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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY DECEMBER 16, 1943 PAGE THREE '•bed in this compaint. accidents and 16 claims for occup -N THE NAME OF THE STATE ational disease benefits reported to OF OREGON: You and each of the state the pa .t week . . Hear tening news has reached Salem of you are required to appear and the satisfactory progress that Un answer the complaint filed ag ited States Charles L. McNary is ainst you In the above entitled suit making in recovering from a major \ on or before the 16th day o f Dec operation. He is now in Flcrida re RATES: Two cent» pnr word lor each Issue. Minimum cash In cooperating. A NCW ember, 1943, said date being ihe PLA6TIC advance Is 30c. last day of 4 weeks from the date APRO! FOR WAR WORKER'S of the first publication of this Big Bend SHECS WATER, 0Ä. OIL. 6A50UKE, summons, and if you fail to ans MtLP ACIPS Uve fox jeed horses. Phone 8 Pay- MISCELLANEOUS Mrs Thomas Welsh was taken to ANP ALKALI ette. Ì7Ntfc wer said oomplaint for want there A S WELL *5 the Caldwell sanitarium last Sun For Sal* i s Ç 5 3 â lOPtNC ANP of, the plaintiff will apply to the day for treatment. Owing to her SIMILAR Court for relief prayed for in her CCMPOUNPS advanced age she is Very frail. ________________ i BUTCHERING complaint on file herein. Mr and Mrs Charles Sandberg of — ----- — — —-----—, - __ I Custom butchering every Monday FOR SA LE -A uto Liability Ihsur- and Beef, ^ eeiJ and pork This suit is brought for the pur Seattle were dinner guests In the Brumbach home last Thursday. Mr anue. $11.80 per year on “ A" Ration, j Sanitary butchering guaranteed. pose of securing a decree adjudg ing that the defendants have no Sandberg was a Roswell teacher Other Rates Proportionately low Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa right, title, estate. Hen or interest over 40 years ago when Roswell on Alberta Ave, Jake Fischer. Meets State’s Requirements in or to Lot 8 of Block 1, Original had a one room school building. Bernard Eastmen Gate City Journal classified ads; Townsite of Nyssa, Malheur Coun- Mr and Mrs Walter Bishop and it 1AKÏ« 9.000 get results. | ty, Oregon, and quieting the title Mr and Mrs Cyrus Bishop attend TIM CAMS FOR FOR SALE—Farms cf all sizes owe IISM -T A»A*.y of the plaintiff thereto; requiring ed the land sale at Vale Saturday. -TANK. 16 FOR 3100 to $300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson, ALICE A. COLLINS the defendants and each of them Walter Bishop bought eighty acres CNF AtACHl - FASHION FOUNDATIONS I to set forth the nature of their of land lying along Snake river. G Jr!, /’NP-f- R realtor. 12ATFC USE IN A BOV 3 Will Call By Appointment. I claims, if any, and that all such Mr and Mrs F. A. Miller, Mrs N. Residence Phone 12B-J FOR SALE—Taylor Tots for the S. Phelan and Mrs Lora Pillsbury | claims be decreed inferior to the Box 500, Nyssa. were business visitors in Caldwell j right and claim of the plaintiff; baby’s Christmas. Nyssa Furniture that by decree of this court the Wednesday. Co. 2DTFC C. R. Purdy transacted business H. S. Sackett as reg- Legal Advertisement . I defendant in Vale Saturday. istrar of Titles for Malheur Coun FOR 8 ALE OR TRADE—Nice 80 L O N E ytAR œ IN 6I.E H. R. Hatch of Nyssa spent the ty be ordered and directed to can A IR C R A F T C A R R IE R -rue acre« in Sunset valley for apprais- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING eweM^ to tim es what sue week-end at his home here. cel outstanding Certificate of Title ST OMClf SA M . ed price or trade for 40. Terms. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that le No. 143 and issue to the plaintiff Mr and Mrs Ray Cartwright, Mrs Box 662, Nyssa. 2D3xp j the first and final account of Ed as the owner of said premises a Della Bunnell, Mrs Will Stradley ina M. Basting, formerly Edna M. new Certificate of Title to said Lot were Caldwell shoppers Saturday. FOR SALE—Bllt-well rockers and Wareham, administratrix of the 8, Blockl, Original Townslte of Ny |j Joe Brumbach left for Jameison R ojm O overstuffed furniture. Nyssa Furn estate of Lloyd Wareham. deceased, cane i I Wednesday where ha Is working on ssa in place of the old Certificate IS so iture Co. 2DTFC has been filed in the County Court ! 1 a shovel for the sugar company. of Title No. 143. NAM EC? BEC*use of Malheur County, Oregon, and This summons is published by or 1 Mr and Mrs Walter Bish; p and FOR SALE—iMake me an offer on oetsiiouy that the 3rd day of January. 1944. der of the Hon. Robert D. Lytle, | Mr and Mrs Cyrus Bishop transact -IME PUFF 52-acre farm, ideal row crop land. | IN6Rt OlENTS at the hour of 11 o’clock A. M. has Circuit Judge, dated Nov. 12, 1943, ed business in Nampa Monday. With Bn Farm-all tractor with H OOP. C tie tP fOA A YfAA. WUL . . . WfBEMEAlUREP been appointed by the Court as the prescribing that this summons be Mr and Mrs DeLoyd Schtmmels A A O D uC t A S MVCA A S 3 5 S MOKE ' ^ 9/ineroyüB complete line of attachments 3 ml- U S AT TH A N & SC& V WOOD. time and the County Court Room served by publication thereof once and sons of Arena Valley and Mr 1 « southwest o f Nyssa on Road to j ~ and Mrs Everett Ulmer and daug each week for four consecutive Adrian. Phone 01J3 or write b o x ! the hearing of objections to said weeks In the Gate City Journal, a hter were Sunday guests in Verl 433, Nyasa. 9D2XC final account and the settlement eral days. Clingenpeel, who faces charges of Bishop home. newspaper published in Malheur Denzil Lee Howell was an over failure to provide for minor child FOR SALE—Large leghorn roos thereof, at which time any person County, Oregon. The date of the ters from Mr. Lee’s flock: L. E. interested in such estate may app- first publication hereof is Nov. 18, night guest at the J. W. Jennings ren In California. Robbins, Gem avenue, 3 miles north ear anc* Me objections thereto In 1943 and the date of the last pub home Wednesday. INSURE AGAINST SEVENTH CO of Nyssa, timlle west. ¡writing and contest the same. Mr and Mrs S. D. Bigelow made lication is December 16, 1943. Mrs Vern Chadwick and daugh LUMN ------------------------------------------------------ 1 Edna M. Basting, formerly a business and pleasure trip to Na A. L. Fletcher ters are visiting Mrs Chadwick's More than 64 percent of all acc W ANTED ' Edna M. Wareham. administrat mpa Friday. She called at the Attorney for Plaintiff rix of the Estate of Lloyd Ware parents, Mr and Mrs Da non Sav idents in Oregon occur in the ho “Doc” Pullen home while there. Residence and Post Office Ad WANTED—Someone to cut wood ham, deceased. me. according to figures recently age. Mrs George T. Gregg of Caldwell dress : Nyssa, Oregon. for wood. C. C. Ctoon, % mile A. L. Fletcher Pfc and Mrs Lloyd Cleaver left complied by the industrial accident spent the week-end with her mot southwest of town. 9D2xc j Attorney for Administratrix for California Saturday after visit commission. Approximately 7000 fa her, Mrs Martha IClingback. NOTICE OF ELECTION Mr and Mrs Charles Culbertson NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, ing at the home o f Mr and Mrs rmers of the state are taking adv WANTED—Man with tractor to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF antage of the provisions of work were business visitors in Caldwell George Cleaver. ■ I plow. 8 m Frank T. Morgan. 2Dtfc ; THE 9TATE OF OREGON FOR lTh* 1 “ “ *lef t^ 1n . haf. . C^TleC* Mr and Mrs Loyd Adams enter men’s compenstation. The mini Thursday. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR 1 and wU1 ** held 111 016 Park UlUt tained with five tables of pinochle mum fee Is $5 a year which gives Mr and Mrs S. D. Bigelow were FURNITURE WANTED—We pay SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION of the Big Bend Irrigation District protection against the usual acc dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Niss on the 10th day of January, 1944, Saturday evening. highest prices for used furniture. LOREN A M. BAKER. Mr and Mrs John Ridder won idents which occur around home. Hatt Sunday. at the residenoe of A. C. Holly near PLAINTIFF Nordaie Furniture company. 21jtfc N Mr and Mrs Berton Klnzer of the Big Bend Bridge over Snake high prize and Mr and Mrs Leslie Among the Industrial occupations -vs- in Oregon lumbering is the most Lewiston were in the community on River, within said District, in Mal Tcpliff won consolation prize. WANTED—Used furniture. Highest GBOROE B. WILLS, otherwise heur County, Oregon, at which el Guests were Mr and Mrs Ed Nel hazardous. During 1941 there were a business trip Saturday. prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa known as Geo. B. Willis, and Nellie son Mr and Mrs Jesse Ford, Mr 184 persons killed in connection Mr and Mrs Frank Crocker and Furniture Co. 1ATFC Wills his wife; Malheur County, a ection there will be submitted to the electors of he Park Unit of the and Mrs John Bartholoma. Mr and with lumbering. Shipbuilding, wh- sons were dinner guests of the — Le- - WANTED—Listing on farm and city poltical sub-division of the State of Blg Bend IrrisaWon DUtrict the Mrs Leshe Topliff, Mr and Mrs ich at that time had a few more wis Skinner family Sunday. The Owyhee P.T.A. met at the property. A. L. Atkeson. 8MTFC. Oregon; and Harry 8- Sackett as i proposition of authorizing the exe- John Ridder, Mr and Mrs Harlln I employees than lumbering had only Reglstrar of Titles for Malheur cuy on 0j a eontract between the Maw, Mr and Mrs Charlie Davis, 30 fatalities. school house Thursday evening wi WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES fci County, and all other persons and th a large crowd in attendance. A f United States of America and the Mr and Mrs O. E. Cheldelin and HIGHWAY MEET CHANGED pJHies Unknown, claiming any ri Park Unit o f the Big Bftid Irrigat Mr and Mrs Alva Ooodell,. The Oregon highway commission ter the business meeting a play ---• > * * Refreshments of sandwiches, sa will meet In Portland' December 23. "The Christmas Lantern" was given ght, title, interest, lien or estate In ion District providing for construc or to the real estate described In tion of the Anderson Ranch Dam lad, cake and coffee were served. instead of December 21, as was by Wayne Robb. EloLse Crocker E .W . PRUYN their orginial intention. Commiss- Phyllis Wolfe and Jack Ward, up- this complaint. Project on Boise River in the State 16n members are attending a meet- t per grade pupils. Recitations were Defendants of Idaho, by the United States, and Auto Repairing in« of American highway associat- j given by Maxine Kygar, Dwaine TO. GEORGE B WILLS, other payment by the Park Unit of the ion officials at Chicago and will Wolfe and Larry Gueck of the lo Reboring, Valve Grind wise known as Geo. B. Wills, and Big Bend Irrigation District of the ¿ C ap i/al return for the meeting in Portland. wer grades. Christmas carols were Nellie Wills his wife; Malheur Cou proportionate part of the cost of ¡POSTMEN EXEMPT led by Jess Gregg with Mrs E. H. ing, Lathe work. Parts nty, a political sub-division of the construction thereof allocated to Employees of the postoffice dep Strickland at the piano. Refresh State of Oregon; and Harry S. J irrigation purposes, which cost sh- artment, driving vehicles at the ments of pop corn, doughnuts and Sackett as Registrar of Titles for an be determined in the manner and accessories ■ P M u r r j y W a d p | time of an accident, are not requ coffee were served by Mrs R oy Malheur County, and all other per provided in the proposed contract, ired to furnish proof cf financial Gueck, Mrs Margaret Barnett and sons and parties unknown, claim but the total obligation of the dis- responsibility under the 1943 motor Mrs Martha Klingback. Phone 56w ing any right title, Interest, lien or rict shall not exceed the sum of vehicle financial responsibility law, The next P.T.A. meeting will be estate In or to the real estate des- $69,750.00. STATE EXPENSES GOING UP according to a recent ruling by in charge of Mrs Harold Fiveeoat. A copy of the proposed contract The high cost of living is burn Is on file with the Secretary of the ing the candle at both ends for the Attorney Oeneral I. H. Van Winkle. District at Nys.a. Oregon, and with state which spends millions of do CAPITAL SHORTS State officials and employees bo each of the Directors of the dist llars a year for equipment, supplies, rict, and may be axamined by any groceries and salaries. The cost of ught War Bends to the ammount Sunday school was held at 2 p.m, of $34.443 by the salary deduction interested persons. commodities and labor is up while Sunday. Rev. Daniels of Ontario plan during the month of Novem The election shall be held be the quality o f both Is down. To gave a sermon at 3 p.m. Rev Chan tween the hours of 8.00 o ’clock A.M. meet increased living costs many ber . . . Fortieth anniversary of the dler of Caldwell was also present and 5.00 o'clock P.M. of said 10th highly trained state employees have first successful air flight, by Orville Sunday .schccl will be held at 7 day of January, 1944, when the po taken other positions. The war e ff and Wilbur Wright, December 17,- 1903, will be commemorated by the p.m. next Sunday evening. A pro lls must be closed. The ballots to ort draws heavily on state depart gram will be given by the Sunday be used at such electon shall con ment crews. Salaries have been ra state board of aeronautics . . . There were three fatalities, 1442 school at 8 p.m. Everyone is Invited. tain the wards “Contract with Un ised 10 percent and more, in some ited States..........Yes”, and the wo instances as much as 25 percent. rds “Contract with United States Salary raises are up to the limit of ..............No”, and each elector shall the provisions of the budget. The SHOE SHOPS vote by placing an “X " between last legislature increased the emer DENTISTS the word "States" and the word gency fund from $100,000 to $500,000 "Yes” or between the word “States" in order to cope with any financial * Abbott’s Shoe Shop and the word “No” as they may deficits. All departmemnts of st J. R. CUNDALL All kinds of shoe and harness vote. The election shall be held ates are expected to wind up the repairing Dentist and the results thereof determined year without over reaching the Across from post office. in all respects as provided by the budget figures. State revenues are Phone 56-J general Irrigation district laws of at an all-time high. Outstanding Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON the State of Oregon. obligations are down to around $24 OPTOMETRISTS This notice is given by authority million as compared with $66 mill of the Board of Directors of the ion in 1928. DR. J. A . McFALL Big Bend Irrigation District, and HEAP BIO POWWOW JEWELRY STORES is dated this 8th day of December. Invitations are being mailed to “See McFall and Sue Better" 1943. functionary Democrats of eleven Big Ben Irrigation District westemstates asking them to att PAULUS By H. R. Hatch. President end a Jackson day conference and banquet at Portland Saturday. Jan Attest: « JEW ELR Y STORE i Carl H. Coad, Secretary uary 8. Supervising the program District Seal impression are W L. Joaslyn, secretary of the Unton Pacific Time Inspector t\ 0 * ' Democratic central committee; Or First publ. Dec. 9. 1943 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Last publ. January 6, 1944. egon National Committeeman Ho ONTARIO ORBOON WATCHES ward Latourette; Eknly Edson. na- j Main Street at Second ttonal committee woman and Fred 1 Fish, chairman of the state central I PHYSICIANS committee. WYCKOFF Dr. M. B A. Milne will go toj Edward Topliff was in Boise Washington D. C .to secure a nat- j Thursday. JEW ELR Y STORE A Charivari and shower were gi tonally known Democrat to serve L. A . Maul ding, M.D. ven for Pfc and Mrs Lloyd Cleaver as the guest-speaker at the Jackson Official Time Inspector far Physician and Surfer» Wednesday evening. A crowd of 40 day banquet Principal objectives of Union Pacific Phone 17 friends waa treated to candy, cigars the event will be a Joint discuss- I ONTARIO OREGON bave War Bondi ■ • Collett and doughnuts. The ycung couple ion of a proposed western assault Hours; 10 to 13 and I te • wrap • - Waste nothing - on Republican forces and the fus received many nice gifts Dally—Except Sunday Work Guaranteed Mr and Mrs O. E. Cheldelin and ing of all states Into a solid front lay wisely ■ • Build a | Fry Building daughters were Sunday dinner gu for a fourth term for President Ro E. L COLE and briqlrter lutare ] osevelt. A petition Is to be circula est at the Alva Ooodell home W A T C H and CLOCK far od Americans ted to put President Roosevelts na E. L. Jamison. Alva Ooodell and SARAZIN CLINIC REPAIRING Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram were me on the Oregon May ballets EXTRADITED in Ontario Wednesday. JEWELER J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Resident at the Senate W. H Mr and Mrs Lester Cleaver. Mr Free Examination Steiwer. who Is acting governor and Mrs Oeorge Cleaver and Pfc and Estimate I Jen ermi practice of m edici» and Mrs Lloyd Cleaver were In while Governor Earl Snell is att NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE ending the National Governor s co Physiotherapy Boise Tuesday. PAJIMA __ — — — IDAHO X-Ray J. W Jennings rstumsd last week nference in Chicago, has signed pa from Portland, where be spent ssv- pers extraditing to California Cecil Classified THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE * Advertising ,71 Owyhee & 0 PdBMdc Arcadia Professional Awl Business Directory Mr and Mrs Otli Bullard and family and Harold Long visited at the Cli.ules Bullard home Sunday evening. , Mrs Theo Matherly and Mrs An na Dail returned Sunday evening fiom Boise, where they spent sev eral days. Mr and Mrs J. M. Wagner rec eived a letter from the'lr son, Lea- land. who has been stationed in New Orleans giving his APO as San Francisco. The Arcadia Sunshine club will hold their Christmas party in the school auditorium today with a potluck dinner at 1 p.m. Mr and Mrs Berthelsen. teachers of Arcaria school, will give a Ch ristmas program Thursday night December 23. S. F. Oarren is building an add ition of two rooms to his house bn Oem avenue. NEW ELL HEIGHTS Joyce Kurtz and Idamary Prouty pent the week-end in Boise Christ mas shopping and visiting In the M. W McLaughlin home. The Carl Hill home was the scene of a family reunion, Sunday when the children gathered for a special dinner. Guests were Mr and Mrs Stanley Hill and Children, Mrs Edith Barry and Mrs Grace Morris and baby o f Blllingss, Montana. Jess Sugg Is building quite a la rge chicken house. M. L. Kurtz is helping with the work. Maurice Judd, Jr., has received his call to the army and Is to re port December 20 he and two fr iends motored to Caldwell Saturday and while there enjoyed rides In a Ryan plane. Newell Height folks were will re presented at the Chicken Pie sup per and bazaar given at the high school Wednesday evening. Over 125 parents and children attended the P.T.A. meeting, Which was held afterwards. A surprise house warming was given for Mr and Mrs Lult Stain and family Friday evening by their neighbors. Many lovely gifts were received. Mr and Mrs Stain have built one of the nicest basements houses In this section. Frank Ray trucked the M. L. Kurtz tractor to Ontario Friday for an overhauling Job and tran sacted business while there. SALES OF g T IC K E R S AU TO SLo w With only ten percent o f the reg istered owners of passenger cars In Oregon having applied for 1944 reg istrations, Secretary of State Bob Farrell issued a statement urging motorists to apply ait once so that the applications can be processed promptly as they are received In Salem. “ Motor vehicle owners who send their applications late in the mon th will have a wait, due to the congestion In the motor vehicle division of our office,” Farrell ex plained. "Still further delay prob ably will be caused by Christmas mail congestion. As a result, these late applicants probably will not receive their registration stickers till sometime after the first of the year." There are approximately 313,000 reglstred owners of private passen ger cars in Oregon today. Less than 40.000 have applied for their 1944 registrations. The windshield rtickers validat ing the 1942 license plates for the year 1944 may be attached on and after Dec. 15. *ituUhto ,*• y Buena Vista KEEP EM ROIUNG THE RAIIROADS ARE THE BACKBONE Of Off ENEE /