Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL j hour of 11 o’clock A.M. at the County Court Room in Vale. Oreg on, has been appointed by the Co urt as the time and place for the hearing of said account and the objections of any person interested in said estate, where and when they may appear and file objections to said account in writing and be heard thereon. Said account is for final settlement and upon being approved and settled, said estate will be closed and distribution made ot the balance of said estate in the hands of the Administrator and the said Administrator will be dischar ged. John Holly, Administrator of the estate of Jesse Johnston, deceased. THURSDAY MARCH 9, 1944 PAGE THREE adopted urging that equipment in abandoned army camps after the war be made available to the public before being auctioned or sold to speculators. CAPITAL SHORTS Greater uniformity in assessment RATES: Two cenu per word lor each bsue Minimum cwh in and taxation methods used by Ore gon counties has been urged by the advance Is 30o states special committee on post war tax problems . . State-owned vehicles made a 26 per cent saving E. A. Dewey. Rt. 2, Nyssa 2M2xp in mileage the past year . . Ralph MISCELLANEOUS H. Cake has two campaigns in the For Sale WANTED—Baled hay. See H. van flre--as pre-convention campaign Ebmond at Boise Payette Lumber manager for Wilkie and as man FOR SALE—New John Deere hor yard or call 349R1, Ontario. Cash ager of his own campaign for re- se-drawn potato and corn cultiva paid on delivery. election as republican natiional co 20Jtlc mmitteeman from Oregon. . . The tor, complete, and International average grant for old age assistance cream separator, used six months. WANTED—Used furniture Highest has been raised from $24.95 per NEWELL HEIGHTS Dick Udllnek, 6 miles southwest prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa month to $30.91 with an allowance Furniture Co. 1ATPC Nyssa. 9Mlxp Minimum of $40.00 while average Susan Zamora visited in King- individual benefits have gone from WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES tel j man, Arizona with her brother, FOR SALES—Austro-whlte pullets, (Acme Photo) a $2 to $6 range to a new range of live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay- | Daniel Zamora and wife, returning Many an American mother, wife, sister and sweetheart, anxiously good layers. 500-chick oil brooder ette. $5 to $15 . . Secretary of State Bob ¿7Ntfc | home last week. Mr and Mrs Zam awaiting word from her boy overseas, owes a debt of gratitude to with thermostat. Mrs C. B. Hill. Farrell has indorsed the state-wide these WAVES who handle the mail for the home fro n t Waste Newell heights. 9M2xp FURNITURE WANTED—We pay ora motored to Baker Friday to safety week plan. March 19-25 , . highest prices for used furniture. attend the first capping of the class paper lias a thousand and one strategic war uses. It brings news, Community canneries, which were FOR SALE—1934 Chev. coach. Oo- Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc of which their daughter Aurora, is it feeds, it fights, it helps save lives. The waste paper you save will sponsored last summer by the state a memger at St. Elizabeth hospital. od tires, recently overhauled. Del be reprocessed to make containers for blood plasma, food, ammu division of vocational education, Aurora returned home with her fa bert Herring. Nyssa, Oregon Rt. -2 For Rent will operate the canneries again nition. Start saving It for victory! mily and visited until Sunday even 2M2xp this summer. They may become pe TOR LEASE—Pasture land, plenty ing. the week-end here visiting relatives ifled by State Superintendent of rmanent fixtures. FOR SALE—40 A ranch. 2 Vi miles of water. 260 acres lying southeast Ralph Williams is still working Public Instruction Rex Putnam that friends. southwest of Nyssa. Write Mrs Q. of Sparta, Baker county, 8E l* and on a defense Job In Portland. Jun-1 and ano lr,enas’ W. Baker, Reedsport, Oregon. EV4 SWVi, known as "The Hamm lor Zamora has been with him. but! O e o r « e Ru“ « U o t v » le caUed on they must complete nine quarter 2M8xp ond Place”. Bernard Eastman. Ny has recently Joined the navy. hours of professional work before U. E. Parker Saturday. ssa. 24F6xc A number of moves were made they will be eligible for another A family dinner was enjoyed at TOR SALE—Electric Incubator, 4#u during the past week-end. Mr. emergency certificate. the Eiarl Parker home Sunday hon egg size, price $35.00. Write W. A. FOR LEASE—160 acres on Black GUBERNATORIAL APPOINTME and Mrs. Juhn Mogus have moved canyon, 80 under irrigation, 80 pas oring their daughter, Neola, who is Edmond, Rt. 3. Parma, Idaho. to Parma; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse NTS here from Orandvtlle, Ohio on a ' 2M2XC ture. Lies three and a half miles State Rep. Harvey Wells to the Higgins moved onto the Mogus due east from the bridge. Lessee vacation. Ouests included Mr and state emergency board, to serve in ! ranch, which they purchased, and FOR SALE—Save meat points— ra must have proper equipment and Mrs Art Cartwright and sons of j th absence of Speaker McAllister, | Mr. and Mrs. Babe Hamilton mov- ise leghorn cockerals. We have some references. Bernard Eastman. Ny Owyhee, Mr and Mrs Mike Wood U'illiB/i. who is in the army; Dr. E. H. Mc I ed into the house vacated by Hig- available each Wednesday, begin ssa, or write, L. P. Thomas, 879 E. and sons of Caldwell. M u n viT W d d o Lean, Astoria, to the state board of gins. The Robertson ranch they The Garden club will meet n ext; ning March 8. Thompson’s Ontario 28th St., Oakland, 10, Calif. 24P6xc. medical examiners; Dr. L. S. Ben- were living on has been sold, Tuesday for a covered dish lunch-j hatchery, Box 578. Ontario. 2Mtfc son to the same board. Reappoint- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach eon at noon at the Carl Hill home.) BUTCHERING TOR SALE-—War approved netted ments include: E. C. Sammons to returned home Monday from a visit Custom butchering every Monday The Mary-Martha Missionery so FULL TICKET gem seed from certified stock for and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. ciety will meet Thursday afternoon The vacancy caused by the death the state board of higher educat -1 with their son, Rex, and family in sale or put out two for one. Six Sanitary butchering guaranteed. for a 1 o'clock luncheon in Mrs of US. Senator Charles L. McNary ion; T. H. Banfield to the state Portland. miles south of Adrian. Harry Masto Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa J. C. Nevins home with Mrs K. I. and the expiration of the term of highway commission; Theadore | Mrs. Della Bunnell, who spent 2M3xp on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. Peterson as assistant hostess. The Senator Holman creates a situation Hansen to the commission for the several days at the Bishop home In meeting will be the last of the unparalleled in the history of Ore blind; E. E. Wilson to the game Nyssa, returned home last Sunday, FARM IMPLEMENTS—Case tract ALICE A. COLLINS missionary year. Reports and a gon. For this first time the voters commission and Guy Ellis to the ! Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee of Los ors, implements and parts, Cletrac FASHION FOUNDATIONS Angeles are guests of Mrs. N. S. summary of the past year’s work will be called on to elect an entire state board of barber examiners. crawler tractors, sales and service. Will Call By Appointment. Phelan. Mr. Lee left Monday for congressional delegation—two U. S. SOLDIERS BALLOTS will be given. Repairing and welding of all kinds. Residence Phone I22-J Oregon’s county clerks are extre Brazil, where he has a key position The last Sunday in February is Senators and four congressmen—in Nicholson Service and Supply. Ph Box 500, Nyssa. the date for the annual Pick Over- the same year. Governor Earl Snell mely cooperative In their efforts to on a Morrison-Knudsen contract. one 37, Ontario. 24Ftfc. strret birthday anniversary honor received scoras of letters and tele give Oregon's men In the armed Mrs. Lee will remain with her Gate City Journal classified ads ing the two fathers of the families. grams from Oregon citizens offer forces a chance to vote In the pri mother for the present. TOR SALE}—White-faced bulls. Qo- get results. Mis. Virl Bishop and Mrs. Jesse Jim Norris and son, John, motor ing their advice as to whom the mary and general election. Secre od breeding stock. Serviceable age. ed to Ontario Sunday to bring Mrs governor should appoint to succeed tary of State Bob Farrell stated Higgins shopped in Nampa Wed Jake Fischer. , 24Ftfc Legal Advertisement the late Senator McNary for an after conferring with several clerks. nesday. Norris home. TOR 8ALE3—Seeds, Mlchael-Leon- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING He said clerks promised they wo Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller spent Mr and Mrs Carl Hill entertained eight month term. There was a ard, flower, garden and field seeds. NOTICE HEREBY 18 GIVEN, that friends and relatives at a dinner wide spread of choice but no per uld have the ballots printed quickly Thursday in Caldwell on business. Hollingsworth Hardware and Im John Holly, the Administrator of Sunday. Ouests were Mr and Mrs ceptible demand for any one •citizen. so they could be dispatched any Mrs. Jesse Higgins and Lee plement Co. 24FTFC the estate of Jesse Johnston, dec Harry Sipes, Mr and Mrs Jim Jon- NEW CONCLUSIONS where in the world in time to be Johnston of Boise were looking A definite tlghtnlng up on draft returned before the elections. More after ranch interests in this vicin eased, has filed In the County Co stone, Mr and Mrs M. C. Allen, all TOR SALE}—Fresh cow, grain drill urt of Malheur County, State of of Homedale, and the Stanley Hill deferments Is predicted by Col. Ell- that 2000 requests for ballots from ity Wednesday. and good gentle work horse. Frank mer V. Wooton, Oregon’s director servicemen have been received, Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Mr. and Oregon, his first and final account family of Newell Heights. Graham. 24F4XP Mrs. Grover Lee were business Mrs A. L. Leach Is visiting in We- of selective service, upon his return OOV. COUNCILS FARMERS of his administration, and that the TOR SALE—Auto Liability Insur 20th day of March, 1944 at the iser with friends. She formerly liv- from the national capital this week. Col. Wooton said that draft boards state convention of the Farn ed there. ance. $11.50 per year on “A” Ration. Maurice Judd, Jr., accompanied all over the country are scraping Union Governor Snell praised Other Rates Proportionately low Clayton Morgan to Denver, leaving the bottom of the barrel in their Meets State’s Requirements. Painter and Decorator Thursday morning. They started efforts to fill their monthly quotas. Bernard Eag’jnen i back Sunday, arriving home in the He said, however, there would be Only inside work fr car owned by Ted Morgan. They no substantial change in the polcly cooperation. LOST After a spirited debate a resolu stayed in Ogden Sunday night. of Oregon selective service orgin- STRAYED—Red poll cow, branded om now until spring. Joyce Kurtz sustained a sprained lzatlon which has always been pre tion was adopted opposing the ad with hat on left ribs. Notify Leslie ministration subsidy program. ' muscle in her right shoulder Wed tty hard boiled on applicants. Free Estimate fight against the subsidy was 1 Reed, route 1, Vale. 9M2xc nesday following an accident in her TEACHERS CERTIFICATES tumbling class. She returned to sc Teachers holding emergency cer by Peter Zimmerman, Yamhill LOST—Cross and chain Jan. 28. 775 First St tificates permitting them to teach unty farmer and candidate for g hool Friday. Reward. Return post office. 2M2xp Mr and Mrs Walter Pinkston ha in Oregon this year have been not- ernor in 1934. A resolution also ve sold their ranch and are mov WANTED ing to Adrian to live in one of the Dan Holly houses. Mr. Pinkston WANTED TO BUY—Two ganders » will continue to ride ditch. Mrs M. L. Judd attended a meet ing in Ontario of the Women’s div ision of the 3rd and 4th war loan drive at Taylor's coffee shop Tues day evening. At the regiiar meeting of the Modern Pioneer club Tuesday af ternoon in the Stanley Goulet ho me plans were discussed for con ducting another home nursing cl ass in Adrian this spring. Three dozen pairs of bedroom slippers were handed out to be made for the Red Crass. Mrs Bruce Pinkston and son of That are smart in ever} SHOE SHOPS Bend are spending part of Ihetr DENTISTS time in the Walter Pinkston home. detail. Printed jerseys Word has been received from Abbott’s Shoa Shop Santa Ana Air Base that Melvin plain sheers. J. R. CUNDALL All kinds of shoe and harness Parker has arrived from Pullman, repairing Dentist • Washington, where he has been Acr.Tss from post office. taking pre-flight training. He is in Phone 56-J the 9th squadron now and will rer- Sarazln Clinic celve his classification in the next SS A OREGON OPTOMETRISTS two or three weeks. Several fanners have begun sp DR. J. A. McFALL ring work in the fields. JEWELRY STORES Dickies and Jabots -See Mr fall and M Better' Classified Advertising Pager Brings News Of Loved Ones Big Bend 4 Capi/al ® Parade visitors in Payette and Ontario Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ous SUlonia and Pedro and Matheo spent Friday in Boise on business Joe Brumbach spent the week end in Ontario. Mis. F. A. Miller and Mrs. Will Glhson will take up Red Cross col lections in this section and plan on calling at every home. Charles Marts ton of Arena Val ley transacted business in this vicinity Monday. He reported his mother’s health is very poor. Mrs. Harvey Bennett, who has been quite ill, goes to Caldwell for treatments three times a week. Ezra Brumbach, who was called by selective service, will leave Wed nesday for Portland for his phy sical examination. The Jolly Janes are sponsor ing sewing for Red Cross and any one wishing to help may call Mrs. Dyre Roberts for supplies. A box social for the benefit of the school was held at the school house in district 7 last Saturday evening. The regular meeting of the Wade P.T.A. was held Friday afternoon at the school house with a ma jority of members present. Due to illness of the president, the meeting was called to order by the vice president, Mrs. Boyce Van de Water, who informed the children the meeting was for their enter tainment and the ladies were also serving them lunch. She turned the meeting over to th program chairman. Mrs. Walter Bishop, who presented a very good program con sisting of piano music by Mrs. Verl Bishop; short talks by Sharon and Karen Roberts and Leroy Bishop: reading. "St. Patrick" by Mrs. Brumbach; amusing skits by Mrs. English and Mrs Cyrus Bishop; another by Mrs. Charles Witty and Mrs. Will Gilbson, and pre paring income tax by Mrs. Van de Water and Mrs. Goldie Roberts. A lunch of cookies, jello and cocoa was served. Afterwards the busi ness meeting was held. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. A. Miller when a cover ed dish lunch will be served and election of officers for coming year will be held. Goes To Portland— Earl Anderson left for Portland Tuesday to visit relatives and look for a new location. To Take Examination— Ray Linville left Wednesday for Portland to take a physical exam ination for entrance into the ser vice. BOYER’S Spring Review Andy M c G in n is Of Fascinating N ew Professional And Business Directory Garm ents Coats Dresses M Uppor Sunset PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street et Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREOON Work Guaranteed E. L COLE WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRING JEWELER EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PHYSICIANS L. A. Moulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 17 Hours; 10 to 12 and I to $ Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building SARAZIN CLINIC J, J. Sarazin, M. D. Free Examination and Estimate! Tenermi practice of m ed id » NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE PhyMotherap) PARMA — — — — IDAHO ¿-R ay Several families in this commun ity have children who have either measles or chicken pox. They are the Tom Dryrale, Dale Llmbaugh. Edwin Bergam. Sam Potts and Her bert Bergam families. Mabel Roberts and Jane Roberts, who are attending school in Cald well. spent the week-end with Mabel’s parents. Mr and Mrs Asa Roberts. Thelma Moore and John Hamil ton went to a basketball game in Wilder last week. Mr and Mrs Oeorge Oabriel of Nyssa visited at the Prank Parkers home. Thursday. The Wahlne club will hold its next meeting Msrch 16 at Agnes Eastman's home. There will be so me Important business to be tran sacted. Mrs Agnes Chadd was hostess at a pink and blue shower for Mrs Vernon Britton Wednesday John Hamilton. Oeorge Oabriel and L W Masterson went to Cald well Saturday. Bill Britton of Arlington In slim reefers or boxy styles. O ur New Fresh New Topper Collars 34 inches long. Slip it over your dress, suit or ; slacks. Don’t Keep Adolf Waiting! He asked for it . . . and he’* getting it! He’ll keep on getting it . . . if . . . If we can keep the planet and bomba coming! One way to be sure we d o ia to save waste paper. For this critical material makes or wraps many vital parts o f both bomb Parachute B ar«, ratio and engine parta, bomb nags . . . these are only a few uses. With waste paper called our No. 1 war «hnrtagr by the War Production Board, it’a up to avery one o f us to save and turn A BUNDLE A WEEK Short or long sleeves. Sweaters that are 100 per cent Enna Jettick wool. All new collars. America’s smartest sho< 3 $1.98 to $5.50 N ew G o o d s i Arriving D a ily __ ON W o nassa t n ’ t kaap A d o lf w a itin g / I.S . Victory MUTE N K I C New Blouses S A V E S O M E B O Y S LIFE Have your magazines, newspapers and ear- tons ready for the Boy Scouts and Cubs Satur day, March 11. Eider Hardware Co. BOYER 1 SROTHERS COM PANY ' Ontario , Oregon !