JOURNAL 77>eNYSSA VOLUMI'] xxXvM, 1708 - NYggftTiTÏÏEGON, THURSDAY^ OCTÜBER 7, 1943 CHILD IS BADLY Farmers Bishop Suggests INJURED BY BULL 1^7 m ) P E irYËÀFt PRISONER CAMP Wolverines And PLANS Accept Malheur County Goes Over Top DEVELOP Bulldogs Tied Latest reports Indicate that army People Dedicate Vernon Montague, 20-month old Wage Scale Set of Mr and Mrs J. E. Montague the proposed In Grid Battle site officers of a who war Inspected Lives To Christ son of Parma, By County Unit In Third War Loan Campaign was seriously Injured by prisoner camp at Ow Weiser Ties Score 7 to 7 In Final Quarter On Local Field yhee corner southwest of Nyssa have submitted figures and other Information to officials In Wash ington. What action has been taken or will be taken has not been indic- ated here. However, so far as is kn own, development of plans is devel oping satisfactorily. Mortgage On Methodist Church Burned; Con ference Held a bull on the Montague farm this week. He was taken to the Nyssa Nursing home suffering from In ternal injuries and body bruises, but is expected to recover. The baby apparently crawled Into the corral where the bull was loc ated and was found unconscious by his parents after they started a search for him. Producers Agree Stab MILK BOTTLES ilizing Wages Rests DISAPPEARING With them Sales Exceed $696,800 Quota By More Than $83,000 After defeating Parma and tying At a general meeting of farmers The milk bottle business must be Bishop Bruce R. Baxter of the county went over the Weiser, the Nyssa Bulldogs hope Tuesday evening in the high sch- developing into a gold mine for top Malheur Portland area of the Methodist ch- in the third war loan campaign manufacturers, if the Nyssa situa to keep their league schedule rec ool gymnasium, the situation in re urch, who was here last Sunday gard to the present supply of labor tion previals throughout the nat conducted last month with sales ord clean Friday when they meet and Monday to attend dedication of $780,502.47, according to Joe Dyer and the current wage scales were ion. the tough gridiron aggregation of of the local Methodist community of Ontario, county war finance discussed. Roscoe Kellogg of the Gate City Fruitland on the Nyssa field. The church and a conference of the we The fanners passed a resolution dairy placed 660 new milk bottles chairman. game will be called at 2:15. Actual sales in the county am stern district of the Idaho confer to accept the present wage scales In a thrilling game last Friday established by the county coord in circulation last months and he ounted to $672,502.47. The bonds ence, declared in the dedicatory inating committee. All farmers pr is buying bottles continually be were sold at the various places as on the Nyssa gridiron, the Bull address before a large crowd Sun esent were urged to spread this cause customers fall to return bot follows: United States National dogs tied the strong Welser Wol- day night that “on this night, un word to their neighbors in older to tles to the stores. Mr. Kellogg today bank of Ontario, $383.499 22; Ont verines at 7 to 7. The first quarter Several cars were derailed in a less this dedication is accompanied hold the wage scale at the present issued an appeal to local residents ario post office, $5700; First Nat ly was fairly even. Nyssa scored in freak accident on the Union Pac I by dedication of ourselves it is use- The Amalgamated Sugar comp level. ional bank of Portland, Nyssa br any factory was started Wednesday R. G. Larson, distirct manager to return the bottles to stores. j less”. the second quarter on two passes anch, $132,836.75; Nyssa post office, and a run from the Nyssa 25 yard ific railroad just north of the Ny i “We were warned we were getlng morning with sufficient personnel of the Amalgamated Sugar comp $2531.25; First National bank of line. One of the passes was on a ssa railroad bridge at 7 ip.m. Sat I away from God”, the bishop said. on hand to operate the plant, but any, explained the position of the Vale, $122,303.76; Vale post office, “We were warned about economic more men could be used, R. G. sponsors In regard to holding to $9550, and Jordan Valley post off spinner play from Bybee to Wilson. urday. ice, $11,081.50. Wilson ran the ball for 20 yards, The accident occurred when a conditions in the United States. Larson, district manager, announ the present wage levels. He also but as his opponents started to run journal on the freight train burned The more we got, the more we wa ced. The county also received allocat gave a thorough summary of the ions of $85,000 from the state. $9000 him out of bounds he tossed a lat off and caught in a switch joint. nted. At the same time we were On the first day of harvest, cr way by which the Mexican nation getting richer at the rate of two ews dug 1250 tons of beets and on als were brought into this county Willard Aston, member of the from the Federal Land bank. $75- eral to Billings, who advanced 15 cars of coal and a car of ch billion dollars every 20 days we we the second day 3100 tons, which and the arrangements that were merchant marine, who is visiting 00 from the Union Pacific railroad yards. The same pass play, Bybee Five were derailed. The cheese was re having average of 20,000 su was ample for starting operations made to handle them while here. his parents, Mr and Mrs Clarence and $6500 from the Baker Product to Wilson, resulted in the first sc eese not damaged and the car was re icides in a an year and were killing at the factory. ore of the game. Mr. Arment of the U. S. employ Aston, stated at a chamber of com ion Credit association. The allocat on the track. Coal from th 35,000 persons on the highways, us The opening marked the start of ment The forward and lateral passes placed service stated the position of merce luncheon W’ednesday noon ions amounted to $108,000, which, ree of the cars was spilled on the the $672,502.47, made the total were so perfectly executed it looked ground, but was picked up with a ually by excessive speed, every year. a campaign that is expected to ex his organization in regard to the that “the boys over there are taking with $780,302.47. The Malheur county like the play had 'been rehearsed. drag-line by the railroad company. That is the speed at which we were tend through 130 days. Mr. Larson wage scales. He said the employ lt fine". estimates that the company will ment service could not act one way Mr. Aston spent some time in the quota was $696,800 so that the am The point after touchdown was cars were not badly damaged traveling. make from 900,000 to a million 100r or “So we have come to a world made by Bybee on a plunge over In The to stabilize wages; that South Pacific and recently returned ount raised in excess of the quota accident, which occurred af catastrophe. There are some things pound bags of sugar during the this another center. The half and third quarters ter the function rests entirely between from a trip to North Africa and was $83,702.47. the train had crossed one bridge I think ought to be said before we campaign. Sales to individuals amtunted to ended in a score of 7 to 0. the employer and the employe. He spent 42 days in the Med $467.43141 following the "freezing’’ of the be dedicate this building. We should Although there is considerable R. E. Brooke, county agricultural Italy. and sales to others, in In the last quarter, Walker, fl aring. iterranean and took part in the in the fields for labor, agent, gave the views of the coun invasion of Sicily. He said his cr cluding corporations, totaled $313,- ashy Weiser halfback, broke loose The mishap delayed train No. 17, agree that no matter what load we competition Mr. Larson feels that the beet har ty office and also emphasized that ew was under threat of bombing all 069. 06. on the weak side for two nice gains westbound, about 10 hours. One are carrying, we are not going to vest is progresing as well as could the problem is one that must be of the time they were in Sicily. Joe Dyer, chairman of the county to put his team in scoring territory section of the train remained at crack up under it. Some people are be expected, more labor met by the farmer. committee, and Larry Brainard, and he then punched the ball over Parma and one at Nampa while running out of ammunition, but are is needed. One although Mr. Aston saw two or three large hundred Mexicans, Several farmers gave their view ships sunk by bombers. He said the who assisted him in organizing loc letting anybody know about lt. the goal. the track was being cleared and re not Our destiny is determined by that expected here today, will be sent points Nyssa excelled in passing, but paired. on the matter. Practically German bombers usually flew over al committees and bond sales act which we do when we are tired. I to Vale to work. The sugar comp all agreed Weiser was better on the ground. keeping wages in between 3:30 and 5 p.m. and stay ivities expressed appreciation to all think good people are going to have any is recruiting additional Jap line was a that those throughout the county who Despite being outweighed, the Ny matter that depended ed about an hour and a half. a tougher time than others because anese from Minidoka, Idaho. have given so generously of their ssa line put up a stubborn defense. ROY BRADY BABY upon the farmers themselves; that we are in the engine room time and Early indications on the crop are competitive bidding on the avail we "When they are more sensitive." effort to put Malheur co McDowell at defensive left end, PASSES IN OKLA. are 65 feet below the lowest Urging the people to let God help that it will equal or exceed the crop able labor supply did not create point where we can get out” th esp- unty among those counties and Keck at tackle, Toombs at center last year in yield per acre. Last more laborers or in any way im eaker said. “During one raid I th the State of Oregon among those and Church at guard gave good pe The body of Mary Loretta, infant them bear their burdens, Bishop of s yield was 18.3 tons per acre. prove the condition of the major ough we were goners. Shrapnel fr states to make and exceed quotas. rformances. Wilson and Bybee sh daughter of Seaman 2nd Class and Baxter said "I don’t think we sh year’ acreage of 17,500 acres is to be ity. “Particular credit is due the ch owed to advantage on the offensive Mrs Roy Brady of Norman, Oklah ould go around unloading our tro An om bombs have been known to tear airman on other people. I am not harvested. committees. Rev. and also on a defensive. oma, will arrive here at S o’clock ubles holes in a ship as big as a door. Greenlee of In local advocating not talking to people NyBsa, Tom McElroy, Nyssa’S starting lineup was as Friday and graveside services will about That is just shrapnel, not the bo these things, but I am advo Sr., In Vale and Harry Salisbury In follows: Center, Toombs; guards. be held immediately in the Nyssa mb". cating talking more to God. We Ontario, headed the activity In th Church and K. Bybee: tackles, Ke cemetery. “The boys have been taking it eir respective towns", Dyer said. ck and Hatfield; ends. Wilson and Besides her parents, who are gr must have some of the qualities th fine”, Aston said. "They have been banks and post Offices In Billings; halfbacks. McDowell and aduates of the Nyssa high school, at help us carry through ‘in spite living on rations two or three mo the “All county were untiring In their Colreman; quarterback, Bybee, and the girl is survived by her grand of everything’. It is good food, but gets tire effort to assist Otto Schweizer of Owyhee died at nths. activities.” Steinke, fullback. McCoy played parents, Mr and Mrs J. I. Brady “Let us study as we look ahead. Sales of war bonds by the high 4:30 The boys are anxious to Special mention with was all made a.m. Sunday at the home of some. of the most of the game in the backfield. and Mr and Mrs Thomas Rust of Now is the time to learn where we school minute maids during Septe his daughter, teep going, but the concensus over Mrs Ruth McConnell are most needed. What is the use mber amounted to $8250. according assistance rendered by Conley Da Loe and Fugii were also substitutes. Nyssa. there among the soldiers and sail in Caldwell, where he went two ors is that the war in Europe will vis, who donated the yearling fllley of this church, unless we dedicate to figures released this week. to its development. A man The sales were made to 141 ind weeks ago for medical treatment as last another year or year and a for the darwlng at the horse sale ky. It gets pretty lonesome here ourselves of an illness extending over half. The boys In the South Pacific in Ontario, September 18. And Bert can use his life in three ways—he ividuals. sold through the result a period of six months. Our Boys In and I sure miss the wife and baby can invest it, squander it or hoard high school Bonds of Ontario and W. L. La the fighting will last two or Anderson to $6075 and Mr. Schweizer was born in Det- think and everybody, for that matter, lt. Let us invest our lives in this through the amounted ne of Nyssa who auctioneered the three years after Germany is de grade school to $2175. riot, Michigan 86 years ago. He church. Just before we come to the Besides these transactions, sta sales In local towns and donated T h e Service and I hope it isn't too lqpg now.” sacred words of dedication is the mps were sold daily throughout the came to Nyssa in 1880, locating on feated". their expert services without ch homestead in the Owyhee district, arge. FARRAGUT, IDAHO, Oct. 7-Ow- time for us to look Inside and see campaign at school, at farm sales, a where he married and reared his how real is our experience with on the streets and at the picture The organization of community en Chester Counsil, son of Mr and Christ. family. How divine is our lines of shows. and neighborhood leaders and the Mrs O. P. Counsil of Nyssa has co communication? The call comes not Monuted minute maids rode at Survivors are three daughters, block leaders in the towns made Mrs McConnell of Caldwell, Mrs mpleted his 16 weeks course In gu from a speaker, not from a man in the football jamboree In Ontario Gertrude Jackson of Reno and Mrs complete covergae of their territ his weakness, but from God him and others sang at the picture sh ories. nner's mate sohool at this largest self. H. L. Householder of Nyssa, and President Roosevelt has issued a The Minute Maids In all towns we give answer, the ows and at various meetings. naval training station in the west words Unless three sons, Oeorge, Oce and Charlie proclamation of dedication are almost mo setting aside the week accomplished an excellent volumne and graduated with the petty offic ckery, because we are saying them Schweizer of Nyssa. bond sales and in addition ren of October 1 to Interment was in the Owyhee paper week. 8 as National News of YOUTHS TO TAKE er rating of gunner’s mate, third only with our lips”. dered valuable assistance to all ot cemetery following the funeral ser her organizations. class. He is now qualified to per In paying tribute to Rev. M. H. QUALIFYING TEST Roosevelt said: vices held in the Owyhee schoolho- Mr. local pastor, and Mrs Mr. Dyer also expressed apprici- “National Newspaper week again form the duties of his rate with the Greenlee, Greenlee, Bishop Baxter said that The second qualifying test for the use Wednesday at 2:30. affords an opportunity for us to atlon for the liberal assistance con Pfc Sil Sacco, former operator of United States fleet. construction of the church and its army specialized training program renew our faith in the principles of tributed by all newspapers In the the linotype in the Gate City Jour Only the top-ranking graduates development in relation to the co and the navy college program V-12 NYSSA INDUCTEES democracy and to re-appraise our county. nal office, has written to Mrs W. H. of the gunner’s mate school, one of mmunity Is one of the greatest ac which will be given throughout the efforts to sustain that democracy GO TO SPOKANE Beam of Nyssa, telling of some of the many navy service schools In of this entire area in country November 9. will be admin against our enemies. In this sup RODEO WILL BE his experiences in Africa and Sicily. operation at Farragut, are given hievements (Continued on page 5) istered at the Nyssa high school, Several Nyssa men were entrain reme war effort, the dally and HELD AT MARSING Mr. Sacco left here in the spring petty officer ratings upon complet Henry Hartley announced today. A ed to the Spokane induction stat weekly newspapers of America are of 1941 after working in the Jour ion of their training. LETTUCE HARVEST GOOD pamphlet of general information ion by the Malheur county local charged with great responsibility. It A rodeo will be held in Marsing nal office for eight months. The fall lettuce harvest in Mal which an admission-ident board September 24. is their task to keep the people fu Saturday and Sunday, October 9 His letter reads in part: Melvin Parker has been trans heur county may easily reach 500 ification contains form may be obtained at The inductees included Irvin J. lly and wisely informed, to record and “After I left your place. I got a ferred to Sheppard Field Texas. cars, if possible shortages of crates the high school. This form properly Callahan, Martin C. Farmer and and publish those sober facts that The 10. program will Include saddle job in Mon Una as foreman of a and freight cars are avoided, acc filled out will admit to the test st B. Chavez of Nyssa and Elb will steady the helm and even the bronc, riding, calf-roping, wild cow- print shop so I stayed there for Lt. Bill Kurtz writes that he has to the state department of udents between the ages of 17 and Mike keel of a nation tossed on the sea mllklng contest and various types ert C. Hatch of Adrian. sometime. While there I met a girl flown over Sicily twice. Americas! ording agriculture. 21 inclusive who are recent high of wartime uncertainty. Today the races. and we were later married.. We soldiers were very jubilant over the school graduates or who will be gr Examiner Coming— war news is better than it was a of Eddie now have an eight-month old boy, news of Italy’s fall and expressed Nursing Home Notes— TlUie Bowman, fam by March 1, 1944. Intent A traveling examiner of operat year ago. We are on the offensive; ous trick and who I have not seen as he was bo the desire to spend his Christmas A daughter, weighing 8 pounds, aduated ropers, will perform both to take the test should be made the enemy has been dislodged in ors and chauffeurs Is scheduled to rn a month after I left for over in Berlin. Anyone wishing to sign for 1 ounce, was bom September 30 to known immediately to Henry Hart be In the Nyssa city hall October many quarters. Yet the need for a days. the events should contact Paul Sw seas. I was drafted in June and af Mr and Mrs Amel Lane of Parma ley In order that the necessary test sharp perspective, for a sure balan 13 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. eeney at Marsing Entries will be ter about four months training we Excerpts from a letter written by Mrs Lane and baby were dismissed supplies may be ordered. ce, for an intelligent evaluation of taken up to 11 o’clock of each day. left and made the amphibian land Kenneth Williams to his parents, from the home October 5. examination will be ta Here From Nampa— our gains and a cautious weighing Liberal prizes and purses will be ing in North Africa. After the Af Mr and Mrs H. B. Williams follows: Mr and Mrs Oeorge Flvecoats of ken The by same both army and navy candi of our future tasks is imperative. Mrs Gilbert Allsebrook of Nampa offered. Each day’s show will be rican campaign we made another “We were up on Alaska since April. Nyssa are parents of a daughter dates. The examination is designed visited in Nyssa Monday, The enemy would confuse and dis at 1 o'clock with a street invasion here in Sicily. Now it's all Were at Attu when we took it over, October 2. The baby weighed to test the aptitude and general integrate us with rumors and mis started parade. over here and God only knows also Kiska. We were abroad ship 5 bom pounds, 4 ounces. knowledge required for the program Visiting Here— understandings. Our most effective where well will end up next. So for 165 days without getting a sh D. U. Nupida of Parma, Ansio of college training and all qualified Mias Leona Willis Is home from weapon against his malicious false Hnnling Trips— we’ve been here since the very be ore leave. It sure did seem good to Guillen of the Nyssa labor camp students are urged to take the test. Nampa for c visit. She Is attending hoods is the truth, an accurate, On Woodrow Callahan and his two ginning of operations. get ashore. and Mrs Ruth Brooks received me At the time of the test each candi a beauty college in Nampa. full, and fair presentation of the younger brothers left Monday on a “I’ve covered lots of country and I don’t know whre we will go fr dical treatment. date will be given a choice of ser news In a free press. hunting trip. Mr and Mrs Dean seen lots, but nothing here can om here. I hope it isn’t too far.” vice preference, but taking the test Visit At FteM— “The rights of a free press are Fife returned the early part of the compare with the good old UB.A. Address Kenneth J. Williams C. On Deer Hunting Trip— not obligate the candidate to Mr and Mrs Charley Orider and the safeguards of the people; the week from hunting. Africa is a hot dry place (wet in M M ASS-Farragut % ' Fleet PJII. Mr and Mrs W. A. Fox, Mr and doe* enlist in the service. Nan were guests of Corporal Oerald of a free press are others" full of filth and Arabs. I San Francisco. Mrs Clifford FY>x and children. Mr The army specialized training Hartnett at Oowen field last week responsibilities Ford Agency— disliked the place very much, but and Mrs B Avers of Caldwell. Faye program and the navy college pr end. While In Boise they went on the commandments of the people”. Take Keith Moss and Charlie Nlnetn- there were also some very beautiful Cpl. Robert Holmes, son of Mr Dixon, Bill Grover and son, Ross, ogram students to continue a tour of the base. faille Moved— ire, operators of the Melheur gar spots there, too. It could be made and Mrs F G. Holmes, who is st and Bill Snader have returned ho academic enable training at government Mr and Mrs Melvin Jensen were have taken the Fiord agency into a pretty place. It’s the same ationed in Australia recently, wrote. me from a hunting trip with two expense following Induction into the Move To Nyssa— in Long valley last week weighing age. for Nyssa vicinity and have old story here. Sicily is about the "Thanks for the subscription to deer. armed services Successful complet Mrs Gordon Ray and two child out cattle and moving them to Ny changed the and name of their firm to same as Africa, excepting for the Nyssa Gate City Jounral Now I ion of the prescribed courses may. ren, Reed and Llynn, of Ogden, ssa. the Mbas-Ninemlre Motor company. Arabs, but these hungry peasants can catch up on the home town Returns From Portland— following further officer training, have moved their furniture to Ny They have stocked a complete line around here are Just a bad lot, al news". Elton Counsil has returned home lead to a commission in the Army ssa and will live In the rear apart I.amber Plant Burns— ways begging and hounding us till from Portland, where he was emp or the Navy. ment of Oordon’s Cash drive-in. Emil Stunz. local lumber dealer, of Ford parts. it almost drives one crazy. They Mrs Frank Ram baud has received loyed. Reed, although only 14 years old. spent last Sunday in Horseshoe Return To Nysaa— grew lota of grain and orchards word from her husband, stating la an acomplished accordlanlst Ll Bend Idaho, where the sawmill and Mr and Mrs R H Peterson and that he has been transferred by the Here From Nampa— are quite numerous. with the army at Hobbs, New Mex ynn. 9 years old, plays the clarinet planning sheds owned by his bro baby, have been living in Ho- army from Fort Douglas. Salt Lake “Our outfit has been lucky and Mrs Harry Durston and children ico. is home on furlough. He is a Mr Ray recently purchased the ther. B A Stunz. were destroyed medale. who have returned to Nysaa. we haven't lost too many men and City, to Camp VanDoren. Mississi of Nampa spent Sunday with Mr flying Instructor with the link tr drlve-ln market from Mr and Mrs by fire Saturday. The loos was est Mr Peterson is employed at the and Mrs Carl Sebum. I hope we continue to be that luc ppi ainer division. W. A. Fbx. imated at more than 990,000. sugar factory. Six Railroad Cars Derailed Sugar Factory Operation Begun * Aston Relates Fighting Story Schweizer Sales Of Bonds Otto In Schools High Of Owyhee Dies Roosevelt Cites Newspaper Role m iiia iu t ic iio c ii, winJ u a u i i u i i ir u