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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY DECEMBER 23, 1948 PAGE 2 P a l b t t i a a e t a a t a t ■ ....... - - - ” j ■■ LO ST_A small puse containing a and change. Reward for return al servance of her birthday Monday | Simmons Tuesday night at the re- j dell, Mrs J. L. Church. Ellis Buck- ring tn plush box, dlamon cluster j ring. Phone I46-J or inquire at land. Mr and Mrs LaRue Trabert gular meeting of the Mr and Mrs evening Twentyfive guests played | with one stone out, and some bills | Journal office. games. A buffet lunch was served Pinochle club. Henry Borgman won 1 and Mrs Anna Lee Milton. Install ation of officers will be held Ja n _ — high score for men and also won the traveling prize. Mrs Oliver Patch uary 3. SEAMAN TA KES BRID E 8 HOSTS TO CLUB Mr and Mr> Larry Brown were hosts to the Wednesday evening bridge club last week. Mrs BroWTl won high honors. —8 — ENTERTAINS LADIES CLUB Mrs Henry Hartley entertained the ladies Tuesday evening bridge ciub this week at her home. Mrs Campbell won high score and Mrs Dean Smith second. Quests of Mrs Hartley were Mrs T. H. Eldredge. Mrs John Young and Mrs George Sallee. - I - SOCIETY Q IV ES PARTY The ladies of the Relief society of the LDS church gave a Christ mas party in the church Tuesday afternoon. After a brief lesson giv en by Verl Paulsen, the ladies sa » c ( % I ( Willard Aston, son of Mr and was high among the ladies. Gifts Mrs Clarence Aston of Nyssa, was were exchanged by the members. married in a church wedding in - 1 - Cleveland, Ohio December 12 by HONORED AT SHOWER ng carols. the LDS branch president to G l- The young ladies group of the Lunch was served by Fannie Ch I adys Stokes of Brigham City, Utah. LDS church complimented Mrs L l ild, Anna Jem m ett and Violet R i Mr. Aston, a merchant seaman, has oyd Lewis last week with a pink ggs. Potted poinsettas adorned the been in action in the present war. and blue shower at the home of table, which was covered with a Mrs Richard Taylor. Games were - 8 - DANOE SCHEDULED lace cloth. Large ;ugar cookies be played with Mrs Arvil Child and The young people's organization Mrs Lewis winning prizes. Light aring the words "Merry Christancs written in chocolate, were served will sponxir a dance in the LD S j refreshments were served. with salad, open-faced sandwiches hall Tuesday evening. All LDS - I - and hot chocolate. Each lady rec members and their friends are in ENTERTAINS FOR BROTHER eived a gift. No meeting will be vited to attend. Admission will be Mrs John Schenk entertained for her brother, Lieut. Owen Moore of held Tuesday 1 free. Victorville, California last Friday - 8 - HAS FAMILY DINNER TO HOLD PARTY evening at a midnight supper. Be Mrs Katie Starr of Burns enter fore the dinner the party attended The primary department will give a Christmas party for all LDS ch tained at a family dinner Wednes the Parma-Nyssa basketball game. ildren between the ages of 4 and day night for Stanley Ray, marine Lieut. Moore is visiting his si .ter cadet at University of California at and his bother, Tom Moore. 12 next Tuesda} afternoon. Los Angeles, at the home of her —8— mother, Mrs Stella Butler. BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD HOSTS TO EMPLOYES _8— Mrs Florence Bybee was the Mr and Mrs Oeorge Mitchell were POTLUCK DINNER GIVEN inspiration for a party given in ob- hosts to employes of the First Nat A potluck dinner was served at ional bank at a Christams party the home of Mr and Mrs Jake | held Saturday evening in their ho- ' me. After dinner the guests spent ! the evening informally. - 8 - i | HOLDS ANNUAL PARTY Employes of the Golden Rule ! store and their husbands and wives held their annual Christmas party at Brownie's cafe Tuesday night. After dinner they sang Christmas songs and exchanged gifts. - 8 - EASTERN STAR INITIATES Six candidates were initiated into Golden Rule chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, at a meeting held In the Masonic hall Monday evening. The new members are Helen Boy- I I I We’ve Enjoyed Ser ving You and We’re Looking Forward to Continued Friendship. and may the New Year bring Peace and Happ iness. Nyssa Furniture Co. Makers of Picket Flour Holiday Greetings CLUB HOL d I M EETINGS The Sunday evening bridge club met December 19 at the home of Mr and Mrs Bernard Eastman. S c ores were won by Mrs Harry Miner and Bernard Eastman. The same club met at the home of Mr and Mrs George Sallee December 12. Prizes were won by Bernard East man, high, and Mrs Miner, second. —8— ENTERTAINS FOR DAUGHTER Mrs Sid Burbldge entertained for her daughter, Betty Jean, at a birthday party last Thursday after noon. Twenty guests attended the party, which was given on the occasion of Betty Jean's 10th birt hday. - - NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY DECEMBER 24 Robert Paige and Dianna Barrymore in “FRONTIER BAD MEN” Merle Oberon in j Merry Christmas Brownie's Cafe MMI.IMM IMI MM MM HI MMM 11 M il II 11 II 11 IMI HIM HI HIM HI .Ml II HI HI MM HI HI MMMM NMMMMM Lemon’s Hatchery Nyssa, Oregon 8 — LOCAL NEWS Recovering From Operation— Roy Wilde of Nyssa is recovering from his third operation in the st ate hospital at The Dalles. Surg eons removed parts of seven ribs to collapse one of lfis lungs. Girl Arrives— A daughter, Shirley Mae, was bo rn December 11 in the Nazarene hospital In Nampa to Mr and Mrs Dwight Seward of Nyssa. We will serve Christmas dinner from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, December 25. We wish you all a Very Will Toward Men. > i1 \ ND she brought forth her first born son and wrapped him in swad&ing clothes and laid him in a manger: Happy Homes •M M N ttM M M M U M N MUR MM M M O TIW M M M N H W H I'MMMKMMM 11 MOBWIiM and hasten the day of Peace on Earth and Good - CLUB IS ENTERTAINED The Mr and Mrs Pinochle club was entertained at the C. C. Cotton home last Thursday evening with three tables of cards In play. Jesse Lawrence was high for men and Mrs Helen Tonntng high for women. C. C. Cotton won the trav eling prize. A waffle supper was served at midnight by the hostess. —8— ADRIAN CLUB M EETS The Pinochle club of Adrian was entertained at the home of Mrs Charles Newbill last Thursday af ternoon. Mrs Dale Ashcraft was high and Mrs Stanley Hill was low. The members exchanged gifts. Mrs C. C. Cotton of Nyssa was a guest. Land Of Open C h ristm as Produce For Victory HOUSE WARMING HELD Mr and Mrs Lawrence Bailey were hosts to the Youth fellowship of the Methodist church Tuesday at a house warming party at their farm home. Mrs Bailey is the for mer Violet Clowers. limn nini I ti in ti in min hi hi hi 11 in in in hi 11 in 11 hi hi in m in in mi hi i i m hi in in 111 mm 11 Min i inin, Al Thompson and Son G reetin gs 8 PARTY PLANNED The Young Adult fellowship of the Methodist church will give a holiday college party Monday ev-1 ening in the church. Weiser M and E Co. Ours is a land of happy homes, of free hearts. God has bountifully best owed many blessings upon us. Let us put our trust in him and be glad this happy Yuletide season. S easo n ’s because there was no room for them at t h ; inn. Luke 2:7 WE WISH YOU A HAPPY CHRISTMAS Owyhee Drug Co. Buys Farm— Jim King of Nyssa has purchased a 30-acre farm, known as the B ar ton place, In Apple valley. Closed S atu rd ay Too Late to Classify Our Service Station will he closed WANTED TO RENT—20 to 60 acr es extra good row crop land with buildings west of Nyssa. Will pay cash rent. Inquire Journal office. 23D2xp LO ST—Pair child’s glasses, between | Dessert Seed plant and L.D j S. ch- ; urch or Gordon's Drive-in. Contact j Journal or box 475, Nyssa. Reward 23Dlxp I ----------------~ ------- FO R SALE—1941 Chevrolet delux four door sedan. Radio and heater. Bob Rhodes, phone Frultland 625. 23Dlxc FOR SALE—New shipment of end tables. Choice *10. Nyssa Furniture Co. 23D1XC Saturday, Dec. 25 in Observance of Christmas. Cheery Good Wishes for a holiday season filled with joy that will remain throughout the coming years of peace. Thompson Oil Co. FOR SALE—Pre-way circulating heater. Nyssa Furniture Co. 23Dlxc “OVER THE MOON” Mat.. Friday 9:30, Adm. 5c-20c Evening Adm. llc-33c Inc. Tax SATURDAY DECEMBER 25 Lucille Ball, William Gaxton and Virginia Wiedler in “BEST FOOT FORWARD” in Technicolor Selected Shorts S a t Mat.. 1:90 P. M , Adm. 5e-90c: Evening, U c-J3c, inctadaa tax SUNDAY and MONDAY DECEMBER 2 6 — 27 Martha Scott, Adolphe Menjou, Pola Negri, Dennis O’Keefe and Billie Burke in “HI DIDDLE DIDDLE" Pete Smith’s “Dog House” and John Nesbitt’s “Passing Mat Parade” Bun , 9:90 Adm a sc-llc, Inc Del Tax ___________ Adm. Eve., He, 33c Including Defense Tax________ — BARGAIN NIGHT— Barbara Stanwyck and Joel McCrea in “BANJO ON MY KNEE” (A reissue ) Sports and ASm Secret Service in Darkest Africa baton, Sc-Me, Including tax TUESDAY DECEMBER 28 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY DEC. 29—30 James Cagney, Grace George, Marjorie Ma in and Hattie McDaniel in “JOHNNY COME LATELY” Pete Smith and News Adm talon Evening — l ie and 93c. Including Drfenae Tax May Your Xmas Be Merry And may your blessings be many in the coming year and each year that follows. Nyssa Pharmacy A s one hands down a good name, Christmas each year hands down its traditions, and all ate good. It has been a tradition here to regard the good w ill o f our customers as our most precious asset. In this holiday season o f 1 9 4 3 we extend to you, not as a customer alone, but as a friend, our very best wishes for a . . . Mtrry Christmas £ \. Polar Cold Storage