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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOUttNAU THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1643 PAGE TWO The Gate City Journal K ditor a n d K L A S S V. P O W E L L A D V E R T IS IN G S U B S C R IP T IO N K A T ES $2.00 ............ «125 Single Cuplés---- ............. .05 (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered a t the postotflce through the United States the act P u b lish er H A T ES Open rate, per Inch..... .... 35c 35c National, per inch....... Classifieds, per word .... 2c 30c M inim um . at Nyssa. M alheur County, Oregon ut Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class m atter, under of March 3. 1879 NYSSA DOING ITS PART Aside from the hard work done by solicitors, the outstanding feature of the present third war loan campaign in Nyssa will be the auction sale to be held Saturday night, beginning at 8 o’cl ock, on Main street. The acution sale will be a means of adding enthusiasm to the campaign and reaching per sons who otherwise might not be reached with the correct appeal. Some persons, regardless of how patriotic they may be, will not respond un til the right psychological moment occurs. The rate with which farmers and merchants are donating articles for the auction sale ind icates the fine spirit of cooperation that per- vails in this community. The war bond salesmen had turned in sales of more than $90,000 up to the first part of this week, leaving less than half the quota yet to be raised. However the last half “closing in for the kill” is the hardest, and leaders, recognizing th at fact, are urging the solicitors to greater ef fort between now and September 30. MAKING A HERO OUT OF KING VIC To our way of thinking, Italy’s King Vic Em ail uele is as shoddy a piece of goods as can be found on the shelves of royalty, an enterprise that has broken down everywhere except in the democracies of northwestern Europe where it was long ago deprived of power. He is a little man physically, and by all w e’ve been able to observe, mentally and spiritually as well. He wears tall hats and sits on an elevated automo bile seat to conceal the former deficiency, but he has not been able to conceal the latter. However Mussolini, a big man physically, but not otherwise, now seems bent upon inflating the little king into something of an Italian nat ional hero. It was the king, a stale, flat, voice said to be Mussolini’s declared over the Ger man radio, who plotted and executed the ouster of the one time Caesar and then surrendered his country to the allies. If the king could do this he must have more on the ball than Italians or the world in general have suspected. Maybe we’d better look the lit- NEWELL HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carlco of Fruitland, formerly of Cow Hol low. visited Sunday in the Lou P ra tt home. Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Caldwell of Owyhee were also with them. A committee consisting of Mes- dames M. L. Judd, Lou P ra tt and Hugh Lamb nre convassing the community in the Interest of the third war bond drive. Mr and Mrs. H. E. Dunton of Paragouah. U tah, announce the arrival of a son September 8 Mrs. Dunton was formerly Virginia Pratt. Mrs. Frank Ray and twins ar- r'ved home from the Ontario hos- p il Tuesday. The Modern Pioneer club ladles will meet on September 28 with Mrs. M. L. Kurtz. Conley Butler, who is home on furlough visiting his m other in O n tario and other relatives, spent Wednesday with Leonard Smith They were former shool friends The Carl and Stanley Hill fam ilies and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Young spent Saturday In Ontario on business. Stanley Hill is the purchaser of the Leslie Young ranch, a cor rection to last week's news The Youngs have bought two houses In Payette and will move into one about the middle of October They are planning to take employment in the Payette creamery. Idam ary Prouty. who is teaching in Nyssa spent the week-end in th e K urtz home Saturday the Harvey M claughlln family of Ten Davis were dinner guests also. Mr. and Mrs. Bari Parker spent last week picking prunes in Big Bend and Roswell. Mr and Mrs M L Kurtz. Dudley and Joyce and Miss Prouty were dinner guests in the K. I. P eter son home 8unday, L ater In the afternoon they catted a t the Oeo- rge de Haven home. Mr and Mrs. Bar) Parker and sons and the Art C artw right fam ily spent Sunday afternoon visit ing in the Mike Wood home In Caldwell. tie guy over again before selling him short. If Mussolini had deliberately sought to rein state the monarch in the affections of his people he could have thougt of no better way to do it than to berate him as a “betrayer of fascism. Idaho Free-Press Big Bend ily and his mother, Mrs Ada But ler. He left Monday for camp. Mr and Mrs Seldon Warner of Myrtle Point, Oregon arrived last week for a visit at the house of their son, Sills Warner and family. Dorothy Snader has gone to Salt Lake City, where she entered a business college. She will stay with h er grandm other, Mrs Lont. Mr and Mrs Dick Sm ith of Ny ssa visited at the Lloyd Orris home Sunday afternoon. The Arcadia Sunshine club met September 16 a t the school house, seventeen members and four visit ors were present. The annual pot luck birthday dinner of the club E. M. Greigg of O ntario gave out was served. After the lunch Mrs sewing to be done for the Red Cr oss. Syliva R ath had charge of a quiz program. The club will meet again October 7 at the school ho use to sew on the Red Cross work, but the next club meeting will be held October 21 at the school ho use. Everyone is welcome. Miss Evelyn ijtercob left last we ek ltor Corvallis, where she will en ter her senior year at college, after spending the summer here w ith her parents Mr and Mrs John Zittercob. The Wade PTA held its first m e eting of the school year at the sch ool house Friday afternoon. O ff icers for the coming year are Mrs Harvey Bennett, president; Mrs Boyce Van de W ater, vice president, and Mrs F. A. Miller, secretary and treasurer. County Assessor Hendrix of Vale transacted business in this vicinity j Tuesday. | Mr and Mrs Otis Swigert were business visitors in Ontario, Tues day. Mrs Della Bunnell left Tuesday for Knox City, Missouri to visit her son and family and look after pro perty interests. Mrs P. B. Anderson will visit for two weeks with relatives at Twin Falls. Mrs John Bishop and Johnnie were Friday guests in the Brum- bach heme. Seed buyers from Boise and su r rounding towns have been taking samples of seed threshed in this community. John Johnson was a business vis itor in Nampa Saturday. Joe Brumbach spent the week end in Ontario. The Wade P.T.A. will hold a reception for teachers Friday eve ning. Mrs. Lugg and Mrs. W itty POT JOMYELITIS arc both new teachers in this dis NOT IN COUNTY trict and all patrons are invited to meet them. The Oregon Health Bulletin, pu Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B ennett and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett blished by the Oregon state board and their families were Sunday of health with Dr. Frederick D. S t "uests at a birthday dinner party riker as Secretary and state health given at the Lynn Chaney home in officer has announced 37 cases of Parm a where three members of the poliomyelitis in Oregon. The high est number of cases reported are 11 family celebrated their birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brock were in Lane county, five in Tillamook business callers in O ntario Mon county and seven in Benton county. Neither M alheur county nor the day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fretwell a r counties surrounding M alheur have rived from W ashington to visit Mrs. any reported cases. Basil O'Conner, president of the Will Fretwell, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. H interlider and national Foundation of Infantile Mrs. Douglas of Nampa and B. G. Paralysis, Inc., states in part: “The Roberts were dinner guests at the first line of defense against an in Dyre Roberts home Monday eve vasion of infantile paralysis is kn ning to help Wayne Roberts cele owledge of its possible presence, its brate his eighth birthday. His cause, its m eans of spread and wh teacher, Mrs. Witty, and pupils in at can be done in the way of tre a t his room gave him a surprise party ment." A publication of the National Fo- a t the school house Monday. Mrs. N. S. Phelan, Miss Dorothy [ undation for Infantile Paralysis. Hamilton and Lora PilLsbury were Inc. 120 Broadway. New York City, dinner guests at the Miller home on facts about infantile paralysis (Policmyelitis) entitled “Doctor, Sunday, W hat Can I Do?" is available to anyone who will write for it. The pam phlet is a summary of such information as is available from Mr and Mrs John Donner and various scientific sources and is p r family of Nampa visited at the Fay esented as a precaution against er Corn home Sunday. Mr Donner is rors of judgm ent and ignorance Conley Butler, who Is in the ar- which may result in uncessary tr Mrs Corn's brother, agedy. my and stationed at W ashington, D. C., spent his furlough here with G ate City Journal classified ads his brother, Vem Butler, and fam - get results. 7 Bowen, J . E., et ux ....................SW lNW J, NW JSW to ' 23 U ndivided è interest in SW toN W i 36 21 22 28 10 C arter, Cecil C.................... E toSE l, SWJSEJ sw to S W to , N isw y* NtoNEto 12 Coast Land Com pany ....... NtoNW toNEto 7 13 Coast Land Com pany ..... N toSEJSEto 7 14 Coast Land Co., L td ............ SISF.JNEJ NtoNEJNW to NàNEtoSEto 15 Coast Land Co., Ltd 16 Coast Land Co., Ltd ......... m SE JSW } StoNW JNEto StoNW JNEto 17 Cole, Marion ........................ StoSW toNW to 18 Corliss, S. H ......................... All south of riv er in N W to S W to 19 20 18 In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Delin- quent Taxes and Assessments included within the 1943 Tax Foreclosure List of Malheur County, Oregon. ) ) ) ) TO ALL PERSONS HEREINAFTER NAMED, AND TO ALL PERSONS HEREINAF TER NAMED AS OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY IN MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, AND TO ALL PERSONS OWNING, OR CLAIMING TO OWN, OR HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY INTEREST IN ANY PROPERTY IN CLUDED IN THE FORECLOSURE LIST HEREINAFTER SET FORTH. AND BEING THE DELINQUENT TAX FORECLOSURE LIST OF MALHEUR COUN TY, OREGON, FOR THE YEAR 1943. YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO TAKE NOTICE That Malheur County, as Plaintiff, has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County, an application to foreclose the lien of all taxes shown on the Malheur County Tax Fore closure List for the year, 1943, hereinafter set forth in full, and that Malheur Coun ty, as Plaintiff, will apply to the Court for judgment and decree foreclosing such tax liens not less than thirty days from the date of the first publication of this notice, ex cluding the first day of publication; any and all persons interested in any of the real property included in said Foreclosure are hereby required to file an answer and defense, if any there be, to such application for judgment and decree within thirty days from the date of the first publication of this notice, which date is the 2nd day of Sep tember, 1943. This notice is published by authority of an order of the County Court for Malheur County, Oregon, in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, a newspaper of general circulation published in said County, and designated in said order as the newspaper in which said notice is to bo published, which order is dated the ISth day of August, 1943. That the delinquent Tax Foreclosure Li >t for the year 19-13, which application is made to foreclose, is as follows; D escript ion 1 A rchabal Bros, ............ ..NF.lNW’t 2 A shcraft, O dice ..... ..A. T No 6 in 3 B aldw in, Douglas E . -------- --- Lots 1 and 4 4 B ank of C alifornia ..Portion of Jam ieson A creage T r. No. 159 in th e SW toN Eto P ortion of TV. No. 160 in th e SW toN Eto S. T 6 41 14 21 31 15 15 21 16 16 R. Tax Roll 47 1940 Î939 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 47 1942 1941 1940 1939 Tax 1.52 1.96 .31 .30 .33 30 81.21 161.42 204.12 142.77 Int. .35 .61 .03 .05 .08 .09 7.31 24.21 4695 44 26 46 19 44 19 44 19 44 33 33 41 41 40 40 41 1 32 40 1 32 17 31 15 32 40 41 41 32 41 3 32 17 47 Corp of the Presiding Bishop5 acres in NE corner of the C hurch of Jesus C hristof the NE14NWJ 14 of L a tte r Day Saints ............... 21 46 20 Cox, A lbert M. and M. C........ SJSW J, NEtoSW J N EtoN W i 11 14 17 17 43 43 21 Crosby, R F. 15 31 41 . NtoN EtoNW to 22 Davis, Don D ............................SWtoNWy« SINE} 25 26 23 Davis, J. H. WèSWto S toS E i 16 17 17 47 EtoNEto 36 15 43 24 DeW ert, E. D. 26 E astern O regon L and Co. ...... East of S. S. ditch in NE1SEJ E astern Oregon L and Co ... ... NEViSEto, W toN E'4 Below main canal in EtoNW to \ 27 29 Feldtm an, O rville M........... ....NW toSW i, N èNEtoSW l 19 46 19 46 35 7 19 7 20 27 18 31 32 34 Fliegm an, S a m u e l................. ....N toN W toSW l 1 32 F ranks, G race ......... ............ ....NW lNEto less A. T. 1 16 26 G rayson, H attie M...... *....... ....SJN EtoN W to 1 31 35 Heltzel, C lara A., et a l ...... ....NEVl 16 18 37 Hite, W illiam H ................... ....Lots 1 and 2 NJNW1 33 34 20 20 41 Howes, H. C............................ —SEto 16 18 42 K im bell, Eugene L., et al ... ... N toSEJSEto 29 32 47 K uhne, C arl F ...................... 48 Lane, H erbert et u x .......... ...S toS W toS E l 24 W toN El, N toSEto 21 to 50 17 33 52 Law rence, L eanor L .............. ... Lots 2, 3, 4 Lots 1, 2, 3. 4 SW toN Eto, SIN W to Lot 1. S E IN E >4 Libby, Louis .......................... ...NWto, N toSW l 54 • M atsum ura, M a m o ru ........... 32 26 5 27 5 27 6 27 16 19 NEtoSW J. SElSW to 25 N W toSEto, SW toSEto 25 »18 55 Moore, Bishoo ....................... .. SW1SW1 N W 'iN W to NJNW1NE1 56 57 23 35 25 32 30 31 Moss, W entw orth H .............. ...SJNEto 8 18 McClure. M arie C. ............... 8 18 11 17 11 17 7 20 A T. No. 1 in Sto Total 4.44 58 McDonald. A lbert T ............. N EtoSW to • 1.49 59 712.25 62 McDonald, Roger Douglas NW toSEto Nyssa Bench L and Co. ........ W H SEJ. SEISE»; 43 43 46 9 32 3 32 33 30 ....SJSW toNW to, StoNW toNW to 63 .71 1.07 1.01 — IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEJR COUNTY N ame of O w ner Biggs, Phebe ...... ............... Arcadia NOTICE OF TAX FORECLOSURE No. 5 B urbridge, Mrs. Alweua 1942 Portion of Tr. No. 162 in SEViNEJ and SW14NE1 ..SIN to South of M al heur River " 1 N JSto, SèSW i 3 Ocamieo, G uy _....................... W q SWto 2 22 (Continued on page six.) 941 1940 1934 1942 1941 1940 1935 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1940 1939 1936 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 1942 1941 1940 1939 46 1942 1941 46 1940 1939 1942 44 1941 1940 1939 41 1941 1940 1939 1942 44 1941 1940 1939 41 1942 1941 1940 1939 43 1942 1941 1940 1939 41 41 1940 1939 43 1942 1941 1940 1939 41 1942 1941 1940 1939 37 1942 1941 1940 1939 40 1942 1941 1940 1939 45 45 45 45 45 1941 1940 1939 1942 43 1941 1940 1939 40 41 41 1939 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 46 1942 to 1941 1940 1939 46 553.70 852.92 843.97 433.52 81.38 95.42 12.83 15.12 2.77 1.71 2.07 2.52 2.10 2.27 6.94 18.21 18.63 20.43 .25 .74 .79 .96 .25 .74 .79 .96 .76 2.23 2.40 2.88 .50 1.49 1.59 1.93 .76 4.46 2.40 2.93 .25 .79 .96 .80 55.57 62.98 61.42 73.41 1.92 1.18 1.32 1.14 4.23 16.46 16.76 18.61 .25 .74 .79 .95 70.36 52.34 66.26 49.60 75.33 50.61 51.43 52.36 .92 2.95 3.86 4.08 20.67 15.45 21.10 20.86 17.73 59.82 63.11 62.03 66.84 .74 .79 .96 .36 1.03 .08 .16 .31 49.83 127.93 194.11 307.80 7.32 14.31 2.95 9.53 .25 .26 .48 .78 .82 1.07 .62 2.73 4.28 6.33 3363.78 238 86 17.10 78.17 .02 .11 .18 .30 3.35 .02 .11 .18 .30 .07 .33 .55 .89 .05 .22 .37 .60 .07 .67 .55 .91 3.35 10.11 6.75 12.75 .02 .18 .30 .44 5.00 9.45 14.13 22.76 .17 .18 .30 .35 .42 2.47 3.85 5.77 3.74 304.72 6.56 68.57 .02 .11 .18 .29 6.33 7.85 15.24 15.38 6.78 7.59 11.83 16.23 .08 .44 .89 1.26 9.71 1.39 3.17 4.80 5.50 5.38 9.47 14.27 20.72 3.33 283.36 272.16 14.48 30.38 90.00 301.64 .11 1.22 1,29 .25 .74 .79 .95 2.78 6.50 6.87 9.85 35.89 33.89 32.75 36.72 2.78 6.50 6.87 9.85 .25 .74 .79 .96 1.96 5.28 5.51 6.42 .25 .74 .79 .99 8.07 19.89 23.44 29.27 5.70 14.95 15.23 14.17 162.57 168.41 165.55 178.38 1.26 3.53 4.00 1.95 10.80 9.14 8.64 10.45 51.22 92.40 91.59 113.91 .76 2.22 2.25 2.59 .76 2.22 2.25 2 59 60.61 80 69 17.14 15.94 140.25 3.32 , .18 .30 .03 .15 .28 .40 3.08 4.76 .02 .11 .18 .29 •2b .98 1.58 3.05 3.23 5.08 7.53 11.38 .25 .98 1.56 3.05 2.63 31.86 166.47 31.86 .02 .11 .18 .30 .09 .79 1.27 1.99 3.35 23.31 .02 .11 .18 .31 .73 2.98 5.39 9.07 .31 2.24 3.50 4.39 14.63 25.26 38.08 55.30 .11 .53 92 .60 .97 1.37 1.99 3.24 4.61 13.86 21.07 35.31 .07 .33 .52 .80 .07 .33 .52 .80 5.45 3.39 98.84 60.69 808.18 12.90 46.60 423.97 9.54 9.54 12.10 3.94 4.94 12.62 200.81