Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY MARCH 2, 1944 Legal Advertisement states of the Union. Two o f these I engineers have been alloted to Ore- | PAGE THREE NEWELL HEIGHTS The March meeting will be held at the home of Martha Pettet. The Farmers organization met at the schnolhouse Saturday evening Election of officers for the year was held. Officers are Jerome Sp- roul, president: Jule Houston, vice president and Chester Goodell, sec retary. Lois Nelson spent Sunday and Monday with her sister and family Mr and Mrs Vern Smith and son. Ed Green had his appendix re moved at the Ontario hospital. Mrs Jim Hawkins is visiting her mother in California. Mrs Forrest Sayer is recovering nicely from a recent operation. JOURNALS gon where the roadbuilding prob- Leo Winn and sons have gath- SALE CALENDAR In the Circuit Court of tne 8tate | vary greatly from the coast j ered enough material together they of Oregon for the County of the Pacific to the eastern bor- thlnk to complete the building of FARM S A L E -J oh n Wood Ranch, of Malheur, der of the state. , thelr bouse. McGinnis and Ills ii miles west of ¿nt.irio or j miles V IV IA N SM IT H W R IG H T , crew began work two weeks ago. INCOM E T A X COM INO IN east of Vale on John Day highway. The dwelling is to be a six-room P laintiff RATE S: Two cents per word lo r aach Issue Minimum cash in Lunch served on grounds. Oregonians are early of lata i n 1 house with bath and two nice vs. advance Is 80c. CLYDE FR A N C IS SHUTE, other paying their state Income taxes porches. Completion of the work Livestock. Farm Machinery and wise known as William Francis Household Goods. This year they are 20 percent ahead is expected in about 12 of 15 days. Wright. Prank Ray sold his 80 acre Monday. March 6. 12:30 p.m. o f last year in filings as of Febru ranch, which is located across the Defendant. block o ff Main street, good rental MISCELLANEOUS ary 21. John Wood, Owner. tracks near Adrian, for $7,000. 1 To C LYD E FR A N C IS SHUTE, district in Klamath Falls. Would For Sale Col. Eert Anderson, auctioneer. Tax Commissioner Earl Fisher es The lambing season has reach I otherwise known as W illiam consider good farm up to $10,000 Mon. March 14, 1:00 p.m., 32 reg. timates the total 1943 income tax. ed its peak at the Wallace Ray and Francis W right: FOR SALE— 12-foot refrigerator. value. L. C. Bullard. 121 Vi Mortimer Holstelns, 5 daughters of Price Tula now being paid, will be between six Pratt ranches with good success. Defendant. new unit. Inquire Idaho Power. St., Klamath Falls, Oregon. Supreme, 14 granddaughters of sa IN THE NAM E OF THE STA TE and one-half and seven million do- Several boys and girls are picking me bull, 8 daughters of Sleepy Ho 24F2xp. OF OREGON, you are hereby re liars. Last year the total was over ; up bumber lambs at sheep camps. LOST llow who traces 4 times to “Gover quired to appear and answer the $21.000,000. This year state Income j Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker and FOR SALE One range, new grates. nor Carnation” . Mail order bids LOST—Cross and chain Jan. 28. complaint filed against you in t h e ltaxes are figured the same way as daughter, Neola, who arrived from W E S T O R E G O N T R A IL Inquire O K . Tire shop. handled by Wash. Co. Agent J. T 24F2xp Reward. Return post office. 2M2xp above entitled suit on or before the ' they were last year, then 25 percnt1 Ohio last week, left Friday for Pierson, Weiser. Fred Robinson, Pullman, Washington, to visit M el second day of March, 1944, said 1o i the amount is forgiven, FAR M IM PLE M E NTS—Case tract Mr and Mrs Leonard Olson and owner adjoining Weiser Institute LO ST—Straight colored guernsey date being the last day of four I H IG H R A T E PE NALTIE S vin, who is stationed there. Mrs. ors, implements and parts, Cletrac cow, 4 years old, weight 750. Cl weeks from the first day o f publl- ! All the 77 insurance companies Art Cartwright and sons are stay Children and Mr and Mrs John Farm. Coi. Bert Andersan, auct- crawler tractors, sales and service. ifford Fox, 06R1. 2Mlxp cation of this summons; and if | operating In Oregon have set up a ing at the ranch with Lester and Ridder and son were Sunday dinner ioneed. Douglas McGinnis, clerk. guests at the B. F. Rookstool home B IG FU R N ITU R E AUC TIO N — In Repairing and welding of all kinds. you fail to appear and answer j riak pool whose representatives will Mertln. Peggy Chard has returned to Po Ontario, Ore.. (7 blocks North of Nicholson Service and Supply. P h said complaint, for want thereof, i write liability insurance for the Charlie West is now stationed WANTED one 37, Ontario. 24Ftfc. the plaintiff will apply to th e ; Poor risk auto driver at a consld- near Salt Lake. He has made sev rtland after a visit with her par Underpass) 700 North Oregon St. W ANTED —To Buy late model pick ents Mr and Mrs Ewin Chard. Mrs at Dave Stoner residence. Satur Court for the relief prayed for in erable higher rate than Is charged eral moves since leaving Chicago. FO R SA LE —By owner, 1941 Ford up truck or will consider trading The ladies of the Community Chard is working in defense work. day March 4, Sale start at 1:00 p.m, her complaint on file herein, to- for a careful driver. B F. Rookstool has returned fr Household furnishings. Dave Ston Deluxe coup, radio, heater, good 1941 coupe for same. Phone 06R2, While motorists may substitute church will serve the lunch at wit: that the bonds of matrimony om Hamburg, Iowa where he went er, owner; Col. Bert Anderson, auc 24Ftfc. now existing between herself and surity for insurance, this sort of • the Thrasher sale February 29. tires. Phone 06R2 Nyssa. 17Ftfc Nyssa. because of the serious illness of his tioneer; L. H. Fritts. clerk. FO R BALE— Large strain of rab W ANTED —Housekeeper, top wages, the defendant be dissolved and for protection involves the real estate) Maxine Smith was a Saturday mother. Thursday, March 9 7 miles S. of of those whose names are attachedi evening supper guest in the M. an absolute divorce; that she be bits. Box 701, Nyssa. 24F2xp Leslie Schafer. Phone 02J1. 24F2xc 4 /s a M /4 U -------------- -------- t ____ J * . _ ' T U ______ __ Mr and Mrs Walter Benson and Weiser or 7 mi. N. of Payette (on decreed the custody o f the two to the bond and in case of suit a L. Kurtz home. granddaughter was Sunday dinner Ore. side). Sale Starts at 12:30. 40 Several of the young people en FO R SA LE —One year out Russell W ANTED —Baled hay. See H. van minor daughters, Sharon K. age 4 lien may be placed against the pro. acres to be sold at auction; 12 cat- joyed the hot cake supper and guests o f the Lloyd Adams. seed potatoes. Nell Dimmlck. route Ebmond at Boise Payette Lumber years and Dona Mae age 2 years perty. Lim Smith, son of I. L. Smith, tie, 16 horses, 2 hogs, Farm Mach- valentine party at the Rev. J, C. 2, Nyssa. 24F2xc yard or call 349R1, Ontario. Cash and that the name of plaintiff be RECENT R U L IN G S County courts are not required to Nevin home In Adrian Monday escaped Injury when his team ran lnery. V. J. Cornmesser, owner; Col. paid on delivery. 20Jtfc changed to Vivian Smith. away after the tongue in the wagon Bert Anderson, auc., L. H. Fritts, FO R S A L E —White-faced bulls. Go This summons is published by consider ward lines in establishing night. od breeding stock. Serviceable age. WANTED— Used furniture. Highest order of the Hon Robt. D. Lytle election precincts within cities. clerck. Mesdames M. L. Judd, Glenn, broke. Jake Fischer. 24Ftfc prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa Judge of the Circuit Court o f the | Counties may use emergency fu- Stanley and Lester Goulet and Mr. Public Sale, Mrarch 3, li ml. West Furniture Co. 1ATFC State of Oregon, for the County, nds to control Morman crickets and Mrs. Charlie Harris, Mr. and of Haas school on Weiser Flat at FO R SALE—Seeds, Mlchael-Leon- 1:00 p.m., cows, horses, pigs, farm Mrs. M. L. Kurtz attended the ard, flower, garden and field seeds. WANTED—Listing on farm and city of Malheur, dated January 25,. whenever they become a menace. machinery, houshold furniture, pic The state cannot levy inheritance regular monthly Parent Teacher 6MTPC. 1944, prescribing that this sum- .H ollingsworth Hardware and Im property. A. L. Atkeson. The Merry Matrons club met at k-up, 1937, Chev. coach, and other mons be served by publication tax on money left to Good Samar meeting at the high school W ed plement Co. 24FTFC the home of Viola Adams February articles. Martin and Welty, aucts. WE P A Y HIG HE ST PRICES foi thereof, once each week for four itan hospital for the care of mem nesday evening. Founders day was 23 with Gladys Davis as co-hostess. Bill Bennett, owner. observed. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay consecutive weeks In the Nyssa bers of the Masonic lodge. FO R S A L E —1941 Chevrolet coupe. Eight members and one guest. lone March 6, 1:00 p.m. 5 miles E. of ¿7Ntfc Gate City Journal, a newspaper j C A P IT A L SHORTS Harold Kurtz has moved from Good tires. Good condition. Lem ette. Zizliegan. were present. The after Weiser, across road from Jeffrey’s published in Malheur County, Attracted by the lure of high ' Oklahoma and Is now stationed in Wilson, Jr. 24F2XP F U R N ITU R E W ANTED—We pay Oregon, and the date of the first | wages in war Industries 208.600 the extreme po-nt of Texas at Mls- noon was spent embroidering tea school house. 30 head of horses and F O R SALE— Approximately 45 tons highest prices for used furniture. publication of this summons is workers from other states are on souri, where he is receiving ad- towels. In guessing games Jessie mules,, 1 stallion, 11 head of cattle, Chard and Virginia Rookstool won registered roan durham bull, num 21Jtfc February 3, 1944. first cutting alfalfa, baled. Seven Nordale Furniture company. the payrolls o f Oregon. About 25 vanced flying instruction in single prizes. The club will meet March erous farm machinery. 2 McCorm miles southwest Nyssa. H. E. Horn, percent of this number are con- engines. A. L. FLETCHER, W ANTED T O BUY—Alarm clocks 8 at the home of Alberta Bowden ick binders, 5 hay wagons with phone 37-4 Fruitland exchange. stantly changing to jobs in other Lt. Merle Kurtz left Saturday Attorney for P laintiff not running. G. E. Bertsch, opposite with Jennie Bensen assisting. R ef racks, overshot stacker, etc. A. A. 24F2xp Residence and Post Office states . . . The state Industrial acc- morning for Richmond. Virginia, nursing home. lOFtfc reshments were served by the host- Breshears and W. M. Drake, own ident commission handled 60.442 where he is to be assigned to a Address Nyssa, Oregon. FO R SALE—Seed Potatoes, three sses. ers. Bert Anderson, auct. claims for injured workmen the fighter group. He spent Thurs- LO ST—Straight colored guernsey varieties, field Inspected and app Hollis D eG rofft of Baker visited past year. Court appeals were taken day visiting relatives in Ten Davis cow, 4 years old, weight 750. Cl N O TICE O F F IN A L H E AR IN G his parents, Mr and Mrs William roved. A. B. Russell, Vale, Ore., and Nampa. Idaho. He also call- ifford Fox, 06R1. 2Mlxp NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that on only one-sixth of one percent phone 3034. 10F4xp DeGrofft. over the week-end. John Holly, the Administrator of Stx carloads of the Kentucky wh- ed on Dr. Dudley in Caldwell, Do It your*« If at homo with a Charm-Kurl Mr and Mrs A. M. Goodson and Kit. aa 1.500,000 woman have done in paat iskey the liquor commission got in Thursday evening Merle was hon- the estate of Jesse Johnston, dec For Rent F O R SALE—Fresh cow, grain drill daughters of Notus were dinner year. Complete with 40 curler* and shampoo. and good gentle work horse. Frank FOR LEASE—Pasture land, plenty eased, has filed in the County Co buylng distilleries 1s rolling to Ore- or guest at a little party in his guests at the R. J. Holmes home Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by Hollywood movie stare and women every Graham 24F4XP of water. 260 acres lying southeast urt o f Malheur County, State of gon to be on sale March 1 State home Other guests were Mr. and Wednesday evening. where. Money refunded if not satisfied. Oregon, his first and final account police arrested 1880 persons for ! Mrs. John Young. Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Wilson Winters and o f Sparta, Baker county, SE'/i and FO R S A LE —G. E. 3-horse single of his administration, and that the traffic violations the past month ■ Walter McPartland and family and NYSSA PHARMACY children have moved into the tea- phase motor, 1150 R.P M. and Allis E ‘4 S W 1. , known as 'The Hamm 20th day o f March, 1944 at the There were 996 industrial accidents Idamary Prouty of Nyssa, Mr. and cherage. ond Place". Bernard Eastman, Ny Chalmers irrigating pump, 4” x 4". hour of 11 o’clock A.M. at the Including two fatalities reported to Mrs. R. Haworth of Big Bend. Mr and Mrs F. S. Byers were ssa. 24F6xc and Rev. and Mrs. Nevin of Ad Tw enty-five foot lift. $225. County Court Room In Vale, Oreg state department the past week. hosts at dinner Monday evening, rian. Two-way horse-drawn plow TO R l e a s e —160 acres on Black on. has been appointed by the Co celebrating the birthday anniver and burr feed grinder. Inquire F r canyon, 80 under irrigation, 80 pas urt as the time and place (or the Several Newell Heights folks at nMkfcr sary o f Junior Holmes. Other guest Insurance Real Estate tended the benefit basketball ank Parr, phone 01J2. 24F2xc ture. Lies three and a half miles hearing of said account and the were Mr and Mrs F. O. Holmes and game Tuesday night when the Nys cue east from the bridge. Lessee objections of any person Interested Gilbert. By Leans Anderson FO R SALE—Auto Liability Insur Phone 64 sa faculty met the Adrian (ac must have proper equipment and in said estate, where and when M r and Mrs L. W. Toll were Idaho Power Company ance. $11.50 per year on “ A ” Ration. uity. The money was to be used they may appear and file objections NYSSA OREGON references. Bernard Eastman. Ny overnight guests Saturday at the Home Service Advisor Other Rates Proportionately low to help defray the expenses of ssa, or write, L. P. Thomas, 879 E. to said account in writing and be Ray Franklin home near Notus. Meets State's Requirements. 28th S t„ Oakland, 10, Calif. 24F6xc. heard thereon. Said account is for T H IS IS CABBAG E W E E K -U S E the high school team at the tourn Bernard Eastmen final settlement and upon being ament in John Day. I T OFTEN BUTCHERING NOTICE TO VOTERS approved and settled, said estate Mario Anderson, Thurman Piercy, FO R SALE—Farms of all sizes American Farmers have respon Custom butchering every Monday will be closed and distribution made Maurice Judd and Dudley Kurtz $100 to $300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson, ded 100 percent to the appeal to T o Vote You Must Be Registered and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. of the balance of said estate in the were Adrian basketball players who realtor. 12ATFC As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to Sanitary butchering guaranteed. hands o f the Administrator and the produce more food durlng the past p te y e d 'T lh e 'lT u V n V m e m Vt^John year and as a result 515,000 tons ; ^ ^ who made the trlp vote at a Primary, General or Special Election unless he or she shall FO R SA LE —40-acre dairy ranch. Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa said Administrator will be dischar o win er ca bage were grown dur- . j ohn o , y Saturday from New- be registered. on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. ged. Fine improvements, must sell, sac Electors cannot be sworn in to vote on election day. ing 1943. What remains o f this John Holly, Administrator of ell Heights to see the finals play rifice, modern except heat. Phone Registration books are now open and will be open until the night of A LIC E A. C O LLIN S the estate of Jesse Johnston, ctop must be cunsumed immediat ed were Ellen Judd, Idamary 687R3, Nampa. 17F3xp April 18, 1944. ely and therefore Feb. 24 until and FASHION FOUNDATIONS deceased. Prouty, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz I f you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or Qen- Including March 4 features cabbage FO R SALE —An income property, 7 W ill Call By Appointment. and Joyce who accompanied Mr. eral Election in 1942, or have changed your residence or if you deslrr as the Victory Pood. Residence Phone 122-J rentals and a home in good con and Mrs. Charlie Wilson to change your political affiliations, you must re-register. I f each homemaker uses 3 or 4 Box 500, Nyssa. dition, furnished and rented. Half The hay sold by M. L. Kurtz extra heads of cabbage during this You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct is being chopped and trucked to in the County, or with the official registrars in the following precincts: period—think how much valuable Emmett. PR EC IN C TS R EG ISTRARS food would be saved. D. L. Anderson sold some hay, Applegate .................................................................... Mrs M. D. Clough COLE S LA W baled, and Stanley Goulet is hav Adrian and Big Bend ......................................................... D. T. Holly Use fresh, tender green or red ing his baled. Not much hay is ■ P MuirdtW,id>’ Brogan ...................................... ................................ Mrs Sue Silvers cabbage, if possible. T o keep cabb left unsold In Newell Heights. Harper and Bully .... ................ ........ O. Y. Cheater age crisp, place in vegetable drawer The Conley Wallace ranch and Ironside ............ ......................... ............................................ H. C. Elms of refrigerator. Use a very sharp his sheep have been purchased. Jamieson ..................... ..... ....... ................... .... ......... Mrs Myrtle Field knife and shred cabbage very fine. AFTE R B IG M ONEY Other ranches listed (or sale are Jordan Valley and Juniper ................................ .......... W. R. Helm EVAPO R ATE D M IL K O R SOUR State Highway Engineer R. H. the Overstreet and Walter Pink Jones CREAM DRESSING ston acreages. .laldock is in Washington, D.C. to !4 cup sugar Malheur .................. ...... ...... .................... ....... Mrs Horten Worsham . appear before the joint senate and 1-3 cup vinegar McDermitt ....................................... ....... ................ Alice D Bankofler Nyssa No. 1. No. 2, No. 3, Arcadia and Owyhee Orant Rinehart j house committee on roads. He will M cup evaporated milk or sour cr Ontario No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5. Fair and Cairo F. P Ryan work for the passage of the postwar eam The Patch and Chat club met at Riverside ............................... .......... ........................ Mrs Donald E. Libby highways construction program bill. M tsp salt SH O E SH OPS Add sugar to vinegar, and stir the home of Ethel Ooodell Thurs Rockwllle ............................................................................ Maude Greeley ' In its present form the bill approp DENTISTS riates one billion dollars a year for until sugar is dissolved. Into an day. Co-hostesses were Grace Rob Rome ......................... ..................... .......................... Mrs Dora Matthews C. H Spicer three years for road construction. other bowl pour sour cream or ev bins, Alta Hawkins, and Hazel Lev Snake River ..................................................................... Abbott’s Shoa Shop O fficial Registrars have lists of those who are NOW registered. Oregon’s share Is set at $15.000.000 aporated milk and add enough of itt. One new member. Mrs Simm J. R. C U N D A L L All kinds of shoe and harness the vinegar and sugar mixture to ons. joined the club. For roll call H. 8 S A C K E T T a year for three years. repairing Dentist cause the cream or milk to become a valentine exchange was held. County Clerk IN D U S T R Y P A Y R O L L Across from post office. Payrolls In Oregon industries co the consistency of mayonnaise. P o Phone B6-J vered by the workmen’s compensat ur over cabbage. Use a fork to bl Sarazln Clinic N YS SA OREGON ion act totaled $53,771,848 for Jan end dressing through cabbage. OPTOMETRISTS uary, according to a report Just issued by the state Industrial acc DR. J. A. McFALL ident commission. Th e total for J E W E L R Y STORES January 1943 was $34,638.914, an “ Ses M c M I and Bos Better* increase of nearly 20 percent. Abou". Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison mov three-fourths of the state's payroll ed to Nyssa Monday to the resi PAULUS is centered in Multnomah county. dence they had recently purchased W EDDING D ATE B PT from George Sallee. JEWELRY STORE Miss Marylee Fry, daughter of Mrs. Cecil Florea. Mrs. Frank Mr and Mrs Dan J Fry, has set Savage, Olen Hoffman, Mr. and Union Pacific Time Inspector March 25 the date o f her marriage Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mr. and EYES I O H T SPECIALIST JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS to Mr. W illiam Earl Snell, son of Mrs. Alva Goodell were In On O N TA R IO OREOOS WATCHES Governor Earl Snell and Mrs Snell. tario Tuesday. Main Street at Second FOREST FIR E S FEWER Bill Savage has returned from Most of the forest fire losses last Salem, where he had been work P H Y S IC IA N S year did not occur during the dry ing. WYCKOFF season but at this time of the year. Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mrs. During February and March of Alva Goodell attended a pink and JEWELRY STORE last year over 22,000 acres, of the blue shower given at the O. E L . A. Maul ding, M.D. total of 35.889 for the year, were Cheldetln home Wednesday a f O fficial Tim e Inspector for Physician and Surgeon burned over, states the annual re ternoon in honor of Mrs. Wallace Union Pacific port of State Forester N. 8. Rogers. O r egg Phone *7 O N T A R IO OREGON Lightning caused 41 percent of the Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cleaver re Hours: 10 to 13 and I to S Contracting yellow globe and yellow sweet Spanish onions. fires or 381 out o f the 887. The turned from a five weeks visit in Dally—Except Sunday W ork Guaranteed monitary lass is estimated to be Missouri Ms. and Mrs. Emery Fry Building $117572 During the past four years D loitt and family returned with E. I. COLE lasses have decreased more than them and will make their home W ATCH and CLOCK fifty percent. here. Mrs. Elloitt Is a daughter S A R A Z IN C LIN IC REPAIRING CHJBST ENGINEERS of M r and Mra. Cleaver. Under the provisions of 8 good Mrs Ouy Parmer entertained the JEWELER J. J. Sarazin, M. D. will program formulated by the Out Our Way club at her home Free Examination American Roadbullders association Thursday afternoon. Five mem and Estimate! J e n e m practice o f medida« a group of highway engineers from bers and one visitor attended The N E X T DOOR T O PO ST OFFICE The South American countries will be hostess served refreshments Physlotharap) Nyssa, Oregon PAR M A — — — — ID AH O E-Ray entertained during the present year next meeting will be held March ■ by the highway departments of the 9 at the Roy O rlfftn SUMMONS FOR P U B LIC A T IO N Oregon Trail PERMANENT WAVE-59* Bernard Eastman Victory Food Hints 4 C d p i/d l Professional And Business Directory K ig f" Lincoln Heights Buena Vista For Sale Certified W hite Rose Russett, Bliss Triumph Seed Potatoes Few Triumphs I Year From Certification J. R. Simplot Dehydrating Co. Phone 119W or No. 3 Oeo L Baker