C. C. Hunt. Ouests were Mr and Mrs Keith Mr and Mrs Jack Van Twist, Mr Moss. Prizes went to Mrs Henry and Mrs Robert Toomb and family FO R SALE—One registered Ches- Borgman, high for ladles; Jake Mr and” M r^ w flfian T Toomb” 'an d { e r Whlte boar' 8 months old, *45. James Robb, Simmons, high for men, Irshal Da family and Mr and Mrs Dennis including papers, route 1, Nyssa. 30M2XP vis, the traveling prize, and Mr and Toombs and family. Mrs Moss, low. - - FOR SALE—160 acre farm. Improv HONORED A T P A R T Y - - E N T E R T A IN S A T B RID G E Complimenting Mrs Miller Jen ed, basement house, cow barn, ch Mrs. Ed Frost entertained last sen, nee Phyliss Poage, Mr and Mrs icken house, granary, water piped Wednesday evening at three tables William Schireman entertained the to a11 bl|ildings, on mail, school bus and milk route. Inquire Journal. 30M2xp « i n > i*« o'clock P M. of said day at Its office $5.50 to $6 Blouses Long sleeve sheers. Long and short sleeve tailored cottons, pl aid gingham. Boyer Bros Co Your Easter Store Ontario, Oregon i