THE NYSSA GATE CITY.JOURNAL lassified THURSDAY MARCH SO, 1944 Legal Advertising PAGE THREE = = law by the Industrial Accident Co- th Mis Annie liants and ->on, Oil- „1 y apply lo utm , kuai a mmission has been effected without ford. tremendous quanli.y ssle and as additional cast to the industrial Mrs Ray Whitsell, chairman of ruch definitely contribute t>. t.t; films of Oregon. ¡the American ReJ Cross for thl< over-all h.gher cost of ll.ii.g. MYTHS AND MOTHS j community, repons a goou contrit.- Keep em Huliing Is the picture of the old grub-st- toinniunoy, J r b m t UM,# red Wld Wue NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PRO L C dpi/al PERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Co |0* Hut id i>’ unty Court of Malheur County. St « ‘J t L L T E ? -Is -thU *yïî,‘ ^ ditch mme * * *“ • * * * * * * * ! must be kept in circuiati° n ° r st- ate of Oregon, in the matter of the ocote per Mura lar web issue Minimum ocsii in It would seem so according“ tT the replace Adam Toth’ who expetUi oreke*per* won t have enou*h 10 estate of Rosie Alice Mull, deceased, POLITICAL PEPPERPOT report of the state unemp-1 * " ^ J h e service Mr Anderson make change. Willard Case. OPA the undersigned. Administrator of E<fear W Smith. Portland indust recent loyment commission which says’has leased h“ farmln« *round but, food rationing executive, is caution- the estate of Rosie Alice Mull, de rialist. financier and lancher has mining firms and incorporated in- ' wlU °°ntlnUf 10 llve on his faim , ing consumers case said the supply I of tokens issued to retailers was not Ontario Orain Co. or County Ag ceased. will sell at private sale, in announced tits candidacy for the dlvlduals in mining either change, ln ®aat Uncoln Heights. .ANEOUS ent’ ownership or go out of business on I. The Llncoln Christian Endeavor | large to begin with, so he asks one parcel, to the highest bidder. s office Ontario, or Palumbo Fr e x c e e Æ r Sale Democratic nomination for U.S. the average of once every two years. | ^ «organized a"d alected everybody to cooperate to keep 'em upon the terms and conditions senator, Rubbfl§‘_------------------------ - uit Co., Payette. J. F. Denham and J hereinafter rolling. Retailers were also remin a contender for the post In the past eight years 54 percent mentioned, and subject Son. 30M2xc president: Joe Winslow, vice pres ded to deposit the tokens in boxes, ced H ebung bronze tom, the mining businesses subject to ident: to confirmation by said County Co held by Rufus Holman. Smith is of Letha Suttles. secretary-tr- segregated by red and blue 250 to Phone $2R2 Ures K t o c k the unemployment law have gone 58 born in Pendleton where he gr FOR SALE— A NO. 1 bicycle with urt, on or after the 17th day of aduated from high sinool then at out of business. is to Hi eauser; Dolly Hawkins, pianist; a box. and not to deposit them In 23M2XP pre-war tires. vanZelf, 4th April, 1944 at 10 a . i «Z. Pacific Time ltical Geraldine Pette. song leader, Cliff envelopes along with ration stamps. LIMITED 30M2xp on said aav, all uie right, title, in tended U of O lo, -.x,ne -oefore I 1 LIQUOR dlrec odern home, stoker, street, south. ord Harris, librarian, and Donna Restaurant suspended— Most of the whiskey stocked by graduating from Cornell. He has lsts wn and tree? Bern- FK>R SALE—Small Ward separator. terest and estate of the said Rosie been chairman of the Oregon milk the state liquor stores for the next Winslow and Bob Goodell, social Holiday House) Portland restaur mile, Alice Mull, deceased, at the time control board, treasurer of Dem. three months will be straight 90- chairmen. ant, has been ordered suspended 23Mtfc Also 7 large doe rabbits, priced of her death, in and to the real state central committee, is a mem proof Bourbon from the stock* of th a from doing business for 30 days, reasonable. Sandy Fife. 3QM2xp property hereinafter described, and ber of the state board of higher the two Kentucky distilleries in the time March 8-April 7, for violation ot [-Two 40-acre farms, h o u ._ rationing regulations, according to FOR SALE—Big young team. Call all the right, title and interest that education, was in World war l and Oregon-Washing ton liquor deal. C O I* Tliree-room house Frank T. Morgan. 16Mtfc the said estate has by operation of has two sons overseas in the armed They wil be sold under the Water- OPA Highlights the district OPA. The restaurant Atkeson. A. L. or otherwise, acquired other AÍ was charged with accepting ration- flll-Frazer label. The supply is ex When Wendell L. Wlllkle pected 23M2XC FOR SALE—Auto Liability Insur law, than or in addition to that of said forces me, Why advance endorsements? i ed foods without having sufficient to last from 18 months to $11.50 per year on “A" Ration. deceased, at the time of her death, was in Portland for the Lincoln day two years. evi Why can your ration be revoked I points to cover and for overdraw- Three springer heifers, ance. Other Rates Proportionately low of, in and to that certain property banquet Charles A. Sprague stated CAPITAL SHORTS if you fail to have all of your cou- ing it ration bank account. to fit on John Deere Meets that he would file as a delegate-at- A large portrait of the late Sen pons State's Requirements. consisting of Lots 21 and 22 of Bl (1) To prevent ot Modern Chivalry— H. Cannon and Son, Bernard Eastman ock 144 in Ward's Addition to the large from Oregon and would sup ator Charles L. McNary will hang hers endorsed? from using your coupons if "Gentlemen of the ration board”, y. 23M2xc port Willkle. Since filing for the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Or seat left vacant by the death of ln the Capital in Washington Five they are last or stolen; (2) To dis reads a letter from a husband who WANTED egon, according to the official Plat Senator Charles L. McNary he has days of dry east wind created the courage people who have obtained wins some kind of a prize for hus ,ve good milch cows. I ___ ___________________________ thereof on file in the office of the stated he would not seek the com most, dangerous spring fire season unuecessarily large rations from bandly consideration. "Please send ¿»erg. route 1, Nyssa. j wANTF1D—Manure haulers. Frank County recent years according to State their local boards, from selling or me a slip for a gas stove. I have 23M2XC T Morgan lOMttc unty. Clerk of said Malheur Co mitteeship Walter M. Pierce, of ln Forester N. S. Rogers There were giving their extra coupons for use always had a wood stove with coils Salem, one-time governor of Oregon Three apartment \yANTED—Baled hay. See H. van Terms and conditions of sale: and ex-congressman, is in the Good no fatalities among the 1089 indust in somebody else’s car; (3) To ta but aim to get a gas stove as soon garage, at Boise Payette Lumber Twenty per cent of the sum bid to Samaritan hospital in Portland wh rial accidents reported to the state ke the pressure off the honest gas as I can since my wife is sick and house. woodshed. Some , Ebmond paid to said Administrator in can no longer bring ln the wood." the past week. There were oline dealer. yard or call 349R1, Ontario. Cash be his condition is improving. Dan during Inquire Jour- paid on delivery. cash at the time of the acceptance ere That two-cent overcharge— 15 claims filed for occupational dis 20Jtfc Harmon with a two-bushel sack of 23M2XP of such bid and the balance of the oats in the back of an old buggy ease. Two or three-cent overcharges on Committee Meeting— purchase price to be paid on the WANTED TO RENT—Modern fur any commodity are Just as serious The executive committee of the —Six Buff Orphlngton, nished cottage, two bedrooms. Will confirmation of the sale by the (and a horse in front is wowing the greater amounts and should be WSCS of the Methodist church, ,ol train cockerels. Mrs FYank lease countryside in his campaign for LINCOLN HEIGHTS as Court. for six months or one year. reported to price clergs of local which consists of the officers, will Just south of Hunt’s cor- Inquire at Journal office. 23M3XP All bids shall be left at the office congres in the first district, tells’m OPA boards. Richard C. Montgo hold Its quarterly meeting today Orien Hainline received a tele 23M2xp. there are too many lawyers in con A. L. Fletcher, attorney or may mery. district director, point out. at the home of Mrs. Henry Hart U. S. Senator Quy Gordan gram Saturday evening telling of ’’There WANTED—Used lurnlture. Highest of be delivered personally to the un gress has been a tendency to con ley. —No. 152 head lettuce prices the death of his mother. Funeral will retain the Washington office paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa dersigned at Powell Service Station staff of the late Senator McNary services were held ln Ontario Tues sider such small overcharges as tr- ^ wl a te test 982 per cent pure. Furniture Co. 1ATFC in the City of Nyssa, Oregon. lval and not ’worth bothering ab Goes To Seattle— Anderson, route 1, Nyssa. day afternoon with Peterson’s Fu including Mrs Helen Kiefer, secret 15, 1944. pl out". Montgomery said. "The oppos- i Mrs. Mary Rumple has gone to 23M2xp WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES fol March neral home in charge. Dev. R. L. ary to McNary, who served on his B. B. Llenkaemper, Administrator tt live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay Estate of Rosie Alice Mull, staff for 26 years Alex Q. Barry, Kriner delivered the funeral ser ite is true. Small overcharges usu-1 Seattle to visit her two brothers. aiALE—Few ewes with lambs, ette. §7NtfC former U. S. senator will file for mon. tlones. Louis Pratt, Nyssa deceased. the Republican national committee- The Patch and Chat club met at FURNITURE WANTED—We pay l’J ship for Oregon opposing the in the home of Matilda Pettet Thurs highest prices for used furniture. NOTICE TO CREDITORS t SALE—Seed potatoes. Idaho Nordale Furniture company. 21 jtfc TO THE CREDITORS AND ALL cumbent Ralph H. Cake State Se day afternoon. defeated for Rev. and Mrs R. L. Kriner and , 1 year from certification, PERSONS INTERESTED in the nator Lew two Wallace, years ago, and Elton family, Mr and Mrs Vern Smith .re. 9Mtfc For Rent estate of Harold William Elliot, governor Watkins, former congressman from and son and Lois Nelson were en acres ot) Black deceased: I sa LE- Save meat points— ra- FOR LEASE—160 tertained at an oyster supper Sun 80 under irrigation. 80 pas Notice Is hereby given to the cr Portland, are expected to file for day ghorn cockerels. We have some canyon, evening by Ida Nelson at the the nomination for the four-year ture. Lies three and a half miles editors and all others interested able each Wednesday, begin- due east from the bridge. Lessee in the estate of Harold William term as senator on the Democratic Smith home. March 8. Thompson’s Ontario Mr and Mrs Ralph Smith and have proper equipment and Elliot, deceased, that the under- ticket With so many voters in the sons hery, Box 578. Ontario. 2Mtfc must of Waterbury, Nebraska who forces it has been predicted references. Bernard Eastman, Ny- \ signed has been duly appointed armed there would be fewer candid have been visiting at the Lee and t SALE—150 tons of baled hay. ssa, or write, L. P. Thomas, 879 E, Administrator of said estate by the that for office this year, however, Vern Smith, and Ralph Barnes ho Ure. 9Mtfc 28th St., Oakland, 10, Calif. 24F6xc. county Court of Malheur County ates the filings for the May election will me left last week for Seattle where FOR LEASE-Pasture land, plenty I ° r,ee°n’ and «»«““ led as such One mile east and south of Dunaway Sand pit, or 3M IMPLEMENTS—Case tract- of water. 260 acres lying southeast ' All persons having claims against run over 50 or approximately 50 they will visit their daughter and more than at the primaries two her husband. Mr and Mrs Clair 7 miles south of Nyssa; lVj miles off Nyssa-Adrian Implements and parts. Cletrac are r««uir- years ago. Murdock. wler tractors, sales and service, of Sparta. Baker county. SE'< and sald decea,ed or S W , known as "The Hamm- Present same verlfled “ Mr and Mrs Ralph Barnes and Highway. pairing and welding of all kinds, E4 ARMY DAY APRIL 6 ond Place ”, Bernard Eastman, Ny- Ilaw re«“ired’ to the undersigned sons were Sunday dinner guests at Governor E&rl Snell has issued a cholson Service and Supply. Ph- ^sa 24F6xc ' at his home, or at the office of A. proclamation the A.A. Zickmund home in the designating April 6 as e 37, Ontario. 24Ftfc. ’____________________________ i 'L. Fletcher, his attorney in the City army day, which will be observed Owyhee district BUTCHERING ¡of Nyssa, Oregon, which place is throughout the country. He urges Ralph Winslow Sunday. OR SALE—White-faced bulls. Oo- Custom butchering at his every Monday hereby designated as the place for that the flag be flown that day at home here Saturday arrived 1 breeding stock. Serviceable age. and Friday. Beef, sheep after makin? and pork. the transaction of all business per ake Fischer. 24Ftfc Sanitary butchering guaranteed. taining to said estate, within six homes and places of business, and a trip to Indiana. He accompanied Sale Starts At 12:30 p.m. that schools, churches and homes the body ot his father, J. A. Win ’OR SALE—Seeds, Michael-Leon- Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa months from the date of the first hold Lunch will be served on the sale grounds. slow, to Indiana for burial. special observances. jd, flower, garden and field seeds. on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. publication of this notice. Mr and Mrs Alzono Latta and PRODUCTION HANDICAPS AID .Pollingsworth Hardware and Im Date of first pub. March 16, 1944. ED children arrived at their home In plement Co. 24FTTC Corsets Surgical garm- Loyd Ballot, Administrator Infection is the greatest disease this community Wednesday. They Estate of Harold William Elliot. FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed ents menace to Oregon workers accord had spent the winter in New Mex Deceased. potatoes eligible for certification. Girdles ing to the first report filed under ico. Mr Latta will be engaged In 1 Barn, 14 by 32 feet, with milk house and storage Brazzieres Grown at least 1000 feet higher th the new occupational disease law. farming with his father, Clyde La room built on end. Buildings were built one yr. ago. an local seed and will produce seed ALICE A. COLLINS Over one-half of the claims filed tta. were on account of infection, with Edwin Green has returned to the 1 Hen house, 16 by 24, matched siding with two gr equal to Blue Tag at a big saving Box 500 Phone 122-J Buena V illa (lnfllmatlon of skin) in sec home of his parents, Mr and Mrs O, $3 f.o.b. Juntura. See samples at Mrs S. B. Hoffman was hostess cytitls ond place. Of the 297 claims filed E. Green after visiting his sister ain bins, 7 by 16, on end, to the Out Our Way club at her during six months the law and husband, Mr and Mrs Marlon 1 Brooder house, 10 by 16, covered with heavy roof home Thursday afternoon. There has been the in first operation were filed Schutt and family. He has been ing paper. were eight members present. Games by men and 111 by 186 women. The recuperating after a recent append 5 Room-house, Celotex lined, 20 by 36 feet. were played. operation. average wage of claimants was over Refreshments were served. The $8 a day. Ten percent of claimants icitis Brock Robbins. Muriel Enevoldsen next meeting will be held at the were under 21 years of age and ten and Althea Hawkins were chosen to Leslie Topllff home April 13. were over 60. Payments for represent Lincoln school in a health Mr and Mrs Cecil Florea were in percent time losses amounted to 86.78 and contest. Boise Thursday. Mrs Verdo Harris and daughter, 10 Pieces, 2 by 8, 16 feet long. was paid for medical aid. Mr and Mrs J. W. Jennings were $3234 Carolyn, are spending this week wl- The administration of the new in Nampa Monday. 3 Pieces, 2 by 12, 16 feet long. Ralph Griffin returned to school 5 Pieces, 2 by 10, 16 feet long. a I I last week after being absent the HON. LIAR! 11 Cement flue blocks. past two weeks because of illness. Mr and Mrs Loyd Adams and SHOE SHOPS Mildred and Mrs Charles Gardner DENTISTS and Anna Jean were Sunday dinner guests at the Alva Goodell home. Abbott’s Shos Shop Mr and Mrs Claude Day enter J. R. CUNDALL All kinds of shoe and harnese tained 2 Ten-rod rolls of six-foot chicken netting. at a dinner Thursday even repairing 1 One-horse two-row beet cultivator, with tools. ing in honor of Mr and Mrs S B. Dentist Across from post office. Hoffman, whose wedding anniver 1 1931 Chevrolet sedan, fair rubber. Phone 56-J sary occurred that day. and Mr and Sarazln Clinic 1 Two-ineh centrifugal pump and pipes. Mrs Jim Ritchie, who celebrated NYSSA OREGON OPTOMETRISTS 1 One-horse eleetire motor. their 10 wedding anniversary the same day. J. A. McFALL Those attending besides the hon JEWELRY STORES “See DR. McFall or guests were Mr and Mrs Ernest and E m Better' Maize and Mr and Mrs Olenn Hoff man. PAULUS 1 Guernsey cow, 6 years, giving 5 gallons. Ray Griffin was in Ontario Th ursday. 1 Brown jersey cow, 6 years, giving 4 gallons. JEWELRY STORE a e fH,“dc Advertising Public Farm Sale Friday, April 7 Buildings Professional And Business Directory Lumber Miscellaneous Cattle Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second EYE8IOHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PHYSICIANS WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE L. A. Moulding, M.D. Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Physician and Burgeon Phone *7 Hours: 18 to U and I to 8 Fry Building Work Guaranteed E. I. COLE WATCH and CLOCK SARAZTN CLINIC REPAIRING JEWELER J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Free Examination and Estimate! NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE General practice of Physiotherapy PARMA — — — — IDAHO A-Ray 1 Black cow, 2 years, giving 3 gallons. 1 Red durham, 2 years, springer, gives 4 gallons. 1 Holstein, 3 years, giving 5 gallons. 1 Holstein, 3 years, giving 4 gallons. 1 Holstein, 2 years old, giving 6 gallons. 3 Yearling heifers. 3 Bull calves. 1 Fifteen-month old steer. 1 Seventeen-month old heifer. Tests will be given day of sale. TERMS------CASH Anyone in the neighborhood having personal pro perty to sell is invited to enter it in the sale. Oregon Trail The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Ola Chari with Agnes Knowles and Bonnie Oregg »«list ing The afternoon waa spent sew ing. Eleven members were present. Plans were completed for the club anniversary party to be held Wed nesday afternoon. April 5 at the school house. Members of the Wor thwhile club of Sunset Valley will be guests. In guessing games Alice Holmes and Ola Chard won prizes. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Mr and Mrs F O. Holmes made a business trip to Boise Thursday. Bernice Bowen is staying with Mrs Frank Rambau Mr and Mrs T. V. Olson spent the week-eriU at Kuna. Idaho visit ing their daughter. Mrs Horace Fuhnman. and family Mr and Mrs R J. Ashby are visiting In Utah. “ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—In a history-making demonstration of national onity, 16 nation-wide organizations —many commonly supposed to have conflicting in ternate—adopt statement of pol icy assorting recognition of joint responsibility for contii production and fee em to preserve American democracy “Among those eoming together to reach agreement were the National Association of Mann lecturers, A F of L, CIO, Na tional Crane«, American Legion. American Farm Bureau Federa tion, National Council of Farmer Cooporativaa." —Newt Item. L_ J ! F. W. Adams, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Auct. L. H. Fritta, Clerk