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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY J O U R N A L Classified THE G O O S E THAT LAYS THE G O L D E N EGGS Advertising R A T E S : Two cents per word I or each Issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 30c. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale I’AOE THREE TH U RSD AY, OCTOBER 7, 1943 | rent. Phone 07-J1 or see Jim Step hens at C. B. Hill place. 704xp FO B SALE— New 3 room house, WE P A Y H IG H E S T PR IC E S foi live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay large back porch, bath, water heat ¿7Ntfc er, oil burning heater, acre ground, ette. irrigation pump, large garage and SEEDS W A N TE D —Cash buyers of workshop. M. J. Crawford or In Red Clover, Alfalfa, Grass seed. quire Journal office. 072xp See us before selling. Beal & Dav enport, seedsmen at the office of FOB SALE—Gem seed potatoes. Michael-Leonard company, on Ny- Blue tag quality. Stanley Hill, A d ssa highway. Ontario, Oreg. 9Stfc rian. 702xp MISCELLANEOUS stamps) For purchase of meats, fa 3unday. ts, butter, cheese, oils. Adrian ! Oetcfcer, 1913. union high schcol war NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS October 2-Expiration date of br bond sales readied $250 last week, Notice is hereby given to the cr own stamps A and B. October 30- gtudents have also purchased $50 editors and all other persons inter Expiration date of brown stamps C, in war stamps. ested in the estate of Rosie Alice D, E, and F. D becomes valid on Mull, deceased, that the undersig Legal Advertisement October 3; E (In October 10; and F ned has been appointed administ NO TICE T O CREDITORS on October 17. Each weekly series rator of said estate and has qual Notice is herby given to the cred ified as such. All persons having good for 16 points. itors and all other persons inter claims against said estate are re R A T IO N BOOK NO. 1 ested in the estate of Phebe Hun quired to present the same verified, Suagr. October 31-Expiration da ter, deceased, that the undersigned as required by law, together with te for stamp No. 14, five pounds, has been appointed administratrix proper vouchers, within six months and for canning sugar stamps No. of said estate and has qualified as after the first publication of this 15 and 16, each good for 5 pounds. such. All persons having claims notice to the undersigned at the Shoes-Expiratlon date of stamp against said estate are required to office of A. L. Fletcher in the City No. 18 for one pair of shoes exten present the same duly verified to o f Nyssa, Oregon, that being the ded indefinitely beyond October 31. the undersigned within six months place designed for the transaction “ Airplane” stamp No. 1 in Book 3 from the date of the first publicat of all business pertaining to said good for one pair of shoes on Nov ion of this notice at the office of estate. A. L. Fletcher, Nyssa, Oregon, being ember 1, expiration \ndefinite. B.B. Lienkaemper. Stoves-Rationing o f cooking and the place hereby designated for the Administrator of the Estate of heating stoves includes most new transaction of all business pertain Rosie Alice Mull, deceased. ing to said estate. stoves burning coal, wood, oil or First Publication Sept. 23. 1943 Margret M. Jensen, Last Publication Oct. 21, 1943. gas for domestic use. Purchasers Administratrix of the Estate must get certificates from ration o f Phebe Hunter, Deceased. boards. N O TICE T O CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to the cr FUEL O IL-Period 1 coupons in new First Pub. Sept. 30, 1943. editors and all other persons inter fuel oil rations last through Janu Last Pub. Oct. 28, 1943. ested in the estate of Charles R o ary 3, 1944. Period 5 coupons (19- NOTICE OF SEASOAL D ETER bert Mettlen, deceased, that the 42-43) valid through September 30. M IN A T IO N undersigned has been appointed Coupons with gallonage printed on Notice is hereby given that the administrator o f said estate and the face valid until expiration date shown on coupon sheet for gallon- employers listed below have been has qualified as such. All persons determined to be seasonal employ having claims against said estate age indicated on coupon face. G ASO LINE— November 21-Expirat ers within the meaning of Section are required to present the same ion date of No. 8 stamps in A book, 126-707 O.C.L.A. Any interested pa verified as required by law, toget rty may request a hearing before her with proper vouchers, within each good for 4 gallops. the Commission within ten days a f six months after the first public TIR E S Cars with C ration books must ter final publication of this notice. ation of this notice to the under have tires inspected every 3 mon The “Off-season” (in calendar we signed at the office of A. L. Flet ths; B 'books every 4 months; .A eks) of each seasonal employer in cher in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, books every 6 months. Commercial Malheur County is as stated below: that being the place designated for Amalgamated Sugar Co., 6-35; J. the transaction of all business per motor vehicles-tire inspection ev ery 6 months or every 5,000 miles, C. Sewell Products Company, 47-28. taining to said estate. OREGON UN EM PLO YM EN T Ewen C. Chard, whichever occurs first. COM PENSATION C O M M IS Administrator of the Estate of SION Charles Robert Mettlen, dec Dated and first published this 30th eased. day of Sept. 1943. First Publication Sept. 23, 1943. Arch Eastman and Slim Hatfield Date of last publication 14th day o f l Last Publication Oct. 21, 1943. left Thursday on a deer hunting trip. Mrs Adams is visiting Mrs Hatfield while the men are hunt ing Don Parker brought his wife and infant baby daughter home from the hospital Saturday. Noah Howard received word that his son, who has been in the navy the pasf year, was on furlough and visiting his mother, who is in Cal ifornia. Mr. Howard left at once by plane to be with his son. A shower was given for Mrs El don McGarvin at the home of Mrs As we are going into defense work, we will sell at Newgen last Saturday afternoon. public auction on the place known as the Fenn ra M r and Mrs U. E. Parker have been sick the past week. nch located 15 miles southwest of Nyssa, 5 miles no Claude Day spent several days rthwest of Adrian, then west on Overstreet road, go on crutches after falling and sp 3 miles west, north, then west, !/•> north, then raining a ligament in his leg. east U. E. Parker attended a meeting in Parma Friday afternoon at the invitation of the Canyon county agriculture agent to assist in org anizing a cattle association similar to the one in this community. Ab out 70 prospective members were Sale commences at 1 o’clock, slow time. Ladies present. FO R SALE— 18 tons of good hay. I $15 ton. Walter Marshall at Lincoln j HAVE YOU SEED FOR SALE? W R IT E US IM M E D IA T E L Y ! school. 702xp I We are in the market for larger -I FOR SALE—Chester White weaner supplies of all kinds of field and However J pigs, 16 miles southwest Nyssa, no grass seed than ever. shortage of transportation and ma rth o f Mitchell butte. Cash Turner, npower prevents us from visiting route 2, Nyssa, Oregon. 30S2xp all seed areas. W e will appreciate your writing us at once stating FO R SALE—Concrete stationary kind and quantity of seed you have, laundry tubs. Bernard Eastman. or expect to have. When seed is 30Stfc ready, prepare identical sample by mar, who had spent 10 days visiting would expedite the movement of taking some seed from each bag at the Lee Smith, Ralph Barnes war materials, equipment and tr FO R SALE —Well-bred 5 year old and mixing. Four ounce sample is and Vern Smith homes have re oops to Alaska", says the governor. mare. See Mrs Thomson at Rust enough if representative of the en turned to their home at Water- Construction costs would be shared Ranch, southwest o f Nyssa on Ow- tire lot. Mail sample to bury, Nebraska. by the United States, Canada and yee. 23Stfc Mrs Robert Hawkins has return NORTHRUP, K IN G & CO. ed to her home from the Britting- British Columbia. Boise, Idaho. FO R SALE— 4-Room oil burner. We will have representative call ham home, with her Infant daug OREGON BLUE BOOK Taylor Sandy. 23S3xp The state directory, officially de to arrange for delivery to nearest hter, Judy Annie. The first P.T.A. meeting o f the signated as the Blue Book and pu FO R SALE—Permanent wave, 59c. collection center. Do your own permanent with Ch- Sellers of Northland Brand Seeds. school term was held at the school- blished by the secretary of state, 19A8XC house Friday evening. A reception will be o ff the press October 10. It arm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, for the teachers was combined with presents data concerning the state, including 40 curlers and shampoo. BUTCHERING the meeting. The teachers are W al its government, activities and his Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Custom butchering every Monday ter Marshall and Mrs McDole. tory with information pertaining to Praised by thousands Including Fay and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Walter Marshall has moved his counties, cities and federal govern McKenzie, glamorous movie star. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. trailer house to the Lincoln school ment. A statutory fee of 25 cents Money refunded if not satisfied. Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa grounds, where he and Mrs M ar is provided by law for copies sold. Nyssa Pharmacy. 16S5xp on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. shall will reside during the school ONE-M AN BOARD OF CONTROL TO R SALE—The Irving Bartholo When Secretary of State Bob term. ALICE A. COLLINS mew place across Snake river from Mr and Mrs John Pennington Farrell and State Treasurer Leslie FASH IO N FO U ND ATIO NS Nyssa. See Frank T. Morgan. 9Stfc and Helen Pennington of Califor M. Scott arc in the eastern states W ill Call By Appointment. nia are visiting at the parental the week o f October 15th the state Residence Phone 122-J TOR SALE—Auto Liability Insur George Pennington home. John P e of Oregon will have a one-man bo Box 500, Nyssa. ance. $11.50 per year on "A ” Ration. nnington is employed as a flying ard o f control as Governor Earl Other Rates Proportionately low instructor and Miss Helen has been Snell will be the only member at Meets State’s Requirements. employed as a telephone operator the capital. These occasions do not Bernard Eastmen in California since her graduation distrub state business as a rule but from the Ontario high school last are about as rare as an .eclipse. TO R SALE—Farms of all sizes. EASTER L I L Y HARVEST spring. $100 to $300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson, Auctioneer for Farm The largest crop yet taken from The third singspiration was held realtor. 12ATPC the Easter lily field of Oregon will Sales. Phone 116J, Ny Tuesday evening, September 21. TO R SALE—Three extra good hol- M r and Mrs Robert Degross arr be harvested this year, according ssa. stein springer heifers. Jake Fisch ived Sunday afternoon at the home to inspectors o f the state agricul er, Alberta avenue. 9STFC of Mrs Degross' parents, M r and tural dept. These bulbs, for which demand is lively and price excellent Mrs Lee Smith. WANTED M r and Mrs Roy Farley and sons are now being harvested. The Eas and Rev. and Mrs R. L. Kriner and ter lily production in this state has F U R N IT U R E W A N TE D —W e pay The last meeting of the Patch family were Sunday dinner guests [ developed within the short span of highest prices for used furniture. and chat club was held at the ho at the Buell Hickey home. five years with over one hundred Nordale Furniture company. 21 Jtfc me of Zola Pettet, who was assisted M r and Mrs Ralph Barnes and growers now participating in the W A N TE D —To buy used piano. Mrs by Marie Evans, Annie Johnson Roy were Sunday dinner guests at industry. G. C. Lytle, route 2, Nyssa. 9S5xp and Lulumae Appleton. A lunch the Amos Dejomol home. DEM OCRATIC A P P O IN TM E N T Former governor Os West claims Ida Nelson spent Sunday at the W ANTED— Used furniture. Highest was served. Vern Smith home. he is the first Democrat to be app prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa The October meeting will be held ointed by a Republican governor, Furniture Co. 1ATFC at the home of Marie Frank with except in cases provided by Oreg H. L. Day returned home after on law. He has received a duly sig W ANTED—Listing on farm and city Neva Barnes and Ruth Smith as ned and sealed cirtificate of app spending several months traveling. property. A. L. Atkeson. 6MTFC. Co-hostesses. ointment from Governor Earl Snell Mr. Day visit in California, Nebra Mrs Ralph Smith and son, Del- W ANTE D —80 acre farm. Buy or which makes him Inspector Pleni ska, and Missouri. Mr and Mrs James Stephen, Jr., potentiary of Lonesome Towns. The J l. -Y. document was issued on his 70th and family left for Seattle last birthday and accepted on the 46th week after visiting at the home of anniversiary of his wedding. There his parents. Mr and. Mrs George Cleaver and is no salary but as West puts it, PROPOSES A LA S K A H IG H W A Y “The remunerations are ‘the wee Alvin and La Vern, Mr and Mrs Governor Earl Snell has asked muckle things ye can pick about’." Leslie T op liff and Mr and Mrs Alva Oregon’s congressional delegation to R U LIN G S B Y A T T O R N E Y G E N Goodcll and Donna Belle were in Ontario Saturday. support a proposal to build a high ERAL Frank Danon, Bill and Jim Sav way to connect Pacific coast states A surviving widow may sell real with the Alaska military highway. property contracted for sale while age and Lester and Delbert Cleav His suggestion entails a highway her husband was living, before the er were deer hunting over the we from Prince George, B.C. to Lower administration of the estate. The ek-end, returning with four deer. Post, Yokon territory, some 500 mil opinion stipulated that the survivor S. B. Hoffman is also hunting. E. L. Jamison and S. B. Hoffman es. The proposed route follows the must be designated to inherit the each lost a cow with bloat. original route suggested for the A l estate. SHOE SHOPS aska highway. The route was ch DENTISTS The commission for the blinddoes anged from its present location se not qualify to receive from the fed Abbott’s Shoa Shop veral hundred miles east of the or eral government a grant for voc J. R. C U N D A LL iginal route. All kinds of shoe and harness ational rehabilitation for the blind Louise Hinton and Betty Each- “ The construction o f this link under provisions of a plan submit repairing Dentist us left Friday to enter Oregon State Across from post office. ted by the state board o f vocational Phone 56-J College. They graduated from : I rm m 11 h m h 111111 t i h lì ni 11 tu ri 11 i'i in i l l i I'Mt education. Sarazln Clinic Adrian high school in 1942. FARM ERS T O G E T SEEDLINGS N YSSA OREGON Mrs. Clifford Nielsen and daugh O PTO M ETRISTS Several million forest tree seed ter!, Jill Marie, of Big, Bend, call lings will be distributed this fall ed on Irma Points Tuesday eve DR. J. A. McFALL and winter to farmers, as well as JE W E LR Y STORES ning. for planting on state and private “See MrFail and 8 x Better“ Mrs. Allen Curtis, Mrs. John Hin « A . . ■ ' " 11 ■ ■■ ' forest lands, 8tate Forester N. 8, ton and Mrs. Clifford Derrick shop Rogers states. Shipping will start ped in Caldwell Thursday. PAULUS November 1. The majority o f the ■ Two hundred cars of potatoes stock consists o f two-year old Port were shipped from the Sewell pack JEWELRY STORE Orford cedar and Douglas fir. ing shed in Adrian during the sea C A P IT A L SHORTS Union Pacific Tim e Inspector son, which was finished Saturday. Oregon will receive $316.878 or E YE SIG H T S PE C IALIST In their first home game of the JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS $125.234 more than last year, in O N TA R IO OREGON season and the first game on their W ATCHES Clarke-McNary federal funds for football field Adrian's Antelopes Main Street at Second | the fiscal year ending July 1, 1944 scored a win over Emmett Friday, for private forest fire protection PH YSIC IAN S Life, when it is most associations . . There were two fa t by a score of 13 to 12. Emmett WYGKOFF beautiful is simple . . . alities among the 1314 industrial scored first with a minute to go in the third quarter and again JEWELRY STORE That is one reason why accidents reported throughout the early in the fourth. Adrian state the past week . . Colonel E l L. A. Moulding, M.D. Nyssa Funeral Home mer Wooten, state director of sel scored both times in the last quer- O fficial Tim e Inspector for ter, the last time with four min Physician and Surgeon Union Pacific stresses simplicity in its ective service for Oregon, attended utes left to play. Phone 37 a meeting o f selective service dir O N T A R IO OREGON services. Nyssa families Irma Points was a dinner guest Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to t ectors in Salt Lake City last week. at the Clifford Nielson home in have learned to depend Daily—Except Sunday Big Bend Friday evening. - W ork Guaranteed upon us for sympathetic Fry Building Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Derrick of E. I. COLE and understanding att Portland were visitors at the home WATCH and CLOCK of Mrs. Derrick’s parents, Mr. and ention in time o f berea SARAZTN CLINIC REPAIRING Mrs. Curtis, last week. R A T IO N BOOK NO. 2 vement. October 2-Expiration date o f red Dorothy Toomb and Irma Points JEWELER J. J. Sarazin, M. D. stamps X. Y and Z. last of red st entertained at a dinner Monday Free Examination amps series in W ar Ration Book 2. evening for Emily Otis and A r and Estimate! General practice of medUdm October 20-Expiration date o f bl lene Peterson. Gloria Pounds of N E X T DOOR T O PO ST OFFICE ue stamps U, V and W (Processed Vale, spent the evening with the Physiotherapy X-Ray PA R M A ------------ — IDAHO foods). girls. Miss Otis returned to col R A T IO N BOOK NO. 3- (Brown lege Wednesday and Miss Peterson Upper Sunset W. L Lane Lincoln Heights FARM x/\ */> % Friday, Oct 15 will serve lunch. Cattle Buena Vista Professional aim ) Business Directory r Adrian Simplicity Ration Calendar Nyssa Funeral Home AUCTION 14 head of dairy cattle, holsteins, roan durhams and guernseys. Speckel heifer, years old, 4 gal,, test 4.6. Peanuts, 4 years old, 4 gal., test 4.5 Brownie heifer, 2 1/2 years old, 3 gal., test 4.4 Blossom, 5 years old, 6 gal., test 3.2 Daisy, heifer, years old, 3 gal., test 5.0 Speckel, 5 years old, 4 gal., test 3.3 Daisy, 9 years old, 5 gal., test 3.6. Patty, 3 ■/*» years old, 4 gal., test 5.1. Silver, 6 years old, 4 gal., test 5.0. Whiteface, 4 years old, freshen soon, test 3.9 Silver, heifer, 2 years old, 3 gal., test 4.4. Brownie, 8 years old, 5 gal., test 3.7. Twp heifers, one year old. I have been using the best herd sires available. Cows recently tested for Bang’s and T.B. Freshen ing dates will he given the day o f sale. 2l/> 2l/> y4 Other Stock 10 head of calves, 5 heifers, 5 bulls. 10 head o f feeder pigs, 1 sow. 1 good work horse, 9 years old. 1 colt. 1 set of harness. 2 head o f lambs. Miscellaneous Items 1 two-section harrow, almost new, Oliver make. 1 two-way plow, Oliver make. 3 acres of com in field. 1 tent, waterproof, 9 x 10. 1 grindstone, shovels, pitchforks and hoes. 7 panels, 16 feet long. About 70 tons o f hay. 1 cream separator, Montgomery Ward, good as new 40 sacks o f potatoes. 2 Ten-gallon cans and some 5 gallon cans. Some furniture and miscellaneous items. Terms: Cash No property to he removed until settled for. Louis H. Fenn, Owner Col’s Bill Lane and B. W. Avers, Auctioneers Phone 116-J For Sale Dates Phone 520-J Nyssa, Oregon Caldwell, Idaho D. 0. Bybee, Clerk