THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 ,1943 PAGE FOUR was called to The Dalles t i be wit« From The Dalle*— Mrs Ed Wild returned home from her son, Roy who underwent a ma­ The Dalles Tuesday morning. She jor operation October 14. Repulses Three Jap Attacks AT TH E 'TTr ' £ Washington, D. C., Oct. 28-Com­ mands of both AFL and CIO are getting into full stride for the com­ ____ m m M m m ing elections. Labor has a blacklist U . S. M arins Corpa Photo of senators and congressmen it in­ Corporal John Rothschild, left. Leatherneck machine-gunner of tends trying to liquidate either in New York City, reports to his commanding officer, Lt. John II. Wis- the primary or the genreal election mer of Trenton, Mich., after he and another Marine had broken The entire Oregon delegation, with three Jap attacks. The two Marines volunteered to man a gun at a the exception of Rep. Homer Angell hazardous outpost at Sanana Beachhead, Munda Point, and were attacked by 150 Japs in three waves. They eliminated more than of the third district, are on the list 100. One Jap reached their foxhole but was killed by Rothschild. and several Washington congress­ The second Marine died a t his gun. men are also slated for political oblivion if labor has its way. All on acount of their vote on the Smith- order to save livestock men from j it can’t. T hat’s the reason the boys serious losses. With stocks of winter j are holding off from introducing Connally ant-strike bill. The labor leaders of the north­ feed at an all-time low livestock l the measure now. In the meantime west are really organizing their for­ men must thin out their herds or i they are busy trying to line up the ces for this fight, which is eviden­ lose considerable through shrinkage ced by some of the moves they are and destruction during the coming necessary yeas. Some big shots in the administ- already making. Word has reached winter months. Army and navy here that the teamsters and bott- requirements, plus lend-lease, are ation who have always been against lers' unions of Portland and like j suppile