THE NYSSA G A Jj|C IT Y JOURNAL THURSDAY DECEMBER 16, 1943 PAGE SIX ?! \ fea Ut: th« the sili, ab) abi ca i by soi ole thi fitt tei wl vie oU an wl io: er an <m ar ce NYSSA CIVIC CLUB December 20 for six candidates WELCOMES YULETIDE Following the lnitiaton a social Mrs Qick Tensen presided at a hour will be held. delightful Christmas meeting en- j Nyssa chapter members are inv Joyed Wednesday by the Nyssa ited to attend an anniversary par Civic club. Members favored post ty given by the Ontario chapter ponement of the January meeting In Ontario December 17 at 8 o’cl but urged good attendance at the ock. annual election In February. The annual contribution for children's NEIGHBORS HOLD ELECTION aid was voted. j Mrs Sylvia Fox was elected or Little Phoebe Ellen Jensen and acle of the Nys a camp of the Roy Dona Lee Wilson entertained with al Neighbors of America at a meet delightful accordion and violin so ing held last week. lus. Mrs Bernard Frost read Ch- j Other officers are Helen Gonnyer, rlstmas stories and Mrs Herbert past oracle; Margaret Carpenter Fisher led games. The social com- ; vice oracle; Anna Goshert, chanc mltlee. consisting of Mrs Bumall ellor; Alice Collins, recorder; Mar Brown, Mrs Frank T. Morgan and garet Nelson, receiver; Ruth Chadd Mrs Oeorge Mitchell, served fruit marshall; Lorel Moss. Inner sent cake and coffee from a pretty lace inel; Ruth Pruyn, outer sentinel covered table, which was centered Mrs Calvert, manager for three with a beautiful bowl of white and years; Alfreds Shelton, musician, red carnations and red tapers. and Dr. Mauldlng and Dr. Barazln As an interesting sidelight Mrs. of Nyssa and Dr. Sears of Ontario, Tensen presented a letter from a examining physicians. former Nyssa resident of Dutch —5— nationality who Is now interned In HOSTESS TO CLUB a German camp. Mrs Sleversen Mrs LuRea Trabert was hostess and her two daughters are inter to the Wednesday evening bridge ned In the camp. The letter had club last week. Prizes went to Mrs been mailed In August and asked Nick Rudellck, first; Mrs Ellis only of former Nyssa friends. Buckland, second and Mrs Trabert, the traveling prize. — s— EASTERN STAR ELECT —5— The annual election of Golden ENTERTAINS AT PARTIES Rule chapter of the Eastern Star Mrs T. H. Eldredge entertlaned was held Monday evening. at two bridge parties last Thurs The new officers are Joyce Lien- day. Guests at the afternoon party iaemper, worthy matron; William were members of her bridge club. Schireman, worthy patron; Dorothy Mrs A. H. Boydell received high Butbldge, associate matron; Aub score and Mrs John Bishop the rey Fletcher, associate patron; Ju traveling prize. In the evening two lia McDonald, conductress; Betty tables were In play with Mrs J. B. Rinehart, associate conductress; Glezentanner receiving high score Hilda Tensen, secretary, and Hazel and Mrs Bernard Frost the trave Frost, treasurer. ling prize. Installation will be held at the —I — first meeting In January. PUPILS TO GIVE RECITAL The chapter will hold Initiation Pupils of Mrs J. C. Nevln of Ad- and years. Babylon and religion. Will be discussed January 6, 1944 at FOR SALE—25 red and buff pul 7:30 p.m. in Eagle’s hall by The lets. Phone 05R5 16Dlxc Outcast. No donations or collections asked. 16D3xp FOR SALB—Ducks and geese. Eight miles southwest Nyssa on CCC FOR SALE—25 tons of third cat road. H. H Whitman. 16D2xp ting hay at $14 per ton in Sunset Valley Three miles west of Lang- NOTICE—My subject. The Middlin cton’s store. W. T. Cannon and ton. 16Dlxc gs of man In days, weeks, months R.F.D. 2 "A rtist Unknown” C h ristm as C ards We still have a very complete selection of Christmas cards. Our box assortments are especially appropr iate for persons desiring to buy cards in quan tity. Also plenty of wrapping paper, seals and tags. - I - 3UN8HINE CLUB MEETS The Rebekah Sunshine club met at the home of Mrs Mary Felton Friday. Names for the Christmas party, which will be held at the home of Mrs Leuck Thursday after lodge, were drawn. Persons attend ing the party are to provide a gift, a covered dish for lunch and so mething for entertainment Those wishing a name may call on Merle Johnson for one. U . S. M ario« Corpa Photo Hastily drawn on eardboard by n Marine Corpe private during a major bottle on Guadalcanal, the drawing reproduced above allows six Marines attempting to gain the last few footholds to carry their seriously injured comrade from the jungle’s depths. The place, date and rank of the artist were on the drawing, found on Guadalcanal, but his name is Illegible. Whether he waa killed during the fight that day or in one of the many action s,th at followed may ho never known. - number is a Christmas reading with PINOCHLE CLUB MEETS a musical background. Mrs George The Mr and Mrs Pinochle club met last Wednesday at the home Henneman will be the reader. On of Mr and Mrs Henry Borgman wi the evening of December 26 a pag th three tables In play. eant will be given by several mem Irshal Davis was high scorer for Hero From Nampa— bers of the church. The pageant the men and Mrs Oliver Patch was Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Moure and was written by students of Gin rtlgh for the ladles. Mrs Jesse La family of Nampa spent Saturday Ling college of West China. wrence received the traveling prize. and Sunday with relatives in - 8 - Here From Payette— Nyssa. GUESTS AT DINNER Mrs George Shurtliffe of Payette Mr and Mrs C, O. Cotton were Is visiting at the home of Mrs dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Here From Bob e— Frank Rambaud. She was called Newtolll at Newell heights Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Rooksby here because of the serious Illness I- of Boise visited Saturday and Sun of Pete Rambaud. ENTERTAIN CLUB, m.i i t 11 h h i tm i m i:iwi!iiii iniiiiiti in unit hi n n m i i hi m i i hi in i m n n n n n m m i hi ni unti in mumhm Mr and Mrs R. G. Larson ent day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Future Fanners Meet— ertained the Mr and Mrs club last Pond. The Nyssa F.F.A. held a meeting evening at a dinner, followed by Monday evening In the high s c h Transferred to Parma— bridge. Honors In bridge were won Miss Clarissa Tillman, formerly of ool building. The chapter raised by Bumall Brown and Mrs Larson Ny-tsa, has been transferred by the several "green hands" to the ch _______ — 8 — Union Pacific company to Parma apter farmers degree. Refreshme HOSTESS TO CLUB wniectt A ù uea*. nts of cider and doughnuts were Mrs Harry Miner was hostess to from Reverse. Miss Tillman is a served. the Wednesday evening bridge club telegrapher. at her home this week. Mrs T. H. Men Escape Injury— Eldredge and Mrs Emma Quinby Visit In Veto— Olenn Carroll of Nyssa and Clay Mr. and Mrs. Pete Blake and were guests of the club. Mrs Orm- ton Tschlrgl of New Plymouth es daughter, Shirley Lee, visited In \ and Thomas, Mrs L. A. Mauldlng caped Injury Tuesday morning and Mrs Qulnby were winners la Vale Saturday and Sunday with when their automobiles collided on Mr. Blake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. bridge. the Idaho fide of Snake river 200 Charles Ingram. We know that your friends and relatives will yards from the Nyssa bridge. INVITES CLUB Returns Home— Mrs Eddie Fowel was hostess to Attend Dinner— Mrs Frank Lawrence has return be pleased with the gifts you buy from us. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland at her foursome club Tuesday after ed home from a trip to Bremerton, tended a bridge dinner at the home noon Mrs Dean Smith was a guest Our Suggestions of the club. Mrs T. H. Eldrldge of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd McMur- Washington. Her husband, who Is chle In Payette Saturday night. serving In the navy, has gone to received high score. sea again. Manicure Sets Face Powders Automobile Damaged— Visit In Caldwell— CLUB HOLDS h q l L s PARTY The front of an automobile dr Mrs. A1 Thompson and Mrs. Var The annual Christmas party of Toiletries Men’s Sets the Tuesday afternoon bridge club na Beutler spent Monday In Cajd- iven by Jay Bybee of Nyssa was badly damaged in a collision with was held at the home of Mrs O. J. w«U. Billfolds ' Playing Cards Sets a truck operated by Jesse Lucero Mitchell. Gifts were exchanged by of Nyssa at Third and Bower st the members. Mrs J. B. Glezentan Vall> Poker Chips Mis* Edna Burt of Nampa, form reets today noon. The automobile ner was high scorer In bridge er Nyssa resident, visited over the struck the left side of the truck, week-end with Mr. and Mrs. which was equipped with a beet Christmas cards and wrappings MAKING RATION Thomas Nordale She was a dinner bed. but the truck wa9 not dama guest Sunday at the home of Mr. ged. Neither driver was Injured. TOKENS STARTED Injured In Fall— and Mrs. Wayne Morris. Mrs Charles Grider suffered a The manufacture of two billion painful injury to her nose Tues Day Pbone 29 Night Phone 9IW ration tokens, smaller in size and Viaiting H< more than twice the number called Mr and Mrs Paul Heldt arrived day when she slipped and fell as 11II HI II11 HI III I HI HI HI HI I HHI Ill-Ill lit III III 11 HI Mill HI III HI HI HI HI HI II HI HI HI HI 111 HI 11 III I Mil ............... for In the original plan, was star here last Thursday from Amarillo, she was walking to the sugar fac ted this week by the Osobme Reg Texas, where he Is stationed with tory. where she Is employed. ister company of Cincinnati, the the army. TTiey are visiting Mr. Too Late to Clauify office of price administration an Heldt’s parents. Mr and Mrs A. L. nounced today. Heldt of Nyssa and Mrs Heldt’s FOR SALK—Cabinet Phllco radio. The order calls for the manufac parents. Mr and Mrs M. Fraslg of Good looking and excellent recep tion. Price $50 R. L. Patton about ture of 1,000,000,000 red tokens to Homedale. 3 miles west of Langton’s corner; be used In m aking'"ration change" tt miles west of Owyhee school. In buying meats and fate, and Service* Manned— lSDlxp 900,000,000 blue tokens to be used At the regular morning service of In buying processed foods. the Methodist church Sunday, Dec OPA Increased the number of ember 19 a special musical reading. FOR SALE—1935 Chevrolet pick Double Feature tokens on order because It Is nece "The Oonquerer”, will be given. The up. Howrad's service station. 3 ml- FRIDAY A SATURDAY DECEMBER 17— 18 ssary to Insure an adequate supply Joel McCrea, Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Prest to meet all needs starting from on, Akim Tamiroff and Brian Donlevy in the day the plan goes Into effect. By reducing the slue of tokens, the “UNION PACIFIC' total number Is being more than (A reissue) doubled without Increasing the qu Color Cartoon antity of limited materials origin- S a t Mat.. 2:30 P. M , Adm. 8o-2Pc; Evening. llc-3»c. meraaee tax all; allocated for token manufact ure. SUNDAY and MONDAY DECEMBER 19— 20 The OPA also announced: The new ration token plan will Bud Abbott and Lou Costello with Ginny Sim go into effect on Sunday. February ms and Patric Knowles in 37. 1944. “HIT THE ICE” Food retailers will get their sup Without the warmth ply of token, from the nation's The Rockies Rock With Laughter When These banks. Application should be made aces Hit the Ice . . Immediately. you get from our high Cartoon and World in Action I Tokens will be distributed to re- Mat. 3un 2:90, Adm Ilc -g c aw ning Adm. llc-33c. Include« tax ' t alters about February V. 1944. quality fuels you can Strips of at am pa. each having a — BARGAIN NIGHT— value of tan points under the plan, regardless of the numeral now app TUESDAY DECEMBER 21 not enjoy the thrill of earing on the stamps, will be val Gene Tierney and Bruce Cabot in idated on a hortaontal or acroa,- “SUNDOWN” t he-book basis rather than on a that Christmas Eve. (A return showing) 1 vertical or up and down basis, aa at present. In Quality Coals We Offer Shorts and Secret Service^in^Darkest Africa A regular schedule of validity dates will be mtabUahed This will provide a total of fire processed WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY DEC 22—23 foodi stamps worth M points for UTAH’S BEST Jean Arthur, John Wayne, Charles Winninger each consumer at the start of each month Three meat-rats “A Cold Home Breeds 111 Health" and Phil Silvers in worth a total of JO For Quality coal and prompt service call “A LADY TAKES A CHANCE” come valid ewtry two LOCAI NEWS ¿¿In a¿otee jM n o i aó N y ssa P h a rm a cy Livestock Owners: Be sure to bring your livestock in this Satur day as there will be No Sales During Next 2 Weeks because of the holidays. Bybee Livestock Com. Co. Phone 25-R Col. Bill Lane, i Phon« 108 PROGRAM THEATRE M ak e th e H om e Warm For A M erry C h ristm as Liberty a She Starts to See America, But Gets a Man in Her Eye . . Shorts and News Baanlng — 11« and Sic. Including Dafanaa Tax A1 Thompson & Son Ite s M tad and G m S l « a i Phone 05J3 Phone 116J GIFTS That Are Practical Quilted Robes , $ 12.95 Beautiful floral pattern satin outside and a pl ain color crepe lining. This is a practical pres ent that any woman would be pleased to rece ive. They come in colors blue, green, pink and led. Sizes 12 to 20. Owyhee Drug Company NYSSA D. 0 . Bybee, Mgr. Auctioneer 6ui OOKAT FAKf A LOOK TAKA WBAT WK ULVA. a 16D1XP les east of Nyssa. rian will give a recital In the Adr ian high scliool building Wednesday evening. December 22 at 8:15. The public is invited to attend. A prize will be awarded U> the student who has done tlie best work during the year. An award will also be made to the player who gives the best performance of the even ing, according to a vote of the au dience. The following pupils will play: Jimmy Wilson, Selma St am. Bar bara Hatch, Arlene Piercy. Myrna Lane, Caroline and Oeorge Sc hie - mer, Rachel Shaw, Betty Jean To- ombs, Ada Curtis, Joyce Kurtz, Eva Lee Drown, Donna Peterson, Dan ny Patch, Laura Louise Nevln and Dudley Kurtz. —8— _____ CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Chatter Box club served a potluck dinner at the T. C. John son home Wednesday of last week. Twelve members and one guest a t tended. The members planned a New Year’s eve party. The club’s Chrstmas party will be held Dece mber 23. Blankets $ 5.95 Large size satine bound blankets. A beautiful blanket for warmth and wear. Rayon and cott on which is lustrous in floral design. Covers in blue, 101 st, rose and green. Robes $3.49. Other blankets $1.98 up. Men's IO O Per Cent W o o l Pants $ 13.95 Heavy weight all wool cavalry twill pants. A nice looking warm pant. A stock man’s style. Flap pockets and zipper fly. Colors tan, brown and forest green. Sizes 29 to 36. Men's Dress Gloves $2 Per Pair Black, warm lined, pigskin, dress gloves for men. Durable and dressy. Sizes 8Va to Men’s Hats ♦5 *6 *7 Fine quality fur felt “Mallory" Hats. Assorted colors. All sizes. Golden Rule NYSSA OREGON ¥