Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 ,1943 I Walrath his wife; R. J. Walrath Í W. L. McPARTLAND, Classified Advertising 'THERE WAS I RA(JM THfiKK CHURCH" telling his employer and friends tie A-WAITIN G AT THE and Claude Nasburg, executors ôf Plaintiff, could not be drafted on account of his age. He left his wife and child the Last Will and Testament of -vs- EASKIE MINTON; FRANK MI ren got himself a lady friend and Guy C. Barnum, deceased; and to took to the nigh: spots. The United the unknown heirs at law of said NTON; The Unkown heirs of SAM States employment pleaded Guy C. Barnum, and to the un MINTON, Deceased; LOTTIE E. with him to get into essential in known heirs of either of the above PHILLIPS; and also all other per dustry, he refused, telling them he named defendants, if deceased; and sons or parties unkown claiming RATES: Two cent« per word tor each Issue. Minimum cash In couldn't be drafted. The man’s d r all other persons unkown, having any right, title, estate, lien or int aft board became quite concerned advance Is 30c. or claiming to have, any right, title erest in the real estate described in about it, and asked state selective or interest in or to the lands des the complaint herein; service headquarters to do someth cribed in this Amended Complaint. Defendants. ing about him. He was drafted is in TO: Freda Barnum Clough and To Easkie Minton. Frank Minton; the army now. His wife and child John Doe Clough her husband ; He The Unkown Heirs of Sam Minton, ren will get dependency allowences, len Barnhardt and John Doe Barn- Deceased; and to also all other per LOST—On or in vicinity of old hardt her husband; Frankie M. sons or parties unknown claiming probably more money than they FOR SALE—1936 Dodge coupe, Dam road, Tire 5:50 x 17. mounted ever had for support. And the lady Lucy and John Doe Lucy her hus any right, title, estate, lien or ln- »350. See car at J. I. Brady ranch. : on wheel. Reward. O.K. Tire Shop band; Philip Dodridge and Jane terest ln the re8‘ “ t8te “escribed friend must find a new boy friend. 2601 xp I Nyssa. 2102xp Dodridge his wife; Henry Wing and in the complaint herein; defend Jane Doe Wing his wife; Fernie ants: FOR SALE—Combination horse or BUTCHERING IN THE NAME OF THE STATE tractor drawn beet puller. Jake J. Custom butchering every Monday Moon and John Doe Moon her hu OF OREGON: You, and each of RATION BOOK NO. 1. Qroot. Rt. 2 Nyssa. 2102xp and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. sband; R. J. Walrath and Anna you, are hereby required to appear Sugar. October 31-Expiration da Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Walrath his wife; R. J. Walrath and answer the complaint filed ag te for canning sugar stamps No. 15 FOR SALE—Concrete stationary Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa and Claude Nasburg, executors of and 16, each good for 5 pounds. laundry tubs. Bernard Eastman. on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. the Last Will and Testament of ainst you in the above-entitled cou November 1-Explration date for st 30Stfc Guy C. Barnum, deceased; and to rt and cause within four weeks fr amp No. 14, five pounds. Nov. 1- the unkown heirs at law of said om the date of the first publicat ALICE A. COLLINS FOR SALE—Well-bred 5 year old ion of this summons, said first pu Stamp 29, Book 4, good for 5 pou Guy C. Barnum, and to the unkn FASHION FOUNDATIONS mare. See Mrs Thomson at Rust nds sugar through Jan. 15, 1944. own heirs of either of the above blication date being the 14th day Will Call By Appointment. Ranch, southwest of Nyssa on Ow- of October, 1943, and if you fail so Shoes.-Expiration date of stamp named defendants, if deceased; and Residence Phone 122-J yee. 23Stfc No. 18 for one pair of shoes exten all other persons unknown, having, to answer, for want thereof, the Box 500, Nyssa. ded indefinitely. November 1- "Air I or claiming to have any right, title plaintiff will apply to the court for FOR SALE—The Irving Bartholo plane” stamp No. 1 in Book 3 good or interest in or to the lands des- the relief demanded therein, to wit: mew place across Snake river from for one pair of shoes, expiration , cribed ln this Amended Complaint, For a decree adjudging the plain Nyssa. See Frank T. Morgan. 9Scfc date indefinite. tiff to be the owner in fee simple Defendants: FOR SALE—Auto Liability Insur IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of the following described real pro nesday evening for Salem to enter shippers because of the long haul RATION BOOK NO. 2 ance. »11.50 per year on "A” Ration. is being urged by Public Utilities! November 20- Expiration date of OF OREGON, you and each of you perty situate ln the city of Nyssa, Willamette university. Auctioneer for Farm Other Rates Proportionately low are hereby required to appear and county of Malheur, state of Oregon, A large crowd gathered at Walter Commissioner George H. Flaigg. The blue stamps X, Y, and Z. (proc Sales. Phone 116J, Ny answer the amended complaint fil to wit: Meets State’s Requirements. facts are being presented to Oregon essed foods). . Bernard Eastmen ssa. Lots 10 and 11 of block 69 of G r Bishop home Sunday evening to members of the United States sen RATION BOOK NO. 3 ed against you in the above entit een's Addition to Nyssa, Oregon, charivari Mr and Mrs Cyrus Bis ate and the house of representat (Brown stamps) For purchase of led suit on or before the Fourth PÒR SALE—Farms of all sizes according to the Revised General hop. After much noise visiting and ives. meats-fats and etc. day of November, 1943; said date »100 to »300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson, Map of the Townsite of Nyssa, treats were enjoyed. October 30-Expiration date of br being the last day of four weeks realtor. 12ATFC The members of the Kingman j STATES RIGHTS INVOLVED Oregon on file in the office of from the date of the first public The National Reclamation assoc- own stamps C, D, E and F. Kolony Book club met Saturday at the County Clerk of Malheur Co December 4- Expiration date of ation of this summons; and if you NOTICE TO CREDITORS unty, Oregon, together with the the home of Mrs R. L. Haworth for | iatlon’ meetin* in Denver ° ctober brown stamps O, H, J and K. G Notice is hertoy given to the cred fail to appear and answer said am tenements, hereditaments and ap a 1 o’clock luncheon. Mrs D. W. 27' 9’ wil1 * attended 8 lar*e becomes valid October 24, H on Oc FURNITURE WANTED—We pay itors and all other persons inter ended complaint for want thereof purtenances thereunto belonging; Patch of Adrian was assistant hos- Oregon group including Angus Qib- tober 31, J on November 7, K on highest prices for used furniture. ested in the estate of Phebe Hun the plaintiffs will apply to the Co tess. “The Man irom Caracas” was son' chairman of the ways and me- , N ^ ,. „ . , . Nordale Furniture company. 21 Jtfc ter, deceased, that the undersigned urt for the relief prayed in their | that the title to said property be ans committee of the senate at th e 1 vf , r Eacn wee8‘y series . . good for 16 points amended complaint. ¡quieted in the plaintiff; that the reviewed by .Mrs M. L. Judd. Patrons of Adrian high school I *8S^ legislative session, WANTED—Used furniture. Highest has been appointed administratrix RATION BOOK NO. 4- October This suit is brought for the p u r-1 defendants be required to set forth prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa of said estate and has qualified as pose of securing a decree adjudg the nature of their respective rights greatly appreciated receiving the ! ^'*le important business before 26-29. registration for Book 4 in such. All persons having claims Furniture Co. 1ATFC accePl- Portland OPA district. Applicants in said property; that the court school news letter prepared by D the Denver meetlng w11 against said estate are required to ing that the defendants have no W. Patch, superintendent, especially ancp' amendment or rejection of a WANTED—Listing on farm and city present the same duly verified to right, title, estate, lien or Interest adjudge and decree that all right, those who have no children attend- committee report favoring the right must present copies of Book 3 to property. A. L. Atkeson. 6MTFC. i tjje undersigned within six months ln or to the particular lots or par title, estate, lien or interest which ing as it brought the school affairs of the states 10 eontro1 thelr water Obtain Book 4. Public school regis tration sites will be announced lat cels of land described in the amen any of the defendats may have in WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi 1 from the “ate of the Orst publlcat- ded complaint, being parcels carved said property is inferior in right and business activities closer home re80Urces as aBalnst the adminlst- er. ration policy of federal control. W. ion of this notice at me office ol in a concise and interesting man livo fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay out of and being portions of the to plaintiff's estate therein; and G. D. Dobson, representing the STOVES- ette. $7Ntfc A. L. Fletcher, Nyssa, Oregon, being SWti of the SW!4 of Section 29, that each of the defendants, and ner. Purchasers must get certificates the place hereby designated for the Mr. Hamilton and son. Billy left Portland Chamber of Commerce at at ratloh boards for most new st all persons claiming under them, or SEEDS WANTED—Cash buyers of transaction of all business pertain Township 19, S. Range 47, E.W.M. any of them, be perpetually enjoin Thursday with John Johnson for Washington D. C., urges active par oves. in Malheur County, Oregon; and ticipation in the meeting by an Red Clover, Alfalfa, Grass seed. ing to said estate. WOOD, SAWDUBT, COAL quieting the title of each plaintiff ed and debarred from asserting any Wallowa to spend a week hunting Oregon group. See us before selling. Beal Sc Dav Margret M. Jensen, deer. such right, title, estate, lien or in Fuel dealers must deliver by pr TO STUDY POLUTION enport, seedsmen at the office of Administratrix of the Estate to the particular lot or parcel of terest in said property, or any part Billy Hamilton will leave Friday State Highway Engineer R. H. iorities based on consumer needs. Miehael-Leonard company, on Ny of Phebe Hunter, Deceased. land claimed by each as described thereof; and plaintiff prays for to Join the army. in said amended complaint; and Baldock and State Engineer Ch FUEL OIL ssa highway. Ontario, Oreg. 9Stfc First Pub. Sept. 30, 1943, Vern Eachus of Los Vegas, Nev Period 1 coupons in new fuel oil for the purpose of securing a de costs and further equitable relief. arles E. Stricklin have returned fr Last Pub. Oct. 28, 1943. This summons is served upon you ada arived Monday for a visit with om a meeting of a stream purific rations last through January 3, 19- cree adjudging that the defendants by virtue of an order of Hon. Chas. his mother, Mrs L. Eachus. 44. Coupons with gallonage printed FOR RENT—60 or 160 acres of SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION and ail other persons or parties un Members of the Stark, Bishop ation committee in Portland and on the face valid until expiration S. Leavitt, Judge of the County known claiming by, through or un extra good farm land. Good for IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF and Chaney families left Monday «»“ ounce cannery operators would row crop or any other crop. In THE STATE OF OREGON FOR der them or otherwise, be enjoined Court of Malheur County, Oregon, for south mountains to round up ^ called to discuss their dLsP°sal date shown on coupon sheet for and debarred from asserting any made and entered on the 11th day their cattle gallonage indicated on coupon face. Sunset Valley, 14 miles southwest THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR problems at the committee’s next GASOLINE— of October, 1943, directing that pu of Nyssa. Charles A. Ditty, ZORA M. OSBORNE; Alma Wh claim adverse to the plaintiffs ln or blication thereof in the Gate City Mr and Mrs Hunterlider and Mrs meeting. November 21- Expiration date of 2104XP ite; L. E. Fry; Clara M. Brown; to said parcels of land, and that refuse dumped into riv- Journal once a week for four succ Douglas of Nampa spent We.lnes- ers Cannery the title of each plaintiff to the and streams oxidizes slowly, us No. 8 stamps in A book, each good Louis P. Thomas and Winifred day visiting in the Dyre Roberts essive weeks. ing up the available oxygen and for 3 gallons. B. Thomas, husband and wife; and respective parcel of land claimed E. OTIS SMITH, home. to be owned by each, by virtue of suffocating’ fish life ln Instances," TIRES H. G. Johnson, Mrs Grace Hart returned to Ba Attorney for plaintiff. mesne conveyances and a chain of Cars with C ration books must Baldock said. Plaintiffs. title derived through Melvlna Gl Residence and post office address: ker, Monday after a week's visit POSTWAR POINTS RELEASED have tires inspected every 3 mon vs. with her daughter, Mrs Leroy Ben Auto Repairing Ontario, Oregon. A six point program for postwar ths; B books every 4 months; A FREDA BARNUM CLOUGH and asgow and Hugh Glasgow, her hus NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME nett, and family. bajd, who were the purchasers of readjustment has been made by books very 6 months. Commercial Doe Clough her husband; He Mr and Mrs Ed Nielsen were Su Reboring, Valve Grind John Notice is hereby given that the Dean Victor P. Morris, chairman motor vehicles- tire inspection ev len Barnhardt and John Doe Barn s a .l SW!1 of the SW'4 of Section 29, Township 19, S Range 47, E.W Petition of LaVan Van Tromp for nday guests of the Harlan Maw the postwar committee. Abbrev ery 6 months or every 5,000 miles, ing, Lathe work. Parts hardt her husband; Frankie M. M. from Malheur County be con a change of his name to Van Duer- family. Mrs Nielsen also attended of whichever occurs first. iated they are: Lucy and John Doe Lucy her hus firmed and each be decreed to be den, having been filed in the Co their shower Friday. (1) Any program must be kept band; Philip Dodridge and Jane and accessories Mr and Mrs Dyre Roberts tran unty Court of Malheur County, Or Doe Dodridge his wife; Henry Wing the owner in fee simple thereof, sacted business ln Parma and Ny highly flexible. (2) Full advantage should be ta and Jane Doe Wing his wife; Fer free and clear of all claims of the egon, and September 23, 1943, hav ssa Friday. ing been fixed by the Court for Phone 56w ken of energies and ideas of private nie Moon and John Doe Moon her defendants or any one of them This summons is 'published by the hearing of said petition and no enterprise. husband; R. J. Walrath and Anna Insurance ä l l f e f o Real Estate order of the Hon. Chas. S. Leavitt, Interested person having appeared (3) The interests of Oregon as a County Judge, Dater October 4th, in opplsltion to the granting of said whole must dominate. Phone 64 1943, acting in the absence of the petition, the said Court did on said (4) Similarly, also, Oregon must Mr. and Mrs. Mort Wixon have NYSSA OREGON September 23, 1943, make and enter Circuit Judge, prescribing that this been visiting Ml' and Mrs. D. L. be viewed as a part of the Pacific summons be served by publication an order, decreeing such change Parker. Mr. Wixon is on fur Northwest. thereof, once each week for four and providing that public notice be lough. He has been stationed at (5) Due account must be taken consecutive weeks ln the Nyssa given of the change so decreed, by of national plans for the future, Farragut, Idaho. Gate City Journal, a newspaper publication for two consecutive Mary Reffett and Sadie Parker though leadership must not be sur Serving 5 Counties published ln Malheur County, Ore weeks in the Gate City Journal and went to Ontario Wednesday. rendered to Washington, D. C. From the Largest Stock of gon, and the date of the first pub that on return of proof thereof, Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parker have (6) Finally, emphasis must be th Oenulne lication thereof is October 7, 1943. certificate under the seal of the received word from their son, Dick, rown on economic life if the state Court, shall issue certifying that that he has been transferred to is to take ful advantage of the po A. L. Fletcher Attorney for Plaintiffs. the legal name of said petitioner tentials of the Pacific Basin. Port Benning, Georgia. Residence and Post Office Address, shall thereafter be the name of DODOS CAN DO ARMY Van Duerden. Nyssa, Oregon. Parts Men 38 years old or older can be Orders Shipped Immediately H. S. Sackett drafted Into the army, Col. Elmer IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SHOE SHOPS Clerk of the County Court V. Wlooten, selective service director DENTISTS THE STATE OF OREGON, IN of Malheur County, Oregon for Oregon, states in telling of what C a p it a l AND FOR THE COUNTY OF happened to a Portland shipyard .P a r a d e MALHEUR Payette, Idaho J. R. CUNDALL worker who celebrated his 38th Phon« 49 All kinds of shoe and harness SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION 'lü.B/¡ birthday by quitting his Job and Miss Laura Prosser of Boise re repairing Dentist No. 5747 E. M u rrd r'V rfd p turned home Thursday evening af- Across from post office. ' n ii n i in 1111111111111111111111 n 1111111111 ii 1111 m ii m 1111111111111111111111111111 mi i n i Phone 66-J er a few day’s visit with her par N m« h m i l i r t in m ui ni'iMiitrin inumili Sarazln Clinic ents, Mr and Mrs Elmer Prosser. A reminder to hog raisers: NYSSA OREOON A number of frjends and club SERVICEMEN'S FAMILIES AID OPTOMETRISTS Let me help you get greater net returns for your Fat HOGS by members gathered at the home of ED At last the green light is up and bringing them to the Railroad Stockyards in Nyssa, Oregon or Mrs E. E. Parker Thursday after JEWELRY STORES Hqmedale, Idaho, where I buy every Friday. NO COMMISSION, noon for a farewell party as the the federal act to aid families of "See McFall and S » Better“ NO SHRINKAGE, and where you can see and check the weight Parker family are moving this we servicemen with maternal care can of your hogs yourself. ek. She was presented with many operate in Oregon. For Friday's price phone 111R, Nyssa between the hours of 5 beautiful handkerchiefs. Club mem The United States childrens bur p m and 9 p.m. on Thursday, or 53 JLJ, Homedale. bers gave her a lace tablecloth A eau has made $35 000 available to the state board of health to com lunch was served. Mrs N. S. Phelan and Mrs Swet- pensate physicians and hospitals Frank Kullander Union Pacific Time Inspector land were guests of Mrs John Bis for care rendered to wives and in Nyssa, Oregon EYESIGHT SPECIALIST fants of servicemen in Oregon. The hop in Nyssa Thursday. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS ONTARIO OREGON state is expected to receive further Mr and Mrs Walter Bishop and 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111II1111111111 ill 11111111111 ill 111111 r WATCHES Mr and Mrs Cyrus Bishop transac grants as the programs progresses. Main Street at Second A recent amendment made by w 11 if m ut 111111 m 111 in i111 i 4 ii num i ti lim ili unii mw mini ii m unni m uniti in imiwwi iiww ted business ln Caldwell Thursday. PHYSICIANS Joe and Ezra Brumbach were bu congress makes these services avail Life, when it is most You should carry public liability and prop siness visitors in Nampa and Cald able only to the wive* of service beautiful is simple . . . well men of the 4th and 7th pay grades Thursday. erty damage That is one reason why Case Muntjewerff, Leroy and Ha and their children up to one year Nyssa Funeral Home rvey Bennett. Mr. Steiner and Oa- of age. Only medical and hospital Official Time Inspector for rritt Muntjerwerff are among those care rendered after October 1, 1943, Physician and Surgeon Union Pacific stresses simplicity in its who were deer hunting the past an be authorized for payment. Ex- Phone 17 ONTARIO OREOON services. Nyssa families week in the mountains around Jor pectant mothers who are eligible Hours: 10 to 13 and I la • should apply to their family phys have learned to depend dan Valley. Mrs Della Bunnell returned Sat icians, newcomers to Oregon who Guaranteed Fry Building upon us for sympathetic urday from a combined business do not have family physicians, sh and understanding att and pleasure trip to Knox City, ould on tact their county medical Especially during the harvest season. socltie*. ention in time of berea Missouri. It is dangerous to drive without adequate co SARAZIN CLINIC Mr and Mrs R. L Haworth made FREIGHT TAX DISCRIMINAT vement. verage. severaltrlps to Star during the past ORY J. J. Sarazin, D. Modification of th at portion of week to visit Mrs 8 Haworth, who Free Examination the 1942 revenue act by which con is critically ill. and Estimate! General practice of medicto» Johnnie Bishop returned to Ny gress Imposed s three percent tax NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE ssa Wednesday after a two-week on all freight shipments of Oregon Physiotherapy PARMA — — — — IDAHO i -Ray Standard Rates products to large eastern markets visit with his grandparents Miss Phyllis Haworth left Wrd- and which heavily penalises our lim im i u 11 m ii n 1111 ii ii it u it n n it n m n i rut dm it it mwwmwnwh ■ mm mm hum ) MISCELLANEOUS For Sale LOST Ration Calendar W. L Lane WANTED Legal Advertisement For Rent E.W. PRUYN Bernard Eastman Upper Sunset Professional And Business Directory Abbott’» Shoa Shop Big Bend 4 m Me Cluer-M anser DR. J. A. McFALL PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Simplicity WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE L. A. Maulding, M.D. Work E. I. COLE WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRING JEWELER M. Insurance On Your Farm Trucks Nyssa Funeral Home A. L. Atkeson