Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1944)
r/ieNYSSA GA ,v> 'v v V _ TY JOURNAL $2.00 PÊR YEAÉ NYSSA SHORT OF GROOT IS Schools Ready State Leader Of Storybook Land Morgan Protests ROBERT WAR FUND QUOTA Plans Outlined HURT BY PICK-UP Proposed Jump Robert Grout 16-year-old sopho- For Ring Bouts 4-H Clubs Talks Theme Of Ball Nyssa has raised only »950 to For Sponsoring In Water Rates ] ! talned more in the Nyssa high school, sus- Plans for the Malheur county Ât Annual Rally "Storybook Land" is the theme ward its quota in the Red Cross Labor Program _____ a fracture of the collar bone boxing tournament to be held in of the Girls league's seventh ann war fund campaign, Mrs George treasurer, said. Japanese And Mexicans Nyssa Friday and Saturday were Officers Elected At Meet ual Cinderella ball, which is to be Mitchell, committee is »2500. completed at a meeting of the Sn ing Of County Lead held March 24 at the high school The As quota the local chapter is soliciting Only Laborers Avail gymnasium. ake River Valley Schoolmasters in ers Council contributions only through the mail, able Students will canvass the com Mrs Mitchell asks that those who Ontario Wednesday night, Frank T. Morgan, secretary of the f Drawings in the various weights H C. Seymour, state 4-H club munity this week and next with plan to contribute send in their At a meeting of the Malheur co \yere made on the basis of schools leader, was guest speaker at the tickets for the ball. Aloha Maw. money as soon as possible. unty farm labor committee held Owyhee Irrigation district has wr rather than individuals. Adrian will annual 4-H leaders' rally held at president of the Girls league, said March 8, plans were fairly well itten to Harry W. Bashore, comm enter boxers in only two weights. two prizes, a 87 50 mirror and 87.50 Boulevard Grange hall last Wed completed for meeting the farm issioner of reclamation, department The remainder of the Adrian bouts nesday, March 15. in war stamps, will be given away. of the Interior, protesting a pro labor demands to harvest and care will be - filled in by boxers from Charles Wilson's five piece orch posed water rate increase. for the crops to be produced in Vale, Njiia and Ontario to make a Mr. Seymour discussed the state estra of Vale will provide the dance Mr. Morgan’s letter reads: 1944 in Malheur county. Two sour pi 20 bouts Friday night full card wide 4-H activities and emphasised music for the Ball. I am writing yolk on behalf of the ces of labor, and only two, are av and 10 bouts Saturday night. the contributions 4-H club members Students voted on the seven most The Nyssa chamber of commerce ailable Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation this year. One is the proc A trophy will be presented by the popular boys and girls in high sc are making to the war effort. He voter at its weekly luncheon Wed District. urement of Japanese from the war Nyssa chamber of commerce to the hool to be in the Cinderella’s co nesday noon to sponsor two 4-H relocation centers and the other Our project engineer. R. J. New winning school Saturday night. The especially mentioned the work the urt. The girls selected are Lois An summer school scholarships in 1945 an Indefinite availability of Mex ell. n u . with the Board of Direc club members have been doing in trophy consists of a bronze boxer derson, Dona Dlmmick. Verla Jen and accepted the recommendations ican National farm workers. Both tors a short time ago and asked mounted on a mahogany base. food production and in salvage ca sen, LaRue Nye, Merry Norcott, E. H. Hauser, county club leader, of these sources of labor would be the Board to indicate which they The city council, holding its mon Margaret Sarazln. and Beverly Ann of mpaigns. as to the boy and girl who should for 7 months to 9 months maximum preferred of the two following sch thly meeting Tuesday night, decid AIRWAY SERVING Ure. Boys chosen are Harry Counsil. Achievement pins were presented Don Bishop, Dennis Fife, Clayton receive the 1944 scholarships sp time spent in the county. Each wo edules as a water rental charge for ed to lease the farm land at the cemetery to BUI Cole for »150 cash. NYSSA PROPOSED ) rker Is covered by a definite con the year 1944. to club leaders who have been lead Morgan, Jay Sybee, Tom Moore, onsored by the chamber. Lois Jordan of White Settlement A minimum charge of »2.05, for The plot Includes approximately 20 tract for a specified time and upon ing clubs five years or more. The Harold Wilson. Their names received the scholarship for food completion Washington, D. C., Mar. 16 (Sp following leaders were eligible for and which three acre feet would be acres under cultivation. of this contract, or be are printed on the tickets, and the delivered at .70 per acre foot, or a Bert Lienkaemper asked the co ecial)--Expansion of air transpor hese gold leader pins: Mrs Nell girl and boy receiving the most preservation and Jimmy Wilson of fore, the worker Is required to re Kolony received the food port back to the War Relocation minimum charge of »2.40. for which uncil to have someone clean the tation to the —” nations -------- smaller — cities | D1mink*'~aitd"irs ^ Doris oregg « * •" « of * ballot votes will be crowned Cind Kingman Dlmmick and Mrs Kramer three and one-half acre feet would cemetery, if possible, and fill the and , towns, chiefly through estab- q * h M m of wui- erella and her prince the evening production scholarship. They were center in the case of Japanese, or selected for out standing achive- the Mexican government in the be delivered and all excess water bad holes m the road leading to lishment of area (feeder) airlines QW creelc; Mrs M 0akjs of o ^ n o ; of March 24. ment the two fields. of the type proposed by Southwest, Mrs RuMeU and Mrs be ahaiged at the rate of .70 per the cemetery. case of the Mexican nationals. Cinderella. Carolee Kess Mr. in Hauser Nyssa's need of an airport was Airways for serving Nyssa, has been' ^ 0, Orove: and Mrs H B Wi ler, Junior read a letter written In 1943 approximately 1.039 farm acre foot. and Prince Stan Thompson, discussed at considerable length. recommended by civil aeronautics1 lllams of Kingman Kolony. These will have separate processional and by President Roosevelt to the 4-H workers were in the county taking Mr. Newell stated that his esti and girls and said he is att care of farm crops. In 1944 there Is mate was that the project could be Emil Stunz was sworn in as city board examiners. were presented by Mr Seymour coronation from the senior group. boys Eleven recommendations in all pins empting to have as many boys and evident a change of acreage with operated for not to exceed »250,000 councilman. in behalf of the state club staff. Their court consists of Charlotte were made public by the examiners, Officers elected to direct the act Davis and Ronnie Buckner. Sharon girls as possible start food pro an increase In the crops requiring and that either one of these sch m a report based on material pre ivities work. edules would raise that amount of more labor and a decrease in the Malheur 4-H leaders' Brumfield and, Ponnle Cooper, Phy duction sented to them at the extensive ser council of for the 1944 H. C. Seymour of Salem, state crops requiring less labor. In 1943 money, and that he was prepared were: Mrs Cora llis Ann CheMelin and Garry Web ies of hearings held recently. leader, said the 4-H boys and Malheur County produced between to recommend either schedule. Ontario, president; Mrs ster, Lois Wilson and Rollo Tanner. club In expanding direct air service Thompson, girls are "doing a good piece of 8.000 and 8,800 acres of Sugar Be After considerable study and th Cliff Jordan. White Settlement, I Barbara Duncan and Danny Mast- to the smaller communities, the ex work in food production. We were1 ets. In 1944 the prospects are for ought it was the unanimous opinion and Mrs Wendell ' erson. surprised to find 4-H enrollment 12.000 acres of sugar beets. Onions of the Directors that they preferred The Boy Scout and Cubs of Ny aminers urged that new routes pro vice-president, Richmond. Caira, secretary-treas- : An extensive program with all vide a combination of passenger urer. in wartime”. the »2.40 per acre minimum charge, in 1944 totaled approximately 1.200 collected an estimated four tons service aspects of colorful "Storybook La increasing and air mail-air express E. M. Hauser, county club agent, ! nd” Pour-H boys and girls of Malh with delivery of three -and one- ssa In 1944 surveys indications of scrap paper last Saturday, but be presented. According to eur county produced enough food acres. half acre feet, and all overdrawn they would still like to gather more pick-up. They clearly made known discussed the countyVH club pro Dona will Dlmmick. point to 3,000 acres. Other crops general chairman. their decision that these should be 1943 to feed 60 men In the ser requiring more labor will be lettuce, water charged at .70 per acre foot, it is available. for 1944. He urgqd that con "All committees are doing their ut In operated by new, independent av gram vice for a year. This figure is the fresh vegetables and seed crops. In and he told us that he would rec if Persons servation projects and «projects in having paper are asked most to make this Cinderella ball number of former Malheur order to take care of these crops ommend this schedule to the Den to telephone the Idaho Power com iation companies. production be emphasized, even a bigger succes than it has exact The examiners recommended that food county 4-H boys now In the service. ver office. (Continued On Page 5) pointing out that the club members pany or the Gate City Journal and been in past years. Committee ch herlngs on applications authorizing Mr. Seymour said "We apprec He now informs us that the Den the paper will be called for by the, use could make a very definite contrib o( hell ters * deferred until airmen are Claudine Tomlinson, the support the chambers of ver office will not approve this Saturday. Newspapers magaz- ; models sultable for commerclal op_ ution through their vegetable gar Program; Noriko Kido, decoration; iate commerce other groups are giv schedule, but recommends a »2.40 boys den clubs, livestock production cl- and cartons should be k ; eratlons e p actually t exist __ ____.__--------------------- ---------- ------------- Margaret Sarazln, clean-up. ing to the and 4-H. They would not do minimum charge, for which three Ines separate terming th- ubs gnd food preservatl()n ciubs. - and "Snow and the Seven Dw it unless the program *17 „ _ Scouts are storing . , the! A | em “still in the developmental st- _ Various musical numbers and sk arves" is White was worth acre feet will be delivered and all The Boy that ^ cw the grade school skit to while. excess water be charged at .75 per paper in the old steam laundry its presentd by club members and be given under the direction of Mrs acre foot, or in other words, the bullding on the highway in the 11 Aeronautics Board refuse to allow leaders from the different comm Charles Schwelzer and Miss Ida- Harry Anderson of the First Nat schedule recommended by the Den northwestern part of town. Anyone’ surface carriers to operate air ser unities provided entertainment for mary Prouty. Snow White will be ional bank of Portland was a guest On Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock a special dedication service was vices. unless such operations are those present at this annual gath portrayed by Bernice Bowen. The at the luncheon. ver office for four acre feet de in the rural area who has supplemental held at the Adrian Free Methodist to their surface car livery Is forty cents per acre higher living ering. An-old-issue dance completed paper should take it to the old la rying activities. junior high girls glee club will sing church with over 200 in attendance. than the one recommended by Mr. undry the program. LDS REUNION TO building. several numbers. Rev. J. E. Rice of Spokane del Heavy stress was placed upon the Newell. Boy Scouts and Cu need for economical operation of "Mother Goose Varieties" will be BE STAGED HERE ivered the Dedicatory address and The Denver office recommenda bs, Twenty-five the direction of Bernard the new routes, “to keep the cost given by members of the high sch the Deer Flat male quartet gave tion . . . is going to work a hard Frost, under collected the paper Saturday. ool student body under the direct The Latter Day Saints church music. A number of out-of- ship on a considerable number of They were assisted by Ed Frost, to the government through the ion of Mrs Stella Young, Girls’ will hold a reunion today with the special town pastors and their families water users and particularly on the . Kenneth Pond and Leo Child. Ira compensation for the transporta , hay growers .. _. league advisor. Relief society, which is celebrating the services. Among them on the north end of, H#rbert ru ^ and Leo chlld tion of mail within reasonable lim Eight of the prettiest girls from its 102nd anniversary, since the attended were Rev. and Mrs R. W. Howell its". It suggested a maximum rate the project. Lands in that section , furn^ h6d the trucks high's student body (selected first meeting was organized. The of Boise, Rev. and Mrs Will Web of 25 cents per mile for carrying Harry Shelton of Nyssa has taken Nyssa of the project are of a rough and the male faculty) will model as reunion will start at 6 p. m. at a ster of Deer Flat; Rev and Mrs air mail. a lease on the former Fletcher ser by rolling topography and not as suit- | . \T A TUTE'D the high school glee club sings,' dinner, with Fannie Child, Relief O. R. Zirker of Caldwell Southwest Airways officials reit vice station at the underpass and "A able to row crops as some of the : L x A rtrilo v JlN INAiVliliU Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody.” society president, in charge of the Mable Rhoten of Wilder. and Mrs erated their belief that their app will start remodeling the building Twyla other sections of the project so the. BOARD PRESIDENT violinist, will play committee. meeting was held in lication would be one of the first immediately for a dairy food store Rondo Crawford, farmers there have relied on the j ___ Caprlscioso. and Dar Thel Last year's registration showed the A quarterly morning when Rev. Hays of to be considered, due to the tran and dairy. sale of hay for a considerable part f The newly-elected directors of the soloist, will sing A Lullaby. 250 persons attended the dinner Spokane brought a special of their cash revenue. j Nyssa road assessment district org- sportation needs of the areas they Mr. Shelton, who expects to re Bybee, Finis of the program will be a and program. This year It is The morning service was message. followed The livestock is not here this j anized at a meeting held Wednesday propse to serve. Collection of data ceive a full line of equipment with musical "Something About estimated that the number will be by a pot-luck dinner at noon. Rev. proving Nyssa’s need for area air in the next six weeks, started the a Soldier" number. year, and most of the hay being \ night. the combined band, 300 persons. Harden, former pastor of the ch sold now is being sold to shippers The directors selected their terms line service will begin “in the next original Shelton dairy in Nyssa in glee clubs with and majorettes, with a Following the dinner, a program here delivered the sermon at 1928. He sold tl^, business In 1935 (Continued On Page 3) as follows: Dale Garrison, one year; few weeks," they stated. of Storybook characters go will be given on the stage, under urch the evening service. to his brother, Rock Shelton, who march S. E. Flanagan, two years, and ing through the aisles. Cinderella the direction of Eldred Brower, Work on the church was begun conducted it until 1943. Student Returns— Ira R. Ure, three years. Mr. Garr her Prince will lead the grand young men's mutual president. less than two years and has Mr. Shelton wept to Ontario We and Louise Tensen. who spent spring ison was elected president, but sel after which the evening will Dancing will be enjoyed the re been finished with all ago the work be dnesday to meet the state dairy in march, vacation from Oregon State college ection of a secretary was postponed. be spent dancing to the music of mainder of the evening. All L. D. ing donated. As a result the cost spector, who will draw plans and Charles with her parents, Mr and Mrs Dick The board will meet the second Wilson’s orchestra. S members and their friends are of the church building has not ex visit all of Shelton's producers, Tensen, left Monday for school. ¡Thursday of each month. invited to attend. ceeded »1400. Rev Philip Reinman so he will be able to sell grade A osen among five of his group to Mrs Jane McGinnis of Adrian milk. and family of St. John. Washington _ died at her home at 1 p.m. last "My intentions are to handle mi arrived in Adrian last fall to take GASOLINE s t a m p take part in the opera at Oakland. Thursday. over the pastorate and has complet The cast consisted of 176 players. Funeral services were held at lk, cream, ice cream, buttermilk and VALUE REDUCED ed the work on the building, begun Hatch acted as guard of honor for 2 p.m Sunday in the Owyhee sch cottage cheese". Mr. Shelton said. TO TWO GALLONS by the Rev. Harden. The Reinmans the “king" of the opera before a oolhouse. Rev. J. C. Nevln of Ad JOSEPH WINSLOW have been finishing the basement Mrs Saidie Orr Dunbar, executive The basic family car gasoline rat of crowd of 23.000 persons. Seaman rian officiated. Interment was in the church for living quarters. secretary of the Oregon Tubercul Hatch has been assigned to a new the Owyhee cemetery ion will be reduced from three gal with the Ny OF LINCOLN DIES osis association and past president ship, a coast guard frigate. lons to two gallons a week in the ssa Funeral home in charge. the National Federation of Wo middle west and Pacific coast Mar GOOD SHOWING IS Mrs McGinnis was born in Lake Joseph Allison Winslow, 84-year- of Emil G. Stunz of Nyssa. apprent City, men’s Clubs has consented to speak ch the effective date of No. 11 MADE BY HOOPMEN old resident of Lincoln heights for California 73 years ago and ice seaman under the navy V-5 moved to the Adrian section more 30 years, died at his farm home at the annual meeting of the Malh “A" 22. stamp. program, has been sent to the Un than 40 years ago. She was the March 5. eur County Public Health associat The "B" supplementary ration Member* of the Nyssa MIA bas iversity of Washington for an ei widow of James McOinnls, who Mr. Winslow was born in South ion April 25 In Ontario, it was re ceiling on the Pacific coast, includ ketball team have returned home ght-month course offered by the died nine years ago. vealed. Saturday morning when the ing Nyssa. will be reduced from from Salt Lake City, where they Carolina and resided In Indiana executive air corps. He has notified his par Survivors are five daughters, Mrs j and board of the association participated in the championship 400 miles a month. Florida before coming to Ore ents. Mr and Mrs Emil Stunz, that John Jarvis of Adrian. Mrs Jesse gon. He is survived by his widow held its monthly meeting in the 460 “We to make hoop tournment of the church. these reductions reluc he likes his work. at Vale. tantly", said OPA Administrator In the first game, the Nyssa team Slippy of Adrian. Mrs Howard Con- and five sons. Oeorge Winslow of courthouse The annual election of officers Bowles, "but we are enter lost 46 to 34 to Grantsvtlle, Utah, Kenneth Cochran of Nyssa, petty Denver. Colo.. Mar. 16—Private naughy of Adrian. Mrs Joe Wistos Bend and Ralph Winslow of On will be held at the Ontario meeting. Chester which won the church title. The Alturas, California, and Mrs Don tario were the only sons able to The executive board at the Satur ing a period in which critical dem score officer inthe navy, called his mot Clpde E. Adams. 18. son of Mr and of at half-time was 26 to 24 for ands will be made on our limited attend the funeral. • Llnvllle of Casey, Washington, and her, Mrs Russell Cochran. Sunday Mrs F W. Adams, of Route 1, Ny six sons. Donald, Alvin, Willie. The body was sent to Indiana for day meeting named Mrs Amy Lar I supplies of gasoline, and we are Grantsville. Nyssa came the closest kin of Nyssa. Mrs May Roberts of I entering it with supplies that are. of any team of defeating Orants- has arrived at the Unlveraity Andrew and Olenn McOinnls of Interment. evening by long distance telephone ssa. Ontario, and Mrs Charles S Harris sharply limited as the result of war| vllle. The next day the Nyssa bas- Denver for a course of instruct Adrian from Buckland, New York, telling of of and Vernon McOinnls of Wlllowcreek as members of the | demands". ion to last approximately five mon keteers lost to Payson, Utah by a Alturas. her that he will leave soon for ths prior to his appointment as an DARLENE DORMAN nominating committee Dennis W score of 36 to 28. They won two Miami, Florida for a five-week sch aviation cadet in the army air for Patch. Adrian, is now president; 21 YOUTHS TAKE WINS CITATION games in Burley to take the divis Mrs O Y. Chester, Harper, vice ces western flying training comm LIGHT POLE IS ooi. ion title the week before. Miss Darlene Dorman won a cit president; Mrs Charles P Flegel, ARMY-NAVY EXAM. and. During this period he will st- TOPPLED BY WIND Members of the team were Lloyd ation for selling »5000 worth of war Ontario, secretary and Arthur Ath Corporal Howard Boor of Nyssa. udy numerous academic subjects Lewis. Calvin Dean Fife. Twenty-one young men took the Melvin Jensen. Wilson. who is with the military police of and receive elementary flying train An Idaho Power company pole bonds during the 4th war loan dr erton. Ontario, treasurer. Rosel Anderson. Le army and navy V-12 examination Mrs Wesley Blanton of Lincoln ive. Mrs John Young. Nyssa chair ing Upon completion of the course the United States army in Italy, bearing a high tension wire was on Chlld and Cass Callahan. said the German shells are still he «rill be classified as a navigator, blown over by the wind Saturday man of the women’s division, ann school district president at the in the high school building Wed nesday morning. Nine boy* took the meeting of the board in the absence landing too close for comfort, al pilot or bombardier and go on to night near the Pieter Tensen farm ounced. Mrs Oeorge Cleaver and Mrs Nell of the president and the vice pres I army examination and 12 the navy 2 MORE FILE FOR though he ha* been through the schools of the tarining command home northwest of Nyssa. examination. COURTHOUSE JOBS African and Sicilian campaigns He for training in these specialties. The mishap put out the street Dlmmick will receive citations for ident. Eighteen of the boys were from lights in the north part of Nyssa. the Home Economics club of the told his parents. Mr and Mrs J. H. Nyssa. two from Ontario and one Two county officials. Assessor E. Boor, in a letter that the boys are Mr and Mrs Will Olbson hear A transformer burned out when Oregon Trail Orange if their re Food Sale Held— The VFW auxiliary food sale held from Adrian. If successful in the P. Hendrix and County Clerk H. 8. not Interested in marching through regularly from their two sons, who bare wires wrapped together at the cords can be completed. the streets of Berlin, but are anx are actively rngaged with the arm King residence southwest of town Mrs Young said figures released in Oraham's real estate office last examination, they will be called and Sackett. have announced that they The distribution system was not by the First National bank showed Saturday was very successful. The assigned to a college for a period «rill seek re-election. Both men will ious to finish the war and return ed forces. sales made by the women* organiz proceeds will be used for the nat of from nine months to two years seek the republican nomination in home Corporal Boor enlisted in the Fred Otbeon is a mechanic in the affected by the wfhdatorm ations as follows: Home Economics ional home for widows and orphan*. for specialized training, ultimately the May primary. air force and is now located in service three years ago. Murray Morton, who was defeat leading to officer's rating. club. »11.1»; Nvssa Business Wom Corsia. la ed by Mr. Hendrix for the asess- Mr and Mrs Howard Hatch of Bob Gibson, who Is a pharma Mr and Mrs D. O. Bybee and en’s club. 86083 T9; LDB Relief soc Go To CaMfenila— or’s position four years ago. has Adrian have received a letter from cist mate, second class, is in the Gordon Ray. manager of Gordon’s iety. »2331 25: American Legion Au Mr* J. P Dunaway and Mrs M Girl Improving— Stunz. who has been sick filed for the democratic nomln- their son. Elbert C. Hatch, seaman. medical corps and is now serving Drive-in market, were in Boise xiliary. »3012 50. and St Paul's gu F. Talbot and children left Tues for Greta seven weeks, is imporvlng. ild, *562.50 day for aanDlego. tioo. 2nd class, stating that he was ch- on an Island in the South Pacific Wednesday on business. Letter Sent By Secretary To U. S. Comm issioner Monday morning when struck by a pick-up truck at the “Y” near the schoolhouse. The name of the woman driving the truck was not learned. The boy was thrown onto the car by the impact. Fellow students said he was so dazed he could not remember what happened. Oroot Is recovering at his home. P - Chamber Votes 2 Scholarships Council Leases Farm Property Boys Collect 4 Tons Of Paper Adrian Church Is Dedicated Harry Shelton Starting Dairy Our Boys In The Service Jane McGinnis Of Adrian Dies Health Unit To Hold Gathering 4