i THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY DECEMBER^. 1948 '-rn changed from December 1, hour”. (2) Curry your trackages registration officials must, note new odity Credit Corporation, ine corn unplcyta of the Hudson Bay cuin- !3, to the beginning ot the first whenever po-'lble »3) Renumber, license numbers on their ration belt counties include all in Ohio, pany instead of the Indians. ..counting period after December War Bond and F.ampg make the books and tire -inspection records. Indiana. Illinois, Iowa, and parts ol • Peter Skeene Ogden in his diary 15. 1913, for each cattle slaughterer. xst Christmas gifts. They are a under a recent OPA ruling. The Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska. South lor the year of 1836. wrote on Feb­ TO MAINTAIN FARM STRUCT­ good buy and they take minimum I action and Minnesota. In areas ruary 18, 1826: on his exped.vion to provides that “T" cou­ Dakota, transportation space, ODT pointed pons is; also URES where loan* available outside the Snake river country, reached ued for use in 1944 by •the designated are corn , commercial Farm building material makers, out. belt counties Sandwich Island river, so-called and taxis will the 1943 rates range from under sponsorship of the Farm St­ MAINTAIN LOW-PRICED SERV­ be in strips vehicles 81 cents | owing to two of them murdered by (similar to strips ot ICES ructures Institute and In cooperat­ I to $1.01 a bushel. Last year the 1 Snake Indians in 1819’ There see­ motion picture tickets) rather than Low priced ervlees may be drop­ ion with the War Food Administ­ loans in areas outside the corn ms to be no doubt that the Owy- in book form and each coupon will belt ration, will hold a war conference ped only under certain conditions be was 57 to 74 cents a bushel. j hee river was named lor these Ha- serially numbered. in Chicago, December 10, on main­ specified by OPA. These services PASSENGER CAR QUOTA IS waiians, for on June of the same tenance of farm structure*, WIFA rage from laundering and dry cl­ LOWEST year Ogden uses the word Owyhee. RYAN DISCUSSES announced recently. Keynote of the eaning through the servicing of The December rationing quota of Gold was not discovered for about conference will be that the Nation’s automobiles and repairing of shoes, 15,500 new passenger automobiles ic OWYHEE ORIGIN 20 years later”. ten and a half billion dollar invest­ certain misinterpretations of the 25 percent less than the November ment in farm structures must be OPA Services Regulation necessit­ quota and the lowest in almost two E. P. Ryan, city recorder of On- j kept at top productive efficiency ated this more general action. For years of rationing, according to tario and chairman of the Malheur j county centennial committee, in a through adequate maintenance, wi­ example, photographer in some Continued quota reductions letter to the Gate City Journal th the necessary minimum of new instances refused to print small- OPA. ÎARMERS-TAX DEADLINE, DEC. ternal Revenue. , construction. Only the value of ag- size pictures, offering only large reflect OPA’s policy of spreading takes exception to some statements 15 j REDUCE MEAT POINT VALUE ricultural land itself exceeds the prints at higher prices. The only out as long as possible the remain­ appearing in an article written by ing supply of new cars for essential the state centennial committee for The entire list of rationed beef amount of funds invested in build- conditions under which lower-pri­ purposes. Farmers are required to file dec- | items No new cars have been the Journal and many other news­ ced service may be dropped are: has been cut two or three I ings and structures on farms of the laratlons of estimated 1943 Income ration points, making the most me- country. 1. When the neces.ary specialized produced since early in 1942. Under papers as a part of the state's cel­ and Victory Tax and make a pay­ at available to civilians since rat- KEEP DRAFT BOARD INFORM- equipment or supplies are not ava­ a new OPA ruling dealers in sell­ ebration of the 100th anniversary ment by December 15. Farmers who ioning began late last March. Many ED ilable. 2. Continuance of the ser­ ing used 1942 automobiles may ch­ of the Old Oregon Trail. elected to moke declarations Sept-! pork cuts remain at the reduced A farm worker who fails to keep vice would be in violation of Gov­ arge an increase of 1 percent a Mr. Ryan said “In your issue of ember 16 when most other persons value set by OPA in mid-November, his Local Selective Service Board ernment regulation or rendered month or $16--whichever is lower- December 2, 1943 you have a story The lasting Gift made them, will need only to make and point values of lamb, mutton, informed of a change of address impracticable by it. 3. Discontinu­ only for the period the automobile on the launching of the S. S. Ow­ an Uutallmet payment December and partcically all veal remain un­ or occupation may be reclassified ance of the service would enable actuality was kept in storage and yhee. The article states that years We have nice select 16. Persons who made declarations charged. This means an increase or possibly inducted into the Arm- the seller to maintain other serv­ maintained under specified condit­ ago ‘Hawaiians were imported to ins to choose from. September 15 and wish to amend of approximately 30 percent in the ed Forces. Only the Selective Ser- ices more necessary to the comm­ ions. A user may sell his 1942 used work in the mines, and that the them or those who made no decl­ hous©wife's meat ration for Dece- vice Board with who the individual unity. 4. Other suppliers in the car for no more than he paid wh­ Indians made an attack and wiped out the entire population'. The real arations but since have had a ch­ mber as compared with the ration has registered has authority to gr- community are able and willing to en he bought it. story is that the Hawaiians were ange In Income to require them, set at the beginning of November. ant him a temporary release from supply the service under the same 1943 CORN LOAN RATES Farmers who have met 90 per­ imported by and were working for also file by December 15. Per ons CHANGE DATE ON CATTLE PR­ non-farm work which will protect1 ceiling price. OWNERS NOTE LICENSE NUM­ cent of their war crop goals in des­ the Hudson Bay company and so­ with tax installment! due on that OGRAM his deferred classification. ignated corn belt counties will be me of them were killed at or near BERS date will receive or have received j The effective date of the Cattle CONSUMERS ADVISE OPA tills from the local Collector of In- Price Stabilization Program has The Consumer Advisory Commi-1 Car owners themselves rather th­ loaned 81 to 97 cents a bushel on the present Owyhee river and the ttee appointed by OPA has recom­ an ration boards or automobile their 1943-crop corn by the Comm­ r.'me was probably given by the mended establishment of dollars- and-cents ceiling prices for as ma­ ny commodities as possible and a price guide to be made available to housewives throughout the country. The Committee also objected to use of “Average Store Mark-up” as a j basis for price control because “th­ is method of establishing prices Regardless of how would be entirely unenforceable." The committee was set up to tell j little gas you get, it pa- OPA how its programs are working ys to drive your car ev­ ' and what en a short distance ev­ them. can be done to improve ery day in cold weat­ COAL PRODUCTION AND PRIC­ her. That’s the best way ! ES The highest weekly production to keep it fit. record in more than 16 years was by the US. Bituminous Make sure that it will start quickly and run established Coal Mines during the first full of operation under the new smoothly all winter. Drive in and be prepared week wage contract between the Govern­ and the miners, according to while the weather is still comparatively warm. ment Harold L. Ickes, Solid Fuels Admin­ istrator for War. Production for the week ended November 20 was estimated at 12,700,000 tons. Bitum­ inous coal price ceilings were rais­ Keith Moss Charlie Ninemire ed an average of 17 cents a net ton to compensate operators to the extent required by recent increases in labor costs. An increase of 80 cents per net ton was made in ceil­ ing prices for by-product foundry and by-product blast furnace coke manufactured in the Central Wtet. A similar Increase is expected to be announced shortly In maximum pr­ ices for Industrial and domestic by-product coke produoed in the Centeral West. CHANGES IN TIRE REGULAT­ IONS TOYS FOR THE KIDDIES Recent changes in tire rationing regulations announced by OPA are: (1) recapping of tires for comm- DOLLS—sleepy eyes, real eye lashes, they say, “Mamma”, and lo­ | ercial vehicles with truck-type ca- ok like real babies—$1.98 to $5.95 me’back Is no longer rationed; (2) tires manufactured principally from TINKER TOYS ................49c up. DUCK PIN SETS .....................69c reclaimed rubber (war tires) may TRAINS that run on a track. You DISH SETS................25c to $4.00 now be bought by those persons $2.49 assemble them..........$1.00 & $2:00 TYPEWRITERS ........... previously eligible for used tires. Tire and tube rationing quotas for PISTOL SETS ............................59c I LAUNDRY SETS, tub, washboa­ December are not greatly changed I rd, clothes pins, ironingboard, etc DRUMS from those in November. ................................. $1.00 & $1.98 JIG SAW PUZZLES. 10c to $1.00 CHANGE IN GASOLINE COUP­ ONS MACHINE GUNS-They look nat­ AMERICAN LOGS Motorists are reminded by OPA ural and make plenty of noise MARBLE GAMES that their old “B” and “C” gasoline ............................................;..... $2.45 AND MANY OTHER PRACTIC­ ¡coupons continue to have a value AL AND INTERESTING GIFTS of two gallons each in the East and TOMMIE GUNS ................ $1.19 Mid-West and three gallons In the Far West. On December 1, however, all new “B" and “C’M coupons iss­ ued to motorists whose supplemen­ tary gasoline rations expired be­ came good for five gallons each throughout the# county. Although Women’s spun Rayon dresses. Plain and Pattern each new coupon will be good for more gallons than before, motorists will not receive any additional gas­ oline because ration books will ials, attractive styles. A few styles in knit materials. have correspondingly fewer coup­ ons. CITRUS VARMALADBS POINT FREE This is a new shipment and the styles and sizes are co- All marmalades made entirely of citrus fruits (principally oranges T ha t ’ s r ig h t , Mrs. Higgins. and lemons) may be bought point free, according to OPA. Marmal­ No points, no coupons—-no rationing of electricity. mplete. $3.98 to $5.95. ades made of citrus and non-citrus fruits in combination are rationed Not that it’s any less important than food, or fuel, at the same point value as marm­ alades made wholly of non-citrus or shoes. In fact, electric power has rightly been fruits. called the life-blood of war production. UP JAM AND JELLY PRICES Consumers wll pay about two or But our government does ask all of us to use three cents more per pound jar for jams, preserves, and jellies made BY GRAYCO Attractive fabric purses. Lar­ MEN & BOYS electricity wisely. Even though there’s no shortage from apples, apple products, and 50c $1.00 $1.50 to $2.98 frozen grapes, under a recent OPA in sight, the making of electricity requires man­ ge envelope types. Colors bl­ That famous tie that is made Black or $1.49 regulation. The increases reflect i brown colors, all lea­ power, fuel, transportation and critical materials increases in 1943 fruit costs to the to wear and look better longer ack, brown, green, etc. ther, flannel lined, warm dr­ packer. than most other brands of ties. —thing« on which war has first call today. ess gloves. Also tan colored FROZEN FRUITS, BERRIES PERFUME and toilet water Consumers will pay from 3-4 unlined very dressy gloves. Si­ MENS DRESS So, be as careful with electricity as with coupons. cent a pound to 3 cents a pound sets. 59c up. zes 6 to 12. more for frozen California free­ Use all you need — but need all you use. stone peaches. Concord grapes, ap­ SOAP sets-boxed stationery- t ples. and blackberries. According to Hrmr “Rtpart to tin Notion," netn program of tho woak, ovary OPA, these increases will allow the $1.00 to $5.00 handkerchiefs-pillow slips-lu- TuruUy atoning. ? :» . E JT .T , Columbia Broadening Syrtam. proceaaon to pass increased raw Plain white or pattern shirts. Romeos, sheepskins and felts material costs on to the ultimate nch cloths-sofa pillows-towel Sizes 14 to 17Vo for men. consumer. Wool lined, med. and flat he­ ODT ASKS HELP FOR SANTA sets, bath robes-blankets-dre- CLAUS els, satins and felts for wom­ sses, and many other gifts to Christmas shoppers have been en. And felt slippers for the asked by ODT to lend Santa Claus NYSSA OREGON children. s helping hand by observing the choose from. following: (1) Shop now. Mali now A CITIZEN WHEREVER IT SEBVES Do not wait until the eleventh Diamonds, Paulus Jewelry Store Weatherproof Your Car And Drive Every Day Phone 77 Moss-Nisiemire Motor Co. “You mean I don’t need any coupons for electricity?’’ For Everyone Dresses Purses Ties Dress Gloves Shirts Slippers • (DAHO^W OW ER Golden Rule