Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1944)
VALLEYVIEW Henry Davis moved to his ranch at Council. Idaho last weelc. Mr and Mrs Sabin moved to Em mett to make their Tilts is Low. * be he'd at 10:30 hext Sunday. The Owyhee Community club will Miss Grace Tarr of Wilder is meet with Mrs LaVone Culbertson spending this week at the home of with Mrs Jess Gregg assisting at | Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller. the Culbertson home Mar. 16. Mrs Dale Lakey and children Mrs I-ouis Skinner and Mrs B. of Boise spent the week-end here Wounded Leatherneck home. They lived on the Otis Bullard (arm. Mr and Mrs Dick Davis and fam ily moved to The Dalles and will (arm their place. Mrs Benr McConnel is teaching the 7th and 8th grades at Nyssa! this week. Chas. S. W yckoff received a letter I from hl3 nephew, Dwight W yck off,' saying he was stationed in the air school at Olathe, Kansas. Mrs Ben McConnel received a telegram from her husband that he j arrived in South Carolina and I s 1 stationed at Camp Croft, South Carolina. Mr and Mrs Caleb Bodmer l e f t ' for Kansas Monday noon. Mr. Eod- mer has a position at Natoma K an sas as postmaster. Mrs Orland White Is visiting the Shef White family. Mr. White is in the service in Texas. K etu rn s F r o m PACE PTVf THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY MARCH 9, 1944 IS SCHOOLING STOPPED AT T me THIRD GRADE, but this N ew J ersey F armer ' s studied son A G R IC U LT U R E IN HIS . FIELDS AND \ GREENHOUSES......... i E ENPICYS 7.S00 WORKERS AT PEAK, MOUSING PERMANENT HELP IN MODERN IZED farm houses . D ormitories , to se RENT-FREE, ARE MING BUILT FOR MIGRATORY iHiitiiiiiiiiiii|iii iii|iiiiiiinii mm m mm in m m m m m n m m n Easing the Trials o f Sorrowing Ones Though death strikes a thousand miles away. These are days of ch ange and o f travel. Am erica is on the move. Few are there who do not have a relative or friend away from ho me. Since death takes po holiday, some o f us may have a loved one striken while he is aw ay from home. Call us and you can be sure of| fitting last rik wheth-| er the interment is to take place at the distant place or back here at i home. A If. S. Marine, wounded when Jape attempted to ambush a group of Leathernecks at Plva and Numa-Numa Trails, Bougainville, is carried to a first aid station by two buddies. A Jungle-trained dog discovered the trap whan he pointed out Jap pillboxes In time for the Marine* to deetroy the neeta and the Jape. H is FREEZING PLANT IS THE LARGEST TOO........ Ue OEVELOPNE T r ip — Mrs Charles Orider has returned from a trip to Canada, Seattle and Eugene. Mrs Orlder, who was away from Nyssa for a month, visited Mr and Mr Alvin Templer, former Ny- ssa residents, in Eugene. HIS n tn w ARC THE WORLDS LARGEST TRUCK FARM..... - n * % ? * «§ * * * |4| 150 5 0 0 FARMERS SELL H/M T H EIR OUTPUT AMD HAVE A CCESS TO H/S RESEARCH AND SE R V IC E ..... ,NDusr - TRUCKS, 19 A R TESIA N **- * WSS5S-"®- T h e PROCRESS/VE ENTERPRISE OF ONE MAN SPREADS EM P LOYMENT AND PROSPERITY. TOWN and FARM in WARTIME ; Pi«pored by OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION grain distributors to carlot buyers at established county prices without merchandising charges—Canners have been notified to increase their iet-aside of canned grapefruit juice for war purposes from 32 to 38 per cent—Over 3,500,000 pounds of dried apples and nearly a 1,000,000 po unds o f (Zante) currants will be re leased for clvilians--50,000.000 pou nds of lard have been released for soap-making In M arch--W PB says that—Repairmen may use up to $25 worth of authorized material lo r Installing cooking, plumbing, heating, or used air-conditioning or refrigeration equipment units and he may use up to $250 worth of material for an authorized new air- conditioning or refrigeration system —Vitamin A, Aantrinfection" vit- W IL L REVIEW DEFERMENTS President’s statement that agrlcul- Local Selective Service Boards j ture and industry should release have been directed to review cases the younger men for military ser- of all registrants 18 through 37 vice. IF YO U MADE A M IS T A K E years old and deferred in classes I f you find you made a mistake 2A, 2B, 2C, and 3C. Particular att in your income tax return and al ention will be given registrants un ready have filed it, what do you der 26 years of age in view of the do? I f your error was simply one o f | arithmetic, your mistake probably will be corrected without your act- | ion. I f you made a mistake in your | Income or deduction entries, c o n -1 tact the O ffice of the Collector wh • r Bronchial Irritations Duo to Colds ere you filed your return. You may Sufferers will find Buckley’s brings quick relief from persistent, nasty, ir need to file an amended return. ritating coughs, or bronchial irritations SIN G LE R A T IO N BOOK FOR P O due to colds. But be sure you get Buckley’s C A N A D IO L Mixture— by far OD the largest selling cough medicine in After food shoppers have- used cold, w intry Canada. Ask for Buck- their Brown Y and Z stamps, they ley's—made in U. S. A .—all druggists. do all their food shopping with I War Ration Book Pour. The ration liFlllllfl.lll III.HKIIIllllllll llllllllllilltlll III llllltiilUlllltllMIIIIIIIH! taken plan now in effect eliminates use of stamps of four denominat ions (8,5,2, and 1 points) and uses stamps of one denomination ( 13 points ) with one-point ration to kens for change. Milk is a necessity CARE FOR 200,000 BABIES Nearly 200,000 babies and their in every diet because it mothers were cared for up to Feb ruary 1 under the emergency mat contains the nourishing ernity and infant care program. Hospital and medical care are pro vitamins so vital in ke vided without cost to wives o f ser vice men in the four lowest pay eping every part of yo grades, during pregnancy, child birth, and for six weeks after the ur body healthy. Drink baby is born, and for the Infant during its first year. at least a quart a day. S E R IA L NUMBERS ON GAS C O UPONS A strip o f serially numbered cou pons in a carboard folder will now be issued to renewal applicants of ■ B" and “C " supplemental gasoline ’•ations. and new "E " and "R " rat- ilons for gasoline-powered equip ment. Serial numbering of coupons is one of O P A ’s strongest weapons against the gasoline black market. Motorists must still endorse their coupons. WOMEN FARM W O R K E R S O K The 94% of non-farm women, including teachers, college students, stenographers, and professionals, on But we all know there are several weeks of farms In the nited States during 1943 statisfied farmers, who have bad weather ahead of us before the balmy sp Indicated willingness to employ th em more extensively this year. R e ring days arrive. cruiting is handled by the .extens ion service of the Department of So why not stop here tomorrow for a check Agriculture and the U. S. Employ ment Service. up o f your car? ROUND-U P As a result of recent OPA actions —glass jars of apples, applesauce, apple Juice, and sweet cider will sell at retail for approximately two cents more than the same-sized tin cans—10.000 new passenger autom obiles and 7,500 new bicycles will be available under rationing to civ TO TH E VO TERS: ilians in March—Ration point val ues for country butter will be low This is to advise you of my candidacy for ered in areas where necessary to j nomination and election to the office of Judge move It faster and prevent spoilage J o f the Circuit Court in and for the Ninth Jud —Effctive June 1, the country sh ipper may add $1 a hundredweight icial District o f Oregon. to his ceiling price for sales to the I am now your Judge and pledge myself to ultimate consumer when he makes the continuation of my present program of pr such sales in amounts up to 800 pounds—reductions are expected in ompt, efficient and unbiased determination of some lines of lamps and lamp sh litigation in your Court. This is a service the ades which have been selling at people have a right to expect. It is the duty of a excessive prices—lard is temporarily removed from rationing—Tem por Judge to determine rights regardless of the arily maximum prices for the 1944 parties, interests, or attorneys involved, and I crop of sweet potatoes will remain at levels at which they were frosen pledge myself to that practice. last December, except for sales to dehydrators—W F A has announced that—the price o f feed wheat has been increased one cent pr bushel and feel wheat will be sold through Nyssa Funeral Home amin, has been placed under all ocation for the first time to insure equitable distribution in face of mounting demand—Agricultural di scs for plows, harrows, and other farming Implements are expected to be produced In sufficient quan tity to balance the first half year’s program for 1944—Old used coll apsible tubes should be turned in at once to drug, retail, and chain stores so that needed tin can be salvaged— Owyh ee M r and Mrs Hugh Glenn enter tained at dinner Friday evening for Mr and Mrs William Schweizer of Caldwell, M r and Mrs Hugh Lamb o f Adrian and Mr and Mrs John LE T US PRO VID E A HOME M A R K E T FOR YO UR F A T HOGS Sell where there is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un necessary expense incurred through a great number of men T. KInzer were hostesses at a blr- | with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali and thday dinner Sunday for Mrs Clara ■ her mother and other relatives. Nicholson, daughter of M r and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. J M. Wagner re Skinner, Mrs Arllss Joslln, daugh ceived word that their son, Leo, ter of Mr and Mrs Kinzer, and | has been wounded in action some- Kenneth Ward. Other guests were where in Italy. Mrs. Ada Butler of Ontario spent Mr Skinner, Mr Kinzer and Mr the week-end at the Vern Butler Joslin. Mrs Annie Gregg gave a birthday home. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Wagner dinner for Mrs Jess Gregg Sunday. Other guests were Mr and Mrs W a were dinner guests at the Ellis llace Gregg and son Richard, Mrs Warner home Sunday evening. There were 21 present at the George T. Gregg, Mrs Martha K l- ing'back and son Fred, Jess Gregg Bible study at the George M oel and daughter, Rebecca, and Bill ler home Wednesday night. The Bible study will be held at the and Evelyn Gregg. R. R. Overstreet o f Newell Heig Theo Matherly home this week. R. S. Chandler of Caldwell was hts has sold his Owyhee ranch to Mr Maas of Boise. The place will an overnight guest at the George be occupied by his son-in-law and Moeller home Wednesday night, daughter, Mr and Mrs Middlestadt, j Mrs. Bcn shaw 8ave a birthday also of Boise. party February 29 for her husband Mrs Byrd Walters of Boise is sp- whose birthday only comes every ending the week in the parental j four years- Ellis Walters home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hollens of Mr and Mrs Frank Crocker and 1 Ontario were dinner guests at the family and Emil Codr were dinner George Moeller home Friday eve- guests in the Earl Crocker home |nin* 8unday The Arcadia Sunshine club will __________ _ 1 meet at the school house March . j. 16 for an all-day meeting and a pot-luck dinner. The other mem bers will entertain those having There were 48 at church and birthdays in January, February and Sunday school Sunday. Rev. Mc- March. The club will present them Connlee of Ontario gave a serm with a small gift. Everyone is on at 3 p. m. Sunday school will invited to attend. Arcadia For Sale White Rose Seed Potatoes required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check the weight of your hogs yourself. From Certified Bine Tag Stock W c buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards in Nyssa, Ore. and Homedale, Idaho. For Friday’s price phone 111 R, Nyssa, between the hours of 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ. Homedale, on Friday. Herb Fisher C O U G H S Phone 05R5 F R A N K K U LLAN D E R NYSSA “ PHARMACY Help Keep America Fit Gate City Dairy March May Go Out Like A Lion O r A Lamb Towne’s Garage Robert D. Lytle I’M SAYING WASTE PAPER! All over the country wives and sweethearts are collecting waste paper. They understand that our fighting men desperately need this critical war material. They are making a weekly habit of saving old newspapers, boxes, wrap pings. They are not burning or destroying waste paper — they are sending it to make or wrap more than 700,000 different u. s. vi ctory war article« used by our armies., Do your part along with these patriotic women. Get your clubs, civic and church groups behind this movement. Collect waste paper—bundle it—and turn it in . . . and help shorten the war! WASTE PAPER campai gn Saturday, March 11 Have your magazines, newspapers and cartons ready for the Boy Scouts and Cubs This advertisement is sponsored by the following firm s: Fanners Supply Co-op. Curry Produce Nyssa Furniture Co. Moss-Ninemire Motor Co. CKvyhee Drug Co. Hollingsworth Hdwe. and Imp. Co.