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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CÎTY.JOURNAL THURSDAY MARCH 9, 1944 PAGE 2 I month's term in order to clear up day. JOURNAL’S Alva Goodell left for Walla Walla the situation. SALE CALENDAR When President Roosevelt attem Friday to attend a co-op meeting pted to pack the supreme court and An all-day quilting bee and a pot AUCTION SALE— l 1* miles west ot the late Senator Charles L. McNary luck dinner was held at the S. B. Cairo Junction on John Day High minority leader, was apparently do KLASS V. P O W E L L ...............................Editor and Pnhllaber ing nothing, the senator received a Hoffman home Those attending way, Thursday. March 18. Sale st I tlegram signed by all the brass hats were Mesdames Glenn Hoffman, arts at 12:30 noon. Horses, cattle, I of the Republican party in Oregon George Cleaver and Alva Goodell. hogs, chickens, Farm Machinery, SU BSCRIPTION RATES AD V E R TIS IN G K A7 ES "demanding" that he take the floor Mrs J. W. Jennings and Mrs Cecil and household goods. John Magn- and fight the scheme of the presid One Year___________ 83.( Open rate, per inch.........3 Florea attended In the afternoon. uson, owner: Col. Bert Anderson, ent. McNary bristled and wired ba National, per inch......... . 3 Six Months..... ........... -81J M r and Mrs Emery Elliott and auctioneer, and L. H. F iats, clerk. Classifieds, per word_____ ck to the effect that "you mind Single Copies........ ......... t your business, and I ’ll mind mine. fam ily have rented the Frank Sav (Strictly In Advance) M inim um _____ 30c I know what I am doing.” age home for a year and will move This made the party leaders hos onto it soon. / From the Largest Stock of tile and not until the presidential Published every Thursday at Nysaa, Malheur County, Oregon Mr and Mrs George Cleaver and Genuine plot was defeated did the Oregon Mrs Lester Cleaver and Trueman Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Republicans see the smartness of through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under re in Ontario Tuesday. McNary's strategy. He put a silen the act of March 3. 1879 cer on his Republican colleagues and encouraged Democrats to fight Parts among themselves, and the trick (HAVE KIT Orders Shipped Immediately won. " I f Republican senators att Complete withPermanent omr / fZ ffo A NATIONAL E D IT O R IA L - W ave Solution, curlers, y acked Mr. Roosevelt and his court shampoo and wave set — nothin* ^ ASSOCIATION ; packing plan," explained McNary, else to buy. Requires no heat, electricity or ma chines. Safe for every type of hair. < >ver fl mil "the Democrats would have sus lion sold. Money back guarantee. Cet a Charm- Payette, Idaho Phone 49 pected the Republicans of playing Kurl K it today. politics and would have rallied to ( A c m t I ’hoio) the defense of the president's pro In addition to being the finest equipped army in the world, our gram." Despite the inability of mills to use waste armed forces are as well fed as the best. Once llnele Sam gets his McNary worked on the theory paper at the time the first concerted waste pap fighting men overseas it takes 81 tons of supplies per month per that when a fam ily is in a fight man to keep them there, compared with 43 tons in the last war. the members will unite to attack er drive was conducted in Nyssa and alsewhere This requires huge quantities of paper containers. At present a any outsider who steps into the ho several months ago, scrap paper is now one of critical shortage of waste paper for reprocessing is threatening the use. The Oregon senator’s strategy the most vital needs in the war effort. kilted the court bill, and the Dem war effort. It's your job to help overcome this shortage. Patriotic ocrats were so engrossed in tear-, citizens must do their share by saving vitally-needed waste paper! Two million extra tons o f paper must be ga ing the president's measure to bits thered for more than 700,000 vital war uses, that they failed to notice that the Mrs Vera Sparks, and j Pennington’s mother, Mrs B J. vacated by such as parachutes, airplane parts, and blood Republicans on the other side of will do some remodeling ‘ prior to Pennington of Payette last week. Paper wraps field rations, protects cartridges and the aisle sat as silent as an Easter plasma containers. Practically everything sent shells, carries precious blood plasma. Den t destroy moving into the place. Allen Anderson arrived here fr- Island lava image. to soldiers and sailors ovei'seas must be wrapp the paper our invasion forces need so desperately. Miss Irma Points, employed at cm Spokane last week. He had been Speculation is still rife in the Collect your waste paper—start it on its way to them. ed in paper. Holly's store left Tuesday for a employed In defense work there national capital as to the identity You'll bring our boys home sooner! j two-weeks visit in Portland. o f the individual who wrote the A » a result of the need, the Boy Scouts and but expects to be employed at farm Mr and Mrs Howard Lovejoy, veto message on the tax bill for the work here. Cubs of Nyssa are starting a campaign for coll u. s. VICTORY WASTE PAPER CAMPAIGN ' Mrs Alva Watts and Mrs Dennis Miss Lois Nelson o f Payette sp president. The language is different ection of waste paper Saturday o f this week. It Patch were Boise visitors Saturday. ent Sunday at the Vern Smith ho from the style of the usual message Mr and Mrs Elmer Sparks and or veto, and the suspicion exists Have your magazines, newspapers and car is true that they expects to gain some money fr me. Mrs Ellen Sparks transacted bus Mrs Grace Wills arrived at the that someone close to Mr. Roosevelt om the effort, but the big interest is collection tons ready for the Boy Scouts and Cubs Satur iness in Nampa Monday. Forrest Sayers home and will ass prepared it with the express in of the paper. The boys have been given definite day, March 11. The pre school group o f the P T A tention of sticking pins in congress ist with the work there while Mrs met at the home of Mrs Frances assurance by an Idaho firm that the paper they Sayers Is recuperating from a re and undertaking to array the peo M untjewerff Wednesday evening ple o f the country against the cent major operation. gather will he purchased. The money will be with a large group in attendance.! congressmen and make them ap divided between the two scout troops and the The subject o f “ Honesty in the pear as though they were handi Child" was led by Mrs D iffer with Cub pack. capping the war. Mr Roosevelt did Mrs de Haven reviewing an article not realize the anger he was ar Everyone in Nyssa and vicinity is asked to from the Parents’ Magazine. The ousing until a faithful "listening gather up all of his scrap paper and have it re April meeting will be at the home post" heard Senator Barkley resign of Mrs Patch with Mrs Edna Far his leadership, and then Mr. Big ady for the boys when they call Saturday. The ris, county nurse, as guest speaker. realzied he had kicked his faithful contributors will not only be helping the Boy Miss Patty de Haven was hostess followers in the teeth. Scouts, but they will be helping the war effort. to the intermediate Girl Scouts at Word from Oregon says that the Just received a few Sealy mattresses and bed her home last Saturday. The sub famed Oregon system is about to ject was "Table Manners and In Mrs Catt as guest speakers. have holes knocked in it. Willkie room suites and dinette sets and ranges from Following Mrs Wilson's talk, a troductions". managers are preparing a slate of vocal duet was sung by Laura and The Brownie G irl Scouts under 15 delegates to the Republican nat the east. Mrs Ray Wilson o f Parma, one Carol Witty, and a piano duet was the leadership of Mrs Gladys New- ional convention, each with the sa ot the two members of the National given by Dorothy Toomb and Max- bill met Saturday at the home of me slogan, and efforts are being Also four used sewing machines and one go Donna Peterson. made to keep any others o ff the Y.W C.A. board from the northwest *ne Smith. Mr and Mrs M. Greeling and Mr ■ “ Lowell Ashcraft is opening a ser- ballot. This is the old machine pol ( o k e to the Olrl's Leagle at their od radio. vice station in the building south of j and Mrs Elmer Sparks were Sun- itics which was abolished by the monthly meeting Thursday. She the locker plant. I day dinner guests at the Otis ho- Washington, D. C„ Mar. 2 .—The Oregon presidential preferential pr- Drop in and look them over. spoke of her recent trip to New 811m Scott Is reopening the gar- 1 me. unexpected death of Oregon’s senior. imaries some 30 years or more ago, York to attend a Y.W.C.A. meeting. age and shop owned t>y Roy Dr- Mr and Mrs K. I. Peterson en- senator, Charles L. McNary, h a s' and which initiated the election of One of the highlights of this trip owfks. tertained the de Haven and Patch changed the entire political picture | United States senators by the peo- was the luncheon she attended wi Glenwood Pounds has purchased families at dinner Sunday. in Oregon and some surpise moves j P'e Instead of by politicos in the th Mrs Roosevelt. Helen Hayes and the James McGinnis house recently Miss Phyllis Haworth, home on : are in the making. After the fun legislature. spring vacation from Willamette eral, which will be held Friday in university, visited at the high sch Salem, the late senator's home to ool Monday. wn, Gov. Earl Snell will announce Mr and Mrs Walter Pinkston ha the appointment of a senator to ve moved into one of the Dan Holly serve until January, 3, 1945. In the M r and Mrs J. W Jennings called houses. coming May primary election each at the home of Mr Jenning's mot Mr and Mrs Dan Stoddard, who party will nominate a candidate her at Fruitland Friday. have been visiting at the Howard and one will be elected in Novem Mrs Cecil Florea and Mrs Frank Lovejoy home, left Tuesday for ber to serve out the four-year un Savage were in Caldwell Wednes- their home in Rcxbury, Idaho. expired term of the late senator, I f » t-ue again In '«4. In a year when j So Oregon will elect two senators he must take every step to assure great est crop production |M*r workable acre, this coming November—one for the E.W. PRUYN »he west tern fann er ran depend upon | regular six-year term and one to Northland Brand alfalfa, ckiver, field The monthly P T A meeting was serve out the balance of Senator and grass seed. It’s seed of known ori | held Friday evening at the school h j McNary's term, which _has four gin. tested for purity and germination. house. Mrs Edna Farris county years to go from this coming Jan Because shipment to our allies has health nurse, showed some pictures. uary. In the interim the governor I limited the available supply of N orth land Brand Need you should at once or A contest is being held between the will appoint a senator who will | der from your local dealer or write t o . . . serve about ten months. two rooms. It is almost a certainty Governor i A Bible reading contest is being held in all classes at the Lincoln | Snell will not appoint a Portland man. inasmuch a s ' Senator Rufus Sunday school. BOISE IDAHO Vern Smith and son were Payette Holman is from Portland. So the new togaman will undoubtedly be visitors Friday. Mrs Thurman Johnson has from out-state. It is also very reas returned to her home from Dallas, onable to believe that whomever Oregon, where she was called be the governor appoints the appointee cause o f the serious illneAs of her will agree not to be a candidate for election but will serve ten months father. Mr and Mrs George Pennington only and then retire. This move will attended a birthday party for Mr leave the field open wide for every one, including Gov. Earl Snell, who, the wise men say, is now seriously considering becoming a candidate. The one big “ if" which may upset the plans of many potential cand idates is Mrs Charles L. McNary, the senator's widow. Rumor has It a group of the late senator's friends Beet contracts for 1944 approved by the Beet Growers Association are will try to persuade her to be a candidate to serve out her hus now ready. bands unexpired term. Such a hap pening would make it mighty tough for other candidates if Mrs Mc Nary takes kindly to the idea. Her Beet price is substantially increased over 1943. candidacy would surely muddle the Growers will have first rights on pulp. political waters of Oregon, and it may be that the governor will offer her the appointment to the ten I Growers are urged to contact field men as a help in getting acreage The Gate City Journal Tremendous Military Need Fo r Waste Paper Serving Ml CitmmKud 5 Counties PERmAnEIlT ! ★ Me Cluer-Manser NYSSA PHARMACY WASTE PAPER NEEDED WASTE I SPEED S INVASION Inland Oil Co. N e w F u r n itu r e Adrian Nordale Furn. Store Dependable S E E D S for 60 years ; Buena Vista Lincoln Heights Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56w BuyYbur Supply N orthrup, K in g & Co. NOW! Design fo r Victory A ttention S u g a r B e e t G ro w e rs Do You Need A Helping Hand? signed up rapidly. You can help out greatly if you will contact your Picket Flour Have your magazines, newspapers ann car tons ready for the Boy Scouts and Cubs Satur day. March 11. Idaho Power Co. -it’s carefully blended, -it’s all-purpose flour You can depend up -it’s an enriched with Vit on us to help with your amin B. -it’s sold at all food st insurance problems. ores. Insure in Sure insur -it’s a product of this valley. ance. -it’s milled from high altitude wheat. Frank T. Morgan Weiter Milling &. Elev ator Co. Fieldman immediately at one of the following places. GRANT A. LEWIS JAY SAMPLES A one 109W, Nyssa. •Phone 73LJ2, Homedale. Will be at N\ssa factory office fr om March 10 to March 18, inclu- Will be at Holly Bros, store, Ad sive. rian, March 13, 14 and 16. Contract« can be obtained any week day at the Nyssa office. The Amalgamated Sugar Company