Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1944)
VüCüMË m i X . W rT NvsâA ,ok^oa?rlTORSDAV F ebruary 2 T T O PLANS COMPLETED Changes Made In PAYETTE TO PLAY Tompkins Will [NYSSA’S SCRAP Crop Production FOR Nyssa Defeats PRAYER DAY NYSSA HERE FRI. METAL IS SOLD Increase Is 1944 Plans for the World Day of Pr Draft Rulings Payette will play the Nyssa Bull Talk To Grange A. Chadwick, chairman of the Weiser Five In which will be observed Feb- Circuit Judge Robert D Lytle of dogs here Friday night in Nyssa’s ! Malheur Pomona Orange No. 33 scrap metal salvage committee that Government Goal ayer, Freakish Game luary 25, have been completed, and Vale, chairman of the selective ser last home game of the season, and will hold its first quarterly meeting collected scrap metal last year, re the Bulldogs will go to Emmett Sa of the year at the community hall ported this week that the commit- vice board, announced at a cham turday Four Of Eight Wolverin night to conclude their sch ber of commerce luncheon Wednes edule in Vale, Saturday, February 26. The | tee 1138 the scrap, of games. es Are Ousted For day noon that class 3C in the sel Nyssa's over Welser last Fri meeting will start promptly at 101 ^Jick Smith donated a truck and ective service regulations has been day night win Fouling dumped the Payette team o'clock in the morning. Pomona “ drtv*f “,ld the in the Nazarene church fr- eliminated. high school furnished boys for lo into fifth place from a fourth place Production practices which will ; ducted Class 3C consisted of pre-Pearl tie with the Bulldogs. Master Erie H. Parker, announces ading the scrap. With only four men left on the om 10 a.m. to 3 p m. Sepcial ser- harbor yield Immediate production in I vices fathers engaged in agricul At an evening session a drill team floor in the final minutes of play, for those who cannot attend ture. These Receipts from the sale amounted men have been placed creases while giving maximum pro the February 25 services will be will administer the fifth degree of to $424.90. One hundred dollars of the high-flying Weiser Wolverines in class 2C, which originally con tection to soli resources of Mal held February 24 at 8 p.m. in the sisted only of unmarried men and the $424.90 is held as a guarantee went down to defeat before the the order. heur county farm lands are stress Nazarene church. They will be arr post-Pearl harbor fathers engaged from the original buyer, who all pounding of the Nyssa Bulldogs last Morton Tompkins, state Grange ed in Oregon's Tripe A conserva anged by the young people. the committee to re-sell the Friday night in the most freakish master, will be the principle speak owed agriculture. tion program for 1944, Qlen Hutch The offering from the services in Hereafter metal. What will be done with the game of the season here. er appearing on the program at every 2C registrant will inson, member of the county AAA are use to maintain four projects be re-classified $100 has not been decided. The Four Welser players were ousted 2 o’ c lock in the afternoon. This pa least every six By D. W. Patch committee, announced this week. of inter-denominational Christian months as farm at deferments committee had already given $100 from the contest on fouls, leaving rt of the program will be open to will be The Adrian Antelopes waited un Mr. Hutchinson views as an im service. The four avenues of ser Red Cross and Mr. Chad only four men on the squad. One the public. Mrs Blaine Girvin, lec to wick the expressed portant feature of the new pro vice are Christian literature for only for a period of six months or til th i final week of the season to turer. the opinion that of the remaining four players had has prepared a variety pro gram the removal of limitations on women and children in mission fi- Iless "No man is given a farm defer kick the dope bucket for a loop. gram of music, skits and novelty the remainder of the money should committed three fouls by the start In their final week's play of the practices which individual farmers elds. Union Christian college, mig be given to the war effort as the of the fourth period and two of the until and unless he has the regular season they lost to the numbers. had two fouls each chalked can carry out to earn payments. rants and share-croppers and In ment scrap A number of resolutions are sch recommendation of tire Malheur underrated New Plymouth Pilgrims eduled for discussion. One from the pose. was collected for that pur boys against them. The only exceptions are for appli dian students ln U.S. government county US.D.A. war board," Judge 43-49, and won a pair from the Willowcreek Grange urges support The Wolverines, in second place cation of lime and phosphate, for schools. Lytle said. Payette Pirates 37-36 and the Vale of the proposed Washington and in the Snake River Valley league which the maximum payment will Discussing other changes in the Viking 40-31. The three games Oregon State Grange Co-operative up to last week, were noticeably off be $2 per acre of crop land and selective service regulations, Judge finish the 25 game schedule of to purchase government housing in their floor play and shooting at orchard or $25 per farm, which Lytle said an agreement between the Antelopes and gives them a projects for post-war redistribut the opening of the game and the ever is larger. industry and the elective service record of 14 wins and 11 losses. ion. Bulldogs, giving a fine exhibition, The committeeman explained relative to men employed in war In Snake River Valley conference The proposed merger of the two took advantage of the opportunity. that "soil-building allowances”, is helping to create a play the Antelopes won 8 and lost Malheur county Pomona Granges Members and frineds of St Paul's The more "jittery" the Wolverines formerly based on each farm's or The Nyssa school men practically industries situation. 8 for a .500 percentage for the will be discussed at this meeting. mission gathered at the parish hall became, the more they fouled and chard, range and crop land acre admitted Wednesday that they better Other guests at the luncheon who season. last Thursday to commemorate the the more they fouled the more “rat ages, have been eliminated in the were not so good in their ' basket- were on for remarks were The Antelopes played host Tues 37th anniversary of church services tled” they became. After four of 1944 program. This will allow one ban" game with Adrian’s facutly on Charles called Thompson of Emmett, Le day evening to a red-hot New Ply CHURCH FIRST TO their players had left the game, in Nyssa. operator who has an extensive con the Adrian floor Tuesday night onard Marshall mouth squad that came from be p a s s C a p t e s t The church history was divided even the Weiser rooters began to servation job to do, such as con Most of the spectators agreed that Del Taylor of Vale. of Portland and hind in the third quarter to win into two parts and was presented to see humor In the situation. trol of noxious weeds, to earn prac were right. an evenly centested game. Kurtz Tom Church has passed his scr-!the audience in program form, be- The first quarter ended with Ny tice payments on the entire acre they Adrian team was as smooth and Wilson paced the Antelopes eening test and physical examin-1 Sinning with the first services in ssa leading 8 to 6. The score stood BOND DRIVE age involved. Another operator The an old dollar, but it is said that WAR to a 28-20 first half lead, but New ation for entrance into the army i and brought up to the present at that mark for three minutes be who carries out no practices will as EFFORT EXTENDED the value of a dollar has been con Plymouth came back in the second air corps cadets and has enlisted ^ lp first services were held fore H. Wilson came through with not tie up funds which otherwise siderably reduced during the Roos The fourth war loan drive will be half to outscore and outplay the in the air corps reserve. in a small white union church bu a lay-in shot to make the count would be obligated for his farm. evelt administration. Antelopes. The work of Bostic. Church will remain on the in ilding' where Towne’s garage now 10 to 6. Brown of Weiser converted At any rate The reason for the change, the foul shot and Moore and Bybee Adrian Silver Dollars rolled to continued until February 29, Chair- Pilgrim forward, and Loudermilk, active Clergymen came from var a made until he becomes 18 years stands. committeeman continued, is to the field goals. Increasing the 24-23 victory over the Nyssa dnesday. ">an Henry Hartley announced We New Plymouth center, sparked the old in list ious parts of the state to conduct score June. He will be graduated permit maximum results In in a Hodge-Podgers. to 14 to7. The quarter ended Loudermilk, 6 foot 5 inch from the Nyssa high school in services. creased production for war from With the traveling rather rough, All bonds sold up to that time Pilgrims. with the Bulldogs taking the ball center of the Pilgrims, led all scor June He is the first member of the The first bishop was the Rt. Rev. off $300,000,000 allocated by congress each squad had to rely on younger will be credited to the fourth loan ers backboard and really hand with 20 points, while Bostic, Robert L. Paddock. Later in 1910 local CAP to pass the test, which lots were purchased and in 1913 the ling the for conservation. Except for car flood to keep five men in the floor. campaign. the ball nicely. his teammate, hit for 14. Kurtz rying out "special services” such DennLs Patch had to be revived at The county went over the top on led Adrian’s scoring with 12. In he passed in Portland last week. parish hall was built on Fifth st At the opening of the third quar as machinery ratfcmlng, allocation the end of the third quarter with its quota February 15 by more than a preliminary, the Adrian B’s won ter, D Willson scored two field reet. The women's guild was organ of copper wire, lumber and other a jar of antelope milk. Perspira 100 000 in rapid succession and Carr a close one from the New Ply ized in 1910, with Mrs J. Boydell goals farm supplies, feed distribution, tion flowed so profusely, the floor a foul shot for Welser. Th- mouth J.V.’s 26-23. as its first president. The first Sun made farm gasoline recommendations, had to be Mopped three times in iee fouls were called on Welser In Friday night’s clash with Pay day school classes were held in around dairy feed payments and other the last quarter, in which one of the keyhole as Nyssa play ette on the latter's court the Ante 1910. wartime programs, the entire ef the yell leaders, a Nyssa teacher, ers attempted gift shots, but Nyrsa lopes displayed their best work of At the anniversary meeting a forts of AAA will be concentrat to convert on any of the the season. Starting slowly they Officials and attorneys are pre memorial service was conducted by failed her knee out of joint. ed this year on increasing produc threw possibilities. However, the Bulldogs spotted Payette to a 14-7 first- paring ballots this week for the the Rev. Burton Salter. Carol Rob Lovejoy of Adrian and Hartley of tion through soil-building and con Nyssa appeared to be the only play Funreal servlfces for Mrs Lloyd quarter lead, but strengthened dur- road assessment district election to ertson and Dickie Schireman fur clicked on fouls during the next few servation practices. and the period ended 26 who had secured much exper- Orris, who died Tuesday morning inf the second period to narrow the be voted on by taxpayers of Nyssa nished musical numbers on the minutes There will be no special crop ers to 12. gap at intermission to 17-20. Lane. and vicinity Saturday. February 26. program, which ended with a song ance before entering the Tuesday in the Holy Rosary hospital in On pay men i, such as previously made night three and one-half minutes Rev. J. C. Nevln res tario, were held in the Peterson Antelope forward, hod his shoot The voters will vote on the qu sung by the entire Sunday school left, With for wheat and potatoes, and the embled game. the fourth Weiser player went windmill with his long Funeral home in Ontario today. ing eye and canned 4 field goals estion of whether the district shall class. crop Insurance program on wheat swinging a arms. out on fouls and then the Bulldogs in the first half. During the third be formed and if so «¡ill decide on The rest of the evening was spent Burial wag in the Ontario ceme also has been suspended through The rest of the players were so tery. down as the Wolverines were period the Antelopes gathered mo who shall serve as directors. Three reminiscing and discussing old ti let lack of appropriations. Commod funny, necessarily handicapped. Steinke mentum and passed the Pirates to mes. Of special interest was the directors are to be elected. The it would probably be more Mrs Orris, who had been ill lor ity loans on wheat, barley, peas, charitable to merely mention their two weeks, was born in Malheur lead 30 to 26 at that point. In candidates are M. L. Kurtz, Dale selection of pictures of the early was dropped to the floor by a flow the solar plexls, but soon recov and potatoes and other price-sup names as follows: Nyssa--Young, county November 25, 1903. the finad period both teams check Garrison, S. E, Flanagan, Ira Ure days that was on display. Refresh to ered his breath. Some said they porting programs will be contin Hartley, Parr, Christensen, Spitze, Survivors are her husband; four ed effectively. Grant, Pirate guard, and Jesse Thompson. ments were served by different de saw what happened and others did ued if they are authorized in legis McPartland. Counsll and Stunz, daughters, Mrs Louise Gregg of dunked one in the closing seconds The city election polls will be partments of the church organiza not. lation now under consideration in and Adrian—Nevins, Parker, John Ontario, and Marjory. Pearl and to tie the score 34-34 at the end open in the city hall. The election tion. A fish pound furnished a D. Willson was high point play congress. son, Timmerman, Lovejoy and Pat Erma Lee Orris; a son, Keith; her of playing time. In the 3 min- for rural ‘residents will be held in good deal of amusement. The hall er of the game with 11 points. (Continued On Page 3) parents, Mr and Mrs Charles Bull- ute overtime, Wilson Adrian center the Nyssa grade school. The polls was decorated in a red, white and The players were Nyssa—H. Wil ch. ard of Ontario; three sisters, Mrs was fouled and made good at the will be open from 9 a.m. until 6 blue color scheme. Miss Eva Boy son, D. Willson, Billings, Steinke TIRE SITUATION Clyde Long of Nyssa, Mrs John gift line. With two minutes re p.m. Only taxpayers whose names dell was general chairman of the and Bybee, and Moore, Morgan. Returns From Calif.— HELD CRITICAL Miss Lucille Sallee returned home Carr of Welser and Miss Ethel Bul maining, Grant was fouled and appear on the last assessment roll affair. Aston, Bellon and Marsh; Weiser— Tuesday night from San Francisco, lard of Hermlston, and a brother. made good to tie the score and a will be permitted to vote. Yakoto, Nakamura, Carr, Brown ' “Recap your tires when they first where she attended the wedding of Otis Bullard of Ontario rural route. moment later Messenglll, Pirate and Lewis, and Stover, Webb and NYSSA CA)P JOINS guard, was awarded a free toss and WCTU Will Meet— become smooth, if you expect to Miss Helen Boydell of Nyssa. A. Webb canned it to give the Pirates a The W.C.T.U. will meet March ONTARIO CLASS have tires to run on”, warn OPA Bands To Play— Ormand Thomas and Lloyd Lewis officials In commenting on the sc Cub Pack To M eet- The Payette high school band one point lead. Lane, Adrian for 10 at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs The local civil air patrol unit officiated. arcity of truck tires and the absol Cub pack No. 19 will meet tonight directed by' Mr. Stoner will play at ward, immediately potted a field A. F. Seward across Snake river will Join the Ontario class, In which In a hotly-contested preliminary, ute necessity to care for those now in the parlors of the Methodist the Payette-Nyssa basketball game goal to give the Antelopes a 37-36 from Nyssa. defeated the Nyssa B squad they will take up the study of nav Weiser by a count of 30 to 23. The score in use. A survey of tire abuses in church. The boys will present a Friday night. The band is composed lead. With one minute to go igation under the supervision of the half was 12 to 11 for Nyssa Idaho shows worn tires not yet re program from 7 to 9 o’clock for of 35 pieces. The drum majorettes Payette lost the ball out-of-bounds Visits Mother— one of the army ifficers stationed at and at three-quarter time was tied capped, overloading, insufficient In their parents. Mrs Forbess’ group of Nyssa and Payette will stage sp and the Adrian team stalled effec Mrs Paulire Eldridge of Portland at Ontario. tively until the gun sounded. The spent last week with her mother. 18 to 18. Bellon was high point flation of tire and rim sizes incor will present a play. The singing ecial features. The class is open to anyone In palyer 14 points. Mrs Betty Forbes Wheeler, rect for the tires used. The present will be in charge of dens led by terested in aviation, but especially The with Here From Baker— Go To Utah— lineups Nyssa—Root, supply of crude rubber has reached Mrs Frost and Mrs Poster. to boys 16 and 17 years old. The Bybee, Bellon. R. were Church, Cleaver. Mr and Mrs Leo Child went to Mr and Mrs John Amen of Baker Move To Nyaaa— the danger point. This year the es meets each Tuesday evening. Weeks and Sakomoto; Welser—Cl- Ogden last week on a combined spent Tuesday in Nyssa with Mr Mrs Lawrence Horn and two ch class timated eligible demand for truck Guest In Nyssa— Interested should contact abby, Emert, Hartnett, Thompson, and Mrs Jake Hopp. ildren of Portland have moved to Anyone tires will be more than double that Miss Olive Smith of Nashville, business and pleasure trip. Lewis, Whiting, Cellekey. Garner, Nyssa to make their home while Olea Billings. of 1942 with the supply far less. Tennesse, one of the instructors at Attend Fanerai— Mr, Horn is in the service. Mrs Major Devaney, commanding of Hurd, Kuntz and Maxwell. the Christian workers school con Here From Nampa— Mrs Frank Hall went to Horn is a daughter of Mrs Nora ficer of the CAP In Oregon, and Go To Rochester— ducted by the Methodist church in Miss Betty Lou Jordan of Nampa Mr and Captain Haas, were in Ontario Undergoes Operation— last Thursday to attend the Ray. Dr. and Mrs E. D. Norcott left Boise, was an overnight guest at was in Nyssa over the week-end Boise Wednesday night to meet with st E. J. Hobson returned home Mon of Mrs Jesse Ward of Bo Sunday for Rochester, Minnesota the home of Rev. and Mrs M. H. visiting at the home of Mrs Lida funeral aff officers of Ontario and NyssC. day from the Samaritan hospital ise. Visit In Payette— Ray. for a visit of several weeks. Greenlee Wednesday. in Nampa, where he underwent an Mr and Mrs Orant Lelws and Mr Take Examinations— Colorado at Boulder, is spending Goes To California— operation for removal of an in and Mrs Olea Billings sflent Sun Visit In Ontario— Mr. and Mrs. Don Seward and ward goitre about two weeks ago. Melvin Spitze and Leno Christ day in Payette. part of his leave with his parents. Eldred Brower of Apple valley left ensen family and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. His illness was so critical because left Wednesday for Portland night on a business trip Mr and Mrs T. H. Eldredge. He Saturday Seward had Sunday dinner at Mr. of heart trouble his daughter. Miss to take their physican examination Taking Examination— spent last week-end with his bro to San Francisco. for entrance into the army. and Mrs. Roscoe Kellogg's new Dorothy Hobson, a registered nurse Grant Lewis left Wednesday for ther, Don, at Oregon State college. Ill At Home— home in Ontario. of Vancouver, Washington, spent a Portland, where he will take his Move To Power Plant— few days with him She returned physical examination for the army. Keith Bybee has beeen ill in bed Ray Fox left Tuesday for the the past several days. Visit In Boise— Mr and Mrs Tom C. Johnson are to work In a Vancouver hospital, naval training station at Farragut, moving to the Shoestring power Return From Portland— A. F. Seward and Mrs. Dwight but reported later that she had Idaho after spending a leave of plant at Dunaway. Mr. Johnson Mrs L. A. Mauldlng and daughter Seward were in Boise Friday While enlisted for Red Cross work. Conference- several days with relatives here. Attending has been employed as ditch rider returned Monday from a two-week there Mrs Seward visited Mr. and Several Nyssa residents are att He expects to be transferrd to a ending each evening the Christian on the Shoestring ditch in place of visit in Portland. While there they Mrs. John Andrews, formerly of Constricting House— Nyssa. Mr. Andrews is manager O. W. Pennle is helping Dwight naval school soon. workers school that the Methodis iMoyd Marshall, who has resigned. attended the wedding of Mrs Man of the cinder tile plant In Boise Seward lay the cinder blocks for ning's brother. church is conducting in Boise Rev George Sirnio, former athletic M. H. Oreenlee of Nyssa is dean o' Parents Of Girl— his new home south of Howard's coach at Adrian High School, has the school. Others attending fr A daughter was bom February Attend Convention— Visit In Nyssa— corner. Cold weather has hinder been commissioned as Ensign in the om Nyssa are Mr and Mrs L. A i to Rev. and Mrs Burton Salter of A large group of young people Mrs J. B Beckum, of Fort Bragg. ed the construction of the house US. Navy and reported to Fort Robbins. Oilbert Klinkenberg. Irvin the Episcopal church. The baby was from here attended a zone con California, daughter of Mr and Mrs but the men hope to have it com Bob Yost, 1943 graduate of the Schuyler in New York on Decemb- Topllff. Mrs W W. Poster and Mrs named Mary Katherine. Mrs Sal vention at the Nazarene church in A. H. Boydell, and Mrs Edward pleted soon. ter's mother, Mrs Haglun of Min Payette Sunday. Rev. Glenn Boydell of Jacksonville, Florida arr- Nyssa high school, has completed I er 20th for indoctrination. Since Oreenlee. nesota. is visiting at the Salter ho Griffith of Nampa was speaker. iver Tuesday night for a visit with On Buying T rip- his training at the naval training ' February first he has been a mem me. relatives. J. B. Beckum is a major Clarence Aston of the Nyssa station at Farragut. Idaho and is ber of the Instructional Staff at Leave After Visit— | Fort Schuyler. He teaches navy Mrs Wanda Dunlap of Carleton, in the army and Edward Boydell is Furniture company has gone on a awaiting further orders. Visit Here— Yost's two brothers are also in ordnance along with some Infantry. Oregon, has returned home after Opening Service Station— Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crane of an ensign in the navy. Mrs Beck buying trip to Portland and Seat the navy. The oldest brother has He writes that Port Schuyler is In visiting at the home of her mother. J O. Benson of Los Angeles will Nampa called at the Ed Wild home um plans to make her home here. tle. He was accompanied by Floyd "been across ever since it started", the Broux Section of New York, Mrs Andy McOtnnls She was acc open the Norcott service station Thursday evening while en route Mrs Boydell is en route to Mon Claney of the Independent Furn iture company of Caldwell. according to his grandmother, Mrs and he has taken in two basketball ompanied by Mrs McGinnis' gr at Second and Main streets Mon to Ontario to spend Friday with mouth, Oregon. Maude Bogart of Portland, and the games at Madison Square Oarden anddaughter. Sharon Lee CantTetl day. He has leased the station their son. Ralph Crane, and family. Visiting Here— from the Shell company Mr Ben Pnrehase Property— other brother, Donald, is serving on and also saw the Milrose Athletic of Portland. Mrs W E Hall, of North Platte,! Mr and Mrs. Dan Corbett have son will handle all types of Shell In Portland— a repair ship at sea. The boys' sis games there. products and will service cars. Emil Stuns of the Stunz Lumber Nebraska, mother of Mrs Lloyd j recently purchased the Olenn prop Visit In Ontario— ter's husband is a first class fire Elmer Ausmen. of the US army, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leads and company la attending to business Pounds, and Mrs Milton Connelly erty in the west part of town on man in the navy son of W Ausmen of Adrian, is family and Mrs Harriet Holman Visit In Ontaria— In Portland. He ia expected to re and family of Shevlln. Oregon are | Alberta avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eldredge. who is in V-12 na visiting his parents while en route visited in Ontario 8unday with Mr Mrs Albert Meier and Mrs Perry i turn home by the first of next we- ! visiting at the home of Rev. and H. L. Fischer have leased the Cor Mrs Pounds ¡Ward spent Monday in Ontario. tk. bett ranch for the coming year. val training at the University of from Texas to Port Ord. California. and Mrs Robert Holman. those in charge hope that a large Soil Building Allowanc percentage residents of Ny- es Eliminated From ssa will share of the in the observance. Program The daytime services will be con Adrian Finishes Good Hoop Year Anniversary Of Church Observed Adrian Defeats Nyssa Faculty $ , . Mrs Lloyd Orris Taken By Death Our Boys In The Service Road District To Be Voted On v . . : JOURNAL •- • 7/ieNYSSA