* T H E N Y S S A G A T E CITY J O U R N A L KEBEKAH S ELECT NYSSA RESIDENT T H U R S D A Y , OCTO BER 28 ,1943 luting a part. Mrs J. W. Bennett of Bybee and Mrs. Sherman Bybee were in Boise on business Wednes LaGrande, northeast district vice day. | president of the Oregon Congress o f FTA. will appear on the prog l oo Late to Classify ram. The public is invited to att BOR SALE—Sealed cash bids will end the meeting. be accepted until Novmber 15th on Mrs Luther Fife was in Nampa iiuntrrs Leave a brick house located between J. C. Monday to see her brother. Ben | Among Portlanders here for Watson and Jack Slmplot ware- ssa residents Wednesday. The reg ience witnessed the ceremony. A istrations were made rapidly as the musial program was given. Many In new system is very simple Regis Nyssa residents were present. tration will be close Friday evening the morning and afternoon a spec at 9:30. Persons whose surnames ial conference was held.' star; with letters ranging from R In Nampa Hospital— to Z will register Friday. Mrs Merle Johnson of Nyssa was elected chairman of the 31st annual Rrbekuh convent ion for the 26'h district, which comprises Nyssa, Va le. Ontario and Jordan Valley, at QUESTS A T DINNER ( AKD P A R T Y PLANNED Go To Deavei Ontario recently. M r and Mrs Frank Morgan went A guest of Mr and Mrs Herbert Amtngements have been comp The Methodist ladles of Ontario world war feteran. who i s , pheasant hunting ast week were I houses near the railroad five blocks leted for the progrcslve benefit card Fisher at dinner Monday evening served a dinner to the delegates in :o Denver Monday to visit their daughter, Mrs Blaine Ballah. Mr . j suffering from a broken hip caus Mr and Mrs. A1 Vaughn and son north o f Mam street. party to be given by St. Pauls wus Charles Lueck of Portland, who the evening. guild October 29 at 8 o'clock. As The property on which the hou Mrs Leora Davis of Ontario is Morgan will also attend the annual ed by a beet eak falling on him. Jerry. Aram Cartosan. C. Brown. is spending two weeks with his mo Russ Beutler and Bill Marriette, has been the custom, pinochle and the retiring chairman Other offic meeting o f the National Reclama- se is located has been sold and the who made the Bob Thompson h;me bridge will be played In the homes ther, Mrs Minnie Lueck. ers elecled at the meeting included: tion Congress They are expected Here From Halfway— their headquarters. They left Mon- j house will have to be moved from of guild members und refreshments home Monday. Mr and Mrs Seth Crockett of Vice chairman. Ms Hazel Lewis; HOSTESS T O CLUB will be served In the parish hall. j Halfway visited at the home of day after enjoying unusually good present location in about four mon secretary-treasurer. Mrs Sophia A feature of the party will be the I Mrs Crockett's sister. Mrs Perry hunting in the Nyssa section, fam ths. Mrs Eddie Powell was hostess t ° , R oot; marshall, Mrs Harriett Har- Football Game Cancelled— ed for its fal pheasant crop. The Emmett-Nv.ssa football ga Ward. Friday and Saturday. awarding of a quilt. Those desiring her Wednesday evening bridge club rts; conductor. Mrs Ruby Oardner; We reserve the right to reject to attend may still make reservat last evening. A guest o f the club right support to the chairman, the me, scheduled for Fridayy has been any or all bids. Bids will be accept Visit Here— postponed because of the harvest Go To Colorado— ions by telephoning Mrs Grant R i was Mrs S W Abersold Those w i - l ort t0 chairman. Mrs Lucy Jo- Mr. and Mr. Ted Dewey of Sal ed by us at the following address. Odella Lopez and her grandmot- nehart i hnson: right support to the vice vacation in Nyssa lining honors were Mrs Grant R i em, the Cecil Dewey family and Wilson Bros. Nyssa, Oregon. 2802xc I her. Carlota P Naranjo, left Friday state assembly presdent; left supp- - 8 - nehart and Mrs C. W Buchner. HAS RRIDOE CLUB morning for Colorado, where Miss Mr. and Mrs. Vem Liechty were chalrman. Mrs Ethel Parks; left Former Residents Visit— Sunday evening guests at the W. FOR SALE— Mrs Artie Robertson was hostess Wesley Sherman, former Nyssa | Lopez will finish her schooling. - 8 - support to the vice chairman. Mrs Electric cream separator, electric F. McLing home. DINNER P A R T Y HELD ___________________ to the Tuesday evening bridge club Jessie F*raser: inside guardian. Mrs high school instructor, and Mrs j milking machine and milk cans, this week Mrs ,1. J. Sarazln won Mr and Mrs L Fife entertained Slna Conner: outside guardian. Mrs | Sherman and son. Dickie, of Forest Here From Portland— one wagon, on Skinner Borthers’ high score and Miss Eva Boydell at a chicken dinner party on Wed Hattie Leavitt; chapltan. Mrs Vern- Grove, stopped here Monday to vis- j Webb Eldredge o f Portland arr- Week-End Guest— President and Mrs. Luther L. ranch. 4 miles northeast o f Vale. it part o f this week at the home , ived Sunday to visit his wife's par- second. Several guests besides chib nesday. Places were laid for 16 ena Beam; musician. Mrs Winifred F ile had as their week-end guest Write Mrs Daisy Noe o f Baker, or of Mr and Mrs Leno Christensen ents. M r and Mrs J. E. Wheeler. members were present. Diven. guests. 2803xp LeGrand Richards of Salt Lake inquire Journal office. Mrs Bertha McCollum of Fort- Mr and Mrs Sherman are en route City. AIR CADET M ARRIES —8— and. state president, gave the main to Buhl to visit her parents. Mr Return Home— H ALLO W EE N P A R T Y HELD FOR SALE—100 W hite Rock pull Mrs A. L Fletcher of Nyssa has M r and Mrs J. C. Schultz o f G r address at the evening meeting. Sherman is an electrician in the ets, ready to lay. $1.25 each. M. A. The primary children of the L. The state se.-retary. Miss Louise shipyards in Portland. received a letter from her son. Air esham. Oregon have returned home To Boise— Mrs. Gordon Ray, Mrs. Wilford Rataezyk, route 1 ' ' 2801xp Cadet Robert P Burrelle. stating D. S. church enjoyed a Hallowe'en ; Smith of Baker, seated the newly after visiting at the home of their that he was married to Miss Edith party Tuesday afternoon. nephew. Dr. L. A. Maulding. Cos- j elected officers, assisted by Mrs Gees To Nebraska— Mrs James Atkeson left for Arc- Wade of Tacoma September 28 tumes were worn by many of the | Madeline Laca o f Jordan Valley Air Cadet Burrelle Is stationed children. Refreshments were serv Beatrice Rebekah k x l ^ K o f O n t - I adla Nfbraska Tuesday to visit her Elk Hunting— at Ktrtland field, Albuquerque. New er to approximately 60 children, J. L. Gray. Earl Gray. Rev. V em 1 ario conducted the initiation cere parents. Meftco. where he has nearly com Martin and Ed Wild left Monday monies during the evening session -8 — pleted his training as a bombardier. on an elk hunting trip to the Baker e n t e r t a in s a t d in n e r when three candidates were initiat Here From Portland— S. P. Strout. E. E. Smith. Andy section. Mrs Burrelle Is residing In Albu e tta u e . Mrs Perry' Ward and Mrs Albert ed querque. Meier were hostesses at a dinner Next year's assembly will be held Tachela and Frank Goretta. all of j Portland, spent the week-end at In Portland On Business— j given Wednesday night in the Wa- at Nyssa Lester Klinkenberg and W. W. i | rd home for Lieutenant Kathryn Mrs Bertha McCollum o f P ort the J W Jennings home and hun • Despite the fact that a way to Peterson, who is stationed with the land paid her official visit to Y e ll ted pheasants. Leo Elwert of Sher Paster returned home Friday from I Painter and Decorator ! WACS at Fort Benning. Georgia ow Rose Rebekah lodge of Nyssa wood. Oregon came to Nyssa Friday a busines trip to Portland. While prevent diphtheria was discov I Lieutenant Peterson, former N y October 14 as president o f the Reb to hunt and left Saturday even In Portland they visited Mr. Klink- 1 Only inside work fr ssa resident, is visiting her parents. ekah assembly o f Oregon. Miss Lo ing for the Steens mountains to enberg's brother. Marion. ered many years ago, thousand: | Mr and Mrs H. L. Peterson o f On- uise Smith o f Baker. Rebekah ass hunt deer. om now until spring. Here From College— I tarto. embly secretary, accompanied her. of children have diphtheria every Phyllis Schireman wa# home last Refreshments ’ were served after Attends Medical M eeting- - 8 - Free Estimate Dr J. J. Sarazin left Sunday for week-end from the College of Id CLUB HOLDS M EETING the business session. year. Much of this is due to the Chicago to attend a meeting of the aho. The Mr and Mrs Club met last 775 First SL International Medical society, h eld : . ----------- Thursday night tor a potluck din- j indifference of parents. They from October 26 to 29. Doctor Sar- Returns Home— tier at the home of Mr and Mrs A. atin will be in his office again Tu | C Sallee Two tables of bridge we Mrs A. H. Boydell returned home know that their children should be immunized, esday. Thursday from Butte. Montana, ir in play with honors going to Mr , but they just don’t get around to it. Make a reso where she visited her mother. Mrs I and Mrs George Mitchell. Shop In Caldwell— R. Nankervis. •l••HHtM'lHtmtllmnMlmMmmH!U!tlllltllHlllmmtHllmHmlmmmHlllltHt Soldiers Gel Magazine— lution now to have your children treated. The Mr and Mrs Perry Ward and son. All service men from the Nyssa Ronald, shopped in Caldwell Sat- Officer Visits— L D S Ward will receive the mag- urday. treatment is simple and safe. Ask your doctor M ajor J. B Beckham recently azine. Improvement Era. monthly j __________________ visited at the home of his wife's about it at the first opportunity. publication. This plan will be made Visit In parents. Mr and Mrs A. H. Boy possible by using the proceeds from Mrs Bernard Frost and Mrs Har dell. M ajor Beckham was en route a Halloween dance to be held Fri- ry Miner went to Boise Tuesday to from Fort Bregg. North Carolina lay evening in the ward hall. A pr meet Mrs Frost's sister. Mrs W ag to visit his parents. While M ajor ogram. beginning a: 8 o'clock, will ner. and daughter. Patricia, o f T w Beckham was here. Mrs Beckham be followed by a dance Each lady in Fails, who will visit at the Pros' went to Green Cove Spring. Florida attending is to provide a pie for a home for a week to visit her brother. Ensign Edward And W e Don’t Mean Sugar pie social. Boydell of the navy. Dedication— Ration Rooks Issued— The Weiser stake tabernacle was | Nursing Home Notes— One thousand ration books o f th* dedicated Sunday evening by Pre- ■ Mrs L A. McDowell and infant No 4 issue were given out by school siding Bishop LeGrand Richards j ^ WPr? dismissed October 21 teachers during reg^tration of Ny- o f Salt Lake City. A large aud- M r and Mrs Lester Lewis are pa W e have more orders on file now than we rents of a son bom October 15. Mrs can deliver for several days, but we still advise Lewis and baby were dismissed Oc our patrons to order their winter coal supply tober 25 A son was bom October 15 to Mr now. and Mrs Fuel Andrews. Mrs And Every* now and then we get a few carloads of rews and baby were dismissed Oct coal and we deliver it as quickly as possible. Si For home Front Casual ober 17. A daughter was bom October 16 nce each carload is fillet! with only one kind ties. to M r and Mrs Rodriquez. and size of coal, we deliver it to those whose or Mrs Elza Niecum of Nyssa and ders are in for that kind. W e never know what’s W e know that you’ve infant girl were dismissed from the home Tuesday. coming next, or when until the ear arrives. been busy "harvesting” M r and Mrs Ronald Shicritter of W e are doing our best to keep our service up Apple Valley are parents of a son and canning your vict to par. Thanks for ordering in advance. bora October 17. ^bost't Jlet tytun GluU. LOCAL NEWS Andv McGinnis 1 Or 2 Lumps,. Please? Nyssa Pharmacy We Mean Coal ,» *K elTCOU» rrOK COMFORT First Aid Supplies PRESCRIPTIONS ory crop, but now we A1 Thompson & Son r bane M expect to see you again tug and Good Ave. HlimnnilUllUlli;uin:nnii 4UHHIUIMMII illtll M i l UIIUMUM UH il,.il IIMillMlilllltHUIIIIMIItMHttDIIIIIIIIMIIIIMItMtlllllllltlltllll NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM T H EA T R E asking for remedies to repair the havoc wrou ght by unaccustomed outdoor life. W e wel come your trade and hope that we can serve you as well as you’ve been helping Uncle Sam. 0w>hee Drug Company Dar Phon* 29 Night *1W Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 29—30 William Gargan and Bobbv Readick in "HARRIGANS KID’’ Joe Sawver and William Traev in “ One-man” A rt Exhibit Displayed by Gertrude Murchison of Detroit. "YANKS AHOY” SUNDAY and MONDAY OCT. 31 and NOV. 1 Mon., Nov. 1 Red Skelton. Lucille Ball. Gene Kelly and Rags Ragland in From 2 to 9 p.m. Sat Mat. I M F M . Ada. tc-Mr. Kvetung. lie - »c . avrwoes a i One Man .Art Exhibit Planned— Mrs Gertrude Murchison, well- known artist and poet of Utah, is eipeted to arrive in Nyssa Thurs day to put on a “one man“ art exhibit Several teas are b e ir« planned in her honor She has traveled extensively in the Amer icas and has a wealth of exper ience in pamting and poetry With her will be M illie Slater, also a poet and Caroline Taylor, inven tor and poet. They will stay at the horn« o f T Carol Bybee while here. D un n »w 4 — A dance will be held m the Cow Hollow hall Saturday night. Qcto- O . T . Orden— A L. Heidt and Ira Ure left Tu esday for OgdetL where Mr Held: » building a .work bam for Mr Ure Bex am Parish Hali M r» Kir-xer has returned home from Wezser. where she visited her brother for two weeks — B A R G A IN N IG H T — Tues., Nov. 2 M r and Mrs Albert He kit a-1 soc-N Everett. Robert and vtered friends at Homedale Sun- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 From 2 to 9 p.m. "DU BARRY WAS A LADY” Gorgeous Fun and Music in Beautiful Techni color. M a t A m 1 M Adua tic-M r evening A d a l i e - » fevrhnJea tax Robert Paige ami Grace McDonald in •GET G O IN G " Sports. Comedy and Secret Service in Darkest Africa. W E D N E S D A Y and T H U R S D A Y NOV. Gary Cooper. George Raft, Frances Dee H am - Carey in -S O U L S A T S E A ” Sports and New's I — U« iai a and !■ - — inti L.D.S. Church Mrs Murchison will appear in person with two Utah poets and give readings from her bo ok. "which should be in every soldier’s kit” . The public, including all school children, in vited to attend. Howard FW d formerly o f Weston Idaho bat who recently received a xaedica: d scharre from the army » a T n ®* vtsÄtng friends and r K iL - m Free for DRY-SOFT, STAY-SO Ff WOLVERINE S H E U H 0 R S EH ID ES ^ surely do get comfort «then you cash i n your ration coupon tor \\ olverine Shell rlorsehides. They feel like tnoc- casms on your feet - even iry jut ioft and Dliable after a on top of th at, vou’ll be literally dum bfounded at i he ° ! ' ’ e n n e s defy scuffing, scraping:, perspiration and bam vara acids give you months and miles o f money-saving extra wear. So. when you can’t make your present work s..o« last any longer, just come in and let us fit you out with a pair of W0L\ ERINE Shell Horsehide Work Shoes. I N • : SHELL horsehide work shoes F TA C M ir « T . Meet— roanei «i fo r r e a T O ció te •ocvcmwt of howscn ' oc womc doves and «S .TlT'a.l fjJ one painting at each exhibit SPEND MY 18 COUPON » at Golden Rule nyssa OREGON