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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1943)
TH E N YSSA G A TE C IT Y J O U R N A L TH U R S D A Y DECEMBER 23, 1943 PAGE Fl V8 THE &IETRODIST COMM UNITY I THE COM M UNITY UNITED will be held in January. very slight-less *han two grams per Here From Nevada— CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH M r and Mrs George Moeller and person under 1940-42 consumption. C. C. Wyckoff, formerly of Ny sa. M. H. Qreenlee. Pastor Kingman Memorial FAR M W AG E CEILING S family attended the Sunday school Is here from Babbitt, Nevada to J. C. Nevtn, Pastor. The war food administration has Church school opens at 10 o’clock program at Lincoln Sunday after been given jurisdiction over all attend to business. He was accom every Sunday morning with a wo { 10 AM ., Bible school noon. 11 A.M., morning worship. Ser- There will be a school program wages and salaries o f agricultural panied to Nys a by two of his ch- ! rthwhile devotional service led by CHURCH o f t h e n a z a r e n e jmon: You Can’t Change Human at the school house Thursday night labor up to 85,000 a year. Persons ildren, Betty and Gene. The vis- j L. E. Robbins, general superinten E. J. Wilson, pR tor. at 8 p.m. The : chool will have a whose base annual salary exceeds itors may remain here until after dent. Morning worship is at 11 am Nature-True or False? Barnest Barker, S. S. Supt. weeks vacation. School will begin 85000 are not considered -"agricul 7:30 P.M., evening worship. The tural labor.” Wages and salaries of Christmas. The Methodist Youth Fellowship again January 3. Sunday school, 10 a,m. family hour with the songs you agricultural labor above 82400. a and the Young Adult Fellowship M r and Mrs Fred Gregg and son Morning worship, 11 o’clock. Ser love and Bible thoughts to discuss. o f Pasadlna arrived last week for year are still frozen and may not mon topic, “ No Itoom In the Inn". meetings start at 7 p.m. each Sun be increased without prior approval The Pioneers lead our devotions. a visit with Mrs Gregg's parents, P ainter and D ecorator Young people and junior meet day evening. The evening worship o f the war food administrator. The adults discuss—"The Christian Mr and Mrs Lloyd Orris, and other ings, 7:16. T R A C T O R PRO D UCTIO N service begin* at 8 pm . with a half and L ife’s Discipline’’. The Young relatives. Mr. Gregg received a IS Instead of preaching service at hour of congregational singing. T h Only inside work fr Production of farm tractors rose day furlough before going over People have a music night. 8 pm . we will have our Christmas ere Is to be an exceptionally fine from*9800 units during September 8 P.M., Friday—Christmas eve seas. They al :o visited his parents I om now until spring. program. to 13600 in October and 16,000 in musical presentation both morning candle light service at the high In Burns. Prayer and praise service W ed and evening this Sunday. The pas The s-’hool board held a m eeting! November, which indicates real pr school. We Invite our friends and Free Estimate nesday, 8 pm. tor will preach at both services. neighbors to join us In this service. at the house of the clerk of th e , ogress Is being mace toward meet- \ A ll children in the Chris tsuns Prayer service is held at the par ing this important part of the fann 'school board, Mrs Glen Dowers, Iasi 8 P.M. Thursday—Choir practice 775 First St. machinery program on schedule. program are requested to be at the sonage on Wednesday evening at week. at Kingman school. church dt 2 pm. F IG H T IN G POOD NEEDS 8 o'clock. Januray 1, 1044, open house at i Lloyd Orris, who is employed at Percentages o f the total supply1 the parsonage, 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. the sugar factory is home this week of food that the military and arm Come and let us welcome the New | with influenza. j M r and M r; Harold Long of Ny- ed services will require during the I Year together. i ssa visited at the Charles Bullard coming year Include: 40 per cent: * It’s just about time for that perennial o f canned fruits and juices, includ-1 home Sunday. ADRIAN FREE METHODIST ing citrus, 15 per cent of the citrus paratrooper, Santa Claus, to start his Serving 5 Counties CHURCH fruits, 20 per cent of the canned From the Largest Stock of friendly invasion. W e just want to say we Adrian, Oregon vegetables, 16 per cent o f the but Genuine P. H. Reiman, Pastor hope he makes a happy landing, right in ter, 5 per cent of other edible fats Sunday School ...............10 A.M. The Owyhee Community club and oils, 16 per cent of the cheese, your home, bringing you more Christmas Preaching .......................... 11 A M . held its Christmas party at the 40 per cent of the evaporated milk, cheer than you’ve ever had before. Young Peoples meeting..........7 P.M. home o f Mrs Jessie Skinner with 14 per cent of the canned fish, 35 Preaching ............................. 8 P.M Mrs Werner Peutz assisting. Gifts Parts per cent of the eggs and 17 per We are sorry that the previous were exchanged and a covered dish Orders Shipped Immediately cent o f the dry beans and peas. announcement o f Bro Root coming lunch was served by the hostesses. C O M M O D ITY LOANS to us last week end was not fulfill Officers for the coming year were A summary of commodity loan ed because of conditions beyond elected as follows: Mrs Charlott programs administered by AAA our control but hope to have him K ygar; vice president, Mrs Ellis committee shows that up to Dece Phone 49 Payette, Idaho in the near future. Walter and secretary and treasurer, mber 1st, 1745 Oregon growers had Mrs Elizabeth Peutz. obtained loans on 5,504,238 bushels Trinity Lutheran Church The January meeting will be held of wheat, 17 growers had taken Parma, Idaho with Mrs Werner Peutz, when loans on 35,470 bushels of barley, Morning service at 10 a.m. programs for the year will be made. and 9 growers had loans on 835.600 Sunday school at 11 a.m. Rev. Kriner of Payette will hold pounds o f peas. Potato loan figures Children’s Christmas service Fri preaching services after Sunday are not yet available. day evening at 8 sharp. school Sunday morning. A Christ Christmas candle-light service on mas program will be given. Chrl'.tmas morning at 6 o’clock. A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Jesse M. Gregg Dec. 16 in the Brlttingham home hi Ontario. The baby has been named Rebecca r - - Mr and Mrs Ellis Warner were Louise. M r and Mrs William Peutz were mutuo» im Miiiiii» m im m m ini in in m mm m m m m m m m m i lh 11 mmmmmmm wiiimmm m m m mm m dinner guests Sunday at the Harry pleosed to received a telephone call Hull home near Vale. from their son Laurence, who had A large crowd attended the A r just landed in New Orleans and cadia Sunshine club meeting at the school house December 16. A pot- was enroute to an army camp in luck dinner was served at noon the UR. after serving for several with a program and a crab bag in years In the Panama Canal Zone. Church Services Andy McGinnis Owyhee Me Cluer-M anser If'e’ve been thinking, folks, that you've been very good to us during 1943, and right now is the most appropriate time to thank you. So thanks, everybody, and a very happy Christmas! i* O.K. RUBBER W ELDERS Arcadia Towne’s Garage jiMditi i t M Min i niHi i m ri M m MMHUfi m in mm m mmmmmmmmmmim»» m«H»iw mm»mtmmmmii the afternoon. The next meeting T h e approudung holiday season 1041 . à b iti • ’ S ’/ :.i;F a r m <i f f I M Q .ttt'i V/' WAR NEWS !\ (XtvfisW1** W ISH IN G YOU T im e s have changed , but Christmas remains unchanged— A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS the year's outstanding holiday in the timeless cycle of love an d good W e Extend fellowship. In the same old familiar Our Sincere Wish w a y it gives us pleasure to wish for That Your Holiday you in this season of 1943 the most in Christmas cheer an d enjoyment. Season and the Year to Come Be Filled With Much Happiness Nyssa Packing Co. and Joy! F L 6 d fe frAvHKENTS First payments under the new flour subsidy program will be ma de in Oregon at the rate of 14 cents a bushel for all wheat. Similar ra tes apply in Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada, and Utah, wh ile rates In other states range from 5 4 to 16 cents. Purpose o f the f l our subsidy program, as announced by the office o f economic stabili zation, is to enable wheat flour millers to pay as high as parity prices for wheat, should the mar ket reach that level, and at the same time continue to sell flour for no more than current celling prices. The subsidy cost will be less than 4 cent on a per-loaf-of-bread ba sis, whereas any Increases in the retail price o f bread would have to be at least one cent. It is estimated that without the subsidy, family flour would advance about 65 cents a hundred. W E RE E ATIN G MORE PR O TE IN The per capita consumption of animal proteins in 1943 according tc the Bureau of agricultural ec onomics. There has been a relat ively smaller consumption of pro tein from meat animals, but this has been more than offset by a record consumption of poultry, eggs and fluid milk. The decline indaily I meat animal consumption has been Christmas Cheer ★ U n d e Sam is to be con makes us appreciate more than ever before the priceless value of our friends and customers, has like yourself. It reminds us, too, done and is doing a mag o f the sacrifices being made by gratulated, fo r he nificent job. Th is is, in deed, occasion fo r Christ mas cheer. O ur compliments to you, friends, our thanks, o f our friends now in the service of Uncle Sam. To you, —id to all these, go our thanks ou r m ost h e a rty for your patronage in 1943, and wishes fo r an enjoyable our wishes for a joyous holiday. and and truly happy 1943 Christmas season. Owyhee Beauty Shop Iris Blake Letha Jeffrey Atkeson Clothing Store Merry Christmas and Happy New Year It is with grateful hearts that we wish you, our Friends and Customers a very HAJPPY Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. As we come to the close of our first year’s business in this country we find it hard to express our appreciation for the wonderful way we have been received by the fine people of this area. W e are grateful for the opportunity we have had o f helping in the W ar Effort by supplying machines, parts and service to the Farmers who are our first line Soldiers on the home front, in this Fight For Free dom- By Food Production. His weapons are his implements. The Imple ment Dealer is the man behind the Farmer’s Gun, the supplier o f parts and service, so that his machines can “ carry on” . To this end we have provided a well equipped shop, manned by excell ent mechanics who are honest and dependable and are doing a wonder ful job. It is with a great deal of pride that we present some of the best Nat ionally Known and respected lines of farm implements which we sell and Service: J. I. Case T ractori and Implements Cletrac C raw ler Tractors O D B L E S S Y O U , merry I « - tlernen. let’« get the Yule log burning. Bring on the viand« and let the jo y be unconfinod, for Christmas comes but o m cm * AtTthfs holiday time, as in the past, we are mindful of our indebtedness to you for your generous patronage, and pledge once more our determination to be still more deserving of your friendship. A a you tie up your Christ Holiday Cheer It’s about time for us to wake up and thank our many friends and customer« for their valued patronage during 1943. W e cannot tell yon how much we appre- ess. May ba very, ines packages think of us. W e ’ll be thinking o f you . . . thinking of how good you’ve been to us in 1943 and of what a pleasure it has been to serve you. a very M erry Christmas. vary happy. Gordon’s Drive-in N ic h o ls o n S e r v ic e an d A n d w e ll be wishing you S u p p ly C o m p a n y Our Motto Is “ Service For Victory” V Stunz Lumber Co. Goble Disc Harrows Parma W ater Lifters & Corrugators Jumbo Scrapers and Land Levelers Planet Jr. Tools and Equipment Myers W ater Systems Chattin Ditchers Rey-O-Cell Home Insulation Iron Age Potato Planters Farm Hardware and Supplies. Champion Potato Diggei’s Fox Hay Cutters Bernard Eastman Ontario, Oregon