THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1943 MAT,K TWO d u r c i ? The Gate City Journal O ntario Plane | Work approved by the engineer« | included paving, fencing and flnis- Fipld Finished hln» The entire propeny 18 now 1 IC IU 1 enclosed In a wire fence Ontario. Nov 4 (Special'-Air- L«hU for night flying have not port construction and maintenance been installed but this work was KL4SS V. POWELL • • - engineers from the Seattle office I never included in the construction of the civil aeronautics authority j project. However most of the mat- ADVERTISING RALES SUBSCRIPTION RATES formally inspected the construction mgl nece6Sary for the lights is on on the Ontario municipal air- __,____ Open rate, per Inch ..... 35c CHURCI1 OF THE NAZARENE work FIRST CHl'RCH OF CHRIST port last Friday and indicated to ; hand, and engineers indicated the National, per inch.......... 35c Six Months................... 8125 Vera W Martin Pastor. 'CHRISTIAN' installation would place with Classifieds, per word....... 3r "Praise ye me Lord. I will praise offlcaU the 7 w°uM mc<,mmerid in the next several take H. N. Waddell. Pastor month». I i fi' rii Minimum .....30c (Strictly In Advsncei f .. church . . with t . a , friend- . . , j the acceptance of the the project. Offices Military restrictions prohibit the A . friendly ^ Lord with or my ^ a-.ioie heart, ^ In t^open J * « during^ construction publishing of exact lengths of the period were closed by them ly welcome the congregation.” Psm. 111:1 However they are of suf Completion of the work gives On runways Published every Thursday at Nysaa. Malheur County. Oregon Bible school at 10 a. m A class Sunday school at 10 am. Earnest tario ficient length to handle commer- one of the finest municipal Entered at the postoffice at Nysaa. Oregon for »ransmisslon Barker, superintendent. Washington. D. C. Nov. 4.--There for every age. through the United Sutes Mails, as second class nutter, under Your children should be In Sun airports in Oregon. Rated as a cl- iai air traffice that Is expected to the act of March 3. 1379. has been considerable talk out in 11 a. m , worship and commun day school. Come and bring him. ass three port, it will handle the develop in the decade following the Morning worship at 11 o'clock. largest ship now in practical use. close of the war. the northwest of late concerning ion service. 8 p. m.. Bible study at the par Message by the pastor. the purchase of a certain eastern Junior N.YP5. In the basement CAN WE OVERCOME THE WAR JITTERS? distillery, lock, stock and barrel. sonage. at 7:15 pm. The purchaser would be the liquor 2:15 p. m., _____ Back-to-The-Bible Evangelistic service at 8 pm. Prayer and Praise service Wed Will our servicemen who are serving on the commission either of Oregon or Wa- Pro*am over KFXD. night, 8 o'clock. war fronts and in the camps in this country re shiixgton. Besides buying the dis FILL GOSPEL TABERNACLE nesday Missionary meeting for the entire they would get around hall turn home to find a morose and sullen group of a tillery. church the first Wednesday of ev Rev. David Casper. Pastor my ranch located 11 miles southwest of Nyssa cases of whiskey, now in Sunday school, 10 a. m. ery month. This meeting is held on At individuals warped by abnormal conditions, di the million road to Owyhee dam; 1 Vt niiles west of Owyhee in the church. warehouse, for th Morning worship, 11 a. m fferent probably than any generation has ever irsty distrillery Gospel Bell broadcast every Sun schoolhouse and 6 miles northwest of Adrian. customers However, nothing experienced in history? Evangelistic service, 8 p. m day st 2:15 over KFJCD. been said about a plan thaï Thursday evening, prayer meet Today, people are impolite and even curt to has has been in the asking for the last ing. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL their customers and to their neighbors, they are two MISSION months to build and operate Street meeting Saturday night. self-centered and jittery; they are traveling at a good sized distillery in the nor- The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. Everyone cordially invited to at Morning prayer and sermon. 9:30 a terrific pace; failing to take proper rest and , thwest. Sale Starts at 12, noon Holy communion and sermon each these services. relaxation. Why? Because they are under pres For some time a couple of scouts, tend second Sunday of the month. Seek ye the Lord while He may sure and over-worked. We are all alike. We are i well known in the distillery indust- be found. Church school at 10:30 a. m. Women's Guild second Wednesday J ry. have been looking over several “in the same boat". * of each month. (spots in the northwest There art Sunday L. D. 9:15 8. CHURCH By our carelessness and impoliteness, we may jonly 10 head of choice 2-year-old hereford steers. am. Pries thooc two liquor distilleries in the SUNSET VALLEY CHURCH be making business enemies that we can ill aff | whole west, both in California. Pr- meeting 18 of long yearling durham and hereford heif Lord hath done great things ers head 10:30 am Sunday school for ‘The ord after the war is over, because everyone then I ior to the war one of the California Sunday bred to whiteface bull; to calf in April and May. us whereof we are glad'. Psalms Sunday 7:30 p. m Sacramen: 128:3. We extend a hearty welcome 23 head of distilleries, located in the bay sect meeting. is going to be after business and jobs and what I ion. jersey cattle, purebred, but not eligible to corn from the Argen Tuesday 2:00 pm. Relief society to you to attend our services- which registry. Double not and not trying to avoid them. In this matter tine. imported tested. which was cheaper than Iowa meeting. as follows: of service we should look to the future and see com plus 1 Cow, 5 yrs, fresh 6 mo. 5V-. gal- when fresh. the long haul The north First Tuesday of each month at are Sunday school at 10 o'clock with grows very little com. as com 4 pm Primary for children bet T. H. Brewer as superintendent. 1 cow, 4 yrs., fresh 6 mo., 4 gal. when fresh. in our present circumstances an opportunity to west pared with Iowa. Illionlos. etc Ho ween ages of 4 and 12. Classes for all ages. build friendships that will last after the war. 1 Cow 2 past, fresh 1 mo., 3 gal. when fresh a large amount of whiskey Morning worship at 11. People aren’t complaining, but are accepting is wever, distilled each year from grain THE COMMUNITY UNITED Evangelistic Services 8 pm. Sp 1 cow 5 yrs., fresh 7 mo., 5 x/> gal., when fresh. their lots without grumbling. However, they are other than com. A good share of PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ecial music and good singing, 1 cow 2 past, fresh 2 mo., 3 gal., when fresh. the rye and barley crops In cert at the church. allowing the pressure to do them more hi Kingman Memorial 1 Cow 4 yrs., fresh 1 mo., 5 gal. when fresh. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 pm ain sections of the east wend their J. C. Nevln, Pastor. than the complaining would. 1 way to the distilleries. The north 10 a. m. Bibie school. The Bible I Cow 2 past, fresh 1 mo., 3V*» gal. when fresh Each one of us should make a conscientious west produces a big barely crop of teaches us what we are to believe THE METHODIST COMMUNITY 1 Cow 5 yrs., fresh 3 mo., 4 gal. when fresh. CHURCH quality, and furthermore about God and what duties God re effort to render better individual and commun excellent 1 Cow 6 yrs., fresh 2 mo., 5 gal. when fresh. M. H. Greenlee. Pastor water, an assential in making quires of us. ity service more graciously, gain all of the rel pure whiskey, is found in abundance in 11 a. m„ morning worship. Ser Church school begins promptly at 1 Cow 2 yrs, 6 mo., fresh 2 mo., 4 gal. when fresh. axation and enjoyment possible and think con Washington and Oregon. 10 o'clock every 8unday morning. 1 Cow 2 yrs. 6 mo., fresh 2 mo., 3 gal. wrhen fresh. The Question of Jesus' Au We pride ourselves on being on ti 1 Cow 2 yrs, 6 mo., fresh 2 mo., 3l/ogal. when fresh. The possibilities offered in the mon: tinually of the terrible conditions under which northwest thority." me. worship starts at 11 have impressed these two 7:30 p. m , evening worship. The am. Morning people are laboring in European nations and ot scouts, who represent large eastern family The pastor will preach the 1 Cow 2 past, fresh 2 mo., 3 y 2 gal. when fresh. with Bible reading, sermon. The Methodist her foreign countries. Fell distillery Interests. However, the singing, hour 5 yrs., just fresh, 5 gal. when fresh prayers and discussion for owship and the Young Youth Adult Fell 1 1 Cow project cannot be un all to take Each individual will find that responsibility contemplated Cow, 3 yrs., 3 1/ •> gal. when fresh. part in and enjoy. You at this time because oi will miss a good time by staying owship meetings are at 7 pm. for his emergence from this economic and soc dertaken 1 Registered Jersey bull, 2 yrs. old priorities, etc. But it will The parents will talk about NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD ial upheaval rests entirely upon his own should be the a war. postwar project if everything _ away. 1 Red Durham steer, 4 mo. old. ‘Belief and the . Christian Life". , Pastor C. #:45 A. Slaughter as per program. Washington The e r. He alone can prevent a crack-up, because goes Several small calves. 2 heifers, 6 mo. old. young people discuss Happy ; Sunday ajn Alan probabiy get the plant, as ag Homes Are Planned The ju - 1 mon<is Superintendent. Every class 2 heifers, 1 yr. past. his friends and relatives are struggling against will 4 Small heifers. ainst Oregon, because of the chec hsve a story hour. | welcomes you. similar problems. king done on the question of poss mors 7 head of black percheron horses. Mary and Martha society will Morning service, 11: o'clock ible prohibition, say the scouts. Th meet November 11 at 2 p. m. at 1 Team of mares, 7 and 12 years old; Weight 3000. 8 o'clock. returned home Saturday after a ey are not afraid of national pro the home of Mrs. Alvan McGinnis. Evengellstic Prayer meeting Thursday, 1 gelding, 3 years old, very gentle, weight 1750. Adrian few days visit with her sister. Mrs hibition coming back again, but Mrs. Cowling will lead devotions o'clock. they are fearful of state prohibit 1 large mare, two years old last May, green broke. and Mrs. Otis the discussion. Mrs. Dan Holly went to Boise on Lovejoy. A cordial welcome to all. ion. They figure Oregon a much 1 yearling horse colt. 1 weaner horse colt. business Friday, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. D W. Patch held a Hallow- better chance to vote dry than Wa Frank Miller. t'en party Saturday afternoon for shington if the issue ever comes up. ing to get the senator to say some less. In the meantime Mr. Bone has 1 weaner filly colt, extra good. Mrs Walter McPartland of Nys- her small sons and their friends. they know it will thing definite on the subject. How nothing to say on the subject, and 2 white, brood sows. sa spent from Wednesday until Miss Lorraine McFate. who has and The eventually politically and es ever. at least one, and maybe two in all probability won't until next 1 purebred duroc jersey boar, 1 year old. been working in the shipyards in pecially those who wise are man. Friday with Mrs D W Patch. pro-Willkie. 4 shoats, weight about 160 each. Portland, is visiting in Adrian af Mrs. Oarand Call, of California. not at all pleased with the intend to go after his scalp, regard spring. ter three years absence. She re were 'MHimmimmimrmmiiiiimmiiiimmiiiiiiimiimmiiMmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ; About 4 dozen English white leghorn hens, 1 year recent blurb from Mr Willkie. who ceived a hand injury in her work is quoted as having said. “I can get About 2 dozen Rhode Island red hens. is on her wa to visit her par the Republican nomination if 1 You Can’t Beat Home- and About 20 Australop springers. ents in Tuscon, Arizona. The politicos are firmly Made Bread Made With Mrs. Taylor returned Saturday of want the it. opinion Mr Willike is tak from a visit with her cousin. Mrs ing altogether too much for grant Rogers of Enterprise, and her ed. even if he could capture Picket Flour daughter. Mrs. Lester Oarlinghouse the and The Cause of Most Human Illness nomination, he shouldn't have Swan Falls. 1 new John Deere two horse grain drill with grass made such a statement The public -that Enriched Flour of Bob The following symptoms and ailments are al seeder Oibson returned to his have always taken a delight in sl- attachment. milled in this valley fr station after a short leave at home appiing down the ears of those who most invariably caused by Intestinal Toxemia. 1 Valley Mound Corrugator. om High Altitude Wh Guild To Meet— They can now be successfully treated by the To- take too much for granted The 1 McCormick Deering mower, No. 7 railbtrds say the psychological rea eat. x-Eliminator recently installed in this office. St. Paul's guild will meet Wed ction of such a statement from 1 McCormick Deering 10 ft Hay rake Get it at any Food Store nesday. November 10 at 2:30 at the anyone in public life is always bad Appendicitis 1 McCormick Deering 9 ft hay rake. home of Mrs Frank Hall. Arthritis Mr Willkie should be more of the 1 John Deere mower No. 2 Asthma iiiiMmmimiiiiimiiiimniiMiiiniiiiiiMmiimMiimimiinmmiiiimmmiiiiM shrinking violet type in re con 1 Two-section spike tooth harrow ; vention votes at this early stage of Colitis the game and build up a demand i 1 John Deere cart 16 in walking 1 16 plow. in horse disc. Constipation for this nomination, instead of tell ing the word "it's in the bag" say Excessive Fatigue the boys who have been watching 1 McCormick Deering beet cultivator, new last April With Insurance Foul Breath them come and go for years 1 Iron wheel running gear. Headache A mighty sweet fight is in the 1 wood wheel hay wagon 1 Slip scraper. Just as war bonds will provide for your fut offing when the senate starts deb Gall Bladder Complications 1 Four-horse fresno. 1 5-foot float ating the Oonnally resolution 'for High and Low Blood Pressure a lasting peace and all that stuff ure, so will insurance provide for emergencies and 1 three-horse fresno. Indigestion things", come war s end This 1 one horse garden cultivator. the resolution the senate subst Irregular Heart that may cause loss to you because of damage is ituted for the Fulbright concurren: 1 1\Io!' Jackson mi)n hay fork. derrick complete with cable, pulleys Kidney and Bladder Complications resolution which passed the house and to or destruction of your property. Liver Complications by an overwhelming vote only to bs 2 sets of heavy work harness. Lumbago pigeon-holed by the togamen. who 1» MeCormick-Deering electric separator, No. 3 are now trotting out their own idea Menopause Disturbances A . L. Atkeson of suh a resolution The house me m t drill, forge, anvil, vice and other blacksmith Muddy or Pimply Complexion mbers are still hopping mad over tools. Nervousness Standard Rates the way the senate treated their 3 three-horse eveners. 1 four-horse eveners resolution, as this column told you Pruritus Ani several weeks ago However, the l f arm level transit. Some scrap leather. Rheumatism togamen dont have to worry about 1 blow torch and other articles too numerous to me- Sinus Trouble that because theirs is not a concur ntion, including some plumbing tools and galvani rent resolution and the house has Run Down Condition zed well casing. nothing to say about it. Many of Sleeplessness the senators are dead set against 1 mohair davenport, good condition. Ulcers of Stomach and Bowels the Oonnally resolution as written I Solid walnut library table. They complain it says a lot of not Ulcerative Colitis hing. and the liberals intend to givt For your own satisfaction ask patients who 1 Good Walnut dining table, with extra leaves. It a face lifting before it comes to 1 iron bedstead. l Reed Bookcase. have completed a course in these treatments. a vote. Electric iron i leather rocker. Cloakroom gossip has It that Wa shington's Sealer Hamer T Bone Miscellaneous kitchen utensils. will not be a candidate for re-elect TERMS—CASH ion because of illness The senator Lunch Served On Grounds has been ailing for some time and his friends believe he will retira Chiropractic Physician from public life, come January 1945 if such is the case. It will th Over 12 Years of Successful Practice in Ontario row a different light on the polit One Block West Of Moore Hotel ical situation In Washington It is ONTARIO, OREGON known that several Democrats are Owner Telephone 252 ’.spirants for Bone's seat, should he retire, and they have been try- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Col. Bert Anderson, auct. JOE KMfffimii I Farm Sale Thurs., Nov. II Livestock Specializing In Cases Of In testin al Toxem ia Machinery Protect Your Property Ontario Health Institute Dr. N. A. M ann Wm. E. Schweizer L. H. Fritta, clerk