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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1943)
•“ V ~ £ v ~ r- «“ .—.*/ ó . - ~?y » ; . The NYSSA V o l u m e x x x v i i i , Street Work To Be Done Here By State Of Oregon No. 41 MCGINNIS GIVEN HONOR BY VFW. JOURNAL nyssk o irÈ ftò N , T h u r s d a y r to tO B E ir ss , 1943 Opening School Now Uncertain £2.00 PER V T O f WITHHOLDING TAX RETURNS ARE DUE ;>EET HARVEST IS Nyssa Response ! ! HALF Evacuation Of COMPLETED To Fund Drive More than half of the beets gr Malheur County J. W. Maloney, Collector of In- The re-opening of the Nyssa high ! temal Revenue, today called to the | Unsatisfactory owing in the Nyssa-Nampa district Japs Possible school, which was closed to give M ention of all employers who are v.ill have been dug by the end of Andy McOinnis of Nyssa has been appointed deputy chief of staff of district No. 7 of the Veterans of required to withhold income tax Surfacing Four Blocks Foreign Wars by department head students an opportunity to assist from the wages of their employes Adrian Is Expected To I lis week, District Mahager r . g 800 Evacuees May Be quarters. in harvest, is indefinite, Superin that the returns of this tax are now Reach Quota With Larson stated at a meeting of the And patching To Be Moved Out On Short Mr McGinnis is the r.rst five-star tendent Henry H. Hartley indicated due and must be filed with the of Some To Snare Nyssa chamber of commerce Wed- Done commander of post No. 79, Ameri today. Notice fice of the collector of internal rev _____ ’nesday noon. can Legion, of Nyssp Five stars are enue, Portland, Oregon, not later School will not be re-opened Mo The response of Nyssa residents | One llundred and ten thousand District Supervisor Walker ot the given for 25 years of service in the Vale, Oct. 28 (Special)-Some 800 nday urness the weamer remains than October 31. state highway department, with Legion. McGinnis Joined the organ unfavorable. If good weather pre Mr. Maloney said that unusally to the Malheur county war fund j tons had been harvested Saturday Japanese evacuees in Malheur cou headquarters at Burns, told Mayor ization when it was organized in vails the school will remain closed severe penalties are imposed under campaign is very disappointing, night and 60,000 tons are expected nty may be moved out on short France in 1918. for another week. If the students this new act for any failure to file Chairman M. H. Greenlee announ to be dug this week, leaving only notice by the war relocation auth Herschel Thompson last week that do return to school, classes will be the return in time to reach the ced the first of the week. ority, it was admitted by Horace L. the highway department intends to 140,000 tons to be harvested. continued until the weather seems collector’s office within the specif The quota of Nyssa and vicinity If favorable weather continues Arment in charge of the Ontario do some street improvement work is $2250, but only a few hundred ied time. There is a minimum add •to have settled. for the next two or three weeks, employment service office. The in Nyssa this fall. “The unfavorable weather of the ition to the tax of $20 for failure to dollars of that amount had been the 1943 harvest will probably be WRA is considering this possibility raised Tuesday. The department has promised to past two weeks has prevented the file return and pay the tax when completed earlier than any prev and has had William Moore, assist harvesting of much hay, potatoes, due. Collector Maloney urges emp Solicitors in little Adrian are fin ious harvest. surface First street on the two bl- ant supervisor from Salt Lake City ding the response very good. in the county for the past week, A Japanese laborer, Setsuji Oki- lettuce and other crops", Mr. Har loyers to avoid this penalty by ma oks north of Main street and also Legion Commnader William E. tley said. “Most of the imported iling their returns in time to reach making an investigation. The next the first street east of the under moto, 40 years old, was seriously in Ashcraft of Adrian has 15 to 20 move will be determined by his re jured Monday night at 7:30 when labor is working in the beets, while his office not later than October workers canvassing the entire Ad pass for two blocks north of the he was hit by a truck operated by the other crops have had to depend 31, port. rian union high school district for highway. In addition the state will an unidentified driver 2 3-4 miles on high school youngsters and local The evacuation order, it It comes, funds for the war chest. labor. woud be based on reports made to patch the pavement in the sugar north of Nyssa. Reports reaching the treasurer, “According to all reports, the hi the WRA that the people of Mal Okimoto, suffering from face and company house district. Rev. J. C. Nevin, indicate that Ad Malheur county, for 1942-43, bud heur county are hostile to the Jap The work is expected to be star body abrasions and a ruptured kid gh school youngsters are giving a rian will meet her quota. To date geted $ 15.000 for general relief of anese and want them moved out. ted soon. The money to be used ney, was taken to the Ontario hos good account of themselves. Many the war chest thermometer in the unemployed, and spent $11.092, or The matter came before the Wetser will be taken from funds approp pital by Ormond Thomas, manager girls are working in the packing Glenwood Pounds store shows con 73.9 per cent of the taxes levied on Commercial club, across the river sheds while the boys are doing a riated to cities and towns from of the Nyssa labor center. Five Malheur county tenant far tributions amounting to $418, with property for this welfare purpose. from the Oregon Slope district, wh Okimoto was walking toward Ny variety of jobs”. state tax money. mers have an opportunity to be individual donations ranging from For the same fiscal year, Malh ere theJapanese are most heavily ssa on the left side of the highway, come farm owners under the Bank- 50 cents to $50. eur county budgeted $ 10,000 as its concentrated, and this club sent he told Thomas, and the truck st CHILDREN ASKED head-Jones tenant purchase funds Local solicitors think that the match-money share of aid age ass wires to the Oregon and Idaho del EMPLOYMENT MAN ruck his shoulder, knocking him to alloted to the farm security admln- poor response is due to a misunder TO BE CAREFUL istance cost and spent $10,348, or egations in congress protesting the GETS PROMOTION the ground. He went to the Gard ■ - istration for the year ending June standing of war fund program, wh ner residence nearby and from th The city will have extra policemen 30, 1944, reports Ned L. Willimas, ich is designed to take care of ma 3.4 per cent more than the budget move, at least until after the crops allowance. Announcement that Eldon Cone, ere was taken to the hospital. have been harvested. The matter on duty Halloween night, Mayor district FSA supervisor, Nyssa. Ap ny war relief organizations that McMinnville manager of the United General assistance or relief cost was brought before the club by P a Herchel Thompon announced. are actively engaged in relieving plication by eligible tenant farm Malheur county $16,702 in 1941. FY>r states employment service, was pr Especially because of the scarcity ers and farm labor families in the suffering among the needy of the the present 1943-44 fiscal year, $10,- ul Joseph Oregon Slope farmer, and omoted to the position of field sup NYSSA RESIDENT member of the Malheur county we of materials, children are asked to world, American service men in county can be made at the county 000 for this purpose was budgeted, lfare committee. He said that far ervisor for the agency was made SERVES AT PARTY refrain from destroying property. hospitals and in prisoner of war FSA office. a decrease of 40.1 per cent. The mers in the county would have dif Wednesday by Emory R. Worth, Farmers to be eligible must be camps and for the general welfare number of relief cases in Malheur ficulty harvesting their crops if the College Of Idaho Oct. 28 (Special) Parents are asked to warn their USES state director. county during May, 1941 was 447. evacuation order were issued. Cone began his employment ser —Housewarming was held last ni children against destructive tactics. American citizens and successful as of the American service men. tenant farmers. Preference will be Although many groups are listed during May 1943 146 unemployed vice duty in August, 1940, as a jun ght at the College of Idaho’s new A study of the records reveals given to those having machinery as beneficiaries in the general war persons were aided, a decrease of that there are about 1600 Japanese ior employment officer at Klamath supplementary dormitory for wom and livestock for farm operation. fund, a contributor may specify the 67.3 per cent. Falls office, and subsequently has en, Perkins house. Guests were gr in the county at the present time. Loans are repayable over a period group that he desires to receive his With respect to old age assistance There are 636 with seasonal work worked his way through the ranks, eeted at the door by the housemot of 40 years with interest at three contribution. The money may be Malheur county spent $8,019 during permits from the WRA and 217 Worth stated, and has held the her, Mrs Jane Eustace, and the per cent, and repayment is sched ear-marked for one or many of the 1941, but budgeted $10.000 for this more who are on indefinite leave. position of manager successively in house officers Ai'een Gordon of uled on a variable basis, depending groups. purpose for the present fiscal year. Those with seasonal permits must The Dalles, Ontario and McMinnv Eden, Betty Berney of Grandview. Sodium Chlorate, a chemical salt, on each year’s farm income. Organized labor approaches the This is an increase of 24.7 per cent return to their camps at the end ille. A former high school football Helen Noel of Payette, and Marg ls being used very successfully for subject with the announcement th "Although funds are limited to in proposed expenditures for old of the work season. Approximately coach. Cone’s supervisory area In ie Robbins of Parma. noxious weed control, according to Serving punch and cookies to the J. B. Holladay, assistant county ag $6415 per individual farm purchase, at “We have long looked to a un age assistance for 1943-44 over 19- 700 more are self evacuees- those cludes Astoria, Baker. Hermiston, Hood River, La Orande, McMinn guests were Betty Hamilton of Na ent. The farmers in the county are providing for not more than five ited effort that would put an end 41, although the number of old age who left the coast hurriedly before ville. Ontario, -Pendleton, Salem, mpa, Julia Eastman of Adrian Ore., going ‘all out" in it’s application, loans in the county, every step to to hapharzard methods which have cases aided in typical month of the evacuation order was issued Alyce Lilya of Gannett, Phyllis especially on ditchbanks. fencelines ward more farm ownership by re resulted in a good of separate app May, 1943, was 151 and 182 for sa and who are not within the author The Dalles and Tillamook. Other personnel changes announ Schtreman of Nyssa, Loreen Fuller and roads where weed patches occ sident operators will benefit farm eals to our membership for the me month 1943, an increase of 20.5 ity of the WRA. There were about - 135 in the county as regular resid ced by Worth Include the shifting of Twin Falls, Eileen Perrigo of Pa ur. Cropland is being treated with ing in thi$ community,” said Will past years. We are assured, too, by per cenl. In addition to monthly grants to ents prior to Pearl harbor. of Guy W. Lang, field supervisor, to yette, and Marie Burgin of Sado the idea of leading the salt out iams. “Owners of family-type farms operation of the national war fund are not only providing the more st of elimination of needless duplic old age assistance cases on basis of area No. 1, a territory incorporating Springs, who also acted as ushers. within a year or two. There are about 7000 acres In the able increases in war food product ation and unnecessary expenditure need in Malheur county, $1.584 was county leased or owned by Japan Albany, Bend. Corvallis, Eugene, During the summer, several far of energy in fund-raising.” ion are asking the most efficient Returns From Visit— spent for medcal care and hospital ese with 645 in actual ownership, Klamath Falls, Lebanon, Marshfi mers have produced crops on soil Mrs Burnell Brown returned ho which was treated last fall. These use of their land!”- ization during the first six months according to the tax records. One eld, Medford. Rosebung and Toledo. Listings of family-sized diversif of 1943. In addition $2,753 was sp hundred thirty acres have been sold TRAFFIC DEATHS Lang, formerly a superintendent of me Sunday after a visit with rel .oils have varied from a sandy lo ied farms for sale in the county ent fqr medical care, etc., of relief to Japanese since Pearl harbor. schools in Washington, entered the atives in California and Utah. She am to clay loam, Holladay said. RATE IS HIGH cases, or a $4.660 total for medical employment service in December, visiter her brother in Las Vegas, Since the county supply of carbon will also be accepted for consider 1937, as McMinnville USES man Nevada, her mother in Ogden and bisulphide gas is temporarily exha ation by successful applicants and Traffic accidents during the last care for six months of this year, Goes To Portland— ager, and was promoted to field su- j her son* who is stationed at Santa usted, it is urged that the use of the county PSA committee. Final three months of the year have cl which amount was charged against Clarence Aston left Tuesday for recommendations on applicants co ! Ana. pervisor in April, 1942. the special chemical salt be applied aimed a toll of an average of 30 the county’s budgeted appropriation Portland on a business trip, nsidered best qualified for farm by farmers themselves. percent of the year’s total traffic for general assistance or relief, acc stated he will be glad when the Sodium Chlorate is cheaper to ownership under the tenant purch deaths for the past three years. Se ording to state public welfare com war ends and that “the old farm apply, costs less, and requires the ase plan are made after a careful cretary of State Bob Farrell decl mission records summarized recen review by the county PSA comm will look good to me” His ad east labor of any weed control met ared today in urging Oregon motor tly by Oregon Business and Tax hod. Farmers may also apply the ittee, consisting of Frank Morgan ists and pedestrians to exercise care Research, Inc. dress at present is: practice for payment under the and David Mitchell of Nyssa and to avoid accidents durinig the fall Corporal Joseph Harold Fred Burgess of Vale. program for 1943 providing it is Callahan, U. S. Army, HEALTH MEETING Detailed information and appli and winter months. applied prior to November 15. ABN 39247598, Slippery road surfaces and poor WILL BE HELD cation blanks are available at the The material is available through 843 Signal Service Bn. vision due to inclement weather county PSA office. Edited by A.P.O. Seattle, Washington. the county agent’s office and is and longer hours of darkness are Health for Victory club members T. CAROL BYBEE handled by the Farmers’ Supply the chief factors in this heavy pro and guests will attend their next Pvt. John Adrian Oox of the en Cooperatives at Ontario, Vale and NYSSA NURSE IS portion of traffic deaths during the meeting Friday, November 5, at POIINNIES VERSION OF HALL gineering division with headquar Nyssa. last quarter of the year, Farrell sa 2 o’clock at the high school home ON NAVY LEAVE OWE’EN NIGHT ters at New Orleans, reports he id. ac. room to see Mrs. Leona Ander On Hallowe'en night all the spooks is well and likes his work fine. POSTAL POSITION "This year, there ls an additional son, home demonstrator for the are out. Miss Sue Keizer, graduate with Mr. Cox was an engineer on the the class of 33 of Nyssa high school factor that all drivers should reco Idaho Power company, demonstrate Every Ghost gives a great big shout. AT JORDAN OPEN western train at El Paso, Texas, is on furlough after a year’s work gnize and allow for. Tires on many mixing and baking of wartime The pumpkins with their glowing before entering the army. He is a as a navy nurse in the Pacific vehicles this year are more worn raEes and pastries.” eye*. The United States civil service nephew of Mrs. Joe Callahan.. theatre of war. An attractive than during normal times. This The housewives will be given Take all the people by surprise. commission has announced examin blonde, Navy Ensign Keizer look means there is greater danger of recipes that call for com syrup, T-4 Phillip D. Clowers has been Owen Chester Counsil is home to ation for the position of postmaster ed charming when here Sunday, skidding on slippery streets and molases or honey in place of The witches with their broom sticks appointed an aviaion student, and visit his parents, Mr and Mrs O. P. at Jordan Valley. In order to be eligible for the ex clad in her navy street suit with its road surfaces. Rain and fallen lea sugar; drippings, poultry fats and bold •has reported to the 314th college Counsil, on a 15-day leave from the amination, the applicant must be flags and insignia showing over ves combine to form treacherous suet as alternates for butter, lard Have ugly wrinkles and look very training detachmen (air-crew) at navy. Counsil, a gunner’s mate, 3rd a citizen of the United States, must seas service. While here she was traps for the unwary driver in this and vegetable fats, and the eco old. Illensburg, Washington, for prelim class, came home Saturday. They fly around from place to pl nomical use of milk and eggs. have actually resided within the the guest of Mrs. Oswald Forbes, season." inary training as an aircrew mem who has returned home from Flor As an illustration of the conten “The wartime cakes and pastries ace delivery of the post office for which Lieutenant Joe Robertson of the ida for an indefinite visit with her tion that the "dimmer the light, ber. Aviation students undergo a rig army air forces, who has been vis the examination is held or within mother, Mrs. Ethel Crawford, and the greater the danger", Farrell we will talk about at the next Giving the kids a merry old chase. Health for Victory meeting,” Mrs. the city or town where such office orous training program in techn- iting his parents, Mr and Mrs Artie sister, Mrs. Wayne Morris. An pointed to the accident experience ial phases of aviation designed to Robertson, left Saturday for San is situated for at least one year im other Nyssa youth, Oswald Keizer, in Britain, as recently reported. Anderson explained, “are satisfy Then on the window goes, rat-a- mediately preceding the date fixed ing to the taste and a lot more sat ta t—tat, better qualify them as pilot officers. Francisco. ls in the navy and has been sent During the last four months of the isfying from a nutritional stand The folks Jump, inside and say for the close of receipt of applicat Aviation Student Clowers, is the from Florida to a point in the south year 1940. there was an average of son of George F. Clowers, Rt. 2 Ny Robert McCoy returned home ions and must be within the pres Atlantic with his probable next 14 moonlight nights each month, point than many of our pre-war "What was that?” cribed age limits. cakes and pastries, but best of all. They turn around with fear in th last Thursday from New York, wh ssa. Oregon. jn each of these months, there we- they conserve precious ingredients eir eye. Full informatioln and applicat post in South America. ere he had been serving in the US. Miss Keizer is spending her fur- re more than twice as many pedes- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan maritime service. He was given a ion forms may be obtained at the lough with her parents, Mr. and trian fatalities on the moonless now required for war purposes and One little girl begins to cry. Jordan Valley post office or from Mrs. C. J. Keizer, in Boise. She at the same time add a tasty cli of Nyssa have received the belong medical discharge. the civil service commission in Wa was among 21 nurses on the hos nights than on those nights when max to meals.” Soap on the windows wax on the ings of their son, Harve, who is an the moon lighted the country. shington, D. C. Another feature of the meeting car. airplane mechanic. Harvey was pital ship Solace. The ship pick Robert Eldredge came home Sun During the winter months In stationed at San Diego for the day on furlough and will leave Fri ed up the wounded on Pacific Oregon, longer hours of darkness, will be a discussion of six steps Little houses tipped over in ones islands and transported them to rains and fog contribute to decrea important to baking good cakes: back yard. last few months after leaving the day for Boulder, Colorado, where BOETTIGERS NOT University in Norman. Oklahoma. he is serving in the navy under the MALHEUR HUNTERS large base hospitals. On return sed vlsibiity for the driver. With ( 1 ) use tried and tested recipes. Then ya hear lots of feet that run, home, Ensign Keizer was a pas increased numbers of persons walk (2) use good ingredients. (3) meas ‘Twas the bad boys in town, Just He has gone into the South Pa V-12 college program. ure ingredients accurately. (4) mix havin' some fun. cific and reports that only three Mr and Mrs John Boettiger of senger on a seaplane, flying from ing in traffic today, Farrell urged out of his squadron, went to sea. Don Wilson and Alvin Nye came Seattle were not hunting in Malh a Pacific island to Pearl Harbor. drivers to take this fact into cons carefully. 5 bake correctly. (fl> A knock comes at the door, they Mr Callahan said he was doing home Sunday from Camp Callan. eur county recently as stated in After her furlough she will report ideration as they drive after dark. use proper care after baking cakes. Mrs. Anderson will also explain say "Trick or treat”. fine and that hU carrier is a pal San Diego. California, for a week's the Oate City Journal and some for duty at a Seattle hospital. Pedestrians, on their part, were ur the “food fights for freedom" pro We give cookies and apples and ace. He said he would like to furlough to visit their parents, Mr other Snake river valley newspa ged to wear or show something wh gram sponsored by the government candy so sweet. ATTEND CONFERENCE hear from some of his friends and Mrs Oeonge Wilson and Mr pers ite when they walk at night. and will ask the Health for Vlv- Late that night theres a hooooing College of Idaho Oct. 28 (Special 1 - as he gets very lonely for news and and W A. Nye Wilson is in the Captain Boettiger has been in I t tory membership to take the fol sound. loved ones at home His present communications corps, anti-air aly for sometime Mr and Mrs Geo FV>ur members of the Boone Christ NEW WELL HOUSE Its a wise old owl a flyin' around. lowing pledge: craft, and Nye is in the intelligence rge Brice of Seattle, friends of Mr ian asociatlon at the College of Id address is “I hereby promise to use food as W H. Callahan, AM3-C division. and Mrs Boettiger. were guests of aho went to Unfield College. Mc- WORK IS STARTED a precious weapon to help shorten Midnight draws then, slowly near U3—-E. S. Division Mr and Mrs J. P. Dyer in Ontario. Minville. Oregon, last week to at the war, and to save American That goes to increase the childrens tend the regional council of the j The city of Nyssa has started co- Hubert Lueck of thè navy ls vis- c-o Flet Post Office lives. I will faithfully make food fear. Pacific Northwest 8 tudent YWCA- nstructlon of No. 3 well house on San Francisco. Calif. iting hls mother. Mrs Minnie Lu On Hunting Trip— fight for freedom by producing, con They climb in their beds with an I the grade school grounds. eck. and his brother, Charles Lueck. Bernard Frost. Dr. E. D. Norrott, YMCA. Those representing the college Ì The building, of brick and oem- serving. sharing and playing square awful fright Artie Robertson and Dr. Danieh Corporal Joseph Harold Callahan. Lyle Mlner. son of Mr and Mrs of Ontario left Sunday on an elk were Cloyd Krebs of Nampa. Fr ent construction, will be finished wtth food to the lmlt of my abil Hopin’ in the niomiing they'll be U. S army, has returned from his alright. ity ” furlough. He took two months Harry Mlner of Nysaa. has been hunting trip to the mountains of ank Chalfant of Boise. Burl Wyck- within a few days. And that is the end of Hallowe'en The public Is invited to attend. The structure will provide cover off of Babbitt. Nev., and Alta Fraz assigned by thè navy to thè radar the LaOrande section. They are ex training in Crtpto and then was night. Prizes will be given. [ for Nyssa* newest well. ier of Twin Falls. pected to return home Sunday. sent farther north into Alaska. He schooi at San Diego. Jap Seriously Hurt By Truck 5 Farmers Will Receive Funds Relief And Aged Costs Reviewed Chemical Salt Used On Weeds Our B o y s I n T he Service POET’S CORNER (