THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1943 P r a c t ic a l l y Advertising RATES: Two cent* per word lo r each Issue. Minimum cash In i so ld iers than a l l the united n a t io n s p u t t o g e t h e r . advance Is 30c. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale FOR SALE — 4-Room Taylor Sandy. FOR SALE—Kraut 823. Nyssa. We W A N TE D —Listing on farm and city property. A. L. Atkeson. 6MTFC. WE P A Y H IG H E ST PRICES lot live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay ette. 27Ntfc oil buriier. 23S3xp cabbage. deliver. Box W ANTED—Farm to rent In Nyssa Gray. vicinity, 40 to 80 acres. Alfalfa and row crops preferred. Can give ref 23S2xp FOR SALE!—McCormick-Deering erence. Viotory Duspeva, route 1, 16S2xp beet puller for F12 or F14 tractor, Meridian. power lift. Inquire Eldon Jensen, SEEDS W ANTE D —Cash buyers of phone 8W. 16S2xC. Red Clover, Alfalfa, Grass seed. See us before selling. Beal & Dav POR SALE—Three furnished cabins. enport, seedsmen at the office of Call 75. 16S4XC Michael-Leonard company, on Ny ssa highway. Ontario, Oreg. 9Stfc FO R SALE—Weaner pigs.—J. H. Benedict, Rt. 1, Nyssa. 16S2XP HELP W ANTE D —Applications for the coming beet campaign are be PCXR SALE—Permanent wave, 59c. ing received now from men and Do your own permanent with Ch- women. It will be necessary for all arm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, employees of the 1942 campaign to including 40 curlers and shampoo. register for work this year. Boys Easy to do, absolutely harmless. and girls under 18 years of age Praised by thousands including Fay need not apply. The Amalgamated McKenzie, glamorous movie star. Sugar Company, Burnell Brown, Money refunded if Nyssa Pharmacy. a l l t w e food WE SENO TO RUSSIA GOES TO RUSSIAN SOLDIERS WHO HAVE KiLlEO MORE N A X I not MISCELLANEOUS satisfied. 16S5xp HAVE YO U SEED FOR SALE? W R IT E US IM M E D IA T E L Y ! W e are in the market for larger supplies of all kinds of field and FO R SALE—Canning Tomatoes, br grass seed than ever. However ing your containers. C. Vanderwin- shortage of transportation and m a kle. 1 mile southwest of Nyssa. 9S- npower prevents us from visiting 3xp. all seed areas. W e will appreciate your writing us at once stating FO R SALE OR T R AD E —Grocery kind and quantity o f seed you have, store with living quarters and auto or expect to have. When seed Is camp with seven cabins. Phone 68W i ready, prepare identical sample by ^a4xp~ j taking some seed from each bag FOR SALE—Auto Liability Insur and mixing. Four ounce sample Is ance. $11.50 per year on “ A ” Ration. enough if representative of the en Other Rates Proportionately low tire lot. M all sample to N O RTH RUP, K IN O & CO. Meets State’s Requirements. Boise, Idaho. Bernard Eastmen W e will have representative call FO R SALE—Farms of all sizes. to arrange for delivery to nearest $100 to $300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson, collection center. realtor. 12ATFC Sellers of Northland Brand Seeds. 19A8xC FO R SALE— White rock pullets, 5 months old. E. H. Brandt, Rt. 2. B UTCH ERIN G six miles southwest of Nyssa. 9S3xp Custom butchering every Monday and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. FO R SALE —Three extra good hol- Sanitary butchering guaranteed. stein springer heifers. Jake Fisch Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa er, Alberta avenue. 9STFC on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. FOR SALE—The Irving Bartholo mew place across Snake river Irom Nyssa. See Frank T. Morgan. 9Stfc WANTED ALICE A. COLLINS FASH IO N FO UNDATIONS W ANTED —To rent winter storage for 100-150 tons potatoes and carr ots. Write Harry Masto, route 1 Homedale, Idaho. 9S3xp W ill Call By Appointment. Residence Phone 122-J Box 500, Nyssa. F U R N ITU R E W A N TE D —W e pay highest prices for used furniture. | Nordale Furniture company. 21 Jtfc \ W A N TE D —To buy used piano. Mrs G. C. Lytle, route 2, Nyssa. 9S5xp WANTED— Used furniture. Highest prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa Furniture Co. 1ATFC W . L. Lane Auctioneer for Farm Sales. Phone 116J, Ny ssa. Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic N YS SA OREGON JEWELRY STORES SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Shoe Shop All kinds of shoe and harness repairing Across from post office. OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. McFALL “ See Mr Fall and Soe Better" PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Tim e Inspector for Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREGON Work Guaranteed E YE S IO H T SPE C IALIST O N TA R IO OREOON PHYSICIANS J*. A. Maulding, M.D. P h y s ic ia n a n d 8 u rg eo n Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 8 Dally—Except Sunday Pry Building E. I. COLE WATCH and CLOCK SARAZIN CLINIC REPAIRING JEWELER J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Free Examination and Estimate! N E X T DOOR T O PO ST OFFICE PA R M A — — — — IDAHO General practice X -Ray of medtclnt Phy sloth era pi 30 lbs . is m e a t 76 LBS. IS WHEAT E. ANIMAL FATS, a n d f lo u r , 17 IBS. IS SUGAR, £ IBS. IS DAIRY _ PROOUCIS, 23 LB& IS other d ljA ,J U N A E L6 R U SSIA'S rooo m-iL. Sunset Vaffey The Worth While club met Thur Adrian Mrs William Holly, who has been sday at the home of Mrs Levina visiting at the John Holly home, Howard with her mother, Mrs M a received word Saturday of the de bel Turner, as co-hostess. Ten ath of a brother, the Rev. Ray F l members and one guest were pre- at the home of Mrs Edna Landreth sent. The next meeting will be held with her mother, Mrs Ruth W ar ren, assisting, Oct. 21. inss start la October mare quilts ami sewing will be done. All mem- bers are lnvl,ed ‘'.clp i-t thu npn jf.ot The Owyhee branch of the L. D. 8 The new elected presidency will church was organized with Nation then take charge. al Ashby as president and W ilfcrd R A T IO N BOOK NO.« 2 Bybee, and John Savage as coun October 2.-Expiration date of red selors. stamps X. Y. and Z, last of red st Meetings will be held every Sun Mr and Mrs Willis Bertrum, Mr amps series in War Ration Book 2 day at 10 o ’clock. Plans were made and Mrs Olenn Il-ffm an and Mr September 20.-Expiration date of to build a new church. and Mrs Alva Goodell and family blue stamps R S and T (processed Mrs Wayne Workman of Smelt- were In Ontario Saturday. Foods). Blue stamps U, V and W. ervllle, Idahc and her two children Mrs Leslie T op liff and Mrs Alva valid September 1 through October visited M r and Mrs Leo Utter of Goodell attended Chatter Box club 20 . this vicinity. meeting held at the E. C. Terhune R A T IO N BOOK NO. 3 Virgil M. Johnson of Bellflour, (Brown stamps. Replacement cahioTnia" is" v *ü h “g M r an dM ^ ho‘" e Wednesday afternoon. returned book containing ling coupons to be used Joe Callahan. M r Johnson will k .„. Mrs J w Jennings has ri buy for purchase of meats, fats, butter, land and move his fam ily here this from Glenns Ferry, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs O. cheese, oils. fall. L. Hendry and family. October 2-Expiration date of br Mr and Mrs Irvin Tanner who Mr and Mrs J. W. Jennings were awn stamps A and B. A valid since had been vslting in Emmett the la September 12: B valid on Septem st week, have returned to their ho in New Plymouth Monday. ber 19. October 30,-Expiratlon date me. of brown stamp C. D, E, and F. G Mrs Minnie Moyes who has been becomes va!*d September 26: D on visiting in Salt Lake City the past October 3: E on October 10; and week, returned home with her da F on October 17. Each weekly ser ughter, Mrs lone Brown and hus Sept. 27 at 1 P. M. Lunch on ies good for 16 poitns. band. They will probably live in grounds on old Pete Williams ran R A T IO N BOOK No. 1 this vicinity. ch. % mile West and four miles Sugar. October 31-I5xpiration date The Grange o f this vicinity en south of Ontario on Alameda Drive for stamp No. 14. five pounds, and tertained a large crowd last week. or ‘4 miles south, 1 mile east and for canning sugar stamps No. 15 Free ice cream and cake were ser >4 mile south of Carlo junction. and 16. each good for 5 pounds. ved. 25 Cattle, T. B. and abortion tes Shoes. October 31.-Expiration da Theb Owyhee R elief society mem ted. L. L. Huber, owner. Bert And te of stamp No. 18 for one pair o f bers of the L.D.S. church of this erson, Auctioneer and L. H. Fritts, shoes. vacinity have donated material and Clerk. STOVES August 24; Rationing o f cooking and heating stoves began. Includes most new stoves burning coal, wood, oil or gas for domestic use. Purch asers must get certificates from ration boards. FUEL O IL September 30-Period 1 coupons in new fuel oil rations vaild thro ugh January 3, 1944. One unit, per • This business o f filling pre iod 5 coupons vaild through Sept ember 30 for 10 gallons. Ten unit, scriptions is no child’s job. The period 5 coupons, valid through pharmacist often holds the life o f September 30 for 100 gallons. Coup ons with gallonage printed on the the patient in the hollow o f his face valid for amount indicated un til expiration date shown on coupon hand. He must be skillful and ac sheet. GASOLINE curate. Honesty must govern his September 21-Expiration date of No. 7 stamps In A book, each good every operation. When you bring for 4 gallons. your prescriptions to us you benefit by our years TIR E S Cars with C ration books must o f experience, for which there can be no substi have tires inspected every 3 months B books every 4 months: A books tute. Remember that we are in position to render every 6 months. September 30 next insepetion deadline or every 5,000 the type o f professional service that you and miles, whichever ocurs first. R a tio n C a le n d a r B uen<t Vista JOURNAL’S SALE CALENDAR <!lieSie Gan fee Na SuhitU ute loti fexpesUence eishman of Ohio. Mr and Mrs John Holly took Mrs Holly Sunday to La Grande, where her parents reside. The A.N.K. Garden club met at the home of Mrs Dale Ashcraft Tuesday afternoon. The program was led by Mrs Maurice Judd, who discussed, “ September Garden Du ties” . M r and Mrs Galen Raney of Weiser, M r and Mrs R Bottom- heimer and M r and Mrs Virgil R a ney of Parma were Sunday dinner guests at the George de Haven ho me. M r and Mrs K. I. Peterson and family were Thursday evening din ner guests at the home of M r and Mrs Nevin. Mrs Earl Sparks was a recent breakfast hostess to Mrs Garret Muntjewerff, Mlrs Vernon Parker and Mrs Gail Martin. The Marion Kurtz family were The Owyhee Sunday school of Sunday dinner guests at the K. I. the L.D j S. church was visited last Peterson home. Rev. and Mrs Nevin and Laura Louise were Sunday dinner guests at the Harvey Otis home. A number of Adrian folk motored to Caldwell Friday evening to see the Adrian football squad play in the first half of a game with Cald well. The second half o f the game was played by Franklin, with Cald well winning 12. to 0 "Lest We Forget” was the theme of the services at the United Pres byterian church Sunday, honoring the boys of the church in the arm ed forces. The young people of the United Presbyterian church enjoyed a hay- ride, followed by a watermelon feed at Rimrock Tuesday evening. M r and Mrs Frances D effer and family, and M r and Mrs Clifford Brown of Nebraska, who are visit ing at the D effer home, visited rel atives at Weiser Sunday. Three 80-acre farms were sold in this district last week. John Van- derpool sold to Andrew T.tland of Idaho Falls for $11,500. Lem Wil son, Jr. to John Grotveit of Can ton, South Dakota, for $9,185, and the Gwens estate to Mr Meyers of Idaho, Falls for $6,000. Ed Price has purchased 40 acres In the Owyhee district from Nellie McNabb. The Price family are now working at the Frank Asumandi ranch but will improve the build ings and move to their new home soon. M r and Mrs L. V. Peterson of Winner, South Dakota visited a few days at the home o f Mrs Peterson’s sister, Mrs Lester Kendall, while en route to Tacoma. They recently Kendall's aunt, cousin and second- cousin, who were burned to death attended the triple funeral o f Mrs when their home burned. Frank Asumandi entertained his hay crew and their families with a dinner party Thursday night at Brownie’s cafe. Guests were Ed Price and family, Ira Price and fa mily, Buck Reed and Howard and Marvin Mettlieder and Jess Asum- andj. M r and Mrs T. H. Brewer o f Ow yhee were Sunday dinner guests at the C. A. Ditty home. Chuck Share bought a saddle ho rse at the sale in Ontario Saturday. Miss Mabel Roberts entered coll ege in Caldwell last week. Mrs Les Rae and children re turned to their home in Fairfield Tuesday after a few days’ visit at the parental Roberts home. Mr and Mrs Henry Hintz enter tained with a dinner Wednesday evening. Guests were the Adolph Scneider children, Mrs Rathjen and Leona Anderson children, Agnes and Eddie, Miss Idaho Power Company Ester Linderman, Miss Lillie Schn Home Service Advisor eider, “ Bus" and Kenny Pheifer, M r and Mrs Robert Ditty, and Mrs I T ’S P A T R IO T IC T O USE SOUR Eldon McGarvin. MTLK Rev. Walkup and fam ily were Many housewives when they dis called Saturday to the bedside of cover that milk has soured throw it his mother. Mrs J. W. Walkup, at down the sink and class it as wast Nampa, Mrs Walkup died Saturday ed food. On the contrary sour milk night. Rev. Snow Honey substituted is just as nutritious as sweet milk for Rev. Walkup at the Sunday and can be substituted in cakes, services. quick breads, biscuts, muffins, hot Wilbur Chapin has been hauling cakes, and waffles for sweet milk. poles and posts from Unity for the The trick is simple. Add Vi teas I past two weeks. poon soda for each cup o f sour Mrs Rathjen and son Eddie, and milk and recrease the baking pow I niece. Ester Linderman. left Thur- der 2 teaspoons for each % teasp i sday for Y ak im a.for a short visit oon soda added. 1-8 teaspoon soda j and then to their home in Belling may be added If the milk Is Just ham after an extended visit at the beginning to sour. The baking po wder Is not then decreased. B U T Schneider and Hintz homes. Joseph Hobson Is recuperating T E R M IL K may be used In the sa I slowly at his home following a ma- me way. | jor operation performed in a Na- CHOCOLATE CAKE f mpa hospital three weeks ago. 1 c. boiling water M r and Mrs Jay Howard and 3-4 c. cocoa | Patty were quite ill with influenza lV4c. white sugar the past week. c. shortening Mias Dorothy Hobson has return 2 eggs, separated ed from Denver, where she,finish 2c. sifted cake flour ed nurses training and is now re 1 tsp. baking powder viewing at Nampa for her final ex 1 tsp. soda aminations at Portland in October. 14 t. salt Mr and Mrs Harry Frye and son 1 c. sour milk or buttermilk o f Homedale were Sunday guests 1 tsp. vanilla at the Mannon Hillis home. Pour boiling water over cocoa. Mr and Mrs Alfred McConnell Stir until mixture is smooth. Cream and daughter. Bernice, of Caldwell sugar and shortening. Add egg yo visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs lks.. Beat again. S ift flour, baking Chuck Share. powder, soda and salt together th A. R. Roberts who was 111 is able ree times. Add alternately to cream to be in his fields again. mixture, the dry ingredient* and M r and Mrs C. P. Kropp o f On the sour milk. Add cocoa mixture tario were Sunday dinner guests at and vanilla. Lastly fold In stiffly khe John R effett home. beaten egg whites. Bake in 1 $r- Professional And Business Directory DENTISTS * J. R. CUNDALL Dentist 100 OFBACM M . OF r o o o 4 H IF P 1 0 TO R U S S I A . .. made four quilts. When (he m ist« your doctor have a right to expect. Cow Hollow * Nyssa Pharmacy VICTORY FOOD HINTS J I immy's over there now, fighting our enemies to keep the Stars end Stripes flying. “b efo re he left, he to ld me they ere going to need mote equipment, regular bond p urohaso»-m any w ill have to invast thousands! Don’t think that what you do Isn't im all ovary Individual more ammunition end more food for portant. It will lake IN V A S IO N of enemy lands. In Am erica can raiso to put this 3rd W ar " “The more bonds lho folks at homo buy—tha more they'll be helping us lighters to win.’ That's whet Jimmy said.“ * * * * Tha 3rd W ar Loan of 15 billion dollar* must produce the money to pay for these essentials to viotory. Loan ovar tha fop. So b u y moro bonds out of your p a y - o u t of extra income— out of "rainy-day" funds! Tha quicker you do that the more y o u ’l l help Jimmy and our othar boys •mash through lo Viotory. W hat do you eayT It's the safest, soundest invest at least on# EXTRA ment you'll $100 Bond bosidos yonr L e f. got Buy c a CK the attack ever make I hm * IDAHO V POWER A CITIZEN WHEREVER IT SERVES */ ft ì h* . (* * Classified eased, floured 9-inch cake pans 25 i Sunday by President Luther F ife minute* in preheated 375 degree f the I Wciser stake with Lloyd oven. Ice with sugarless icing or Lewis as secertary and Bishop Ar lemon filling. vel Child and Russell Anderson Food Facts— PAC é ; THHß« fwrr