PAGE 4 ÎH E NVflSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY MARCH 30, 1014 home near Mitchell butte. ' make his announcement In the next the measure has a good chance to two weeks. A number of prominent pass It so, it will mean substantial COW HOLLOW politicos who are in on the deal are LeRoy Toombs has written to relief for many counties in the two watching the move with a great Mrs. Lois Day gave a supper last friends from England stating that states. deal of interest. Northwest labor Thursday evening in honor of her he is resting. Two nationally known bottlers of unions, on the other hand, have a muterai and sparkling waters are I good sized bankroll obtained thr- parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Hoff n 11 m in i m im»i m m il iiim m m ii hi 1,11,1,1. looking over sites in the northwest : ough voluntary contributions from man and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, for plants they intend to establish their membership which they will whose wedding anniversaries oc after the war The northwest has use in the coming campaign against curred the same day. many ' mineral springs which pro those candidates who are opposed Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mayes and CHI'RCH OF CHRIST of Sorrowing Ones duce several kinds of excellent wat TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH to organized labor. It begins to look Glen and Helen Hoffman were (Christian) Parma, Idaho. ers. These easterners are amazed at Though death strikes like a -little fur will fly" on the also invited guests. Oeorge Whipple, Pastor. Morning worship at 10 a m. the lack of promotion and develop Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Callahan a thousand miles away. subject of union labor. The Lord’s day services, March Sunday school for all age-groups ment ow western springs, which th of Dragerton. Utah, are here visit Bible school at 10 a. m , a class These are days of ch ey say compare favorably with any at 11. ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lutheron hour iCalgaryi at 8. for every age in the study of God’s ange and of travel. Am ! others in the nation. Analyses of Joseph Callahan of this vicinity. Lutheran hour (Nampa) at 7:35 word. ' these northwest springs prove them Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ware accom- erica is on the move. C.. March 3 0 - to be tops of their kind. A large I p- ^ W e d n e sd a y s Coach and Mrs Seth Parkinson panie<j them on the trip. They Morning worship, 11 a. m.. com Washington, D. *>.. I *” *" ~ nunufaru I Wednesdays at 8:15 p. m . spec- Few are there who do Mr and Mrs Hllmer Oeorge ° f | are visiting Mrs. Winnie Smith. Several members of the northwest eastern glass and bottle manu * jaj Lenten services munion service each Lord's day. and Rigby visited at the Howard Love- ' Mr and Mr3. Irone Callahan en urer is aLso interested In the deal, lal ^ e,uen srrv‘c“ ' not have a relative or delegations in congress have intro If these Industries are established it a£ cordially invited to at- Sermon topic: "The Challenge of joy home Wednesday. ! terlained Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow friend away from ho duced bills during the past year will mean enormous national adver- 'f nd fW(“ P " ach the the Grace of God." The George de Haven family were Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cal- i, i 1 Christ for , a . Changing World, me. Friday evening dinner guests at the lahan &nd Mr Ware at dinner last which, if enacted into law, will ca tiding for the northwest and its _ - . Young People’ s Christian En- John E. Simon, Pastor. Since death takes po ‘week. use the government to pay taxes mineral waters. • I deavor 7 p. m. There will be Elmer Sparks home. Nine young people from the Un- Mrs Jesale CaUahan went with to the many counties for the large All hand agree that a much sim holiday, some of us l D. 8. CHURCH election of officers. ited Presbyterian church attended ¡^jr and Mrs. Woodrow Callahan amount of land the federal govern pler Income tax form will come out Sunday 9:15 am . Priesthood may have a loved one Evening service $ p. m. A half the young people's meeting in Na to Mountain Home to visit her I ment has acquired for military pur of the new tax mess, especially one meeting striken while he is aw |jour of singing fellowship. Sermon mpa Thursday evening. Ellen Judd brother, Virgil Johnson. poses. These lands have been taken for the little fellow. The last federal Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. is president of the young people’s eff the local tax rolls which, in form was as bad as a Chinese pu- ay from home. Call us Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament topic: "The Medium for Success organization of the presbytery. tum, has worked a financial hard- zzle. which a Philadelphia lawyer meeting. ful Living.” and you can be sure of Mr and Mrs Don Joseph and fa ship on many communities in both couldn't figure out properly. Cong- Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society Wednesday, April 5, 7 p. m. A mily of Weiser and Frank Joseph, fitting last rites wheth Washington and Oregon. I ressmen were deluged with letters meeting. fellowship pot-luck dinner. recently returned from Skagway, One such bill (S.240) was introd-i from their constituents, screaming OREGON TRAIL er the interment is tc First Tuesday of each month at Thursday, 8 p. m., regular chou canada, where he was personal uced by the late Senator Charles L. j their heads off about the terrible 4 p.m. Primary for children bet take place at the distant McNary, who had labored long and tax forms, etc. Early returns from ween ages of 4 and 12. director for the Canal line, were practice. W. H. Hoback left for his home place or back here at hard for the many counties and ot- all over the nation indicate the sum The friendly church with a cord Sunday guests at the D. W. Patch in Grand Junction, Colorado after her political subdivisions which h a - ! Mr. Wiskers will receive from in- home. ial welcome to all. visiting a week with his sister-in- home. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL ve lost substantial tax revenues. Se- \ come taxes will be much more than Charles Steiner and D. W. Patch law, Mrs Waller Benson. MISSION nator McNary was deeply interested had been expected by the treasury SUNSET VALLEY returned Friday from Portland, Mr and Mrs Charles Davis spent The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. in this bill, now On the senate cale- I department. Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH where they took their physical ex Saturday in Ontario on business. The Democratic cloakrooms are aminations for the army. Mr. Stei ndar. which provides that all real H. B. Walkup, Pastor. Mr and Mrs Walter Benson, E. W. Holy communion and sermon eact ner will be inducted into the army Perry and Orville Cannon spent property acquired by the govern buzzing with rumors which say that second Sunday of the month. Sunday school 10 a. m. within 21 days and Mr. Patch with Sunday at the Harold Flvecoats ment for war purposes since Janu A1 Smith, the "happy warrior” of Morning worship 11 a. m. Church school at 10:30 a. m. III III MAtmUNM III l>l I Mil 1:1 III III llilll III ill lllllllilll lil lll II ary, 1940, shall remain subject to New York who has been on the in 90 days. Evangelistic service 8 p. m. Women s Guild second Wednesda> Frances Muntjewerff spent Mon taxation by the states and counties "outs” with his former friend, F.D.- of each month. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve day in Caldwell on a shopping trip. in which it is located. j R„ ever since the 1932 convention, ning 8 p. m. Senator Guy Gordon, who has will go all out for Roosevelt for a FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Miss Gloria Pounds and Mrs Irma Everyone eoydlally invited to at- been actively interested in tax mat- j fourth term .. Those in the "know Points were Wednesday evening .end these services. Services Conducted By ters for many years and who is say the lovefeast was engineered by Slinton Brown, who has been co supper guests at the Dan Holly THE COMMUNITY UNITED regarded as an authority on taxes, j Bob Hannegan, the Bourbons’ nat- nducting services at the Full Gosp home. will take over the reins on the Me- ional chairman. If such is the case. el church, is holding a series of PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On Thursday evening the agricul I hereby announce my candidacy for re-elect Nary bill. Senator Cordon believes Hannegan has accomplished some- evangelistic meetings in Washing Kingman Memorial ture department of Adrian high 1 . C. Nevln, Pastor. school held a farewell party for ton. During his absence the work 10 a. m., Bible school. Take time Dan Hite, who left Friday for Por- I at the Full Gospel church will ag ion as County Clerk of Malheur County, Oreg ain be under the direction of Rev. to know the Lord or you may awak tland to be inducted into the navy. I.FT US PROVIDE A HOME MARKET FOR YOUR FAT HOGS Mr and Mrs Eldon Tallman ent and Mrs Lloyd N. Pounds. Meet en some day to know that He has Sell where there is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un on, subject to the will of the Republican voters ertained their friends at a dance at ings are held on Sunday, with Sun no time for you. necessary expense incurred through a great number of men 11 a. m„ morning worship. Palm the Legion hall Thursday evening. day School at 10 a m.. Worship ser- required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check Mr and Mrs Dan Holly visited in bice at 11 and evangelistic services Sunday. Sermon: “The Tears of at the Primary Election on May 19, 1944. Vale Sunday. in the evening at 8 o’clock. A hear Triumph.” the weight of your hogs yourself. 7:30 p. m., evening worship. Ad In the inter-class track meet held ty welcome is extended to all. Wc buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards in Nyssa, Ore. ults lead thé devotions. Discus Friday afternoon at the high school and Homedale, Idaho. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY sion groups: Pioneers: Builders: the junior class placed first, the For Friday’s price phone 111 R, Nyssa. between the hours of "How About My Career Choice?” sophomores, second; the Freshman, CHURCH Adults: "What We Believe About third and the seniors, fourth. 5 PM. and 9 PM. on Thursdays or 53JLJ. Homedale, on Friday. M. H. Greenlee. Pastor At the meeting of the Kingman Church school opens at 10 a. m. the Plan of Salvation.” FRANK KULLANDER Thursday, 8 p. in., March 30— Kolony P.T.A. Tuesday night at the | There is a good class for every age 4 ' group. Morning worship is at 11 Choir practice at Kingman school. high school, Mrs J. G. Lane, chair a. m. The pastor will bring a spec- A full turn-out is necessary for man of the nominating committee, presented the following names for I ial Palm Sunday message and the the Easter program. Thursday, April 6—Idaho pres offices for the coming year: Mrs communion service will be held. TO THE VOTERS: | The Methodist Youth Fellowship bytery and presbyterial meet at Dennis Patch, president; Mrs Thre- lma Elliott, vice president; Mrs and the Young Adult Fellowship Adrian. Visitdrs welcome. This is to advise you of my candidacy for Friday, April 7—Good Friday Anna Sparks, secretary, and Mrs meetings are at 7 p. m. The eve nomination and election to the office of Judge ning worship esrvice begins at 8 worship with Dr. John L. An John Auker, treasurer. of the Circuit Court in and for the Ninth Jud | p. m., with a half hour of congre derson of the College of Idaho as Mr and Mrs Howard Lovejoy attended several of the tournament gational singing. Prayer service U our speaker. icial District of Oregon. We are cooperating in the pre- games at Caldwell In order to see on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. I am now your Judge and pledge myself to Easter assembly programs at the the Rigby and Rexbury teams in and it meets at the parsonage. the continuation of my present program of pr Please notice: Beginning the first high school. Rev. Nevins speak action. Mr Lovejoy was a former Sunday after Easter the church er on Wednesday morning, April Rigby coach, and Mrs Lovejoys ho ompt, efficient and unbiased determination of me was in Rexbury. school students will go to their 5. Two miles north and 14 mile west of Adrian on litigation in your Court. This is a service the Mrs Edens spent the week-end classes at 10 a. m. Then there Overstreet road. people have a right to expect. It is the duty of a visiting her mother in Boise. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE will be a combined worship service E. J. Wilson, Pastor. for both the church school and the Judge to determine rights regardless of the 10 a. m., Sunday school. morning worship service, at the parties, interests, or attorneys involved, and I close 11 a. m„ message by the evan- of the class sessions. This Herbert Shaw sold a registered pledge myself to that practice. I plan will be explained more thor- gelist. Subject: "Stretched to the hereford bull to Charles Culberston. j oughly at the church and church Breaking Point." 7:15 p. m., Young people and Saturday. school. Mr and Mrs D. L. Hurst were in jpnior meetings. I 8 p. m.. evangelistic message by Ontario on business Saturday. ADRIAN FREE METHODIST Mr and Mrs A. F. Seward and the evangelist. Subject: "The Lost CHURCH Sale Will Start At 12:30, slow time. Leroy were Sunday dinner guests of Enemy.” Adrian, Oregon Herbert Shaw and family. Revival services every night P. H. Reiman. Pastor Mr and Mrs Sam Shaw were Ladies Will Serve Lunch. through April 9. Sunday school. 10 a. m. From Monday until FYiday there Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Preaching. 11 a. m. will be a special meeting for boys Mrs Virgil Seward of Nyssa. Young people's service, 7 p. m. Mrs Lawrence Kreager and Mrs and girls at, 4 p. m . just after Evangelistic service 8 p. m. Guy Glenn of Newell Heights were school. Everyone welcome. Milk is a necessity in Nyssa on busines Tuesday. First Class Petty Officer Carl Ea- thing on one else could do during | a well known man into the idea of chus, nephew of W. W. Deffen- in every diet because it 1 Valley Mound corrigator tractor, hitch, almost the past eleven years. Smith, who | becoming a candidate for congress J baugh was a Sunday dinner guest new. contains the nourishing is still a power in New York pol- , on an out-and-out anti-racketeer ; at the Deffenbaugh home. McCormick-Deering mowing machine, No. 7, 2 ye vitamins so vital in ke itics, vigorously opposed F.D.R. for union labor platform. This clique j Deftenbaugh. Betty Jean Toombs was hostess ars old. at h a third term and the antis though, figure that a candidate for a maj- | a, a leap year 1 1936 Master Deluxe Chevrolet touring car. In first eping every part of yo he was a cinch to again be on the ° t home Friday evening. class mechanical condition. Five first grade tires. warpath against “that man.” It be- j one. They contend that **•- the — public - . ■ **--• •" Arlene Piercy, Ross Lane, Nadeen ur body healthy. Drink gins to look like Mr. Hennegan kn- is all fed up on the dogmatic attlt- Wilson, and Dorothy Toombs att- 1 Valley Mound corrigator, new. n*s his business and many politicos ude of organized labor and they endfd a raUy at Nampa John Deere plow, out two years. enma oonHin _ like lo to trot mil out some candid openly predict the boy wonder will would Ili.» at least a quart a day. Mr and Mrs Dale Ashcraft were 1 Extra good, 4-horse wheel fresno. develop into another Jim Farley. ate who would campaign oq that in Ontario and Caldwell on busin who was recognized as tops when it I issue alone This group have agreed ess Saturday. New John Deere cultivator. came to politics. to furnish the candidate with all Ila» Kreager has received word New 2-section steel spike-tooth harrow. There is a politically astute gr- the money he needs in order to that she will receive a scholarship oup in a certain section of the no- conduct a vigorous campaign or. to attend the 4-H summer school Two-horse fresno. rthwest who have just about talked that one issue. This candidate will at Corvallis. 1 Four-horse disc. D U R C I? JTEWLS l Easing the Trials Adrian W est Nyssa Funeral Home To the Voters H. S. Sackett Public Farm SA LE Kingman Kolony Robert 0. Lytle Mon, April 3 Help Keep America Fit Machinery G aie City Dairy Plant Coop Seeds For Victory For Your Spring planting needs we have a full line of Fumigated Edible Peas Bulk Vegetable Seeds Clover Seeds . ^ Certified Blue Tag Midland Red Clover Which now returns premium price to the grower. LIFE’S L ittU TROUBLES Horses and Cow Alfalfa Pasture Grasses Seed Beans Pacific Supply Cooperative Seed Division Processors of Reas, Beans and Small Seeds Ontario, Oregon Contact your local Coop Association for your seed needs Idaho: Oregon: Weiser, Emmett, New Plymouth \ Ontario, Vale, Nyssa 1 Extra good rubber tired wagon and rack I Com Cultivator. -CANT SLEEP- No need to li* in bed—t™ worry and fret becauee C O N - S T IP A T iO N or GAS P R E S- SL RE won’t let you sleep Be sensible— get up—take a dash of ADLER-I-KA as directed, to relieve the pressure of large intestines on nerves and organs of the digestive tract. Ad- lerika assists old food wastes and gas through a comfortable bowel movement to that bowels return to normal aiae and the discomforts of pressor* stop. Before you know It, you are asleep. Morning finds you feeling d e sa — refreshed and ready for a good day ’s work or fun NYSSA PHARMACY 1 Black mare, 4 years old, weight 1650 pounds, well broke. 1 Smooth mouthed horse, weight 1600 1 short-horn cow, freshen April 8, 5 years old. 1 Black horse, 6 years old, weight 1400 1 Palamino horse, 2 yeai-s old, extra fine marked. M.L. Elward, Owner Col. E. L. Roe, Auctioneer. Clarence McConaughey, Clerk Telephone 588R11, _ 1 Caldwell