Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY.JOURNAL THURSDAY MARCH 9, 1944 PAGE SIX ...— -i— » « . m*w <m . »li ■ ■ ■■■ hi m ■■■ n !.. L ■ ■ "T » ■ 1 — ■ ■■ ” mm ■ ' - 9M2xp has been working in defense work college. Suits and coats of wool, as 2, Nyssa. Mrs John Savage was mat well as woolen yard goods, promise at San Francisco, is home on a ron of honor and Mr. Savage was FOR SALE—150 tons of baled hay. to be in better supply in retail sh visit before entering the service. groom's man. Ira Ure. 9Mtfc ops because raw wool supplies have A wedding supper was served at Visiting Here— been larger for some time so that FOR SALE—Seed potatoes, Idaho the Haroldsen home after the cere Visiting Here— Sergeant and Mrs William Arm mills were freer to weave civilian mony. gems. 1 year from certification. Mr an Mr and a Mrs Mrs naroiasen Haroldsen nave have r re- e - , I J. V. Neal arrived . . Sunday . . . . from . „ strong of Casper. Wyoming are vis wool fabrics than they have been Ira Ure. 9Mtfc turned to Seattle, where they will! Lo* Angeles for • " ‘"definite «ay iting at the home of Mr and Mrs since the war started. BOND PARTY HELD -Saddie Orr Dunbar, chairman make their home. Mr Haroldsen is with hef father, D. L. McBain. Ed Frost. ! The government has built up la FOR SALE—Welders and welding The conclusion of the 4th war the state women's committee, stationed with the navy at Bain- Parents of Girl— rge stockpiles of wool to insure pl rod. Hollingsworth Hardware and bridge island, Washington. Organize Fellowship— loan was celebrated in gala fashion I Among workers attending w 9Mlxc. A girl weighing 9 pounds, 4 oun- j Cliff Main and Miss Effie Ellen enty for military needs while the Implement company. by the women's division of the Mai Mrs Floyd Dutton of Brogan, the - I - ces, was Born in Ontario Wednes Counsil went to LaGrande Sunday PINOCHLE OLUB MEETS heur county organization when the first to make her quota; Mrs D. O. shipping situation has also improv FOR SALE—1 hand forge, 14 lqg|) women gathered February 29 at a Bybee of Nyssa, who contributed The Mr and Mrs Pinochle club day to Mr and Mrs W. A. Bybee of to organize a Young Adult fellow ed, enabling importations from Au blower; 1 man’s bicycle, exeelle® ship in the Methodist church. They no-host dessert party arranged by the poem. "Pour Sons and a Bond", met Tuesday night at the home of Nyssa. were accompanied from Nyssa by stralia and South America, as well condition. Leno Christensen. 9M2xp Mrs Fred L. Olmstead, county ch and Mrs Frank Davis, first and Mr and Mrs Henry Borgman. Mrs Here From Boise— as small supplies from South Af Henry Fields, a guest of the club, two Boise Young Adult members. airman of the women's division. only woman to secure organization FOR CASH SALE—Good piano. _____ __ _______ _ prize. Mrs Mrs. Allen Forbes of Boise vis the traveling rica and New Zealand. J h e affair was held in Taylor's citation. Interesting were the com | received New wool rug, 9 x 12, with pad. ments given by Mrs Ed Patch, Mrs Jake Simmons won high score for ’ ited over the week-end at the^homt Visits In LaGrandi coffee shop in Ontario. Miss Lane has been informed th Electric vacuum cleaner, attachm Erma Hamlin went to LaGrande Three large tables were centered Frank Oribbin, Mrs Frank Kyte, the ladies, Irshat Davis, high for of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Morris. j Mrs. Oswald Forbes and Mrs. Betty | Jast Thursday to visit her parents. at more all-wool and less mixed go ents. New davenport set. General with red roses, white stock and blue Mrs Donald Joseph and Mrs Dora the men, and C. C. Cotton, low. The same club was entertained Forbes Wheeler, Mr and Mrs Clark Hamlin, over the ods will be on the market this se electric refrigerator, $150. Walnut delpriniums, intermingled with de Vincent. Mrs John Young, Nyssa ason, because the large quantities poster bed, complete, only $25. Ph last Wednesday evening at the ho- week-end. chairman, told of varied activities. fense stamps and victory "V” don one 10W, Mrs W. F. McLlng. 9Mlxp On Vacation— me of Mr and Mrs Cotton. Prizes of wool on hand make "stretching" ated by the Ontario Floral shop. A Miss Hope Mayfield gave a report Mrs. Verna Beutler left Sunday m !n Hospital_ large flag hung gracefully from the on Ontario schools at war. Mr. Ha were won by Mrs John Burnett, hi the wool by blending with other FOR SALE—Case, model G com Mrs Frank Rambaud is ill in the right With Mrs H. F. Rising at the rtley told of the home talent show- gh for ladies; Oliver Patch, high for Portland to spend her vacation for men; John Burnett, low for with Mr. and Mrs. Ab Vaughn and Holy Rosary hospital In Ontario. tiDers no longer necessary in meet bine, used 3 years. W. E. Plercy, piano, a pledge of allengiance to given at Nyssa. 1 % miles north of Adrian. 9M3xp ing essential civilian needs. men, and Jake Simmons and Mrs other relatives. the flag was given and America - f - Oliver Patch, the traveling prizes. Buys Residence— NYSSA YOUTH WEDS was sung in unison. Mrs Olmstead, TOR SALE—McCormick-Deering 7- Buys Ontario Property— Homer Whitman has purchased Miss Elizabeth E. Maynock of as master of ceremonies, seated the foot tandem disc. In A-l condition. Mike Evans of Nyssa has purch GUILD HOLDS MEETING the Sherwood residence in Nyssa 36 key workers and three guests, Seattle and Jess Haroldsen of Ny The St. Paul's guild met Wednes ased the old Boyer property at the and will move to his new home FOR SALE—Netted gem seed pot Dick Udlinek. 6 miles southwest of Joe Dyer, county chairman; Henry ssa, who is serving in the navy, Nyssa. 9Mlxp H. Hartley, city chairman of Nyssa, were married at the home of the day afternoon at the home of Mrs south end of Oregon street in On soon from his farm near Nyssa. atoes first year from blue tag. Ja and Judge Robert D. Lytle of Vale. groom's parents, Mr and Mrs Reu C. C. Cotton. At the business meet tario. Mr Evans plans to build a mes Malloy or Virgil McGee, Route An informal introduction followed ben Haroldsen, near Nyssa Tuesday ing plans were made for a box soc residence on the property, consist Visits Parents— ial and dance to be held in the ing of 30 acres, and make his home Miss Ida Mary Prouty, teacher in ir u m iM ii mim Min in in niiiM liiii mi 11 in m iniin in * with each person present giving his night at 8 o'clock. the Nyssa grade school, spent the President Luther Fife of the LDS parish hall sometime in April. Ph- there. or her name and address. A wel DK. CLARA VIAL BIRLEW week-end In LaGrande visiting her Real [state Insurance come was given by Mrs Olmstead, church performed the ceremony in ebe Ellen Jensen rendered several will be at Graham’s Nyssa realty parents. who also read a letter from Mrs the presence of relatives and close accordian solos. Lunch was served Parents Of Girl— office Saturday, April 8, Send A daughter was born February by the hostess. Phone 64 glasses for* repairs or duplication 22 to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Nelson of Makes Coyote Killing— - 8 - OREGON NY8«A to the residence office at Weiser. Corpus Christi, Texas, according to ENTERTAINS CLUB Pud Long of Jordan Valley killed Mrs Bert Lienkaemper entertain- information received by friends he 1395 coyotes and several bobcats a i iiii i.i i:i i t iiim i t iiinn in in nun in M hi m in in in i t in i ! ed her Wednesday evening bridge re. Mr. Nelson, former Nyssa res- and badgers during the season, wh club last evening. Mrs Harry Miner ! ident, is serving in the navy. ich he just finished. He sold $9500 50 Good stock calves will be auctioned at won high score, Mrs Bernard Frost, | --------------------- worth of furs from the animals. second, and Mrs L. Trabert, the ®“y Tavern our sale Saturday, March 11. Also some work traveling prize. Guests were Mrs; Frank and Damon Savage have Food Sale Planned— horses and milch cows. Frost. Mrs Trabert, Mrs T. H. Eld purchased Bob's tavern from Bob The V.F.W. auxiliary will hold a If you have an extra horse, now is the time redge and Mrs George Henneman. Freeman and will operate the bus cooked food sale in Mrs Graham's iness under the name of Nyssa real estate office Saturday March to sell, and also to buy. - 8 - tavern. Mr. Freeman has gone to 11. The proceeds from the sale will CLUB MEETS Sale starts at 2 p.m. The Mr and Mrs club met at the Boise, where he has business inter be placed in a fund for construct home of Mr and Mrs R. G. Larson ests. ion of an annex to the children’s last evening. A buffet lunch was home of servicemen engaged in the served preceding card playing. Gu Here From California— present war. Mrs Herbert Thomson of Palo ests were Mr and Mrs Joe Suther Phone 25-R Alto, California, accompanied by land. Mrs Sutherland and Mr. Lar Visit In Boise— her house guest, Mrs M. A. Madden son won high scores. Mrs Albert Heldt, Mrs Floyd Col. Bill Lane, D. 0 . Bybee, Mgr. of Palo Alto, will spend some time Hersey and Mrs Bert Adams were —8— Auctioneer Phone 05J3 at the Rust ranch on business and Boise shoppers Saturday. CLUB HOLDS MEETING Phone 116J Sixteen members of the Chatter will visit friends here and in Boise. Visits In Country— Box club met at the home of Mrs Dorene Bear spent the week-end Marian Cheldelin with Mrs Ina Here From California— at the Jake Kollen home in the Mrs Ethel Shatto of Modesto, Adams as co-hostess. Mrs Merl Jo Owyhee district. hnson had charge of the program. California Is visiting friends and The next meeting will be held at relatives in Nyssa. She visited Mr Visit at Emmett— the home of Mrs Orna Goodell and Mrs Floyd Campbell and dau Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing and ghters this week. March 16. daughter spent the week-end at Emmett. Mr. McLing left Tuesday - 8 - How many, many th The Rexall Store Visit Relatives— HOSTESS TO CLUB for New Meadows, Idaho, where he Mr and Mrs Dick Adams of Cald Mrs A. C. Sallee was hostess to will be employed. ings are found in a drug Phone 14 the Tuesday afternoon bridge club. | well were visitors Sunday at the home of his brother, Bert Adams, Mrs Joe Sutherland, a guest, receiv- " Special Services Planned— store besides drugs? ed the high score. Mrs Kenneth in Nyssa. Another brother wa? Miss Mollie Baird, returned mis here en route from Nebraska to his sionary from India, will be the Cottle was second high. Though the health of home in California. speaker at the Sunset Valley As - 8 - GIVES CHILDREN TREAT sembly of God church Sunday eve Uncle Sam’s people is Here From School— Irshal Davis, director of the Nys- ning, March 12, at 8 o’clock. Miss Louise Tensen is home this week Baird spent from 1926 to 1940, ex so school bands, treated his five our main thought, and we do our best to keep end from Oregon State college to youngest baton twirlers, Betty Fife, cept for one brief furlough, with Nonnie Child, Lorraine Fischer. visit her parents, Mr and Mrs Dick the people of India. The public at all times the things you need for health, we Nanette Bybee and Pattie Marie Tensen, and her brother, Dick. is invited to attend the meeting also serve in many other ways, McLing, to a dinner served at the W. F McLing home last Friday be Move To Apple Valley— Visit At Payette— Mr and Mrs Lloyd Dibble of Nat- Drugs-tPrescriptions and otherwise. fore the picture show. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner visited oma, Kansas, who have been visit Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fischer were Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George ing at the home of Mrs Dibble's Fountain service Cosmetics also guests. Mother Goose Tav- Sallee at Payette. ors were used. The group present- parents, Mr and Mrs Taylor Sandy, ed Mr. Davis with "a photograph moved Tuesday to their new home Tobacco, Cigarettes Shaving supplies WOOLEN CLOTHING album In appreciation of his work , in Apple valley. MORE PLENTIFUL Bus service Baby needs with the youngsters. _g_ ' Visiting Parentr I Martha Smith and Robert Smith Civilians can plan on purchasing First aid needs Stationery GUESTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland and i are visiting their parents, Mr. and more woolen clothing this season, family were dinner guests at the ; Mrs. R. C. Smith of Nyssa. Martha according to word received by Lucy home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. M e - ,* " “ »* is a student at the Univer- Lane, extension specialist in cloth Connell Wednesday evening. | sltV of Oregon. Robert Smith, who ing and textiles at Oregon State j friends LOCAL NEWS Too Late to Classify Bernard Eastman Buy Good Animals M ac Says: The Fountain Bybee Livestock Com. Co. Isn’t It Surprising Is Open At Nyssa Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS Owyhee Drug Company Day Phone 29 Night Phone 9UV iti inni h m i in im i inni m in in m it i in in in in in in in in in in n in n in in mm in in in in m in in in in n inni litui in NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM ! THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 10—11 Hopalong Cassidy and Pals in “RIDERS OF THE DEADLINE” Richard Dix and Edith Barrett in “THE GHOST SHIP” Sat. Mat., 2:30 P. M . Adnt 6c-20 Evening Adm. Uc-33c inc. Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY MARCH 12—13 Franchot Tone, Mary Martin, Dick Powell and Victor Moore in “TRUE TO LIFE” Selected Shorts including “This is America” Mat Bun, 1:30 Adm Mc-llc, Inc Daf Tax ________ Adm Eve.. He, 33c Including Defanae T a x ______ —BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY MARCH 14 The Aldrich Family in “HENRY HAUNTS A HOUSE” Popeye Cartoon and The Phantom Admlaaion, h -M t, Incladlng tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY MAR. 15—16 Dorothy I ¿amour, Dick Powell, Victor Moore and Gil Lamb in “RIDING HIGH“ A TECHNICOLOR Riot of Fun, Music and Gals Sports and News Admission Evening — lie and 33e, Including Defanae Tag ■mil 11 MM 11 Mil tl Mil MMIIHMMMUMMIIMMMMIIMIIill UIIIIIM MI - 8 - 1 ti m u m ili i n i i h i H' m ti iii ri m i mm m m m in i 11 mumm m m m m m m h i m n n m m in in in m m u in in CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Walter H. Fox cele brated their 30th wedding anniver sary at their home Sunday. Mr and Mrs Don Pox and Sharon of Ny ssa and Mi's Ethel Shatto of Mod esto, California were guests of Mr and Mrs Pox at dinner. . - 8 - , OLUB ENTERTAINED 1 The Thursday afternoon bridge club was entertained by Mrs A. H. Boydell. Guests were Mrs John Bishop. Mrs Bernard Frost, Mrs Burnall Brown and Mrs J. B. Bec- kum. Mrs Bernard Pnrst was high scorer. The traveling prize was re ceived by Mrs Beckum. im n £ie& ct£eeeb mm m in tm m m m m mm m m u m mm m » Like to feel important? You'll be tmportant--to your country, and to your fighting men—if you take over a vital Job in the Army, In the Women's Army Corps you'll get expert Army training that may pave the way to a postwar career. You’ll have a chance to Improve your skill or learn a new one--to meet new people, see new place«, have ex periences you'll remember all your life. Get full details about the WAC at any U-S Recruiting S t ation. Or write for interesting booklet. Address; The Adjutant General, 4415 Munitions Bldg. Washington 25. DC. ( Women in essential war industry mist have release from their employer or the DA Employment Service ) UMMMMHHHMMMMMiMM'MMMt Spring by the yard SEARSUCKER 59c a yard For the warm Spring and Summer days to co me include in your wa rdrobe OPEN YOUR SPRING DRIVE Your Spring drive for a bumper Victory Garden crop in 1944 is a battle that requires careful planning now. See our catalogue, ask our ad vice, buy the seeds for your needs and your soil here and now! Bulk Garden Seeds Alfalfa and clover seed and pasture glass seeds. Pirana A1 Thompson & Son 28 2 nd and O sad A rt. several dresses made of this cool, easily cared for searsucker. Many patterns to ch oose from, including st ripes, checks and sev eral pattern designs. Colors, red, green, blue, brown and others. We also have a few pieces of Plesse crepes. Golden Rnle Store