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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1943)
THE NYftSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY DECEMBER 23, 1943 PAGE 4 following: a Merry Xmas or a Happy New haven’t any defense without food, the Oregon to Inflation. It Is assumed that the Trail-Dale Garrison, Year, have a snack ready to serve ! Brltian came to that conclusion al- two reports were based on the same master: Lloyd Adams, overseer; i most too late. If other countries at a moments notice. Cake or co statistics, but whereas Prentiss Br The Merry Matrons club held had not come to her aid her pos Mrs Cecil Florea, lecturer; George okies served with a steaming cup own saw only sunshine and happ their Christmas party at 'fee home of coffee or tea, counteract the ition wouid have been desperate”. Cleaver, steward; Frank Savage, iness Madam Pedklns was convin of Marie Holmes Wednesday after- chilly winds and salo warm the sp Mrs Bonart, supervisor of the st assistant steward; Nell Dimmlck, ced of gloomy times ahead. uoon. The was spent pl irits. juvenile Grange, said "Our th treasurer; Leno Christensen, secre- For the purpo a of scaring con aying parlor afternoon games, with Oladys If the youngsters go skating, sl ate eme for youth this year is "Active tary; Mrs Oeorge Cieaver, chap gress the president, naturally, de Davis and Nava Glenn receiving eighing, or coasting, a bowl of st Young In Every Grange". lain; Mrs Roy Holmes, Ceres; Mrs cided the report of the secretary' prices. Christmas gifts wera distri eaming chill could be waiting for "Here Members Is sn opportunity for ser Dale Garrison, Pomona; Mildred buted and lunch was lerved The them upon their return. of labor was better than that by club will hold its next regular me vice and Orange growth that no Adams, Flora; Mrs Nell Dimmlck, CON CARNE Mr. Brown, and as a matter of eting at the home of Bessie Hend CHILI Orange can overlook, Mrs Bonart lady assistant steward, and Frank suet said. "Masters of subordinate Oran Sherwood, LeRoy Herrman and fact, the Perkins interpretation of ricks December 29. At that time I % lb. cup ground beef ges should appoint a youth chair Harold Kurtz, members of the exe the statistics showing the constant officers for the next six months 1 large onion, sliced cutive committee. increase in living east; Is. more will be elected and new PoUyanna 1 green pepper, sliced (optional) man”. After Mrs Bonart led in the sing Ridgevlew— Olen Beebe, master; friends will be chosen. Members 4 cups tomatoes nearly correct, as »(vll tan consum are asked to leave their Red Cross ing of "Old Black Joe", Mrs Beck La Verne Has trie ter, overseer; Ber Salt and pepper ers are aware. read the roll of Malheur county nice Antrim, lecturer; Ralph Ant sewing finished so it can be turned 2 T. Chili powder Those represented were rim, steward; Robert Davis, assist Then again, the president some In at that meeting. 1 lb. Mexican or Red Kidney beans Granges. Boulevard, Vale, Oregon Trail, Or ant steward; Fannie Beebe, treas time ago stated that oil, product Honoring the birthday annlver- Melt the suet in Thrift Cooker or egon Harper-Westfall, Chalk urer; Margaret Glass, sec. Rob- ion in the nation had increased 95 sary of Mrs P. O. Holmes, a sur- | large kettle and brovm the beef. Butte. Slope, Eldorado, I-O-N. I ert Robertson, chaplain; Margie party was held at her home | Add onions, peppers, tomatoes, salt Kingman, Arock, percent since the start of the yar. prise Brogan, Buby and Ridge- McKague, Flora; Helen Davis, Po- last Monday evening. Two tables i and pepper, and Chill powder. Harold Ickea, fuel administrator, of progressive pinochle were In ~ mona; Ann Jurgens, Ceres; Fran- add Mexican beans which ha vlew. Mrs Beck said the Orange hashes Hastrlter, lady assistant stew- who likes to go along with the pre play with Mrs F. O. Holmes and Then ve been washed and soaked about gained respect of other groups ftrd, and Ben Clausen, gatekeeper. sident, challenged the statement R W. Holmes winning first prizes. 4 hours. Cook on low for 2 or 3 In the the county and added that “It 1 chalk Butte— John Hamilton, And F. O. Holmes and Mrs F. S. hours. Serve with crackers. and said production had Increased (Byers consolation prizes. Lunch behooves us to live up to the princ- master; Elza Nlccum, overseer; Ma- only 15 percent. Subsequently the provided by the gue.ts was served iples of our order”. During this war ud Cooper, lecturer; Thelma Moore, figures of "Honest" Harold proved at the close of the card playing. you need the Grange. You need the 1 secretary; Grover Cooper, treasu- to be correct. The deduction Is th recreatlon. We need the kind of rer; Mrs A. Roberts, chaplain; J. 'TJliere'll aiwaqa be at not all the statistics presented people who stick and keep the fa- Callahan, gatekeeper; Sadie Parker, by the president hold «rater, because 1th. Let’s be united and work for Ceres; Mrs I. Price, Flora; Mrs M. o thrishn«« they have been nanded to him by the organization”. A. Rataezyk, Pomona and A. Rob bureaucrats who are anxious to put Alter the meeting, a potluck lu erts, F. L. Parker and M. A. Ratae (Continued From Page 1) Mrs E. L. Jamison left for Calif their be t foot forward and their farm conference. The National Gr nch was served In the dining room. zyk. members of the executive com figures are not carefully checked. ornia Tuesday for a visit. has already passed a resolu Orange officers Installed Included mittee. After all, the occupant of the Burl Wyckoff spent Wednesday ange for the conference. White House has been so absorbed, night at the Leslie ToplUf home. tion Mr. asking Tompkins emphasized the in international affairs that he has Burl left Monday for Spokane to importance an international con neglected the domestic scene and - take his physical examination for ference of of “commqn men”. has to rely for his information on the army. We believe that is the back Mrs Alva Qoodell was hostess at ground the bureaus. Formerly the presid-1 for preserving peace”, the Barbarians from across ent would dig into a problem to the Out Our Way club Christinas said. “The diplomats have the seas would, if they satisfy himself, but came the warj party at her home Thursday after speaker and that has claimed his major noon. Thirteen members were pre failed in maintaining peace. You could, banish Christmas sent. Gifts were exchanged. Refr attention. forever from the earth. eshments of chicken salad, wafers, Why Harry HopUns and his wife But there’ll always be a left the White House and rented’ an fruit, cookies and coffee were ser C hristm as! M ay the old house in Georgetown has cau ved. The next maeting «rill be held sed endless gossip in social and pol at the Cecil Florea home December Christmas season of 1943 itical circles. One theory Is that 30. find you in the midst of a Mrs. Hopkins insisted on leaving Mr and Mrs George Cleaver and good old-fashioned Yule the presidential mansion because Alvin, and Mr and Mrs Alva Good- I 9 4 3 1 celebration. she wanted a home of her own and ell were in Boise Friday. was weary of being a guest of the Merry Christmas from Roosevelts. Harry, however, was qu ite content to be “the man who ca al of us to all of you. me to dinner" and wished to re Mr and Mrs Grover Lee, who main under the same roof with his were In Madras where he was em "O U TSTA N D IN G pal, the president; but his bride’s ployed on government work return insistence prevailed. Latest yam in ed Thursday to visit her mother, PERFO RM A N CE" the national capital is that Hop Mrs N. a. Phelan. Mr. Lee will le kins and Wendell WUlkle under ave about February first for Brazil, turns up, in two words, the achievements each other and that It was he «rill be a key man on a .11 III I I 11 il in I I t i l l I I il H m n Mini um 1MWI m m n m m m m m m MUM m m m m i i * stand Harry who talked the president where project. of our armed forces. We, too, strive dor into assigning a plane and crew Morrlson-Knudsen Mr and Mrs Verl Bishop and son for Wlllkle to circumnavigate the were I LEAK DECEMBER! Bi guests in De Loyd Schimmels outstanding performance in every item of globe last year when planes and home in Arena valley at a farewell 'Tie passing strange that pilots were sadly needed in the dinner honoring Pvt. Vincent Hln- European theater. service. We thank you most cordially for this month which fur who left the following day 'Number one development on the man. for Camp Adair, after spending a nishes the least light Columbia river as a post-war pro 15-day furlough visiting his par your good will and patronage and wish ject will be construction of Uma ents and other relatives. out at doors, should fur 1943 tilla dam. It Is estimated by the Mr and Mrs E. H. Brumtoach and you the Season’s Greetings. nish the moat light with army engineers that the cost will Ezra spent Thursday in Ontario lUisHts be 947,000.000 and that It will have in. ft's tha Spirit of Christ power as well as navigation. This and Mr Nyssa. and Mrs Case Muntjewerff m as. and tha Marrlest was Intended as the first step in shopped in Parma Thursday and of Christmases to youl the development of the Columbia, called In the Z. Davidson home. but late a site was found at Bonn Mrs M. E. Roges returned to the eville. The project Is assigned to Haworth home after a visit of a I Washington and Oregon as both days In the Watt home In Pa ★ From Greenland's icy moun Roger’s Cafe states «Mil be benefited although few tains to India's coral strand the from a navigation standpoint it will rma. Mrs Grover Lee and Mrs be better for the Columbia basin N. Mr 8. and age-old celebration of Christina* Phelan ipent Friday In Boise when the reclamation project is business. Is In progress. In this season of completed as it will furnish water on The Wade PTA ladies met at the universal good will we welcome transportation. home of Mrs Oeorge Elfers Sunday The recent order of th« V. 8. and prepared the opportunity to thank you for the Christmas treat maritime commission suspending the school children and others that measure of confidence you Sunday work in several of the large for In the district. They served the have shown In us during 1943 and northwest shipyards Is the fore lunch at the O. 6. Butler tale to runner of abolishing one complete other years. We will do our utmocf raise funds for school purposes shift in many of the yards. Before to continue to deserve It next spring it is expected the mari time commission will discontinue the graveyard shifts. Shipbuilding V ic to ry Food H in ts schedules have been maintained By r Loans Anderson s e a s o n ' s es from U-boat sinkings during the Company and production of freighters is well Homo Service Advisor fet advance of present needs. Loss- HOLIHAY HOSPITALITY past year have been relatively sm K i m 1111 m imu 1111 mu m 111111*111 m 11 m««MMmil*»*» w**m**» all as compared to launchings. The This year more than ever before United States now has the largest we should extend hospitality during merchant fleet In the world, and the holiday season. When friends also the largest navy. and neighbors drop In to wish you increased W percent, the average weekly wage had increased 33 per cent, corporation profits after taxes were up 13 percent over 1941, and that the cost of living was up only 12 percent. The administration pro mptly took credit for keeping liv ing oo ts down over a period of 22 months and puttir^ the brakes on inflation. 11 Secretary of Labor Frances Per kins. one week later, Oct. 29, 1943. | Issued a report sinking the optim- ' islic picture ol Prentiss Brown by reporting how prices had been go ing sky high since August, 1942. In one week, judging from lha-.e two press releases, the picture was Washington, D. C., Dec. 23--O0- entirely changed and only a subsidy \ em inent statistic* can jusyly ba to the farmers would prevent wild Viewed with suspicion. When Pre- inflation. Having first accepted the of Brown, two days ntis Brown resigned as head ol pleasing the report report by Madam Per OPA, October 21, he issued a st after the president sent a message atement in which he declared that kins CPA had presented Inflation; that to congress demanding a subsidy roll-back as the only way to the cost of living was forced down and remedy the high cost of living, and that since Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, which is another way of referring 1941, the income of the farmer had a Oregon Trail Buena Vista □ Wray’s Dime Store Big B«nd Tompkins Tells Of Recent Trip jSpiritcf n’islmas itebnas •tsr Moss-Ninemire Motor Co. Oirkcmas 1943 Inland Oil Co. HE STAGE COACH has given place to the stream liner. The electric light has snuffed out the soft- beamed candle. Tinkling sleigh bells are drowned in the roar of motor horns. But who will say that Christmas has lost its charm? With Christ mas at hand we renew our pledge of devotion to ideals of honest dealing, and express our appre ciation of your friendship for us during 1943. A WRIAfN IN TNI WINNOW a star in the sky, and happiness in the heart That the (’Hrist- mas season of 194S nay be truly memorable for you and yours is the earnest wish of “ HEAP ON MORE WOOD, THE W IND IS CHILL; n BUT LET IT WHISTLE AS IT WILL, Nyssa Lumber Co CHRISTMAS (’III Í H ¡9+J W m or peace, a h a w s s n n s rid it in tka making — a marié in which fiattar appartmmtiaa miti he kad far aM. Tha Spirit af Fragrata it an tka "•arch, and ma map all taak ha pa fail y la tka fattura. A l ik it tim a U it fitting that ma canni amr many fritada and cacali tèa happy raiatianthipt af IMS. IF a miah all af yam tka chaiaaat filata- Cfirh tn s tttim* Golden Rule Store W E ’LL KEEP OUR MERRY CHRISTMAS STILL!” No Sale Until January 8 Bybee Livestock Co.