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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1943)
.-„»Ites«, The NYSSA VDLUMtíXXXVlIf, fío. 43 ANDERSON QUITS JOB WITH BUREAU n V ss A, ^ = *S|SÄ JOURNAL ORfiGON, THUksDAY N ovember i i . $2.0(1 PERYEÁR 1943 MISSING NYSSA Malheur County Contributions Judge Leavitt Oregon League More Mexicans YOUTH IS FOUND Here To Work Carol Aden Honey, 15-year-old Girls High In To War Chest D. L. Anderson of Adrian, ditch Taken By Death Of Cities Will hundred Mexicans arrived in Nyssa youth, who was missing from 4-H Competition for the United States bureau County Judge Charles Leavitt di Hold Gathering this Two section Satisfactory of rider reclamation, resigned his posit ed in the Holy Rosary hospital in last week to work in his hom^ since Thursday of last ion Monday in order to give all of Onario Wednesday morning. He Post-War Problems Will the harvest fields and 200 more are week, was found early this week at Ellen Judd Of Kingman Dear Park, Washington, where the Kolony In Blue Ribb his time to his farm work. His res had been in the hospital for a we Be Discussed At On expected here this week. family formerly lived. ignation will become effective imm- ek. The men came from Yakima, on Class tario Meeting The boy's parents, Mr and Mrs eriately at the end of his annual Judge Leavitt had been ill since Wenatchee and Hood River. A few about December 1. Mayor Herschel J. Thompson, of them were brought to Nyssa in Adiine S. Honey, brought him ho Three of the six county winners Mrs. EM Frost, who Is in charge leave, he was involved in an automobile members Mr. Anderson and family expect in the National 4-H club contests of the city council, and an Amalgamated Sugar company me early Wednesday morning. of the block leaders conducting the to move into their new basement j accident in Vale a few weeks ago. other officials of Nyssa have been bus, but the remainder made the At first the boy was believed to placed high in state-wide compet war fund campaign in the resi house the first part of next month [ He was elected county Judge last invited by Mayor Elmo E. Smith of have been going to Phoenix, Ari ition according to word Just receiv dential sections of Nyssa. reported Mr Anderson, the first ditch rider fall and took office January 1 of Ontario and Mayor Houston trip by train after transportation zona to work in the lettuce fields. ed by E. M. Hauser, county club that persons contacted have given on the Adrian bench, has been with this year. He served as deputy sh of Klamath Falls to John attend a reg had been arranged for them with liberally. the bureau ever since water was eriff of Malheur county for 18 ye ional meeting of the League agent. of Or the Union Pacific. They came here However, she has not received turned into the ditches in 1935. egon Cities to be held in Ontario The Information sent out by H. under a short-term contract, R. G. ars. complete reports from 30 block Thursday evening, November 18. C. Seymour, state club leader, lists leaders. She asks that local resl- Survivors Include his widow, a Houston is presldednt of the Larson district manager of the A- Lois of the White Settle dtnts be ready to donate when the daughter, and a son, who is serv Mayor league. Mayor Thompson has been Sugar company, said Y O U t h S R e w a r d e d ment Jordan community as placing first in block leaders call. Mrs. Frost will ing in the armed forces in the Eu asked to organize a delegation in malgamated Sixty Mexicans, who came herej ____ call for donations if anyone has re pen theater of war. the state in the national vict cluding school and civic leaders to from old Mexico in the spring to j The annual 4-H achievement pr- ory achievement contest; 4-H Ellen been missed. A successor will be appointed by attend the meeting. Mrs. Frost pointed out that the The development of policies and work in the fields, left last week for j ogram held in the Adrian high sc- Judd of Kingman Kolony as plac Malheur county council of Governor Elarl Snell. solicitation will be the only sol the The Oregon ! hool building Friday evening was ing in the blue ribbon class in the specific community programs des their homes. of Parents PLANS GIVEN ON icitation th s year except for the and teachers Congress igned to meet post-war conditions well attended by both 4-H mem national garden contest, and Olay- held its annual fall Red Cross and Boy Scouts. A con- meeing in the high school build DAIRY PROGRAM will be one of the primary object JOE DYER WILL bers, and their parents and friends ds Conner of Annex as placing se tlbutor has the privilege of desig ives of the cities’ regional meetings ATTEND MEETING The evening program was in ch cond in the state in the national ing in Ontario, with Mrs Dick Jen nating to which organization par sen year. Public works programm arge of the 4-H assembly with Be food preparation contest. of Ontario, county president, Details of the procedure for mak this ticipating in the war fund he de presiding Juvenile delinquency, housing Joe Dyer, Malheur county war tty Jean Toomb and Kenneth Elli- Other county winners in the nat ing payments to Malheur county ing. sires to give. and other war and postwar prob finance chairman, will be a guest ottt, co-presidents, presiding. Mrs Jensen stressed the value of producers under the dairy feed pa- contests whose records were A total of $600 has been report Parent-Teacher associations in a ' yment program have been oompl- lems are scheduled for considérat of honor at a testimonial dinner As a part of the program a duet ional submitted for consideration in st ed raised in the Nyssa section, but, :ommunity, stating that "their pu- I eted by the county AAA committee. ion. sung by Naomi and Rachel Sh ate-wide competition were Arlene of course, reports have not been rpose is educational and their ob-! Producers may take their sales, Meeting with representatives fr t to be held in Portland Friday, Nov- was aw and the 4-H creed was given by Piercy, Kingman Kolony. national received from all of the solicitors. Jects are all built around the wel- slips or oher evidence of milk and a group cf boys. thls vice ]lrea president; w111 be Fred Inskter, ember 19, according to word rece- canning contest; Elaine Reed, Br- In addition to the $600 the Owy ,, . . -..league George K. lved from E. C Sammons, state Reports were given for each club ogen, national clothing achievement butterfat delivered nO ctobe to ^ Pbud(?pt dlrpctor and fare of the children and youth. hee district is said to have con by club members as follows: Cloth and Ivan Jensen, Kingman tributed $200. The Nyssa quota Is An excellent representation of the county ° | secretary of the governor’s comm- chairman. Mr. Dyer will be a featured part ing 1. Eva Lee Drown; clothing, 2, contest, Kolony, county winner in the nat units in the county was present. orT 8'1 $2260. ; ittee on postwar readjustment and icipant in the first state-wide me 3 and 4, Selma Stam; cooking 3, ional meat contest. The following county committee Tire payments arf (Continued on page six.) development; Osacr Cutler, assist- eting of the Oregon War Finance Carrie Joyce Kurtz; canning, Patsy Lois Jordan animal ^ staff engineer, _______ state L-*-___ and Ellen Judd will chairmen reported; Miss Lillian Ni- relieve the "squeeze’ on dairymen | ant highway Committee Million Dollar club. The Dehaven; dairy, Dorothy Toomb; 'each receive a $25 war savings bond of Ontario, publications; Mrs caused by increases in feed and ot Orval Etter, legal co meeting will be broadcast over a : swine. CARNIVAL BOOSTS sbet Ivan Jensen; poultry. Naomi j as an award for their achievements M. L. Judd of Kingman Kolony, her production costs since Septem commissiion; nsultant for the league; and Her- . ber, 1942. Direct payments to pro man Kehrll, executive secretary j statewide network at 8 P.M. Friday.¡Shaw; health. Mary Lou Jensen. The other county winners will re"£ COUNTY WAR FUND summer round-up and juvenile pro ducers While in Portland, Mr. Dyer will to offset increased feed costs Health club_ Arlene Pie- : ive gold medals in recognition of tection; Mrs Walter McPartland director of the university’s Join with state war bond leaders Adrlans rcy; vegetable garden’ Newell heig' their outstanding 4-H Club work. The Oregon war chest drive was of Nyssa, study group and goals, have been authorized by the war r.nd bureau of municipal research and in drafting a program for the sale hts club, Caroline Schiemer, and These awards will be made by the opened in Jordan "Valley with a and Mrs H. R. Udick of Ontario, le food administration in preference service. Local arrangements are be of war bonds and stamps as Chr Adrian's club, Donald Dehaven. commercial organization sponsoring to allowing retail prices for dairy ing handled grade school carnival under the gislative. Mayor Elmo E. Sm istmas gifts and for the 4th war A round-table discussion of 4-H the various national contests, and to increase, so the full be ith and City by Recorder supervision of Mrs C. J. Glazier. Brief reports were given by Mrs products F. P. Ryan loan, which is scheduled to be lau- j club summer school was given by will be awarded through the nat Bingo games, fortune telling, a Edna E'arris of Vale, county health nefit of the payment "will be realiz of Ontario. nched in 1944. those who attended last year. They ional committee on boys and girls fishing pond and dancing were the nurse; Mrs Kathryn Clay pool of ed by the producers. “Every community faces the pos were Ellen Judd, Nadeen Wilson, club work. Lois’ records will be sent main attractions. Mr and Mrs Tim Vale, county school superintendent, sibility of a municipal ‘Pearl Har Marjorie Hite Dorothy Toomb, and on to the national committee to be Mills donated the use of their bu and E. M. Hauser of Ontario, cou ADRIAN LEGION bor’ when peace comes,” said May Donald Elliot! Mrs Elliot acted as considered in selecting the national ilding. Members of the orchestra nty 4-H club advisor. or Houston in calling the regional chairman of the discussion. winner in this contest. who donated their services were Records show a total of 197 PTA ELECTS OFFICERS Mayor Houston has jus*, The outstanding boy and girl in In selecting winners in the nat Everett Jones, Dorthy Laca, Pat members in the county. An increase William Ashcraft was elected co meetings. returned from a nation-wide con 4-H club work who will attend the ional contests, the items considered Laca and Virginia Eloridi. is expected this year. mmander of Adrian post No. 109 ference of city officials and league summer school next year were an the number of years in club Food booths were managed by A program was given following of A cooperative educational rally the American Legion at a recent representatives in Chicago. "We ha was held in the Masonic lodge hall nounced. Among the boys Ivan Je Include work, number of projects carried, Mrs Hugh Scott, Mrs William Joh the business meeting with each un meeting. ve been doing a lot of talking ab nsen was first and Ross Lane alter nson, Mrs S. S. Scoggins, Miss Ar- it perparing and presenting a part. The other officers are Ed Under- out postwar planning but have not in Ontario November 6 under the nate. Naomi Shaw and Betty Jean number of exhibits made, prizes demonstration and Judging leen staples and Miss Darlin Den- Mrs Roberts announced the pro dahl, commander; Harry Jur taken enough action. Each comm auspices of the educational depart Toomb were tied for first place so won, entered, contribution to gram as follows: Purpose and ob gens, vice tel. ment of the Pacific Sully Coopera that the 4-H assembly plans to contests adjustant; Reuben Baskett, unity w.U be faced with the dilem Mr and Mrs Ralph Davis gave jects of PTA, Wade unit; How to sergeant-at-arms; Floyd McKague, ma of continuing the high salaries tive in cooperation with the Coop- send them both. Viola Zamora was thé war effort, as Well as particip ation in school, community, and all freely of their time iin making ar Get PTA to the public, and Its Val finance officers; Floyd Glass, hist and plentiful job situaution of the perative League of the US.A. and named alternate. 4-H activities. School grades, and rangements and setting up booths. ue to a Community, Annex unit; orian, and Claude Each us, chaplian. war economy on through the peace local cooperative associations. Special gifts were given to Ellen leadership qualities are also taken Hugh Scott, who is in charge of Duties of Officers and Committee The program was high-lighted by Judd, economy.” Toomb, Nadeen Wil into consideration, the drive in Jordan Valley, ann chairmen, Lindbergh unit, the Nat Home From Visit— J. McLanahan of Chicago, educ son and Dorcthy Recommending immediate organ C. Ralph who were j Various commercial organlzat- ounced that over $300 was taken in ional Parent-Teacher magazine and Mrs H. B. Williams has returned ization secretary for the Coopera outstandlng in Williams, of planning groups in each ational 4-H work the ions make the national contests po Its Value to Parents, Conklin unit; from Nampa, where she visited her community at the carnival. tive League of the U.S.A., and R. the appointment of M. Mitchell, educational director of past, but who har received In scho,- sfiible by county, state, and national the Value of Study Groups, Oregon daughter and son-in-law. Mr and city budget and committees by January Pacific Supply cooperative. arships from other sources. awards including medals, war sav Trail; Purpose of Summer Round Mrs J. D. Allen, her father, Lafe 1 so that long-range Ill At Home— programs can A meeting of the local coopera- L. J. Allen, assistant state 4-H ings bonds, trips to the National Mrs F. A. Harris, former operat up and How to Conduct Same, Ki Johnseon. and a nephew, Irvin Jo be Included in the 1944-45 city bud club leader for boys work in Oreg or of Aunt Jo’s cafe, is ill at her ngman Kolony; the Value of a Hot hnson, who is home on leave from gets, Mayor Houston states, “I be tiveassociation managers and dir on, was the guest speaker. He cited 4-H club congress in Chicago, and Lunch Program and Methods and the navy. home. lieve the most successful solution ectors in the valley was held in the the great amount of actual achie college scholarships. Means, Lincoln unit; Why a Coun of the postwar shock, which"wiìi'be' ^ n‘c , hal> ln . the afternoon at vement attained by 4-H boys and ty Council? Owyhee; Unit Council, j Goes To Portland- time methods of improving faced by every town in the state, which through their food preservat FROST DAMAGES State Branch, National Congress, Junior Zamora has gone to Por- can 3oC-op unit service were discussed. girls best be solved by a unified org ion home work and the LOCAL POTATOES Structure and Relationship, Big tland to take employment. At 6:30 a roast turkey dinner sp growing of economics anization of the City, County, Sch crops and raising of li Bend. I ----------------------- ool, and Civic groups. In order to onsored by the Pacific Supply coo vestock. Potatoes close to the top of the t A prize was presented to Mrs J. Nursing Home Notes— do this job well, it will require the perative was served by the ladies of E. M. Hauser, county club leader, ground were damaged by frost last H. Chandler of Weiser by Mrs Wes- a daughter, weighing 7 pounds complete cooperation of every citi the Eastern Star to the managers, gave special awards, pins and cert week-end. tley Blanton of Ontario, the county j and 11 ounces, was born November zen in each community and of the direcors and guests of Pacific Supp ificates. First year leader pins were A few cold nights would do much ly cooperative. vice president. 3 to Lieutenant and Mrs Wilbur groups that represent them.” given to Dorothy Toomb and Ken damage to potatoes. A considerable Smith. Mrs Smith was formerly O. D. Dearborn, field supervisor neth Elliott. Mr. Hauser also show percentage of the potatoes planted for the seed division of the Pacific ed motion Miss Irene Poage of Nyssa. Here From Vale— JOE DYER QUITS pictures of 4-H boys and in Malheur county are are still in Mrs Oliver Loveland was dismiss Mrs Del Taylor anl Mrs Vem Wi Supply cooperative, acted as toast giris in Malheur the ground. county. BOARD POSITION ed November 8 with her infant da lson of Vale visitel Mrs Perry Wa- master for a short informal pro Refreshments were served after gram. after which a mass meeting the program. rl Tuesday afternoon. Visits In Payette— Joe F. Dyer of Ontario has res ughter. was held in the lodge rooms. The Bernard Frost of the Idaho Po igned as a member of the Malheur dinner and meeting were attended wer company was a business visitor county selective service board. His South Sea Jungle Giant RATION BOOKS by more than 100 persons from Em in Payette Monday. resignation became effective Nov-! mett, New Plymouth Fruitland, MAY BE SECURED ember 1. Payette, weiser, Parma! Nyssa, Vale lARRAGUT, IDAHO, Nov. 2— Mr. Dyyer, who has served on and Ontario. Persons who failed to obtain their the board since its inception said | Recently enrolled in an intensive The evening mass meeting was copies of war ration book 4 during course of study in the radioman increased work in the Ontario br POET’S called to order by O.D. Dearborn the registration period may secure school at this second largest U.S. anch of the United States National who introduced Earl Parker, Pom them through application to the lo naval training station is Warren bank, of which he is manager, and ona Grange master, as the chair cal war price and rationing board CORNER Dale Heldt, son of Mr and Mrs A. shortage of help made it imposs man of the meeting. Naval Cadet A war ration book 3 must be pre ible for him to give the necesary L. Heldt *of Nyssa. Vernon Stevenson was introduced sented for each name on the appl In this school, one of several op time to the selective service work Edited by as song leader, after which the gr ication. erated by the navy at Farragut. he any longer. oup participated in community ain- Rumors persist that tile re Is to T. CAROL BYBEE will learn the newest methods used ging. D M. Johnson, branch man be a cut in the value of gasoline DECIDE in this specialised branch of the LARGE BEETS ARE ager of the Pacific Supply whole coupons from three to two gallons, naval service, and may qualify for PUT ON DISPLAY sale warehouse discussed the hist the local OPA said. The national By Gertrude Murchison Ogden. a petty officer rating upon success On display in the Atkeson real ory of cooperatives and announc office of OPA denies that there is Decide No victory is ever' won ful completion of the course. ed the coming celebration in 1944 any basis for the rumors.________ By dreaming of it. It is done estate window are two 30-pound cf the Rochdale Pioneer centennial, By daring every foe beets, raised on the W. A. and D ., Herrell j. Gray, who is stationed which will feature 100 years of co Visit In Idaho— And not afraid to go. Bybee farm. These are the] at Camp McCoy. Wisconsin with O. operation since the weavers in Ro Mr and Mrs Perry Ward and son Regradless of the knocker. largest beets known to be harvest- 1 the H & S Co.. 350th engineer com ed in this or surrounding vicinity. ] chdale England started the first spent Sunday wl’h Mrs Ward’s fat bat battalion, has been promoted On one piece of ground, the beets ! cooperative movement. her. Frank Crockett, at Middleton •Tls YOU must pave the way from the rank of private to tech are yielding 40 tons per acre. Naval Cadet Stevenson, accomp Idaho. To this successful day. nician. fifth grade, and assigned to anied by Mrs O. D. Dearborn at the Dare much, then buckle in motor pool. He is the husband of Returns From Visit— piano, gave a baritone horn aok>. Visit At Nampa— Sure, there'll be roar and din. Dtlia May Gray of Nyssa and the Mrs W. A. FVix has returned fr R. M. Mitchell explained the deve Mrs BumaU Brown and daughter. And they will goad you with injust son of James L Oray of Nyssa. om Seneca, where she visited her lopment of cooperatives In the Pac Marion Grace, visited Mrs Brown's ice, ific northwest. He introduced the sister, Mrs Campbell Baer, in Na But show me one who cares no daughter. Mrs J. W Hoare. for two Corpus Christi. Tex—Nov. 11— weeks. guest speaker. Mr. McLanahan. who mpa Saturday. whit Robert Milton Applegate, son of has traveled and studied cooperat For all the Jan and knocks he gets Mr and Mrs Bert Applegate form Visite At Home— ives at work in Europe and gave Here From Rupert— erly of Nyssa. Oregon has been gr Aurora Zamora, who is taking an enlighteniing talk on consumer Mr and Mrs David Player of Ru And doubles his desire to win aduated from the naval air train mirae’a training in 8t. Elizabeth's cooperation and its effect on world pert Idaho visited Friday at the Re grad less of the Jan on him , . ing center. Corpus Christi. and has hospital in Baker, spent thè week peace, international cooperatives to R O. Whitaker home. Mrs Player It is success, this path 111 share been commissioned an ensign in end at thè home of her father. Mi ake the profit of wars and give pe- returned home, but Mr Player re And leads where others fall to dare. the US. naval reserve. ace to the consumer In all countries mained here to work in the sugar | Because you with your pride He is a former student at the ke Zamora. of the world. The group then sang factory, And the knocker decide, Oregon State college. again with Vernon Steven.* n lead- ... . The thing is going to be U. S. M umm Carp« PWr Goes To Utah— tng and Mn Irvin 8ieckm.m play- In Ontario— And then on some unheard of day. Mrs Gordon Ray left Monday Not all trees of Southwest Paclfle Islands are slender palms, this Sidney Brown, son of Mr and Mrs morning The door is opened and the way, ing the piano. Mrs Emma Quinhy and daughter. photo reveals The Leatherneck dwarfed by the massive Jangle tree for Ogden to visit her Burnell Brown of Nyssa. has been mother. Mrs. M. E. Bybee She The meeting was concluded by a Mrs Herbert Fisher, were In Ont- To success is at your side, is Corporal Charles H. McClare of East Lansing, Mich, a Marine transferred by the army from San wfll be gone about one week. grand inarch games and vUIUng. alio attending to busineaa Tuesday Because you decided, to decide. Corps combat photographer. ta Ana to Ontario, California. Total Of $600 Reported, But Many Have Not Given Reports Achievements Of Co. PTA Council Holds Meeting Meetings Held By Cooperatives Our Boys In The Service I