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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL^ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 A program, the county AAA comm ittee reminds. In reporting, farm ers are asked to bring w ith'them to the county office complete in formation on all soil-building or production praotices carried out on the farm under the 1943 program, as well as acreages of the different crops raised. 'A recent summaryTroin the U. S POTATO LOAN RATES Details of the potato loan pro department of agriculture shows th at the present wheat situation gram have been received by the county AAA office. Loans will be contrasts sharply with that of wo available to county growers at a rld war 1. The consumers were ask rate of $1.45 cents a hundred. ed to observe wheatless days so th FARM MACHINERY REPAIRS There’s no shortage of one imp at urgent requests from our allies could be met. In contrast, on July ortant farm production item, and 1 this year, the carry-over was 618 that’s repair parts for farm mach million bushels, with a new crop of ir.ery. While dealers’ stocks may about 835 million bushels in sight. not always be complete, because of MACHINERY AUCTION PRICES transportation difficulties, there are (Reports that auctioneers are sell no restrictions of any kind on man ing "hayrakes with- a tractor thr ufacture of repair parts. The coun own in" in order to evade price ce ty war board believes that it would ilings drew a reminder this week be smart business to place orders from the State USDA war board now for new parts to put all usable that such combination sales to ev machines into top condition during ade price ceilings are prohibited by 'the slack winter season. OPA regulations. Items of used fa FARM PRICE CEILINGS rm machinery under price control OPA is arranging to make avail when sold by farmers or auction- able lists of specific dollars-and- ceilings eers are tractors, combines, corn cents . . price .. , , .. . for farm „ prod . ,_. , nets county. pickers, com binders, hay . balers, ... that apply . in this , i This ,, ,__ loaders, . . . . . . ____ _ spreaders __ __ and . i will give county farmers definite hay manure | information on top legal prices for side delivery . rakes. Combination BY L E FF sales to obtain higher prices for their products. controlled items are in violation o f ( _ _ _ . __ the ceiling price regulation. POTATO LOANS TO FARMERS ASKED TO REPORT BE ISSUED HERE It’s up to Malheur county farm ers to do their own supervising and Potato loans will be available to reporting practices performed to assist Malheur county growers in obtain payment under the 1943 AA- obtaining favorable returns and to provide orderly marketing of this year’s large crop. Glen Hutchinson, Bernard Eastm an chairman of the county AAA com mittee, announced this week. Loans will be made by the Com Insurance Peal Estate modity Credit corporation through the county AAA committee similar Phone 64 OREGON to the wheat loan program. Grow NYSSA ers and cooperative associations are eligable for loans, as are dealers who pay the announced support 1 „ prices for potatoes they purchase. Serving 5 Counties! The loan rate announced for this From the Largest Stock of county is $1.45 a hundred pounds Genuine for Burbank variety potatoes. While ■ loans will be made on a field-run basis, the amount of the loan will W ÆS\ Beneath the relentless hail of bomba in a Japanese air attack in the be determined by the percentage Pacific, Private William G. Hamby, QMC, drove nurses and wounded Parts of US. No. 1 potatoes in the lot. to the hospital and went back again and again to bring in more of the Grading will be done on a sample Orders Shipped Immediately injured. He made seven trips in all and won the Distinguished basis, and potatoes must grade at Service Cross. How many Third War Loan Bonds can you yourself least 50 per cent No. 1 potatoes to afford, to match those seven trips of Private Hamby? be eligable, ✓ Loans will be offered growers on ------------------------------------------- Payette, Idaho i Phone 49 part played by women in farming potatoes stored either on the farm erentia 1 is a fair allowance for gr or in approved warehouses. To qu communities who not only picked II1 1 II1 1 IIHI III III li 1,1 I I 111 ! Ill 11 HI I I I I I 1 111 till | alify, storage must be determined fruit and harvested crops in addit he believes. toy the county committee to be of ion to caring for their families but a nature that will provide safe ke devoted long hours to Red Cross eping of the potatoes throughout WOMEN DOUBLE work. the storage season. At present, Miss Ehrich added, HOSPITAL QUOTA Growers may take out loans any chapters who have filled their qu time before January 1, 1944. All otas and wish additional work sh By Mrs Fred L. Olmstead loans will mature on March 1, 1944. Fifty Red Cross chapters in the ould concentrate on two items first and will bear interest at the rate Pacific area already have doubled of all: bedroom slippers and wear of 3 per cent per annum. Borrow their hospital production quota for ing kits. ers may repay the loans any time the July-December period, accord “All Red Cross chapter quotas before March 1. ing to Irene Ehrich, who is in ch are based on definite requests from The chairman pointed out that arge of volunteer special services our field directors in the hospitals,” the loan program will assure gro production in this area. she said. “At the moment the gr wers of returns in accordance with Twenty-seven articles are includ eatest need is for bedroom slippers, the government support prices ann ed in each unit, varying from ba both carpet slippers and wash slip ounced last spring. The support pr th robes valued at $5 to beside bags pers Some hospitals have inade laundry facilities but are able Life, when it is most ices, based on No. 1 potatoes sac at twenty-five cents, Small chap quate and loaded on cars, is 35 cents ters are asked" to supply ten each to fumigate clothing. New scrap s- beautiful is simple . . . ked higher than the loan value. Since of the articles named. Large chap denim, carpeting, tapestry—may be That is one reason why loans will be made on fitfid run ter quotas run from 1,000 to 2,000 used for these slippers at little cost. “We also have been asked for Nyssa Funeral Home potatoes in bins, the 35 cents diff- each of the list of 27. Miss Ehrich said yesterday that both army and navy "housewives” stresses simplicity in its 300 of the total 320 chapters in the and can supply the blue and white services. Nyssa families area have accepted their full quota fittings for the navy “housewife”, Interior and Exterior assigned in July. She stressed the Including thread, buttons and navy have learned to depend PA ri-' 'i v * I club members who are exhibiting, while the afternoon showmanship end fiuiir; contests will be held. Official judging of exhibits will be done the second day, followed by the annual auction sale, starting at 10 o’clock on the third day. pasmosa AMERICAN HEROES Me Cluer-Manser FAT STOCK SHOW SET FOR OCT. 6 For the second year the Pacific International Livestock exposition has arranged a fat stock show for Portland October 6. 7, and 8. which will be held in the North Portland stockyards and will be confined en tirely to stock, which will be sold immediately following the show. While the bulk of the exhibitors are expected to be 4-H club mem bers, there are also extensive open classes for regular livestock produ cers. Last year about 175 4-H club members from Oregon and Wash ington exhibited at the show, acc ording to L. J. Allen, assistant state club leader for Oregon and in ch arge of livestock clubs. The club members this year will have dormitory quarters in the top floor of the Livestock Exchange building, operated by the Portland Union Stockyards company. The 4-H activities, however, will be cen tered in Camp Plummer, which will be under the general supervision of H. C. Seymour, state club leader in Oregon. The first forenoon of the show will be devoted to livestock judging, with contestants limited to those Decorator. Free Estimate 775 First St. N yssa Funeral Andy McGinnis H om e iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii li min l i N iiiiii Notice To low pressure water users. Low pressure water will be available for the last time Friday and Saturday of this week. Claude Willson City Water Master w m m m m m m m m » m m m m m m h m m m u m m m m Prepare For Fire Now that you are preparing to use your stov es and furnaces, prepare yourself against loss by fire. Frank T. Morgan Home Front Volunteers 1 | To Put Over Third War Loan Campaign 1 For World’s Greatest Financing Drive NOTIOE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to the cr editors and all other persons inter ested in the estate of Rosie Alice Mull, deceased, that the undersig ned has been appointed administ rator of said estate and has qual ified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are re quired to present the same verified, as required by law, together with proper vouchers, within six months Will be grinding flour soon. Bring in your wheat anytime. We grind at the same old price. We make all kinds of flour. Cer eal and pancake and waffle fl our is one cent a pound extra for mixing and the risings. Bring your bags and take ev ery thing back. ftn/s/i LIQUID ' SHAVE CREAM Bi° QQ p 8 oz. bottle J New No-Brush shaving sensation! Goes on easily. Softens tough beards quicker. Gives fast, smooth shave. Conditions skin. O w yhee D ru g Handles The Family Pocketbook? S h e B u ys 85 P er C ent O f A ll F a m ily N e e d s Surveys have shown time and again that the wo man in the home does 85 per cent of the buying for that home and the members of the family in that ho me. Even operators of men’s clothing stores know this to be true. She is a keen buyer and as a rule cannot be misled by high-sounding phrases or “bargain prices”—un less they are* absolutely bona fide. She shops care fully and well. She reads advertisements and keeps posted. WASHINGTON, D. C., September 9.—America’s Third Army marched forth today to capture the most important immediate objective on the home front. As 2,000,000 volunteers swung into line to put over the Third War Loan campaign, they were met with helping hands from millions of workers in the home front production battle, and cheers of encouragement from men on the fight ing fronts—to whom the success of the Third War Loan is literally a matter of life and death. , i- NYSSA FLOUR MILL The Housewife With the Slogan “ Back the Attack — With War B onds," Every American Citizen Is A sked to Buy at Least One Additional $100 Bond in September To “Back the attack—with W ar# Bonds’’—every American who can for ultimate victory. do so will be asked to buy at least “It’s going to be a costly vic an extra $100 War Bond. The tory. We have said that before, quota for those who are able to but we must repeat it again and invest more from income or ac again. The real war has only cumulated funds will be much now begun. Billions of dollars higher. more must be spent to keep the Speaking of the great drive to material of war going to our men raise $15 billion—a major portion at the fronts. Your Government to come from individuals—Secre must call upon you, the Ameri tary of the Treasury Henry Mor- can people, for that money. genthau, Jr., said: “Remember! It is up to all of “The United Nations are on the us here at home to ‘Back the At march. The first rumblings of tack’—and to do it more enthusi the big offensive are being heard astically, more thoroughly and in all the Axis nations. Thousands with greater sacrifice than any of our men have stormed Sicily. attack has ever been backed by Tons upon tons of bombs are droi op- any home front in all history. Ev ping on Germany. We are a attack erything is at stake. Everyone itory as never must help to the very limit of his ing Jap-held territory area day for ability.” before. This is a great us. But it means that the 'time ti: The drive, continuing through has come for us to really tighten out September, will oner to in our belts here on the home front. vestors in addition to Series E, F We have come to a most crucial and G United States Savings Bonds period in the war, and the suc the following securities: Treas cess that we will have on the ury Savings Notes, Series C; 2Vi fighting fronts, will depend to a percent Treasury Bonds of 1964- considerable extent upon the de 09; 2 percent Treasury Bonds gree to which we here at home of 1951-53; % percent Certifi are willing to work and sacrifice cates of Indebtedness. Legal Advertising Did You Know That Simplicity upon us for sympathetic and understanding att ention in time of berea vement. after the first publication ct thl* notice to the undersigned r.i the office of A. L. Flftehfr in the City of Nyssa. Oregon that bring the place designed for the transaction of all business pertaining to raid estate. B.B. Lienkaemper, TURKEY GROWERS Administrator of the Estate of Rosie Alice Mull, deceased. HAVE BIG MARKET First Publication Sept. 23. 1943 The rmbaigo on turkey sales to Last Publication Oct. 21. 1943. civilian channels, through which the NOTICE TO CREDITORS government wonts to get 10 million Notice is hereby given to the cr por.ds rf turkey for the armed for ies. will have the effect of giving editors and all other persons inter- Malheur county producers larger ested in the estate of Charles Ro than normal markets for early birds, bert Mettlen, deceased, that the the county USDA War Board re undersigned has been appointed ports. The 'government is purchasing administrator of said estate and nearly all grades and classes of has qualified as such. All persons turkeys and established handlers having claims against said estate will have no trouble in disposing are required to present the same cf any number of turkeys to quali verified as required by law, toget fied buyers. In addition to the sat her with proper vouchers, within isfaction of having helped supply six months after the first public holiday dinners for American boys ation of this notice to the under on the battlefronts, county growers signed at the office of A. L. Flet will find it profitable to move eariy cher in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, birds to market now. Government that being the place designated for purchases will be made at OPA ceil the transaction of all business per ing prices which are higher for ear- taining to said estate. Ewen C. Chard, ly-season sales. Administrator of the Estate of Charles Robert Mettlen, dec Back the attack by upping eased. your payroll savings your First Publication Sept. 23, 1943. very next payday. Measure Last Publication Oct. 21, 1943. your savings by your new lilgher income. Hundreds of Malheur County housewives depend a very great deal upon The Gate City Journal. They read it—every page— and use it as their shopping guide. They have learned to rely on the statements made in the advertising of Malheur County merch ants. T alk To The B uyers O f The Com m unity T hrouyh The ■ Gate City Journal