Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1943)
THE NYS3À GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 PAGE EIGHT minim STARS HOLD MEET parents. ING Mrs Les Rea, a sister o f the sail A district meeting of the Order or, and her two children arrived o f the Eastern Star was held Mon Friday from Fairfield. Idaho. An day night in the Masonic hall in other sister, Mrs W. S. Orcutt, and Nyssa with Golden Chain chapter son of LosAngeles had arrived a No. 103 of Vale, Star chapter No. week earlier. A third sister, Mabel of Nyssa, also attended the reunion. 69 of Ontario and Golden Rule ch The reunion was the first held by apter No. 131 of Nyssa represented. the Roberts family in three years. The meeting marked the official B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y HELD visit of the worthy grand matron, Mrs Burnall Brown entertained Dr. June Martin, who was accomp anied by Mrs Myrtle Peterson of for her daughter, Marion Grace Ontario, past worthy grand mat Brown, Saturday afternoon in ob servance of Marion Grace’s 12th ron. The ritualistic work was divided birthday. Twelve guests attended the m at between the three chapters. Dr. Martin gave a talk tracing the or inee at the theater and then re igin of the Eastern Star. Mrs Pet turned to the Brown home, where erson and the matrons and patrons they played games. Refreeshments o f the visiting chapters also resp included a pink and white birth onded with short talks. A gift was day cake. The table decorations presented to Mrs Martin and cor were carried out in the red, white sages were given to both Mrs Mar and blue theme. tin and Mrs Peterson. — 8 - TEACHERS HONOR GUESTS Lunch was served to a large cr Teachers o f Nyssa will be guests owd with Mrs Grant Rinehart as of honor at a reception to be held chairman of the committee. in the .high school building this —I — evening at 7:30. The public is inv CLUB IS ENTERTAINED The Chatter Box Club was enter ited to attend. The main dish will tained at the E. C Terhune home be furnished by the Nyssa Civic Wednesday afternoon of last week. club. Roll call was answered by 12 me - I - H 0 6 TS T O CLUB mbers on how they celebrated La Mr and Mrs A1 Kuehn were hosts bor day in past years. Mrs O. E. Cheldelin gave an interesting paper to the Wednesday evening bridge on Labor day. She was also in ch club September 16 at their home. arge of the games. Mrs Pat Swea- The prize was won by Mrs Glea ney was the only guest. The hos Billings. tess served refreshments of sand — 8— HOLD F IR S T F A LL M E ETING wiches, wafers, salad and coffee. The first fall meeting of the Mr A weiner roast will be held at the Charles Grider home September 24 and Mrs club was held Wednesday in place o f the next regular meet of last week. The husbands enter ing. The next meeting will be held tained their wives at dinner at the at the John Rddder home October Payette County club. Later the gr oup went to the home of M r and 13. Mrs Frank Morgan for bridge. Mr Morgan received first prize and Mrs F A M IL Y REUNION HELD A family reunion was held at the R. G. Larson second. home of Mr and Mrs A. R Roberts — 8— HOSTESS T O CLUB September 12 in honor of their son, Mrs Bernard Eastman was host Asa R Roberts, gunner's mate, 2nd class, who has returned to San Fr ess to the ladies Wednesday even ancisco to report for duty after ing bridge club September 16 at her spending three days' leave with his home. Guests of Mrs Eastman were EASTERN Learn First Aid Now While doctors Mrs Lin o Christensen and Mrs Joe Sutherland Prizes were awarded to Mrs Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs Sutherland. - 8 - Mr and Mrs Bernard Eastman ■ntertained their club Sunday ev- -■nintg. Prizes were awarded to R. G. Whitaker and Mrs Eastman. - act for road building where states TH E POCKETBOOK of k n o w l e d g e SEWTRy BOX - — 8— N O -HO ST P A R T Y HELD A no-host potluck dinner party was held at the home o ( Mrs Frank Rambaud last Wednesday evening by her bridge club. Prizes went to Mrs Rambaud, high, Mrs Dewey Ray, a guest, second high, and Mrs Ellis Buckland, third. 8 - - E N TE R TAIN S A T DINNER Mr and Mrs Herbert Fisher en tertained Sunday at a family din ner for 11 guests. Those attending were Mr and Mrs J. Fisher of Fr- uitland, M r and Mrs Myers of App le valley, Mr and Mrs Fred Fisher o i Apple valley, John and Donald Fisher and M r and Mrs Albert M y ers o f Nyssa. HOSTESS A T P A R T Y Mrs Sid Burbldge was hostess Wednesday evening to two tables of bridge. Mrs Ed Frost received first prize, Mrs Harry Miner sec ond and Mrs L. A. Mauldirvg the traveling prize. Mrs Frank Ram baud was a guest of Mrs Burbldge — 8— ___ G IVES D INN ER Mrs Herschel Thompson gave a birthday dinner Thursday night complimenting her husband. The table was centered with a birthday cake decorated with can- les. - 8 - * CLUB W IL L MEET The Friendly Book Club will meet at the home of Mrs Bernard Eastman September 29 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs Carl Coad will do the review ing. - 8 - SO C IAL PLAN NE D The L.DS. Relief society opening social will be held Tuesday Sept- eber 28 at 2 p.m. A11 members are invited to attend. The retiring oficers. Mrs Ila Ch ild and Mrs Thelma Bybef. will be guests o f honor. The afternoon will be spent in playing games. Refresh ments will be served. and Œ Ê Ê fà t, fWABBiCATED 8 CLUB HOLDS M EETING The Tuesday afternoon bridge club met this week at the home of Mrs Kenneth Cottle. Guests of the club were Mrs Ronald Campbell and Mrs Dick Porbess. Prizes were won by Mrs Bernard Frost and Mrs A. C. Sallee. by TpPi*S KEEPS SENTRIES CCMfORÏABtE /V » .11 BUT / trf 1 EFFICIENT ON A CHICHEW BECOMES A FOWL AT THE ENP OF ONE YEAR. NYSSA Phone IQ S PROGRAM ! Friday, October I. \ mile east by Gov. Sam C. Ford of Montana, won ap and Vi mile south of New Plymou proval after it was revised. It had th. 21 cattle, 75 chickens, weaner drawn objections from Governors pigs, hay derrick and set harness. Sale starts at 1 pm . Spressard Holland of Florida and Earl S. Boyer, owner. Sam Jones of Louisiana because it Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer didn't call for abolition of the acre Too Late to Classify age quota system. K ulvl M ia G E SALE—American Leg ion auxiliary rummage sale Satur day, September 25 at Baldridge bu ilding Doughnuts and coffee ser 23Slxc Labor advisory committees have ved. PO UND —Brown mare, sold at On eration of organized labor to assist tario auction sale Saturday, re. O PA district offices in meeting turned to Harry Long place. Own and solving many of the problems er may claim mare by lndentlfy- of price and rent control and ra ing her on farm, on Imperial ave tioning as it affects millions of nue four miles from Nyssa toward laboring families. Ontario. 23S1XP There are now 100 O PA labor , advisory committees composed of FO R SALE— 12 guage automatic | a total of approximately 1,000 mem- shotgun, .22 rifle and high pow T in / ushi bulbs run on a batter / are ATTACHER TO RUBBER LIFE SUITS, A NEW AtASS PRODUCTION X -R A Y ! bers, representing local AFL, CIO, ered rifles with shells and cart ENWBUN6 SWPWRECKEP SAILORS APBFT M A C H IN E INSPECTS A S A A A N y A S railroad labor unions and their ridges. Bernard Frost. 23S1XC A T NI6WT TO SI6NAI H E R VACREABCUTS 17.000 CASTINGS IN 2 4 HOURS TO RESCUERS. Tint USAT WUl BOW M i W ITHOUT INTERRUPTING OTHER: WORN , i women auxiliaries. These com FO UND —Bicycle at city hall. May — MSMT) mittees meet regularly with OPA have by identifying it. Call at district directors arid their staffs to city hall. ’ 23S2XC discuss mutual problems o f price : rent and rationing. LO ST—Holstein bull calf. Anyone This function was brought about finding, please notify Fred Sch.ll- I as the result of a request last j ¡ng, near Arcadia schoolhouse. 23- March by the OPA administrator 1 sixp. that such committee be established, | ------------------------ recognizing that organized labor p o R SALE— Used clothing in good is the largest single consumer repair. M en’s suits and overcoats, group in the country and wide- and dresses. Parish hall, Saturday spread consumer support is indis- afternoons, 23S2xc ■ S o ld i m s ' a r c t ic gl e s p in o b a s s a f e r e a u v iw o s a c s v J o n e ... rue INNER OR MOUNTAIN b a s can b e u s e d m o n e a s w eil a s MTU pensable to the success o l price I ------------------------ 4 ‘ — THE OUTER. SNELL. control, rent control and ration- f o r SALE—W hite enamel trash ing. j burner in good condition. Useful The national office of the AFL, for heating and cooking. Price $27.- the CIO and the railroad labor j 50. See R. L. Patton 214 miles west Bert Adams. 23S2xp unions, speaking through the na- o f Skinners Store, tional OPA labor policy committee. Go To Idaho— immediately endorsed the plan and f o r SALE — Jersey cow, just fr- M i and Mrs Holley Smith and asked the cooperation of their 1 esh. About 8 years old. J. J. Kollen, family left Sunday for Aberdeen, The division of oral health o f the local affiliates in carrying it out. | Rt. 2. 23SIxp Idaho, where Mr Smith will be em In each O PA district it is the job | Oregon state board of health will ployed. They expect to be gone a- | send another visual eduatkm ass of the labor advisory committee F O R SALE—W ell-bred 5 year old to recruit labor members and vol mare. See Mrs Thomson at Rust bout a month. embly program to several elemen unteer workers for local war price Ranch, southwest o f Nyssa on Ow- tary schools in Malheur county ne and rationing boards, to develop' yee. 23Stfc Visit Here— xt week. union consumer committees, to Mrs Floyd Hirst and small daug Following up the dental health help organize and administer the hter, Ethel of Seattle are visiting puppet shows seen by Malheur co plant transpor Mrs Hirst's parents, Mr and Mrs unty school children in previous tation committees, to set up reg George F. Clowers of Riverview. impressing upon them the import- ular ways for exchange of price, Also visiting at the Clowers home years, an entirely new medium for rent and rationing information and ance of caring for their teeth is the channeling of complaints of vs Sergeant Phillip D. Clowers, who coming this year. The entertain violations, and to aid in the en is en route to a training camp for ment the Winnebago Indian tooth forcement of O PA regulations. army aviation cadets. He has been magic show, presented by Maurice stationed at San Francisco for ne Lenser o f the good teeth council M i l l 1111 It 111111IIII11 III I I I I 11II n II III I I I I III I J I I I I I ! I I I ! I I M I I 1 1 1 1 I I l i l t II 1:1 II1111 Ml I ! I!l H I I 1:1 I f arly two years, but is now going to for children. Buckley field, Colorado. A reminder to hog raisers: W ith magic tricks and Indian lore. Mr Lenser keeps the children Let me help you get greater net returns for your Fat HOGS by Office Hours Changed— fascinated and often doubled over bringing them to the Railroad Stockyards In Nyssa, Oregon or The time during which the ration ; with laughter as he reminds them Homedale, Idaho, where I buy every Friday. NO COMMISSION, board office in the city hall is open of the four secrets of tooth m a gic - NO SHRINKAG E, and where you can see and check the weight has been reduced. The office hours clean, see the dentist three times a of your hogs yourself. are from 10 to 12, noon, and from eat the right food, keep the teeth Ftor Friday's price phone 111R. Nyssa between the hours of 5 1 to 4 p.m. year and give teeth plenty of chew- | p.m. and 9 p m. on Thursday, or 53 JLJ, Homedale. ing exercise. Visit In Nyssa Home— The public is invited to attend | Mr and Mrs Dewey Ray of Bak .. Frank Kullander the meetings, which will be held as er visited the latter part of last follows: Pioneer school, September Nyssa, Oregon week w ith .M r and Mrs Sid Bur 28, 9 am .; Valley View, September bidge. Mrs Burbidge's aunt, Mrs 28, 11 a.m.; Owyhee, September 28, •il I I11 til I I I I U I I I I I III 11II11 l l lll l l I N I I I III III III |I| 1,11111 III III III I ! Ill 1:1 III H 1.1 III III III HI lililil llllllllUl IU I 1 HM 1 III lilT M. P. Robertson of Portland, visited 2 p.m.; Lincoln, September 28, 9 her Wednesday. a.m.; Willow Creek, September 29, 11 am., and Harper, September 29, Visit In Caldwell— 2:30 p.m. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Oottle of Nyssa and Mr and Mrs Walter F r eeman of Apple valley spent Sat AVe will have a good run of feeder cattle this urday in Caldwell. Magic Show To Be Given In Co. WAR ira LOAN Encouragement Given Beetmen Owyhee Drug Company moneys are to be .spent. The sugar resolution, been established through the coop — 8— LODGE CO NTE ST CLOSED A chicken pie dinner, the culmin nurses are so terribly ating event o f an attendance and membership contest conducted by busy, we are prepared the Royal Neighbors of America, was held in the parish hall Tues to pinch-hit with simple day night. The “stripes", losers in the con home remedies, first test, were hostesses to the Stars. T h e table was attractively decor aid needs and a well ated with miniature flags and stars. Ruth Pruyn and Phoebe Calvert stocked prescription department. drew names to form the new teams for the coming contest, the theme Bring your prescription to Owyhee drug for of which will be "Let Freedom R i ng". fast, speedy filling. District Deputy Mamie Secoy was a guest. Plans were made for the meeting to be held October 5, when State Supervisor Mae Logan and Here From Vale— the Ontario camp will be guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingram Night Phone 91W Day Phone 29 Two new members, Edith Abersol o f Vale and family spent Sunday A resolution adopted at a meet and Carolyn Dunn, were adopted. with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller. ing o f southern and western gov- , ernors in Denver recently urged Shop in Boise— ; the war food administration to en- 11111111 III 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Mrs Charles Newbill of Adrian courage production of sugar beets and Mrs Charles Garrison o f 1 for 1944 "in an amount consis- Nyssa shopped in Boise. Tuesday. tent with the industry's ability ------------------------ to produce" and another pledged Attends Mother's Funeral— Visit In Nampa— western governors to study “ if Lee Montgomery has returned M r and Mrs. S. C. McConnell j they see fit” the freight rate sit- home from Creighton, Nebraska, spent last Thursday in Nampa vis- j uation of which the south com- where he attended the funeral of lting their daughter. Mrs. Forrest plained. his mother. Mrs H. F. Montgomery, Moore, and family. The western governors' stand who was 74 years old. Mr Montgo against what they termed invasion Double Feature mery was away from Nyssa for two Visit Relatives— o f states’ rights received conference FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24— 25 weeks. William Selby of Nampa and backing in a resolution paragraph his brother. Frank Selby, of Stan, that set up a policy of “coopera Harold Peary and Nancy Gates in Returns To Idaho— ton. Nebraska, visited Sunday at tion with the federal government “GILDERSLEEVES BAD DAY” Mrs Warren Larsen and baby of the home of Mrs. Emil Paulus, on a basis such as the federal aid Twin Falls have returned to their daughter of W illiam Selby. Tim Holt in home in Twin Falls after visiting “RED RIVER ROBIN HOOD” at the home of Mrs Larsons par Nursing Home Notes— Bat. Mat.. 2:30 P. M . A dm, tc-30c; Evening, llc-33c. includes tax ents, Dr. and Mrs J. J. Sarazin. Guadalupe Coinentes entered September 17 for medical 'tr e a t SUNDAY and MONDAY SEPTEMBER 26— 27 Examiner Coming— ment. Enriched high-altitude Examinations will be given by a Cary Grant, Uiraine Day, Charles Bickford and Baby Lawrence Martinez was dis wheat traveling examiner of operators and missed September 17 and Mrs Ivan Gladys Cooper in chauffeurs who will be in the N y Miller and Infant son were dis • MISTER LUCKY” ssa city hall September 29 from -8 missed the same day. Cartoon and Sports a.m. to t l a.m. Mat. Sun. 2:30. Adm. llc-aar. Evening Adm. llc-33c. Includes tax Drag Stores Cl Get it at your grocer’s. Returns To Nyaou— Because of a shortage of pharm - B AR G AIN N IG H T — A product of Mrs Eddie Powell has returned acists. Nyssa's two drug stores, the I tome from the John Day section, Nyssa Pharmacy and Owyhee drug Weiser Milling and El. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 where she spent the summor with store, will be closed Sundays, begin Co. The Bumpsteads, Blondie and Dagwood in her husband, who is employed at ning October 3. Emergency caies “ITS A GREAT LIFE” one o f the government lookout st will be handled as usual. ations. Mr Powell is expected to Shorts and Secret Service in Darkest Africa. return home about October 1. Admission, Sc-Ma, Including tax Irrlgatiion To Re Halted— The city's low pressure water will E.W. PRUYN Property— be available for the last time F ri WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPT 29— 30 1 Leases J T Howard has leased his 40- day and Saturday of this week. Auto Repairing Ray M¡Hand, .Paulette Goddard and John W ay ' acre farm and service station at the Parma-Ny&sa junction on the Visiting In ne in Cecil B. DeM¡lie’s Technicolor Spectacle. Reboring, Valve Grind Idaho side of Snake river to O. C Mrs Thomas Nordale is visiting “REAP THE WILD W IND” Raggltia of Nyssa Mr Howard held relatives in Boise. ing, Lathe work. Parts Return Showing, This Time at Popular Prices, a farm sale Monday, ices. Here From Portland— and accessories Here From Homedale— M r and Mrs Charles D rew iu of Sports and News M r and Mrs Don Martin of Ho Portland are here for the funeral Admission Evening - lie and J3c. Including Defense Tax Phone 56w medale. Idaho visited Sunday with o< Mrs Drewltt’ mother. Mrs Phebe re Martin's parents. Mr and Mrs Hunter PRESCRIPTIONS JO U R N A L’S SALE CALENDAR LABOR A D VISO R Y GROUPS FORMED WATCH > have, a voice in how and where loca I news THEATRE P IC K E T Flour Feeder Cattle Saturday. Two trailer houses without wheels. $85 each. Sale Every Saturday Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. 0. Bybee, Mgr Res. Phone 05J3 W. L. Lane, Auctioneer Phone 25W Sunday C losin g Notice to our patrons and friends. Because of the impossibility of securing add itional pharmacists, and in order that your own druggist may have an opportunity for a few ho urs of rest from his duty o f serving you, the dr ug stores o f Nyssa will close all day Sunday, beginning Sun., Oct. 3 W e earnestly request that you arrange to ha ve your prescriptions refilled during week days. In an emergency on Sunday or at night we will continue to serve you as in the past. Owyhee Drug Nyssa Pharmacy House phone 91-W House Phone 2 i \