THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1943 PAGE TWO tives and started housekeeping in | R. Lane, clothing and textiles spec GREEN GUARDS’ ialist at Oregon State college. Wilder Friday. CONTEST ENDING Several million woolen and wor A reception was held at Lower The Gate City Journal Bend school Thursday evening by sted garments and blankets will All members of the Oregon Green the PT.A. in honor of teachers. be released to civilians this winter Guard are urged to send in their Mrs. Baker and Miss Mary Weir. as a result of a program arrived completed manuals and service re Editor and Publish« KI.ASS V. POWELL The following program was pre at by WPB and the war deprtment cords to Keep Oregon Green head sented by the chairman: Audience is, reducing by 50 per cent quarters, Salem, before October 10. ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION KATES singing, followed by two songs by —that army procurements of some of the The contest for the 167 prizes is pupils in the primary room; piano principal worsted and Open rate, per inch..........35c One Year_____________ 43.00 woolen pro to be judged on the basis of sum solos, June Nielsen. Barbara Sellers National, per inch.............35c Six Month»............ ....»1.25 ducts during the last four months mer services prelormed. new mem and Olena Shipley; reading, "Cit Classlileds, per word.......... 2r Single Copies..... .................05 of this year. izens of the World” by M. Thomas enrolled, and on an essay wr Minimum..........30c slides fasteners will also bers (Strictly in Advance) Tchau, read by Mrs. Charles Wit be Some itten on the subject, "Why We Ke made due to a recent WPB or ty; song, Lorena and Carol Wit der which permits the rcsuinp-i ep Oregon Green”. ty, and piano solo, Mrs. Ferguson. tion of their manufacture from dis The association is Interested in Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Mrs. Wilson then presented the tress stocks of carbon steel. knowing of the services performed Entered at the postofllce at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission teachers who responded with brief Moreover, women’s and girls', by the Green Guards in the fire tlirough the United States Mails, as second class matter, under talks. Lunch of cookies and fruit prevention campaign. Many mem the act of March 3, 1879. s and toddlers’ fall and bers punch was served to the large children’ have a very good chance for winter dresses and suits, coats, crowd in attendance. a prize for their services alone. The blouses, and other outer clothing Miss Alys Ulmer and Cyrus is required for only the first cost no more than last fall, essay A FREE PRESS AND A FREE PEOPLE Bishop shopped in Ontario and will two groups of prizes, and was add and in some cases less. This is Nyssa Saturday. ed to help those people who have AN UNBEATABLE TEAM! in accordance with an OPA order, | not Mrs. Joe Brumbach. who teaches says found the opportunity to per Miss Lane. By Dean Kenneth E. OUon in Ontario, spent the week-end at There'll form some outstanding fete. be more shoes for civ the E. H .Brumbach home. Medill School of Journalism too. WPB has permitted Mrs. Shippley and Mrs. Sellers a ilians, Poets Dinner— 25 per cent increase in output Attends Northwestern University shopped in Caldwell Saturday. T. Carol Bybee returned home of shoes for boys, misses and chil Wade P.T.A. met Friday after Saturday from a four-day visit in The Italian People had no heart for this war. and infants, as well as | Ogden, noon with Mrs. N. S. Phelen with dren, she attended a poets greater production of men’s work dinner at where several members and both teachers shoes. They were dragged into it by a ruthless, ambit the home of Mrs Gert WPB is also following tests present. Plans were made for the Murchison, artist and poet. ious dictator. But to bend the nation to his will by the national bureau of rude coming year's work. Mrs. Sugg made Mrs Bybee purchased two large pa standards on two sole-treatment and Mrs. Witty reported on the oil compounds designed to length intings done by Mrs Murchison. this dictator first had to take*from his people teachers' meeting held in Ontario their most precious right—a free press. As early last Saturday. Mrs. Witty report en wearing quality of shoes. as 1922 Mussolini began destroying newspapers ed she had an average attendance E.W. PRUYN of 99 per cent in her room the SPECIAL NAVAL which dared oppose him. By 1925 his control of month. It was voted to have the Italian press was complete. Auto Repairing hardt her husband; Frankie M. free and clear of all claims of the past a grab bag next month to raise POSTS AVAILABLE Lucy and John Doe Lucy her hus Italians probably did not realize what they band: Philip Dodridge and Jane defendants or any one of them. money for needed supplies. Re Navy recruiting of volunteers to Reboring, Valve Grind This summons is published by freshments were served by Mrs. fill specialized billets and quotas had lost. But soon they found that all their oth Doe Dodridge his wife; Henry Wing order the Hon. Chas. S. Leavitt, Phelan and Mrs. Swetland. expected to retain an important ing, Lathe work. Parts er individual rights were dependant upon this and Jane Doe Wing his wife; Fer- County of Judge, October 4th, Mrs. E. H. Brumbach and Mrs. is place the nation's military per Moon and John Doe Moon her 1943, acting in Dater right. Once the press, representing the voice of nie the absence of the Joe Brumbach shopped in Caldwell sonnel in picture for the duration, and accessories husband: R. J. Walrath and Anna Circuit Judge, prescribing that this Saturday. the people against government oppression, had Walrath his wife; R. J. Walrath summons Lieutenant George O. Hackett, of be served by publication Mrs. Walter Bishop and Miss Alys in charge of the Inland em been stillgd they found that freedom of speech, and Claude Nasburg, executors of thereof, once each week for four Ulmer spent Monday in Caldiwell ficer Phone 56w pire navy recruiting district, told the Last Will and Testament of consecutive weeks in the Nyssa on business. freedom of assembly, all personal liberties had Guy recruiting officers Saturday. C. Bamum, deceased; and to Gate City Journal, a newspaper Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop were A meeting of officers and men gone with that key freedom. Now they were li the unknown heirs at law of said published in Malheur County, Ore in Nampa Monday on business. of navy recruiting of ed to, browbeaten, made salves of a dictatorial Guy C. Bamum, and to the un gon, and the date of the first pub John Bishop and Johnnie in fices charge and departments throughout heirs of either of the above lication thereof is October 7, 1943. of Mrs. state. Today in abject defeat, their country torn known Nyssa spent Sunday in the eastern Washington, Oregon, and defendants, if deceased; and A. L. Fletcher Brumbach home. in battle between their oppressors and their del all named the Idaho panhandle was held in other persons unkown, having Attorney for Plaintiffs. iverers, Italians are probably the unhappiest pe ¡or claiming to have, any right, title Residence and Post Office Address, Walla Walla to discuss various vol untary enlistment policies and pro LAND GIVEN FOR ople in the world. or interest in or to the lands des Nyssa, Oregon. cedures. Personnel from the Spo cribed in this Amended Complaint. BULLY CREEK DAM To most Americans this right of a free press TO: Freda Barnum Olough and kane main office, Coeur d’Alene. is something we just take for granted. We ’’cu Lewiston, Wenatchee, Yakima, Vale, Sept. 30 (Special)—H. R Baker Doe Olough her husband: He Arcadia and Walla Walla attended, ss” our newspapers as we “cuss” the weather John Dunlap, Ed Hendrix and Richard as len Barnhardt and John Doe Barn representatives of the hardt her husband; Frankie M. There were 33 at Sunday school Galloway have donated sufficient office well of as naval and figure that freedom of press is just some Lucy officer procure Sunday. The young people’s class land for the site of the Bully creek and John Doe Lucy her hus thing that publishers rant about. from Portland and Seattle. band; Philip Dodridge and Jane gave the closing exercise. Sunday dam, Superintendent C. C. Ketch- ment county is served by But freedom of the press is not a special priv Dodridge his wife: Henry Wing and school will be held at 2 p. m. and urn revealed. By their action in do the Malheur Baker recruiting station. A 1941 Ford Sedan Jane Doe Wing his wife; Fernie services at 3 p. m. by Rev. Salter of nating the site for the dam—about recruiting ilege bestowed as a divine right on American Moon specialist is in Ontario 1941 Buick Con. Coupe 65 acres— two or three months Doe Moon her hu Ontario. publishers. They are but the trustees of a right sband: and R. John J. Walrath and Anna Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johnson have been saved and an earlier s- every Thursday. that belongs to the whole people—the right of Walrath his wife; R. J. Walrath and family of Weiser were dinner tart on construction has been ass FOR SALE—Have you bought your 1940 Chev. Tn. Sdn. and Claude Nasburg, executors of guests at the Ellis Warner home ured. Mr. Ketohum said. 1941 Chev. Tn. Sdn. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION the Last Will and Testament of Sunday. Land for the reservoir site itself apples? See Adv. on page 5. C. Barnum, deceased; and to Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Garren of will be purchased after a board of NYSSA FLOUR MILL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP Ouy 1940 Dodge Sedan the unkown heirs at law of said Canyon City, Colorado, have mov appraisal has inspected It. Funds THE STATE OP OREGON FOR Guy Will be grinding flour soon. C. Barnum, and to the unkn ed to the Walter Thompson ranch. will have to be appropriated by Clean as a THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR 1942 Ford Coupe own heirs of either of the above He is a brother of S. F. Garren congress for this purpose. Funds Bring in your wheat anytime. M. OSBORNE; Alma Wh named defendants, if deceased; and on Gem avenue. for the purchase and the construc hound’ s We grind at the same old price. ite; ZORA Pry; Clara M. Brown; all other persons unknown, having, Mr. and Mrs. Trent Johnson of tion of the dam are to be included 1940 Ford TDR. We make all kinds of flour. Cer Louis L. P. E. Thomas and Winifred or claiming to have any right, title Vale were dinner guests at the in a special deficiency bill to be tooth ! eal and pancake and waffle fl B. Thomas, husband and wife; and or interest In or to the lands des Otis Bullard home Sunday. 1940 Buick Sedan introduced soon in the house, just _r cribed in this Amended Complaint, The young peopl’s Sunday school as our is one cent a pound extra for H. O. Johnson, soon as presidential approval is class had a weiner roast on War forthcoming. This is a matter of Plaintiffs, 1940 Ford Sedan Defendants: mixing and the risings. THE NAME OF THE STATE ner hill Friday night. They in form and is expected in a few days, Bring your bags and take ev vs.FREDA BARNUM CLOUGH and OF IN OREGON, 1941 Olds Sedan you and each of you vited the young people from Lin reservior will extend up Bu- ery thing back. John Doe Clough her husband: He are hereby required to appear nnd coln Sunday school to the party. j I Uy The j creek about 3% miles and will 1941 Chev. Tn. Sdn. len Barnhardt and John Doe Barn- answer the amended complaint fil Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris and j be about 3-4 of a mile wide. It is Marjory and Erma Lee, Lester ed against you in the above entit expected that the reservoir will 1 M HI HI 11 I I H U I I M HI H II III 1111111111 III III III III Mil I W M M M M M IIIIIIII Ili rrillWItl III III III M M M M M M M M led suit on or before the Fourth Reece, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bul , make good trout fishing available 1941 Ply. Sedan lard. Art Warn, Otis Bullard, Theo day of November, 1943; said date j less than 10 miles from Vale, A reminder to hog raisers: burning, water and sedi 1940 Buick Sedan being the last day of four weeks Matherly, Mr. and Mrs. Vern But i The reservoir covers land now Clean ment-free, won't "coke up” fur Let me help you get greater net returns for your Pat HOGS by from the date of the first public ler and Kenneth Vandepool were owned largely by R. Galloway and nace and heater burners. Cuts serv 1941 Buick Sedanette bringing them to the Railroad Stockyards in Nyssa, Oregon or ation of this summons; and if you among the hunters who left for the Herman and James Jordan. ice costs. 100% distilled for home Homedale, Idaho, where I buy every Friday. NO COMMISSION, fail to appear and answer said am hills Thursday to hunt deer. furnaces, circulating heaters. Fine 1941 Buick Sedan NO SHRINKAGE, and where you can sec and check the weight ended complaint for want thereof, S. F. Don. who has lambed his WOOL CLOTHING for orchard heaters too. of your hogs yourself. the plaintiffs will apply to the Co sheep here the past two years but Ftor Friday's price phone I11R, Nyssa between the hours of 5 urt for the relief prayed in their moved them to Hotchkiss, Colo TO BE AVAILABLE W. E. “Bill” Schireman 1941 Pontiac Sedan rado, last spring, returned last week p.m. and 9 p.m. on Thursday, or 53 JLJ, Homedale. amended complaint. 1941 Chev. Clb. Cpe. well in wartime won't This suit is brought for the pur for his car and trailer. He left Fri Dressing Phone 61 quite as much of a problem this pose of securing a decree adjudg day for Colorado. Arnold Garren be Frank Kullander 1939 Buick Sedan fall and winter as last, thanks to Your local representative for ing that the defendants have no accompanied him to Colorado and some Nyssa, Oregon orders from WPB, states Lucy go on to Oklahoma to visit right, title, estate, lien or interest will 1940 Chev. Coupe ~i 111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M1 1 h 11 tun 1111 iiin m n hi min in 11 m in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 i i n it 111 r in or to the particular lots or par relatives. SALE—Have you bought your STANDARD of CALIFORNIA Ellis Warner returned Saturday FOR cels of land described in the amen night apples? See Adv. on page 5. with a deer. ded complaint, being parcels carved John Zittercob baled his hay out of and being portions of the Most of the farmers SW', of the 8W14 of Section 29, this week. their third crop stacked. Township 19, S. Range 47, E.W.M. have in Malheur County, Oregon; and Many of the farmers plan to work quieting the title of each plaintiff in the sugar factory this fall. Dora Splawn visited at the Otis particular lot or parcel of Bullard Is the greatest Saboteur to land the claimed Thursday. by each as described Mr. and home and Mrs. Htorry Ten in said amended complaint: and nant of Ontario were dinner guests going today. The greatest for the purpose of securing a de at the Oeorge Moeller home Friday. cree adjudging that the defendants Mrs Fred Frohm’s mother all other persons or parties un Idaho, spent last week at of Ola. machine in the world for and the known claiming by. through or un Frohn home while Mrs. Frohm was them or otherwise, be enjoined 111 . preventing fires is your der and debarred from asserting any claim adverse to the plaintiffs in or head. to said parcels of land, and that the title of each plaintiff to the parcel of land claimed Joe King left Thursday on a Smoking------ # f f to respective be owned by each, by virtue of hunting trip in the Blue mountains. Smoking in bed is extremely dangerous. If mesne conveyances and a chain of The Jolly Janes will meet Thurs title derived through Melvlna Gl day afternoon with Mrs. Will you must smoke--get up. asgow and Hugh Glasgow, her hus Stradley. Fot \\s s a and \ icinity and have stocked a full line of genuine Ford band. who were the purchasers of Mrs. Boye Van de Water has Chimney------ parts. SW'* of the SW1. of Section been very ill of influenza. Cracks in chimney are a good place for sp said 29. Township 19, S Range 47, E W Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Tucker re M from Malheur County be con turned home Wednesday from arks to escape and start fire. Bring your Fords to us for service and repair. firmed and each be decreed to be Osage, Kansas. They spent two Roof a------ the owner in fee simple thereof. days visiting friends and rela- Beginning October 10 the Malheur garage will do business under the every American to know of those happenings which may affect his welfare. Our founding fathers had had bitter experi ence with a tyrranical government rule which suppressed colonial papers that dared speak for the people. They knew that their new experim ent in de.mocracy could succeed only if there was a free press which could inform the people and warn them whenever their rights were th reatened. And they wrote that right into the co- nsitution as an inalienable right of the Ameri can people. For 160 years this free Ameircan press print ing facts and reflecting the thinking of the peo ple, daring to oppose government leaders wh erever necessary has given the American people the information which has enabled them to act in their best interests. The purpose of National Newspaper Week is not to laud the American press but to stop for this once each year to reflect on this right wh ich has enabled our democracy to endure and which has made our nation great and strong. Today the American people know more of what is going on in their own country and on every battle front than do the people of any ot her nation. And they are strong in that know ledge for they know what they are fighting for. A fiee press and a free people are an unbeata ble team. Jesse M. Chase Used Cars Ontario, Oregon Carelessness We Have Accepted \ Old curly shingles make an ideal place for sparks to start a fire. Wiring------ See that all extension wiring is properly inst alled. Ask your electrician. Aahea------ Ashes should be kept in metal containers and a safe distance from wooden partitions. Frank T. Morgan The Ford Agency Big Bend I tit i S name of LIQUID- SHAVE CREAM • JU m , 39 c Naw No-8nnh «having wmotionl C om on Sortant tough boards qwidtor. Giva» fot«. Owyhee Drug Phone 77 Moss-Ninemire Motor Company Keith Moss and Charlie Ninemire Nyssa, Oregon t ) <