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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1943)
TH E NYttfeA G A TE C IT Y J O U R N A L T H U R S D A Y DECEMBER PAT,E 2 J. The Gate City Journal ---------------- * K I.4 8S V. POW ELL - • • AD VE R TIS IN G SUBSCRIPTION KATES O n» Year 82.00 (Strictly ln Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postofilce through the United States the act RATES Open rate, per Inch.... .. 38c 35c National, per inch Classifieds, per word...... .- 3r Minimum..... ....30c at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon at Nyssa, Oregon for 'ranamlaalon Mails, as second class matter. under cf March 3. 1*79. AGGRESSORS GET WARNING The decision reached at the conference of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin in Iran certain ly is a disappointing Christmas gift for Hiroh- ito and Hitler, but they don’t believe in Santa Claus, anyway. After 2300 years of development and con quest, the Japanese empire is faced with the threat of losing all of its ill-gotten gains, secu red largely during the last century. After sev eral centuries of aggression, Germany is faced with the probability of being compressed in her own area for many years to come. At their recent conference, the three allied chieftans decided to strip Japan of all her poss essions except her own little islands when vic tory is won and press home the attack against Germany from three different sides. The leaders said “ We have concerted our plans for the destruction of the German forces. We have reached complete agreements as to the scope and timing of operations, which will be undertaken from the east, west and south. The common understanding which we have re ached guarantees that victory will be ours” . The conferees expressed tne belief that “ our concord will make it an enduring peace” . They will invite the active cooperation of all nations, large and small, in a proposed world family of democratic nations. Somehow, the aggressor nations in the world must be controlled, out how best to accomplish that purpose has always been a mooted quest ion. If Japan is to be stripped of practically all of her possessions, she will become a have-not nation and as such will be ceaselessly conniv ing for more war and power. Psychologically, it won’t work, but perhaps it will from the mil itary standpoint. Perhaps, through a period of enforced peace, the Japanese people may be made to see the value of peace sufficiently to rid themselves of the military clique that con trols the government. The allies were taught a lesson by Germany after the first world war, but whether they will benefit from the experience only time will tell. Church Services AD R IAN FREE M ETHODIST CHURCH Adrian, Oregon P. II. Reiman, Pastor Sunday School • 10 A M . Preaching 11 A M 7 PM Young Peoples meeting Preaching ......... * PM Prayer meeting each Wed. 8 P M . Ml s Mattie Peterson will be with us Dec 12. at the 8 P M. service. I Be sure to hear this interesting meHsage of her internment in Jap anese occupied China. Come and worship with us. THE C O M M U N ITY UNITED PR E S B Y TE R IA N CHURCH Kingman Memorial Nevin, Pastor. 1 cet Corn; Japanese beetle on p e a - to 1943 pro aie as reins to guide | tie, farm machinery, horses, house hold goods, hay tools, garden tools, his clerk. ;hes grapes and -mall fruit . spl- ! prantmg reindeer There is happ> • dip bl!g on si-awberries: raspberry!“ * “ ™ 1“ * ln lhe eye* ot the child Thursday, Dec. 16 three miles west poultry, hay grain. Col. Bert And who stands at the widow dream- o ( Vale on Q raham Blvd, H i miles erson auctioneer. fruit worm on raspberries and oth er brambles; gooseberry fruit worm ing of the toys and goodie» Santa £<)Uth to c iaude j j m , ranch. Bruce Cunningham. M. W Rogers, own- Visit In Portland— on currants and gooseberries and will bring her. This year the struggle against , ^ pigs milklng utensUs. fruit fly on cherries. Mr and Mrs Ormand Thomas sp tuberculosis Is keener. War breeds household goods, cattle, farm im- No restrictions are placed on use ent last week in Portland. Mr. T h the disease and much of the gain . > . ,__ . „ plements. Col. Bert Anderson, auct. omas. manager o f the Nyssa labor of rotenone to control pe.ts n far of former years may be lost because ______ ro. home or Victory gardens. Farm housing conditions, Saturday n on mue west of camp, attended to business in Por ers sign a certificate to purchase of crowded longer working hours, improper Va,e Qn Graham Blvd toen left tland. rotenone dusts for use on comm ercial crops. Home gardeners may diets, etc. But, we have not les one mile j x Buller owner. Cat- sened our alert interest nor o u r _____________________________________ buy small packages without certif planning to accomplish the task of Holiday Baking Calls ication. The order further provides winning the war against tubercu- that finished dusts for use on com For Painter and Decorator mercial crops can contain 3-4 of losis. There is protection for the child one percent p>tenone, instead of at the window. This safe-guard the *4 o f one percent permitted in Only inside work fr is the double-barred cross of the 1943. tuberculosis Christmas seal, used It‘s carefully blended. om now until spring. FEED W H E AT PRICES first of all by Denmark. For 36 Commodity Credit has announced It’s enriched with Vita years, it has been an American Free Estimate that the December price of feed tradition, but in 1943. it will also min B. wheat will be 1.28. This is an in be used by Egland. Canada, Mexico 775 First St. It’s a home product. crease o f 20c per bushel over the and Brazil. This united effort to November price. On sale at all food control and prevent tuberculosis is a dream come true. stores. I t is the double-barred cross, red as the blood of life, that is E X TR A D A IR Y INCOME gradually overcoming the white Eight hundred and ninety-five [ cross marking death by tubercu county dairymen had $7608.59 add losis. It is the double-barred red itional income to apply on increa cross Which gives protection to (Continued From Page 1) sed feed costs as a result o f the Adrian. Dudley Kurtz played some the child at the! window and first payment under the three-mo- makes her dream a reality. piano selections. nth dairy feed adjustment program, J. E. Johnson, vocational agricul- the county A A A committee reported tufe , t Adrian, presented his week. These payments, made on Qf ^ 0 n g m staU! Ba_ BAKER RECRUIT on the basis of October deliveries nkers association, a check to Olen S T A T IO N LEADS of milk and butterfat, went to 895 Strickland for winning the state Commander George C. Hackett, individual county producers. The farm shop contest, sponsored by next payment, covering November officer in charge o f the Spokane the bankers association. and December production, will be navy recruiting station, has an Joe Cram played two accordian nounced that the Baker, Oregon sub made ln January. A closing date solos. "Rosalita” and "W hen My o f January 31. 1944. has been set Moo[) to ^ ^ m " . station led all substations in the Spokane district ln the enlistment for receiving applications for th is , w ^ princlipal of ^ of men and women in the navy second and final payment under Adrlah hlgh welcomed ^ during the month of November. *he ! fathers and other guests to the The local station is in charge PROPOSED PR O TE IN O RDER fQurth annual sponsored of Stockton Boyd, stationed in La Making More protein supplement the Adrjan F F J i available to farmers for mixing wi- BU] Morris Qf Baker ident Grande, Oregon, and Rives Waller th homegrown feeds, and to « m a il1 the Q f gald the or_ stationed in Baker. Among the men enlistees were ” * * er* t0J manufacture of mixed ganizatton „ 15 years ok) and u feeds is the abjective o f aproposed ; ^ „ ..m a n „ al, four men above the military age. order announcedlb, the War Pood and non-political. one of whom has six children. T h e territory covered by the Administration. The proposed order, The chlrf alms of the p P A are Baker substation is comprised of which becomes effective January 1 development of agricultural leader limits the amount of protein supp ship, cooperation and citizenship.” the following counties: Union. W al lowa, Harney, Malheur, Wheeler. lement that can be used by manuf G iving a brief resume of the oc- Grant and Baker. While the pop acturers of mixed used ln 1942, complishments of the F.F.A. in provides for, if necesary, placing Oregon. Mr. Morris said the organ ulation in this district is small, o f limitations on the quantity of ization has 1670 members in Ore tne territory covers almost one- .protein meals handled by retail gon. These boys own 4000 head half of the state. dealers; limits feeders to a 30-day o f breeding animals, of which more supply, all others to a 15-day sup than 70 percent are purebred stock. JOURNAL’S ply. Appeals from terms of the The members have purchased $15, SALE CALENDAR order could be filed with the State 000 worth of war bonds and stamps Thursday, Dec. 14, All dairy st A A A committee. A year’s subscription to the and the chapters have bought more The W FA also announced that a than $1000 worth. The boys have ock and equipment on dairy ranch G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L set-aside order would be issued un also collected scrap iron, tin and o f Grigg Bros, located in Vale city limits, west Side. A ll cows TB and is an ideal Christmas gift. der existing regulations to obtain other materials. abortion tested. ollmeal from that processed n Ja Give a subscription and you give every week "W e want our parents and in Dairy cattel, hogs, dairy equip nuary for shipment into deficit ar structors to know that we are of the year. ment, hay and grain, farm mach eas. sincere when we say, We thank inery. hogs, restaurant and home Just send us $2, along with the name and NOW 4 IS T H E T IM E you'.’’ equipment. Now is the time, the county farm address of the person to whom the paper is to Don Logan of Independence, past Col. Bert Anderson, auctioneer. rationing committee emphasizes, pM-ldent of the P P A presented 10 a. m Bible school. 11 a. in., morning worship. Ser mon. The Enduring Word." com memorating Universal Bible Sun day 7:30 p. m. evening worship with devotions led by our young people. Pioneers, young people and adults have informal discussion groups. 4 p. m. Fidelae Amicae meets at ihe parsonage. Let's have a full attendance, girls! Supper at 6 o'clock. Thursday. December 16. choir practices at Kingman. Very im portant. Picket A Farm WAR NEWS Andy McGinnis Farm Boys Urged To Stay At Home Let Santa Deliver A Paper for all farmers to repair their farm the national president. machinery and equipment, includ Logan said, "W e on the farm ing farm trucks, and put it into front are soldiers; we are soldiers condition for efficient use during on the food front and we are just the coming production season. P l as essential as those boys on the enty of repair parts for farm mach war front. Patriotism should inery are being manufactured. A carry on beyond the uniform, which new W PB order makes it easier . is only a symbol. Give it another tor machinery repair shops, b lack-, th ht leave the fann „ - « .« 1 1 V « - a m J n ik o « n n n n iH m a n \K ' smiths and other repairmen 4 to r ob- Other numbers on the program taiin materials. The order, CMP were opening ceremony, Adrian Regulation 9A, provides a prefere F.F.A. officers; harmonica solos, nce ration and an allotment sym "Pistol Packin' Mama” and “ Don’t bol which repairmen may apply to Sit Under the Apple Tree” ; and obtain steel, cooper, aluminum, and selections. " I Left My Heart at other materials and parts for main the Stage Door Canteen" and “ Let's tenance and repair work. Farmers Bring New Glory to Old Glory,” who have their own farm shops Adrian high school minute maids. 1 may use this regulation to get ma terials. DESIGN ON SE AL ROTENONE FOR 1944 Increased supplies of rotenone IS EXPLAIN ED from South America will make po ssible wider use of this importan' From O T A Bulletin insecticde in 1944 than was prem- Andre Dugo. designer of the 1943 itted this past year. A new food Christmas seal. Is a personality of production order permits its use unusual warmth, spontaneity and on the following crops: Control of charm. He is Hungarian by birth, pea weevil and pea aphid on food, but has lived ln America since 1939. seed and Austrian peas; worms, Mr. Dugo has a simple explana aphids, flea beetles and harlequin tion for the design of the seal. bug on cabbage and other colecr- He Is fond of children and is a ops; bean beetles, on beans, aspa firm believer in Santa Claus. The ragus; European corn borer on sw- artist depicts Santa with nothing be delivered Christmas week. Dec. 13, 1:00 p.m. K ing Ave., 9 miles S. W. <xf Ontario or 7 miles N.W. of Nyssa. 27 sheep, 4 horses, cattle, hogs, chickens, machinery, and household goods. H. L. Brooks, owner; Ool. Bert Anderson, auct ioneer; L. H. Fritta, clerk. Friday. Dec. 17th starting at 12 o'clock. 8 miles north o f Payette on Highway 30, then tum 1 mile east at Crystal siding, then % ml. north or H ml. north o f Upper Crystal school on old Hall Ranch. Horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, farm machinery, household goods. Lunch served. M. F Parker, owner; Col. Bert A n derson, auctioneer and L. H. Prltts SEND IN THIS C O U P O N Gift Subscription to the G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L To ..................................................................... Address ............................................................. From ................................................................. Address .................................. ........................... G a t e C it y J o u rn a l AT PEAK Revival PRODUCTION I’jCome Hear BEST FEEDING L.W . King METHODS ! '- -; c i Evangelist Just Right Feeds AND H A V E GAINED FAM E TH RO U G H YEARS OF USE AS BEING TH E * Mr. and Mrs. PERFECT BALANCED DIET FOR KEEPING PRODUCTION AT THE PEAK Get The Most For Your Feed Dollar By Right Feeding O f Just Right Clyde Dilly A L L ARE W ELCOM E E le v a t o r s Phone 42, Nyssa Phone 59, Ontario Church of the Nazarene 3:00 P. M. See Compare Shop In Nyssa Open Evenings until 9 o’clock Evangelistic Singers NYSSA and ONTARIO Come DEC. 6 to 19 December 22, 23 and 24 Wray’s Dime Store 11 MM Ml 11IIM11IIH H MM H HH M ItM M Mil MM N ttttnVMttffnH