T* \ FACE SÍX TH E N YSSA G ATE C ITY JO U R N AL TH U R SD A Y, NOVEMBER 4, 1943 mmm was their parents. The boys went to i living in Oregon prior to a civil Fcrt Ord, California. They came here from Camp Callan, Californ­ I service appointment in Boise. | Egt. Drewniak's home is in B ill­ ia. inas, Mont. Guests at the party were La Rue Nye, Margaret Sarazin and Merry -5 - P IE SOCIAL SUCCESS Norcott. At the Pie Social and Halloween M \NY ATTE ND E X H IB IT ; a crystal ruby red centerpiece con- dance given at the L.DS. church ] B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y GIVEN Mr and Mrs Dan Corbett of Ny- Approximately 400 persons atten- sistlng of a large bowl o f flowers Friday evening. $173 raised to pur- ded the •'one-man'' art exhibit glv- and ruby red candlestocks to mat- chase books to mail to the boys in j ssa Heights were hosts at a surprise en by Oertrude Murchison, Ogden oh. Millie Slater and Caroline Tay- the service. Dart Bybee was auction- birthday party given for their son, artlst, in the parish hall Monday lor read several of their poems and , eer. A fter a program, conducted by , Mont Corbett, Monday evening. and in the L.D.S. church Tuesday. Mrs Bybee sang a vocal solo, "L ife Wanda Callahan an orchestra play- Eighteen guests played games. R ef­ Henry Hartley, superintendent of is Sweet", composed by Mrs Slater ed for modern and old time danc- reshments were served. _ j __ ling. Hot chocolate and pie were the Nyssa schools, conducted a tour, HALLOW EEN P A R T Y HELD M A R R IE D IN BOISE | served by the Mutual officers. during which many of the school Mrs J. B. Giezientanner enter­ Hazel Dorthea Gildea, form erly! 5 children were able to attend and tained for her/ daughter. Patricia SU ND AY V ISITO R S were given an opportunity to ask of Nyssa, and Sergeant Theodore j Ann, Sunday evening at a Hallow­ questions on "how to paint a pic­ P. Drewniak were married in the j Mr antl Mrs Dtray*1« Anderson ture". Three paintings were given Gcwen field chapel at Boise last I entrrtained 15 visitors Sunday af- een party. their home. Refresh- to school children, Lou Ann Gonn- Wednesday by Chaplain W. D, Co- ternoon HAVE BRID G E CLUB asen. Helen Warren and Marion mperry. Attending the couple were ments were served. M r and Mrs Harry Miner enter­ - 8 - Ballentine and Mrs Loren Goates Master Sergeant and Mrs A. L. Da­ tained the Sunday evening bridge CONFFRENCE HELD received free paintings Tuesday vid. The R elief Society association club at their home this week. Prizes The bride wore a soldier blue ch­ evening. “The Way o f Life", a book held its conference last Sunday ev­ in bridge were awarded to Bernard o f poems written by Mrs Murchi­ iffon velvet dre s with sequin trim ening. Stake authorieties were pr­ Eastman and Mrs Miner. son, received favorable comment and a headdress of white rases and esent. Mrs Lavera Aston gave a - 8 - a shoulder leng'.h veil. from the public. ATTE ND LODGE M EETING After the ceremony a reception report on various church lessons A tea was given in honor of the Mr and Mrs W E. Sehireman, and work. Fannie Child, work and artist and two other poets, M illie | for close friends was held. The Dorene Bear and Mrs J. I. Brady Slater and Caroline Taylor of Og- ' couple left for a brief trip through business director, gave a talk. A den, at the home of T. Carol Bybee ' Idaho and Oregon and will make dramatization was given by Lucille and daugher, Eunice Ann, went to Payette Thursday evening to att- Monday afternoon. Mrs Gordan their home in South Boise, whil(, Gaates, to illustrate her lessons. end a meeting of Jobb's Daughters, Ray received a gift painting. An Sgt. Drewniak is stationed at Gow- Nelda Schenk gave a talk on her work for the coming year. Mary j Pour girls from Ontario were initi- old English lace tablecloth covered en Field. the tea table, on which was placed I Mrs Drewniak received her edu- Jensen, visiting teacher instructor | ated into the order, and Verl Poulson gave talks. The MEET IN NEW QUARTERS singing mothers, under the direc­ The local chapter of Royal Neig­ tion o f Mrs Mark Child, sang "We hbors of America met Tuesday ev­ Ever Pray for Thee” . ening in its new quarters in the - 8 - Eagles hall. A pleasant social ev­ HOSTESS T O CLUB Mrs R. G. Larson entertained the ening was spent in playing pinoch­ Thursday afternoon bridge club last le and Chinese checkers. High score week. Mrs Artie Robertson received in pinochle was won by Mrs Ruth high score and Mrs Bert Lienkae- Pruyn. Leva Findling and Edith mper the traveling prize. Guests of Reece received prizes in checkers. Mrs Larson and the club were Mrs Lunch, consisting of pumpkin pie Lienkaemper, Mrs Burnall Brown and coffee, was served. and Mrs A. C. Sallee. B ENEFIT P A R T Y HELD Our recent buying trip to the coast was very DINNER PLANNED Twenty tables of guests attended successful. A covered dish luncheon for me­ the progressive benefit card party mbers o f the St. Paul's parish will sponsored by St. Paul's guild Oct­ We will now be able to supply many of your be held at 12:30 p.m. November 7. ober 29. All members are invited to attend. Hostesses were Mrs E. D. Norcott, furniture needs. Look over our stock before sh­ No church services will be held at Mrs J. J. Sarazin, Mrs W. E. Sch- 9:30 a.m. ireman, Mrs R. G. Larson and Mrs opping out of town. A. H. Boydell. —8— HOSTESS T O CLUB At the end o f the playing, refr­ The furniture is already beginning to arrive. Mrs Burnall Brown was hostess eshments were served in the parish to her Tuesday club this week. Gu­ hall. Prizes were awarded as foll­ ests of the club were Mrs Ronald ows: Bridge. Mrs C. W Buchner Campbell and Mrs Richard Forbess. and W. E. Sehireman. and pinochle. Prize winners were Mrs Forbess, Mrs Elizabeth Rosengrantz and first, and Mrs A. C. Sallee, second. Walter McPartland. Another prize, a quilt, was given to Sid Burbidge. - 8 - BOYS HONORED A T P A R T Y - 8 - Mr and Mrs George Wilson ent­ Return R o m Portland— ertained at a pheasant dinner for Mrs A. L. Maulding and daugh­ their son. Don Wilson, and Alvin ter, Diane, returned home last Fri­ Nye last Thursday evening. day for a visit of several weeks in Nye and Wilson were accompan­ Portland. They made the trip from ied to Caldwell Sunday evening by Portland to Boise by plane. ! cation in Idaho schools and Furniture N otice Nyssa Furniture Co. Armistice Day Thanksgiving Our Extra Care Means Longer Wear Christmas Three o f the most important holidays of the year-and all three will be here soon. Don’t wait for the holiday rush. In order to avoid disappointment, send us your clothes for the Thanksgiving holiday now. You’ll like the quality work done at M ain ’s Cleaners Warning. A Surprise Winter Attack May Stop Your Car These glorious Indian summer days may end suddenly with a “ sur­ prise attack” by Old Man Winter. W ill your car be ready? If it W on’t Start Phone 77 Heed this timely warning and get your car in III III I'l MIMMI P N M Mllllll HI M l M M M M WM M II II II II II 11 II 11 II M11 LI 111111111111111111II !<• NYSSA Phone 108 shape to fight o ff the bitter cold. Let us give it our winterizing service to make it run better PRO G RAM THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY and SATUR D AY NOVEMBER S— 6 Hopalong Cassidy and Pals in “HOPPY SERVES A W R IT ” Wally Brown and Alan Carnev in “ADVENTURES OF A ROOKIE” and last longer. Drive in Today. Moss-Ninemire Motor Co. Keith Moss Charlie Ninemire A d v ice jta ^ b ia ie iic i 8»t. Mat., 2:30 P. M . Adm. 5c-20c; Evening, llc-33c, includes tax • Beware o f patent medicine« S U N D A Y and MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7— 8 Wallace Beery, Fay Bainter, Ray Collins and Reginald Owen in “SALUTE TO THE MARINES” The Fighting Marines in Glorious Technicolor. Latest March of Time advertised as cure* or remedies for diabetes! T h ey are fakes. Diabetes was first recognized about 1552 B.C. This was about the time o f Moses, or 200 years Mat Sun. 2:30, Adm llc-2Sc, Evening Adm. Ilc-33c, Includes tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Disney Presents In Technicolor, “VICTORY THROUGH AIR POW ER" Sports and Secret Service in Darkest Africa. Admission. Sc-Me. tnrlndlng tax W ED N ESD AY and TH URSDAY NOV. 10— 11 Edward Arnold, Virginia Weidler, John Carroll and Ann Avars in “THE YOUNGEST PROFESSION” Special Added Attraction “ REPO RT FROM TH E A L E U T IA N S ” Photographed by U.S. Army in Technicolor. Admission Evening — l ie and 33c. Including Defense Tax MMNKMSttHIHitMl HMItMIIHit before the birth o f King Tut. Ever since that time, at inter­ vals, some faker comes up with a cure. A depend­ able treatment for diabetes was discovered less LOCAL NEWS Leaves Hospital— Mrs G. L. Smith returned home Visiting Here— Tuesday after spending several days Einer Mortensen, a ship-builder J in the hospital in Ontario, for the navy in San Francisco, is visiting friends and transacting Club W ill Meet— The Health for Victory club will business in Nyssa. meet Friday o f this week at 2 o’clock In the high school building. Here From Twin Falls— Th e meeting date of the club has Mrs Warren Larsen and baby been changed to the first Friday arrived Sunday from Twin Falls to of each month. visit Mrs Larsen's parents, Dr. and Mrs J. J. Sarazin. Here From Boise— Miss Delma Ward of Boise Jun­ Visit Here— ior college visited friends and rel­ Mrs K eith Bailey of Ogden and atives here this week. Mr and Mrs Mrs Vern Finlayson of Nampa vis­ Malcolm Crawford and children of ited over the week-end with Nyssa Boise were also Nyssa visitors. friends. Church Teachers Meet— Here From Nampa— All teachers of boys between the Mr and Mrs Campbell Baer of ages o f 12 and 21 will meet In the Nampa visited at the Burnall Br- L.DB. chapel at 8 o'clock tonight jwh home Sunday. to discuss the ensuing year’s work. Catches Many Coyoies— Pud Long of Jordan Valley has caught 600 coyotes this season by trapping. However, he is now only taking about 15 a day. Long was third highest in the United States in the number of coyotes caught last year. in your case, we can supply it in just the right strength. Vest bros.. and Farm, Hillside 3 mites northwest of Nyssa, Rt. 2. BALED HAY.—Wanted carload lots of first 4N4XP prices class on baled hay. delivered on ear. W ill load anywhere. W rite or phone H. Van- Egmond, route 1, Ontario, 349-R1. phone 4NTPC. FOR SALE—Chinese elms, fastest growing shade tree, all sizes and all prices. Also 24 heavy pullets, ready to lay. 650 No. 4th Str., Ny- ssa. 4N2xc LOST—Two holstein cattle, cornin' two years old. Don't know if heif­ ers or steers. Notify S. P. Bybee. phone 05R4. 4Ntfc FOR SALE—Two-wheel trailer, in good condition. Rear house at 633 No. 1st. 4Nlxp Bond Buying Will Please Hitter Avoid Fatigue Purchases Residence— J. M. Simpson has purchased the Dewey Ray residence in Nyssa and will move from his ranch near Ny- ssa following his farm sale, which will be held Monday. P R E S C R IP T IO N S 111 In Hospital— Drew Anderson, former Nyssa farmer, is ill ili a Portland hospital. He has been employed in the sh­ ipyards. the feeble resistance that your body is able to summon up. Don’t give these germs a chance to keep you from your job—get plenty o f rest and Visit In Boise— Mrs Herbert Fisher, Mrs Robert Thompson. Mrs A. L. Maulding and Mrs Emma Quiuby visited in Boise Tuesday. nutritious food. Owyhee Drug Company Visit In Emmett— Mrs W. L. McLing and daughter. Patricia, visited Mrs McLang's mo­ ther, Mrs H. B. Earp. in Emmett last Saturday. Returns T o Portland— Charles Lueck, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs Minnie Lueck. left Saturday for his home in Portland. Nursing Home Notes— Mr and Mrs Oliver Loveland of Nyssa are parents of a daughter bom Friday. The girl weighed 2 pounds. 11 ounces. Twins, a boy and a girl, were porn October 30 to M r and Mrs Ted Orrell. The boy weighed 8 po­ unds, 11 ounces, and the girl wei­ ghed 4 pounds. 11 ounces. A daughter weighing 6 pounds. 11 ounces, was born November 6 to Mr and Mrs A. B. Reed of Parma. Attends College— Marion Suiter. 1943 graduate of the Nyssa high school, left Fridaj for Occidental college in Los Ang­ eles. He is one of two Nyssa boys chosen to take V-12 navy training Soldier Visits— Corporal Peter Purvis of the Ca­ nadian army, who has spent the past two years and eight months overseas, is a guest at the home o f his sister. Mrs A. L. Fletcher. H p has been visiting his parents. Mi and Mrs Percy Purvis o f Vale. Cor­ poral Purvis, an instructor in the Canadian forces, will be stationed at Courtney. British Columbia for the next eight months before going overseas again. Visit* Here— Mrs Mark Howard, who has been A rundown condition invites disease. Fatigue is “ open sesame” to dis­ ease and germs that su­ rround your body at all times. When you are in a rundown condition they find entrance and succeed in overcoming Here From California— Harold Fletcher, former Nyssa resident, is here from Oakland, Ca­ lifornia on a business and pleasure trip. Day Phone 29 Night Phone S1W O ucU ioft C A N G O O D C A L V E S BE K A l J t U WITHOUT MI LK? RAISED (M iów & u DROP IN OUR S T O R E . . . SEE FOR Y O U R S E L F ! Don’t take our word tor it when we say that you can raise big, husky calves on dry Calf Startena, and far cheaper than you can do it on milk. Come in and see for yourself. W e ’re feed* ing a calf right in our store. It hasn’t had a drop of milk since it was 30 days old. And how it is growing! Milk is too valuable these days to give to calves, especially when there’s a cheaper, easier way o f feeding them. Just keep dry C alf Startena, hay, salt and water before them. No milk or gruel at all after calves are one month old. And just look at the advantage's . . , ' ' MILK &uw4 TIME > ' v Rau+i BIG, HUSKY CALVES KEEP DOWN SCOURS LESS TO FEED THAN MILK Drop in our store any time and Dance **• our calf. Then take home a bag of Purina Calf Startena and try it vounelf. Sunset Valley Sat., Nov.6 Nyssa Pharm acy Ace. Too Late to Classify Here From California— I Oran Wallace of Vallejo, Califor­ POR SALE—Registered Chester nia Is visiting at the home of his brother-in-law. John Vanderpool. Mr. Vanderpool and family will move soop to Modesto, California. ease, but it will enable the diabetic to live a nor­ doctor knows all about it. I f he finds it necessary ers. Sires, Balancers Parents of Boy— W ANTED —Experienced woman or Mr and Mrs M. Hillis of Nyssa girl to work in drug store. Apply at are parents of a son bom October Nyssa Pharmacy. 4Nlxc 25 in the Brittingham nursing ho­ me in Ontario. FOR SALE—31 acres of good land, fair buildings. 8 good guernsey co­ Examiner Coming— ws, new Universal milker, young A traveling examiner of operat­ team and harness. Must sell Imm­ Trip Successful— ors and chauffeurs is scheduled to ediately in part or in whole. On Clarence Aston of the Nyssa Fu­ be in the Nyssa city hall November mail, cream and school routes. W a­ rniture company has returned from 10 from 9 a.m. to 12. noon. yne L. Rathbun, route 2, Nyssa. a buying trip to the coast. He said 4Nlxp the outlook for purchasing new Here From Portland— M r and Mrs Forrest Bodmer vis­ furniture is improving. ited his parents, Mr and Mrs C. A. Any Excuse You Bodmer of Nyssa, and her mother, Return With Deer— Aden Honey and son, Carroll, Mrs Warnock of Payette. Mr and Can Find For Not and K eith Moss have returned fr­ Mrs Bodmer, former Nyssa resid­ Upping Your om the Unity section with a deer. ents, are living in Portland. than twenty years ago. It will not cure the dis­ mal life.- The discovery is known as Insulin. Your 1 living in Orlando, Florida, visited White breeding stock, open and I Mrs Frank Rambaud last week wh­ bred gilts. Choice serviceable boars. ile en route to her home in Weiser. Fine weaners for Future Farm ­ Savage’s Orchestra Al Thompson & Son Phone ;g - . _ . 2nd and Good Are. v w w w v w w