Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1944)
PAGE six THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY MARCH 2 , 1944 2Mlxp Scores were won Friday afternoon will be married March 5 to Miller thy Farr returned the latter part ley and Cable, sell or trade for H. Merrick. Nyssa. by Mrs Joe Sutherland, high; Mis Jensen. Sergeant in the armg air of last week from the Pendleton good milk cow. Call 010-R4. S. D. Larry Brown, second high and the corps at the Links training center. air base, where they had been em- Bigelow. 2Mlxp FOR SALE—War approved netted gem seed from certified stock for traveling prize, and Mrs Burnall Mi-s Poage will be met at Hobbs ployed Miss Findling has accepted j Brown, a prize for bidding and a position with the Idaho Power WANTED TO BUY—Two ganders sale or put out two for one. Six by her mother, Mrs J. W. Poage oi making a slam High score was won company at Parma. e . A Dewey, Rt. 2, Nyssa 2M2xp rajies .south of Adrian. Harry Masto California, and her sister, Mrs W Saturday by Mrs J. J. Sarazin, sec 2M3xp ond high by Miss Boydell and the W. Smith of Pyote, Texas. The br Attending Convention— : f o r SALE—Electric Incubator, 480 ide expects to resume her work in traveling prize by Mrs Henry Har- Mrs. M. H. Greenlee left Sat- si2e ice Wrlte w A class in the navy. Mr Warren, a ADRIAN SCOUTS INITIATE the Nyssa branch of the First Nat urday morning for Portland to at- , _ „ _ .. . • “ rs GraIlt, and Mrs The Senior Qirl Scout troop oi 1940 graduate- of the Nyssa high I ! Lloyd Hague received novelty prizes, ional bank of Portland in two we tend the annual meeting of the I “ m° nd Rt 3- Parma' _g__ Adrian held a mother and daugh school, has been in the navy for j eks. western Jurisdiction of the Wo ter ¡.upper at the high school Fri- j about four years. He left this HAVE DINNER GUESTS men's Society of Christian Ser- ’ Sells Residenci vice of the Methodist church from * < > * SALE Save meat p oin ts- ra- Mr and Mrs Dave Mitchell enter day evening followed by a short j week for the east coast, where he J. T. Long has sold a residence February 28 to March 2. While 1 lse leghorn cockerals. We have some tained seven couples at dinner program and initiation. In her will be stationd. Saturday night after the Eagles near the Nazarene church to Ed : there she expects to meet her available each Wednesday, begin- address of welcome, Dorothy - 8 - Wild. Rev. and Mrs E. J. Wilson daughter. Verna, student at Wil- ning March 8. Thompson's Ontario dance. . Toomb. president of the Senior '•IARRIED IN NEVADA. are occupying the house. lamette university, who is taking ■ hatchery, Box 578. Ontario. 2Mtfc Scout group, explained that Feb - 5 - Miss Ella Corroll, daughter of BRIDGE CLUB MEETS her spring vacation. i -------------------------- ruary 22 Is commemorated as the R j Carroll of Nyasa, was married The Tuesday evening bridge club HI At Home— --------------------------- LOST—Straight colored guernsey founding of the Girl Scout or- to Tai zan Johnson, son of Mr. Mayor Herschel Thompson is co- j Qn Vacation | cow, 4 years old, weight 750. Cl- ganlzatlon, and gave some facts J and Mrs R H Johnson of Par- met at the home of Miss Eva Boy- Winona Henderson has return-' ifford Fox. 06R1. 2Mlxp about the life of Juliette Lew, ma February 23 in Winnemucca, dell. Special guesis were Mrs W. F. nfined to his home this week by |! 1 ed home from W Willamette univer- founder of the Girl Scout organ- I Nevada. Mr. Johnson’s sister, Miss i MeLing' Mrs Dlck TeIlsen and Missel ness, jsity at Salem to Spend the spring FOR TRADE—On larger acreage ization. Two musical numbers. a Leona Johnson and the bride s s is -! zink PrlzeA were won by Mrs Ber- , Well improved five acres. Located ! vacation. flute solo by Ellen Judd, and a ter> Mrs. Joe Burbank, attended nard Frost and Mrs J. J. Sarazin Guild To Meet— — 1 _ I St. Paul’s guild will meet Wed- 1 % miles south west of Nyssa. C. vocal duet by Lorine and Carol nle couple. Miss Carroll was given ENTERTAINS FOURSOME nesday, March 8 at the home of I visiting Reliatives— Witty were given. The Girl Scout | ln marriage by her father. Mrs Jess Thompson entertained Mrs C. C. Cotton. | jj . N. Borgman of Marshfield Law as a Pattern was given by j Mr. and Mrs Johnson will live ----------------------- Oregon, is spending the week at Mrs. Patch and a group of Scouts, j m Nyssa. Mrs. Johnson attend- her foursome bridge club Tuesday. afternoon. Mrs W. F McLing won Nursing Home Notes— the home of his son, Henry Borg New members of the group in- j ed Nyssa high school in 1943. honors. . j Mr and M|s Clarence Niccum are man. He is en route to Moun elude Ilea Kreager, Lula belle Wll- I — § — -it’s carefully blended, parents of a girl born February 29. tain Home, Idaho, to visit his —8— son, Beth Chapin, Darlene Robb, j HOSTS AT PINOCHLE PARTY -it’s an all-purpose flour The baby weighed 9 pounds. WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETS daughter, Mrs. George Sumpter. Lelila Foster, Delores Salter, Lorna ^ Mr and Mrs Jess Lawrence were You can depend up Mr and Mrs Howard Rhodes are -it’s enriched with Vit and Leala Dedrickson, Helen Sheiz- hosts to the Mr and Mrs Pinochle! I Mrs L. A. . Maulding entertained parents of a boy born February 29. Attendance Good— er, Bernice Chaney, Dorothy Merril club last Wednesday evening Prizes 1 the Wednesday evening bridge club on us to help with your amin B. A large congregation attended were awarded to Mr and Mrs C. C. \thLS * pek Guests ol Mrs Maulding weighing 9 pounds and 6 ounces. and Billie Brewer. -it’s sold at all food st the seryices held ln the Nazarene Cotton i were Mrs Hen,y Hartley, Mrs John insurance problems. „ | Young, and Mrs Ed Frost. Prize Here from Portland— church Friday in obsrvance of the ores. ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs Maude Bogart of Portland World Day of Prayer. GIVE BIRTHDAY PARTY ' 1 nners were Mrs R. G. IVhitaker. Mrs Dave Mitchell was hostess Insure in Sure insur -it’s a product of thi.-: arrived Saturday for a week's visit to the Thursday afternoon pinochle Mr’ and Mrs A. F. Seward gave a higj \ f nd MfS C W BuchnPr' spc- with friends and relative. She visit valley. Visit In Vale— club last week. Prize winners were birthday dinner Sunday for their on(1 ance. ed the first of the week with her Mr. and Mrs. Pete Blake spent I -it’s milled from high - 8 - Mrs William Wakewood, high-; Mrs son, Virgil. Sixteen guests were daughter, Mrs Tom Johnson of CLUB MEETS the week-end at Vale visiting Mr. j altitude wheat. V. L. Kesler, the traveling prize, present to help celebrate ' the occ Mrs Nick Rudlick invited her j Vale. She visited friends in Nyssa and Mrs. Charles Ingram and and Mrs S. P. Bybee, low. Mrs asion. Wei*er Milling & Elev Wednesday bridge club to play at Wednesday. family. Wakewood was a guest of the club. - 8 - her house last evening. Mrs Tom | --------------------------- ator Co. —5— HOLD TWO PARTIES Passes Examination— NYSSA YOUTH WEDS Mrs John Bishop and Mrs Frank Burningham was a special guest.1 Association Planned— Nolan Lester Wilson of Payette, Gerald E. Warren, son of Mr. and Morgan were hosts to two groups of Prizes were won by Mrs Sid Eur- j An all-day meeting will be held Mrs. Ed Warren of Nyssa, was mar- j ladies at dessert bridge parties bridge, Mrs Aden Wilson, and Mrs in the Church of the Nazarene Tu- son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. tu 11I I111111 I II | I II II III 11II til l III I11 It HI 11II I I I IIIII HI I'l III HI HI I I IN IN III IN HI IN H IN IN IN IN HI IN U IN 111 j esday. March 7 for the purpose of Wilson, of Nyssa, passed his ex ried February 19, at Oakland, Cal- Friday afternoon and Saturday af- Ellis Buckland. —5— j organizing a holiness association. amination last week prior to en ifornia, in the Methodist church to ternoon at the home of Mrs Mor- HAVE NEIGHBORHOOD DINNER I All presons interested are invited to tering the army. Lenora Knaak of Elgin Lilllnols. \ gan. Mr and Mrs Burnall Brown en- provide a basket lunch and attend Mrs. Warren Is a nurse in the Spring flowers consisting of car- .. _ Oakland naval hospital and Mr. nations and narcissus were artlsti- tertained at a neighborhood din-j the meeting. Congregational and Here From Payette— Mrs. J. L. Wells and Mrs. J. E. Warren Is a pharmacist's mate, 1st cally arranged about the rooms ner Saturday evening. Card playing special singing and preaching will ___ ______________________________was the diversion of the evening. | be included on the program. Rev. Anderson of Payette spent T u es-: Mr and Mrs George Mitchell won P H. Reiman will preach in the day in Nyssa at the home of M r.1 high score. \ morning and Rev. Daniels of Ont- and Mrs. George Wilson parents I ario in the afternoon. of Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Wells and You can now buy tooth paste and shaving cr DINNER GUESTS m ck Mrs. Wilson are sisters. Mr and Mrs Harry Miner were | Moving To Ranch— eam at your Rexall store without turning in an Sunday dinner guests at the home i Mr and Mrs Bernice Gibson will Visiting Here— old tube. move Saturday to their house at Mr and Mrs wlUiam Wake- of Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost. the E. J. Hobson ranch, where Mr. J wood Gf Rupert, Idaho, are visiting - 8 - [ Gibson is employed. for a week at the home of Mr. and Farmer* know that the Flying Ooo«e on Mrs. Pete Wakewood. Bill Wake- each bag of Northland Brand need i* : Sketch In Magazine 1 wood expects to enter the army (he ¡insurance of tented, fertile need of I A sketch of the Sitka hotel of ajr corps soon. the hlgheet quality. That ban been true .The Rexall Store ! Sitka, Alaska, drawn by Mrs R. L. 1 _________________ every year for 80 yearn. It’* true again In ’44. You can ALWAYS depend upon Move To Ranch— Clithero, formerly Miss Gordon Dl- parents of Son— Phone 14 Northland Brand alfalfa, elover, field Mr and Mrs Albert Meier have ckens of Nyssa, appeared in a re- Rev and Mrs Lioyd pounds are and grass need. Rut thin year, due to moved from Nyssa to Eastern Oreg- cent issue of Alaska Life magazine, parents of a son born February! •mi m 11 in 11 in i.i t l in 11 iii id m in i i iii.iii t.i 11 i i m i : i n n t l 111111 i>i i t 111111 i i 11: 11111 i.i 1111111111 in 11 nuT need nhipmentn to our Allien, there may on ranch No. 3 near Nyssa to make The sketch appeared in an advert- 25. The baby, weighing 8 pounds, be a nhortage In your locality. TO HE their home. isement of the Sitka hotel, operated j^as been named Irvan David, SURE, order your supply of Northland by Mr and Mrs Clithero. Mrs Clit- Brand Need AT ONCE. hero is a niece of Mr and Mrs Fr Boy Arrives— Returns F’rom Washington— C onduit tl»»* N o rth ru p , K in g » m l C o . dculcrN In W. F. McLing returned last nigh: ank Hall of Nyssa. Mr. and Mr Russell Patton of y o u r tow n o r w rite lo from Hanford. Washington, where u t fo r n:tme of tt nenr Nyssa are parents of a son, Dean BOISE IDAHO by tleult r. he spent a month. He has been Return To Nyssa— Keith, weighing 7 pounds, 12 Mr and Mrs J. C. Olson have re ounces. The baby was bom Feb transferred by the railroad comp any to New Meadows, Idaho to act turned home from Twin Falls and ruary 19 in the Brittingham nurs as car inspector during the logging Nampa, where they spent the last ing home in Ontario. 1 team o f black geldings, 3200 pounds good, two months. Mr. Olson, former Ny season. young and sound. ssa mayor, expects to return to Parents of Son— 1 brown gelding, 1600 pounds, young and so work in his blacksmith shop in ab Visit Here— A son, Larry Gale, was born to Mr and Mrs "Pud" Long and out a month. Pfc. and Mrs. Willard Smith in und. daughter of Jordan Valley visited the Brittingham nnursing home ln BY USING ^ Some good saddle horses. Mr and Mrs A1 Thompson Friday. Visit In Boise— Ontario February 20. The baby Some good dairy heifers, coming with first Mr and Mrs John Ostrom of the weighed 7 pounds. 4 ounces. Visit In California— Nyssa Lumber company spent the calf. Mr and Mrs Ormand Thomas and last week-end in Boise on business, We can use all kinds of slaughter cattle. GAS COUPONS TO son left last week-end for Rich- SHOW NUMBERS mond. California for a visit of th Church Calls Pastor— After March X, every motorist The Church of Christ of Nyssa ree weeks with Mrs Thomas par has called G. Whipple of Eugene, who receives a renewal of his "B ’ ents, Mr and Mrs Lacey. Oregon as its pastor. He will be and "C” supplemental gasoline ra Phone 25-R here next Sunday, accompanied by tions and every farmer or other Visits In Adrian— Janet Frost was a week-end guest Mrs Whipple. Rev. and Mrs Beem off-highway user who gets new “E" Col. Bill Lane, D. O. Bybee, Mgr. of Norma Jean Dierking at Adrian. of Ontario have been temporarily and “R " coupons for his gasoline- Auctioneer Phone 05J3 powered equipment will receive. In _________________ I filling the pulpit. stead of the ration book he is acc Phone 116J Visits In Washington— : --------------------------- ustomed to, a strip of serially nu Mrs Harry Kingery left last week ' On Churrh Program— to visit her two daughters in Tac- Mrs Jay Moore of Ontario and mbered coupons in a cardboard oma and Bitmerton. Darrell Beam of Ontario assisted folder, Frederic F. Janney, district ! IN" I II I II II II II UNII IN II tl WHI II IN IN IN 11 II IN II 1111 HI 11 HI II II M |i| II |<| 111111111111HKBUM11 lili 111| ln the worship service In the ch OPA rationing executive, has ann I Sewing To Be Done urch of Christ Sunday morning. ounced. Ladies of sunset valley will work Mr. Beam sang "In the Garden" as Too Late to Classify on more hospital socks under the Mrs Moore drew a scenic chalk Red Cross program in the Sunset sketch. The picture was given to FOR SALE—1934 Chev. coach. G o community hall Friday, March 10. the Orvil Hickman family, the tam- od tires, recently overhauled. Del beginning at 1 o'clock ily with the largest number in att bert Herring. Nyssa. Oregon Rt. 2 2M2xp endance at the service. To Be Married— FOR SALE—40 A ranch. 2's miles Miss Phyllss Poage left Tuesday Return To Nyssa— Double Feature 2 2 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 for Hobbs. New Mexico, where she Verna Ruth Findling and Doro- southwest of Nyssa. Write Mrs G. FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 3—4 W Baker. Reedsport. Oregon 2M3xp YV arner Baxter and Lynn.Merriek in Do You Need A Helping Hand? Picket Flour Frank T. Morgan Empty Tubes Not Required FARMERS! y. S C V .V now ! j LOCAL NEWS Nyssa Pharmacy Livestock For Sale Northrup, King CrCo. Saturday, March 4 s&r\ Bybee Livestock Com. Co. NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM! TH EATR E “ CRIME DOCTOR S STRANGEST CASE” Charles Starrett and Arthur Hunnicutt in “ FRONTIER FURY” 'w GROW When You Are Sick 3«t. Mat . 2:30 P. M. Adm, 8c-30 Evenmg Adm llc-33c Inc. Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY MARCH 5— 6 Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray, Ilka Chase and June Havoc in “ NO TIME FOR LOVE” Action. Thrills, Romance and Comedy ...Every thing But War. Sports, Musical and Cartoon Mat Sun, 2:90 Adm 28c-lie. Inc Def Tax __________ Adm Eve, lie, 23c Including Defense Tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY MARCH 7 Lionel Barrymore and Van Johnson in “ DR GILLESPIE’S CRIMINAL CASE” Our Gang and The Phantom Admlnnion, 5e-Me, Including tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY MARCH 8-^9 John Wayne, Martha Scott, Albert Dekker, Gabby Haves and Marjorie Rambeau in “ IN OLD OKLAHOMA” Cartoon and News Admission Evening — lie and 13c. Including Defense Tax You .S ' PRESCRIPTIONS in best expect medical in service. the «ma n i m i M in n i a a a a m m m a a m best care—the prescription You can de pend on Owyhee Drug prescription service Because: Your prescription is filled promptly. With the finest pharmaceuticals. By a professional pharmacist. Then double-checked for accuracy. And priced to save you money. Owyhee Drug Company D.T Phone SS VICTORY GARDENS FOR SALE—Good hay derrick, pul- Might Phan* B1W m i i m m Want to learn a Would you like to be a radio operator, a skilled stenographer, an airplane mechanic, an expert driver? In the Women's Army Corps you have a chance to get valua ble Army training-training that may pave the way to bigger pay. better Jobs alter the war. Today find out about all the WAC offers you-the interesting Jobs, the chance to meet new people and see new nlaces. and to help your country. Apply at any O S Army Recr uiting Station. Or write: The Adjutant General. 4415 Munit ions Bldg . Washington 26. D.C. (Women in essential war In dustry must have release from their employer or the US. Em ployment Service i A N D U. S. M EAN S US It’s a great goal this nation has set to release food for our fighting men . . and our fighting friends . .and still keep US in plenty o f fresh vegetables and fruits. It means each o f US sh ould grow a victory garden as efficiently as possible. Fill your gardening needs now. Vegetable Seeds Field Seeds Pasture Grass Seeds Grain effectively cleaned and treated. A1 Thompson & Son 5 2nd and <I«ed A n .