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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO URNAL THURSDAY DECEMBER 23, 1943 PAGE 2 Blaine May of Ontario The 20 tr- courage correct pelt handling. appealed by the commission. :chool bus. | acts sold enriced the county by Dan Share. Kennie Rookstool and HAVE SOME IRONY over $»500. of the U.S. circuit co 2Ö TRACTS OF CO. Johnny Hamilton broke two ribs Hubert Parker, while picnicking on urt The of result The Gate City Journal LANDS ARE SOLD appeals having upheld the Chalk butte, ran across a coyote when he slipped and fell while lift which had a crippled leg. They ran Oklahoma community property tax Vale, Dec. 23-Twenty tracts at ANGLING RULES ing grain in his granary. TO BE DECIDED will be to bring a flood of app KLA8S V. POWELL . . . . - . - Editor and PublMier It Mrs Oce Sweitzer and Mrs Davis down and killed it with rocks - law licants under Oregon’s similar law county owned land were sold here left tor Portland. Mrs Davis will The Oregon law was passed by the Saturday at the public auction at The Oregon state game comm go to Dallas to visit her son, Clar ADVERTISING RATES 1943 legislature but only about 200 the court house. Several of the ission will hold its annual hearing SUBSCRIPTION RATES ence, who has been Inducted Into couples have taken advantage of It. tracts had been redeemed prior to in regard to angling regulations at $2.00 Open rate, per Inch......... 35c the army. the sale and the county court ord 10 o’clock Saturday morning, Jan CAPITAL SHORTS 4 Capitol $1.25 National, per Inch......" 35c The Wahine club will hold its Former governor Charles A. Spr ered several others withdrawn. uary 8, at Its offices, 616 Oregon Slimrle G od I m .......... _ 0A Classifieds, per word......... 2e first meeting in the new year at ague has given the state library all Highest priced tract went to building, Portland. t e p<r dc Minimum.........30c Helen Niccum's home January 6. (Strictly In Advance) of his official correspondence for Frank Mullins of Big Bend. He bid Consideration will be given at th A grab-bag will be featured. We M u rrJ i W.idc the period of his governorship. . . $4425 for a 40 acre tract with a at time to regulations affecting se A group of about 20 Chalk Butte The state tax commission is now good house on it. He bid this up asons, bag limits and methods ot Published even’ Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon Grangers attended the joint inst mailing out 459,999 forms for 1944 from $3200. Another 40 acre tract, taking of game fish. The hearing Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission allation of officers at the Boul income tax returns . . When the listed at $1260 was bid to $2020 by will be open to the public. DELINQUENT RETREATS CR “orrlble’n through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under evard Grange Saturday night. revoltin’’ details of the the act of March 3, 1379. Mr and Mrs Vernon Britton and OWDED Oregon-Washington $6.000,000 liq her father have gone to The Dalles Oregon’s Juvenile delinquency pr uor deal are previewed we will kn wmm on a visit. continue to increase at an ow why the consummators went to A big crowd of Wahine club me oblems Kansas City, in the “show me" st appalling rate. The population of M a n u (tilU ITM A i REAL SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS REMAINS mbers and their families attended the State Training School for Boys ate, to sign the papers. Christmas party. Priz Two years after the bombing of Pearl harbor, their annual increased fifty percent in the 1 943 the most appropriate cost has past three years. The State Indus we are faced with a new kind of Christmas, a es umes for went LESTER TOLL IS to Hubert Parker, Bar trial School for Girls has been full kind of Christmas that no one expected a few bara Poots and Mr and Mrs U. E. for a year. Most of the delinquent WINNER OF AWARD Parker. years ago to experience. now being sent to private Lester Toll, well known trapper is the new driver on girls are homes to be cared for. The warm friendly sound of “Merry Christ the Bob Cow Newgen Nyssa, Is a winner of a dally Hollow and Sunset valley girls’ Ninety percent of the delinquency of for correct pelt preparation mas” is largely missing as we meet friends; the illlllllMIlllltm W IHIHN IIWWMHNMMM cases of the past year were caused award in the fifteenth national fur show spirit of gaiety, at least among the older peo by family troubles the result of war conducted ray fur market conditions, such as both parents ing service by of the ple, is subdued and the bubbling enthusiasm of Sears, Roebuck and working. shoppers is squelched. In addressing the state board of I oo. Toll’s carefully handled muskrat The so-called spirit of Christmas is gone and , control M. D. Wooley, superinten ■ pelt brought him one of the $5 dent of the boys school, said, "Five dally awards, as a result of Its be we are depressed because our sons and hus years after the war we ll be reaping j ing LIGHTS ON THE FIR TREE, judged one of the three best bands and brothers are out there somwhere G EN TLE W O R D S , O P EN the harvest from the conditions skin among all pelts rece- fighting for preservation of the principles en we are creating now. We can’t get 1 handled SNOW ON THE WINDOW ived at Sears fur receiving station J HEARTS, W ILL IN G HA N D S, enough help to supervise the boys in Seattle, Saturday, December 4 ft unciated by the Prince of Peace, but perhaps it and there is no means of super LEDGE...THE JOYOUS S O F T M U S IC , FRIENDSHIP, in addition entitles Toll to co is only the spirit of Santa Claus that is gone. vising them after they are released and, nsideration for one of the major You know during the last few decades big, » « from the institution. There is a vit awards, including $1.000 first award FACES OF CHILDREN . . . L O V E . ..T H I S IS CHRIST- al need for an intermediary instit accorded in the final judging to be * 1943 good-natured St. Nicholas has almost obscurrecl ution to care for boys over eight held in April. M ASI M A Y IT BRING Y O U the slight, sad figure that is the center of the een years old and in their early Correct pelt preparatlon-the pr Christmas theme. twenties. It is a crime in itself to ime purpose of the fur shows has HAPPINESS A N D J O Y send an 18-year-old boy to the pe proved Yes, we have been celebrating the arrival of to be of vital Importance to B E Y O N D EXPRESSION . . . nitentiary." Santa Claus, rather than the birth of Jesus Ch trappers due to the fact that mill Santa may have new . . . M AY IT BE A VERY Six boys escaped from the boy’s ions of dollars were formerly wast rist and perhaps the war has brought us a real school Saturday. modes of transporta' ed through careless, incorrect skin A HAPPY ONE FOR YOU OREGON LEADS AGAIN ization that we have been by-passing the real ning, stretching and drying of furs- tion in his bag of tricks, Oregon is far ahead of other st purpose of Christmas. which could readily have ates In post-war highway planning, dollars but our wish is that his State Frank Morgan gone into the trappers’ pockets In Paulus Jew«Iry Store We can’t be hilarious, because we know that Highway Engineer R. H. Bal- stead of being cast to the winds. 1943 pack include a dock said on his return from a trip men and women are suffering on the fighting Well-prepared pelts command more Chicago where he attended the money great big package of to annual fronts, W£ know that men are languishing in than poorly handled ones-, convention of the American Increasing not alone the earn-; old'tim e Christmas filthy prison camps and we know that parents Association of State Highway Off thus ings of the trapper, but the value icials. are praying for the safety of their loved ones cheer, addressed to of our country’s natural resources. “If the war ended now we could across the waters, but we can be thankful for Sears fur show was established to you, dear friend—to let contracts on $30,000,000 worth stress tad— the point and, thus, to en- the blessings that have been brought to us th of highway projects within six mo YOU. nths," Baldock said. rough the birth of Jesus Christ. After all, a cel ☆ The association organized its ca ebration or observance of an event is a peviod mpaign for a federal bill to aid st of thankfulness. We don’t celebrate defeats; ate post-war highway programs for Sugar City Bakery Ìjiu iim a é / three years immediately after the we celebrate somthing for which we are thank f illililliMllilliliMlllllllMililittlUMIIIIi war. which would provide for $15,- ful. 000,000 a year for the three years. We can be thankful that our government has Baldock will attend the hearings on the bill early In January. The allowed us much liberty even in times of war, state committee of post-war read that our losses in men have been comparatively justment and development has list low because of the wisdom gained by our milit ed $60 million for Oregon highways, $46 million of which they expect ary leaders, that our army and navy are on the to be supplied by the federal gov offensive, that the farmers of this country have ...a candle in the window ernment. produced all the food we need, that we can NO SPECIAL SESSION e gleam of a star on a tree Last week Oregon War Dads de worship in the church of our choice, that our manded that Governor Snell osll a r u u n jf jo t smaller children are largely untouched by the special session of the legislature to ... the light in the eyes of a ravages of war except for the absence of some provide more funds for post-war fathers and that we are assured of victory in projects to supply employment for MERRY child on Christmas morning returning veterans. The governor the world conflict if we all perform our duties called to the attention of the org- ★ ★ ★ Holiday Ckeer lnization the existing State Post e f f ic ie n t ly .______________________________ CHRISTMAS war Readjustment and Develop But Christmas is more than these... ATTENTION HOG RAISERS: ment commission which should TO ALL I wish to announce that In receiving hogs at Homedale, Idaho suffice for another year or until how much more we cannot put into and Nyssa, Ore.. I am resuming my former practice of paying the next regular session of the leg ★ White Christmas or AND the best, price market conditions permit at the time of delivery islature, January 1945. words, but you do know that we are Green Christmas is a and in addttkn thereto any additional amount that favorable The governor suggested that we matter of both geog sale of hogs might make possible after expenses and a modest take it “slow and easy”. GOD BLESS wishing for you all that Christmas handling charge are deducted. SELL WHERE THERE IS NO , ANOTHER PINBALL APPEAL raphy and of météor COMMISSION. NO SHRINK, NO EXTRA EXPENSE IN CURED On December 10th the state tax at its very best implies, and all that es I o g y. B u t M e r r y YOU THROUGH A LARGE NUMBER OF MEN REQUIRED TO HA commission appealed to the state Christmas Is an affair NDLE YOUR HOGS, And where you can see and check the we supreme court from Multnomah Christmas can bring . . . . EVERY ONE ight of your hogs yourself. For Friday’s price phone 53 JLJ Ho county circuit court decision hold of the heart. And that's medale or 111R Nyssa cn Thursday evenings. ing that the state pinball and Juke the kind of a Christ- FRANK KULLANDER. NYSSA ORE. box tax should have become effect Nordale Furn. Store ive last June 30 Instead of June 9 as the commission contends. The big for you and yours suit was brought by a Portland a- as 1943 draws ta a musement company to seek elim- natlon of about nine percent of the tax they would pay this year. Two Chadwick’s Drive-in other cases involving constitution ality of the law already have been Upp«r Sunset ie: LSI th th sii at at ca b) so ol tt St te w Vi ot a) w fc gi ai or a: a JOYOUS HDLIDAV m wm 1943 Nyssa Elevator MEfriiKj nu Hew 1 9 €, \ ff VV 44 „ H appy N e w Year many years in succession we have been wishing our friends and customers a Happy New Year. It is With the greatest of pleasure that we now renew this custom Many thanks, and every good wish for you. Far Wilson Brothers Dry Goods Store Reason* Cj'ieetitujS... It we have our way about it St. Nicholas is going to make an extra long stop at your home. No one needs to point out to us what your loyalty has meant to us during 1943. All we can my is Thank you, and Merry Chr Gamble Store stliso ns 0R£ £ T I (IG S E PAUSE, on the Eve of Christmas, 1943, to contemplate how much we owe the per ennial character of our customers. With gratitude and pride we scan the list. Some of these customers have been with us for more than a quarter of a century. To these old customers, to new ones, and to potential ones every member of this organization now joins in wishing “Merry Christmas.” Eder Hardware Co.